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2020, AFRICAN GOD'S GENERALS ( ISBN: 978-978- 58349-7-0)
3 pages
1 file
This is the latest book authored by Moses OLUDELE Idowu. It is a 588- page book detailing the history of the first great revivals across Africa and the principal characters of those revivals and some of the most prominent figures in AFRICA church history- in a single volume.
The Cistercian Monastery of Zaraka, Greece Edited by Sheila Campbell MONASTIC LIFE, 2018
В 2017 г. на могильнике Малая Рязань I были исследованы два захоронения, оно из которых окру- жено прямоугольной каменной оградой. Погребальный обряд и состав инвентаря относят выявленные комплексы к одной их групп скотоводческого населения Самарской Луки раннехазарского времени. Погребения датируются серединой – третьей четвертью VIII в. Two burials of the burial ground of Malaya Ryazan I were investigated in 2017. One of them was surrounded by a rectangular stone fence. The funeral rite and the composition of the inventory include the identified complexes to one of the groups of the cattle-breeding population of the Samara Bend of the early Khazar time. Burials date from the middle to third quarter of the VIII century.
Dutse International Journal of Social and Economic Research, , 2019
The study evaluates the effect of financial performance, capital structure and firm size on firms' value of listed consumer-goods firms in Nigeria for the period of 12 years (2006-2017). Return on Assets and Return on Equity proxy financial performance while Short-term debt and Long-term debt proxy financial leverage; Natural logarithm of total assets proxy firm size while Tobin's Q proxy firms' value. Firm growth serves as control. The study uses ex-post facto Pooled Ordinary Least Squares together with Panel data estimators consisting of Fixed Effects Model and Random Effects Model. The study reveal that Return on Assets, short term debt and long term debt have positive significant effect on Tobin's Q, Return on Equity has negative significant effect on Tobin's Q while firm size and firm growth have insignificant effect on Tobin's Q. The study concludes that the independent variables have effects on the dependent variables. The study recommends that the management of the firms should maintain the use of debt in their capital structure as it enhances firm's value; the management should sustain and improve on the level of total assets as it enhances firms' value. ,
Regional Environmental Change, 2019
In most countries, weather and seasonal climate forecasts are available through national meteorological services (NMSs). However, uptake of NMS forecasts in remote Pacific communities can be limited, particularly those relating to expected impacts. To address this, NMSs need a clearer understanding of the types of information local communities currently use and how this information is received, to enable them to modify their products and their delivery to better meet community needs. Structured community interviews across four Pacific countries (Niue, Solomon Islands, Tonga and Vanuatu) were undertaken by NMSs and their incountry partners. These interviews highlighted that remote communities mainly relied on weather and climate forecasts based on traditional knowledge (TK) alone or in combination with contemporary (NMS) forecasts. Many who had access to both forecasts systems indicated that they only sourced contemporary forecasts in the lead up to and during extreme events, particularly cyclones, to assist their decision-making. Recent extreme events in the Pacific have shown that self-reliant communities, with knowledge of traditional ways of forecasting, and responding to climate extremes, experience several benefits including reduced social-economic disruption and lower than expected death rates, particularly when combined with contemporary warnings. Therefore, there is a need to better understand the role of local traditional knowledge-based forecasts and for NMSs to work towards improving the content and communication of their forecasts to enable communities to take advantage of all available forecast information. For effective risk reduction, warnings and responses should therefore complement contemporary forecasts, rather than replace, TK-based forecasts.
In this book chapter a comparative assessment of modelling and control of mechanical manipulator is considered. First, kinematic and dynamic modelling of wide range of mechanical manipulators comprising flexible link, flexible joint and mobile manipulators are considered. Then, open-loop optimal control problem is formulated to control of the obtained system. Finally, some applications of method including motion planning and maximum payload determination are illustrated through the computer simulations.
Zeitschrift für Religionswissenschaft, 2012
Народознавчі Зошити, 2024
Canadian Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy
European Journal of Nutrition, 2020
The Annals of Mathematics, 1995
European Respiratory Journal, 2019
Revista Gestão em Sistemas de Saúde, 2015
Revista de ciencias sociales, 2011
Journal of Physical Therapy Science
English Language and Literature, 2019