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2015, European Journal of Anaesthesiology
3 pages
1 file
We read with interest the recently published Editorial 'O 2 , anybody', by Hendricks and colleagues 1 and we would like to make a few comments.
European Journal of Applied Physiology, 2012
Cancer Research, 2004
The first Oxygen Homeostasis/Hypoxia Meeting was held on February 12, 2003, at the Sheraton National Hotel, Washington, D.C. The meeting was hosted by Drs. S. Percy Ivy and Giovanni Melillo of the National Cancer Institute, NIH. The purpose of the meeting was to stimulate collaborations among the participants who are engaged in different areas of hypoxia research and application, including basic research on hypoxia, and its induction and consequences; the development of drugs targeting hypoxia and factors involved in pathways leading to (or controlled by) hypoxia; and the development and application of hypoxia imaging techniques and reagents.
Frontiers in Physiology, 2022
Journal of Paramedical Sciences , 2010
Tissue hypoxia occurs where there is an imbalance between oxygen supply and consumption. Growing evidence from experimental and clinical studies points to the fundamental and pathophysiologic role of hypoxia in cancer, ischemic tolerance, and stroke. Hypoxia-induced changes in ion homeostasis, erythropoiesis, angiogenesis, proliferation and differentiation. This review outlines hypoxia effect at molecular level and describes briefly hypoxia role in the physiological and pathological conditions.
Fiziolohichnyĭ zhurnal
People living at sea level have poor tolerance to hypoxia. In striking contrast, humans experiencing hypoxia at high altitude live very well. How is it possible for man to tolerate extreme hypoxia at high altitude? In this article we propose a hypothesis that potentially explains the tolerance to hypoxia at high altitude. Close examination of values of hemoglobin and PaCO2 for an altitude of 3510 m demonstrate that an increase in hemoglobin (Hb) and a decrease in arterial carbon dioxide tension (PaCO2) are two essential changes that occur on high altitude exposure. We propose a formula : tolerance to hypoxia= Hb/PaCO2 * 3.01. We present evidence that the relationship between Hb and PaCO2 explains the tolerance to hypoxia at high altitude.
Dennis Doyle's revised edition of The Catholic Church in a Changing World: A Vatican II-Inspired Approach updates and enhances what has long been a valued guide to understanding Catholicism today. Marked by clear writing, a balanced approach, and attention to real-life questions, this book explores a variety of contemporary issues including authority, ecumenism, justice, ecology, and economics. Anyone seeking an introduction to the Catholic Church will find this book informative, accessible, and a source of rich discussion. Doyle's volume demonstrates, once again, that the best books are often written by the best teachers who have refined their presentation after years in the classroom and pastoral settings. As someone who has long benefitted from using Doyle's work with students, I am excited to make regular use of this new volume.-Kristin Colberg Saint John's School of Theology and Seminary This book encapsulates decades of Dennis Doyle's devoted teaching and perceptive scholarship. The Catholic Church in a Changing World brings the Second Vatican Council to life for a new generation of college students, and under Doyle's expert guidance, the council emerges as the ecclesial foundation for Catholics in the twenty-first century. The author weaves the council's constitutions together with helpful summaries and interpretations of magisterial documents from Pope John Paul II and Pope Francis. Doyle's classroom experiences enable him to articulate the questions today's students have about the Catholic Church, and this book does not shy away from highlighting the difficulties and disagreements within the Church on various theological issues. Packed with helpful discussion questions and bibliographies, The Catholic Church in a Changing World exemplifies one of the best introductions to Catholicism available to students today.-Christopher Denny St. John's University A superb overview of the Catholic faith, presented with clarity, nuance, depth, and breadth. Highly readable and thoroughly engaging, this book is a must read for anyone who wants to better understand the Catholic tradition!-Mary Doak University of San Diego This new edition of Dennis Doyle's The Catholic Church in a Changing World, the fruit of long classroom experience, reflects on every page his deep conviction that to be an informed Catholic today one must not only live the fruits of the council but connect, in some deep way, with the entire witness to the church in space and time. That conviction is set forth with clear writing, wide learning, and a great spirit of Christian generosity.-Lawrence A. Cunningham University of Notre Dame At more than fifty years since Vatican II, ecclesiology is still the key issue to understand Catholicism in the global world of today. I highly recommend Dennis Doyle's book on the ecclesiology of Vatican II-especially for those who want to connect the conciliar teaching, Pope Francis, and the issues facing the Church.
Relajación: Disminución de la rigurosidad o severidad en el cumplimiento de leyes, reglas, tareas, etc., aportando reposo físico y mental, pero también la reducción de la tensión, mediante técnicas a base de ejercicios corporales y respiratorios, tratamientos y técnicas especializadas para conseguir la distensión muscular, nerviosa y mental que facilita la recuperación de la calma, equilibrio y la paz interior. Salud: Estado donde un ser vivo ejerce con normalidad todas sus funciones orgánicas y emocionales. Según la OMS (Organización Mundial de la Salud) La Salud se define como el logro máximo del bienestar físico, mental y social y de capacidad de funcionamiento que permiten los factores sociales y ambientales en los que vive el sujeto y la colectividad. Técnicas de Relajación Son procedimientos con los cuales podemos disminuir el estrés, tanto físico como mental. Basada en técnicas que implican diversos beneficios para la salud, favoreciendo la disminución de la tensión muscular, la presión arterial y el ritmo cardiaco. También existen otros síntomas que podrían ser tratados y aliviados con las técnicas de relajación, como son: la ansiedad, la depresión, el insomnio, los ataques de pánico, el dolor de cabeza y hasta el deterioro físico que se refleja en el rostro, con ojeras e impurezas, mediante actividades que incluyen la relajación, como caminar, meditar, respiración, baños terapéuticos, masajes, entre otros.
Dutse International Journal of Social and Economic Research, , 2019
The study evaluates the effect of financial performance, capital structure and firm size on firms' value of listed consumer-goods firms in Nigeria for the period of 12 years (2006-2017). Return on Assets and Return on Equity proxy financial performance while Short-term debt and Long-term debt proxy financial leverage; Natural logarithm of total assets proxy firm size while Tobin's Q proxy firms' value. Firm growth serves as control. The study uses ex-post facto Pooled Ordinary Least Squares together with Panel data estimators consisting of Fixed Effects Model and Random Effects Model. The study reveal that Return on Assets, short term debt and long term debt have positive significant effect on Tobin's Q, Return on Equity has negative significant effect on Tobin's Q while firm size and firm growth have insignificant effect on Tobin's Q. The study concludes that the independent variables have effects on the dependent variables. The study recommends that the management of the firms should maintain the use of debt in their capital structure as it enhances firm's value; the management should sustain and improve on the level of total assets as it enhances firms' value. ,
Myanmar: Politics, Economy and Society (2nd Edition), 2023
Pegasus Mexicanus: de rebus historicis, 2024
International Journal of Communication, 2022
Dhaka University Journal of Biological Sciences, 2016
Crop Production and Global Environmental Issues, 2015
CrystEngComm, 2012
Cuadernos de Investigación y Formación en Educación Matemática, 2021
Seminario Internacional “Los Horizontes de la Historia”, Facultad de Geografía e Historia, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, 2019
Sr/Ca Ratios Measured via Nondestructive XRF Differentiate Frugivory and Folivory in Early North American Primates , 2024
Journal of Public Affairs Education, 2013
The Russian Review, 2011
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2003