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2021, IJCRT ( )…
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This study was endeavour to find out the self-esteem among adolescents of higher secondary school. The descriptive survey method of research was used in the study. The purposive sampling was applied and a sample of 150 adolescents students of higher secondary school were taken in which 75 study sample were female adolescents and 75 study sample were male adolescents. A standardised rating scale on “self-esteem “ constructed by Rosenberg was used as a tool. The findings of the study reveal that majority of study subjects 99(66%) had low self-esteem level, 29 (19.3%) study subjects had high self-esteem level and 22(14.7%) had average self-esteem level. The Mean ±SD score of study subjects
Scholarly Research Journal for Humanity Science & English Language, 2018
The current investigation was planning to assess self-esteem of higher secondary school students in Cuddalore district, Tamil Nadu. Self-esteem scale constructed and standardized by researcher and guide is used to collect data from 210 higher secondary school students randomly. The scale contains 26 items in 6 dimensions. The collected data were analyzed with help of IBMSPSS19. Statistical techniques like Descriptive analysis, inferential analysis, correlation analysis and regression analysis have been used in this study. The higher secondary school student self-esteem is very high (109).Standard and Gender shows significant relationship with self-esteem of higher secondary school students. A stepwise regression was carried out to find the predication model for self-esteem. The predication model contained three of the ten predictors and was reached in 3 steps with 7 variables removed. The model was statistically significant, F(3,206)=17.08, p<0.01, and accounted for approximately 19% of variance in self-esteem(R2=0.199, Adjusted R2= 0.187).The structure coefficient suggests that standard and Gender were strong Indicator of Self-esteem and age was moderate Indicator of Self-Esteem.
Self-esteem plays a crucial role during the adolescence stage when adolescents start to observe changes. Adolescents? self-esteem is often affected by the physical and hormonal changes they experience during puberty. They are extremely concerned about how they look, they are perceived and accepted by their peers. High self-esteem is directly related to having a very supportive family and body image is a major component in adolescents? self-esteem. Adolescent?s overall evaluation of his or her own worth as a self, such as how people feel about their physical appearance, skills, academic performance, and so on is reflected in their self-esteem. The aim of the present study was to assess the level of self-esteem of adolescents studying in Higher Secondary School. The researcher adopted descriptive research and using Dr. S. Karunanidhi?s Self Esteem Questionnaire assessed the level of self-esteem of adolescents in school. Census method was adopted and data was collected from 300 adolescents. The findings of this study reveal that more than half of the respondents have low overall level of self- esteem.
Self-esteem refers to the degree of regard or respect that individuals have for themselves and if a measure of worth that they place on their abilities and judgments. The promotion of self-esteem is about stopping the self-judgments. It is about helping the individual’s change how they perceive and feel about one selves. On a day to day basis one’s self-value is challenged by chances within the environment. With positive self-worth individual are able to adapt successfully to the demands associated with situational and maturational crisis that occurs. High self-esteem or positive self-regard is a feeling of competent to meet the demand of changing the self, the family and the society Objectives: to assess the self-esteem among adolescent girls in single sex and co-educational schools using Rosenberg scale, to determine associations between self-esteem with selected demographic variables of adolescent girls studying in single sex and co-educational school. Methodology: A comparative ...
Journal of Educational and Social Research, 2014
Self-esteem is very important for all of us. The main aim of the paper is the measurememnt of self-esteem of students of Psychology and Social Work branches of the Faculty of Educational Sciences, Bachelor degree and analyzing students' opinions about the self-esteem in general and about their self-esteem. For the realization of this study it is used the technique of questionaire. The measuring instrument is the Self-Esteem Scale (Rosenberg, 1965). It is used, also, the the interview technique in order to understand students' opinions about their self-esteem in general and about their self-esteem. In the study, we had the participation of 209 students of the Faculty of Educational Sciences of the University "Luigj Gurakuqi" of Shkodër city. In the study we had the participation of 105 students of Psychology branch of Bachelor degree and the participation of 104 students of Social Work branch of Bachelor degree. The paper aims, also, to analyze the impact of specific academic programme and course on mean Self-Esteem Scale score of students. The data collected from the questionnaire was analyzed by means of the SPSS program, variant 20. It is used the analysis of variance Anova table and eta to examine the impact of specific academic programme and course on mean Self-Esteem Scale score of students. There are given the appropriate conclusions. The results of students's self-esteem are good. The mean is 19,94, the median is 20 and the mode is 20. The maximum score obtained is 28 (obtained from 2 students or 1% of students), the minimum score obtained is 8 (obtained from 1 student or 0,5% of students). There is not a significant relationship between the type of academic programme on mean Self-Esteem Scale score of students (Sig=0,125). There is a significant relationship between the specific academic course on mean Self-Esteem Scale score of students (Sig=0,030). The students of the second academic course have a higher average of point (20,75), whereas the students of the first academic course have a lower average of point (19,05), and this relationship is statistically significant. According to the students, the causes of positive self-esteem, in general, are : a)the support from the family, b)the support from the social environment, c)their confidence and strength to face problems. According to them, the causes of negative self-esteem, in general, are : a)trauma in the family, such as death of the parent, b)physical maltretment and physical violence in the family, c)the failures in life, d) the lack of self-confidence. There are given the appropriate suggestions, as the improvement of students'self-esteem, especially for the students of the first academic course.
International Journal of Indian Psychology, 2017
The aim of present study is to examine difference in the level of self esteem among male and female adolescents. A total of 200 participants (100 male and 100 female) with age limit 11 years to 15years) (mean age = 14.16, SD = 0.740) were selected from different schools of Karachi, Pakistan, through convenient sampling technique. First the ensured about the confidentiality of their demographic information then Urdu version of Rosenberg Self Esteem Scale (Rosenberg, 1965) was administered on them. Results depicted that there is difference in the level of self esteem among male and female adolescents (t (198) = 2.837, P< .05). It is concluded that there is gender difference in the level of self esteem among adolescents. The finding of present research can interpreted in terms of personality dynamic that has contribution in formation adolescents’ self-esteem. Some implications are required for enhancement of their self esteem.
International Journal of Health Sciences and Pharmacy (IJHSP), 2018
The purpose of self-esteem is to feel and imagine that people nurtured in their mind over time about their self. In simple words, self-esteem is self-assessment; this perception and evaluation can be positive or negative and pleasant or unpleasant. Children with high self-esteem, usually feel good about themselves and better able to resolve their conflicts with other children and are resistant to deal with problems. One of the most important human traits to achieve objectives is self-esteem. The term self-esteem means " reverence for self ". The " self " pertains to the values, beliefs, and attitudes that we hold about ourselves. Having a strong will and self-confidence, decision-making power and originality, creativity, sanity and mental health is directly related to self-esteem and sense of self-worth. It also refers to an individual's sense of his or her value or worth, or the extent to which a person values, approves of, appreciates, prizes, or likes him or herself. During childhood, if individual's feelings are respected, thoughts valued and abilities recognized then self-esteem strengthens. When feelings are trampled upon, thoughts belittled and ability criticized then the individual's self-esteem remains at a low point of development and is therefore weak. During the course of time, an individual faces many life situations. Depending upon the success or failure and one's reaction to every significant situation in life, self–esteem grows stronger or gets considerably weakened Self-esteem is described as the evaluation that one makes about oneself, based on one's self-worth. Increases and decreases in self-esteem generally bring strong emotional reactions. Self-esteem and academic performance are interrelated factors. This study tries to bring the connectivity between academic performance and the self-esteem. The main aim of the study is to know the level of self-esteem of the students with low academic performance. The objectives of this study are to investigate the relationship between self-esteem and academic achievement, to understand the SocioEconomic background, to assess the level of self-esteem, and to know what could be the reason for low academic performance in spite of having high self-esteem. The research design used for the study would be descriptive in nature.
The Review of Contemporary Scientific and Academic Studies
For positive personality of pupils, self-esteem is a key factor. Basically, self-esteem is nothing but a self-concept or beliefs about oneself. How we think about our self or others is known as self-esteem. It also affects student's personality and their mental health. It can be divided into two categories like high and low. Students with high self-esteem know their strength and limitation. Therefore, they feel more confident than the students with lower self-esteem. High self-esteem students are always ready to take challenges and solve to achieve their life's goals. On the other hand, low self-esteem students lack strong personality trait.
Objective:Aim of this study is to examine self esteem levels of student-athletes who are studying in universityaccording to some variables. Methods:Participants of this research are composed of 120 student athletes who are studying in university and selected with availability sampling method.Survey model was used in research.In order to collect datas,developed by Rosenberg (1965) and adapted toTurkishby Çuhadaroğlu (1986), Rosenberg Self Esteem Scale was used. Statistics of the datas were performed with SPSS 22 program. To analyze the datas, Independent-Samples T-Test, One-way ANOVA and Pearson Correlation tests were used. Conclusions:In conclusion, general self esteem scores of participants are 0.9817±0.721. According to scoring key, it had been determined that participants had high self esteem was understood that statistically significant difference didn't exist at self esteem levels of student-athletes according to sex, branch of sports and playing sports at national team level (p>0.05). But It was understood that significant difference existed at self esteem levels of student athletes according to age (p<0.05).Also, it had been determined that there was a negative relationship between grade point average and self esteem level of participants but this relationship wasn't significant.
Điều 1: Các nguyên tắc cơ bản 1.1. Trong trường hợp thỏa thuận trọng tài, bao gồm luật áp dụng hoặc nguyên tắc lex arbitri chứa đựng, hoặc các bên có thỏa thuận khác, các điều khoản liên quan đến vấn đề thủ tục tố tụng, các trọng tài viên phải tuân theo điều khoản cụ thể hoặc thỏa thuận đó.
PENDAHULUAN 1.1 Latar Belakang Analisis frekuensi merupakan salah satu cara untuk memprediksi probabilitas terjadinya suatu peristiwa hidrologi berdasarkan data historis yang berfungsi sebagai dasar perhitungan perencanaan hidrologi untuk antisipasi terhadap setiap kemungkinan yang akan terjadi di masa mendatang. Dalam bidang teknik sipil, khususnya teknik sipil keairan, analisis frekuensi digunakan untuk memprediksi kejadian ekstrem seperti hujan atau banjir rancangan maupun kekeringan. Misalnya pada analisis frekuensi hujan ekstrem akan memberikan prediksi kejadian hujan ekstrem di masa mendatang yang dapat menyebabkan banjir sehingga diperlukan antisipasi berupa bangunan air pengaman banjir di suatu lokasi untuk memperkecil risiko banjir. Analisis frekuensi baik data hujan maupun data debit pada umumnya dilakukan dengan metode moment. Beberapa kajian menyebutkan bahwa metode moment memiliki keterbatasan dan kurang akurat khususnya untuk prediksi hujan atau banjir rancangan dengan kala ulang yang besar. Metode moment merupakan transformasi nonlinier, semakin tinggi momen-momen sampel semakin tidak stabil sehingga metode moment memiliki bias, varian, dan kemencengan yang cukup besar. Metode alternatif yang disarankan dan dianggap unbiased yaitu metode L-moment dan beberapa variannya seperti Partial L-moment. Metode L-moment melakukan pengolahan data secara ringkas dan linier serta transformasi data nonlinier dapat dihindari karena tidak terdapat sistem pangkat dua atau pangkat tiga terhadap data sehingga tidak terjadi bias seperti yang sering ditemui dalam metode moment. Penggunaan transformasi nonlinier dapat menyebabkan penyimpangan dan estimasi parameter yang tidak baik karena terdapat nilai yang jauh dari mayoritas data. Vogel dan Fennesey (1993) melakukan penelitian mengenai perbandingan varian, kemencengan, dan kurtosis antara metode L-moment dan metode moment. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa metode moment memiliki keterbatasan, yaitu hanya dapat digunakan untuk
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