Journal of Theoretical Probability, Vol. 12, No. 2, 1999
Chung's Law and The Csaki Function1
Natalia Corn2,4 and Mikhail Lifshits3
Received August 14, 1997; revised January 10, 1998
We have found the limit
for a Wiener process W and a class of" twice weakly differentiable functions
h E C[0, 1], thus solving the problem of the convergence rate in Chung's func
tional law for the socalled "slowest points". Our description is closely related
to an interesting functional emerging from a large deviation problem for the
Wiener process in a strip.
KEY WORDS: Large deviation; Wiener process.
Let ( W ( t ) , t > 0 ) be a standard Wiener process and (C[0, 1], || • ||) be the
space of continuous functions endowed with the supremum norm. We con
sider the random functions
Research supported by the Russian Foundation of Basic Research and the German Research
2 FriedrichSchillerUniversitat, Fak. fur Mathematik und Informatik, ErnstAbbePlatz 14,
07743, Jena, Germany.
3 197372, St.Petersburg, Komendantskii, 22249, Russia.
4 To whom correspondence should be addressed.
0894-9840/99/0400-0399$ 16.00/0 © 1999 Plenum Publishing Corporation
Gorn and Lifshits
and the set
which is called Strassen's set. The famous Strassen's law of the iterated
logarithm (LIL) [cf. Strassen(15)] states that almost surely
It is naturally to ask for the convergence rate in both cases. Regarding (1.1)
we refer to the papers Goodman and Kuelbs, (8,9) Grill,(11) Talagrand,(16)
Mijnheer,(14) and Bulinskii and Lifshits.(2) We are going to consider the
convergence rate in (1.2), i.e., for each h E S we are looking for E T ( h ) | 0
such that
The following results about this convergence rate are known:
h = 0. The convergence rate can be derived from the Chung's law
[cf. Chung (3)]
i.e., we have here E T ( h ) = p/4(log 2 T)
(b) |h|2 = f 1 0 ( h ' ( s ) ) 2 d s < 1 . In this case [cf. Csaki,(4) and De
Acosta(6)] of internal elements of Strassen's set we have
Therefore, the convergence is the same for all internal elements
h but the corresponding constant increases to infinity when h
approaches the boundary of S.
Chung's Law and the Csaki Function
(c) |h| 2 = 1. This condition means that the limit element h is located
on the border of Strassen's set. It turns out that the convergence
rate essentially depends on h. It is known [cf. Goodman and
Kuelbs (9) ] that for each h with |h| = 1,
It means that (Iog2 T)
rate is attained, i.e.,
is the slowest possible convergence rate. This
if and only if h' is of bounded variation on [0,1]. The correspondent
elements are naturally called slowest with respect to Chung's law. Since the
derivative of an absolutely continuous function h is not necessarily defined
at each point of [0, 1], the expression "h' is of bounded variation" should
be specified.
Namely, we write Var(h') < i and say that h' is of bounded variation,
if there exists a signed measure v of bounded variation on (0, 1 ] such that
for all s E[0, 1]
or, equivalently,
It follows from the latter representation that h is absolutely continuous and
the function of bounded variation h'(u) := — v[u, 1] is a version of the
derivative of h. We call v the second derivative of h. Indeed, if h E C(2), then
dv/du = h " ( u ) . I n the following we make use of the integration by parts
Gorn and Lifshits
On the righthand side and in other similar integrals with respect to v
throughout this paper, the integration is carried over the semiopen interval
One can see from (1.3) that slowest elements belong to the image of
the covariance operator of the Wiener measure. This observation gives a
hint of the notion of the slowest elements in the general case of Gaussian
measures [see details in Kuelbs et al.(13)].
Of course, on the border of the Strassen set there exist also the
elements which are not the slowest. Moreover, in Grill(10) one can find the
examples corresponding to all rates Er= (log2 T)A with 2/3 <A< 1.
One can ask for the exact convergence rate for the slowest elements,
i.e., for constants Eh with
In Kuelbs et al.,(13) the exact convergence rate was obtained for all slowest
elements with respect to the Hilbert norm. For the uniform norm the solu
tion was found by Csaki (4,5) for the following special cases:
if h is piecewise linear, then
if h is a quadratic function, then Eh can be expressed via the
minimal eigenvalue of a certain differential equation (see Eq. (3.3)
Our purpose is to obtain the value for Eh for all h with |h| = 1 and
Var(h')< i.
Reading Csaki,(5) one may get the wrong impression that the method
applied there makes essential use of a specific feature of the quadratic func
tion (the second derivative is constant). We show in this note that the
result of Csaki(5) is a typical case of some more general phenomenon.
Our first aim is to explain how the probabilities appearing in Chung's
law are related to some functional of Wiener process in a strip.
Chung's Law and the Csaki Function
For all E we have
Making use of the CameronMartin formula, we obtain
where the measure v is the second derivative of the function h. Further, the
notation ||f||ab stands for sup uE[a,b] | f ( u ) | . Substituting W(u) = r W ( r - 2 u )
and t = r-2 = (log2 T ) 1 / 3 / 2 E 2 we can continue as follows
Gorn and Lifshits
where C = 4E 3 h'(1). Recall that W is also a Wiener process. Our problem
is thus reduced to the study of the behavior of the Wiener process in the
strip [ — 1, 1] during the long interval [0, t].
Now we are going to obtain a large deviation result for the Wiener
process in the strip related to (2.2). For this purpose, let us define Csaki
function u:R 1 |->R 1 by introducing u ( a ) as the smallest eigenvalue of the
SturmLiouville problem
It turns out that u(.) is an even, concave, Lipschitz function with u(0) =
p2/8 and asymptotic behavior u ( a ) ~ —|a| for a > i.
For each signed measure v of bounded variation we denote its
absolutely continuous part by vac and its singular part by vs. We write
Var(v, A) for the variation of the measure v on the set A and denote
Var(v) = Var(v, (0, 1)).
Theorem 1. Let v be a finite signed measure on [0, 1) and W be a
Wiener process. Then for each real C and for t > i it holds
and u(.) is the Csaki function.
In the next section we will show how Theorem 1 provides the exact
rate of convergence in Chung's law for the slowest elements. The proof of
Theorem 1 is given in Section 4. In Sections 5 and 6, we obtain theoretical
and numerical bounds for the Csaki function.
Theorem 1 yields the following exact estimate in the Chung's law for
all slowest points on the surface of the Strassen's ball S.
Chung's Law and the Csaki Function
Theorem 2. Let h ES, |h| = 1, Var(h') < i and let the measure v be
the second derivative of h. Then
where Eh is the unique solution of the equation
By combining (2.4) and (2.2), we get for each E > 0
Since d(E) is a strictly increasing function, we have for large T for each
and for each
Now standard BorelCantelli arguments along pseudogeometrical sequen
ces Tn = exp{n(log n)A} (see, for example, Csaki(5)) finish the proof of
Theorem 2.
Example 1. Let h be piecewise linear. Then v is discrete and
Gorn and Lifshits
In this case Eh can be obtained explicitly; indeed
and thus we have (1.5).
Example 2. Let h(s) = (a/2) s2 + bs. Then vs = 0, dv ac /du = a, |h'( 1)|
= |a + b|. In this case, Eq. (3.1) is equivalent to
By the definition of the Csaki function,
value of the problem
is the smallest eigen
Relation (3.2) yields that 4Eh3 is the smallest eigenvalue of the problem
This is a representation of Eh as it was done by Csaki.(5)
Example 3. Let h EC (2) Then vs = 0, dvac(u)/du = h"(u) and hence
we have
so that Eh can be obtained from the equation
We split our proof into several steps.
1. v(du) = adu. (This case corresponds to Csaki's(5) analysis of qua
dratic functions). We introduce the notation E t , k ( . ) = E(.| W ( t ) = K] and
consider the functional
Chung's Law and the Csaki Function
where the function
satisfies the FeynmanKac equation [see Borodin and Salminen (1) ]
The solution of this equation can be written as the series
where ui are the eigenvalues of the problem
enumerated so that u1<u2< ... and yi are the corresponding eigenfunc
tions. Since the first term dominates in the representation
and by f 1 1 y 1 (x) e-Ctx dx = exp{ |C|t + o ( t ) } , we have
Thus we obtain (2.4) for this special case with M ( v ) = f 0 1 u ( a ) d s =
u ( a ) =u1. By the symmetry of the system (4.2) we have that u ( d ) = u ( — a ) .
Holder inequality yields for all real a1 ,a2 and all A e(0, 1) that
Gorn and Lifshits
Taking the logarithm and using the limit relation (2.4) with C = 0, we get
the inequality
which means that the function u is concave. Moreover, since u is an even
function, we observe that it is increasing on ( —i, 0] and decreasing on
[0, i).
It is also clear that for arbitrary measures v1 and v2 one has
In particular, applying this inequality to the measures v 1 (du) = a 1 du,
v2(du) = a2 du and taking the limit, we get
i.e., u(.) is a Lipschitz function.
2. Now we consider the measures v(du) = l(u) du, where l(u) =
Emj=1aj1 [bj1,bj) (u) with 0 = b0<b1<... <b m =1 being a partitioning of
the interval [0, 1], We have to investigate the quantity
Chung's Law and the Csaki Function
Introducing the notations ,Ft = c{W t },F < t = c{ Ws , s<t} and denoting
lj = bj — b j - 1 , we have by the Markov property of the Wiener process
Let us consider the function
Applying the FeynmanKac formula as in (4.1) and writing the solution of
the corresponding partial differential equation as the series, we obtain that
where u i (m) are the eigenvalues of the boundary value problem
Gorn and Lifshits
enumerated so that u1(m) <u2(m) < ...,yi(m) are the corresponding eigenfunc
tions normalized in L2[ — 1, 1]norm and
We repeat the same procedure and obtain
again satisfies the FeynmanKac equation. Solving the corresponding
boundary value problem, we obtain
and ui(m1), yi(m-1) are the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the boundary
value problem (4.5) with am replaced by a m - 1 . After m — 2 similar itera
tions we finally land at p(t, C, v) = U1(0, 0), with the coefficients
Chung's Law and the Csaki Function
and ui(j), yi(j) are the eigenvalues and normalized eigenfunctions of the
boundary value problem (4.5) with am replaced by aj.
We show now that the term related to the minimal eigenvalues deter
mines the behavior of the sum when t tends to infinity.
Normalization assumption and the Cauchy inequality yield
Moreover, the eigenfunctions y1(j) corresponding to the minimal eigen
values are strictly positive on (—1,1) (SturmLiouville oscillation theorem,
cf. Kamke, (12) p.260). Hence,
and for each fixed E > 0
where CE = f-1-1+E y 1 (m) (x) dx>0. These estimates lead to the following
bounds for p ( t , C, v):
Since the eigenfunctions y i (1) (x) are bounded altogether and uk(j)=k2 (cf.
Kamke, (12) p. 262263) we have by the dominated convergence theorem
limt>i Fu= C with C = [IIm-1j=1 C1,1(j)]y1(1)(0) and therefore
Gorn and Lifshits
On the other hand,
<inf 1 < j < m
then by the dominated convergence
theorem limt>i FL(t) = CCE and we obtain
Since E can be chosen arbitrary small we finally have that
Thus we have proved Theorem 1 for v(du) = l(u)du
with l(u) —
3. We consider now an arbitrary measure v = l(u)du, l EL 1 [0, 1]. It
can be approximated in the variation distance by a sequence of measures
for which the formula (2.4) is valid. Using the Lipschitz property (4.3), we
easily obtain (2.4) for the measure v with M(v) = lim m _ >i M(v m ).
4. Now let us consider v with a singular component: v = vac+vs.
Applying (2.4) to vac we get the upper bound. Since
Chung's Law and the Csaki Function
we immediately have the estimate
The proof of lower bound is more technical, so we omit certain details.
Let D >0 be a small fixed number. For each measure v and d E (0, D)
we define the dilation measure vd as vd(A) : = v ( A ( 1 + d ) ) . It is easy to see
that for all d E (0, D) one has
Now let us consider the mixtures of dilations,
By the Holder inequality we have
Recall that for each v the measure VD is absolutely continuous with the
moreover, for each absolutely continuous measure p(du) = p(u) du it holds
ppD>p in L1 when D>0. Applying (2.4) to the measure VD, we get
and thus
Gorn and Lifshits
The following statement will be useful for the analysis of the singular com
Lemma 1. Let v be a singular measure on [0, 1] and L be the
Lebesgue measure. Then there exist measurable sets { A D , D >0} such that
We omit the elementary proof of this lemma.
Now we bring together all the necessary parameters.
Let E > 0 be an arbitrary small number.
We choose M = M(E) so large that for |p|> M one has (cf. (5.5)
in Section 5)
We choose E1 =E1(E, M) so small that
(a) (M + 2)E1<E;
(b) L ( A ) <E 1 => Var(v ac , A) < E (using the absolute continuity of vac.)
Finally, introducing the notations
we choose D =D(E,E 1 ) so small that
(a) ||pacD-Pac||1<E (using L1— convergence pDac-> p ac );
(b) E A : L ( A ) < E 1 , Var(vsD, A ) > V a r ( v s ) E , Var(vsD,A C )<E (see
Lemma 1).
Now we are able to estimate M(v D ). By our previous definitions and
the Lipschitz continuity of u we have
Chung's Law and the Csaki Function
Thus we have
and comparing this inequality with (4.7) we obtain the lower bound
Finally, remarking that p ( t , C, v) = p(t, 0, v C ) with v C ( A ) : = v ( A ) - C 1 { 1
we have
E A}
Gorn and Lifshits
We used the Csaki function u(.) in the estimation of small ball
probabilities for the Wiener measure. It is curious to notice that one may
proceed in inverse direction getting estimates for u from probabilistic
estimates [cf. Grill,(10) and Kuelbs et al.(13)]. Application of (2.4) with
C = 0, v(du) = a du gives
Since it is clear that
the lower bound for u(a) is straightforward to obtain: for all a E R,
In order to calculate the upper bound, we make use of the following
nontrivial general result which can be easily obtained by the same methods
as in Grill,10 Lemma 4; Kuelbs et al.(13) Theorem 1*.
Let X be a centered Gaussian vector taking values in a separable
Banach space C. Let K: C* |—> C denote its covariance operator and • | the
RKHSnorm related to the distribution of X. Assume that the small ball
hold for some positive c0, p.
Lemma 2. Let g E C*, h = Kg E C, x>0 and A E [0, 1). Then we have
for large D
Chung's Law and the Csaki Function
Elementary optimization over the parameter A yields
We will apply these estimates in the simple setting X=W, C= C[0, 1],
c0 = p2/8, p = 2, x=1. Moreover, for given a E R1, we define an element
h E C[0, 1 ] by h(u) = (a/2) u2 - au. For this h we have
Consequently, we have the bound
On the other hand, we can apply the CameronMartin equalities (2.1),
(2.2), and state that for each t>0, D = t3/2, r = D - 1 / 3 and h as before, one
The comparison of (5.3) and (5.4) gives
Gorn and Lifshits
From this inequality the upper estimate for the Csaki function follows:
Our numeric calculations show that this upper estimate is very close to the
exact value.
To compute the Csaki function, we fix a > 0 and first look for the
eigenvalues of the problem
The substitution k = (2/a2)1/3 (ax + u) leads to the equivalent problem
The solutions of this differential equation are given by linear combinations
of the following functions [cf. Kamke (12) ]
where J1/3( .), Yl/3( .) are the Bessel functions of the first and second kind
and I1/3( .), K 1/3 ( .) are the modified Bessel functions of the first and second
Chung's Law and the Csaki Function
Fig. 1. The Csaki function (solid line) and its upper and lower estimations (dashed lines).
kind, respectively. Substituting the boundary conditions, we obtain that the
necessary and sufficient condition for u to be an eigenvalue of (6.1) is
where A = 23/2/3a. Solving these equations numerically (we used MatLab
software), we obtain u ( a ) as presented in Fig.l. Now we are able to com
pute the value of Eh for arbitrary external h. For example, for the external
function h(s) = ( R 5 / 3 ) s 3 our calculations give the value Eh ~ 0.5077 and
for h(s) = (R2/p) sin(ps) the value Eh ~ 0.5704.
Remark 1. The method used in this paper can be also applied to the
analysis of convergence rate for slowest points for ddimensional Wiener
process. In this case a ddimensional boundary value problem with zero
boundary conditions on the sphere has to be solved instead of the boundary
value problem (4.2).
Remark 2. Let X 1 , X 2 , . . . be iid random variables with zero means
and unit variances. If
Gorn and Lifshits
holds, then the partial sum process clusters at every h E S with the Wiener
process rate [cf. Einmahl and Goodman(7)]. So we have that our result is
also valid for partial sum processes satisfying the moment condition (7.1).
The authors are deeply grateful to Prof. W. Linde for his encouraging
support of this work,
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