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The Hedonistic Paradox: Is Homo
Economicus Happier?
Konow, James and Earley, Joseph
Loyola Marymount University
March 2007
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MPRA Paper No. 2728, posted 14 Apr 2007 UTC
March 2007
The Hedonistic Paradox:
Is Homo Economicus Happier?
James Konow* and Joseph Earley
Department of Economics
Loyola Marymount University
One LMU Drive, Suite 4200
Los Angeles, CA 90045
The “Hedonistic Paradox” states that homo economicus, or someone who seeks happiness for him- or
herself, will not find it, but the person who helps others will. This study examines two questions in
connection with happiness and generosity. First, do more generous people, as identified in dictator
experiments, report on average greater happiness, or subjective well-being (SWB), as measured by
responses to various questionnaires? Second, if the answer is affirmative, what is the causal relationship
between generosity and happiness? We find a favorable correlation between generosity and happiness (i.e.,
SWB is directly related to several measures of happiness and inversely related to unhappiness) and
examine various possible explanations, including that material well-being causes both happiness and
generosity. The evidence from this experiment, however, indicates that a tertiary personality variable,
sometimes called psychological well-being, is the primary cause of both happiness and greater generosity.
In contrast to field studies, the experimental method of this inquiry permits anonymity measures designed
to minimize subject misrepresentation of intrinsic generosity (e.g., due to social approval motives) and of
actual happiness (e.g., because of social desirability biases) and produces a rich data set with multiple
measures of subjective, psychological and material well-being. The results of this and other studies raise
the question of whether greater attention should be paid to the potential benefits (beyond solely the
material ones) of policies that promote charitable donations, volunteerism, service education, and, more
generally, community involvement, political action, and social institutions that foster psychological wellbeing.
JEL classification: C91; D64
Keywords: Happiness; Subjective well-being; Altruism; Generosity; Psychological well-being;
*Corresponding author:
[email protected], tel. (310) 338-2956. This version benefited greatly from the
suggestions of the editor and two anonymous referees of this journal. We also wish to thank Gary
Charness, Andrew Clark, Rachel Croson, Ed Diener, Richard Easterlin, Catherine Eckel, Christina Fong,
Bruno Frey, Daniel Kahneman, Tim Kasser, Mark Kleiman, Robert Lane, George Loewenstein, Susanne
Lohmann, David Myers, Andrew Oswald, Adam Simon, Frans van Winden, Ruut Veenhoven and seminar
participants at Notre Dame University, UCLA and at meetings of the American Economic Association,
Economic Science Association and Public Choice Society for their helpful comments. The first author
gratefully acknowledges the support of the Institute of Social and Economic Research at Osaka University.
1. Introduction
Concern for our own happiness recommends to us the virtue of prudence: concern for that of other people
– Adam Smith [The Theory of Moral Sentiments, 1759 (1809), pg. 357].
A centerpiece of economics is the claim, set forth in Adam Smith’s The Wealth of Nations and
later demonstrated in the First Theorem of Welfare Economics, that, under certain conditions, the
actions of the rational and self-interested homo economicus promote the general good, usually
understood as the efficient allocation of material wealth. Yet many studies by social scientists
cast doubt on the importance of income and wealth to the happiness of most societies. In
philosophy there exists a very different conjecture about self-interest and happiness that resonates
more with Adam Smith’s other major work, The Theory of Moral Sentiments. The “Hedonistic
Paradox” (or, rather, one version of it) states that the person who seeks pleasure, or happiness, for
him- or herself will not find it, but the person who helps others will (or has a greater chance of
finding it). Of course, the Hedonistic Paradox and the First Welfare Theorem do not necessarily
conflict (Adam Smith apparently reconciled himself to both), but they do suggest very different
approaches to the motivation and impact of individual behavior.
A substantial literature now exists on how getting money affects happiness. This paper poses,
in a sense, the opposite question: how does giving money affect happiness? We report the results
of an experiment that examines two questions in this connection. First, do more altruistic (i.e.,
intrinsically generous) people report on average greater happiness (or subjective well-being in the
terminology of psychology)? Second, if the answer is affirmative, what kind of causal
relationship might underlie this? As a concrete and simple measure of generosity, we use a
“dictator experiment” in which one subject (the dictator) decides how much, if any, of a fixed
sum of money to share with an anonymous counterpart (the recipient). This decision is then
related to various measures of subjective, psychological and material well-being that are derived
from subject responses to questionnaires.
The dictator experiment is non-strategic, and our version involves double-blind conditions,
i.e., decisions and responses cannot be traced to specific participants either by fellow participants
or by the investigator. Compared to field studies, these design features provide numerous
advantages for quantifying correlations and addressing causality. First, dictator giving is a simple
and transparent measure of generosity that is easily understood by subjects and interpreted by
researchers. Second, the non-strategic structure offers no material reasons for giving that might be
present, for example, in reciprocal relationships like the “trust” game of Berg, Dickhaut and
McCabe (1995), where generosity can increase the giver’s payoff. Third, it has been shown (e.g.,
Buchanan, Eckel and Grossman, 2000) that dictator generosity can be influenced by social
approval motives, i.e., people share with others partly to garner their approval, but double-blind
conditions here provide no basis for this. Fourth, these anonymity measures help tackle a related
issue. Specifically, psychological measures have also proven to be vulnerable to social approval
motives (see Diener et al., 1999), and responses are less candid when they are not anonymous,
e.g., respondents often profess to be happier than they actually are in order to present themselves
in a socially desirable way. Finally, the experimental design also allows the inclusion of
numerous instruments not available in other data sets, including one to identify any residual
social approval motives and some new measures of happiness. Redundant measures of most
variables permit examination of the robustness of any effects involving those variables.
We find a favorable correlation between generosity and several measures of happiness,
specifically, dictators who share with recipients appear to have more favorable long-run, but not
short-run, feelings, including higher overall happiness, higher positive feelings, lower negative
feelings and higher peak happiness. We examine various possible explanations, including that
generosity causes happiness, that happiness causes generosity, and that material well-being
causes both happiness and generosity. The experimental evidence, however, most strongly
supports a different hypothesis, namely, that psychological well-being (i.e., healthy psychological
functioning) is the primary cause of both happiness and dictator generosity.
The results of this study and others in economics and psychology suggest the importance for
happiness of economic resources, not only as outcomes, but also as means to accommodate
activities that promote happiness. For example, Thoits and Hewitt (2001) find that volunteer work
improves happiness, life satisfaction, self-esteem and even physical health. Frey and Stutzer
(2002a) conclude that democratic rights and economic freedom are positively related to
happiness. More generally, Frey, Benz and Stutzer (2004) introduce the concept of “procedural
utility” and illuminate the many ways subjective well-being often depends more on processes
than outcomes. These results suggest that greater attention should be paid to the benefits (beyond
solely the material ones) of policies that promote charity, volunteerism, service education,
community and political involvement, and institutions that foster psychological well-being.
This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 addresses theory, method and evidence on
economics and well-being. Section 3 details the experiment and presents four hypotheses about
the relationship between generosity and happiness. Section 4 presents and discusses the results
and data analysis, and section 5 concludes.
2. Economics and Well-Being
2.1. Methodological Background
The current study addresses a wide range of theories and utilizes numerous empirical
instruments. A number of questions arise about the meaning, validity and interpretation of the
various instruments that have been used to measure well-being (for a more detailed discussion,
see Di Tella and MacCulloch, 2006). There is a significant amount of evidence from objective
data, however, that the self-report measures that most studies, including this one, employ
correlate in plausible ways with other observable variables, which bolsters one’s confidence that
questions of interpersonal comparability, cardinalism and the meaning of happiness, although
theoretically problematic, are not insurmountable in practical terms. 1
One potential source of error in self-report measures of happiness, however, is the response
artifact of social desirability. This is the tendency for respondents sometimes to distort selfreports in a favorable, or socially desirable, direction (Furnham, 1986), e.g., if survey respondents
For example, different self-report scales of SWB have demonstrated significant and generally high correlations
with one another (Fordyce, 1988) as well as with certain objective circumstances in the individual’s life (Brickman,
et al., 1978), economic conditions of unemployment and inflation (Di Tella, MacCulloch and Oswald, 2001),
opportunities for political participation (Frey and Stutzer, 2000a, b), subject recall of positive versus negative life
events (Seidlitz, Wyer and Diener, 1997), reports of friends and family members (Sandvik, Diener and Seidlitz,
1993), reports of spouses (Costa and McCrae 1988), reports from clinical experts (Goldings, 1954), the duration of
so-called Duchenne smiles (Ekman, Davidson and Friesen, 1990), heart rate and blood pressure measures of
responses to stress (Shedler, Mayman and Manis, 1993), skin resistance measures of responses to stress (Weinberger,
Schwartz and Davidson, 1979), and electroencephalogram measures of prefrontal brain activity (Sutton and
Davidson, 1997). There is actually evidence that self-reported SWB is more reliable than alternative measures. Irwin,
Kammann and Dixon (1979), for instance, found that respondents’ ratings of their roommates’ happiness more
strongly correlated with their own happiness than with their roommates’ self-ratings, concluding that peer ratings
reflect mainly a projection of one’s own happiness onto others. In addition, Fernández-Dols and Ruiz-Belda (1995)
found that smiling is an unreliable expression of happiness except during social interaction.
overstate their true happiness. 2 A commonly used measure of this is the Marlowe-Crowne (MC)
Social Desirability scale (Crowne and Marlowe, 1964), a 33 item questionnaire for which higher
scores indicate more socially desirable responses. Various SWB scales have correlated
significantly with the MC and other social desirability scales (Diener, et al., 1991), suggesting
that the former may be somewhat corrupted by this artifact.
Most SWB research is based on the concept of hedonic happiness, which is a function of
three separate components: positive affect, negative affect and life satisfaction. Affect refers to
people’s moods and emotions, and surveys of it might ask how often or to what extent the
respondent feels or has felt interested, excited, inspired, guilty, bored or nervous, for example.
Bradburn (1969) found that positive (or pleasant) affect and negative (or unpleasant) affect are
unrelated and virtually uncorrelated with one another, but each correlated independently with a
global well-being measure. In addition to the affective components of well-being, Andrews and
Withey (1976) investigated the cognitive evaluation of life satisfaction, which, they claim,
constitutes a third and distinct factor of well-being.
2.2. The Economics of Happiness: Giving and Getting
Despite some early and important contributions by economists to the literature (e.g.,
Easterlin 1974, Ng 1978, and van Praag and Kapteyn 1973), the scientific study of happiness only
recently became a topic of intense interest and scholarship in economics. Economists have
exhibited particular interest in the question “Does money buy happiness?” Broadly speaking, two
schools of thought have evolved on this question, which propose that the relationship of
happiness to income is either relative or absolute. The economist Richard Easterlin made seminal
contributions (1973, 1974) to the relativist position and has asserted that happiness is based, not
on one’s absolute income, but on a comparison to others, which in turn depends on one’s society
It is interesting to note, however, that the direction of social desirability bias is culture dependent. Cross-country
studies (e.g., Easterlin, 1995) suggest that in certain countries including the United States respondents are more
inclined to profess happiness, whereas elsewhere (e.g., France and Italy) there is an opposite tendency: When asked
if he was happy, Charles de Gaulle replied “What do you take me for, an idiot?,” reflecting an assumption,
incidentally, about the relationship between happiness and intelligence that is refuted by the data (see Diener, 1984).
and is adjusted as average incomes change. In more recent work, Easterlin has maintained his
argument (1995) and based it on shifting aspirations (2001). In contrast, sociologist Ruut
Veenhoven (1991), a leading proponent of the absolutist school, argues that increasing wealth at
low levels of income helps satisfy basic needs and increases SWB, but after needs are satisfied
additional income has little or no effect on happiness. 3
Some studies, e.g., McBride (2001) and Ferrer-i-Carbonell (2005), corroborate the relative
income effect on SWB, 4 and others, e.g., Oswald (1997), find that absolute income matters.
Blanchflower and Oswald (2004) find support for both relative and absolute income effects.
Nevertheless, although the SWB-income relationship is usually significant, income still accounts
for a modest fraction of the overall variance in individual happiness: Diener et al. (1993) point to
less than 2%, and even Easterlin (2001), a strong advocate of the importance of relative income,
cites a figure of 4%. 5 Regardless of who is right in the debate between relativists and absolutists,
most would agree that, at least for developed economies, increases in income will not
substantially increase aggregate happiness, and some even claim income is detrimental to SWB. 6
In any case, it appears that our concern with improving human welfare through greater material
wealth is probably exaggerated, at least in economically developed countries. 7
A referee has pointed out that this distinction is perhaps too stark: the absolutist and relativist schools are not
mutually exclusive, and most relativists probably accept that average happiness is related to per capita GDP.
Senik (2004) finds evidence of the reverse relationship. This anomaly can still be reconciled within the relative
income framework, however, if one accepts her explanation that others’ income provides informational content about
one’s own future income.
On the other hand, Andrew Oswald has argued to us that this is a misleading way to think: although income
explains only a small fraction of the SWB variance, with so much unaccounted for variance, the persistent SWBincome correlation is an important finding.
The marginal happiness of income appears to diminish quickly: lottery winners do not report being significantly
happier than a control group (Brickman, Coates and Janoff-Bulman, 1978), and even the super rich, those among the
Forbes’ wealthiest Americans, are only slightly happier than the average (Diener, Horowitz and Emmons, 1985b).
Apropos, the following quote has been attributed to Arnold Schwarzenegger: “Money doesn't make you happy. I
now have $50 million, but I was just as happy when I had $48 million.” Ferrer-i-Carbonell and Frijters (2004)
conclude that to increase individual satisfaction by one point on an 11-point scale requires an 800,000% increase in
income. Other researchers, including Robert Frank (1997), Robert Lane (2000) and Robert Putnam (2000), believe
that greater average income is related to a trend of decreasing happiness. Frank argues that the pursuit of short-run
material gains relative to others represents a “positional externality,” which diminishes resources devoted to
activities that do produce long-run happiness, such as time spent with family and friends. Consistent with such an
externality, Luttmer (2005) produces compelling evidence that SWB is based on a comparison of earnings.
Indeed, the very preoccupation with material wealth or financial success may be harmful, as suggested by studies
showing that more materialistic individuals experience lower levels of happiness and even enjoy their possessions
Consider now the evidence on the relationship between happiness and giving, rather than
getting. Many studies find positive correlations between SWB and altruistic behavior or goals.
One type of evidence comes from studies in which the experimenters first manipulate the mood
of subjects, e.g., by letting subjects “find” a coin in a telephone booth or by letting them win or
lose at a game, after which there is an opportunity to help, e.g., by aiding others with a task or by
donating money to a charity (Harris and Smith, 1975, Isen, Horn and Rosenhan, 1973, Moore,
Underwood and Rosenhan, 1973, Rosenhan, Underwood and Moore, 1974). Benson et al. (1980)
identify a positive correlation between life satisfaction and time spent in a variety of helping
activities. According to Phelps (2001), people with altruistic personalities report greater overall
happiness, and she attributes stalling happiness in the US to a declining percentage of altruists in
the population. Interestingly, happiness also seems to be unfavorably related to a willingness to
hurt others: the experiments of Bosman and van Winden (2002) and Charness and Grosskopf
(2001) indicate that subjects who reduce the payoffs of others are subsequently less happy.
Is there evidence, however, suggesting altruistic behavior causes greater happiness? Meier
and Stutzer (2007) employ a natural experiment involving the collapse of East Germany and its
volunteer structure to claim such causality. Using panel data, Thoits and Hewitt (2001) show that
happier people are more inclined to volunteer but also that volunteer work causes greater
happiness, life satisfaction, self-esteem and even physical health. Switzer et al. (1995) find that,
in comparison to a control group, adolescent boys who were required to participate in service
activities showed favorable changes in measures of SWB such as negative affect and self-esteem
as well as in behavioral measures such as school and community involvement and problem
behavior. Contributors to the recent movement called “positive psychology” regularly cite acts of
kindness as an important intervention for attaining and maintaining higher levels of happiness.
Boehm and Lyubomirsky (2006), for example, report that students instructed to perform random
less than others (Kasser and Ryan, 1993, Richins, McKeage and Najjar, 1992, Wright and Larsen, 1993). Another
take on this suggested to us by Richard Easterlin is that those with lower relative incomes are both less happy and
more concerned with material goals.
acts of kindness during a ten-week experiment achieve significantly higher levels of happiness
relative to a control group, even through a one month follow-up. Other interventions have been
examined over longer periods and proven beneficial 9-18 months later (Fordyce, 1983). It is
striking that the behavioral interventions these researchers have found effective are relatively
minor. The acts of kindness Boehm and Lyubomirsky mention include “holding the door open for
a stranger” or “doing a roommate’s dishes.” 8
Recent theoretical and empirical research by economists suggests that people who act in the
narrowly selfish way typically assumed in economics might actually fail to maximize not only
subjective, but even material, returns (e.g., Eshel, Samuelson and Shaked, 1998, Gintis et al.,
2003, and McCabe, Rigdon and Smith, 2003). These findings about the subjective and material
benefits of pro-social behavior lend credence to Abraham Maslow’s statement that “The neurotic
is not emotionally sick; he is cognitively wrong.”
2.3. The Psychology of Happiness: Hedonic and Eudaimonistic Schools
There are, broadly speaking, two traditions in psychology to the study of well-being, which
we will call the hedonic and eudaimonistic schools. The dominant hedonic school has a more
empirical (or bottom-up) approach and is outcome-oriented, specifically, it stresses subjective
well-being. The eudaimonistic approach, on the other hand, is more theoretical (or top-down) and
emphasizes process, often characterized as progress toward psychological well-being. The theory,
design and analysis of the current study are informed by both traditions, so they are reviewed
briefly here (see Ryan and Deci, 2001, for further discussion of these two schools).
Although the methodology and terminology of the psychology literature on SWB may seem
to have little in common with standard economics, the dominant traditions in both disciplines
actually share common philosophical origins. The view of the hedonic school to well-being can
Emmons and McCullough (2003) focus on gratitude, rather than giving per se, but their intervention is related in
that it both involves greater awareness of kind behavior and also sheds light on another aspect of this research.
Specifically, one theme in this literature is the importance of making happiness-enhancing behavior habitual,
although optimal timing is important: daily manipulation is more effective than weekly in the Emmons and
McCullough study, but Boehm and Lyubomirsky find the reverse.
be traced to the Socratic doctrine that happiness is the highest good. Philosophical hedonism took
this doctrine and held that the chief goal of life is to seek pleasure and to avoid pain, a tenet
endorsed by utilitarians like Bentham (1789). In fact, this formed the foundation of
Utilitarianism, which, in turn, exercised the principal philosophical influence on the direction
taken by mainstream economics. In both psychology and economics, this tradition treats
happiness (or pleasure or satisfaction) as an outcome and typically relates it empirically to
various life conditions and circumstances. Important recent contributions in this spirit include
Kahneman, Diener and Schwartz (1999) and Layard (2005).
The eudaimonistic school is considerably more difficult to describe, partly because of its
theoretical complexity but also because of the absence of a clear consensus among its adherents
on certain points. This school traces its origins to a different classical Hellenic philosophical
tradition from the hedonic school, most notably to Aristotle (Nicomachean Ethics). The central
construct is eudaimonia (pronounced yoo-die-muh-NEE-uh), which refers to well-being produced
through a process of human growth and which Aristotle associated with virtuous action (one
translation is “flourishing”). The first modern movement along these lines was “humanistic
psychology” (e.g., Maslow, 1968, Rogers, 1961), which broke from most of psychology by
focusing on healthy psychological functioning rather than pathology, similar to the recent
positive psychology movement. Other versions have been called “psychological well-being”
(e.g., Ryff, 1989) and “self-determination theory” (Ryan and Deci, 2000). Despite differences, we
identify below four important points of agreement or consistent features in this literature.
First, the eudaimonistic approach stresses and distinguishes types of human needs (e.g.,
Maslow, 1968, and Erich Fromm, 1981). There are “lower” needs and desires, such as
physiological needs for food, the satisfaction of which brings momentary pleasure, and then there
are “higher” psychological needs, such as positive relations with others, the realization of which
is conducive to growth and produces eudaimonia. Moreover, some conduct or outcomes that
satisfy the first can undermine the second, e.g., eating in excess might bring transitory pleasure
but not promote personal growth and the happiness that accompanies it.
Second, the goal is not subjective well-being, indeed, the focus is not on any outcome but
rather on process, viz., progress consistent with psychological needs and individual-specific
potentials, a process Maslow called self-actualization. 9 Moreover, people can be more or less
self-actualizing, i.e., they differ in the degree to which they realize their higher potentials.
Third, although subjective well-being is not the goal in the eudaimonistic school, it is seen as
a favorable by-product of psychological well-being (PWB). This is eudaimonia, which is not
PWB itself but rather the SWB generated by PWB. In addition, people with high PWB are
reported to experience more pronounced positive extremes. Maslow described “peak
experiences” of intensely favorable and pleasant emotions among many people who are selfactualizing. Similarly, Csikszentmihalyi and Csikszentmihalyi (1988) describe a “flow” state of
extreme happiness in which one loses the sense of self and becomes absorbed, not with outcome,
but rather with an activity of one’s choosing that is challenging but within one’s capabilities. In
apparent contradiction to this, however, behavior aimed at higher needs is sometimes seen as
detrimental to happiness. Ryff (1989), for example, writes that “realizing one’s goals or purpose
in life is not always easy – it requires effort and discipline, which may at times be at odds with
short-term happiness.”
Fourth, there are common themes among eudaimonists about the kinds of attitudes and
behaviors that characterize PWB, but, on this point, there are also considerable differences about
the particulars. In the broadest version, Aristotle associates well-being with a life of virtue.
Modern approaches are more complex, but Kasser and his collaborators (2001, Sheldon and
Kasser 1995) distill these into two categories based on personal goals: goals can be intrinsic, i.e.,
oriented toward self-acceptance, affiliation and community feeling, or extrinsic, i.e., oriented
toward some external reward such as financial success, popularity and attractiveness. They find
that intrinsic people (those whose goals are intrinsic) experience greater PWB and SWB than
extrinsic people. In the positive psychology movement, Lymbomirsky and Sheldon (2006, 2005
Interestingly, this dovetails with recent work in economics by Frey and Stutzer (2005) on procedural utility, or the
happiness associated with processes as opposed to outcomes.
with Schkade) draw a similar distinction between variables such as income, physical health, and
geographic location, and activities that include joining a club, expressing gratitude, and helping
others. They find that adopting the latter activities produce sustainable improvements in SWB but
that the former variables do not.
2.4. An Economic Interpretation of Psychological Well-Being
At this point, we will recast psychological well-being in economic terms. This formulation
captures the main theoretical structure as well as the stylized facts from the eudaimonistic school,
but, as in the hedonic school, it focuses on happiness as the outcome and is descriptive.
Eudaimonists treat PWB as a set of personality characteristics, to which one can add through
particular types of behavior. These behaviors might not produce immediate improvements in
SWB, but they do improve PWB over time, which, in turn, generates subjective benefits,
specifically better feelings, on average. In economic terms, one can think of stocks and flows of
well-being. 10 Graham and Oswald (2006) recently introduced formally the stock-flow concept
into the happiness literature, and we consider this an important avenue for understanding wellbeing. 11 In our version, subjective well-being is a flow that is produced by the stock of
psychological well-being (although SWB is also subject to external shocks). That is, PWB can be
thought of as a set of personality characteristics, which varies across individuals, and higher PWB
yields a higher average return in happiness terms. Specifically, this return is what is called
eudaimonia, and, consistent with the emphasis in this school on feelings rather than cognition,
implies greater positive affect and lower negative affect, but not necessarily greater satisfaction
with life. As numerous contributors to this literature maintain, those high in PWB are also
expected to experience higher peaks in their happiness.
Tying this back to generosity, we propose that altruistic behavior increases the stock of
Indeed, Fredrickson’s broaden-and-build theory (2001), although focused on a different set of variables, resembles
this idea of investing in well-being for future returns.
Graham and Oswald call their stock and flow “hedonic capital” and “hedonic energy,” respectively. Their model
provides a clever explanation for hedonic adaptation, or the regression of SWB to historic levels after shocks. Our
framework suggests a few added specifications, namely, that hedonic capital is best thought of as psychological wellbeing and that there are classes of contributions to the stock that can increase its steady state level and, consequently,
the flow that proceeds from it.
PWB, which then supports a higher average flow of happiness. This is consistent with results
from positive psychology that specific behaviors increase both PWB and SWB (Sheldon and
Lyubomirsky, 2006) and that altruistic acts are one such type of behavior (Boehm and
Lyubomirsky, 2006). This same literature suggests that what is important is the type and
frequency of such acts rather than their size: very small acts of kindness suffice to increase wellbeing. 12 Conversely, high PWB people are more likely to be observed engaging in altruistic
behavior, but this also follows from the fact that self-actualizing people have a stronger
preference for behavior consistent with their high PWB. Thus, generosity is both a long run cause
of psychological well-being through repeated acts as well as a short run effect of it, consistent
with the previously cited findings of Thoits and Hewitt (2001) that volunteering both causes and
is caused by high well-being.
This last point leads to a distinction between short run and long run. Although acts that
support PWB are predicted to produce higher SWB in the long run, they do not necessarily have a
favorable effect on SWB in the short run. The apparent contradiction in the eudaimonistic
argument that self-actualizing behavior both increases and sometimes decreases happiness can be
reconciled with this distinction between the short run and long run. In the current context,
altruistic acts contribute to PWB and a higher average, i.e., long run, flow of SWB. In the short
run, however, these acts can increase or decrease short run happiness depending on situationspecific factors. 13 Eudaimonists claim, however, that certain other types of behavior, such as
material pursuits, do not generate improvements in either psychological or subjective well-being.
The posited absence of a favorable effect of material well-being on long run happiness is
broadly consistent with both experimental (e.g., McBride, 2006) and field (e.g., Easterlin, 2001)
This makes sense as PWB is seen as a set of personality traits, and personality is relatively stable, so changing it is
necessarily gradual (hence, the emphasis on habits in positive psychology). This has reasonable implications: one
would expect a greater impact on a donor’s PWB from repeated $50 per week donations than from a once-in-alifetime donation of $100,000, or from donating one pint of blood per month than from giving 12 pints once-a-year
(apart from the catastrophic fact that the latter would more than exhaust the blood supply of the average adult).
The Konow (2006) study provides corroborative evidence of situation-specific effects: those results suggest that
giving can impact short run affect favorably or unfavorably, depending on the distributive preference relevant to the
research indicating that people adapt to income, wealth and other life conditions (although
relative income might still matter to relative happiness). At the same time, the conjecture
concerning generosity and happiness is also in line with experimental (e.g., Charness and
Grosskopf, 2001) and field evidence (e.g., Alesina, Di Tella and MacCulloch, 2004, Helliwell,
2006) suggesting social preferences are an important determinant of happiness. The experiment
described in the next section examines this three way relationship between generosity, PWB and
SWB, as well as alternative hypotheses, under carefully controlled conditions.
3. Experimental Procedures and Hypotheses
3.1. Experimental Procedures
In this section, the experimental method is discussed, and the details of the subject
recruitment, laboratory protocol and experimental design are summarized.
The use of a laboratory experiment with student subjects raises two questions about the
generality of the results. 14 First, is the behavior of students representative of the general
population? Experimental economists have now conducted various studies comparing student and
non-student populations. In their review, Harrison and List (2004) report cases of student and
non-students populations behaving in qualitatively similar ways, although they acknowledge the
validity of the concern. Alatas et al. (2006) conclude that the results on subject pools are mixed.
They report studies showing no effect of age in a variety of decision-making experiments but
evidence of non-students acting more strongly on social preferences than students.
A second question is about the extent to which experimental findings apply outside the
laboratory, i.e., the question of external validity. Here, as with the first question, the results are
mixed, as Harrison and List (2004) conclude in their review of field experiments. 15 Benz and
I think a referee for comments that helped frame this discussion.
A critical observation that is reasonable to raise about the current experiment is this: in the field, average donations
as a percentage of income do not approach the usual dictator transfers as a percentage of experimental endowments.
Nevertheless, two considerations help allay this concern. First, as Andreoni (2006) points out, most people donate
chiefly when prompted to do so, even in the field (e.g., church donation plates, mail and television requests,
Salvation Army bell-ringers). Since the dictator experiment creates a prompt, this is not, in fact, unlike giving in
many real world situations. Second, it is not clear that donations should be compared to endowments in the
experiment and to income in the field, especially in light of the first point. Donors might, in both cases, be
Meier (2006), however, relate the charitable donations of students in the field with the charitable
donations of the same students in a laboratory dictator experiment. They find the decisions in the
two settings to be significantly correlated and, in light of related research, strong. Two field
studies by Frey and Meier using students also shed light on these issues. Using panel data, they
report (2004a) that a significant fraction of a student population voluntarily donates anonymously
to others, even over a period of several years, but that there is considerable heterogeneity in
individual willingness. They also find that institutional conditions matter and that contribution
rates vary directly with expected contribution rates of others. On the latter point, however, the
causality is unclear: one might contribute because others are expected to do so, or this correlation
could be due to a false consensus effect, i.e., one who contributes is more likely to think that
others will also contribute. In fact, a field experiment by Frey and Meier (2004b) finds that
causality runs in both directions. These studies corroborate laboratory findings on pro-social
behavior and extend the evidence on important factors that influence such behavior.
In terms of the current study, a dictator experiment was employed in order to provide a clean
and transparent measure of generosity: one subject (the dictator) is endowed with a sum of money
that he or she may share with an anonymous counterpart (the recipient); the recipient has no
recourse. Subjects were recruited in one of two ways: some signed up to fulfill a course
requirement for undergraduate economics and psychology classes and others were recruited from
undergraduate social science classes. Subjects were at no time told the purpose of the experiment,
and subsequent queries of several students suggest that they did not surmise it. All dictator
sessions involved a total of 24 subjects: 12 dictators and 12 recipients. All subjects first showed
up at a common room, Room A, of the economics laboratory where they were individually
registered, received a $5 show-up fee and drew lots to determine whether they then stayed in
Room A (dictators) or went to Room B (recipients). 16
responding to the prompt and choosing an amount relative to their total income. Nevertheless, to test the relevance of
subject pool and method, the next step should be to conduct a field study with a more general population, following
the recommendation of Harrison and List to examine behavior in both the laboratory and the field.
It was decided that all subjects would initially appear in the same room in order to dispel any doubts about the
Given the previously cited evidence that lack of anonymity influences SWB responses and
dictator generosity, a double-blind procedure was used. That is, neither the other subjects nor the
experimenters knew the responses or gifts of any specific subject. Subjects were informed of the
various measures taken to ensure anonymity on a General Instructions sheet from their unmarked
packet of materials. This sheet also informed subjects that they were “being asked to answer a
series of questions on a variety of topics,” and informed Room A subjects of the additional $10
fee they would receive for filling out the questionnaire. At this point, neither Room A nor Room
B subjects were informed that the former would later be able to allocate money to the latter.
The experiment then proceeds as follows. Subjects in both rooms begin filling out the Main
Questionnaire that consists of eight sections of questions related to subjective and psychological
well-being. After 20 minutes, they place the questionnaire in an envelope marked “1,” seal the
envelope and return it to the packet. At this point, the subjects in Room A remove two envelopes,
one labeled “Keep” and the other “Return.” Subjects in both rooms remove a sheet marked
“Payment Information,” which informs them that Room A subjects are now being paid $10 for
completing the questionnaires and that Room B subjects have completed the same questionnaires
but receive no compensation beyond the $5 everyone received at the start. Each subject in Room
A, however, may put any combination of one dollar bills and blank slips of paper in the Return
envelope, to be given later to a randomly chosen person in Room B, and put the rest in his or her
Keep envelope. 17 Subjects are given five minutes to make their decision, pocket the Keep
existence of the other subjects, an issue that surfaced among some subjects in earlier dictator experiments with this
subject pool (Konow, 2000). Previous experiments (Ball and Cech, 1996), including dictator experiments (Eckel and
Grossman, 1998), have shown that subject generosity may differ when all subjects are the same sex. Therefore, male
and female subjects drew from separate containers in each of which there was an equal number of Room A and
Room B slips. This ensured an equal proportion of men and women in each room, although there were, on average,
more women than men in both rooms. Of those who ultimately participated, 62% were female and 38% male, a
proportion that does not differ at the 5% level of significance from the 57% females (p=0.180) among the general
undergraduate population at the university or from the 56% females (p=0.085) among undergraduate students
nationwide (U.S. Department of Education, 2000). All sessions were conducted November 1998, except for two
Control sessions, which were conducted November 2000.
The procedures and instructional wording are modeled closely on Hoffman et al.’s (1994) Double Blind 2
treatment with certain necessary changes. In some ways, these anonymity procedures exceed theirs: the blank slips
are made of “money paper,” which has a color and consistency similar to actual money, and the donation is sealed
twice, once in the “Return” envelope and again in the packet.
envelope and seal and return the Return envelope to the packet.
Subjects in both rooms then complete brief Follow-up Questions, seal the form and return it
to the packet. The packet is sealed, and each subject proceeds individually to place it in the box.
Subjects in both rooms fill out receipts, Subject Pool Participation Slips, where applicable, and a
Subject Pool Questionnaire (which requests anonymous demographic information). Thereafter,
Room A subjects are free to go. Their packets are opened, the dollar bills and blanks are counted
and the dollars are replaced in the Return envelopes, which are then taken to Room B where they
are individually and randomly distributed to Room B subjects as they depart.
Each of the eight sections of the Main Questionnaire contained separate instruments: seven
well-being surveys and the MC Social Desirability Scale, which was included to gauge any
residual response bias. 18 Among the many well-being instruments available, the ones used were
chosen to represent a wide range of theories and methodologies and to test certain hypotheses
about the potential relationship between happiness and generosity. In addition, the aim was to
employ compact and easily administered measures, most of which have been previously tested in
a variety of circumstances and on different subject pools. One section is an exception and
presents a new set of questions. Nevertheless, the answer format for these questions is similar to
Fordyce’s Happiness Measures (1988), eliciting responses to four single-item questions on a
nine-point scale that ranges from “extremely unhappy” to “extremely happy.” The four new
questions are “Over the past week, what is the lowest level you experienced?” (LH), “Over the
past week, what is the highest level you experienced?” (HH), “Overall, how would you describe
yourself?” (OH) and “Right now, how would you describe yourself?” (NH). We considered it
important to include items that explicitly use the word “happy” or its cognates.
Three sections of the questionnaire examine the affective dimension of SWB, two dealing
with overall or long-run affect and one with transient or short-run affect. One of the former is
Bradburn’s (1969) five positive affect (PA) and five negative affect (NA) items, and the other is
The Appendix, which is available on request from the corresponding author, contains the items upon which these
measures are based in addition to two material well-being questions that were in the Follow-up Questions.
Watson, Clark and Tellegen’s (1988) Positive and Negative Affect Schedule Scales, which ask
subjects to evaluate their mood on the average by rating 10 positive affect (PAS) and 10 negative
affect (NAS) adjectives. A measure of short-run affect, or mood, is Batson, et al.’s (1988) Mood
Index (MI1), which contains seven items that make up the single scale and eight unrelated items
that serve as so-called “fillers” used to reduce hypothesis guessing. To capture cognitive life
satisfaction, Diener et al.’s (1985a) five item Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWL) was
administered. Measures of psychological well-being include Jones and Crandall’s (1986) compact
15 item, single-scale Self-Actualization Index (SAI), and the three-item per scale version of Ryff
and Keyes’ (1995) six Scales of Psychological Well-Being. For the latter, we construct a single
scale index (PWBI) rather than work with the six different scales.
The Follow-up Questions, which trail the allocation decision, consist of the Mood Index for a
second time (MI2) and two questions about material well-being (MWB). In most studies the latter
is represented by family income, but for this population, income is a problematic measure of
MWB. Since many students rely heavily on parents and other sources for financial support, the
students with higher incomes (being mostly earnings to support their education) are potentially
exactly the ones who are less well off materially. We addressed this by asking for two values that
seem both relevant and simple enough that most students could answer them reliably. One is the
subject’s total expenditures in dollars this school year. 19 This variable, however, omits in-kind
benefits (e.g., an automobile provided by parents) and ignores the fact that current expenditures
can represent future decreases in MWB (i.e., through student loans). We also include, therefore,
the gross annual income of the subject’s parents with possible responses grouped at $25,000
intervals into seven categories, the seventh being $150,000 or more. This is an alternative
measure of current MWB and, to the extent current and past parents’ incomes are similar relative
to their means, it also helps capture the cumulative or formative effect of relative affluence. The
Basic expenses on tuition, room and board averaged around $24,000 at this university, and most of the variation in
expenditures should reflect differences in their discretionary expenditures and current standard of living. The
approximately 14% of respondents reporting expenditures below $24,000 presumably include students living at
home as well as part-time students.
discrete answer format was chosen for this question after initial surveys suggested that students
appear more confident about ranges than about specific dollar amounts of parents’ income. 20
The redundant measures of crucial variables, including positive affect, negative affect, short
run affect, psychological well-being and material well-being, that were built into this study
provide a rare opportunity to examine the robustness of any effects involving those variables. All
SWB measures were collected in the Main Questionnaire prior to the allocation phase, indeed,
before subjects in either room knew they were advantaged as dictators or disadvantaged as
recipients. There were several reasons for this, including to clarify the size of the task and to
avoid any bias in SWB scores due to subject inferences about the purpose of the experiment or
expected compensation. Apart from these concerns, the timing should not matter for measures of
long-run SWB. Prior collection of the measures did, however, enable us to repeat a measure of
transient affect after the payment information phase in order to test for any effect of generosity on
short-run SWB. Specifically, we examine whether dictator generosity causes a change in mood
(MID) by subtracting the Mood Index prior to the allocation (MI1) from that immediately
following the decision (MI2), similar to Batson, et al. (1988). As a basis of comparison for this
mood change, a Control treatment was conducted with a separate group of subjects. The Control
treatment was identical to the Dictator treatment described thus far except for the omission of any
opportunity for Room A subjects to transfer any part of their $10 to Room B subjects, a fact that
was communicated to both rooms during the payment information phase.
A total of 186 subjects participated in this experiment consisting of 96 subjects in the four
One astute reader pointed out that what matters is parents’ disposable income, which varies, among other reasons,
with the number of offspring. This argument makes sense, but there are at least two other considerations that make it
problematic to implement in this study. First, on a conceptual point, to the extent parents’ income captures formative
influences of relative affluence, many of these effects have the quality of public goods and diminish, therefore, the
importance of the variable costs of children: the presence of books, usually well educated parents, good school
district, etc. Second, from a practical standpoint, it is likely that gross income was actually a less noisy variable than
net income given the same considerations that motivated using ranges of parents’ income rather than dollars:
students usually do not know parents’ income but rather are estimating it, and, in the US where this study was
conducted, almost all personally shared information on income is about gross rather than net income. On a separate
point, another reader recommended expected future income for a student population. Perhaps, but we are unaware of
any research on students suggesting that this would be more strongly related to SWB than current material wellbeing. Another possible proxy is the subject’s major, but, in order to protect subject anonymity, we deliberately
avoided eliciting demographic information in any way that it could be associated with other individual responses.
sessions of the Dictator treatment (12 pairs of subjects per session) and 90 subjects in the four
Control treatment (10 to 12 pairs per session). Total compensation per subject ranged from no
less than $5 to no more than $15 and averaged $10. The sessions lasted on average about 45
minutes such that, on an hourly basis, total compensation was a little over $13 per hour.
Moreover, after participating and receiving their payment, 96% of the 183 subjects responding
indicated that they would be willing to participate in other economics experiments.
3.2.Experimental Hypotheses
If generosity is, in fact, favorably correlated with SWB, this section presents four different
explanations about the underlying causal relationships. These four hypotheses are summarized in
Figure 1, which lists the variables, the specific measures used to test them and whether the
predicted relationship to a given measure is direct (+) or inverse (–).
Generosity Hypothesis: One explanation is that generosity causes happiness, i.e., people give
because it makes them feel better. Positive correlations between dictator gifts and long-run
measures of SWB are consistent with this hypothesis, if one assumes that 1) current giving is
representative of past patterns of giving, and 2) benefits accumulate to improve long-run SWB.
But this is non-specific evidence on this hypothesis, because all of the causal relationships we
will examine are consistent with such a correlation, including ones that posit direct causation in
the opposite direction and indirect causation through tertiary factors. As specific evidence of the
Generosity Hypothesis, therefore, we consider the following: more generous dictators experience
an improvement in short-run happiness. Indeed, if generosity favorably affects long-run SWB,
one would expect it to impact short-run SWB a fortiori. In the context of the experiment, we take
generosity as the size of the dictator gift, and the effect on short run happiness is measured by the
change in mood index (MID). The MID of dictators who give can also be compared with those
who do not. To examine a possible self-selection bias, however, one can also compare these MID
scores with those of Room A subjects in the Control sessions who had no opportunity to share.
Generosity Hypothesis:
Short run happiness
+ Change in Mood Index
Happiness Hypothesis:
Short run happiness
Now Happiness
Mood Index 1
+ Gift
Material Well-Being Hypothesis:
Long run hedonic happiness
Material well-being
Parents’ Income
+ Overall Happiness
+ Positive Affect
– Negative Affect
+ Satisfaction with Life
+ Gift
Psychological Well-Being Hypothesis:
Long run & peak happiness
+ Overall Happiness
+ Positive Affect
– Negative Affect
+ Highest Happiness
Psychological well-being
Psychological Well-Being Index
Self-Actualization Index
+ Giver
Figure 1. Summary of Hypotheses
Happiness Hypothesis: This explanation reverses the causality of the previous one and proposes
that happiness causes generosity: people act on emotion, and those who feel better give more. As
with the previous hypothesis, a correlation between long-run SWB and generosity is inconclusive
regarding causality. Thus, the Happiness Hypothesis proposes that more favorable short-run
happiness results in larger gifts. Specifically, the global measure of happiness now (NH) and the
index of mood (MI1), both taken just prior to the allocation decision, provide two possible
measures of short-run SWB that is posited to increase the size of gifts.
Material Well-Being Hypothesis: An alternative explanation is that both generosity and
happiness are caused by the third factor of material well-being. 21 The Material Well-Being
Hypothesis states that greater MWB causes improved SWB and, assuming giving is a normal
good, leads to larger dictator gifts. The chief indicators of the subjects’ material means are the
two measures of MWB reported by them. Consistent with the hedonic tradition, this hypothesis
relates to the stable causes and correlates of happiness, so we take SWB to be long run hedonic
happiness, i.e., materially advantaged subjects are predicted to score higher on overall happiness,
positive affect and life satisfaction, and lower on negative affect.
Psychological Well-Being Hypothesis: This explanation is based on the interpretation of PWB
proposed previously in section 2.4. It posits that the tertiary factor of psychological well-being
causes both happiness and generosity. The reader will remember that this framework proposes
that repeated acts of generosity contribute to higher PWB in the long run, which is indicated by
the dashed line pointing from Generosity to PWB in Figure 1. But this is not the causal relation
being measured, since this is a one-time experiment rather than a longitudinal study: subjects
bring their “stock” of PWB into the laboratory (with all of the previous behavior that has
determined it), complete questionnaires on PWB and SWB, and only then choose their
allocations. 22 In this manner, then, we examine whether PWB appears to contribute to long run
happiness and to short run generosity. Specifically, PWB is measured by the Psychological WellBeing Index (PWBI) and the Self-Actualization Index (SAI). 23 As described in section 2.4, the
Interestingly, Kenny (1999) and Lyubomirsky, King and Diener (2005) report evidence that happiness causes
MWB, viz., stronger economic growth in the former study and higher personal income in the latter.
Although such a measure was not included in this study, Konow (2007) does find, however, that previous service
activities are significantly and positively related to dictator generosity.
Since Ryff sees PWB as multi-dimensional, her Scales of Psychological Well-Being involve six separate scales,
but, for reasons of brevity and reliability, we constructed a single scale index using a subset of the original items. In
this context, reliability refers to the extent to which items assess the same quality (related to the strength of inter-item
correlations), but the six scales represent independent aspects of PWB. In addition, the abbreviated version we used
consists of only three items per scale, which have similarly low reliability, especially since they were deliberately
chosen for conceptual breadth rather than reliability (see Ryff and Keyes, 1995). In order to form a single scale that
incorporates all six of Ryff’s dimensions while seeking to favor reliability, we constructed the PWBI as follows: we
identified the significant inter-item correlations (p<.05), and, for each of the six scales, selected the one item that had
the highest average inter-item correlation. The resulting index consists of six items with their unweighted scores
summed (and reverse-scored, where applicable). Compared to an index composed of all items (which we used in a
previous draft of this paper), this scale has a somewhat higher average inter-item covariance and yields qualitatively
claim is that people with higher PWB experience greater long run happiness in the affective
dimensions as well as higher peaks, so we predict they will register higher overall happiness,
higher positive affect, lower negative affect and greater highest happiness. Finally, dictators high
in PWB should more likely be what we will call “Givers,” or subjects who give something (as
opposed to those who give nothing). But, based on previous findings reviewed above, we are
agnostic about the size of the gift: the eudaimonistic literature indicates that the optimal
“challenge” can be too small or too large, and positive psychology research suggests that very
small acts of kindness suffice to change well-being. Thus, dictator PWB should be directly
related to the likelihood of their being Givers, but not necessarily to the size of their gifts.
4. Results and Analysis
The experiment produced a rich data set. The Main Questionnaire and Follow-up Questions,
which all subjects completed, comprise 137 usable responses per subject. Given the 186
participants, this means there are 25,482 potential data points. Reassuringly, only three of these
25,482 items (or 0.01%) were not answered. 24 For dictators, an additional item is their allocation.
The Subject Pool Questionnaire also posed seven demographic questions, which followed the
experiment and cannot be associated with the responses there. It confirmed that these subjects
were representative of the general student population in terms of gender, ethnicity and college of
major, although they were, on average, younger, having been drawn from lower division classes.
We consider first generosity and well-being and whether they are correlated, and then we analyze
the evidence on the four hypotheses about the causal relationship between the two.
4.1.Generosity and Well-Being
Table 1 shows the Spearman-rank correlation coefficients, and below them the p-values, for
the subjective and psychological well-being measures using the pooled sample from all sessions
the same results for the tests reported here, although the significance level is usually higher.
These three items were reconstructed as the mean of their responses to other questions in each respective category.
Actually, there was a 138th question that was frequently left blank and is not counted among the variables reported.
This question asked for a second time, following the allocation phase, the NH question. The large number of nonresponses was obviously due to the fact that it was overlooked by many subjects because of how it appeared on the
Table 1. Spearman Correlation Matrix for Subjective and Psychological Well-Being Measures
(correlation coefficients and p-values)
Overall Happiness (OH)
Bradburn’s Positive Affect (PA)
Bradburn’s Negative Affect (NA)
Affect Balance Scale (ABS)
Positive Affect Schedule (PAS)
Negative Affect Schedule (NAS)
Now Happiness (NH)
Mood Index 1 (MI1)
Mood Index 2 (MI2)
Highest Happiness (HH)
Lowest Happiness (LH)
Satisfaction with Life (SWL)
Self-Actualization Index (SAI)
Psych. Well-Being Index (PWBI)
Table 2. Spearman Correlation Matrix for Subjective and Psychological Well-Being
with MC Social Desirability Scale and Material Well-Being
(correlation coefficients and p-values)
Marlowe-Crowne scale (MC) 0.13 -0.07 -0.24 0.14 0.27 -0.26 0.15 0.24 0.25 0.16 0.17 0.34 0.26 0.28
0.083 0.347 0.001 0.055 0.001 0.001 0.038 0.001 0.001 0.028 0.021 0.001 0.001 0.001
School year expenditures ($) 0.03 0.03 0.08 -0.07 -0.04 0.00 -0.02 -0.03 -0.05 0.01 -0.08 -0.04 -0.09 -0.03
0.700 0.707 0.264 0.320 0.616 0.953 0.761 0.682 0.474 0.854 0.246 0.602 0.218 0.694
Parent’s income
0.01 0.05 0.03 0.04 0.02 -0.02 -0.04 -0.02 -0.08 -0.05 -0.02 0.12 -0.07 -0.04
0.869 0.490 0.706 0.564 0.777 0.776 0.563 0.742 0.267 0.518 0.788 0.101 0.369 0.568
and rooms of the experiment. Although we otherwise treat PA and NA separately, their sum, which
is the Affect Balance Scale (ABS), is often reported and we also do so here. All of the 91
correlations are the expected sign, and all but five are significant at the 5% level, as indicated by
bold-type. These results are consistent with predictions about the SWB measures and support the
use of the new single-item happiness questions.
The Spearman correlations for all subjects of the subjective and psychological well-being
measures with the Marlowe-Crowne social desirability (MC) scale and material well-being are
summarized in Table 2. Of the 14 well-being measures, 11 correlate significantly with the MC
scale. These correlations, though, are typically weaker than those of SWB measures with one
another, and the MC scale accounts for no more than 10% of the variance of any variable. So,
these measures appear to be somewhat compromised, a fact of which one should take account.
Nevertheless, this effect is not serious, an inference reinforced by results reported later. Thus, the
anonymity measures were quite successful, and the subjects felt free to be candid (moreover, the
residual correlations may reflect a genuine relationship between SWB and socially oriented
behavior). Not one of the 14 subjective and psychological well-being measures is significantly
correlated with either of the two measures of MWB. In fact, only one of these 28 correlations is
significant even at the 20% level. This finding is not due to a lack of variation in MWB, as
illustrated in Figure 2A, which shows the distribution of expenditures during the school year, and
Figure 2B, which shows the annual income of parents.
Figure 3 illustrates the distribution of gifts from Room A dictators to Room B recipients. The
modal gift is nothing at all, which was chosen by 40% of dictators, followed by an even $5 split
(19%) and the minimum gift of $1 (17%), which is also the median. The mean allocation to Room
B among all Room A dictators is $2.25 and among just those who gave any positive amount is
$3.72. These transfers are at a typical level for dictator experiments, approximately intermediate to
the somewhat lower transfers in the Hoffman, et al. (1994) Double Blind 2 treatment and the
somewhat higher transfers in their replication of the Forsythe, et al. (1994) dictator experiment.
Frequency (%)
less than
36,000 or
Expenditures ($)
Figure 2A. Expenditures of Subjects
le s s th a n
2 5 ,0 0 0
2 5 ,0 0 0 < 5 0 ,0 0 0
5 0 ,0 0 0 < 7 5 ,0 0 0
7 5 ,0 0 0 < 1 0 0 ,0 0 0
1 0 0 ,0 0 0 < 1 2 5 ,0 0 0
1 2 5 ,0 0 0 < 1 5 0 ,0 0 0
1 5 0 ,0 0 0 o r
m o re
In c o m e ($ )
F ig u re 2 B .
A n n u a l In c o m e o f P a re n ts
Frequency (%)
Frequency (%)
G ift ($ )
F ig u re 3 . D ic ta to r G ifts
Table 3. Well-Being of Dictators
(mean scores)
Subjective Well-Being
Long-run Happiness/Affect
Overall Happiness (OH)
Bradburn’s Positive Affect (PA)
Bradburn’s Negative Affect (NA)
Positive Affect Schedule (PAS)
Negative Affect Schedule (NAS)
Highest/Lowest Happiness
Highest Happiness (HH)
Lowest Happiness (LH)
Short-run Happiness/Affect
Now Happiness (NH)
Mood Index Difference (MID)
Life Satisfaction
Satisfaction with Life (SWL)
Givers better/(worse)
off than Nongivers
(% Std Dev)
Psychological Well-Being
Psychological Well-Being Index (PWBI) 31.36
Self-Actualization Index (SAI)
Material Well-Being
School year expenditures ($)
Parents’ income
Notes: */** indicates significance at the 10/5% level according to one-tail t-tests of the null hypothesis that
Givers are better off than Nongivers (e.g., that they have higher positive affect, lower negative affect,
higher income, etc.); parents’ income is on a point scale, with each point representing $25,000 (i.e., 3 is
$50,000-<$75,000, 4 is $75,000-<$100,000, etc.); n=48.
Turning now to the relationship between dictator generosity and well-being, Table 3
summarizes the mean scores on well-being measures of dictators, who have been bifurcated into
those who transferred $1 or more (the Givers) and those who kept the entire $10 (the Nongivers).
The final column shows the difference between the two mean scores expressed as a percentage of
standard deviation, whereby parentheses designate a worse score for Givers (e.g., lower happiness
or higher negative affect). Most measures of long-run happiness or affect are consistent with
Givers being happier: they score significantly higher in terms of overall happiness (OH), positive
affect (PA) but not significantly lower on negative affect (NA), according to the Bradburn scales,
whereas they experience more positive (PAS, p=.08) and less negative affect (NAS), according to
the PANAS scales. The one surprising result here concerns Bradburn’s measure of negative affect.
We conducted numerous additional tests on this instrument and found that the relation of NA to
generosity is usually insignificant or, occasionally as here, contrary to any established hypothesis
about generosity and happiness and opposite the direction indicated by every other significant
measure. We conclude that NA is not a helpful indicator in the context of this experiment and omit
it from further analysis. 25
Of the remaining measures of subjective well-being, only highest happiness (HH) is
significant: Givers reach significantly higher peaks than Nongivers. Lowest happiness (LH) is not
significant, implying that both groups experience on average similar weekly lows around the third
point on the scale: “unhappy.” The measures of short-run happiness and affect, happiness now
(NH) and the change in mood index (MID), also do not differ. The cognitive measure of long-run
SWB, satisfaction with life (SWL), is statistically equal for both groups. Psychological well-being,
on the other hand, is significantly greater for Givers, according to both measures: the
psychological well-being index (PWBI) and the self-actualization index (SAI). Finally, the MWB
of Givers, as measured by their own expenditures and their parent’s income, is not significantly
greater than that of Nongivers, suggesting that this does not account for differences in giving,
anymore than it explained differences in SWB.
Given the low variance that is typical for SWB data, comparing mean scores understates the
magnitude of differences between Givers and Nongivers. Of the statistically significant
differences in long run happiness, the mean difference between Givers and Nongivers is equal to
41% to 82% of a standard deviation. Givers have higher peak happiness by 59% of a standard
deviation, and their psychological well-being is greater by 57% to 73% of a standard deviation.
The finding about NA may be an artifact: whereas NAS measures average affect, NA may be capturing more the
recent occurrence of affective experiences (the largest anomalous difference between Givers and Nongivers on NA
occurred on the question “During the past few weeks did you ever feel upset because someone criticized you?”). One
possible explanation for the differing results between the NA and NAS scales is that, ceteris paribus, generosity is
associated with less negative affect but with greater negative affective experiences, whereby the latter promote
sharing by sharpening dictators’ awareness of the effects of unkind behavior.
Put another way, the differences in mean scores relative to the number of points on each
respective scale ranges from 5% for PAS to 15% for PA. By comparison, the equivalent
differences for a variety of dramatic life events are 3% for winning the lottery (Brickman et al.,
1978), 7% for being one of the Forbes superrich (Diener et al., 1985b), 14% for becoming a
paraplegic accident victim (Brickman, et al., 1978) and 12% for being unemployed (Clark and
Oswald, 1994). As examples, Figures 4A, 4B and 4C illustrate the frequency distributions of
responses for three measures for Givers versus Nongivers: Overall happiness (OH), Bradburn’s
positive affect (PA) and the self-actualization index (SAI).
Thus, there is evidence from the summary statistics presented so far of a favorable
relationship between generosity and well-being, in particular, with long-run measures of affect, of
overall and peak happiness, and of psychological well-being. The analysis turns now to
multivariate regression, which treats the various well-being measures as dependent variables and
giving, MWB, MC scores and recruitment technique as independent variables. Since the
dependent variable here is ordinal, we employ a method that also enables us to evaluate scales
qualitatively. Based on both theory and practice, ordered logit and ordered probit are generally
regarded as equally valid procedures for the purpose at hand (Allison, 1999 and Greene, 1997).
We use ordered logit (or logistic regression) since it produces a nice statistic, called the odds ratio,
not generated by ordered probit, for interpreting the impact of independent variables. 26
Various regressions were conducted with different specifications for giving. Independent
variables included gift in dollars, gift plus gift squared, log of gift, and a dummy variable for
Giver equal to 1 if the dictator gave $1 or more and to 0 if he or she gave nothing. These
To understand this technique, consider first a binary logit model in which the left-hand side variable is a
1 − pi
For example, if the probability of subject i being happy is 0.75, then his odds of being happy is the probability of
being happy divided by the probability of being unhappy, or 3=0.75/0.25 (sometimes expressed 3:1 or 3 to 1).
Similarly, if pi =0.25, the odds ratio equals 1/3, and if pi=0.5, the odds ratio equals 1. The left-hand side variable in
the logit model is the log of the odds ratio, called the logit. Ordered logit is the logical extension of binary logit to
three or more ordered categories, e.g., happy, neutral and unhappy. Maximum likelihood estimates of parameters are
calculated for both the left-hand side variables (measures of well-being) and the right-hand side variables (e.g.,
measures of generosity, MWB, etc.).
dichotomous outcome, e.g., happy or unhappy. If pi is the probability of event i, then the odds ratio is simply
somewhat happy
very happy
Overall Happiness
Figure 4A. Overall Happiness for Dictators
G iv e r s
N o n g iv e r s
Frequency (%)
P o s itiv e A f f e c t S c o r e
F ig u r e 4 B . B r a d b u r n 's P o s itiv e A f f e c t f o r D ic ta to r s
G iv e rs
N o n g iv e rs
Frequency (%)
Frequency (%)
3 5 o r le s s
3 6 -4 0
4 1 -4 5
4 6 -5 0
S e lf-A c tu a liz a tio n In d e x S c o re
F ig u re 4 C . S e lf- A c tu a liz a tio n I n d e x fo r D ic ta to r s
5 1 o r m o re
Table 4. Summary of Ordered Logit Regression Results
Coefficients (Odds ratios)
Subjective Well-Being
Long-run Happiness/Affect
Overall Happiness (OH)
Material well-being
Expenditures Parents’
MarloweCrowne Recruitment
1.07 (2.92)* –0.13 (0.88)**
0.04 (1.04) 0.82 (2.27)
0.96 (2.61)*
–0.18 (0.84) 0.05 (1.05) 0.67 (1.95)
Bradburn’s Pos. Affect (PA) 1.22 (3.38)** 0.06 (1.06)
–0.04 (0.96) –0.11 (0.90)
1.33 (3.77)**
–0.15 (0.86) –0.06 (0.94) 0.10 (1.10)
Pos. Affect Schedule (PAS) 0.86 (2.35)* –0.02 (0.98)
0.13 (1.14)** 0.15 (1.16)
0.83 (2.29)
0.03 (1.03) 0.14 (1.15)** 0.08 (1.08)
Neg. Affect Schedule (NAS) –0.87 (0.42)* 0.01 (1.01)
–0.07 (0.93) –0.17 (0.84)
–1.06 (0.35)**
0.29 (1.34)* –0.06 (0.94) –0.26 (0.77)
Highest/Lowest Happiness
Highest Happiness (HH)
1.22 (3.40)** 0.13 (1.14)**
0.10 (1.10)* 0.08 (1.09)
1.39 (4.02)**
–0.22 (0.81) 0.05 (1.05) 0.48 (1.62)
Lowest Happiness (LH)
–0.04 (0.96)
0.02 (1.02)
0.05 (1.05) –0.19 (0.82)
–0.06 (0.94)
0.12 (1.13) 0.06 (1.06) –0.22 (0.80)
Short-run Happiness/Affect
Now Happiness (NH)
–0.22 (0.80) –0.04 (0.96)
0.05 (1.05) –0.01 (0.99)
–0.23 (0.79)
–0.07 (0.93) 0.05 (1.05) –0.09 (0.91)
Change Mood Index (MID) 0.32 (1.38) –0.08 (0.92)*
–0.06 (0.94) –0.13 (0.88)
0.21 (1.24)
0.21 (1.23) –0.04 (0.96) –0.37 (0.69)
Life Satisfaction
Satisfaction with Life (SWL) 0.21 (1.23) –0.02 (0.98)
0.19 (1.21)** –0.56 (0.57)
0.13 (1.14)
0.13 (1.14) 0.20 (1.22)** –0.67 (0.51)
Psychological Well-Being
Psych. WB Index (PWBI)
Self-Actualiz. Index (SAI)
1.57 (4.80)** 0.02 (1.02)
0.17 (1.19)** 0.22 (1.24)
1.61 (5.02)**
–0.14 (0.87) 0.16 (1.17)** 0.36 (1.44)
1.46 (4.32)** –0.07 (0.93)
0.13 (1.14)** 0.91 (2.49)*
1.54 (4.66)**
–0.22 (0.80) 0.13 (1.14)** 0.87 (2.39)*
Notes: */** indicates significance at the 10/5% level; values in parentheses refer to odds ratios; n=48.
regressions yielded similar effects in terms of sign, although the best fit was associated with the
Giver dummy. That is, the size of the gift did not matter for these well-being measures. We report,
therefore, only the results using the Giver dummy, which are also considerably easier to interpret
(this also validates the distinction made on Table 3 between Givers and Nongivers). Table 4
presents a summary of the regression results. The dependent well-being variables are noted in the
first column and the Giver dummy in the second. Separate regressions are reported for each of the
two MWB measures: expenditures in thousands of dollars and parents’ income. The MarloweCrowne scale is included to control for a response bias, and, finally, the recruitment dummy
equals 1 if the subject was recruited from a class explicitly for money and 0 if the subject
originally signed up to fulfill a class requirement.
Let us begin with a simple example of how these results can be interpreted. The second row
for Highest Happiness presents the findings for the regression of this variable on parents’ income,
the MC scale and the recruitment dummy. In the Giver column, the first value of 1.39 is the
coefficient from the ordered logit. The positive value indicates that being a Giver is associated
with greater peak happiness, but it is not a convenient statistic for interpreting the magnitude of
this effect. A somewhat better number for this purpose is the odds ratio, which is the second value
in parentheses. The odds ratio of 4.02 for the Giver dummy means that the predicted odds of a
Giver achieving highest happiness are about four times those for Nongivers. That is, if the odds of
a particular Nongiver having peak happiness are 1, then the odds of an equivalent Giver (one with
the same parents’ income, MC score and recruitment method) achieving this are about 4. Or, if a
particular Nongiver’s odds of highest happiness are 1/2, an equivalent Giver’s odds are about 2.
This holds irrespective of the values of the right-hand side variables or of the break-off point for
defining highest happiness. These factors affect the odds but not the odds ratio between Givers
and Nongivers. This result is significant at the 5% level.
The remaining explanatory variables are not significant, but it is helpful to review how to
interpret them. The coefficient of -0.22 on parents’ income indicates that this is inversely related
to highest happiness. Just as a positive coefficient corresponds to an odds ratio greater than 1, a
negative coefficient corresponds to an odds ratio of less than 1. The odds ratio indicates the effect
of a one-unit change, so a value of 0.81 means that a one point increase in parents’ income (about
$25,000) reduces the odds of highest happiness by 0.81 or, put differently, increases the odds of
forgoing highest happiness by 23% (from the inverse 1/0.81). The odds ratio of 1.05 for the MC
scale suggests that a one point increase in the 33-point MC scale results in a 5% increase in the
odds of reported (in this case, overreported) peak happiness, and the odds ratio on the recruitment
dummy means subjects recruited from classes for money have greater odds of highest happiness.
Reviewing the results on this table as a whole, we see that they largely corroborate what the
summary statistics show. Giving is not significantly related to short run happiness or affect, lowest
happiness and life satisfaction. The significant results on subjective and psychological well-being
are correlated in the same way. Highest happiness and the two psychological well-being measures
continue to be highly significant. Givers have about 3 to 4 times greater odds of highest happiness
and 4 to 5 times greater odds of psychological well-being. Some of the measures of long run
happiness, though, slip in significance somewhat, depending mostly on the specification for
MWB. Relative to Nongivers, Givers have approximately 2 to 4 times greater odds of overall
happiness and positive affect and about 40% the odds of negative affect. Only four of the 22
MWB coefficients are significant (two marginally), and three of these suggest an unfavorable
effect of MWB on SWB. 27 Finally, controlling for other variables, only four of the well-being
measures (PAS, SWL, PWBI and SAI) are significantly related to the MC scale, whereas NAS, NH,
HH and LH, which were significant using simple correlation coefficients, are no longer
significant. The recruitment dummy is insignificant, except for marginally significant case of SAI,
suggesting recruitment method was not important for this experiment.
4.2.Analysis of Hypotheses
The results presented above establish that generosity is favorably correlated with certain
measures of well-being in this experiment. We now consider each of the four hypotheses, outlined
in the previous section, about possible causes for these correlations.
Generosity Hypothesis: According to this, people give in order to feel better, in which case one
would expect Givers to experience, on average, a more favorable mood change, or MID score. As
indicated in Table 3, however, the 0.67 mean mood improvement of Givers is not significantly
greater than the 0.51 value for Nongivers (p=0.323), and this is further substantiated with the
ordered logit results reported in Table 4. Nevertheless, this could be due to self-selection: some,
Even for the one positive and significant finding, an interpretation of the coefficients implies a minor role for
MWB relative to giving: the boost in highest happiness from being a Giver is equivalent to having approximately
$9500 of additional expenditures over the school year. This is striking since being a Giver is associated with giving as
little as one dollar, and on average $3.72, whereas $9500 is 1.75 standard deviations from the mean expenditures of
who are made happier by giving, do so, whereas others, who are made happier by not giving, do
not. 28 For this reason, we also consider the MID scores of Room A subjects in the Control group,
who had no opportunity to share their $10 endowment. Room A subjects in the Dictator treatment
should experience, on average, a bigger boost in mood than their counterparts in the Control since
subjects who are made happier by giving should register a larger improvement in mood in the
former versus the latter treatment (and subjects whose happiness is not improved by giving should
be unaffected by the difference in treatments). Table 5 summarizes the mean MID values for
Rooms A and B in both the Dictator and Control treatments. The mood change reported by Room
A subjects in the Dictator treatment (0.60) is not significantly greater (p=0.947) than the Control
(1.02), in fact, the Control MID is larger. Even if one takes just the Givers in the Dictator
treatment, who presumably benefit from giving, their mean MID of 0.67 is not greater than that in
the Room A Control (p=0.887), as indicated in the last line of the table. Using gift in dollars as an
independent variable in ordered logit regressions similarly produces no significant results. Thus,
we find no evidence that generosity directly causes happiness.
Table 5. Mean Mood Change (MID)
Room A
Room B
H0: Room A>Room B
Using Givers only in Dictator Treatment:
Room A
H0: Dictator>Control
Happiness Hypothesis: This hypothesis reverses the causality from the previous one and
proposes that happiness causes generosity. Specifically, subjects who enjoy greater happiness
(NH) or a better mood (MI1) just prior to the allocation decision are hypothesized to be more
generous. Table 6 summarizes the results on dictator generosity as they pertain to this and the
We are indebted to George Loewenstein for first pointing out to us the need to state this point explicitly.
other two remaining hypotheses. As one test of the happiness hypothesis, for example, subjects are
split at the median value for NH. The first column shows the mean gifts of those with high NH
($2.07) and low NH ($2.53), respectively, and the p-value of 0.58 from a one-tail t-test of the null
hypothesis that high NH subjects are more generous than low NH subjects. Thus, high NH
subjects actually give less than low NH subjects, but this difference is not significant. Although
the happiness hypothesis was only formulated with respect to gift size, it is interesting to see
whether the decision to give is related to pre-allocation happiness. The second column indicates
that 62.1% of high NH subjects gave something as opposed to 57.9% of low NH subjects, again an
insignificant difference. Using MI1 as a measure of mood, we also fail to find any evidence in
support of the happiness hypothesis, in fact, both the gift size and the decision to give are
insignificantly opposite expectations for them. Multivariate analysis leads to similar results. In
OLS regressions of the Gift on NH or MI1, Expenditures or Parents’ income, and the Recruitment
dummy, we find no statistically significant relationships. In binary logit regressions in which the
dependent variable is {1,0}={Giver, Nongiver}, none of the coefficients on NH, MI1,
Expenditures, Parents’ income or the Recruitment dummy is significant at conventional levels.
Thus, we find no evidence that happiness causes generosity.
Table 6. Dictator Generosity
(Mean Gifts, % of Givers)
Happiness Hypothesis
Material Well-Being Hyp
Psych Well-Being Hyp
Parents’ Inc
Gift Givers Gift Givers Gift Givers Gift Givers Gift Givers Gift Givers
High 2.07 62.1
Low 2.53 57.9
p-value 0.71 0.39
Notes: For each variable (e.g., NH), dictators are split into those who score at or above the median in terms of that
variable (High) and those who are below the median of that variable (Low). The Gift columns indicate the mean gifts
for each group as well as the p-value for a one-tail t-test of the null hypothesis that the Gift of the High group is
greater than that of the Low group. The Giver columns show the proportion of givers for each group and the p-value
for a one-tail z-test of the hypothesis that the fraction of Givers in the High group exceed that in the Low group.
Results that pertain to the specific predictions of each hypothesis are indicated in boxes, and significant results are in
bold type.
Material Well-Being Hypothesis: Is material well-being the tertiary causal factor of both
generosity and happiness? First, on the MWB-generosity relation, the middle rubric of Table 6
shows no support that subjects with high expenditures or parents’ income give any more in dollar
terms or are any more likely to give. Similarly, OLS regressions of dictator Gifts on either
measure of MWB, both with and without the Recruitment dummy, yield no significant results. The
same is true of binary logit regressions of the Giver variable on these explanatory variables.
Table 7. Results on Hedonic Happiness and Material Well-Being
MWB Measure
Mean Scores
Parents’ income
Notes: Dictators are split into those who score at or above the median MWB and those who are below it. Each column
indicates the mean SWB for each group and the p-value for a one-tail t-test of the null hypothesis that High group is
better than the Low group in terms of hedonic happiness.
Regarding the MWB-happiness relation, there is no initial support from any of the 28
correlation coefficients on Table 2. Analogous to Table 6, Table 7 splits subjects at the median for
each of the two measures of MWB and reports mean values of the relevant hedonic happiness
measures (OH, PA, PAS, NAS and SWL) separately for High and Low MWB subjects. None of the
predictions of this hypothesis for SWB is significant at conventional levels. There is weakly
significant evidence that expenditures increase PA but also that parents’ income decreases OH
(opposite the hypothesis). Regression analysis comes to similar conclusions. As previously
discussed, only one of the 18 MWB odds ratios for the ordered logit regressions reported on Table
4 indicates a significant favorable impact on SWB, and three suggest the opposite effect. 29 Thus,
Although the happiness hypothesis is formulated with respect to long run hedonic happiness, the pattern of mood
changes displayed on Table 5 might be seen as consistent with this hypothesis for short run happiness: Room A
subjects, whose payments are usually larger than those of Room B subjects, also experience significantly greater
mood improvements. Nevertheless, only Room A subjects know their actual payments at the time they complete the
second mood index, so Room B mood change is based on expectations of payment, or perhaps on something
the evidence does not favor MWB as the factor that causes generosity or happiness.
Psychological Well-Being Hypothesis: We have seen from a comparison of means (Table 3) and
ordered logit regressions (Table 4) that Givers are more likely to be psychologically healthy and
self-actualizing. In fact, these are the quantitatively largest and statistically most significant results
between giving and well-being from the ordered logit analysis. The claim advanced by this
hypothesis, however, is that those higher in PWB are more likely to be Givers and will have more
favorable overall happiness, peak happiness and affect. On the first question of PWB and
generosity, the right hand rubric of Table 6 is affirmative. Whereas 79.2% of High PWBI subjects
give some positive amount, only 41.7% of Low PWBI subjects do so. Similarly, 73.1% of High
SAI subjects decide to give, but only 45.4% of Low SAI subjects. Both of these results are
statistically significant. Although this hypothesis does not state whether high PWB subjects will
give more in dollar terms, it turns out that they do, although these differences are not significant.
The Giver-PWB relation is also corroborated by the multivariate analysis reported in Table 9. The
first two rows of the top rubric summarize logit regressions of the Giver dummy on PWBI, the two
MWB measures (separately) and the recruitment dummy. These indicate that a one point increase
in the 31 point PWBI scale is associated with a significant 23%-26% increase in the odds of
giving. Similarly, the first two rows of the bottom rubric presents the results of the analogous
regression on SAI and indicate that a one point increase on the 46 point SAI scale significantly
increases the odds of giving by between 14% and 16%.
On the PWB-SWB relation, Table 8 presents results in a format analogous to Tables 6 and 7.
Those high in PWB register more favorably on all relevant SWB measures, and all but one of
these differences is significant. Multivariate ordered logit regressions summarized in Table 9
come to almost identical conclusions: both PWB measures indicate a favorable effect on all the
targeted SWB measures, and the significance levels are also the same as in Table 8, save the
altogether different such as the asymmetric power relation. In the absence of any significant correlation between
payment amount and mood change for Room A subjects, the latter seems the more plausible explanation for the Room
B mood change.
Table 8. Results on Subjective and Psychological Well-Being
PWB Measure
Mean Scores
Psych. WB Index (PWBI)
Self-Actual. Index (SAI)
Notes: Dictators are split into those who score at or above the median PWB and those who are below it. Each column
indicates the mean SWB for each group and the p-value for a one-tail t-test of the null hypothesis that High group is
better than the Low group in terms of SWB. Significant results are in bold type.
Table 9. Summary of Logit Regressions on Psychological Well-Being
Coefficients (Odds ratios)
Material well-being
Expenditures Parents’
Dependent variable
PWB Measure: Psych. WB Index
Giver dummy
0.21 (1.23)** 0.04 (1.04)
–0.38 (0.68)
0.23 (1.26)**
0.22 (1.25)
–0.39 (0.68)
Overall Happiness (OH)
0.39 (1.48)** –0.15 (0.86)**
–0.06 (0.94) 0.85 (2.35)
0.33 (1.39)**
–0.07 (0.93) –0.03 (0.97) 0.59 (1.80)
Bradburn’s Pos. Affect (PA) 0.27 (1.31)** 0.06 (1.06)
–0.11 (0.90)* –0.29 (0.75)
0.28 (1.32)**
–0.03 (0.97) –0.11 (0.89)* –0.13 (0.88)
Pos. Affect Schedule (PAS) 0.29 (1.33)** –0.03 (0.97)
0.06 (1.06) 0.23 (1.26)
0.28 (1.32)**
0.07 (1.07) 0.07 (1.07)* 0.10 (1.11)
Neg. Affect Schedule (NAS) –0.29 (0.75)** 0.04 (1.04)
–0.00 (1.00) –0.18 (0.84)
–0.28 (0.76)**
0.23 (1.26) 0.01 (1.01) –0.23 (0.79)
Highest Happiness (HH)
0.27 (1.31)** 0.13 (1.13)**
0.03 (1.03) 0.13 (1.14)
0.27 (1.31)**
–0.10 (0.91) –0.01 (0.99) 0.48 (1.61)
PWB Measure: Self-Actual. Index
Giver dummy
0.15 (1.16)** 0.08 (1.09)
–0.73 (0.48)
0.13 (1.14)**
0.16 (1.18)
–0.54 (0.58)
Overall Happiness (OH)
0.16 (1.18)** –0.10 (0.90)*
–0.03 (0.97) 0.39 (1.47)
0.18 (1.19)**
–0.07 (0.93) –0.02 (0.98) 0.17 (1.19)
Bradburn’s Pos. Affect (PA) 0.23 (1.26)** 0.14 (1.16)**
–0.11 (0.90)*–0.95 (0.39)
0.17 (1.19)**
–0.07 (0.93) –0.11 (0.90)* –0.41 (0.66)
Pos. Affect Schedule (PAS) 0.21 (1.24)** 0.04 (1.05)
0.09 (1.10)* –0.54 (0.58)
0.21 (1.23)**
0.17 (1.19) 0.10 (1.10)* –0.38 (0.68)
Neg. Affect Schedule (NAS) –0.09 (0.92)* –0.00 (1.00)
–0.04 (0.96) –0.02 (0.98)
–0.08 (0.92)
0.22 (1.25) –0.03 (0.98) –0.09 (0.91)
Highest Happiness (HH)
0.06 (1.06)
0.15 (1.16)**
0.07 (1.08) –0.09 (0.92)
0.02 (1.02)
–0.14 (0.87) 0.04 (1.04) 0.31 (1.37)
Notes: */** indicates significance at the 10/5% level; n=48.
effect of SAI on NAS, which slips to borderline significance (with p-values of .09 to .11). More
generally, the signs of the coefficients on the PWB measures are as predicted for all 24 regressions
in Table 9, and of the four regressions for each of the dependent variables, all four are significant
for Giver, OH, PA and PAS, and two of four are significant for NAS and HH.
Thus, the PWB-Giver and PWB-SWB relations are consistent with the psychological wellbeing hypothesis and prove to be very robust with respect to alternate specifications of PWB,
SWB, MWB and method of analysis, as seen in Tables 6, 8 and 9. Even the weaker significance of
some measures of the SWB-Giver relation in Table 4 is supportive: the PWB hypothesis states
that the only direct relations are PWB-Giver and PWB-SWB, both of which are presumably
subject to independent error, a fact that would weaken the indirect SWB-Giver relation.
Nevertheless, an alternative explanation for the PWB-Giver-SWB relationship is that longrun SWB (in this study, OH, PA, PAS and NAS) causes both giving and PWB, a conjecture we
will call the Subjective Well-Being (or SWB) Hypothesis (note that the Happiness Hypothesis
posited only an effect of short-run SWB on giving). 30 The aforementioned weakness of the SWBGiver relation counts against this, but a more formal test is also possible. If the PWB Hypothesis
is correct, all of the covariance between long-run SWB variables and giving operates through
PWB. Thus, if we regress long-run SWB on PWB, adding the Giver dummy to these regressions
should not improve the explanatory power of the regression, or the goodness-of-fit, but adding the
Giver dummy to regressions of PWB on SWB should improve the goodness-of-fit. If, on the other
hand, the SWB Hypothesis is correct, these predictions are reversed: adding the Giver dummy to
regressions of SWB on PWB should significantly improve goodness-of-fit, whereas it will have no
effect on goodness-of-fit for regressions of PWB on SWB.
Table 10 presents the results for the likelihood ratio test that adding the Giver dummy
significantly increases the goodness-of-fit measure for these ordered logit regressions. The first
rubric presents the likelihood ratios and p-values for regressions of the SWB variables on the
We wish to thank a referee for suggesting that we test this alternative hypothesis.
PWB variables, the MC scale, the Recruitment dummy and Expenditures, as the MWB variable in
columns 3 and 4, or, alternately, Parents’ income as the MWB variable in columns 5 and 6. These
tests demonstrate that adding the Giver dummy does not increase goodness-of-fit in any of the
sixteen regressions at conventional levels of significance (indeed, only one is borderline
significant even at the 10 percent level). Thus, these results support the PWB Hypothesis over the
SWB Hypothesis. The second rubric is analogous but presents the statistics for regressions of the
PWB variables on the SWB and other variables. Adding the Giver dummy to these regressions
increases goodness of fit at the 5% level of significance for 14 of the 16 cases, and even the two
remaining cases (with PA as an independent variable) only barely miss significance at this level.
Thus, the results from these regressions and the previous ones are highly supportive of the PWB
Hypothesis over the SWB Hypothesis.
Table 10. Goodness-of-Fit Tests
for the Addition of the Giver Dummy
Bradburn’s Pos. Affect (PA) PWBI
Pos. Affect Schedule (PAS) PWBI
Neg. Affect Schedule (NAS) PWBI
Parents’ Income
Psych. WB Index (PWBI)
Dependent variable
Overall Happiness (OH)
Self-Actual. Index (SAI)
Notes: LR denotes the likelihood ratio. These ordered logit regressions also include the Marlowe-Crowne
scale and the Recruitment dummy as independent variables.
5. Conclusions
Numerous careful investigations (e.g., Blanchflower and Oswald, 2004, Easterlin, 2001,
McBride, 2001) have established that income growth leads to little or no increase in aggregate
happiness. More generally, this is consistent with the “hedonic treadmill,” the theory that, because
of adaptation, attempts to increase happiness are for naught, rather like the myth of Sisyphus, who
was condemned to roll a huge stone to the top of a hill, only to have it roll back down, and
ceaselessly to repeat this futile exercise. 31 Many in the recent positive psychology movement, on
the other hand, claim to identify factors that improve subjective well-being in the long run. The
current study is informed by and seeks to reconcile both types of findings. Specifically, it appears
that the pursuit of happiness can, indeed, be likened to a Sisyphusean task with its endless
challenges that result in fluctuations around a relatively stable steady state. Nevertheless, the
crucial point is that it matters which stone one rolls up the hill: some tasks, such as helping others,
appear capable of sustaining happiness at a higher average level than other goals, like the pursuit
of material wealth.
This study presents evidence indicating that happiness and intrinsic generosity are favorably
related and that psychological well-being is the causal factor. This builds on other recent evidence
that altruistic behavior contributes in the long run to subjective well-being (Boehm and
Lyubomirsky, 2006, Meier and Stutzer, 2007, and Switzer et al., 1995) and psychological wellbeing (Sheldon and Lyubomirsky, 2006, and Thoits and Hewitt, 2001). Together such findings
suggest that greater attention should be paid to the benefits of policies that promote charitable
behavior, volunteerism, service education, community activities, political involvement, and social
policies and institutions that foster psychological well-being. Nevertheless, the hedonistic
paradox, which these results support, is also a caveat: “pleasure to be got must be forgot.”
Although he never faltered in his belief in happiness as an end, John Stuart Mill cautioned that it
could not be attained by making it such:
Those only are happy, I thought, who have their minds fixed on some object other than their own
happiness, on the happiness of others, on the improvement of mankind, even on some art or pursuit,
followed not as a means, but as itself an ideal end. Aiming thus at something else, they find happiness by
We are indebted to Claudia Senik for this metaphor, which she introduced at the recent Conference on the
Economics of Happiness.
the way. [Mill, 1893, pg. 117]
By this view, findings such as those presented in this study should not be oversimplified and
taken, for example, to imply benefits from generosity that is consciously pursued as a means to
increase one’s own happiness. Rather, any policies informed by such research must be carefully
crafted and implemented in light of the gradual and long run benefits of altruistic behavior on
psychological, and consequently, subjective well-being.
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