Eos,Vol. 85, No. 21, 25 May 2004
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Dipole Low really exist?, Eosjrans.AGU, 84,97,103-104.
Preparing for the Transit
of Venus: Then and Now
PAGES 2 0 9 , 2 1 3
On 8 J u n e 2004,Venus will pass directly
between Earth and the Sun. Local weather
conditions permitting, this "transit of Venus"
will b e visible in its entirety over much of
Europe and Asia, from London to Beijing. In
London, the times of the first and last contacts
will b e 05:19:52 and 11:23:16 Universal Time,
respectively—just over 6 hours from start to
finish. In Sydney and Tokyo, only the ingress
of the planet will b e visible before sunset, and
residents of Buenos Aries,Toronto, and New
York will have to b e up early to s e e the final
contact. Another transit will o c c u r on 6 J u n e
2012, and then there will b e no more transits
until 11 December 2117 and 8 December 2125
[Moor, 2 0 0 0 ] .
Venus is nearly four times as large as the
Moon. It is the nearest planet to Earth, but at
its closest approach, it is still a hundred times
more distant than the Moon, and its angular
extent, as seen from Earth, is only about onethirtieth that of the Moon.To the naked eye,
the planet will appear as no more than a
small black dot on the brilliant face of the
Sun.Viewed through a telescope, the planet
will b e seen as a black disk, which will cover
about 0.1% of the solar disk (Figure 1).
Edmond Halley ( 1 6 5 6 - 1 7 4 2 ) first b e c a m e
interested in the transits of planets when he
observed a transit of Mercury from the island
of St. Helena in 1677. It occurred to him that
transit observations might b e used to obtain
an estimate of the distance between Earth and
the Sun, referred to as the astronomical unit, if
the times of the four contacts of the limbs of
the Sun and Venus (two at ingress and two at
egress) were recorded by widely separated
observers. After analyzing the geometry of
transits more carefully, Halley concluded that
Mercury was too far from Earth to yield an
accurate estimate of the astronomical unit
and focused on the transits of Venus.
There would b e no transits of Venus during
Halley's lifetime, but he worked out the details
of the transit that would o c c u r in 1761 and
challenged astronomers to collaborate in collecting
observations [Maor, 2000] .A number of parties
s u c c e e d e d in observing the transit of 1761,
but the resulting estimates of the solar parallax—the radius of Earth divided by the astronomical
unit, which yields angular units—varied from 8.3
to 10.6 seconds of arc, a scatter greater than 25%.
Though the results of the first international
observing campaign were disappointing, teams
were again dispatched to observe the transit
of 1769. Among the British parties was o n e
led by Captain J a m e s Cook ( 1 7 2 8 - 1 7 7 9 ) . He
observed the transit from Papeete,Tahiti.The
Fig. 1. This photographic
Sun in 1882. (Courtesy
Avto Goguitchaichvili, Jaime Urrutia-Fucugauchi,
Luis M.Alva-Valdivia,and Juan Morales, Instituto Geofisica,
UNAM.Ciudad Universitaria, Mexico; and Janna Riisager
and Peter Riisager, University of California, Santa Cruz
For additional information, contact Avto Goguitchaichvili,
Laboratorio de Paleomagnetismoy Geofisica Nuclear,Instituto de Geofisica, UNAM, Ciudad Universitaria, 04510 Mexico
D£ Mexico; E-mail:
[email protected].
weather was excellent, but Cook was not altogether pleased with the observations, because
he and his fellow observers could not agree
on the exact times of the contacts. Still, the
observations collected in 1769 were more
consistent than those of 1761, yielding solar
parallax values from 8.43 to 8.80 seconds of
arc, a range of about 5% [Maor, 2 0 0 0 ] .
By the time that the next transit of Venus was
to occur, in 1874, the U.S. Congress decided
that American astronomers should join in the
international effort. A five-member commission
was appointed to organize the American effort:
Rear Admiral Sands, superintendent of the
Naval Observatory; Benjamin Peirce, superintendent of the Coast Survey; Joseph Henry,
president of the National Academy of Sciences;
and Simon Newcomb and William Harkness,
professors of mathematics, Naval Observatory.
plate shows an image of Venus near the halfway
of the U.S. Naval
point on its transit of the
Eos, Vol. 85, No. 2 1 , 2 5 May 2004
Simon Newcomb ( 1 8 3 5 - 1 9 0 9 ) was appointed
as the secretary of the commission, and effectively b e c a m e the chief scientist for the enterprise [Newcomb, 1903].
Photography was revolutionizing astronomy,
and Newcomb set out to design an instrument
that would fully exploit the power of the new
technology. He sought advice from Lewis M.
Rutherfurd ( 1 8 1 8 - 1 8 9 2 ) and received the
following reply:"The photograph of the sun
will have a greater or less diameter by many
s e c o n d s of arc, according to the energy of the
rays which have produced the image; and this
discrepancy may b e produced by a change in
the aperture, in the length of the time of exposure, in the transparency of the atmosphere, in
the hour of the day, or in the sensibility of the
"Perhaps you will b e tempted to say if this
b e true, what reliance can b e placed upon
the results of photography? I should answer,
that the sun has no sharply defined outline,
even to the eye, but, in its best state, is an irregular, seething, ever-restless object, utterly unfit
to b e the starting point for measures of precision; and that, while the eye is confined, in its
attempts at measures, to s o m e small part of
the sun's limb, the photograph of the whole
sun c a n b e placed upon the stage of the
micrometer, and accurately centered with
reference to the average of the whole contour;
and thus escape the errors sure to b e the result
of measures based upon local bisections. The
image of Venus ought to b e sharp and capable
of easy and accurate measurements. Its place
should b e compared with the center of the
sun, and not with the limb." [U.S. Congress, 1872].
Rutherfurd's description of the Sun explained
well why observers rarely agreed on the
precise times of the contacts. However, with
a properly designed photographic instrument,
hundreds of images could b e collected during
the time it would take Venus to cross the face
of the Sun, and locations of the planet could
b e measured under laboratory conditions.
Considering the extant stages, microscopes,
and micrometers, Newcomb concluded that
the image of the Sun should b e roughly 10
c m in diameter to obtain the most accurate
results.That implied an effective focal length
of about 12 m,but the aperture need b e only
about a decimeter in diameter. Based on the
work of Joseph Winlock ( 1 8 2 6 - 1 8 7 5 ) at the
Harvard College Observatory, Newcomb [U.S.
Congress, 1872] proposed that a heliostat and
fixed telescope b e used (Figure 2 ) .
To reduce the transit observations, the precise
astronomic latitudes and longitudes of the
observing stations had to b e determined.
Transferring time accurately to remote stations
remained a formidable problem.The most
direct approach was to use ensembles of
chronometers to directly carry time to the
remote stations. Unfortunately even the best
chronometers lost or gained enough time
during the months-long sea voyages to the
remote stations that the mean of several
chronometers could still b e in error by seconds.
Another approach, for sites near telegraph
facilities, was to transfer time signals through
the telegraph lines. George Biddle Airy (1801-1892)
reported:"I have had a good deal of experience
with telegraphic longitudes, and I dislike them;
I would rather spend a long time for the determination of longitudes by independent methods
than trust myself to all the imperfections and disappointments arising from a combination of
telegraphic communications..." [Airy, 1874].
The most c o m m o n "independent methods"
were observations of stellar-lunar distances
and lunar occultations. In both cases, the
accuracy of the longitude determined depended
on the accuracy of the lunar ephemeris.
A c h e c k of the best ephemeris against recent
observations revealed errors far larger than
could b e tolerated, and Newcomb set about
trying to identify and fix the sources of the
errors. Eventually, he concluded that the best
he could do in the time available was to add
"empirical corrections" to the ephemeris, to
provide accurate values for the period of the
transit [US. Congress, 1872] (Figure 3 ) .
The results of the 1874 transit observations
o n c e again proved disappointing.Values of
the astronomical unit derived from the transit
observations scattered more than 1%. Newcomb
was convinced that a more accurate value
could b e derived by combining the velocity
of light and the aberration of light. During
1880 and 1881, Newcomb c o n d u c t e d experiments in Washington, D.C., to more accurately
determine the velocity of light [Carter and
Carter, 2 0 0 3 ] . When he c o m b i n e d his result
(299,860 km/s) with a value of 20.942 seconds
of arc for the aberration of light, determined
by Magnus Nyren (1837-1921), Newcomb found
a value of 149.59 million km for the astronomical
unit—only 0.005% smaller than the value
accepted today [Newcomb, 1883].As the transit
of 1882 drew near, Newcomb argued that it
would b e a waste of money for the United
States to deploy teams globally and suggested
that American astronomers should limit their
participation to the less costly effort of collecting
observations in their h o m e country However,
o n c e it was a n n o u n c e d that American teams
would b e deployed globally Newcomb decided
to lead an observing party to South Africa.
On 10 D e c e m b e r 1882, N e w c o m b wrote to
his w i f e / T h e great event has c o m e off and I
have seen a transit of Venus under conditions
about as favorable as it is possible for a human
being to have—cloudless sky and the finest
definition. And yet, I am not quite happy over
it, and have b e e n worried by s o m e things.
First, there was a strange disagreement...to
the time of contact. In the next p l a c e the
photographs show the reflector to have b e e n
a little warped by the sun's rays while the
operation was going on. It is not probably a
defect of real importance, and yet I never felt
so strongly the want of having another c h a n c e .
Not till the year 2004, when our children's
children will have passed away, will another
c h a n c e b e available." [Library of Congress, 1921].
Ten American teams collected 1380 "measurable" photographic plates at six stations in
the United States—Washington D.C.; Cedar
Key Florida; San Antonio,Texas; Cerro Roblero,
New Mexico; Lick Observatory, California; and
Princeton, New Jersey—and four stations in
the southern hemisphere—Wellington, South
Africa; Santa Cruz, Patagonia; Santiago, Chile;
and Auckland, New Zealand. Reducing and
analyzing the transit observations, as well as
the latitude and longitude observations
collected at each station, took William Harkness
( 1 8 3 7 - 1 9 0 3 ) and his assistants more than 5
years to complete.
Eos, Vol. 85, No. 2 1 , 2 5 May 2004
On 11 O c t o b e r 1888,Harkness a n n o u n c e d
that they had found a value for the solar parallax of 8.847 s e c o n d s of arc, corresponding
to a distance from the Earth to the Sun of
148.672 million km. During the following year,
Harkness and his assistants refined their analysis
and revised their estimate of the solar parallax
downward to 8.842 s e c o n d s of arc—still too
large by more than four hundreds of a second
of arc [D/c*, 2 0 0 3 ] .
The U.S. Congress had appropriated $275,000
specifically for the transit of Venus observing
program—a huge investment in science during
an era in which there was no federal i n c o m e
tax. In contrast, only $5,000 was appropriated
for Newcomb's velocity of light experiments.
Ironically, the value of the astronomical unit
derived from the velocity of light experiments
was nearly two orders of magnitude more accurate
than that derived from the transit of Venus
Airy, G. B. (1874), Preparations for the Observation
of the Transit of Venus, Monthly Notices of the Royal
Astronomical Society, Vol. XXXV, No. 1,1-10, Royal
Astronomical Society, London.
Carter,WE.,and M.S.Carter (2002),The NewcombMichelsonVelocity of Light Experiments,Eos,Trans.
AGU, 83(37) ,405,410.
Dick,S.J. (2003),*% and Ocean Joined, The U.S. Naval
Observatory 1830-2000, Cambridge University
Press, New York.
Library of Congress, The Simon Newcomb papers
(1921), Manuscript Division, LOC, 101 Independence
Ave. S.E., Washington, D.C.
Maor,E. (2000), June 8,2004:Venus in Transit, Princeton
University Press, New Jersey
F/g. 3. The U.S. transit of Venus party prepares the heliostat
Indian Ocean. (Courtesy of the U.S. Naval
Newcomb,S. (1883), Measurements of the Velocity
of Light, vol. II, pt. III., p. 4512, U. S. Naval Observatory,
Washington, D.C.
Newcomb,S. (1903), The Reminiscences of an Astronomer,
Houghton, Mifflin and Company, Riverside Press,
Cambridge, Massachusetts.
U.S. Congress, Papers relating to the transit of Venus
in 1874 (Part l),from a commission authorized by
Congress in 1872 to organize the U.S. effort to track
the planet's 1874 transit, Government Printing
Office, Washington, D.C.
Widespread, Low-Level Contaminants Present
in Many U.S. Streams and Rivers
PAGE 2 1 0
A federal water quality monitoring program
has found that widespread levels of contaminants at very low concentrations are present
in many U.S. river basins and aquifer systems.
Mixtures of chemical compounds, degradation
or "breakdown" products, and seasonal pulses
of chemicals are also present in these water bodies,
according to scientists with the U.S. Geological
The scientists provided this information during
a 14 May briefing on Capitol Hill, which USGS
used to announce the release of a program report,
"Water Quality in the Nation's Streams and
Aquifers - Overview of Selected Findings,
The detection of low levels of contaminants—
including pesticides, nutrients, metals, and
gasoline-related compounds—does not automatically translate into human or aquatic
health impacts, according to the USGS' National
Water Quality Assessment Program, known as
NAWQA. Additionally, the program has found
that U.S. rivers and streams generally are suitable for irrigation, supplying drinking water,
and other uses.
However, USGS scientists acknowledged that
the lack of drinking water standards and
guidelines for many contaminants makes it
difficult to assess their potential impacts.
Timothy Miller, chief of the USGS Office of
Water Quality said,"Based on what [chemicals
are] currently being used, we know a fair amount
in terms of what is present in the environment.
We don't often know what the impact is on
human health or on aquatic health." He said
there is also a "vast unknown world" concerning
potential impacts from mixtures of compounds,
breakdown compounds, and seasonal spikes,
which developed criteria often do not take
into account.
Miller said that of an estimated 60,000 chemicals
in use in the U.S., about 5,000 to 10,000 are
evaluated and regulated to s o m e degree, and
that industry probably is developing thousands
of new chemicals annually He said USGS looks
at the amount of active ingredients in chemicals
and how widespread the chemicals may b e
used in determining whether to evaluate and
regulate them.
NAWQA has found that at least one pesticide
was present in about 94% of water samples
taken, 90% of fish samples from streams, and
at a station on Kerguelen
William E. Carter and Merri Sue Carter
For additional information, contact William E. Carter,
Department of Civil and Coastal Engineering, University of Florida, Gainesville; E-mail:
[email protected];
Merri Sue Carter, U.S. Naval Observatory, Earth Orientation Department, Washington, D.C; E-mail: msc@
about 55% of shallow wells sampled in agricultural and urban areas, according to the
USGS report.
The report notes that at least o n e pesticide
guideline established to protect aquatic life
was e x c e e d e d in about 93% of urban streams
sampled.Volatile organic compounds—such
as trichloroethene and methyl tert-butyl ether
(MTBE)—were detected in about 90% of
monitoring wells sampled beneath urban
areas, though only in about 20% of wells beneath
agricultural areas.
Individual compounds seldom o c c u r alone,
and breakdown components frequently are
as c o m m o n in the environment as parent
compounds, according to the report.
Three general factors can contribute to the
degradation of ecological health: contaminated
water, toxics in sediment, and physical alterations to streams that c a n result in changes to
water flow, temperature, and other key indicators, the report noted.
Also, natural features—including geology,
climate, and soils—can affect the transport of
chemicals and can "result in different contaminant
concentrations among basins that have similar
land-use settings and c h e m i c a l use."
The report noted the benefits of urban planning, watershed protection, and land management in minimizing c h e m i c a l concentrations