Critique of Networked Reason

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The paper critiques the interdisciplinary nature of networks, examining their implications in various fields including physics, biology, neurology, social sciences, and engineering. It explores the logic of emergence and how networks facilitate the transition from simple elements to complex structures, drawing on historical philosophical debates about time and logic. The author argues for a synthesis of disciplines to better understand the relationships between structure, form, function, and the role of conversation and social networking in shaping modern thought.

Critique of Networked Reason: The Phenomenology of the Collective Mind   Table of Contents   1.        Introduction: Networking and time. The Methodology and logic of the interdisciplinary science of networks: physics, biology, neurology, social science, cognitive science, engineering (pages 1-20)   Part A hardware networks: physics - chemistry, biology, neurology 2.        Physical networks and the physics of networks (pages 21-30) 3.        Biological networks and the biology of networks (pages 31-45) 4.        Neurological networks and the neurology of networks (pages 46-66)   Part B content and software networks: social sciences, cognitive science and linguistics 5.        Social networks and the social science of networks (pages 66-90) 6.        Linguistic networks (pages 91-110) 7. Cognitive networks and the cognitive science of networks (pages 111-176)   Part C scientific, engineering and organizational networks 8. Corporate networks and the organization of the networks (pages 177-187) 9.  Learning networks (188-208) 10.  Scientific and research networks (pages 209-220) 11.  Engineering networks and the design of networks (pages 221-232) Part D the future of networks 12.  The social dark matter and dark energy of the crowd (pages 233-260) 13.  Social sciences 2.0 and humanities 2.0 (pages 261-270) 14. Sources (pages 271-280)                                     Chapter 1 Introduction: The methodology and logic of the interdisciplinary science of networks: physics, biology, social science, cognitive science, engineering   In his article "network takeover" Barbashi (2012) shows how the reductionist paradigm, is replaced in the last decade by a new paradigm, the network paradigm. This paradigm leads to a new science: network science. Biologists and physicians already understand that "cancer gene", is a network of approximately 300 genes mutations. Without understanding the network connections between these 300 genes, you cannot understand and cannot cure the cancer. Because of the new methodology of the new network science we realize that one gene is not a separate instruction booklet to build a particular organ in the body, but each gene contains links to other genes. Similarly neurologists and cognitive scientists already understand that there is no one "neuron consciousness", but that consciousness, like cancer, is the result of emergent properties, from a network of synaptic connections between a large numbers of neurons. The emergent properties of networks are also the causes of financial crises, the collapse of the power grid or the Internet, etc. Until the early 21st century, there were no tools to view, simulate, and gain empirical data on networks scales of millions of nodes and billions of connections between nodes. But at the beginning of the 21st century, companies like Google and Facebook, became a kind of telescope and microscope, which allows us to view and extract data from millions of billions of documents and links between documents in the case of Google, and from the millions of people and billions of connections between them in the case of Facebook. Is it possible that Google and Facebook, or their successors, will in future, serve not only as telescope and microscope of organizations, but also a stethoscope, that will enable us to diagnose and cure economic and political ills? Time will tell, and that we will deal with in the chapters on biological-medical networks, and networking technologies. In the above image, we see how the visualization of the Internet, enable the discovery of the Universal Basic Law of the networks. This first map (1999) of a large computer network, and represents part of the WWW. Each point represents a document, and each link represents a web address. He discovered the law of Scale-free networks, under which documents are gaining links according to Pareto Law, namely that less than 1% of the documents, attracts more than 99% of the links. This law was discovered in the same year in which a first version of the algorithm Page-Rank of Google, were discovered. There is a deep connection between the development of "optics of networks" (tools like Google and Facebook telescope and microscope), and the development of "astronomy and physics of networks". Something similar happened in previous centuries regarding the relationship between the optics of the stars and understanding the laws of astronomy and their underlying physical laws. Observations of Brahe, Kepler and Galileo, paved the way for Newton's laws, especially the law of gravity by means of general physical laws, could explain the astronomical observations of the period. Google and Facebook have a double effect: First, they enable us to understand similar phenomena in the billions of connections between nodes, not just networks of documents (Google), and of people (Facebook), but also networks of neurons, genes, finance, energy, etc. Second, they not only provide a wealth of data, but also show lack comprehensive theory of networks. Partial theories explaining the behavior of the networks before "network theory" were fractal and chaos theory, the theory of self-organization, complexity theory, and more. What is common to all these theories is that they cross the old disciplines of physics, mathematics, biology, social science, cognitive science, etc. Perhaps as Descartes created a synthesis of algebra with geometry in analytic geometry, and as Newton created a synthesis of mathematics - physics in mathematical physics, so we need today to create the synthesis of Mathematics - Physics - Biology - Sociology - Economy - computer science, to the new science of networks. Who said synthesis can contain only two disciplines? Why not four or seven disciplines? From all disciplines we already revealed general network rules that apply to all disciplines, like the law of Scale-free networks by Figure 1 above, that say that less than 1% of the documents attract more than 99% of the links. In physics less than 1% of the stars (black holes) attract more than - 99% of the mass in the universe. In epidemics less than 1% of carriers account for more than 99% infection. In economics less than 1% of the population attract 99% of the wealth, etc.   1.1 The new discoveries in the book A, The discovery of the synergy between the fundamental laws of social networking: Metcalfe Law, Law Shirky, a law Axelrod, and McLuhan Law B, The discovery of the Networked Logic: science takes shape key chains new understanding of a range of disciplines: biology retina, retina physics, science, a retina, cognition retina. But most researchers in science networks, researchers entities retina (ants, social network, neural network), using Logic Pre retina or retina. Logic retina includes the following innovations. the discovery of new type of sentences: analytic – a posteriory. Until now were known three types of sentences. The first and second were discovered by Aristotle, and the third type was discovered by Kant. 1.1, logical sentences are analytic, ie, analyze - break down the whole issue into its components predicate and object ("single, is a man not married"). They are also a priori, that is correct truth definition, regardless of the empirical world. Therefore analytic sentences - a priori. 1.2, however, the sentences of the form "Julius Caesar is the ruler of Rome in XX "They are synthetic sentences (not just analyze the subject, but also add to the subject, empirical data (Afustriuri), so they are synthetic sentences - Afustriuriim. 1.3, and synthetic sentences - a priori, add information but not empirical knowledge, but knowledge a priori - mathematically, as in "an isosceles triangle is one in which the nadir of the base across the base into two equal segments." 1.4,, social network allowed to discover a fourth type of law. sentences analytical - Afustriuriim, are such that while the predicate and object analyze the issue, but analyze it only Afustriuri, ie. during the time. example of this is the information in the genes Bdianaye of a particular person, such as "Jacob is blond", "Ruth is low." predicate "blonde", interprets the theme "Jacob", the process of development and realization of information genetic (genotype), a drum, a real body (phenotype). so "thing itself" (Nueumna), Kant, Hegel realized by Davar as we see it "(Phenomenon). now we reached the second renewal of the logic retina. C, the discovery of the dynamics of the relationships between a meme (like Gen) and a conceptual phenotype. Combination of Frege (188) with Hegel (1806) with Susan Blackmore () results, analytical sentences - Afustriuriim are found not only in biology, but also in other areas: A. We saw in biology are revealed phylogenetic evolution (development of a certain kind). B, in action and behavior are revealed in the development Hmikrognzh (how intentions analytical translate to time things Afustriuriim can be observed empirically, and can be revealed only after the fact during and after exercise action. C., in history and biography, a person or organization that is analytical, and the realization Afustriuri. D, the discovery of "the geometry of the networked logic " Diagrams and Van, allowed to develop Algbriztzih of Aristotelian logic (Ben Leibniz fishing around in direction, through Frege and Turing). Insight thatAristotelian logic is a symptom of "combing" the complex crisscrossing bulbs (tangles of thinking by cognitive approach, tangles of neurons by a neurologist), and aligning them, allows us to understand different logic marble, logic Post - Aristotelian. Aristotelian logic is a symptom of a change in thinking occurred in the transition from a culture of conversation orally to a culture of monologue writing. This transition has been documented in the writings of Plato, the transition from thinking pre - Socratic (kind of Harkliitos and Parmenides), but also sophist (kind of Protagoras), rhetorical, and Guardians (poets), thinking Aristotelian based on Aksiumtika of logic, and later by Euclid Caksiumtika of the geometry . We reconstruct the logical structure and geometry of thinking in his conversation, oral, pictographs, and Hebrew alphabetical - Phoenician, Greek alphabet before. E, detection optics of the social network. Social Network microscope and telescope. As the telescope and microscope were a kind of "men of springs", which allowed to find tiny organisms such as bacteria, and astronomical entities such as galaxies, the social network that allows to discover new phenomena marble in every area networks. For example, "dark matter of the social sciences." F, Disclosure "Copernican revolution" in history and the social sciences, that the crowd is "dark matter of the universe", and the dominant power of the social sciences. Social networks allow "Copernican revolution" in all sciences. History, political science, economic theory and management science, stressed by the end of the 20th century, the central role of genius and leader. Social networks discovered the error. The crowd has always been the key player of the history, politics and economics. But scientists now see only the tip of the iceberg, or as Tolstoy says: "Historians are like the farmer who sees the smoke emitted from the hold, and think the smoke is the attractive force the ship, as the horse pulling the wagon." It seems that before Copernicus thought that the earth is the center of the world and the Sun orbits the Earth. Copernican revolution brought a backward and showed that the Earth is a tiny rock mass moving through the universe. That leaders and geniuses, have a marginal role in history, and in everyday social life. G, The discovery, the central role of Hayntoaitziih Bkognitziih retina and behavior of humans and animals. You can make a synthesis between non-working approach - a rational approach of Kahneman and herds of Schelling and Hlbing. This synthesis is due to adhesive connecting the information in herds and explains the speed and effectiveness of the herd, stems from the nature of the "System 1" or intuition, according to Kahneman. H, And, disclosure principles Hfrtzftzftzih retina of animals: Frtzftziit GUI , Frtzftziih Quantum I. Disclosure evolution of relations misperceptions it creates - Intuition - logic, in animals and humans.'s See how cognition humanity separated animal cognition, and thus lost the immediacy intuitive by Kahneman () and Gladwell (), and the ability of social action Hmtaumt weakened. On the other hand human cognition earned accuracy. It also seems that the trade-off between fast and intuitive thinking and vague, and slow thinking logically and accurately. This separation was caused by the transition to speech by heart and cave paintings before hieroglyphic alphabet pictographs, according to the principles of logic Totem analysis of Levi Strauss (). Then we will transition from pictographs Hebrew script, and Greek reporter from Nietzsche and by Purush. Million.  J, Expanding inventory of Kant's categories other categories: Self - Reference, meta, Amrgnzih, evolution. K, The discovery, possibility of power INFO - Social fluid social networks, like power electro - magnetic power flowing. Synthesis section D above, suggests the presence of a force INFO - social flows in social networks and herds. However, this force can be detected empirically quantifiable mathematical and application technologies of "engineering of social networks," only since the advent of social networking. Methodology, networking social are a "telescope and microscope" of the social sciences. component force piece of paper piece of paper - social, discovered Google algorithm Paige - Rank it., while the Social component piece of paper power - social, Pace Bock revealed its social graph (Edge - Bran k) .     1.2 Basic Entities and basic methodologies. In this book we will review many areas whose activity is based on networks: physics, chemistry, biology, social sciences, and sciences of mind. Survey will be carried out at two levels: a, action networks in a given area is the ontological level. That is the theory of entities retina. B, but there is also a methodological level, ie the various methodologies that you can use to explore networks. 1.2.1 the basic entities Physics From micro-particles (1) through crystals And units of time - space (2), and to the galaxy at the macro level, interconnected networks. Biological neurons, genes, bacteria, proteins, connected networks. Too silent transition physics cheek biology, animal biology and the social sciences society and consciousness science Hkognitziih , Will be explained using the concepts of crisscrossing and Hamrgnzih. Social sciences, organizations are networks that flow in knowledge, money, emotions, power and more. Cognitive science seems that perception, reasoning, logic and Hayntoaitziih are separate networks, which are connected. Engineering, electrical networks, and we will deal with communication networks This ontological level of networking (ie, entities retina). 1.2.2 the basic methodologies But there is also a methodological level of networking (ie, research methods for networks). Physics of networks, adopting research methods and branches of physics, to explore networks. Refers to industries such as thermodynamics, electromagnetism, and the complex and chaos theories, developed in physical and chemical (Brbashi). Biology of networks, adopting research methods and branches of biology, to investigate networks. Refers to industries such as molecular biology, evolution, genomics, neurology, medicine, pharmacology and more. Social Science of networks, efforts to research methods of sociology, economics, management, and political science to investigate networks. Refers to categories such as: theory of organizational structure, the dynamics of organizations, social capital, social networks, digital pre, economic networks and more. Cognitive science of networks, efforts to research methods of cognitive psychology, linguistics and psycholin-guistics class, computer science, philosophy and logic, to investigate networks. Refers to fields such as artificial intelligence, calculation of the verses, mathematical logic, and data mining.     1.3 Time, Being and Logic   The history of philosophy and science, they are history debate between Parmenides Lharkliitos. By Harkliitos, you can not bathe in the same river twice, because in the meantime the river current. The logic of Aristotle and Euclid's geometry (hundreds of years before Christ), and the logic of Frege and Turing machine, Parmenides won. That logic and mathematics assume, for example the law of negation, sterilize the time. Negation of the negation, returns to the zero point in space, but does not return to zero at the wrong time - around. The second negative was that at another time, negativity first. Parmenides, like Einstein, actually referred to (perhaps unconsciously), for both quantity and quality, and as a dimension equivalent to the three-dimensional space. So Einstein said God does not play dice. The universe is static and homogeneous object. Harkliitos however, mean you can not step in the same river twice. Nowadays it is possible to say that the randomness (mutations in Darwin, probabilistic wave functions in quantum mechanics) or creativity (Bergson), does not Akoioolnti space time (because of randomness), or not quantitative but qualitative (for creativity). We show that already in Aristotle has a deep connection between the perception of time (in his "Physics"), the perception of logic (in his "Organon"). Therefore explore the concepts of time, the network, and logic since Parmenides - Harkliitos and Plato - Aristotle, to see the "Forgot your retinas" for thousands of years. Forgot retina due monological takeover linear way of thinking of writing then of printing, even more. Conversation is the retina. Tktst written or printed is linear. World of social networking, brings us crisscrossing my conversation. Forgetful retina were felt, but could not see the whole picture until the 21st century, when billions of people, began using logic retina of the Internet in general and social networking in particular. Between those who felt Forgetful retina were: Crisscrossing the language according to Hegel Continued from Bergson Forgot entity, in compliance with Heidegger Social power from Dirkheim. Babkbot crisscrossing lost In our research, we sweep the lost traces of ontology and logic crisscrossing in the Harkliitos, and see how linear logic ontology and replaces them gradually Parmenides, through Plato, and Aristotle. Then we follow the new science of Newton and Descartes built on the foundations of mathematical logic Ristiim not linear. See the errors of Kant relied on non crisscrossing science, consider the linear evolution theory of Darwin. 1.4 The network logic of emergence How to transition to hydrogen atoms and oxygen atoms, formed a new entity with new qualities, called water. How did the still life, and how the company was created out of consciousness and life? How did the still life? Using embedded Embededness wisdom, and the ability of evolutionary Evolvability at the level of inanimate matter: Ktriit and Mackay () involve crossing DNA molecules in crystals. Hordg'ik Co.. () Deal with the transition chemical reactions and processes auto - catalytic, organic evolution. Woz () deals Babolbibiliot level of molecules of heredity, and Sdao and Dahar () deal with the relationship between the dynamics of sand grains pile and the proportions in the organism, which are maintained during growth? A, how DNA. Creates a kind of shell crystal pearl? Why conch pearl and sand pile has the same structure and the same dynamics Frktalit? Turing (), in his theory of morphogenesis, asks how the world creates organic shapes like leopard spots, shell, etc.. It also dealt Darcy Thompson () and (). To answer these questions it is necessary to merge disciplines like chemistry of the reactions, the theory of crystals (crystallography), materials sciences, molecular biology, network theory, and artificial intelligence. In order to explore the relationship between structure, form, and function, between a given object and its environment, in terms of energy flow and information flow object and its environment, and vice versa. ‏‭ ‬PAGE‭ \* ‬MERGEFORMAT‭ ‬3