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2019, Cine y Ciencias Penales
5 pages
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Wash. U. Global Stud. L. Rev., 2007
The paper discusses the relevance of the precedents of international law set by the International Military Tribunals of Nuremberg. It attempts to determine whether they are still relevant in today's corpus of international law and if so how.
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European Journal of International Law, 2010
When the international criminal tribunals were convened in Nuremberg and Tokyo in the mid-1940s, the response from lawyers was mixed. Some believed that the Second World War was an exceptional event requiring special legal remedies, and commended the tribunals for advancing international law. Others condemned them for their legal shortcomings and maintained that some of the charges were retroactive and selectively applied. Since then, successive generations of commentators have interpreted the tribunals in their own ways, shaped by the conflicts and political concerns of their own times. The past two decades have seen the establishment of new international courts, and an accompanying revival of interest in their predecessors at Nuremberg and Tokyo. Recent commentaries have analysed the founding documents, the choice of defendants, the handling of the charges, the conduct of the casesand also the legal and political legacies of the tribunals. They demonstrate that long-standing disagreements over antecedents, aims and outcomes have still not been settled, and that the problems inherent in some of the original charges have still not been solved, despite the appearance of similar charges within the remit of the International Criminal Court today.
University of Baltimore Law Review, 2017
History: Reviews of New Books, 2018
How the Nazi regime, which had been built on the principle of deprivation of psychological, ideological and social enjoyments, was represented in Nuremberg by only twenty-four Accused. While in the Tokyo trial, only a group of twenty-eight senior Japanese dignitaries faced justice? Ending a war by setting up an exceptional court and opening a judicial process to try some leaders of the defeated belligerent power is a political decision than a legal one.
American Journal of Comparative Law, 2010
for excellent research assistance, to Ms. Sherrie Malone and Beverly Owens for secretarial support and to Dean Kent Syverud for graciously and generously supporting this project. HeinOnline-58 Am. J. Comp. L. 151 2010 1. Indeed, following the trial, Walter Lippman enthused: For my own part, I do not think it rash to prophesy that the principles of this trial will come to be regarded as ranking with the Magna Charta, the habeas corpus and the Bill of Rights as landmarks in the development of law. The Nuremberg principle goes deeper into the problem of peace, and its effect may prove to be more far-reaching than anything else that has yet been agreed to by the peoples of the world.
"The Nuremberg Trials constituted a historic moment and a landmark in the development of international criminal law not just because of its primitive character but also its reflections on the creation of modern international criminal law. They gave rise to a new system of international criminal justice which includes national courts, ad hoc tribunals, mixed tribunals and finally the International Criminal Court. All of these institutions are rooted in Nuremberg. This article contends that, with its existence and principles the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg has a great importance in creation of contemporary international criminal law. Keywords International Criminal Law, International Criminal Justice, The Individual Criminal Responsibility, The Nuremberg Trials , The International Criminal Court, The Rome Statute, Military Tribunals, Ad Hoc Tribunals, The Nuremberg Principles, War Crimes. "
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