India’s Experience with Federalism: Lessons Learnt and Unlearnt
Balveer Arora
Centre for Political Studies
Jawaharlal Nehru University
New Delhi.
A paper presented at an international seminar on
"Constitutionalism and Diversity in Nepal"
Organized by Centre for Nepal and Asian Studies, TU
in collaboration with MIDEA Project and ESP-Nepal
22-24 August 2007
Kathmandu, Nepal
Draft Outline: Not for Citation
India’s Experience with Federalism: Lessons Learnt and Unlearnt
Balveer Arora, 1
India’s federal experiment has undergone, over the past sixty years, many trials and
tribulations. In this presentation, we seek to capture the defining features of this experience,
the hesitations, mistakes and failures as well as the innovations and successes.
During this period, the system has sought to explore and to innovate, trying to
discover how much diversity it was possible to accommodate without sacrificing the essential
Indian federalism remains in essence work in progress, and we attempt below to
highlight fifteen major features which have marked its development, and to see if there are
any lessons to be learnt.
But at the outset, many dictates of conventional wisdom had to be set aside, much to
the dismay of constitutional purists.2 Unlearning was as much a part of the learning process
as the inspired search for solutions to problems never before encountered in quite the same
1. The Legacy of Partition and the Weight of History
Historical legacies are undoubtedly important in the shaping of any polity. Colonial
rule wrecked the economy but had several unintended consequences for the polity. Through
the development of means of communication, the spread of the English language and mass
mobilisation under Mahatma Gandhi, it forged a political unity which the national leadership
could build upon.
Disorderly decolonisation imposed an urgent need for consolidation of the young
independent State. If Mahatma Gandhi was the father of the nation, Jawaharlal Nehru was the
father of the Indian state.
The wisdom of the founding fathers in the Constituent Assembly lay in not mistaking
the quelling of existing turmoil as their main mission. They transcended the immediate
context to lay the foundations of a durable democracy, forsaking neither their principles nor
their vision of what the Indian Republic was intended to represent.
The Unitarian temptation was strong and so was the urge to situate India ideologically
as a reaction to the immediate context and the tragic turn of events. After intense debate, the
Constituent Assembly opted for a secular Republic with its own brand of federalism.
Not surprisingly, its credentials to be considered federal were deemed dubious. A
literal reading of the Constitution was admittedly misleading, because it was easy to overlook
Dr Balveer Arora is Professor of Government and Politics and former Rector, Jawaharlal Nehru University,
New Delhi.
Sir Kenneth Wheare and Sir Ivor Jennings. The Sri Lanka Constitution
lasted all of seven years. Fali Nariman, ‘Constitution under Threat’.
the significant ways in which the federal principle had been superimposed on the
parliamentary system.
2. The Fear of Federalism and Disunity.
Traumatised by the unprecedented horrors and dislocation of Partition, the
Constituent Assembly was obsessively focussed on the need for ensuring the unity and
integrity of the new nation. The fear of excessive federalism was cogently articulated, the
risks of centrifugal and fissiparous forces overwhelming the young Republic were
passionately evoked.
The framework finally adopted departed significantly from all existing models of
federalism. The Constituent Assembly devised a system which seemed most suited to the
needs of the time and the requirements of a federal society. Political processes generated by
the logic of a federal democracy completed this work in course of time.
In the absence of any track record or reliable radar to assess departures from the
existing template of norms and yardsticks, which were derived from the then dominant
models, jurists found it difficult to certify that the system was indeed federal. It was therefore
declared ‘Quasi-Federal’.
Today, India’s political institutions are widely recognised as a vigorous albeit hybrid
variant of the federal species. Self rule and shared rule have been combined in unorthodox
ways which have enabled the Indian Union to not only survive but also flourish in all its
3. Recognising Diversity
The recognition of linguistic identities as the basis for territorial organisation surfaced
as a major issue in the Constituent Assembly. It had its roots in a promise first made during
the national movement, and then deferred through a misreading of priorities and popular
The power of recognition and the costs of non-recognition created serious problems
for the polity throughout the 1950s and the 1960s. In retrospect, there was avoidable loss of
life and property through prolonged agitations.
Variable Geometry and flexible States Reorganisation was incorporated in the
Constitution, raising many eyebrows. How has it worked in practice? The Centre has
generally dragged its feet and eventually agreed, when popular pressures built up.
The use of languages for official purposes, the protection of linguistic minorities, and
the flowering of 22 languages alongside English are durable legacies.
The political process in the first two decades of independence was thus marked by a
mix of the politics of identity and the politics of scarcity. Tension areas of this period were
around identity, language and boundaries.
4. The Strong Centre Framework: Functional or Dysfunctional?
The Constituent Assembly created an ‘Indestructible Union of Destructible States’
Secession was banned explicitly in the early years, but constitutional flexibility enabled other
forms of search for solutions.
Overall, the shift from reluctant to robust federalism was spurred on by the political
process, which made it difficult to ignore the true nature of the Indian federation.
The Strong Centre framework has proved remarkably resilient, even during the phase
when the clarion call was to roll back the State. Given the nature and extent of social
diversities and cleavages, the judicious intervention of a Strong Central State is often
considered indispensable for maintaining social harmony.
This phase of India’s federal development was marked by the stunted growth of
institutional devices designed to cope with the needs of cooperation and coordination. Single
party dominance obscured the challenges that lay ahead.
Even in the economic liberalisation phase, the Centre retains control over all the
macro-economic levers of command. While deregulation in some areas has given more scope
for state initiatives, the needs for central regulation in new areas has emerged.
The strong centre framework is not challenged or sought to be replaced even by
proponents of state autonomy. What they want is strong states and more state autonomy
within the same framework.
5.The Distribution of Powers and Responsibilities : The Lists
The Cardinal Principles of the new Constitution, as defined by B.R.Ambedkar, were:
(a) A single judiciary
(b) Uniformity in fundamental laws, civil and criminal
(c) A common All-India Civil Service for important posts
It is important to recall that the original design vested substantial legislative powers
and responsibilities in state governments for key developmental activities.
Table 1: Distribution of Legislative Powers and Executive Responsibilities between the Union Parliament
and the State Assemblies in Key Areas.3
Development Area
List I: Union’s Powers
1. Land
List II: States’ Powers
List III :Concurrent
Land rights, tenures, rents,
transfer (18)
Forests (17A)
2. Water
Inter-state rivers and river
valleys notified by law in public
interest (56)
Water supplies, storage,
power, irrigation and canals
3. Electricity, Power
& Energy
Atomic energy and
mineral resources (6)
Natural and Bio-Gas (25)
4. Agriculture
territorial waters (57)
Agriculture(14); Livestock
territorial waters (21)
Wild Animals (17B)
Compiled from Constitution of India , Seventh Schedule. Numbers in brackets refer to item numbers in the
concerned list. The Union List included obvious sovereignty functions such as defence, foreign affairs and
currency, while maintenance of public order and police functions are assigned to the states. Residuary powers
are vested in the Union
5. Industry
Industries notified by law for
national defence (7) or to be in
public interest (52)
Industries other than those in
List I(24)
Mineral oil / Petroleum (53),
Mines and minerals notified to
be in the public interest (54)
Mines and minerals other than
those in List I(23)
Foreign trade and commerce,
frontiers(41) Inter-state trade &
commerce (42)
Trade & commerce within the
state (26) Production, supply
and distribution of goods (27)
Markets & Fairs (28)
production & distribution
of foodstuffs, edible oils,
cotton & jute (33)
waterways (24), maritime
shipping (25) major ports (27)
transportation (30)
communication other than
those in List I(13)
Minor ports (31), shipping
& navigation on inland
waterways (32)
9. Education
Universities & Institutions of
scientific/technical education
and research (63-66)
Incorporation and regulation
of Universities, literary and
associations, cooperatives (32)
Technical, medical, and
including vocational and
technical training (25)
10. Information &
censorship (60)
Theatre, Cinema, Sports (33)
11. Public Health
and Social Welfare
Port quarantine (28)
Public health and sanitation/
hospitals & dispensaries (6)
unemployable (9)
Infectious and contagious
diseases (29) Economic
& social planning (20)
Population control (20A)
social security/insurance
Labour welfare (24)
Municipal corporations &
local self - government (5)
Public works (35) Cooperative societies (32)
government, public
& cooperatives
13.Taxation Powers
Taxes on Personal Income (82),
Corporate Income (85), Capital
(86), Estates (87), Rail/Sea/Air
Transportation (89), Services
Agricultural Income Tax
(46), Lands and Buildings Tax
(49), Alcohol (51). Electricity
(53), Sales of Goods (54),
Vehicles (57), Cinema (62).
A literal reading of the Indian Constitution can however be misleading. Multiple
overlaps have occurred, not merely in the concurrent spheres of jurisdiction but also in
spheres explicitly assigned to the states.
Financial constraints of the states have led to the proliferation of central schemes and
national missions. The all encompassing ambit of entry 20 in List III, social and economic
planning, provided the constitutional basis for the planned development model of the first
New elements of the division of powers and responsibilities have begun to assume
importance, overshadowing to a certain extent the issues which dominated the reform agenda
of the earlier period.
While the issue of distribution of responsibilities and powers in federal political
systems is generally contentious, a gross mismatch between the two can lead to serious
The federal dialogue with the states is often pre-empted by central administrative and
policy decisions. The Centre often decides on a particular course of action and only thereafter
seeks inputs from the states. Consensus building is after the decision, not before. This mode
of decision-making is contested.
6. Asymmetric Federalism: The acceptance of inequality of states.
Unequal States give rise to the need for the constitutional recognition of inequality, to
be built into the federal polity in ways which protect diversity without sacrificing unity or
imposing uniformity.
Related to the quest for a more responsive and participatory federal democracy is the
notion of asymmetric federalism. As political and economic asymmetries get accentuated,
demands are bound to grow for statutory asymmetric arrangements.
In India, the inequality of states, and of regions within states, has commonly
generated tensions and dissatisfactions. Asymmetrical federalism and special status
provisions, including special fiscal regimes and incentives, have helped address these
problems to some extent.
Special Status provisions have been used to resolve issues arising from history,
geography and culture. Articles 370 and 371 provide examples of such accommodative
constitutional engineering.
Special status and unique relationships to meet specific needs and requirements were
very much a part of the original constitutional design from the outset.
Sub-State autonomy structures and autonomous district councils have had a mixed
record. Some have been mere transit points towards statehood, others have proved more
durable. Combining self rule and shared rule can assume many forms: fragmentation and
non-viable units have to be weighed against the advantages of integration and size. The
creation of north-eastern states raised this issue in a particularly acute form.
7. Executive Federalism, All-India Services and Inter-Governmental Relations.
The growth of Executive Federalism is one of the noteworthy features of India’s
federal development. It is linked to the parliamentary system where the executive is part and
parcel of Parliament.
Legislative federalism as embodied in the Rajya Sabha remains weak and
underdeveloped, whereas executive federalism has acquired new dimensions.
What has been the record of the role and contribution of the All-India services to
Indian federalism? Their existence is unique among federations which are generally marked
by horizontally layered bureaucracies.
The basic postulates and assumptions need to be stated and revisited in the light of
experience. The ‘ring of service’ that Sardar Patel evoked, binding the union and injecting
into policy making an awareness of constraints faced by each level, remains an interesting
Among the institutional experiments in executive federalism, the most noteworthy is
the Inter-State Council (ISC), which was established in 1990 under article 263 and was
intended to bring together Chief Ministers at regular intervals to discuss issues of national
policy and action. The reasons for the stunted growth of this institution are not difficult to
comprehend: it was conceptually flawed from its inception as it lacked the requisite status
and authority to mediate effectively between the Centre and the States.
Sarkaria, who submitted his report in the twilight years of Congress party hegemony
and dominance, recognised the need for such a Council. In fact, he recommended two, the
second one to replace the National Development Council
The tensions of this phase emerge clearly in the Sarkaria Report : less central
intervention and more states’ participation.
8. Judicial Power.
The Judiciary is assigned a major role in all federal systems through the power of
judicial review.
The Indian Judiciary has changed its stance on the nature and extent of federalism
embodied in the Constitution.
The first phase was marked by a literal reading of the Constitution and giving the
Centre the benefit of the doubt in most cases.
Subsequent events, notably the experience of the Emergency (1975-77) changed the
perception of the Judiciary. The Central perspective ceased to be the dominant reference
point for judging federal issues. The point of view of the states began to be heard with greater
attention and respect.
It has recognised the trends towards greater assertion of federal principles and has
supported this development in recent years.
The independence of the Judiciary has been a major pillar of the federal democracy
9. Multilevel Government –Opposition relations
The 1990s can be viewed as a defining transition for India’s polity; they paved the
way for a political system more federal than ever before.
New modes of participation and decision-making emerged through the mechanism of
federal coalitions, to which the parliamentary system and the Constitution have yet to adapt
in a formal sense.
Through federal coalitions, the power and influence of state-based parties increasingly
shapes national policy as well as the course of Centre-State relations.
More importantly, single-state and multi-state parties have engineered, through the
political process, an enhanced degree of participation in national policy-making that they
could not achieve through formal institutions of co-operative federalism. In effect, federal
coalitions have given them participatory opportunities that were earlier denied to them.
Two main factors can be flagged as the driving force behind this transition.
First, globalisation has added a new dimension to the polity, with economic reforms
assigning new roles and responsibilities to the States.
Second, the federalisation of the party system, which has brought in its wake a new
dynamic, with its own mix of ‘competing logics’ is a crucial development.
The interplay of local aspirations articulated by state-based parties with the
imperatives of national cohesion derived from a different discourse is at the core of this
The complex power sharing that results from this multilevel relationship is a
significant factor in holding the system together.
10. Emergency Powers and Constitutional Dictatorship:
Emergency provisions exist in all democratic constitutions to protect and preserve the
State, give it the powers to defend itself from its enemies, both internal and external.
However, important differences with regard to the limitations, checks and safeguards
provided. Preventing abuse has been a major preoccupation ever since Hitler constitutionally
seized absolute and total power under the Weimar Constitution.
Major lessons were learnt in this area on the possibilities of abuse. A trusting
Constituent Assembly had devoted little thought to tight safeguards, given the context of the
debate and the impeccable democratic credentials of the national leadership. The need for
tighter safeguards arose sooner than expected. Uncertainties surfaced over civil-military
Abandoning the bumpy road of democracy has its own charm and temptation in
periods of intense political turmoil. The difficulties arise in choosing the moment for reviving
the democratic process. Hence the need for stringent limitations and safeguards to ensure that
this state of exception remains as short as possible, with other institutions pushing towards a
return to normalcy at the earliest.
Suspension of federalism was a major consequence of the utilisation of emergency
powers, quite apart from its effects on fundamental rights and freedoms.
11. Governors and their Discretionary Powers.
Governors as the eyes and ears of the Central Government were a legacy of colonial
rule. It was considered necessary to retain this institution, which became the most
controversial instrument of central intervention.
Is the Institution Necessary? The question has been posed repeatedly, when efforts to
curb abuse and reform the system met with little success. Federal flexibility was ironically
one major reason and defence of the institution.
The fundamental issue if the illegitimate exercise of legitimate powers, the abuse of
powers. The Judiciary has been a major force in curbing this trend, laying down norms and
guidelines for the exercise of gubernatorial powers.
12. Regional Inequalities and Redistribution: Independent Finance Commission
The Finance Commission, with its independent constitutional status, was expected to
engineer the necessary balance between the needs of the Centre and the states.
A new phase in India's political and economic development began in the early 1990s
with liberalisation and an increased role for market forces. This shift has given rise to new
contradictions and cleavages between market driven economics and politics based on
universal suffrage.
Earlier, it was the State that had the primary role in mediating these tensions. It sought
to reconcile those excluded by markets by including them through the policies and processes
of political democracy.
In addition to wide income disparities the Indian Union is characterised by vast
regional inequalities too. Here again, the State was earlier assigned a primary role in
mitigating the consequences of geographically uneven development
Thus the situation today is largely the outcome of the conjunction of two factors: the
economic liberalisation reform programme and the federalisation of the party system. The
problem of growing inequalities is equally complex. How social and economic inequalities
are viewed is a core issue in the debate on the new role of the State.
Greater reliance on market allocation of capital investments has given rise to
competition among states that are unequally equipped and endowed for it. This has given rise
to competitive federalism.
The impact of competition for attracting investments to the states is to be understood
at two levels. On the one hand, states are under pressure to provide good governance and to
manage their finances with prudence. On the other hand, they are acutely aware of the
negative impact of many of these reform measures on their electoral popularity.
13. Creating an Internal Common Market.
The sequence adopted was to aim for political integration first, and the building of a
common market was considered a relatively easier task, given the existence of a common
currency, a central bank, and central government control over other macro economic
The development of fiscal federalism however created new obstacles in the path of
this delayed integration. States developed as centres of power and complex negotiations had
to be conducted to persuade them to forego sources of revenue resulting from inter state tariff
Introduction of VAT was a long drawn out process, with Tamil Nadu and Uttar
Pradesh holding out till recently. It now paves the way for freer inter-state trade and
commerce, dismantling of tax & excise barriers, and creation of a belated common market.
An integrated Goods and Services Tax, though announced for 2010, is still problematic.
14. Internal Security, Public Order: Roles and Responsibilities.
The role of an All-India Police Service and the growth of central armed police and
para - military forces have also been questioned in the debate on states’ rights and autonomy
in the first phase.
In the subsequent years, states have tended increasingly to lean on central forces to
supplement their own often inadequate police apparatus.
The role of Central Forces in areas which fall primarily within the sphere of States
Responsibilities has been a contentious issue. The cases of Ayodhya and Godhra can be cited
in this context. The power of the Centre to issue directives to states and to interpret noncompliance as constitutional breakdown has been selectively invoked.
15. Multilevel Federalism and Local Self Government.
This idea took legislative shape with the 73rd Constitutional Amendment (1992),
which effectively came into operation in 1995.
The new framework of self-government institutions effectively gives constitutional
recognition to a third tier of the federal structure.
However, this does not mean that multilevel federalism is already a generalised
ground reality, or that it is likely to be so in the near future.
It is important to note that there are powerful interests in the states, both within the
political class and the bureaucracy, which resist this decentralisation.
Was it wise to model these on Panchayats or to fashion them as District
Governments? These institutions are in essence the building blocks of a new experiment in
Table 2.: List of Developmental Responsibilities for Local Governments
Development Area
1. Land
Land improvement, implementation of land reforms, land consolidation and soil
conservation (2)
2. Water
Drinking water (11) Minor irrigation, water management and watershed development
3. Electricity,
Rural electrification and distribution of electricity. (14) Non-conventional energy
sources (15) Fuel and fodder (12)
4. Agriculture & Fisheries
Agriculture (1) Fisheries (5) Animal husbandry, dairying & poultry (4) Social/farm
forestry (6) Minor forest produce
5. Industry
Small-scale industries, food processing (8) khadi / village / cottage industries (9)
6. Oil, Mines, Minerals,
7. Trade & Commerce
Markets and fairs (22)
Roads, culverts, bridges, ferries waterways and other means of communication (13)
9. Education
Education, including primary and secondary schools (17) Technical training and
vocational education (18) Adult & non-formal education (19)
Libraries (20) Cultural activities (21)
11. Public Health
Health and sanitation, including hospitals, primary health centres and dispensaries (23)
12. Social Welfare and
Poverty alleviation programme (16) Family welfare (24) women and child welfare (25)
Social welfare (26) Welfare of weaker sections (27) Public distribution system (28)
13. Local government &
Maintenance of community assets (29)
The gradual growth of the panchayat system, working in tandem with civil society
institutions of the voluntary sector, is a defining development of the federal system. The
pressures that are being generated at this level hold the promise of developing into
powerhouses for bringing about further changes in the institutional design.
Within the framework of this multilevel federalism, the recently enacted Right to
Information Act appears to be a potentially powerful weapon for effective decentralisation
and democratisation. While it favours, in a general way, the development of transparency and
accountability in governance, it is capable of producing significant results in smaller settings
of decentralised democratic institutions. In this sphere, civil society institutions and
particularly voluntary sector organisations are playing an increasing role.
Lessons Learnt and Unlearnt: Concluding Remarks
After 60 years, Indian Federalism is still work in progress. Witness the appointment
of the Second Commission on Centre-State Relations. Five dimensions can be highlighted in
(a) Unresolved issues and new reform agenda
Identity related: Second SRC or recasting the federal system. Statehood demands:
Telangana, Vidharba and the restructuring of Uttar Pradesh.
Resource Related: Water resources, long standing inter-state river water disputes
(Cauvery, Narmada) and compensation through equalisation formula for unequally
endowed states.
Institutional Agenda: Governors, Presidents Rule, and the future role of the Inter-State
Sectoral issues: relating to health, education and social security combined with
jurisdictional roadblocks in the development of infrastructure and basic minimum needs
water, power, transport and connectivity.
(b) Political Parties and Federalism
The growth in power and influence of state-based parties now shapes the course of
Centre-state relations primarily through the mechanism of coalition governments at the
Centre. More importantly, some parties have engineered, through the political process, an
enhanced participation in national policy-making that they could not achieve through formal
institutions of co-operative federalism. In effect, federal coalitions have given them
participatory opportunities that were earlier denied to the states in institutions such as the
Planning Commission, the National Development Council or the Inter-State Council.
(c) Economic Reforms and Social Justice
Structural changes conducive to an increased role for the market have obviously had
an impact on intergovernmental relations. This has prompted fears that the gap between the
more developed and the less developed states could widen, with the latter being left behind in
the competition for economic growth. Education and Healthcare remain critical areas and the
policy of quotas and reservations for deprived sections is an important component of the
social justice agenda. Affirmative action has of late come under attack from the Supreme
Court which has viewed it as anti-merit.
(d) Reinforcing Governance Capabilities of the States
The challenge is simultaneously to invent new ways of facilitating the participation of
states in the formulation of national policies and motivating them for effective
implementation in key infrastructural areas such as power, roads, and basic civic amenities.
In the context of a multi-party system and the need to forge federal coalitions for national
governance, this becomes all the more necessary. The political process is able to achieve this
to some extent, but is no substitute for effective institutionalised arrangements.
(e) The Role of Voluntary Sector Institutions
They now interface in more effective ways with multilevel federalism. Local
government issues, concerned as they are with basic land use, water and electricity supply,
education, health and food security concerns, are increasingly becoming the privileged arena
for determining the electoral fate of parties. Performance or non-performance in this area is
bound to increase in significance as pressures on resources intensify.
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