Vol. 69, No. 2, February, pp. 149–163, 1997
Coping with Uncertainty: A Naturalistic Decision-Making Analysis
University of Haifa, Haifa, Israel
This paper is concerned with three questions: How
do decision makers conceptualize uncertainty? How
do decision makers cope with uncertainty? Are there
systematic relationships between different conceptualizations of uncertainty and different methods of coping? To answer these questions we analyzed 102 selfreports of decision-making under uncertainty with an
inclusive method of classifying conceptualizations of
uncertainty and coping mechanisms developed from
the decision-making literature. The results showed
that decision makers distinguished among three types
of uncertainty: inadequate understanding, incomplete
information, and undifferentiated alternatives. To
these they applied five strategies of coping: reducing
uncertainty, assumption-based reasoning, weighing
pros and cons of competing alternatives, suppressing
uncertainty, and forestalling. Inadequate understanding was primarily managed by reduction, incomplete
information was primarily managed by assumptionbased reasoning, and conflict among alternatives was
primarily managed by weighing pros and cons. Based
on these results and findings from previous studies of
naturalistic decision-making we hypothesized a
R.A.W.F.S. (Reduction, Assumption-based reasoning,
Weighing pros and cons, Suppression, and Hedging)
heuristic, which describes the strategies that decision
makers apply to different types of uncertainty in naturalistic settings. q 1997 Academic Press
Uncertainty and related concepts such as risk and
ambiguity are prominent in the literature on decisionmaking (Kahneman, Slovic, & Tversky, 1982; March &
Olsen, 1976). This prominence is well deserved. Ubiquitous in realistic settings, uncertainty constitutes a major obstacle to effective decision-making (Brunsson,
1985; Corbin, 1980; McCaskey, 1986; Orasanu & Connolly, 1993; Thompson, 1967). This study is an empirical
investigation of three questions: (1) How do decision
We thank Lee Beach, Ilan Fisher, Victor Friedman, Gary Klein,
Henry Montgomery and Ramzi Suleiman for many helpful comments.
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Dr. Raanan Lipshitz,
Department of Psychology, University of Haifa, Haifa, Israel 31905.
[email protected].
makers (e.g., managers and military officers) conceptualize the uncertainty which they encounter in their
work? (2) How do decision makers cope with their uncertainty? (3) Are there systematic relationships between
different conceptualizations of uncertainty and different methods of coping? These questions are motivated
by indications that decision makers and students of
decision-making conceptualize uncertainty in different
ways, thus reducing the propensity (or ability) of the
former to use models and methods developed by the
latter (Humphreys & Berkeley, 1985; Huber, Wider, &
Huber, 1996; Lopes, 1987; March & Shapira, 1987).
Despite the centrality of uncertainty in the decisionmaking literature, only few studies (referenced above)
addressed (indirectly) this question. These studies
showed that people conceptualize uncertainty differently from the conceptualization of risk in Decision Theory. The literature, however, offers numerous conceptualizations of uncertainty: Argote (1982, p. 420) notes
that “there are almost as many definitions of uncertainty as there are treatments of the subject”; Yates
and Stone (1992, p. 1) suggest that “if we were to read
10 different articles or books about risk, we should not
be surprised to see risk described in 10 different ways,”
and Downey and Slocum (1975, p. 562, quoted in Milliken, 1987, p. 134), suggest that “the term ‘uncertainty’
is so commonly used that ‘it is all too easy to assume
that one knows what he or she is talking about’ when
using the term.” We now survey the answers that can
be gleaned from the literature to the question at hand.
Table 1 presents a sample of definitions of uncertainty and related terms that we culled from the decision-making literature between 1960 and 1990. The
Table clearly illustrates the conceptual proliferation
noted by Argote, Yates and Stone, and Downey and
Slocum. Some of the distinctions in the Table reflect
the manifold nature of uncertainty. For example, risk
(as defined by item 6), ambiguity (item 9) and equivocality (item 11) are obviously distinct phenomena. Other
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Conceptualizations of Uncertainty
I. Behavioral decision theory
1. Anderson et al. (1981)
2. Anderson et al. (1981)
3. Humphreys & Berkeley (1985)
Anderson et al. (1981)
Anderson et al. (1981)
MacCrimmon & Wehrung (1986)
Arrow (1965)
8. Hogarth (1987)
A situation in which one has no knowledge about which of several states of
nature has occurred or will occur.
A situation in which one knows only the probability of which of several possible
states of nature has occurred or will occur.
The inability to assert with certainty one or more of the following: (a) act-event
sequences; (b) event-event sequences; (c) value of consequences; (d) appropriate
decision process; (e) future preferences and actions; (f) one’s ability to affect
future events.
Same as (1)
Same as (2)
Exposure to the chance of loss in a choice situation.
A positive function of the variance of the probability distribution of expected
positive and negative outcomes.
Lacking precise knowledge about the likelihood of events (second-order
II. Organization decision theory
10. Galbraith (1973)
11. March & Olsen (1976)
12. Terreberry (1968)
13. Weick (1979)
14. March & Simon (1958)
9. Thompson (1967)
The inability to act deterministically owing to lack of cause-effect understanding;
environmental dependencies and internal interdependencies
The difference in the amount of information required to perform a task and the
amount of information already possessed by the organization.
Opaqueness in organizations owing to inconsistent or ill-defined goals; obscure
causal relations in the environment unclear history, and interpersonal differences in focus of attention.
Unpredictable changes in system-environment relations.
The multiplicity of meanings which can be imposed on a situation.
Absence of arguments which clearly favor a particular course of action.
distinctions are probably idiosyncratic, as, for example,
defining identical terms differently (e.g., risk, items
4–7) or defining different terms identically (e.g., risk,
as in item 1 and uncertainty, as in item 4). Explaining
“how decision makers conceptualize uncertainty” in a
way that makes sense theoretically thus requires some
clarification of the conceptual confusion illustrated in
Table 1. To this end we developed three related conceptual propositions that allowed us to study our research
questions empirically:
PROPOSITION 1. Uncertainty in the context of action is a sense
of doubt that blocks or delays action.
Conceptualizing the uncertainty that impacts decision-making as a sense of doubt that blocks or delays
action has three essential features: (1) it is subjective
(different individuals may experience different doubts
in identical situations), (2) it is inclusive (no particular
form of doubt, e.g., ignorance of future outcomes, is
specified), and (3) it conceptualizes uncertainty in terms
of its effects on action (hesitancy, indecisiveness, and
procrastination). Conceptualizing uncertainty as a subjective experience has a long tradition (Duncan, 1972;
Smithson, 1989.) Though less conventional, conceptualizing it in terms of its effects on action is consistent
with the English language (e.g., “hesitate” is defined
as “to hold back in doubt or indecision” and “to pause,”
Barnhart & Stein, 1964), and with several writers including Dewey (1933), who suggested that problemsolving is triggered by a sense of doubt that stops routine action; Peirce (Skagestad, 1981. p. 31), who defined
inquiry as the struggle to end doubt and attain belief
which, in turn, is “that upon which man is prepared to
act”; Goldman (1986), who suggested that uncertainty
is a state of indecision that results from continued competition among alternatives; and Yates and Stone
(1992), who suggested that risk makes prospective options less appealing. Finally, March (1981) formulated
the relationship between uncertainty and delayed action most explicitly in drawing a contrast between two
generic decision-making models, consequential action
and obligatory action. Consequential action (i.e., concurrent choice models such as EU, SEU, and Prospect
Theory, Hogarth, 1987), requires the decision maker to
answer the following questions: “What are my alternatives?” “What are my values?” and “What are the consequences of my alternatives for my values?” Having resolved these doubts, the decision maker can proceed to
choose and implement the alternative that has the best
consequences. In contrast, Obligatory action (i.e., sequential option evaluation models such as Klein’s, 1993,
RPD model), requires decision makers to answer a different set of questions: “What kind of a situation is
this?” “What kind of a person am I?” and “What is
appropriate for me in a situation like this?” Having
resolved these doubts the decision maker can proceed
to implement the action that is appropriate for his/her
situation. Coping with uncertainty thus lies at the heart
of making a decision.
PROPOSITION 2. The uncertainty with which decision makers
must cope depends on the decision-making model which they employ.
Proposition 2 is basically a corollary of Proposition
1. Granted that uncertainty is a sense of doubt that
blocks or delays action, enacting models that have different informational requirements (Grandori, 1984)
will be blocked or delayed by different doubts. For example, consider March’s distinction between Consequential and Obligatory actions. Because Consequential action requires knowledge of one’s alternatives, their
outcomes, and the relative attractiveness of these outcomes, employing this model is contingent on coping
with doubts regarding these issues. In contrast, employing Obligatory action is contingent on coping with
doubts regarding a different set of issues, as this model
requires knowledge of one’s situation and role requirements in this situation. Using Proposition 2, we can
partly clarify the conceptual confusion illustrated in
Table 1 by dividing its elements into three clusters of
basically similar conceptualizations. The first cluster
(items 1–8 and item 14) consists of conceptualizations
that specify blocks to Consequential action. (Note that
item 14 qualifies as a form of uncertainty according to
Proposition 1, though not in Behavioral Decision Theory.) The second cluster (items 9–13) consists of conceptualizations that specify blocks to Obligatory action.
Finally, although Weick’s conceptualization (item 13)
is a variant of Obligatory action, the emphasis of its
underlying model on meaning-making (Weick, 1979,
1995), deserves a separate cluster.
PROPOSITION 3. Different types of uncertainty can be classified
according to their issue (i.e., what the decision maker is uncertain
about) and source (i.e., what causes this uncertainty.) Three basic
issues are outcomes, situation, and alternatives. Three basic
sources are incomplete information, inadequate understanding,
and undifferentiated alternatives.
As noted above, several researchers found that decision makers conceptualize uncertainty differently from
one particular conceptualization of uncertainty, i.e.,
risk (as defined in elements 4–7 of Table 1). To study
how decision makers conceptualize uncertainty more
inclusively, Proposition 3 presents a generic, two-dimensional classification scheme of types of doubts that
block or delay action. To allow comparison with the
various elements of Table 1, the three categories of the
first dimension (what are the doubts that block or delay
action) are based on the three clusters identified in
Proposition 2—the scheme assumes that decision makers are blocked or delayed by doubts about alternatives,
the outcomes of these alternatives, and the nature of
the situation. To check the generality of these issues
note that both consequential action and obligatory action are blocked or delayed by doubts about alternatives, that consequential action is also blocked or delayed by doubts about outcomes, and that obligatory
action is also blocked or delayed by doubts about the
situation. Similar classifications of uncertainty can be
found in Berkeley and Humphreys (1982) and Milliken (1987).
A threefold rationale underlies the second dimension
of the classification scheme. (a) Incomplete information
is possibly the most frequently cited source of uncertainty (Conrath, 1967; Galbraith, 1973; Smithson,
1989). (b) Decision makers are sometimes unable to act
not because they lack information but because they are
overwhelmed by the abundance of conflicting meanings
that it conveys (Weick, 1987, 1995). (c) Finally, incomplete information and inadequate understanding do not
exhaust the sources of uncertainty because decision
makers may be blocked from taking action if they have
perfectly understood, but undifferentiated (i.e., equally
attractive or unattractive), alternatives. We refer to this
source of uncertainty as conflict, following March and
Simon (1958) who pointed out the debilitating effect of
such conflict on action (Table 1, item 14). More recently
Svenson (1992) proposed that decision-making is essentially the process of differentiating one alternative sufficiently from its competitors to convince the decision
maker that it is worth implementing. Similar to the first
dimension of the classification scheme, the categories
of its second dimension can also be found in Table 1.
Conceptualizations 1–8 in the Table attribute uncertainty to imperfect knowledge, conceptualizations 9–13
attribute it to inadequate understanding and conceptualization 14 attributes uncertainty to the similarity
among alternatives.
In conclusion, the literature on decision-making offers many hypotheses and scant empirical evidence regarding how decision makers conceptualize uncertainty. The advantage of conceptualizing uncertainty
inclusively as a sense of doubt that blocks or delays
action is that it relates uncertainty directly to action
and encompasses all these conceptualizations. Its disadvantage is that it replaces one unspecified concept—
uncertainty—by another—doubt. To remedy this drawback we suggest specifying doubts that block or delay
action in terms of three broad categories of issues and
sources which are derived from the literature. Proceeding this way we strike a middle ground between a purely
bottom-up approach and purely top-down approaches,
in an attempt to obtain results that are comparable to
existing conceptualizations without imposing any one
of them a priori.
This question has received considerable attention by
students of decision-making. Smithson (1989, p. 153)
suggests that the prescription for coping with uncertainty in traditional and modern Western treatments of
the subject is “First, reduce ignorance as much as possible by gaining full information and understanding . . .
Secondly, attain as much control or predictability as possible by learning and responding appropriately to the environment . . . Finally, wherever ignorance is irreducible, treat uncertainty statistically,” Thompson (1967)
suggested that organizations constrain the variability
of their internal environments by instituting standard
operating procedures and constrain the variability of external environments by incorporating critical elements
into the organization (i.e., acquisition) or by negotiating
long-term contractual arrangements. Similarly, Allaire
and Firsirotu (1989) listed several “power responses”
used by organizations to cope with environmental uncertainty including shaping and controlling external
events, passing the risk on to others, and disciplining
competition. Finally, the standard procedure for coping
with uncertainty in formal and behavioral decision theories can be labeled the R.Q.P. heuristic: Reduce uncertainty by a thorough information search (Janis & Mann,
1977), Quantify the residue that cannot be reduced, and
Plug the result into some formal scheme that incorporates uncertainty as a factor in the selection of a preferred course of action (Cohen, Schum, Freeling & Innis,
1985; Hogarth, 1987; Raiffa, 1968; Smithson, 1989.) The
term “quantify and plug” should not be taken to imply
mindless automaticity. Quite the contrary: expert application of the R.Q.P. heuristic requires considerable judgment, ingenuity and artistry in constructing an appropriate formal model of the decision problem, assessing
decision makers’ uncertainties and interpreting the results of analysis (Brown, 1992; Humphreys & Berkeley,
1985). Thus, the R.Q.P. heuristic underlies a coherent,
flexible and rigorous approach to studying and coping
with uncertainty (Camerer & Weber, 1992; Dawes, 1989;
Kahneman, Slovic & Tversky, 1982.)
Notwithstanding the elegance of the R.Q.P. heuristic
and its amenability to rigorous formal treatment it has
several drawbacks as a guide for describing and prescribing for decision-making in naturalistic settings. To
begin with, reducing uncertainty by collecting additional information is often problematic in the real
world. On many occasions information is simply unavailable. On other occasions information is ambiguous
or misleading to the point of being worthless (Feldman & March, 1981; Grandori, 1984; Wohlstetter,
1962.) Finally, collecting additional information does
not help decision quality when environmental uncertainty is very high (Fredrickson & Mitchell, 1984).
Quantification is possibly even more problematic than
reduction from descriptive and prescriptive standpoints. Basically, the problem is that “there are many
areas of both practical and theoretical inference in
which nobody knows how to calculate a numerical probability value” (Meehl, 1978, p. 831.) More specifically,
despite the sophistication of available methods for assessing subjective probabilities, the validity of these
measurements is still open to question. Translations of
verbal expressions of uncertainty into specific probabilities show large variations (Budescu & Wallsten, 1995);
verbal, numerical and different numerical expressions
of identical uncertainties are processed differently (Gigerenzer, 1991; Zimmer, 1983), and the use of quantitative estimates of uncertainty was shown to degrade
the quality of decisions (Erev & Bornstein, 1993). The
reluctance of managers to use quantified measures of
uncertainty (March & Shapira, 1987), which handicaps
the application of decision support systems that rely
on quantification (Eden, 1988, Isenberg, 1985) should
not, perhaps, be dismissed lightly.
Assuming that decision makers do first try to reduce
uncertainty by collecting additional information, the
question then is what they do with uncertainty that
cannot be reduced this way, assuming that they do not
resort to quantification. Researchers in Behavioral Decision Theory have recently begun to explore this question. Shafir, Simonson and Tversky (1993) suggested
that people make decisions under risk by constructing
compelling qualitative arguments that justify their decisions. Similarly, Hogarth and Kunreuther (1995) suggested that people make decisions in ignorance (i.e.,
without information on the probabilities and utilities
of potential outcomes) by following arguments that do
not quantify risks. Integrating the treatments reviewed
above, we distinguish among three basic strategies of
coping with uncertainty: reducing uncertainty, acknowledging uncertainty, and suppressing uncertainty,
each of which consists of more specific tactics of coping
with uncertainty.
Reducing Uncertainty
The obvious strategy of coping with uncertainty is to
reduce it or remove it altogether. Tactics for reducing uncertainty include collecting additional information before making a decision (Dawes, 1988; Galbraith, 1973;
Janis & Mann, 1977); or deferring decisions until additional information becomes available (Hirst &
Schweitzer, 1990). When no additional information is
available it is possible to reduce uncertainty by extrapolating from available information. One tactic of extrapolation is to use statistical methods to predict future
events from information on present or past events (Allaire & Firsirotu, 1989; Bernstein & Silbert, 1984;
Thompson, 1967; Wildavsky, 1988). Another tactic of extrapolation is assumption-based reasoning, filling gaps
in firm knowledge by making assumptions that (1) go
beyond (while being constrained by) what is more firmly
known and (2) are subject to retraction when and if they
conflict with new evidence or with lines of reasoning supported by other assumptions (Cohen, 1989). Using assumption-based reasoning, experienced decision makers can act quickly and efficiently within their domain of
expertise with very little information (Lipshitz, & Ben
Shaul, 1997). A tactic of reducing uncertainty that combines prediction and assumption-based reasoning is
mental simulation (Klein & Crandall, 1995) or scenario
building (Schoemaker, 1995), imagining possible future
developments in a script-like fashion. Finally, uncertainty can be reduced by improving predictability
through shortening time-horizons (preferring shortterm to long-term goals, and short-term feedback to longrange planning, Cyert & March, 1963), by selling risks
to other parties (Hirst & Schweitzer, 1990), and by selecting one of the many possible interpretations of equivocal
information (Weick, 1979).
The tactics listed so far rely, one way or another, on
information processing. An entirely different approach
to reducing uncertainty is to control the sources of variability which reduce predictability. Thompson (1967)
suggested that organizations constrain the variability
of their internal environments by instituting standard
operating procedures, and constrain the variability of
external environments by incorporating critical elements into the organization (i.e., acquisition) or by negotiating long-term contractual arrangements. Allaire
and Firsirotu (1989) refer to control tactics as “power
responses” and list several such tactics, including shaping and controlling external events, passing the risk on
to others, and disciplining competition.
Acknowledging Uncertainty
This strategy can be applied when reducing uncertainty is either unfeasible or too costly. Decision makers
can acknowledge uncertainty in two ways: by taking
it into account in selecting a course of action and by
preparing to avoid or confront potential risks.
The Rational Choice model presents a sophisticated
tactic of accounting for uncertainty by including it as
a factor in concurrent option evaluation. According to
this model, the attractiveness of an option is a compensatory function of the attractiveness of its outcomes,
the probability that they will materialize, and the cost of
collecting information to reduce uncertainty concerning
the first two factors (Raiffa, 1968). Less sophisticated
tactics of incorporating uncertainty as a factor in concurrent option evaluation are the minimax regret and
maxmin strategies (Coombs, Dawes & Tversky, 1971).
A still less sophisticated tactic is avoiding ambiguity
by preferring options with clear outcome probabilities
(Curley, Yates & Abrams, 1986).
Thompson (1967) and Allaire and Firsirotu (1989)
proposed several tactics of acknowledging uncertainty
by preparing to avoid or confront potential risks. According to Thompson (1967), organizations cope with
uncertainty this way by buffering (e.g., building slack
to shield production from unstable supply of required
input) and by rationing (rearranging priorities following unanticipated contingencies). Hirst and Schweitzer
(1990) suggest that electric utility companies can confront potential risks by planning very carefully for all
reasonable contingencies, and by adopting a flexible
strategy that allows for easy and inexpensive change.
Allaire and Firsirotu refer to this tactic of coping with
uncertainty as “the structural response” which includes, among others, broadening the product and market scope of the firm, building a capability to respond
quickly to market change, and (similar to Thompson)
by building and hoarding strategic resources. Finally,
Cohen, Tolcott, and McIntyre (1987) found that fighter
pilots combine assumption-based reasoning with preparing for potential risks:
If their sensors confirm the presence of the threat but are inconclusive regarding its classification, pilots adopt a worst case assumption, [under] . . . the rationale . . . that the failure to classify
the threat is itself evidence that the threat is a new system, and
therefore likely to be more dangerous than previously known
threats. On the other hand, if available information is inadequate
to confirm the existence of a threat, pilots tend to make a best
case assumption until more definite information is obtained [under] . . . the rationale . . . that actions taken to avoid the threat
would almost certainly expose the aircraft to risk from other
known threats. Nevertheless, even in this situation, limited action, e.g., speeding up the plan, might be taken to reduce risk
from the unconfirmed threat. (Cohen et al., 1987, p. 52)1
Note that under certain conditions reduction tactics (other than
collecting additional information) can be classified as acknowledgment tactics. For example, assumption-based reasoning and mental
Suppressing Uncertainty
This strategy includes tactics of denial (ignoring or
distorting undesirable information) and tactics of rationalization (coping with uncertainty symbolically by going through the motions of reducing uncertainty or acknowledging it). A wealth of anecdotal and systematic
descriptions of suppression tactics can be found in the
literature. The quintessential suppression tactic of ignoring undesirable information was described as the
Pollyanna effect, the acquisition of an (often false) sense
of security through the belief that “this [unfortunate
outcome] cannot happen to me” (Matlin & Stang, 1978).
Janis & Mann (1977) and Montgomery (1988) described
various suppression tactics that decision makers use to
align their preferences and beliefs with their decisions.
Finally, Devons (1961) reported a fascinating example
of coping with uncertainty symbolically. Puzzled by the
fact that the UK National Coal Board published voluminous annual statistical analyses supporting its plans,
even though these analyses “hardly served to reduce
uncertainty and risk to any great extent,” Devons conjectured that
The Coal Board . . . dare not admit, either to themselves or to
the public, complete ignorance of rational criteria on which to
base such decisions . . . [T]he role of economic statistics in our
society and the functions which magic and divination play in
primitive society . . . [is to make] possible for decisions on important issues to be taken where there is apparently no alternative rational basis of decision. (Devons, 1961, pp. 125–135)
Consistent with Devons’ conjecture, Bolman and Deal
(1991) proposed that people use symbols to resolve confusion, increase predictability and provide direction
when the latter cannot be achieved by rational analysis,
and Feldman and March (1981), showed that much information processing in organizations serves symbolic
functions. Brunsson (1985), Lipshitz (1995), and Montgomery (1988) also argued that seemingly irrational
tactics of suppressing uncertainty help decision makers
avoid paralysis when they cannot cope with their uncertainty by reduction or acknowledgment tactics.
Distinguishing between different types of uncertainty and different strategies and tactics of coping is
important because decision makers encountering different uncertainties respond differently (Milliken,
simulation can be considered as tactics of acknowledgment when the
decision maker is cognizant that he is filling gaps in factual knowledge, and when his reasoning is done critically and expertly. (Lesgold,
et al., 1988; Voss; Greene, Post & Penner, 1983)
1987) or are advised to respond differently (Grandori,
1984). The existence of such contingent coping is a recurrent theme in the literature: Cyert and March (1963)
proposed that “[organizations] achieve a reasonably
manageable decision situation by avoiding planning
where plans depend on prediction of uncertain future
events and by emphasizing planning where the plans
can be made self confirming through some control device” (Cyert & March, 1963, p. 119). Grandori specified
which of five decision-making methods should be selected given the magnitude of uncertainty caused by
lack of information and conflicting values. Thompson
specified which of four decision-making methods should
be selected given the magnitude of uncertainty caused
by disagreements about what outcomes are desirable
and the methods that will effect them. Finally, Argote
(1982) and Fredrickson and Mitchell (1984) showed that
comprehensive decision-making is suitable for stable,
simple environments, while prompt and flexible response is suitable for complex, dynamic environments.
Thus, students of organizational decision-making report the existence of various patterns of contingent coping. Our purpose was to test if such patterns can be
found at the level of individual decision-making.
This completes the conceptual analysis of our research questions. Next we turn to their empirical investigation.
One hundred two students in a course in decisionmaking at the Israel Defense Forces (I.D.F.) Command & General Staff College participated in the study.
Most of the students at the College are male officers
from all branches of the military with ranks from Captain to Lt. Colonel.
As part of the course requirements, students wrote
a case of decision-making under uncertainty based on
their personal experience. Cases were written prior to
the beginning of the course so as to prevent the students
from being influenced by it. Instructions encouraged
students to write fully and frankly, without defining
either decision-making or uncertainty: “Write a case of
decision-making under uncertainty from your personal
experience in the I.D.F. Later on you will be asked to
analyze the case applying the concepts and models that
you will learn in the course. To facilitate your analysis,
write as detailed a factual description of the case as
possible. The case will be read only by your instructor.”
Students were also told that their cases would be used
for research (thus requiring wider distribution), and
that they may ask to exclude their cases from such use
if they wished to, with no consequences to themselves.
Case Analysis Instrument
To identify conceptualizations of uncertainty and tactics of coping with uncertainty in narrative reports we
developed an instrument consisting of 16 conceptualizations and 12 tactics of coping based on the conceptual
schemes presented in the Introduction.
Types of Uncertainty
A preliminary analysis of 25 cases (which were not
included in the final analysis) showed (a) that not all
9 issue 3 source classifications of uncertainty are required in case analysis and (b) that fine-grained analysis of particular cases is required to distinguish among
three forms of incomplete information: partial lack of
information (corresponding to risk in Behavioral Decision Theory), complete lack of information (corresponding to uncertainty in Behavioral Decision Theory), and
unreliable information (which abounds in organizational life, March & Sevon, 1982). Similarly, finegrained analysis is required to distinguish between
three forms of inadequate understanding—inadequate
understanding owing to equivocal information (Weick,
1979), inadequate understanding owing to novelty of
situations (Louis, 1980) and inadequate understanding
owing to fast-changing or unstable situations (Lanir,
1989)—and two types of conflicted alternatives: conflict
owing to equally attractive or unattractive outcomes
(March & Simon, 1958) and conflict owing to incompatible role requirements (Kahn, Wolfe, Quinn, Snoek, &
Rosental, 1964). The 16 conceptualizations which were
included in the instrument are presented in Table 2.
Tactics of coping. Based on the conceptual analysis
A Classification System of Conceptualizations
of Uncertainty
Completely lacking
Partly lacking
Inadequate understanding
Owing to equivocality
Owing to instability
Owing to novelty
Note. Check marks denote a type of uncertainty included in the
study’s instrument.
presented in the Introduction, literature review and
preliminary analysis of 25 cases, we identified 12 tactics
of coping which are presented in Table 3 with their
operational definitions.
Analyzing cases with the final instrument was fairly
labor intensive. A trained analyst required 20–40 min
to analyze a case, depending on the narrative’s length
and detail and the degree to which the description
matched the categories specified in the instrument. To
obtain a preliminary estimate of the instrument’s reliability we asked five independent judges, who were
trained for approximately 2 h by the second author, to
classify the type of uncertainty and tactics of coping in
five retrospective case reports (not included in the initial or final samples of cases). Interjudge agreement
among the five judges was .89 # k # 1.00 for the conceptualizations of uncertainty and .87 # k # 1.00 for the
tactics of coping. This shows that independent judges
can be trained to use the instrument with satisfactory
interjudge agreement.
Since we use retrospective reports drawn from longterm memory, it is unlikely that our data provide accurate descriptions of the reported cases (Ericcson & Simon, 1984). However, since the cases were written prior
to the course in response to minimal instructions, it is
fair to assume that they present students’ naive conceptualizations of what uncertainty is and how to cope
with it.
The 102 cases included a single instance of coping
with uncertainty and 10 cases included two instances.
In 17 cases decision makers used two, and in one case
three coping tactics to deal with a single uncertainty,
and in one case the decision maker used three tactics
in a certain instance. When several tactics were used
we analyzed only the first because of possible order
effects that may affect the choice of second and third
tactics. Thus, our data included 122 pairs of uncertainty
and coping tactics. Interjudge agreement between the
second author, who analyzed all the cases, and a second
judge (who did not know the research questions) who
analyzed independently a randomly selected sample of
40 cases, was k 5 .83 for the conceptualizations of uncertainty and k 5 .93 for the tactics of uncertainty. To
answer our three research questions we analyzed the
distributions of the various conceptualizations of uncertainty (Question 1) and coping tactics (Question 2) and
their joint distribution (Question 3). The results were
as follows:
Conceptualization of Uncertainty
The frequency distribution of the different conceptualizations of uncertainty is presented in Table 4. The
Tactics of Coping with Uncertainty
1. Collect additional information
2. Delay action
3. Solicit advice
4. Follow SOPs, norms, etc.
5. Assumption-based reasoning
Tactics of reduction
Conduct an active search for factual information.
Postpone decision-making or action taking until additional information clarifies the decision
Solicit advice/opinion of experts, superiors, friends or colleagues.
Act according to formal and informal rules of conduct.
Construct a mental model of the situation based on beliefs that are (1) constrained by (though
going beyond) what is more firmly known, and (2) subject to retraction when and if they conflict
with new evidence or with lines of reasoning supported by other assumptions.
3. Avoid irreversible action
4. Weighing pros & cons
Tactics of acknowledgment
Generate specific responses to possible negative outcomes.
Develop a general capability to respond to unanticipated negative developments (e.g., put forces
on the alert, leave some resources unused).
Prefer or develop reversible course of action, prepare contingencies.
Choose among alternatives in terms of potential gains and losses.
1. Ignore uncertainty
2. Rely on “intuition”
3. Take a gamble
Tactics of suppression
Act as if under certainty.
Use hunches, informed guesses, etc., without sufficient justification.
“Take a chance,” throw a coin, etc.
1. Preempting
2. Improve readiness
two most frequent conceptualizations are inadequate
understanding of the situation owing to equivocal information (24.6%), and conflict among alternatives owing
to equally attractive outcomes (24.6%). Since the former
is consistent with matching mode decision making and
the latter with consequential choice mode decisionmaking (Lipshitz, 1994; March, 1981), we decided to
test which of the two modes was more characteristic in
our sample of case reports. To do this we compared the
combined frequency of conceptualizations that indicate
decision-making by concurrent choice or by consideration of future outcomes (items 3, 5, and 12 in Table 4)
with the combined frequency of conceptualizations that
indicate decision-making by matching action to the requirements of the decision maker’s role or situation
(items 1, 2, 4, 6–11). The last conceptualization, which is
a hybrid, was excluded from the comparison. Consistent
with studies of naturalistic decision-making (Lipshitz,
1995), matching was more frequent than consequential
choice, which dominates the literature on Behavioral
Decision-making (65.7% vs 32.8%, respectively).
Coping with Uncertainty
The frequency distribution of the different tactics of
coping with uncertainty is presented in Table 5. Tactics
of reduction are reported most frequently (46.8%), followed closely by tactics of acknowledgment (41.8%) and
tactics of suppression (11.5%). The latter result may
reflect low social desirability of such tactics. Three tactics are reported more frequently than all the others,
Frequency Distribution of Conceptualizations of Uncertainty
Type of uncertainty
Subject of uncertainty
1. Complete lack of information
4. Partially lacking information
6. Unreliable information
7. Inadequate understanding owing to equivocal information
9. Inadequate understanding owing to novelty
11. Inadequate understanding owing to instability
12. Conflict among alternatives owing to equally attractive outcomes
13. Conflict among alternatives owing to incompatible role demands
Frequency Distribution of Coping Tactics
Joint Distribution and Conditional Probabilities of
Strategies of Coping (Rows) Given Conceptualizations
of Uncertainty (Columns)
Tactics of reduction
Collecting additional information
Seeking backing or advice
Relying on doctrines & SOPs
Assumption-based reasoning
Tactics of acknowledgment
Improving readiness
Avoiding irreversible action
Weighing pros & cons
Tactics of suppression
Ignoring uncertainty
Acting on the basis of “intuition”
Taking a gamble
assumption-based reasoning (22.1%), preempting
(21.3%) and weighing pros and cons (18.9%).
Contingent Coping
Owing to our sample size, we had to group the data
in Table 4 and 5 to perform this analysis. The 13 conceptualizations in Table 4 were grouped into three categories according to their sources of uncertainty (incomplete information, conceptualizations 1–8; inadequate
understanding, conceptualizations 9–11; and undifferentiated alternatives, conceptualizations 14–15). The
tactics in Table 5 were grouped into five categories,
reduction (tactics 1–3), suppressing (tactics 9–11), and
three spin-offs from the original acknowledgment strategy: assumption-based reasoning (tactic 4), forestalling
(tactics 5–7) and weighing pros and cons (tactic 8). The
rationale of the latter division was the ambiguous classification of assumption-based reasoning as a tactic of
reduction or a tactic of acknowledgment (see Introduction above) and the rational vs single-option difference
between weighing pros and cons and forestalling (Lipshitz, 1995). In the following discussion we refer to these
categories as strategies of coping.
The results in Table 6 confirm that conceptualizations of uncertainty and strategies of coping are related
differentially (x2(8) 5 32.3, p , .001), and reveal the following pattern of contingent coping: If uncertainty is
conceptualized as lack of information, decision makers
use assumption-based reasoning (p 5 .33) and forestalling (p 5 .22); if uncertainty is conceptualized as inadequate understanding, decision makers use reduction (p
5 .37) and forestalling (p 5 .24); and if uncertainty is
conceptualized as conflict among undifferentiated alternatives, decision makers use weighing pros and cons
Lack of
information understanding Conflict
Weighing pros
and cons
(p 5 .47) and forestalling (p 5 22). Put differently, the
similarities between their base rates and three conditional probabilities show that decision makers are
equally inclined to use forestalling and suppression
with all types of uncertainty. In contrast, examination
of these parameters shows that decision makers tend
to use the three remaining strategies to cope with particular types of uncertainty. The conditional probability
of reduction given inadequate understanding is .37 compared with its unconditional probability of .25; the conditional probability of weighing pros and cons given
conflict is .47, compared with its unconditional probability of .19, and the conditional probability of assumption-based reasoning given lack of information is .33
compared with its unconditional probability of .22. In
addition, these conditional probabilities were considerably larger than the two remaining conditional probabilities in each category of uncertainty. The pattern of
differential response in Table 6 indicates that the five
strategies in the table, rather than the three originally
posited strategies, are psychologically distinct. This
conclusion should be treated cautiously owing to some
exceedingly small cell sample sizes in Table 6.
Finally, we analyzed the decision rules used by decision makers in the 30 instances in which they weighed
the pros and cons of the outcomes of conflicting alternatives. To this end we counted the number of positive and
negative attributes associated with every alternative,
counting uncertainty as a negative attribute (Potter &
Beach, 1994) if the decision maker referred to uncertainty as such explicitly. In 20 of the 25 instances decision makers chose one of the conflicted alternatives.
In 15 of these instances the chosen alternative was
associated either with more positive or with less negative attributes (or both) than the rejected alternatives.
In the five exceptions to this rule decision makers explicitly mentioned that they “decided to take a risk” or
that they “decided to take this course of action no matter
what.” In 5 instances decision makers developed and
implemented a new alternative. In all these instances
the original competing alternatives were either associated only with negative attributes, or associated with
an equal mix of positive and negative attributes. This
result is consistent with Lipshitz (1994, p. 60) who suggested that no-win choice problems “creates an avoidance–avoidance conflict, leading to ‘flight from the field’
(Lewin, 1948) in the form of reframing [i.e., development of a new alternative].” It is also consistent with
Klein’s RPD model (Klein, 1993) which posits that decision makers develop a new alternative when they find
that the alternative that they currently consider is unacceptable.
In this study we investigated three questions in regard to how decision makers cope with uncertainty in
naturalistic settings: How do decision makers conceptualize the uncertainty which they encounter in naturalistic settings? How do they cope with this uncertainty?
Are there systematic relationships between different
types of uncertainty and different methods of coping?
Defining uncertainty in the context of action broadly
as a sense of doubt that blocks or delays action, we
analyzed how uncertainty was conceptualized and handled in retrospective case reports of decision-making
under uncertainty. The results can be summarized as
1. Three conceptualizations of uncertainty were identifiable in the cases: inadequate understanding (approximately 44% of the cases), undifferentiated alternatives (approximately 25%), and lack of information
(approximately 21%.) In most instances (approximately
67%) decision makers were uncertain about their role
or situation. In the remaining 33% their uncertainty
concerned the potential outcomes of their options.
These results are consistent with emphases on the subjective nature of uncertainty (Howell & Burnett, 1978;
Milliken, 1987; Weick, 1995), as decision makers attribute uncertainty more often to subjective sources (i.e.,
inadequate understanding and undifferentiated alternatives) than to objective source (i.e., incomplete information). In addition, these results are consistent with
the assertion that naturalistic decision-making is characteristically driven by situation assessment (Lipshitz,
1993; March, 1981).
2. Five broad strategies of coping were identifiable in
the cases: reduction (approximately 25%), forestalling
(approximately 23%), assumption-based reasoning
(approximately 22%), weighing pros and cons (approximately 19%) and suppression (approximately 11%).
3. Decision makers used different strategies to cope
with different types of uncertainty. Inadequate understanding was primarily managed by reduction; incomplete information was primarily managed by assumption-based reasoning; and conflict among alternatives
was primarily managed by weighing pros and cons.
Forestalling was equally likely to be used as a back-up
strategy with all forms of uncertainty, and suppression
was least likely to be used with all of them.
These results show that Behavioral Decision Theory’s
R.Q.P. heuristic provides an incomplete description of
how decision makers cope with uncertainty in naturalistic settings. While reduction is consistent with this
heuristic, and weighing of pros and cons can be regarded as informal adaptations of two of its versions
(SEU and MAU, respectively), these strategies account
for less than half of the instances of coping in our sample. Furthermore, the R.Q.P. heuristic does not posit
contingent coping, and none of our cases indicates the
use of quantification. In the following discussion we
first show how the pattern of contingent coping found
in our sample is consistent with six models of decisionmaking in naturalistic settings, thus enabling us to
develop it into a Naturalistic Decision-Making alternative to the R.Q.P. heuristic, the R.A.W.F.S. heuristic
(designating its five components: Reduction, Assumption-based reasoning, Weighing pros and cons, Forestalling, and Suppression. We conclude with a discussion of the contributions and limitations of the study
and the additional research that it suggests.
The R.A.W.F.S. Heuristic
The significance of the pattern of contingent coping
presented in Table 6 is that it fits nicely—and ties together—several models of naturalistic decision-making, notably Beach (1990); Cohen, Freeman, and Wolf
(in press); Janis and Mann (1977); Klein (1993); Montgomery (1989); Weick (1979, 1995). This compatibility,
which helps to makes sense of the contingent pattern
in Table 6 and validates it in a bootstrapping-like fashion, is captured by the hypothetical R.A.W.F.S. heuristic
(Fig. 1). The heuristic describes how decision makers
conceptualize and cope with uncertainty in naturalistic
settings. The numerals in square brackets in the following discussion refer to corresponding elements in Fig. 1.
Consistent with our findings and the Naturalistic
Decision-making framework (Lipshitz, 1993), the
FIG. 1. Coping with uncertainty: The R.A.W.F.S. heuristic hypothesis.
R.A.W.F.S. heuristic presumes that decision makers use
both situation assessment [1] coupled with serial option
evaluation [2] and concurrent choice [6]. Based on Klein
(1993), Pennington and Hastie (1993), and Weick (1979;
1995), the heuristic assumes that decision-making begins with an attempt to understand, recognize or make
sense of the situation [1]. If this attempt is successful,
decision makers initiate a process of serial option evaluation [1] → [2] which they complement, if time permits,
by mentally simulating the selected option [2] → [3]
(Beach, 1990; Klein, 1993; Klein & Crandall, 1995).
When sensemaking fails, decision makers experience
inadequate understanding to which they respond, consistent with our findings (as well as Klein’s, 1993), by
using reduction or by forestalling [1] → [4a] → [4b]. If
additional information is not available (as is often the
case in the real world, e.g., Devons, 1961; Grandori,
1984; Lipshitz, 1995; Quinn, 1980), decision makers
experience lack of information, to which they respond
by assumption-based reasoning or by forestalling [4a]
→ [5]. This, again, is consistent with our findings, as
well as with the Recognition/metacognition model (Cohen, Freeman & Wolf, 1996; Cohen, Adelman, Tolcott,
Bresnick & Marvin, 1993). If decision makers generate
two or more good enough options they experience conflict [6], to which they respond by weighing pros and
cons or by forestalling [6] → [7]. The three-parts sequence [2] → [6] → [7] is consistent both with our findings and with Image Theory (Beach, 1990), which includes a similar sequence of serial followed by
concurrent option evaluation. Finally, if decision makers either fail to identify a single good enough option,
or to differentiate among several good enough options
they resort to suppression, forestalling, or the generation of a new alternative ([6] → [8] and [7] → [8], respectively). The links leading to suppression in the
R.A.W.F.S. heuristic are consistent with Janis & Mann
(1977) and Montgomery (1989). In addition, locating
this strategy as a response of last resort to all types
of uncertainty is consistent with its undifferentiated
pattern of relationships in Table 6, as well as with its
low observed frequency (which can also be attributed
to low social desirability). Three of the multiple locations of forestalling, [5], [7] and [8] are consistent with
its undifferentiated pattern of relationships in Table 6.
The remaining location [9] is based on Froot,
Scharfstein, and Stein (1994), who suggest that decision
makers forestall when they understand the risk posed
by the situation either owing to reduction or assumption-based reasoning [8] or without them [9]. Finally,
generating new alternatives [8] is consistent with our
secondary analysis of weighing pros and cons. The sequence depicted in Fig. 1 is not obligatory. For example,
if a decision maker frames his or her uncertainty as
undifferentiated alternatives to begin with, he or she
will “enter” the process at [6].
The R.A.W.F.S. heuristic offers a naturalistic decision-making alternative to the R.Q.P. heuristic from
which it differs in several respects. First, the R.Q.P.
heuristic is driven by formal analytic models that conceptualize decision-making under uncertainty as a form
of gambling. In contrast, the R.A.W.F.S. heuristic is
empirically driven and recognizes gambling as one, but
by no means the only, conceptualization of decisionmaking under uncertainty. Consequently, while the
R.Q.P. heuristic emphasizes computation (Pennington & Hastie, 1988), the R.A.W.F.S. heuristic emphasizes other forms of reasoning, notably assumptionbased reasoning and forestalling. Secondly, while the
R.Q.P. heuristic suggests that how decision makers
cope, or ought to cope, with uncertainty is dictated by
the magnitude or intensity of uncertainty, the
R.A.W.F.S. heuristic suggests that how decision makers
cope, or ought to cope, with uncertainty is principally
determined by the nature or quality of uncertainty.
Finally, the R.A.W.F.S. heuristic presents a more favorable picture of how decision makers cope with uncertainty than the picture that emerges from studies associated with the R.Q.P. heuristic:
We often dread uncertainty. A common way of dealing with uncertainty in life is to ignore it completely, or to invent some “higher
rationale” to explain it, often a rationale that makes it more
apparent than real . . . In fact, we even tend to deny the random
components in trivial events that we know to be the result of
chance. (Dawes 1988, p. 256.)
Contrary to Dawes’ pessimistic judgment, the
R.A.W.F.S. heuristic suggests that decision makers cope
with uncertainty adaptively, matching different types
of uncertainty with different coping strategies that are
suitable to human bounded rationality, resorting to suppression tactics only if all other strategies of coping
fail. These differences have significant implications for
decision-aiding and the design of decision training programs. Regarding the former, decision support systems
should be expanded beyond the R.Q.P. heuristic to support elements of the R.A.W.F.S. heuristic such as sense
making (Weick, 1995) and assumption-based reasoning
(Cohen, 1989). Regarding the latter, training programs
should aim at teaching novices or mediocre performers
the strategies and tactics that are used by experienced
decision makers in the same domain (Kelley, 1993)
rather than the lessons of Judgment and Decision-making research (Beyth-Marom, Fischhoff, Quadrel, &
Furby, 1991; Fischhoff, 1982).
Our study adds to the (surprisingly) few studies focusing specifically on how decision makers cope with
uncertainty within the Naturalistic Decision-making
framework (Cohen, Freeman & Wolf, 1996; Cohen, Tolcott & McIntyre, 1987; Potter & Beach, 1994; Serfaty,
Entin, & Riedel, 1991.) Although we did not observe
decision-making in situ, we used naturalistic methodology in that we did not identify decision-making
uniquely with concurrent choice (Lipshitz, 1993); we
did not associate uncertainty uniquely with future consequences, and we analyzed decision makers’ self reports with minimal conceptual imposition (defining uncertainty inclusively as a sense of doubt that blocks or
delays action).
Although the R.A.W.F.S. heuristic is compatible with
several existing models and (at least to us) seems reasonable, we advance it as a hypothesis for several good
reasons. First, Fig. 1 is extrapolated from results that
do not pertain to sequences of experienced uncertainty
→ coping tactic pairs. In addition, we used retrospective
self reports obtained from a fairly small nonrepresentative sample drawn from a specific population. Thus, we
suspect that when decision makers are at a total loss
as to what to do (a type of uncertainty altogether missing from our data) suppression tactics (which are found
fairly infrequently) are more ubiquitous than our findings indicate. Finally, retrospective self reports drawn
from long-term memory cannot be regarded as veridical
reports of external past events or internal cognitive
processes (Ericcson & Simon, 1984). Such reconstructions are, however, valid sources of evidence for the
schemas that people use to conceptualize their experiences and actions (Lipshitz & Bar Ilan, 1996; Mandler, 1984).
In conclusion, the R.A.W.F.S. heuristic suggests several directions for future research. First, the heuristic
clearly needs to be tested with decision-making in vivo.
Given the difficulties associated with this type of research, it is possible to use simulators such as those
that are used or training (Lipshitz & Ben Shaul, 1997;
Serfaty et al., 1991), or experimental small world simulations (Brehmer & Dorner, 1993.) These studies can
provide more informative data on the frequency of use
of different conceptualizations and coping tactics than
the data presented in Tables 4 and 5. The R.A.W.F.S.
heuristic can also be tested and elaborated by way of
applications. Cohen and his associates have already
outlined how assumption-based reasoning can be used
to support situation-assessment-based decision-making (Cohen et al., 1993, 1996.) This work can be extended to include other strategies and meta-strategies
which specify conditions of optimal use for each strategy. Finally, since the tactics (and certainly the strategies) are fairly abstract, studying how practitioners in
different domains operationalize them concretely can
be used to design training programs. Our teaching experience shows that decision makers (e.g., managers and
officers) think that the R.A.W.F.S. heuristic and the
coping tactics presented in Table 3 are useful and evocative. Our results show that some decision makers devised sensible, and usable, strategies of coping with
uncertainty that are well worth studying.
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