Course Evals: Intro to Africana Philosophy-Jan2021

Report for Oludamini Ogunnaike - All courses Project Title: 2021 JTerm Course Evaluation Course Audience: 14 Responses Received: 8 Response Ratio: 57.14% Report Comments JTerm 2021 Individual Instructor Report - Aggregate All courses Creation Date: Tuesday, January 26, 2021 University of Virginia JTerm 2021 Questionnaire Course Preparation: 1. The average number of hours (per week) that I spent outside of class preparing for RELA 3559 - 001 New Course: RELA : Less than 1 1-3 4-6 7-9 10 or more Course Questions: Answer the following questions based on your experience in RELA 3559 - 001 New Course: RELA. (Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral, Agree, Strongly Agree) 1)The course increased my enthusiasm for the topic. 2)Through this course I gained a deeper understanding of the subject matter. 3)I had access to the course materials I needed to learn, including access to required textbooks, course readings, technology tools, and other materials required for class assignments and projects. * If the above question generates a negative response, a branching question will be generated: 3-A) You disagreed or strongly disagreed that you did not have access to the course materials you needed to learn. Please review the options below and select any of the reasons that may better describe what affected your access to course materials. Internet speed and reliability Internet connectivity It was difficult to obtain hand-on materials needed for the course I didn’t have the funds to purchase the course materials The instructor didn’t provide the course materials needed to learn Other: Please Specify Learning Activities Question: To what extent did the following learning activities contribute to your learning? (A Lot, A Moderate Amount, A Little, Not At All) Real-time lecture Recorded lectures Recorded video demonstrations Hands-on activities Real-time, whole-class discussion Real-time small-group discussion Online discussion boards Office hours Open Comment Questions (Course): 1) Please tell us briefly how any of the above learning activities (or other activities not included above) contributed to your learning in this course. 2) What would you like the instructor and university administrators to know about your experience in this course? Instructor Questions: Answer the following questions based on your experience with Oludamini Ogunnaike. Your constructive feedback will help your instructor identify what went well and ways to improve the course in the future. (Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral, Agree, Strongly Agree) 1) The instructor clearly communicated the course schedule and expectations for participation (e.g., readings, discussions). JTerm 2021 Individual Instructor Report - Aggregate All courses - Confidential 2/20 University of Virginia 2) The instructor clearly communicated the course learning objectives. 3) The instructor implemented learning activities and assignments that allowed me to demonstrate understanding of the course material. 4) The instructor provided me prompt and useful feedback on my learning. 5) The instructor provided opportunities for my active participation. 6) The instructor was available to help support my learning. 7) The instructor fostered an environment where I felt valued as an individual and that I belonged in the class. 8) Overall, the instructor was an effective teacher. 9) The instructor created an environment that respected difference and welcomed diverse perspectives. * A positive or negative response to the above question will generate a follow-up comment question. 9A) You selected "AGREE or STRONGLY AGREE" on the previous question: Please give specific examples as to how Oludamini Ogunnaike created an environment that respected difference and welcomed diverse perspectives. 9B) You selected "DISAGREE or STRONGLY DISAGREE" on the previous question: Please give specific examples as to how Oludamini Ogunnaike did not create an environment that respected difference and welcomed diverse perspectives. Open Comment Question (Instructor): Your response to the open-ended question below will be shared only with Oludamini Ogunnaike. If this course was taught by multiple instructors, you will have the opportunity to provide feedback to each. Please avoid using instructors’ names in your responses to ensure confidentiality. 1) What constructive suggestions do you have to help Oludamini Ogunnaike improve this course for future students? JTerm 2021 Individual Instructor Report - Aggregate All courses - Confidential 3/20 University of Virginia Course(s) in this report. COURSE_NAME Count Percentage RELA 3559 001 1 100.00% Student Preparation The average number of hours (per week) that I spent outside of class preparing for RELA 3559 - 001 New Course: RELA: Statistics Response Count Value 8 Mean 4.00 Median 4.50 Standard Deviation 1.20 JTerm 2021 Individual Instructor Report - Aggregate All courses - Confidential 4/20 University of Virginia Course Questions Mean values are displayed below. Scale 1 = Strongly Disagree 2 = Disagree 3 = Neutral 4 = Agree 5 = Strongly Agree Department (RELG) Question School (CGAS) Institution (University of Virginia) Response Mean Count Response Count Mean Response Count Mean The course increased my enthusiasm for the topic. 329 4.20 3902 4.46 4582 4.48 Through this course I gained a deeper understanding of the subject matter. 328 4.51 3877 4.64 4556 4.66 I had access to the course materials I needed to learn, including access to required textbooks, course readings, technology tools, and other materials required for class assignments and projects. 327 4.68 3896 4.75 4578 4.75 1. The course increased my enthusiasm for the topic. 2. Through this course I gained a deeper understanding of the subject matter. 3. I had access to the course materials I needed to learn, including access to required textbooks, course readings, technology tools, and other materials required for class assignments and projects. JTerm 2021 Individual Instructor Report - Aggregate All courses - Confidential 5/20 University of Virginia 1. The course increased my enthusiasm for the topic. Options Score 2. Through this course I gained a deeper understanding of the subject matter. Count Percentage Options Score Count Percentage Strongly Disagree 1 0 0.00% Strongly Disagree 1 0 0.00% Disagree 2 0 0.00% Disagree 2 0 0.00% Neutral 3 0 0.00% Neutral 3 0 0.00% Agree 4 1 12.50% Agree 4 0 0.00% Strongly Agree 5 7 87.50% Strongly Agree 5 8 100.00% Statistics Value Statistics Value Mean 4.88 Mean 5.00 Median 5.00 Median 5.00 Standard Deviation 0.35 Standard Deviation 0.00 3. I had access to the course materials I needed to learn, including access to required textbooks, course readings, technology tools, and other materials required for class assignments and projects. Options Score Count Percentage Strongly Disagree 1 0 0.00% Disagree 2 0 0.00% Neutral 3 0 0.00% Agree 4 1 12.50% Strongly Agree 5 7 87.50% Statistics Value Mean 4.88 Median 5.00 Standard Deviation 0.35 JTerm 2021 Individual Instructor Report - Aggregate All courses - Confidential 6/20 University of Virginia JTerm 2021 Individual Instructor Report - Aggregate All courses - Confidential 7/20 University of Virginia Learning Activities Mean values are displayed below. Scale: 1 = Not at All 2 = A Little 3 = A Moderate Amount 4 = A Lot Learning Activities: To what extent did the following learning activities contribute to your learning? Department (RELG) Question School (CGAS) Institution (University of Virginia) Response Mean Count Response Count Mean Response Count Mean Real-time lecture 298 3.66 3351 3.76 3959 3.77 Recorded lectures 134 2.69 1537 3.02 1763 3.03 Recorded video demonstrations 105 2.80 1250 3.12 1435 3.13 Hands-on activities 218 3.47 2063 3.50 2527 3.53 Real-time, whole-class discussion 236 3.45 2969 3.51 3584 3.54 Real-time small-group discussion 297 3.68 3310 3.60 3906 3.61 Online discussion boards 119 2.58 2056 3.02 2554 3.07 Office hours 200 2.73 1462 2.77 1756 2.82 Learning Activities: To what extent did the following learning activities contribute to your learning? 1. Real-time lecture 2. Recorded lectures 3. Recorded video demonstrations JTerm 2021 Individual Instructor Report - Aggregate All courses - Confidential 8/20 University of Virginia 4. Hands-on activities 5. Real-time, whole-class discussion 6. Real-time small-group discussion 7. Online discussion boards 8. Office hours Learning Activities: To what extent did the following learning activities contribute to your learning? JTerm 2021 Individual Instructor Report - Aggregate All courses - Confidential 9/20 University of Virginia 1. Real-time lecture Options 2. Recorded lectures Score Count Percentage Options Score Count Percentage Not At All 1 0 0.00% Not At All 1 0 0.00% A Little 2 0 0.00% A Little 2 0 0.00% A Moderate Amount 3 0 0.00% A Lot 4 8 100.00% Statistics Value A Moderate Amount 3 0 0.00% A Lot 4 0 0.00% Statistics Value Mean 4.00 Mean NRP Median 4.00 Median NRP Standard Deviation 0.00 Standard Deviation NRP Standard Error (base on PSD) 0.00 Standard Error (base on PSD) NRP 3. Recorded video demonstrations Options Not At All 4. Hands-on activities Score 1 Count Percentage 0 0.00% Options Not At All Score Count Percentage 1 0 0.00% A Little 2 0 0.00% A Little 2 0 0.00% A Moderate Amount 3 0 0.00% A Moderate Amount 3 0 0.00% A Lot 4 0 0.00% A Lot 4 0 0.00% Statistics Value Statistics Value Mean NRP Mean NRP Median NRP Median NRP Standard Deviation NRP Standard Deviation NRP Standard Error (base on PSD) NRP Standard Error (base on PSD) NRP JTerm 2021 Individual Instructor Report - Aggregate All courses - Confidential 10/20 University of Virginia 5. Real-time, whole-class discussion Options 6. Real-time small-group discussion Score Count Percentage Options Score Count Percentage Not At All 1 0 0.00% Not At All 1 0 0.00% A Little 2 0 0.00% A Little 2 0 0.00% A Moderate Amount 3 0 0.00% A Lot 4 8 100.00% Statistics Value A Moderate Amount 3 6 75.00% A Lot 4 2 25.00% Statistics Value Mean 4.00 Mean 3.25 Median 4.00 Median 3.00 Standard Deviation 0.00 Standard Deviation 0.46 Standard Error (base on PSD) 0.00 Standard Error (base on PSD) 0.15 7. Online discussion boards Options Not At All 8. Office hours Score 1 Count Percentage 0 0.00% Options Not At All Score Count Percentage 1 0 0.00% A Little 2 0 0.00% A Little 2 0 0.00% A Moderate Amount 3 0 0.00% A Moderate Amount 3 1 25.00% A Lot 4 0 0.00% A Lot 4 3 75.00% Statistics Value Statistics Value Mean NRP Mean 3.75 Median NRP Median 4.00 Standard Deviation NRP Standard Deviation 0.50 Standard Error (base on PSD) NRP Standard Error (base on PSD) 0.22 JTerm 2021 Individual Instructor Report - Aggregate All courses - Confidential 11/20 University of Virginia Learning Activities: To what extent did the following learning activities contribute to your learning? Please tell us briefly how any of the above learning activities (or other activities not included above) contributed to your learning in this course. Comments The discussion component has really helped me grasp the concepts and the opportunity to ask clarifying questions The in class discussions were extremely helpful. Hearing both Professor Ogunnaike's and my fellow student's thoughts helped me to find my grounding in the topics of each day. learned so much from my professor and my peers, very thankful for the smart people who talk in class and bring interesting perspectives. The whole class discussions were the most impactful; some of the break–out room discussions felt a little rushed and there wasn't as much participation Prof. O conducted a really engaging and thought–provoking class, and is clearly very knowledgable on the subject matter. JTerm 2021 Individual Instructor Report - Aggregate All courses - Confidential 12/20 University of Virginia Course Comments What would you like the instructor and university administrators to know about your experience in this course? Comments I really enjoyed this course! I think in class discussions worked very well, would have appreciated more small group discussion. I think the amount of readings were appropriate, and I found them all to be very relevant and helpful in the discussion of African Philosophy/ I absolutely loved this course. There have been perspectives that I have never considered, which I was able to through this course. This so far has been an amazing j term. It opened me to new ways of critical thinking and considering all sorts of counterarguments. As a STEM major and pre med, I so not usually take these sort of classes, but this has been a worthwhile course and I believe that more courses like this should be offered at the University. I think that this was a great course! I am extremely glad that I took it. I also think it worked well as a J–term course. the content of this course is SO interesting and valuable. The readings and discussions were really thought–provoking and cosmology–shifting. However, given the long hours on zoom, Zoom fatigue was real. I tried my best to stay focused but it was hard at times. Sometimes it made certain concepts all merge together. Overall very good course! Only thing to maybe change structure–wise was that it would've been nice to have small–group discussions given more importance, but I found the whole–class discussions very impactful. This was an incredible class and Prof. O is an amazing professor. JTerm 2021 Individual Instructor Report - Aggregate All courses - Confidential 13/20 University of Virginia Instructor Questions Mean values are displayed below. Scale 1 = Strongly Disagree 2 = Disagree 3 = Neutral 4 = Agree 5 = Strongly Agree Question Instructor Average - all courses (oo4qw Oludamini Ogunnaike) Department (RELG) School (CGAS) Response Mean Count Response Count Mean Response Count Mean The instructor clearly communicated the course schedule and expectations for participation (e.g., readings, discussions). 8 4.75 469 4.38 5235 4.69 The instructor clearly communicated the course learning objectives. 8 4.75 472 4.42 5236 4.66 The instructor implemented learning activities and assignments that allowed me to demonstrate understanding of the course material. 8 4.88 472 4.42 5236 4.62 The instructor provided me prompt and useful feedback on my learning. 8 4.50 472 4.19 5246 4.40 The instructor provided opportunities for my active participation. 8 5.00 472 4.38 5252 4.51 The instructor was available to help support my learning. 8 5.00 471 4.48 5232 4.55 The instructor fostered an environment where I felt valued as an individual and that I belonged in the class. 8 5.00 470 4.48 5238 4.57 Overall, the instructor was an effective teacher. 8 5.00 468 4.48 5228 4.68 The instructor created an environment that respected difference and welcomed diverse perspectives. 8 5.00 471 4.48 5241 4.57 1. The instructor clearly communicated the course schedule and expectations for participation (e.g., readings, discussions). 2. The instructor clearly communicated the course learning objectives. JTerm 2021 Individual Instructor Report - Aggregate All courses - Confidential 14/20 University of Virginia 3. The instructor implemented learning activities and assignments that allowed me to demonstrate understanding of the course material. 4. The instructor provided me prompt and useful feedback on my learning. 5. The instructor provided opportunities for my active participation. 6. The instructor was available to help support my learning. 7. The instructor fostered an environment where I felt valued as an individual and that I belonged in the class. 8. Overall, the instructor was an effective teacher. JTerm 2021 Individual Instructor Report - Aggregate All courses - Confidential 15/20 University of Virginia 9. The instructor created an environment that respected difference and welcomed diverse perspectives. 1. The instructor clearly communicated the course schedule and expectations for participation (e.g., readings, discussions). Options Score Count Percentage 2. The instructor clearly communicated the course learning objectives. Options Score Count Percentage Strongly Disagree 1 0 0.00% Strongly Disagree 1 0 0.00% Disagree 2 0 0.00% Disagree 2 0 0.00% Neutral 3 0 0.00% Neutral 3 0 0.00% Agree 4 2 25.00% Agree 4 2 25.00% Strongly Agree 5 6 75.00% Strongly Agree 5 6 75.00% Statistics Value Statistics Value Mean 4.75 Mean 4.75 Median 5.00 Median 5.00 Standard Deviation 0.46 Standard Deviation 0.46 3. The instructor implemented learning activities and assignments that allowed me to demonstrate understanding of the course material. Options Score Count Percentage 4. The instructor provided me prompt and useful feedback on my learning. Options Score Count Percentage Strongly Disagree 1 0 0.00% Strongly Disagree 1 0 0.00% Disagree 2 0 0.00% Disagree 2 0 0.00% Neutral 3 0 0.00% Neutral 3 1 12.50% Agree 4 1 12.50% Agree 4 2 25.00% Strongly Agree 5 7 87.50% Strongly Agree 5 5 62.50% Statistics Value Statistics Value Mean 4.88 Mean 4.50 Median 5.00 Median 5.00 Standard Deviation 0.35 Standard Deviation 0.76 JTerm 2021 Individual Instructor Report - Aggregate All courses - Confidential 16/20 University of Virginia 5. The instructor provided opportunities for my active participation. 6. The instructor was available to help support my learning. Options Score Count Percentage Options Score Count Percentage Strongly Disagree 1 0 0.00% Strongly Disagree 1 0 0.00% Disagree 2 0 0.00% Disagree 2 0 0.00% Neutral 3 0 0.00% Neutral 3 0 0.00% Agree 4 0 0.00% Agree 4 0 0.00% Strongly Agree 5 8 100.00% Strongly Agree 5 8 100.00% Statistics Value Statistics Value Mean 5.00 Mean 5.00 Median 5.00 Median 5.00 Standard Deviation 0.00 Standard Deviation 0.00 7. The instructor fostered an environment where I felt valued as an individual and that I belonged in the class. Options Score Count Percentage 8. Overall, the instructor was an effective teacher. Options Score Count Percentage Strongly Disagree 1 0 0.00% Strongly Disagree 1 0 0.00% Disagree 2 0 0.00% Disagree 2 0 0.00% Neutral 3 0 0.00% Neutral 3 0 0.00% Agree 4 0 0.00% Agree 4 0 0.00% Strongly Agree 5 8 100.00% Strongly Agree 5 8 100.00% Statistics Value Statistics Value Mean 5.00 Mean 5.00 Median 5.00 Median 5.00 Standard Deviation 0.00 Standard Deviation 0.00 JTerm 2021 Individual Instructor Report - Aggregate All courses - Confidential 17/20 University of Virginia 9. The instructor created an environment that respected difference and welcomed diverse perspectives. Options Score Count Percentage Strongly Disagree 1 0 0.00% Disagree 2 0 0.00% Neutral 3 0 0.00% Agree 4 0 0.00% Strongly Agree 5 8 100.00% Statistics Value Mean 5.00 Median 5.00 Standard Deviation 0.00 JTerm 2021 Individual Instructor Report - Aggregate All courses - Confidential 18/20 University of Virginia You selected "AGREE or STRONGLY AGREE" on the previous question: Please give specific examples as to how Oludamini Ogunnaike created an environment that respected difference and welcomed diverse perspectives. Comments Prof. Ogunnaike was very intentional about encouraging us to ask questions or challenge the things we read. The readings themselves were rarely from the exact same perspective. He allowed us to voice our own opinions on articles and current situations. He also emphasized the importance of different perspectives and I felt at ease speaking in his class, I usually don't feel at ease. I in particular struggle with a lot of social anxiety and I feel he made it a comfortable environment to speak in and express yourself. He listened to and respected everyone's opinions. He also told us on multiple occasions that is it okay to disagree and hold different opinions. He taught with great humility which I greatly appreciated. Professor Ogunnaike was really helpful and supportive and non–judgemental on the topics we discussed. The majority of class were not familiar with the wide variety of African thought, religion, cosmology. Professor O would kindly correct or give an example without making us feel ignorant or at fault for not knowing. When talking about philosophy, he encouraged everyone to share their points of view and what they believed to be the right answer. He did a good job at allowing people in the class to express their opinions before speaking his own mind on the readings & other course content, and also openly encouraged people to share what their thoughts were even if they disagreed with part of the course content or what someone else had said in class His method of teaching and the overall nature of this course is the epitome of a space that seeks to understand and respect diverse perspectives. JTerm 2021 Individual Instructor Report - Aggregate All courses - Confidential 19/20 University of Virginia Instructor Comments What constructive suggestions do you have to help Oludamini Ogunnaike improve this course for future students? Comments It would work well to have more small group discussion I think. I'd like to start by saying Prof. O is unlike any professor I've had. He really allowed his students to express their views. His content is very interesting and I really like how this course is very discussion oriented since it really helps cultivate critical thinking skills. Also the content itself, was very eye opening, and allowed me to grow as a person, but also cultivate an interest in understanding what race and philosophy is and many other ideas I would've otherwise never thought of. Prof. O is one of the best educators I have had in my undergrad experience and I hope more students are able to take a class with him. The only criticism I have is maybe for the more difficult readings like Ibn al–Arabi and Winch's Azande reading, have more videos explaining some of the ideas. I feel like with those readings and later primary source readings, students are getting really lost and confused. But other than that I feel like this course pretty great! Maybe add more slides? I appreciated the slide about Syliva Wynter's "Genital Mutation" article. More summary slides like that one would be helpful. Thank you for a great two weeks! For a j–term on zoom, I would ask for Professor Ogunnaike to have some stretch breaks or switch up content (music video –> analysis?). But hopefully, we won't have another semester on zoom. I think more guidance for small group discussions would be helpful n/a JTerm 2021 Individual Instructor Report - Aggregate All courses - Confidential 20/20