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Supporting Data Science in the Statistics
Adam Loy, Shonda Kuiper & Laura Chihara
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2019, VOL. 27, NO. 1, 2–11
Supporting Data Science in the Statistics Curriculum
Adam Loya∗ , Shonda Kuiperb , and Laura Chiharaa
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Carleton College, Northfield, MN; b Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Grinnell College, Grinnell, IA
This article describes a collaborative project across three institutions to develop, implement, and evaluate a
series of tutorials and case studies that highlight fundamental tools of data science—such as visualization,
data manipulation, and database usage—that instructors at a wide-range of institutions can incorporate
into existing statistics courses. The resulting materials are flexible enough to serve both introductory and
advanced students, and aim to provide students with the skills to experiment with data, find their own
patterns, and ask their own questions. In this article, we discuss a tutorial on data visualization and a case
study synthesizing data wrangling and visualization skills in detail, and provide references to additional
class-tested materials. R and R Markdown are used for all of the activities.
1. Introduction
Computation is a fundamental tool that underlies much of
modern statistical practice (American Statistical Association
2014; Horton and Hardin 2015; Nolan and Temple Lang 2010).
With the rise of data science, there is now a focus on providing
undergraduate statistics students with the modern tools necessary to work with today’s datasets, which are often very large
and messy. Though statisticians have always worked with data,
data science requires a different set of skills and techniques to
gain insight from data. Thus, instructors should strive to develop
computing skills in their students throughout the entire statistics curriculum. This is a noble goal but requires designing new
illustrative examples, case studies, homework assignments, and
projects for inclusion in a wide-range of courses. While there are
some existing resources, such as the Stat 101 Toolkit (American
Statistical Association 2014), the statsTeachR repository (http://, and those related to the mosaic R package
(Pruim, Kaplan, and Horton 2017), more are needed. Many
institutions are creating stand-alone courses or programs in
data science to meet student interest and demand (Baumer
2015; Hardin et al. 2015;
lists 500+ programs in data science); however, this may not be
practical at all institutions, where there may be a limited number
of instructors or resources to create new courses within their
The goal of this project was to design, develop, and evaluate
a set of data science materials that could be incorporated into
current undergraduate courses within our respective institutions. We created a series of tutorials highlighting basic tools
of data science, such as visualization, data manipulation, and
database usage that instructors at a wide-range of institutions
could incorporate into existing statistics courses. In addition to
Data visualization; Data
wrangling; R; Relational
databases; Undergraduate
the tutorials, we also created a set of case studies that build upon
the tutorials by showcasing an interesting dataset whose analysis
involves integrating multiple skills. Each tutorial focuses on
incorporating a fundamental data science topic into the statistics
curriculum. We provide nine tutorials on the following topics:
(1) tidy data, (2) data wrangling, (3) merging data, (4) data
visualization, (5) working with shapefiles, (6) working with
dates and times, (7) working with text data, (8) data scraping,
and (9) classification and regression trees.
Each case study builds upon the tutorials to emphasize key
components of the data-scientific cycle outlined by Grolemund
and Wickham (2017), which is shown in Figure 1. Each of
our six case studies guide students through a small research
project, then provides open ended questions to encourage students to create their own research question and explore the
data to find an answer. Topics for our case studies include:
(1) is there evidence of discrimination in the New York Police
Department data? (2) finding patterns in global terrorism, (3)
what influences salaries in baseball? (4) changes in Oklahoma
earthquakes over time, (5) finding sentiments in twitter data,
and (6) modeling tornado patterns in Texas.
Our intent is to introduce a set of freely available materials
that are flexible enough to fit a wide set of curricular goals.
Instructors from a variety of disciplines, with little knowledge
of R, can use these documents to teach themselves these new
techniques. In addition, by providing the source documents,
instructors can adapt the materials to suit the needs of their
unique classroom settings. For example, the authors have used
these materials for in-class activities in lower-level courses and
have assigned them as flipped activities in upper-level courses;
undergraduate students have also used these for an independent
[email protected]
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Carleton College, One North College Street, Northfield, MN 55057.
∗ Previously at Lawrence University
Color versions of one or more of the figures in the article can be found online at
© 2019 The Authors. Published with license by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License (, which permits
unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Figure 1. A flowchart outlining the data-scientific cycle discussed by Grolemund
and Wickham (2017).
More specifically, our materials:
1. start with a modern and engaging question;
2. teach programing and data-science skills;
3. allow students to experiment with data, find their own patterns, and ask their own questions;
4. are flexible enough for students of all abilities and backgrounds to get involved.
To encourage students to gain more experience with reproducible research methods, each tutorial and case study was
written with R Markdown (Rmd), an R package for dynamically
creating documents with embedded R code (Allaire et al. 2015).
In this article, we will discuss one tutorial on data visualization
and a case study synthesizing data wrangling and visualization
skills. Full versions of all of our materials can be found online at with additional instructor resources
Figure 2. Scatterplot of the sales price against above-ground living area for homes
in Ames, IA.
face that makes coding easier for people new to R, following
the same intuitive structure provided by the mosaic package
(Pruim, Kaplan, and Horton 2017). In particular, students are
quickly able to connect the relationship between a graphic and
corresponding statistical model. All plots are created using the
following syntax:
goal(y ∼ x, data = mydata)
For example, to create a scatterplot in ggformula, we use
the function gf_point(), to create a graph with points. We
then specify SalePrice as our y variable and GrLivArea as our x
variable. The scatterplot created below is shown in Figure 2.
2. Example Tutorial: Data Visualization With
AmesHousing <- read.csv("data/AmesHousing
Graphics have long been a foundational topic in the introductory statistics course (see, e.g., De Veaux, Velleman, and Bock
2004; Lock et al. 2013; Moore, McCabe, and Craig 2012). In
such texts, the focus is typically on choosing the appropriate
graphic and not on how to design the plot for highest impact
and aesthetics. With the increased adoption of R in statistics
education this has begun to change, and we wish to support a
broader discussion of graphics in the curriculum.
In the “Data Visualization with ggformula” tutorial, we
explore the Ames housing dataset (De Cock 2016) while emphasizing how the ggformula R package provides the grammar to
consistently describe graphics across the curriculum (Kaplan
and Pruim 2018; Kaplan 2015). This is a rich dataset with
2930 observations and 82 variables. For simplicity, we limit
the description to three key variables in this example and then
encourage students to explore more options on their own.
gf_point(SalePrice ∼ GrLivArea,
data=Ames Housing)
• SalePrice: The sale price of the home.
• GrLivArea: Above grade (ground) living area (in square feet).
• KitchenQual: A categorical variable ranking the quality of the
kitchen (Ex: Excellent, Gd: Good, Ta: Typical/Average, Fa:
Fair, and Po: Poor)
2.1. Overview of the ggformula Framework
The ggformula package is based on another graphics package
called ggplot2 (Wickham 2016). ggformula provides an inter-
A wide variety of other graphics, such as gf_boxplot()
and gf_violin(), can be used when the explanatory variable is categorical. It is also easy to make modifications to the
color and shape of the points in a scatterplot. For example, the
following code creates navy points and the shape is open circles.
gf_point(log(SalePrice) ∼ log(GrLivArea),
data = AmesHousing, color = "navy",
shape = 1)
Additional layers are incorporated into a graph using the pipe
operator %>%. This provides an easy way to create a chain of
processing actions by allowing an intermediate result (left of the
%>%) to become the first argument of the next function (right of
the %>%). Below, we start with a scatterplot and then assign that
scatterplot to the gf_lm() function to add linear regression
models. Then the result is again passed to the gf_labs()
function, which adds titles and labels to the graph.
gf_point((SalePrice/100000) ∼ GrLivArea,
data = AmesHousing,
shape = ∼ KitchenQual,
color = ∼ KitchenQual) %>%
gf_lm() %>%
gf_labs(title = "Housing Prices in
Ames, Iowa",
We use the tutorial to walk students through numerous plot types, as well as additional customizations, but
refer the reader to the supplementary materials for the full
2.2. Univariate Data: How Much Did a Typical House in
Ames Cost?
Figure 3. Scatterplot of the sales price against above-ground living area for homes
in Ames, IA. Color and shape represent the quality of the kitchen.
y = "Sale Price (in $100,000)",
x = "Above Ground Living Area")
Students may grapple with this question in numerous ways,
but one of the first is likely to be a univariate graphic, such
as a histogram or density plot. The functions associated with
these plots are gf_histogram() and gf_density() (see
Figure 4). Notice that for all univariate graphics, we do not have
a y variable, but follow the same syntax.
gf_histogram(∼ SalePrice,
data = AmesHousing)
gf_density(∼ SalePrice, data = AmesHousing)
Students naturally start to explore the relationship between
living area and sale price using a scatterplot (Figure 3). After the
core scatterplot graphic has been introduced, we can gradually
introduce a few customizations:
After introducing students to the basic commands for creating histograms and density plots, it is valuable to have them
make alterations to reinforce what they have learned. Possible
examples include:
• The scatterplot in Figure 3 suffers from overplotting—that
is, many values are being plotted on top of each other many
times. Use the alpha argument (in the same way we use a
shape or color argument) to adjust the transparency of points
so that higher density regions are darker. By default, this
value is set to 1 (nontransparent), but it can be changed to any
number between 0 and 1, where smaller values correspond to
more transparency.
• The facet option can be used to render scatterplots for
each level of an additional categorical variable, such as
kitchen quality. In ggformula, this is easily done using the
gf_facet_grid() layer.
• To help focus the viewer’s attention on the trend, a regression
line is easily added. To add a smoothed curve instead of a
simple regression line, we use the gf_smooth() command
in place of gf_lm(). This can motivate a nice discussion
on which model is better. For example, it becomes clear
that creating a more complex model does not necessarily
improve our ability to estimate the sale price of large houses.
Students also quickly see the importance of incorporating a
third variable into a regression model. In Figure 3, students
recognize that knowing the quality of the kitchen does appear
to improve our ability to estimate sale price.
• The default color schemes are often not ideal. In some cases,
it can be difficult to perceive differences between categories.
This is an opportunity to discuss these difficulties and present
options to overcome them. For example, we describe below
how to use Brewer’s recommendations for color selection
(Brewer 2017). If you do not wish to dedicate class time to
this discussion, then it is an opportunity to point interested
students to outside materials, such as Roger Peng’s discussion of plotting and colors in R,
watch?v=HPSrjKt-e8c, or the R Graph Gallery, https://www.
• Edit the x-axis label to make it more informative.
• Consider different bin widths to see if the shape of the
distribution changes.
• Pick another quantitative variable from the dataset and
describe its distribution, including what a typical value may
• Set fill = "steelblue2" in a density plot and then
create a second density plot setting fill = ∼Kitchen
Qual. Notice that fixed colors are given in quotes while a
variable from our data frame is treated as an explanatory
variable in our model.
After working through the initial questions in the tutorial, students are encouraged to dive deeper into the dataset and explore
new patterns within the data; this provides them with opportunities to engage in discussions related to the display of multivariate relationships. If interesting questions are posed, then it
is easy for students to consider multiple graphics in an effort to
craft an answer. While the primary goal of this tutorial is for
students to learn how to create graphics, it is important to also
stress what can be learned from graphics. Thus, asking students
to interpret the plots they have created and to compare what is
easy/hard to learn from a plot are important exercises.
3. Example Case Study: Exploring the Lahman
A relational database is a collection of data stored in tables and
organized for easy access and management. However, we rarely
discuss data organized across multiple tables in undergraduate
statistics courses. By working directly with a relational database,
students see how the commands provided by dplyr can be used
with relational databases; this requires little additional class time
or effort. In this case study, we explore Sean Lahman’s baseball
Figure 4. A histogram (left) and density plot (right) of the sales price of homes in Ames, IA.
3.1. Overview of Relational Databases Using the Lahman
Figure 5. A schematic displaying the relationships between key variables in the
salaries and teams data tables.
database (Lahman 2017) to investigate how team payroll is
related to team performance.
The supplemental materials contain a SQLite database containing the 2016 version of Lahman’s database in the file lahman.sqlite. It is possible to work with the data tables in Lahman’s
database by simply loading the Lahman R package (Friendly
2017); however, this approach misses the opportunity to introduce a common relational database management system, and
many students may not realize that it is not always possible to
read all data tables into R for this type of workflow.
Lahman’s database consists of 26 tables containing performance metrics for Major League Baseball (MLB) players since
1871, as well as supplementary information, such as salaries
and franchise information. To introduce relational databases,
we start with two data tables: salaries (player-level salary data),
and teams (team-level performance metrics and standings by
season). We believe that focusing on salary and winning should
make this case study accessible to students who may not be
familiar with baseball. Figure 5 shows the relationships between
key variables.
Of particular interest in this case study are
teamID: a unique team identifier
yearID: season
playerID: a unique identifier for each player
salary: a player’s salary in a specific season, on a specific team
WSWin: did the team with the World Series? Y = yes,
N = no
Before starting this case study, we suggest students complete
the ggformula and the dplyr tutorials.
In addition to having students complete the prerequisite R
tutorials, we recommend taking a small amount of class time—
perhaps 15 min—to introduce key ideas behind relational
The tables in a relational database obey a few simple rules:
a row corresponds to an individual observation, a column corresponds to a specific variable, and a table records information
on a single type of observational unit. While databases can
simply be a collection of flat files on a hard disk, more elaborate
relational database management systems (RDBMS)—such as
MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, Microsoft Access, and SQLite—
are commonly used to solve a variety of problems including, but
not limited to
• Size: While you can store extremely large files on your hard
disk, flat files can become too large to read into R’s memory
(RAM) all at once. Further, even if it is possible to read
the file into R’s memory, files can become large enough to
substantially slow down computation. RDBMS provide tools
that eliminate the need to read the full dataset into memory
by running subsetting commands to extract the relevant
data prior to reading it into memory. These queries are run
using the structured query language (SQL); but we will use
commands in dplyr to write the SQL queries for us.
• Collaboration: Having the same dataset copied onto each
team member’s computer can lead to reproducibility issues
when new data are acquired, or when data entry errors are
corrected. A client-server RDBMS allows many members of
a team to access the data simultaneously and asynchronously.
Further, if an error is corrected it will be available to every
team member once the fix is made.
• Security: DBMS allow permissions to be granted on a userby-user basis. For example, all faculty and staff may have
access to directory information at your institution, but
only a select few IT staff members may be able to edit
that information.
Having been introduced to the basic format and ideas behind
a relational database, students can explore how dplyr allows
them to work with the lahman.sqlite database without the need
for many additional commands.
When working with a database, we want to perform as much
data manipulation as possible before reading the data into R
since the data may not even reside on the local computer or on
any single computer. To do this we must allow R to send commands to the database, and for the database to send the results
back to R—that is, we must establish a connection between
R and the database. In R, we accomplish this by running the
following command:
lahman_db <- src_sqlite("YOUR FILE PATH/
## Database: sqlite 3.19.3 [data/lahman.
## Groups: teamID
## teamID yearID payroll
## <chr> <int> <int>
## 1 ANA 1997 31135472
## 2 ANA 1998 41281000
## 3 ANA 1999 55388166
## 4 ANA 2000 51464167
## 5 ANA 2001 47535167
## 6 ANA 2002 61721667
Notice that you must specify the file path of the database (which
is simply the file name if you have changed your working directory to the folder containing the SQLite database). Typing the
name of the database into the console reveals the RDBMS
version (src) and what data tables are contained in the database
At this point it is important to note a few technical details about
how dplyr talks to a database:
Now that we have an open connection to
Lahman’s database we can proceed with the
multipliers from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The case study
guides students to join the payroll and inflation data frames and
calculate a new column as the product of payroll and multiplier.
3.2. Using dplyr to Calculate Team Payroll
inflation <- read.csv("data/inflation
• dplyr does not actually pull data into R until you ask
for it. This allows dplyr to perform all of the manipulations at once. Consequently, common commands, such as
summary(payroll) and payroll$payroll, will not
work as expected until the data table is converted into a data
## src: sqlite 3.19.3 [data/lahman.sqlite]
## tbls: allstarfull, appearances,
• The collect() command tells dplyr to pull data into R.
## awardsmanagers, awardsplayers,
The following command allows us to create a data frame
## awardssharemanagers, awardsshareplayers,
where typical commands, such as summary(payroll)
## batting, battingpost,
and payroll$payroll work as expected.
## collegeplaying, fielding, fieldingof,
## fieldingpost, halloffame,
payroll <- collect(payroll)
## homegames, managers, managershalf,
Once the data of interest are obtained, we reinforce various
## master, parks, pitching,
ggformula functions from the data visualization R tutorial by
## pitchingpost, salaries, schools,
constructing boxplots of team payroll over the years. Since
## seriespost, teams, teamsfranchises,
students have completed the dplyr R tutorial, it is also possible
## teamshalf
to adjust the salaries for inflation after extracting the appropriate
The central question guiding the case study focuses on overall
team payroll for each season; however, the salaries data table
provides player-level salaries. Consequently, the first step in our
analysis is to aggregate the data within the salaries data table up
to the team level for each season.
To work with the salaries table much like we would a
data.frame we map the salaries data table in the lahman_db
database to a tbl object in R called salaries_tbl using the
tbl() function found in the dplyr package:
salaries_tbl <- tbl(lahman_db, "salaries")
Next, aggregate the player salaries by team (teamID) and year
(yearID) to produce team payrolls for each season.
payroll <- salaries_tbl %>%
group_by(teamID, yearID) %>%
summarize(payroll = sum(salary))
## Source: query [?? x 3]
payroll <- payroll %>%
left_join(inflation, by = c("yearID" =
"year")) %>%
mutate(adj.payroll = payroll * multiplier)
By comparing the boxplots produced before and after adjusting for inflation, students see that context is important. This
reinforces the idea that we need to fully understand our data to
interpret our results correctly.
3.3. Joining Tables for More Advanced Explorations
Once students have worked with the database via the tbl()
and collect() commands, they can explore how team payroll is related to team success. At this point, we recommend asking students how they would define team success and using that
answer to guide the remainder of their exploration. Common
answers that we have seen include:
• Winning games (this could mean wins per year, percentage
of wins per year, or wins in playoff games)
• Reaching/winning the World Series
• Clinching a playoff berth
Once students have defined how they will measure a team’s
success, then they should consider the following questions:
1. Do the variables of interest exist in one of the data tables? If
not, how will you define them?
2. Do data tables need to be merged for the variables of interest
to ultimately be in the same data frame?
3. How will you explore the relationship between payroll and
your definition of success? If you will explore it graphically,
what type of plot will you use?
As an example, consider exploring whether payroll is associated with winning the World Series. The variable, WSWin,
representing whether or not a team/year won the World Series,
is available in the teams table. We merge relevant team information into the payroll data frame using the left_join()
command, as described within our “Merging Data Tables in R”
payroll_teams <- payroll %>%
left_join(lahman_db %>%
tbl("teams") %>%
by = c("teamID", "yearID"))
Now, we have variables for payroll and winning the World Series
(WSWin) so we can create a plot to explore the association.
payroll_teams %>%
gf_point(adj.payroll/1e6 ∼ yearID,
color = ∼WSWin) %>%
gf_labs(x = "season",
y = "payroll (millions)",
color = "World Series\nChampion?",
title = "Can you buy the World
Figure 6 provides numerous opportunities for discussion that
students should be able to address if they have completed the
recommended tutorials.
• Why is the color scheme different for the 1994 season? There
was a player strike that began on August 12, 1994, resulting
in the cancelation of the rest of the season. We realize that
most students will not be aware of this strike, so this is an
opportunity for you to ask students to pretend to be statistical
consultants and do some research on a topic they are not
familiar with. There are often peculiarities in datasets that we
must understand, so this is good practice, even for students
unfamiliar with the context.
• Is there a better color palette to focus attention on what we
want the graphic to show? Plotting the non-winners in gray
and the winners in a brighter color will draw attention to the
winners first while still enabling comparison with the other
teams. An example of this is given below in Figure 7. This
illustrates the cyclical nature of creating insightful graphics, something we rarely discuss but that students need to
• Is payroll associated with winning the World Series? Plotting
reveals that while many high-payroll teams have won the
World Series, numerous moderate-payroll teams have won.
There does, however, seem to be some indication that
teams need to spend a bit of money to win the World
Series, as very-low-payroll teams are not winning the World
The World Series question required relatively straightforward
extensions of visualization and data wrangling tools that students were expected to have seen. Some questions will be more
difficult to answer, so instructors may wish to provide additional
guidance. For example, to explore the relationship between payroll and playoff berths an indicator variable must first be created
from variables in the seriespost table that specify the winner and
loser of each playoff game each year.
Figure 6. Team payroll for each MLB team since 1987. Color denotes whether or not a team won the World Series in that season.
Figure 7. Team payroll for each MLB team since 1987. The winner of the World Series in each season is highlighted in orange.
4. Implementation
The materials discussed in this article, were formally class tested
in three very different courses at Lawrence University and Grinnell College during the Fall 2016 semester: a writing-intensive
freshman seminar, a no-prerequisite introductory course, and
an applied second course in statistics. In this section, we detail
how the materials were used in each course.
4.1. First-Year Tutorial, a Writing Intensive Freshman
First-year tutorial is a required first-semester course for all
incoming freshman that emphasizes writing. The class sessions
met for 80 min, two days a week throughout the semester. The
instructor chose the topic, “writing with data,” and 13 students
were assigned to the course. Four of the R tutorials were used
as in-class activities to teach students the basics of data manipulation and data visualization. Most students had no previous
programing or statistics experience. In this course, the tutorials
(in R Markdown form) and data (in CSV formats) were made
available by the instructor on a shared school RStudio Server.
Students worked in small groups of 2 or 3 in-class during the
fifth and sixth week of the semester. Most student groups were
able to easily complete the tutorial questions during class time.
For an out-of-class assignment, students were asked to develop
their own question about the data and use the tools from the
tutorial to find an answer. Students presented their work to the
class at the beginning of the following class period.
4.2. Introduction to Statistics
The data visualization and data wrangling tutorials were tested
in two sections of a no-prerequisite introductory statistics
course. The class sessions met for 70 min three days per week.
The course used the simulation-based approach of Lock et al.
(2013) and required students to use R throughout the course for
their analyses, starting in the first week. Few students had prior
programing experience, so the tutorials were used as in-class
labs intended to teach necessary computational skills while giving students time to practice these skills with instructor support.
During the first week of class students were introduced to statistical thought, tidy data, statistical graphics, and R/RStudio via
traditional lecture. The data visualization tutorial was assigned
as an in-class lab during the fourth day of class. At the beginning
of the lab, the instructor took approximately 15 min to introduce
R Markdown and guide students through the process of: (1)
obtaining the lab files, (2) opening an RStudio project, and (3)
knitting their first R Markdown file.
The data wrangling tutorial was assigned during lab the next
week, after spending two class days discussing summary statistics. No pre-lab discussion was necessary because the content
had already been discussed during the previous class periods.
The instructor did review a few common roadblocks that were
encountered knitting R Markdown files during the previous lab
and on the homework.
Students were assigned to lab groups consisting of four students in a manner that balanced prior experience with statistics
and coding. Each lab group was asked to complete the tutorial
and submit it via Moodle by the beginning of the next class
period. Students submitted both the original R Markdown file
and rendered PDFs for grading.
4.3. Statistical Modeling
Statistical modeling is an applied course with one introductory
statistics course as a prerequisite. This course is capped at 20
students and focuses on proper data analysis for research in
multiple disciplines. Historically 75% of the students enrolled in
this course have majors outside the mathematics and statistics
department. Using the text, Practicing Statistics (Kuiper and
Sklar 2012), students are required to use R throughout the
course. Since few have prior programing experience, adapting
to R has been problematic for many students in the past. On
the first day of class students logged into the RStudio Server
and typed in basic commands. Tutorials emphasizing tidy data,
data wrangling, and data visualization were given as out-of-class
assignments during the first week of the semester. The tutorials
(in R Markdown form) and data (in CSV formats) were made
available on a shared school RStudio Server by the instructor.
The instructor and a class mentor were available outside of class
for assistance, but a relatively small number of students asked
for help. Students submitted either an R script or R Markdown
file with selected solutions from the tutorial.
In both the statistical modeling and the introduction to
statistics courses, the use of R reduced the amount of statistical
content that was covered compared to semesters when other
software, such as Minitab was used. However, the R tutorials
seem to provide a much smoother transition to R for most
students. In both statistics courses, having a student mentor or
teaching assistant available during class or out of class to answer
student questions for the first few labs was invaluable.
5. Discussion
5.1. Adaptability
The tutorials and case studies can be modified by instructors
to meet the needs of their own students. For example, below
are several ways to adapt the data visualization tutorial to fit a
particular course:
• Instructors who are familiar with ggplot2 syntax can use
the gf_refine() function. It allows users to incorporate
any ggplot2 function within the ggformula framework. For
example, the following layer can be added to any graphic to
specify the colors, using the color brewer suggestions:
gf_refine(scale_color_brewer(palette =
• These tutorials provide step-by-step guidance using just a
small set of variables in order to focus on exploration and
core programing skills. Instructors could choose to create a
"cleaner" version of the Ames housing dataset, which consists
of 2930 observations and 82 variables, perhaps by renaming
the categorical variables, removing some of the variables,
or removing the unusual observations as suggested in the
original paper (De Cock 2011). Students would then not need
to spend time combing through a codebook deciphering
variable names.
• To ensure students truly comprehend the material, each tutorial also includes an optional “on your own” section that asks
additional questions to challenge students to truly integrate
the core ideas discussed within the tutorial. In addition, each
case study provides enough source material for students to
build on the original question to develop and complete a final
class project.
5.2. Teaching Assistants
When using these materials as in-class activities, we highly recommend having an upper-level student present to help answer
questions during these class times. Some institutions have been
hesitant to have student teaching assistants in their classrooms.
However, this is a very low-cost option that enhances student
learning and also greatly benefits the teaching assistant.
At first, students typically struggle with syntax (e.g., failing to
close parentheses or forgetting to use the %>% operator to add a
layer in ggformula), but we believe this is a productive struggle
that is necessary to learn the R language. Instead of taking valuable class time to resolve such issues, in-class student teaching
assistants can help individual students with their R difficulties,
which would greatly reduce pressure on the instructor. Student
teaching assistants have also been used to hold evening office
hours one to three hours a week.
5.3. Choosing R
We developed the R tutorials and case studies to help students
develop facility with statistical software for data management
and visualization, key recommendations from the recent “Curriculum Guidelines for Undergraduate Programs in Statistical
Science” (American Statistical Association 2014). While R is
certainly not the only choice, we believe it is the best choice when
adding these topics to existing statistics courses for the following
1. R is one of the most popular programing languages in the
world (Cass 2017).
2. R was developed by statisticians for statistical analysis, making it is a natural choice for a statistics course. Additionally, there is less overhead required for tasks, such as data
visualization than in Python (another popular language for
data science), especially when using packages, such as mosaic
and ggformula, which are designed to be easily accessible to
people with no programing background.
3. R is open source, so students are learning a toolkit that will
still be accessible to them after they complete the course.
4. RStudio is consistent across operating systems, eliminating
the need for multiple sets of instructions. This is not the case
with other software packages—even Excel is not identical
across platforms. Additionally, your institution can set up an
RStudio Server for your students to ensure that everyone has
exactly the same version of R, the necessary R packages, and
even datasets (Cetinkaya-Rundel and Horton 2016).
5. R makes reproducibility easy. For example, if you share your
dataset and R Markdown document, then your analysis can
be easily rerun by another researcher.
6. Graphics, data, and R Markdown files are easy to export into
other formats.
5.4. Teaching a Reproducible Workflow
Following the recommendations of Baumer et al. (2014), we
wrote the tutorials and case studies in R Markdown to encourage
both instructors and students to embrace a reproducible workflow. During class testing, we provided students with the data
files and R Markdown templates, and asked them to complete
their work in R Markdown. Students were able to quickly adapt
to this reproducible workflow, and by the end of the course
were able to create their own R Markdown documents. While
more in-depth discussion of the importance of reproducibility
is recommended at some point in the curriculum, requiring
students to create reproducible reports is a natural first step that
can be incorporated starting in the first course.
5.5. Common Pitfalls
While the advantages of requiring students to use R Markdown outweigh the drawbacks, it is important to be aware of
a few common challenges. First, the error messages produced
by knitting an R Markdown file are often harder to decipher
than the errors produced within code chunks. Providing a list of
common errors along with solutions can reduce both frustration
and time spent troubleshooting student files. Second, students
often have trouble reading their own data into R within R
Markdown documents if they do not save the data in the same
location as the .Rmd file. (In our experience, students tend not to
organize their files, leaving any downloaded file in their Downloads folder.) We have found introducing R using a web-based
RStudio Server dramatically lowers student frustration within
the first few weeks of any course. The server option ensures that
datasets and .Rmd files are easily accessible and all students are
using identical versions of each package. Having these materials
already available in a web-based RStudio account eliminates
most file path issues or struggles with creating a project in
RStudio. If, however, this is not an option, then we recommend
providing zip files containing the RStudio project and all associated files so that students can simply open the project and
start working. This can easily be done by creating a GitHub
repository for the lab or assignment containing the necessary file
and using DownGit (
to create download links.
5.6. Assessment
These materials were formally class tested in three very different
courses at Lawrence University and Grinnell College during
the Fall 2016 semester. The assessment is described in the supplemental materials. Overall, students and faculty using these
materials have responded very positively.
6. Conclusion
Computation has become a central pillar of the statistics curriculum as we strive to teach students to think with and about
data. To fully prepare students to do statistics we must equip
them with the skills to manage and explore realistic datasets. We
have found these tutorials and case studies to be a very effective way to include data-scientific tasks into existing statistics
courses. In our experience, these materials equipped students
to work more effectively with data and eased the burden on
the instructor. We encourage instructors to use these materials
for self-study and to adapt them to meet the needs of their
The authors thank the reviewers and associate editor for their helpful
comments and suggestions.
This work was completed with partial support from the Associated Colleges
of the Midwest Faculty Career Enhancement (ACM FaCE) grant and Teagle
Foundation through the Midwest Hybrid Learning Consortium.
Supplementary Material
• - The current versions of the R Tutorials and
case studies can be downloaded directly from GitHub.
• - Shonda Kuiper’s website presenting links to each
R Tutorial, along with necessary prerequisites. Instructors do not need to
be familiar with GitHub to access materials here.
• Assessment - The description and results of the assessment of these
materials is available in the supplemental materials.
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