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Hong Kong Economic Journal, 31 December 2014
4 pages
1 file
The day before Christmas I spent an afternoon walking around Central. It was busier than ever. The offices were mostly closed but the shops were open. My visits to Central are invariably to attend a business meeting or have a business lunch. I usually hurry through and hardly ever pause to take in the place and enjoy the experience of being on the streets of Central. But on this day before Christmas I had plenty of time.
Journal of the European Pentecostal Theological Association, 1995
AIOCS blog
Forebodings I have a politically active liberal friend who in the aftermath of the Trump victory believes rather fervently that 'clarity,' not 'hope,' is the opposite of 'despair.' To be awake to unpleasant, even dire, realities and resist the temptations of denial demands increasing resolve in the face of the mounting evidence that the human species is facing a biopolitical moment threatening civilizational collapse and species decline and fall as never before. Wakefulness can give rise to mindfulness, encouraging radical choices of right action individually, and even possibly collectively. My friend's clarity was more narrowly focused—limited to recovering and carrying on in America after the unexpected electoral victory of Trump. For those of us living here, the fear of what Trump will do 'to make America great again' is overwhelming and deeply depressing without taking the slightest account of the biopolitical crisis threatening the future of the human habitat as well as already producing the extinction of many species that are being swept away by forces beyond their, and more often, our control.
Implicit Religion, 2011
Introduction Many people associate me with food. Apparently, after meeting the then chair of the Department of Psychology at Unisa at the end of 2003 to discuss my joining the department through the merger of Unisa, Technikon South African and Vudec, he reported back to colleagues: “He cooks.” From early mornings, when you pass my office on the fifth floor of the Theo van Wijk Building, you smell coffee. And you hear talking and laughing. There are two pots brewing and colleagues join for a chat and to have coffee. And of course there is often a bowl of rusks, muffins and strawberries. Food is a way of bringing people together, and I live the metaphor of breaking bread together. Room 5-52 is more than just an office. It is a space of sharing, of becoming and of being. It is a space where stories are told, meetings take place, and colleagues co-write. It is a space where new colleagues are invited and welcomed, a space that alumni students return to. In such moments when colleagues a...
This is a sermon preached at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine, New York City, December 16, 2001, after a night at St. Paul's Chapel which functioned as a respite center for the 9/11 disaster recovery at 'Ground Zero' in New York City, after the terrorist attacks that caused the destruction of the World Trade Center and a mass casualty incident.
The 2020 Christmas invites all the consecrated men and women around the world to celebrate it during the pandemic COVID-19 which is profoundly affecting human life around the globe. Jesus is close to His people in this period as many are affected to fear, anxiety and perhaps even despair. Jesus incarnation becomes very significant and challenging amidst the pain and struggles of the world. The God of love gave us life in sending his only son to be with us at all times and in all places so that we never have to feel lost in our struggles, pains and sickness but always can trust Him as He lives in us. During this pandemic COVID-19, as our hopes crush, and our dreams collapse, the Grace and Presence of Jesus is designed to liberate us through His Incarnation.
Routledge eBooks, 2022
On 6 April, two and a half months ahead of the opening, the previously unimaginable cancellation of the Roskilde Festival 2020 was announced. In its 50th jubilee year with 130,000 tickets sold, the festival was called off. The decision came because of the global pandemic and three weeks after the cancellation of Glastonbury Festival's 50th anniversary event. The news left participants in a state of shock, and sociologists with an opportunity to study the responses to the disruption of a super-sized and iconic youth cultural event. The following year, in 2021, the festival was cancelled again. Festivals have long provided a frame for studying shared emotions and the experience of collective effervescence and solidarity (Collins 2020). By drawing on Durkheim's idea that societies regularly need to re-establish social bonds and solidarities in order to create the social order, festivals offer a frame for the confirmation of the community through collective effervescence: 'There can be no society, which does not feel the need of upholding and reaffirming at regular intervals the collective sentiments and the collective ideas, which make [up] its unity and its personality' (Durkheim [1912] 1995: 474-75). Contributions to understanding what elements play a role in emotional attachments to festivals are well established: Fabiani (2005) highlights the fostering of collective sentiments, Berkers and Michael (2017) focus on festival tribality, some on the aesthetic and the quality of friendship cultivated at festivals (Kiib et al. 2017; Lee et al. 2012), whilst others point to the role of music and crowds full of people connected in atmospheres of festivity (Liebst 2019). The cancellation of large and long-running festivals triggers issues of loss (Manzo and Devine-Wright 2013). Two consecutive cancellations of the Roskilde Festival offered a window into festival participants' emotional and social responses to disruption. The cancellations are investigated from the perspective of continuity, as continuity and change are related and can be seen as reciprocally constraining and interdependent social constructs (Strathern 1992). Strathern's focus is their interdependency, rather than mutual exclusion; 'as change should be measured against continuity, as they exist on a continuum' (Bennett 2018: 450) and, as Strathern claims, 'magnifying one is to magnify both' (1992: 3). From a structural perspective, change and continuity are dichotomous and exist in tension with one
Introduction 1 Christmastide: Our Savior Has Been Born 9 e Nativity of the Lord [Christmas]: At the Vigil Mass 10 Literal 1. e Nativity of the Son of David 14 Allegorical 2. e Nativity of the Bridegroom 17 Moral 3. Joseph's Evening Fiat 20 Anagogical 4. e Eschatological Meaning of Christmas 22 e Nativity of the Lord [Christmas]: At the Mass During the Night 25 Literal 5. Caesar Is Neither Savior nor Son of God 28 Allegorical 6. e Nativity of Grace and Glory 31 Moral 7. At the Manger with the Shepherds 33 Anagogical 8. e Royalty of Heaven Are Not ose of Earth 36 e Nativity of the Lord [Christmas] at the Mass at Dawn 38 Literal 9. e Nativity of Our Salvation 40 Allegorical 10. e Nativity of the Good Shepherd 42 Moral 11. e Story Will Be Messy but the End Glorious 45 Anagogical 12. Christmas Is Always Pointing to Easter 47 e Nativity of the Lord [Christmas] at the Mass During the Day 50 Literal 13. e Nativity of the Word of God 54 Allegorical 14. e Nativity of the Son of God 57 Moral 15. Today We Enter into the Cosmic Worship of God 59 Anagogical 16. e Weight of Glory 62 e Sunday within the Octave of the Nativity of the Lord [Christmas]e Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph Year A 65 Literal 17. Honor Your Parents 68 Allegorical 18. e Flight into Egypt of the New Moses 70 Moral 19. Joseph, the Hidden King of the Jews 73 Anagogical 20. e Christmas Story in the Apocalypse 75
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