The Reiki Ideals
Just for today, I will let go of my anger.
Just for today, I will let go of my worry.
Just for today, I will give thanks for my many
Just for today, I will do my work honestly.
Just for today, I will be kind to my neighbour and
every living thing.
Leonie Faye
Reiki Manuals 1 and 2
Reiki First Degree
How Reiki energy works
The emotional aspects of healing with Reiki
Working with the Aura
Reiki for Self Healing
Sensations of heat in your hands.
Working with Chakras
Reiki Second Degree
General Info
Second Degree Healing Hands On
Reiki Second Degree Practices
Absentee Healing
Communicating with the sub-conscious in a healing
Understanding the concept of sickness on a spiritual level
Clearing Houses with the power of Reiki 2nd Degree
Reiki First Degree
When taught properly with love, dedication and commitment Reiki will transform your life
for the better. Reiki is a form of Spiritual energy that was rediscovered by a wonderful
man named Dr Usui in the early nineteenth century. He was searching for healing that
could work with humans on the physical level. However, what he did discover was a
formula for healing both the body and the spirit.
Dr Usui was the founder of The Reiki being taught today. Dr Usui believed that there
was more to life than what he had been taught. He understood the teachings of the bible
and of Buddhism but he believed there was more that he could learn. He travelled in
search of this wisdom. Eventually he ended up meditating on a mountain for twenty-one
days. On the 21st day he was hit with a beam of light that struck him on his forehead.
This was the light of awakening. This light opened him to the parallels and different
dimensions where beings of great wisdom and knowledge lived. These beings knew that
he was looking for a formula and wisdom that could help people to heal in a natural way.
They say that these beings showed him sacred symbols that were written in ancient
Sanskrit. They showed him what these symbols represented when applied on a spiritual
level. They then attuned him to the powers of Reiki.
On that day, Dr Usui brought the power of the universe down to the children of Mother
Earth. Heaven had connected to earth. From that day on, the power of the great
awakening had begun. They say that when he made his way down the mountain he
tripped and fell, hurting his ankle. Instinctively he placed his hands on his ankle and
immediately the swelling and pain went down. That was the first miracle of Reiki.
Making his way to a tavern, he sat down and asked for a large bowl of food. For twentyone days he had fasted, and eating a large amount of food straight away would be
harmful to him. However, when he ate, nothing happened. That was the second
miracle of Reiki.
At the tavern, the owner's daughter was in great pain because of a toothache. Dr Usui’s
hands began to get warm and he asked her if he could place his hands on the area that
was causing her pain. As soon as he did this the pain vanished. This was the third
miracle of Reiki.
Dr Usui now believed without a doubt that something had taken place up there on the
mountain. Dr Usui spent the rest of his life working with people, doing healings and
teaching other Masters and students how to work with Reiki. He did not have any real
format or structure, it was Dr Hayashi who gave it it’s format and structure and then
passed it on to Takarta who took Reiki out to the world. Since then the power of Reiki
has grown and evolved with the passing down of the Reiki. With each student and new
Master, the Reiki energy grows and awakens even more wisdom and knowledge that
has been denied us for so long.
Reiki is both hands on healing and also absentee healing. When Reiki is applied with
dedication and commitment miracles can and do happen.
When working with Reiki energy on a person you find that you can lower stress within
their body. Stress is the major factor for illness in our society today. Stress and worry
can cause the mind to break down which can cause illness to the body. With Reiki hands
on healing, we are able to help a person lower their stress levels, which in turn helps
them to control their level of worry, fear and stress and when we do that, a person is able
to think straight and focus on positive outcomes in their lives.
Have you notice that when you are at peace with your personal world illness does not
invade you as much as when you are worried or stressed out? Reiki healings can
provide that level of healing to improve your life.
When someone is diagnose with a serious and life threatening illness there is a real fear
and a sense of failure within themselves. You begin to feel like life has betrayed you in
some way. With Reiki we are able to help a person feel good about themselves, to help
them combat the fear and worry. Reiki will relax them and open them up on both a
physical and spiritual level. Reiki helps you to believe that your life is worthy. When your
confidence is high and your levels of stress, worry and fear are regulated then you are
able to fight the illness with more confidence. When some illnesses can not be healed
because a disease has taken over and death is imminent Reiki can help. Reiki can heal
the soul and teach the person to accept death. This can make dying a less painful event.
We believe the soul lives forever and Reiki can help the person come to terms with the
dying process and even bring an inner sense of peace. At the point that the soul leaves
the body at death, Reiki can guide the soul to the light and into the higher levels and
dimensions, which aid a person through the rebirth process.
The Reiki Ideals
Just for today let go of you worry and face the day bravely.
Just for today do your work honestly no matter whether you are a mother, or a factory
worker or a businessman. Be proud of who you are and what you do.
Just for today give thanks for what life has already bestowed upon you no matter how
small or how large.
Just for today have respect for those you love and for every living being and animal on
our small planet. Give out kindness and kindness will be returned.
Reiki means universal life force energy. Rei meaning universal - Ki meaning life force.
There are three stages of learning with Reiki.
Blocked energy that cannot move through the body is what causes illness within a body.
We need to have an even flow of energy flowing freely throughout the body to have
health and well being. Reiki First Degree helps to heal the body and clears out any
imbalances. Through hands on, we are able to remove any blockages.
Reiki Second Degree is much more advanced. It helps heal your body, mind and your
soul on all levels. With Reiki Second Degree you can heal past and present situations in
your life. You are able to set up positive outcomes to events in your life.
Reiki Third Degree is the Master’s level, here you are committed to teach Reiki to others.
Reiki can and does apply to other healing methods that are around today. You can quite
safely mix Reiki with other alternative and even conventional healing. Reiki will only
enhance these tools. So if you are sick, or seriously ill you must always go to your doctor
or hospital. Medical science is a miracle too, just like Reiki, so when you combine Reiki
with normal medical practice, you have the ultimate healing power that you can achieve.
Reiki can also be used on other living things like animals and plants.
Food also can be zapped as we say with the power of Reiki, so too can water. Reiki will
do just about anything. So if you have a sick animal, you can use the power of Reiki on
them to help heal and ease pain.
If a plant is dying or looking sick you can help it to revitalise and heal as well.
If your food or water tastes funny or tasteless, you can enhance their flavours by Reiking
Crystals can also be charged with Reiki, this is great if you use crystals for healing.
Timing has no part in true healing, but if you are on a time limit, 3-5 minutes on each
area of the body will do, but try not to put a limit on Reiki, because it is intuitive healing,
some areas will need more time than others.
Reiki can be used on just about anything and anyone, especially if you have done
Advanced Reiki or Reiki Two as it is fondly named.
Reiki does not interfere with any religion or certain beliefs.
You cannot lose your Reiki energy. It is with you for life, even if you choose never to use
it again.
You cannot do anything destructive or evil with Reiki because it comes from love and
good intent.
Reiki is safe on pregnant woman, young children and the elderly. When a person has
had enough of the energy the Reiki will stop. You cannot give too much Reiki.
Reiki can help to relieve stress, by making you feel calm and relaxed.
After your attunements you will find that your body may start clearing and de-toxing any
chemical or emotional imbalances for up to 21 days.
Reiki itself will guide and teach you how to work with its energy. It is good to do selfhealing on yourself with your Reiki, this will help you to learn all about the energy.
Although Reiki cannot cause any harm to you, there are a few points that you should be
aware of.
I recommend that you never do, or give yourself or another person a Reiki just before
going under anaesthesia in an operation. Reiki tends to neutralise the anaesthesia rather
quickly, however giving someone a Reiki after surgery can help with feelings of sickness
and pain relief.
Reiki when used with people who suffer illnesses and need controlled medication, like
diabetes and cancer should have their medication doses monitored while having
extensive Reiki healing. This is because Reiki can help cure these diseases, and it
maybe necessary to lower their doses of medication while they are having a healing
Reiki can cure and set broken bones very quickly, so be very careful when doing a
healing on a person who has a broken bone. If you set the bone in the wrong position it
can cause problems like out of shape limbs, which may need surgery to correct later.
Some people do not like to be touched by another person. Some of the positions we do
tend to be near areas of the body that may cause alarm to the person if you have not
warned them where you are putting your hands.
Before a healing, explain where you will be doing the healing positions and explain why.
If they feel uncomfortable with your touch you can work about an inch above the body.
Reiki is so powerful that you can give them a full Reiki doing the procedure this way. You
can also place a sheet or a blanket over their body to make them feel secure. Reiki can
be felt through the clothes. Your patient need never take their clothes off for a Reiki
I believe that we are heading into an age where we are becoming aware that there is
more to our existence than we once thought. In the last two years, our spiritual growth
has opened us to other cultures, hidden sacred symbols and magical beliefs that were
long ago banished.
Our minds are opening and we are starting to believe in the spirit kingdom. We are also
becoming aware of other forces and energies that exist with us here on earth. We are
taking an interest in the magic behind the ancient cultures like Buddhism, Shamanism,
Wiccan and Celtic magic.
I want you to understand that all these energies are good and wise. It is the person using
or abusing the energy who decides its fate.
Reiki stands in the middle of these energies. Reiki does not recognise the ego that
resides in all human beings. The ego is what makes a person who they are - be it good
or evil, and because of this it can not be used in a harmful way.
Reiki provides you with strong protection and wisdom. If you are on a spiritual journey,
then Reiki will stand by your side and encourage you to follow the right pathway. Reiki
allows you to enter areas where you would never have ventured before. These areas are
places and dimensions that allow you to follow any chosen pathway you desire.
However, Reiki will only guide you there if it is safe.
Dr Usui knew that Reiki energy would be needed not only for physical healing, but in
years to come, spiritual healing. He was right! We have entered this phase now. Reiki
will help us on all levels to heal, and most importantly, teach us about ourselves. It will
protect us while we innocently search for the truth of our existence and who knows, Reiki
may even open a few doorways for us to explore as well.
When we deal with sickness of the body and the mind, it is imperative that we also
understand the importance of the emotional and spiritual aspects of a person. Layers of
fear, worry, stress and trauma are around every being. They may have existed in a past
- life, in their mother’s womb, or as they were growing up.
Reiki gently removes these layers one at a time. It works not only on the physical, but
also on the emotional and spiritual levels.
We are all onions. An onion can be black and mouldy on the outside, but still be healthy
and fresh on the inside. It is the same with human beings. When we remove the negative
skins that we have accumulated, then we become clean, fresh, healthy and whole once
When you place your hands on yourself or another, I want you to allow yourself to
become open to the power, wisdom and healing energy of Reiki. You will not have all the
answers at first, but the more you work with the energy, the wiser you will become.
editor's note:
This picture shows the Places where to put the hands on. For beginners, it's advisable to
do each of these positions on oneself regularly for a while. Thus you will get a healing
every day and get used to the Reiki energy.
How Reiki energy works
We believe that we are all made up of energy. Every living thing in this universe is made from
this energy. Reiki is a pure form of universal energy that is able to cleanse, heal, balance and
remove any excess and negative energy that is present in a person’s body, Chakras, aura and in
their environment. Sickness manifests when there is either excessive amounts of energy blocked
in an area, or a lot of negative energy that has accumulated due to stress, emotional trauma and
abusive patterns. Reiki is able to remove these blockages and negative build-ups in a gentle but
thorough way.
Reiki first degree can, with the use of "hands on healing," heal any physical and emotional
problems by eliminating blockages that are within the person’s body.
Reiki second degree is are able to heal the person on all levels as well as their environment. We
are also able to work with womb and past-lives issues as well as deep emotional problems.
Second degree Reiki can delve into their past and work on anything that has been buried. We are
able to bring these issues up to the surface so that we can remove them and most importantly heal
When we begin to use our Reiki energy in a healing with another person, the first thing we should
do is beam their aura. Beaming is where we learn to feel the aura and Chakras around a person’s
body. We beam with our hands using the Reiki energy, we are able to feel any cold or hot spots.
These sensations alert us to any problems the person may have on a physical and emotional
Heat coming from our hands and their aura alerts us to certain types of sickness. This could
indicate an old injury or a vulnerable part of their body where illness could manifest in the near
Cold sensations alert us to an area of the body that is blocked and needs to be Reikied. When an
area is cold, we have to flood it with Reiki to help remove the blockage. Cold areas can cause
problems for the person by creating negative blockages.
These blockages are caused by stress and worry and go on to become sickness in the near future.
When we beam a person’s Chakras, we are also able to tell which Chakras are out of alignment.
The sensations we get from the Chakras can tell us a story about the person’s past as well as what
they are suffering in the present. We can also warn of what they may face in regards to sickness,
stress and emotional issues in the future. While we are beaming them, we are also able to activate
our Reiki energy.
Beaming is also used for healing in conjunction with the basic "hands on" that we do with Reiki.
After we have beamed them, we then have a good idea of which areas need the most amount of
Reiki during the healing. When we start to use the Reiki, we come to understand how this energy
really works.
Firstly, Reiki acts as a calming experience that relaxes the person. Reiki places them in a state
where they are able to rest. This relaxed state slows their thinking, thus it helps to allay their
worries, fears and phobias for a while. Some people do not know how to relax, and because of
this, they cannot help but become stressed out and worried - Reiki can show them that they can
relax. People only need to be shown, and when they are shown, they are able to believe.
Awareness is what makes people change, listen, learn and most importantly, heal. Reiki brings
about awareness - this is why we say that Reiki comes from truth.
Reiki is a great stress release therapy and with first degree you are able to work as a stress
therapist. When we believe in the wisdom behind the Chakras and their functions within the
body, mind and soul, we can combine this wisdom with the healing belief of Reiki. We are able
to access a person’s body and work with them more thoroughly then most other conventional
methods. This gives us a leading edge. We can sometimes diagnose a problem on all levels, then
we are able to go to the root of the problem to heal it.
Reiki is a very powerful healing tool. Not only does it promote healing, it can also find the cause
of the sickness. Please remember though, that we do not replace doctors. What we try to do, is
work along side of them. Always get your patients to seek medical diagnosis first.
Become open and aware of the Chakras. You will only enhance your power and wisdom as a
Reiki healer by learning about the aura and the Chakras. Books can give you basic explanations,
however, true wisdom comes from working with people "hands on".
Due to the fact that people are different and individual in their own way, not all energy centres
are rotating and spinning in the way the books tell us they should. Some people have artificial
limbs, blood from other people and donor organs in their bodies. We have to consider that these
factors can cause these people to have different energy set ups with their Chakras and auras. You
may find that there is some memory or DNA from a donor has been passed on to this person. Use
your natural intuition to guide you when dealing with people while giving a Reiki. That is why
we say Reiki is an intuitive energy. You become open to this intuition when you become attuned
to Reiki. Do not worry, with time and practise you will pick this up. Reiki is so gentle- it only
promotes healing. If you find that you haven’t a clue of what’s going on, do not be alarmed as
Reiki does know, and acts accordingly.
Our first hands on healing method is the Chakra healing. Once we have beamed a person’s aura
and Chakras within the aura above their body, we then place our hands directly on the seven main
Chakras on their actual body, starting at the base and working our way to the crown. We like to
do this first, because it helps to align and balance the Chakras. If we are sick, our Chakras are
always out of balance. This imbalance is what caused us to become sick in the first place. Some
sort of event or emotional issue caused our Chakras to become unbalanced, which in turn created
a sickness or dis-ease.
By aligning and balancing the Chakras first, we are able to promote a stronger and faster healing
for the person. We are able to strengthen the Chakras. Once we have aligned and strengthened
them, we are able to go to the areas that are vulnerable and sick and focus great amounts of Reiki
energy on these areas.
There are many different positions that Reiki can work through. You can even hold a person’s
hand and the Reiki will go where it is needed. Reiki is so intuitive it will go straight to the
problem, issue or pain.
You can also sit them on a chair and do the basic Chakra positions- the effect is just as powerful.
Professional Reiki practitioners like to use the chelation method. This method starts with the feet
and covers every joint in the body including the arms. You can then turn the person over and do
their back. I want you to be very gentle when you lay your hands on a person’s spine. Gently cup
your hands over the spine and do not to put too much pressure on them directly as this can cause
them to feel a build up of pressure that may in turn cause backache. Another idea is to work just
above the spine, which is good if the person has a lot of pain in their back.
Reiki energy will not cause harm, but when you apply firm pressure with your hands on the body,
you may cause them some discomfort. Remember, you can always do a healing above their body.
You can also do repair work in their aura as the aura records damage in the physical body.
I also like to apply the wisdom and belief of the inner child and the higher mind when I work
with a Reiki healing.
The inner child exists within us all. The inner child governs feelings, emotions, memories,
unconditional love and joy. The inner child is innocent but very wise. When we tap into our inner
child, we are able to remove all the restrictions and negative conditioning of our adult world. Our
inner child teaches us how to be free and how to laugh and find joy in the everyday process of
When we work on a person’s heart Chakra with Reiki, we are able to tap into their inner child. On
a spiritual level Reiki is capable of helping them "lighten up" and start having fun again. Reiki is
also able to teach them how to forgive themselves and others for any negative event that they
have faced in their life.
I also like to work with the higher mind when doing a Reiki healing.
The higher mind is that state in a person that opens us to learning and awareness. Healing takes
place when we become aware. Awareness brings realisation of the truth in any situation, and
through that truth we can learn how to deal with our lives and our sicknesses. The higher mind is
all about our true purpose and role in life. The higher mind is also a transmitter that can send out
messages to the universe. These messages when negative, can create negative patterns and events
in our life. When the messages are positive they are able to heal any past patterns and conflict,
and then set up new and positive patterns for our present and future. We like to work on the
crown Chakra when we do a higher mind healing.
If you start a healing session with the higher mind, you can help the person to become aware and
open to healing.
To activate an inner child and higher mind healing, all you have to do is consciously focus on
dealing with, and healing these areas.
I also like to ground people after a healing session. As we are spirits in physical bodies, it is
important that we learn how to become grounded and connected to the earth. To ground a person
we use the grounding symbol that is taught in class.
We go to the feet, and Reiki both feet for a few minutes, while implanting the belief behind the
grounding symbol into their physical body. We then take the energy and draw it up over their
whole body as if we are zipping them up in a sleeping bag. We close the energy over their crown
Chakra. This helps to keep the energy within their body and closes them off to any outside
negative energy.
In your mind, you can ask the Reiki energy to "white light" them with protective energy. The
Reiki will do as you request and place a protective energy around their body. Thus, when they
leave the session they will not be exposed to any negative influences. An important factor with
the Reiki energy is that on your request, you are able to ask the power of Reiki to do certain
things. This is good if you have an understanding of metaphysics and how it works. However,
you can only do this if it will benefit the person having a healing. If it is not appropriate, Reiki
will act intuitively and do what is needed. That is the great thing about Reiki - it cannot and will
not harm you or anyone. As you work with the Reiki energy it will educate you. Reiki will open
you to the doorways of healing and the many different alternatives available. Your pathway will
always be guided by truth - Reiki is truth.
Following your Reiki attunements, the wisdom of the Reiki power starts to flow through you.
When you have become comfortable with your Reiki energy and have worked with it on yourself
and others, many changes, both minor and major, begin to occur within yourself and hence your
life. The first 21 days after the attunement is when you are at your most sensitive. In this period
of time your body is adjusting to the universal energy that is now flowing through you. We have
been living as physical beings for so long that when we open ourselves to spiritual universal
energy, it can have a major effect on our emotions and our physical body.
This is nothing to fear. You have to consider that when you become a Reiki channel it is like
being re-born. You have in fact transcended from a physical being and you are now working with
universal forces. It is only natural that your body and your mind becomes more open and aware.
Be prepared for great highs and lows in the first 21 days or more after your attunement. There
may be times when you feel tearful and other times where you feel lighthearted and very happy.
All this is fine. The more you experience, the more you grow with the wisdom and love of the
Reiki energy. Bear in mind that the energy has to adjust to your body and to your needs - if your
needs are great and you have a lot of painful issues, the Reiki will help to clear these imbalances
out. Enjoy this time of awakening. Embrace any experiences you encounter with the conviction
that you are healing, both physically and emotionally.
After the 21 days you will feel yourself start to stabilise. You will also notice how much of a
positive effect the Reiki is causing within you. If you find that you are very emotional and that
there are a lot of painful issues rising to the surface, embrace these issues and know that they are
surfacing so that they can be healed. If you have a lot to deal with, it can sometimes take a few
months to sort through so do not be discouraged. The more you work with your energy, the faster
your own personal healing will manifest.
After the cleansing period you will find that your intuition will start to increase. Your perception
and sixth sense will become more open and aware. You may experience visions and powerful
dreams. You will also find that your creative side will begin to develop and flourish. These are
the wonderful gifts that are yours when you become a Reiki channel.
You will also find that when you walk into a room or go out shopping, you will be able to sense
illnesses and emotional disturbances in other people. Your hands start to burn with heat and your
whole body may start to buzz and become warm. As you become more aware of your Reiki
energy, you will even be able to sense the actual problem that the person is suffering from. Be
aware, that Reiki people feel and respond to other people’s stress, sickness and worries in a
universally compassionate way. When you feel this warmth, take heart and know that your Reiki
is responding to these people because it wants to help. There are no boundaries and limits to the
power and love of Reiki.
The only thing that could stand in your way and block your Reiki power is your ego. Allow your
higher mind to work with the power and wisdom of Reiki.
Accept that you are now a universal being and the universe always takes care of it’s own. What
you put out for you always receive. Reiki people believe in the higher good and the true meaning
of life. We believe that when we become awakened to the universal laws, we are on the journey
to spiritual growth that leads us to a higher state of being. In this higher state - magic, miracles
and healing take place on a daily basis.
As time goes by you will feel a sense of inner wisdom when you start doing more and more
healings on yourself and on others. Reiki educates you every time you work with its energy. The
more you request, the more Reiki will teach. There are no limits to where it will take you and
what it will teach you.
Once you have been taught the basic "hands on" positions. You will find though that in time you
will develop your own methods and styles of healings. This is perfectly fine, in fact it just goes to
show you how easy and intuitive Reiki really is. You may also choose to learn other types of
healing techniques that are on offer today. This is great. Reiki brings out the best in people. The
sky is the limit when you become open to all that is available on a spiritual level for you to learn.
You also become a more efficient healer who can tackle just about anything.
If, when you are doing a healing, you find that you feel drawn to do things you where not taught
in class, do not be scared. Providing it does not cause any harm to yourself or the person, you are
only being guided by your Reiki. Some of the things you may be guided to do are, brushing the
aura or flicking built up energy away from your patient.
When we are doing a Reiki, our hands can become heavy and we may feel that there is a build up
of "spiritual slime" that has accumulated on or in the person’s aura and body. We feel it with our
hands and all you have to do is flick it off. I advise that you set up a "spiritual garbage bin" before
you begin a healing, and when you flick the energy away place it in these bins. The universe will
recycle it for you. Never flick it at another person as they may pick up the issues behind the
energy and this can cause them to feel some discomfort.
Another method is called "stripping". This method is where we stroke the legs, removing
excessive build up of negative energy. We stroke the leg from the thigh down to the foot. At the
end, we flick any excess energy away from the foot and place it back into the earth. This method
clears away any energy that may have accumulated and stored itself within the legs. As the legs
carry and support our whole body it is important that we pay special attention to these areas. We
can use this method with the arms as well starting at the top and working our way down to the
hands and fingers.
You may also like to work with crystals when you are doing a healing. Crystals are good for
cleansing and removing negative energy. Agate and quartz are great supporters when you are
doing a healing that requires a lot of cleansing. Your patient can hold the crystal in their hand
while the Reiki is taking place, or you can place the crystals on their Chakras. Always
communicate the purpose for their use to the crystals before the healing. I believe that there are
special spirits that reside within crystals so always treat them with respect. Remember too, to
charge your crystals up first and always cleanse them after a healing.
Gentle music has a soothing effect during a healing by helping the person to relax. This makes
them more receptive to the Reiki energy and they relax much quicker.
Candles are also beneficial when you are doing a healing. Not only do they make the room take
on a softer hue but they are also able to burn away negative energy that is present in the room.
Oils and incense can help to awaken the person’s natural senses - pleasant aromas create pleasant
thoughts. I also believe that there are spiritual guides who sometimes work with the power of
Reiki. I call them Reiki guides. These guides come down and provide assistance when we are
doing a healing that is especially hard. It is not unusual to find that after a healing your patient
may comment that they felt as if there was another pair of hands on them. These guides are
gentle, loving and safe spirits that work only for good. They also come in when there are negative
spirits around and they gently remove these spirits from the person and the room.
We also believe that everybody has their own personal guide. Sometimes, when we are doing a
healing, these spirits may make contact with us and give us insight and healing techniques that
can help our patient to heal. Do not be afraid if you see or hear someone guiding you. Your own
guides and your Reiki guides will make sure that you are protected.
You can always set up a protective boundary if you think there might be a need when you are
doing a healing. You can send out white light from your crown Chakra and spread this white light
around yourself and your patient. I have always found though that the Reiki energy is usually all
the protection you need.
Another point is that because we are only channels for the Reiki energy, our own personal energy
and ego cannot get in the way of a healing. If I am feeling down or sick it will not effect the
healing I am doing on my patient. That is the difference between Reiki and other methods of
spiritual healing. It does not matter what illnesses you have or emotional problems you personally
suffer from - it will not effect the quality of the Reiki you give to your patient. I find that the
Reiki energy flows through me and calms me while I am working on a patient. I have also noticed
that both during and after the healing, I become filled with energy and feel either quite energetic
or pleasantly relaxed.
Sometimes though, I feel a great warmth fill my whole body when I am doing a Reiki on
somebody else. The reason behind this is that there is something in me that has responded to the
energy. This issue does not enter my patient. While they are having a healing, so too am I. You
will find these things will also happen to you. Reiki is very gentle, natural and loving in the way
it works with you and others. As you live and work with its power and wisdom it will bring the
best out in you. Reiki is great for your self-esteem and for your creativity. Your life will become
enriched and your mind will open. It will help you to heal and to grow. However, like so many
things in life, you have to believe in its power and work with it on a regular basis.
Try and give yourself a daily healing using the Chakra healing method (->see end of text). You
will find that you will sleep well. You will be able to reach a higher meditative state, which will
in turn help you to become more focused and centred. Your stress levels will lower and your
problems and sicknesses will fade away.
In your life you will notice that other people will treat you in a more positive and affectionate
manner. This is because Reiki comes from pure unconditional love. This love is radiating from
your whole being. You radiate this love and others feel your presence and want to be near you.
You will have a powerful and positive effect on your family, friends and work mates. This in
itself, is healing.
You also awaken both your higher mind and your inner child when you are attuned to Reiki. By
being aware of your higher mind, you can create positive events within your life. You learn to
trust in the universal laws. You walk along the side of good. You lose any negative, racist or
judgemental attitudes and start to favour love, compassion and creativity. Your inner child will
awaken you to joy and laughter and bring fun back into your life. You will be more spontaneous
and the simple things in life will start to have a more profound meaning. You live for the now.
Reiki gives you all this and more. Allow its true power and wisdom into your life.
The emotional aspects of healing with Reiki
We know that when we are truly happy within our lives, and ourselves sickness does not
seem to manifest as regularly as when our lives are filled with worries, money problems
and emotional issues. Our lives can become enclosed in a blanket of negativity. This
negativity is like a cork that blocks our energy centres. When this happens, our bodies
become vulnerable and exposed to negative patterns that lead to sickness.
As a healer, it is important to help your patient learn how to become more positive in
their life, and in their healing.
When you expose someone to a small amount of positive energy and love like Reiki, you
are giving them a chance to break out of the negative feelings, thoughts and patterns
that they are running in their lives.
Even just exposure to a positive, compassionate and friendly attitude can make the
biggest difference in a person’s life.
A negative pattern has to be broken before true healing can take place. If your patient
has a lot of negativity in their life you must show them how to approach negative events
and feelings with the belief that time will heal all - if they are truly committed to wanting a
better life.
You can only help someone heal if they really want it. Some people rely on their pain
and illness. Even when a person says they want to get better, sometimes deep down
inside they may depend upon their sickness for sympathy and attention. It is important to
make it clear, that sometimes feeling unwell and negative is an addiction.
That addiction has to be broken before happiness and healing can successfully be
When a person has suffered a great amount of trauma and emotional abuse in their
lives, the negative energy that emanates from these events, accumulates around them
and in their living environment. When they come to you for a healing, they are entering
what we call "a love space". Here you are able to create a positive environment where
they can relax and heal.
It is important that you assess their living routine and their environment and help them to
make changes. This creates a back up to the healing work you have done with them.
Simple environmental changes using white candles and incense to create a pleasurable
smell and gentle lighting, can make all the difference. You can also advise them to play
soft music and show them how to meditate. Encourage them to spend more time outside
with nature. They can go for walks or even sit out in the sun. Anything that is simple and
pleasurable will bring about great changes and improve their capability to heal. It does
not have to be expensive and time consuming. When you begin to work with people
doing healing, try and assess if the person is committed to healing themselves. Make
sure that they are doing it for themselves and not for someone else. When you have
assessed them and you know what type of person you are dealing with, you can then
work in the most effective way that will help them to heal.
Working with the Aura
We will now look at how we can use the Reiki energy when we become aware of the
aura. When we beam Reiki energy into the aura, we are able to clear out any negative
built - up energy from their life, now and in their past lives. As the Akashic records are on
the etheric level of the aura, we have access to past, and past lives information. A lot of
people access their Akashic records unconsciously, either in sleep or in deep meditative
states. If their womb, child hood and their past lives had been traumatic, these memories
can surface and cause confusion, mysterious sicknesses and fears. When we Reiki into
the aura and consciously ask to remove any trauma from memories that have surfaced
and are causing trouble throughout the body, Reiki will help to clear and unblock and
remove the confusion.
All of us have what we call vulnerable spots that were created by our family DNA code.
An example is mom’s varicose veins become our varicose veins. Dad suffers warts so
we suffer warts. Our Father / Mother is an alcoholic so we become vulnerable to this
disease. What all this means is that we are vulnerable to our parents illnesses because
of DNA coding. We can break these vulnerable spots by working in the aura.
Life can become very stressful. Our aura can become contaminated by other people and
their negativity. We can take on other peoples’ garbage. This garbage stores itself in our
auras and can make us feel depressed, drained of energy and feeling quite exposed and
vulnerable. We can also spread our aura out too far from our bodies. This can cause us
to share our energy with too many other people. We become slaves to others demands
giving our power away. We call these auras, "mushroom auras". Here the aura is
expanded too far from the persons’ body.
We can also become totally self absorb. We are only focused on ourselves and our
needs. Our aura goes into ourselves. We call these flat line auras. Here the aura is very
low to an almost non-existence. You can not feel the aura.
To heal these problems we need to clear, balance and then bring the aura out to a nice
even distance from the persons’ body. You have to use the Chakras to help you move
persons’ aura. Knowing which direction you need to rotate the Chakras energy, you must
work in the etheric level of the aura, with your hands and the power of Reiki spin all the
Chakras, and then feeling the aura and concentrating on bringing the aura up to a level
that feels right. Draw your hands up as if their aura is magnetised to your hands. As you
move your hands higher, their aura follows.
Once you have control of their aura you can then work with clearing and healing any
DNA and past issues.
Play music and allow your creativity to flow when you are working on this level. I like to
sway and move my hands in a gentle but rhythmic way when I do a healing on this level.
Animals suffer pain, fear and anger from emotional trauma the same as humans. Reiki
has an affinity and compassion with the energies of animals. Reiki works equally well on
animals as it does with people. As you have learnt how to work on people and help them
heal, you are able to apply the same procedures on animals as well. They have an aura
and a Chakra system as we do. Simply place your hands on them as if you were
cuddling them. Focus your intent on what that animal needs to help it heal either on the
physical or the emotional. In time you will see the animal respond to the Reiki like a
human that is having healing would do.
Reiki and plants have a strong bond together. Plants respond to Reiki energy as if it is
a powerful fertilisers. Plants also absorb the Reiki energy into their aura and transmit the
energy outwards to our environment like oxygen. When you are doing a Reiki and you
place a lot of plants around, you will experience a very powerful healing as the plants
absorb the Reiki energy and then transmit it out into your environment. This creates an
environment that thrives on Reiki healing energy. This is good for families, as everybody
gets to experience the Reiki energy around them.
Reiki and crystals When you place Reiki into a crystal, that crystal becomes a
transmitter for the Reiki energy as well as the Mother earth energy. Sometimes crystal
energy can be a little too empowering for certain people. Having the Reiki energy flowing
in the crystal as well as it’s own energy can help to keep the voltage of energy down to a
level that will not cause any excess energy to enter into a body. Reiki acts as a regulator.
The Reiki energy also helps keep the crystal charged and clear of any negative slime
build up.
Reiki and Water Reiki has a cleansing effort on the Chakras, the aura and on the
spiritual side of your body. When you swim or bathe yourself in water, it helps to cleanse
and clear away any negativity and can help to remove sickness. When you combine
Reiki with swimming and washing you will feel a sense of well-being that will help you
raise your energy levels and balance and clean your aura and Chakra system. As both
energies have a cleansing effect and work on all levels of the body, mind and soul, you
will find that you will move through any issues faster and also heal much quicker than
with just one or the other on it’s own.
Reiki and breath Breathing deeply in and out can help a person to feel empowered,
alive and released from any negative emotional situation. When you take a deep breath
through your nose and feel that breath enter deep into your abdomen and then release it
out through the mouth, you can create a system that will help you when you need to
release any deep core trauma issue. By placing your hands on the Chakra that governs
the area that you feel a need to release anger, fear, tears, stress, illness and worry and
then breathing in and out with the intent of releasing the trauma, you will help yourself to
remove any blockages and you will move through your issues in a powerful and
releasing way that will fill you up with energy and make you come alive. For emotional
issues you would focus on the situation in your mind, place your hands on your solar
plexus, breathe in and fill yourself up with the powerful life force energy of Reiki and
breathe out the pain and worry caused by the emotions. If you feel anger, tears and
vocal yelling rise up, go with it and feel yourself become exhilarated and full of power.
You will move through the issues quickly and in a way that brings out your true
expression. and will feel alive and full of energy.
Reiki for Self Healing
Many people do Reiki First Degree to heal themselves. This is very important if one is to
heal and grow with their Reiki energy. We have talked about how important it is to work
with the energy for the first twenty-one days after your attunements. It does not stop
there. Reiki flows through our being for the rest of our lives. It helps us to heal and grow.
As we become wiser and more aware, our compassion and desire to help others
becomes more important. This is why we turn to Reiki Second Degree. This level is
where we have grown and healed to such an extent that we want to help our world.
However, the first baby steps we must take are on ourselves when it comes to healing
so take your time with your Reiki First Degree. In this section, we are going to look at
different types of self-healing that we can use with the Reiki energy. I have already
shown you how to balance your Chakras with the power of Reiki, Colour and Creative
Meditation. Use this method every morning before you get out of bed. However, you can
use the other techniques that are explained here to help you do focused healing on
certain problems and issues in your life.
The First method is simply to place your hands on your body each day and spend time
doing healing work on yourself. Take 5-60 minutes each day, twice a day to do this work.
Allow your intuition to guide you to the areas that need healing. At the beginning, you
could write your experiences down in a diary describing how you felt before you started
the healing, and how you felt after you had completed the healing. After about a week,
review any changes that you have experienced be good or bad. Remember, if there is
any negativity, it is only issues rising to the surface to be healed. This method helps you
to become accustomed to working with the Reiki energy. If you are a person who suffers
a lot of emotional issues like depression, fear, worry and stress, you could try
incorporating Reiki with meditation and gentle music. These problems exist on the Beta
wave length in the brain. By raising our levels to the theta level, which is the level one
advances to with meditation, our consciousness and our extra sensory faculties become
open. We are able to bypass the beta wave levels and learn to function on this higher
brain wave pattern, thus eliminating depression, fear, worry and stress from our lives.
Each day, allow yourself time to learn how to meditate. Play soft soothing music and sit
in a comfortable chair or on the floor with a pillow. Placing your hands on your solar
plexus, activate the power of your Reiki and allow it to flow through you. Activate your
balancing symbol and listen to the music, try and elevate yourself to a raised state of
consciousness. You may feel a heaviness enter your being. Everything slows down
around you. This is good. Stay there until you feel that you have raised your state of
consciousness. This method of healing will bring great rewards to the healing of your
emotional issues. Within weeks you will feel the changes start to take place. The next
method is simply working with your aura. Firstly activate your balancing symbol, then
activate your Reiki and run your hands all over your being about an inch or more off your
physical body. You can sit on the floor with your legs out in front of you and just allow
yourself to beam your own aura. You will feel tingling sensations and sometimes cold
shivers will run through your body as you do this procedure. This clears and cleanses
your aura from anyone else's negativity. This allows you to experience independence
and a feeling of inner strength.
Sensations of heat in your hands.
When you begin a Reiki healing, you will notice certain sensations in your hands. There
are several explanations for this. If you notice a warmth flowing through your hands and
into your patient with a healing, this usually indicates that they have some sort of
physical problem. For example, you may have your hands on their back and you
experience the warmth flowing through your hands and into them. This tells you that they
have back injuries, such as a pulled muscle or scoliosis or just general back problems.
The heat alerts you that they are responding to the healing. This is a good sign. Heat
represents a strong healing is taking place.
Sensations of coldness in your hands.
If you notice that your hands are cold when you are doing a healing on an area of a
patient’s body, you are being alerted that an area has had damage but has been healed
at some stage. What you are picking up is scar tissue - even though the area may be
healed, it is left with some scarring, internally as well as externally on the body. Leave
your hands on the area until you feel warmth or just a flowing of energy, as Reiki will
heal the scaring. Thus the area will be totally healed and you will remove the memory of
the injury from inside of the body. You may also find that the area is also very blocked
and that there is no life force energy running through to the area. They may have bad
circulation problems. You need to spend a lot of time on the area to bring it back to life
again and flowing with energy.
Definition of scarring in Reiki terms.
I want to make a point of discussing the meaning of scarring in relation to working with
Reiki. Scarring in reference to a healing means an area has been damaged by injury or
illness. Even though the area has healed, it leaves an imprint on the body, thus keeping
a memory or record of the old injury or illness. This is not a serious problem but it can
make the area weak and vulnerable to other infections and injuries. By Reiking the area
you can remove this vulnerability and make sure that the area is strong and aligned with
the rest of the body.
Normal reference of scarring in layman's terms.
When someone has scarring from burns or stitches you can also help the scar tissue to
heal much quickly than normally and decrease the risk of infection. However, never tell a
patient that you can remove the external scar completely because it is up to the
individual’s healing capacity to be able to do this. Do not give false expectations, but if
you do manage to help remove the scarring then it will be because you have worked with
the patient and their will to be healed with Reiki.
Working with Advanced Reiki and the feeling sensations.
When you are doing a mental healing with Advanced Reiki, and you experience the
above sensations of warmth and coldness, I want you to be aware that the situation may
be on an emotional level rather than a physical level. You can achieve the same success
with Reiki in removing deep painful memories and emotional issues from the person on a
mental level as you would on a physical level.
Sensations of buzzing and popping in your hands
These sensations indicate that the patient’s energy centres or Chakras, as alternative
healers call them, could be out of alignment or shut down. Their may also be a build up
of negative energy in the person’s body and you may feel like flicking and removing the
energy out of their aura until the sensations have left your hands. Although sometimes
you may not feel these sensations do not be alarmed because in my experience with
Reiki, when you give a healing you automatically align the Chakras anyway.
Why can I not feel any sensations through my hands?
Do not be alarmed if you do not experience any sensations in your hands when you are
doing a Reiki. As with all procedures it can take time and practise before you learn to
distinguish any sensations flowing through your hands. Once you are attuned to Reiki it
never leaves you and it never shuts down. Reiki is like an oil heater, with some people it
needs to warm up with every Reiki healing they do. The more you give Reiki the stronger
it becomes. It is essential to allow the Reiki to flow regularly, that is why you should give
yourself a self-treatment every day if possible. Sometimes people who have been very
sick and ill may find that their Reiki energy does not seem to work well when they do a
healing on others. You may feel that your hands are cold and that they are not sending
any energy out to others. This is because the Reiki is concentrating on you personally. If
you are sick, the Reiki will go to you and meet your needs first before it will go to others.
If you have this reaction you are being told to spend some time working on healing
yourself. After awhile you will feel more energy and share it with others.
Why do some people reject Reiki?
Fear can block you from being open to the Reiki energy. Some people are afraid of
believing in something that is different from what they are used to. This does not matter,
you do not have to believe in Reiki for it to work. I have seen people who are very wary
and non-believing of the power of Reiki, come in, have a healing and walk out refreshed
and feeling good. Afterwards these people have gone on to do their Reiki First and
Second Degree.
This is your proof, seeing others change their opinions on Reiki and go on and do it for
I feel cheated. Why?
If you have done your Reiki First degree and you feel cheated or you cannot feel the
energy flowing through you, don't be alarmed because you are going through a process
where you fear change. What this means is that you are holding onto old fears and
uncertainties . With practise and the guidance of Reiki you will break down these beliefs.
When you do allow yourself to believe, you will be open to the power and love of Reiki.
Reiki will teach you to break down any fear or lack of self-confidence that you have
within you, in any area of your life. Reiki teaches you to be self confident, it gives you
strength and shows you how to be open to the power of love and life.
Reiki Sensations
Over the years I have done many Reiki healings. Reiki has taught me how to pick up
different messages, sensations and feelings on people while I have been doing a healing
on them. These feelings and sensations have taught me a lot about working with the
Reiki energy. In earlier pages of this book I have discussed certain feelings and what
they mean, however, I wish to share some more with you in this section.
Sometimes you can be working on a body and feel pain shoot up and down your own
body. You may be picking up sickness in the person you are working on and your body
is registering it. This is like a psychic sensory that you are having. The pain, when you
focus on it will feel like a throbbing, yet it will not really bother you. When the pain has
stopped, you will know that you have helped heal or promoted healing faster in the area.
You may also need to flick away the pain from your body and also your patients. There
could be an intense build up of energy in one area that needs to be Reikied away and
also flicked away from the aura. - You may also place your hands on an area and feel a
magnetic pull as if you cannot move. This is because the Reiki is telling you that you
need to stay longer on the affected area. Simply go with the Reiki energy until the
magnetic pulling feeling has stopped. - Sometimes we feel cold or warm air rushing
around a person’s body. I believe that the aura can become damaged and that these
breezes are indicating that there is damage to a person’s aura, like a tare or a hole. A
cold wind alerts me to a spirit presence within their body and a warm breeze indicates
that their life force energy is slowly leaking out. To heal this problem, simply Reiki in and
around the aura. - If you are working on a person and you become agitated and feel an
ill ease you are being alerted that your patient is going through some issues either
consciously or unconsciously. These issues may well be some trauma that is arising to
the surface for you to help heal with the Reiki. When you feel these sensations and
feelings, simply start to breathe gently until you feel at ease and then get your patient to
also breathe gently. - Sometimes you may feel like you are getting no response with your
Reiki energy when you are doing a healing. It can appear to literally turn off. There could
be several reasons but the most common ones are, either the person is blocking you like
someone who blocks hypnotism or they are so sick that all the Reiki energy is flow
directly to them. Ask them if they can feel any energy at all and if they say that they feel
relaxed or some heat then you know that all the energy is entirely directed to them. It is
the same when you are doing a healing on yourself and you are ill. The Reiki energy will
direct itself within you and you may not feel any sensations at all.
If when you are doing a healing and you start to see different colours, be aware that this
represents some psychic wisdom that is being offered to you from the Reiki energy and
your own psychic abilities. Colours have their own frequency, wisdom and healing
power. They also have a meaning in conjunction to the Chakras. When you see a colour
or colours while you are doing a healing, read your Reiki book and it will explain the
colours and their meaning with each Chakra. You are being told a message that could
help to solve a problem. Also the Reiki energy may also be asking you to focus the
colour and it’s power energy through to the person by your third eye. You visualise the
colour in your mind and see that colour entering into the area that you are working on in
your patient. - Sometimes you see sparks of energy flying around while you are doing a
healing. I believe that these sparks are healing energy rays that are generated from a
healing that is very powerful. The sparks run around clearing away negative entities and
energy that are around you , the room and your patient. Enjoy these times as they can
be really rare.
Reiki and the power of the mind
There are four major accepted brain wave patterns that seem to have connective links to
the levels of consciousness. These brain wave patterns allow advanced states that are
useful for healing, spiritual growth, psychic advancement, astral travel, universal
stimulation and spiritual support.
Beta - The Beta brain wave pattern exists on the level of the conscious mind. On this
level we suffer from phobias, stress, worry and fear. This is the physical level that all of
us function on. If we want to get away from these problems, we have to learn how to
raise our levels and how to function on the other levels. This level is our conscious mind.
Alpha - The Alpha brain wave pattern exists on the level of the dreaming mind. It also
activates our extra sensory perception, and helps with subliminal suggestions and higher
states of awareness. However, this level is only at a minimal state - the first stage of
spiritual growth. On this level we can enter our dream state and access any hidden
memories or prophetic visions. We can sometimes meet with our past-lives through the
hidden memories that we hold in this state. This level is our unconscious mind. Theta The Theta brain wave pattern activates an even deeper state of extra sensory perception
and is the beginning of our abilities of psychokinesis. This ability is where you are able to
move objects with the use of your mind. It can help to stop pain and enables you to
reach the higher hypnosis states needed for implanting healing suggestions. This is the
level many people reach when they learn to meditate. Meditation has proven to be a very
powerful technique. It is useful in slowing the heart rate down and also helps to eliminate
any pain that one feels on a physical level. This is beneficial if you suffer from any health
conditions that need pain relief. This level is the sub-conscious mind. The imagination
exists on this level. Delta - The Delta brain wave pattern is usually recognised during
deep sleep. During this time, all ESP and PK talents are stimulated and the qualities of
total memory and total suggestibility is instilled. Here, in this state, is when your spiritual
power and wisdom becomes open to you. In this state, you are able to connect to your
past lives, astral travel, open your psychic abilities and connect to your higher mind. On
this level, your spiritual guides can make contact and you are able to communicate with
other beings. When you have accessed this state, all these abilities follow up through the
other brain wave patterns until you can consciously access these abilities. Many of you
are doing this now and as we become more open, we will be able to teach this skill to
others. Soon, all beings will be open to these levels. This level is the super-conscious
It is important that you learn about these levels if you truly want to be open to all the
powerful healing energy available. When you do Reiki on yourself and others, you are
able to reach all of these levels. Reiki can be very beneficial to anybody who is trying to
advance their awareness. By working on yourself regularly, you are able to advance
through these levels without the use of drugs, trance, hypnosis or sleep.
Take some time each day and allow yourself to feel the energy flowing through you, as
you place your hands on body in self-healing. As time goes by, you will be able to
recognise the level to which you have raised your brain wave pattern.
There are 3 categories of how sickness is created within the body.
With these types of sicknesses, your Chakras and aura are out of balance. They do not
know how to function properly. You have to educate and re-align your Chakras to
remove any blockages created by energy, illness or emotional stress.
The first is past-life. What this means is that before you were born into this life, you may
have had emotional issues or even an illness that you brought with you into this lifetime.
The memory stills remains within your DNA coding, which creates mysterious sicknesses
or mental problems for a person this time around.
While in your mother’s womb, you may have picked up illness or stress from the
environment that she lived in.
The second is emotional. What this means is that through emotional pain, fear and
depression, you have created Dis-ease within your body. Your Chakras have become
out of alignment. This is what has created the sickness.
When you have let go of the emotional issues and then aligned your Chakras and aura
then you can remove the sickness
The third is environment. What this means is that through the poisons that are around
within the air, water and food we have become contaminated and they have poisoned
our body.
To heal illness with this level we have to cleanse our body, have a good healthy diet with
exercise as well as work done with inner healing and meditation. This level is the
Work on the first two levels first to break down and discover which category your
sickness falls into. If illness is still upon you, then you have to look at the third level.
Sickness can be cured. Only the desire to work upon yourself to find the right healing will
create well-being within you.
Working with Chakras
Everything is composed of energy and energy is everywhere. It encompasses all life
forms and it comes in different levels. The physical - which includes the human body,
objects, plants, animals and so on - the emotional - which includes feelings and
thoughts - the spiritual - which is the soul and all the healing life force energy that
comes from this level. Chakras are channels that exist on the ethereal plane that is the
first layer of the Aura.
Chakra means wheel of light.The Chakra spins and swirls around with energy. These
Chakras push life force energy through the body. The Chakras are able to create a flow
of energy between all levels - physical, emotional and spiritual. Alternative and spiritual
healers are able to see and feel Chakras. Through the energy that is flowing through a
person’s Chakras, they are able to tell what sort of illness or emotional problem that
person has.
There are seven major Chakras. These seven Chakras govern individual sections of the
body. Each Chakra in each area of the body governs organs, joints, emotions and
spiritual information. When one section of the body is ill, it is because the Chakra that
governs that section is not flowing positive energy through to the body. Open and
healthy Chakras help us to maintain health and a sense of harmony. They are the main
energy sources and are very important for growth, health, love and happiness.
The first Chakra is the base Chakra. Its colour is red. It is positioned at the pelvic area
in the centre of the body. This Chakra is the grounding Chakra. Here you are connected
to the earth. If unaligned it can cause lack of energy and depression due to its
imbalance. The base Chakra helps us to be active and centred. When you are working
with this Chakra it is important to focus on the colour red when doing a healing. I find
working with this Chakra helps with the feet, legs, lower back and spine.
The second Chakra is the sacral Chakra, which is about 2 inches above the base
Chakra. The colour for this Chakra is orange. This Chakra involves the sexual organs
and also deals with issues relating to sex and relationships. The Sacral controls our
passions, our sexual needs, our lower sexual organs, our bladder, bowel and lower
intestine. Working with this Chakra you will find problems with low sex drive, sexual
abuse and an over active sex drive. People who have problems conceiving children,
need Reiki healing in this area.
The third Chakra is the solar plexus Chakra. The colour for this Chakra is yellow. It is
positioned near the bottom of the rib cage. This is the Chakra that stores energy, be it
good or bad. We hold things within this Chakra and we store pain, fear and stress in this
area. When working properly we store positive energy for growth and healing. To me this
Chakra is like the heart, for if it is not working, shut down or blocked, disease can get in
and slowly destroy us. The Solar controls our will, our issues from the past, our pain and
fear as well as our ambition to succeed. It also controls our upper intestines, upper back
and spine. These three Chakras represent our being grounded and belonging to the
earth, they are our mental and physical Chakras. They are essential to our growth and
survival for living in the material and physical world. When these become unbalanced or
blocked, we have problems working, living and adjusting in today’s world. If you are
someone who has problems coping day by day with life, love, work and health, then
working on these Chakras can provide helpful healing in these areas.
The fourth Chakra is the heart Chakra and its colour is green. This Chakra is the feeling
centre of our body, mind and soul. The position of the heart Chakra is on the heart area
of the body. Here your emotions come into play. With this Chakra you feel happiness,
sadness, pleasure and pain. It deals with the heart, lungs and surrounding organs, both
back and front of the body. When it is blocked and not balanced you can become
irrational, sad, depressed and unable to express yourself and your talents to the best.
The Heart controls the heart itself, the chest, thymus, ribcage and arteries that pump the
flow of blood into our system. It also controls our love for ourselves and others, our
appreciation of beauty and our compassion. Working with this Chakra can help people to
feel and express their emotions and help with relationships with loved ones, friends and
acquaintances. People who have a problem being themselves will benefit when Reiki is
done on this area.
The fifth Chakra is the throat Chakra. Its colour is blue and it is positioned at the throat.
This Chakra deals with communication and voice eg singing, acting and talking to others.
When blocked we would see someone who is afraid to voice their own opinions, or
someone who overly vocal about their beliefs. The Throat controls our voice, lungs,
mouth, teeth, thyroid, and glands. This Chakra opens us to speaking, communicating
and expressing our artistic and creative desires. People who suffer sore throats and
communication problems may need work done on this area.
The sixth Chakra is the third eye Chakra. Its colour is violet \ purple. It is positioned in
the middle of the forehead. This Chakra deals with our senses, feeling, sight, sound and
our psychic abilities. We also think and make decisions with this Chakra. However, most
important is that this Chakra connects us with the spiritual and higher levels beyond our
earthly plane. The Third eye controls our mind, our ears, our subconscious, our dream
states as well as our memory and learning capacity. It also controls our openness to the
psychic senses, such as clairvoyance, telepathy and aura sensing. Headaches, stress,
lack of sleep and memory loss can occur when not functioning properly. Also mental
problems and mental illnesses relate to this Chakra.
The seventh Chakra is the crown Chakra. Its colour is white\ magenta. It is positioned
at the top of the head. This Chakra is our connection to the higher planes of the spiritual
world. Dreams and visions, hopes and realisations take place with this Chakra. Beliefs
and morals also come under this Chakra. This Chakra is important if you are truly
dedicated to the goals in your life. When blocked or closed you can become racist and
judgemental of people and religions. You may also have no artistic abilities and you may
be too caught up in the material world. The Crown controls our eyes, the top of the brain
and is the link to the other spiritual realms, our connections to our beliefs and contact to
the spirit world. Here our dreams and goals take seed and through careful nurturing our
dreams can become a reality. Working on this Chakra opens you up to the excitement of
a wonderful and imaginary world. You can become artistic and creative, open and loving
to all that surrounds you. You believe there is a higher purpose and you are not afraid to
venture forth and discover that anything is possible. There are many other Chakras all
over the body but the above seven Chakras are to me the main ones that can bring
about healing on the physical body, the mind and the soul.
Always remember, that to be perfectly balanced you must have all the Chakras
We call Chakras
"gateways to
Chakra means
wheel of light and
refers to the
constant rotation of
the Chakras. The
spin direction
alternates and its
sequence are
different from both
sexes. The Chakras
appear as wheellike vortices of pure
energy and are
sometimes referred
to as lotuses. They
spin at great speed
and in a deeply
spiritual person they
become spheres of
radiant energy.
Base Chakra is
also called the Root
Chakra. Its direction
points down to the
earth. Its element is
earth. In the Zodiac
and planets it is
governed by Mars,
Saturn, Taurus,
Scorpio and
Capricorn. In
massage for a woman it should be rotated in an anti-clockwise, and in a male clockwise
direction. Associated Essential oils - Cedar, Clove, Cypress, Marjoram and Myrrh.
Associated Crystals - Agate, Bloodstone, Garnet, Ruby and Smoky quartz. Its symbol is
represented by the 4 - petalled lotus. Its principle is physical entity.
The Sacral Chakra. This Chakra’s direction is pointing forward. Its element is water. In
the Zodiac and planets it is governed by Cancer, Libra, Scorpio, Moon, Mars, Venus and
Mercury. In massage for a woman it should be rotated in a clockwise and in a male anti-
clockwise direction. Associated Essential oils - Sandalwood, Ylang Ylang and Petitgrain.
Associated Crystals - Moonstone, Carnelian and Tourmaline. Its symbol is represented
by the 6 - petalled lotus. Its principle is reproduction of being.
The Solar Chakra This Chakra’s direction is pointing forward. Its element is fire. In the
Zodiac and planets it is governed by Leo, Sagittarius, Virgo, Sun, Jupiter, Mars and
Mercury. In massage for a woman it should be rotated in an anti-clockwise and in a male
clockwise direction. Associated Essential oils - Chamomile, Lemon, Thyme and Ylang
Ylang. Associated Crystals - Amber, Tiger’s eye, Citrine, Yellow Topaz and Agate. Its
symbol is represented by the 10 - petalled lotus. Its principle is Formation of being.
The Heart Chakra. This Chakra’s direction is pointing forward. Its element is Air. In the
Zodiac and planets it is governed by Leo, Libra, Sun, Venus and Saturn. In massage for
a woman it should be rotated in a clockwise and in a male anti-clockwise direction.
Associated Essential oils - Geranium, Bergamot, Rose, Clary and Sage. Associated
Crystals - Emerald, Green Jade, Rose Quartz and Kunzite. Its symbol is represented by
the 12 - petalled lotus. Its principle is loving beyond the self.
The Throat Chakra. This Chakra’s direction is pointing forward. Its element is Ether
{Atmosphere}. In the Zodiac and planets it is governed by Gemini, Taurus, Aquarius,
Mars, Venus and Uranus. In massage for a woman it should be rotated in an anticlockwise and in a male clockwise direction. Associated Essential oils - Lavender,
Sandalwood, Neroli and Sage. Associated Crystals - Aquamarine, Turquoise and
Chalcedony. Its symbol is represented by the 16 - petalled lotus. Its principle is
expression of being.
The Third Eye Chakra. This Chakra’s direction is pointing forward. It’s governs all
elements. In the Zodiac and planets it is governed by Sagittarius, Aquarius, Pisces,
Mercury, Venus and Uranus. In massage for a woman it should be rotated in a clockwise
and in a male anti-clockwise direction. Associated Essential oils - Jasmine, Patchouli,
Basil and Rosemary. Associated Crystals - Lapis Lazuli, Sodalite, Indigo, Sapphire and
Opal. Its symbol is represented by the 96 - petalled lotus. Its principle is knowing of
The Crown Chakra. This Chakra’s direction is pointing upward. It governs all elements.
In the Zodiac and planets it is governed by Capricorn, Pisces, Neptune and Saturn. In
massage for a woman it should be rotated in an anti-clockwise and in a male clockwise
direction. Associated Essential oils - Lotus, Frankincense and Oak moss. Associated
Crystals - Amethyst, Topaz, Alexandrite and Sapphire. Its symbol is represented by the
1000 - petalled lotus. Its principle is pure being.
Working with Chakras
We believe that there is a Chakra that exists in between the heart Chakra and the throat
Chakra. This Chakra is a very powerful energy channel that links you to the earth and to
the heavens. Uniting with this Chakra brings about great awareness to your emotional
and spiritual planes.
You can experiment on this Chakra with Reiki when you are working on yourself and
others - you will not cause any harm. We believe that when this Chakra is recognised
within the person and is functioning properly, you will become open to the truth of your
existence. It is like accessing the sacred records. This Chakra seems to bring belief and
spiritual wisdom down from the heavens and connects us to the earthly plane. The
higher mind meets the inner child. Learning to feel this Chakra and bringing it back to
awareness is said to bring about healing and wisdom on all levels. We use the colours
blue and green to encourage healing and growth with this Chakra.
We believe that our bodies have been spiritually tampered with to stop us from properly
evolving. Some of our main Chakras have been shut down and removed from our
bodies. They call this psychic attack. We are now recognising this, and as healers, we
are starting to re-open and reveal these Chakras. Big changes take place and healing
and awareness seems to result on all levels when we work on these centres. We stop
being a food source for beings that feed off our fear, pain, greed and stress.
As a healer it is also important to recognise the value of the Chakras that are in the feet.
These centres help to release blockages of negative energy that circulate the whole
body and accumulate in the legs. Opening these Chakras helps release the energy
through the feet and away from the person. These Chakras help to ground a person and
help you feel more balanced. Being balanced and grounded to the earth protects you
from spiritual attack.
When you work just above the body in the aura, rotate the Reiki energy in a clockwise or
anti-clockwise direction around the feet Chakras. Do not be afraid to pull out any
negative energy from these centres. I believe these Chakras are vital to the proper
functioning of the legs as the legs are needed to support the rest of the body. If someone
is paralysed in the legs, or suffers from varicose veins, ulcers and joint problems, these
Chakras are crucial in assisting with the healing of the legs and lower back. The same
procedure follows with the Chakras that are in the knees, hands and the shoulders. You
could find a major healing breakthrough with joint and muscle dis-eases when you
recognise, and work with these Chakras.
Try and get into the habit of feeling the swirling or pulsating energy that comes from
these centres. When you can sense the vibrations that come from these centres, you
can work more effectively with the Reiki energy. Who knows, you may even discover
more hidden Chakras. When you become open and willing to believe and feel the
energy, you will become a truly powerful and wise healer.
Exercises to work on for aligning and balancing the Aura and Chakras
There are many wonderful ways you can heal and align the body with the use of
Chakras, Auras and Reiki. The simplest and easiest way is with positive breathing and
In the morning before getting out of bed, do slow and relaxed breathing and using your
mind, visualise that you can see and feel your seven Chakras and your aura. Visualise it
as a mass of pure and colourful energy surrounding your body. Place your hands on the
following areas and activate your Reiki.
Visualise that you see energy coming from the earth and attaching itself to your legs like
roots to a tree. Now feel the energy travelling up your legs and see the colour red filling
your Base Chakra.
Change the colour to orange and see it filling up your Sacral Chakra, and again
changing colour to yellow and filling up your Solar Plexus Chakra.
Moving onto the Heart Chakra, visualize the colour green filling your Heart Chakra, and
again changing colour to blue and filling your Throat Chakra.
Moving and changing colour to purple and filling your Third Eye Chakra, and finally
moving and changing colour too white and filling your Crown Chakra.
When the energy has reached your crown, visualise the white energy filling your aura ,
swirling and cleaning it of negative energy.
Wrap the energy around your body feeling it protect and clean it of all impurities. Feel
your body and breathe, visualise that your body is centred and clean and that you are
balanced and whole. Now take the energy and send it backwards into the body and
down through the Chakras till it reaches your feet. Feel it go back into the earth.
Doing this Chakra balancing work will help to remove any blockages in the body.
This method helps clean and revitalises the Chakras and the aura. By doing it morning
and night it will help you to stay balanced, healthy and happy.
When you come into contact with negative people you can open your Chakras and send
out positive happy energy so that people respond positively to you. You can also close
your Chakras off to outside influence by putting up a protective door, keeping them open
to you but closed to outside influences.
A protective bubble can be put in place to protect you. These methods are safe and easy
to apply to your everyday life. When combined with the force of Reiki, they can truly be
rewarding and powerful in protecting, balancing and healing your whole body
For more meditations with Chakras please see my article at SpiritWeb: "Inner Healing
Meditation & Chakras"
Inner healing
Working with the Aura
Around our body is an energy that has life. It is called the Aura. As we grow and evolve
the aura grows with us. When using our psychic senses we are able to see and feel this
energy. Some people can see colours coming from the aura. You may see red’s and
yellows and also grey and mists of clouds. Some psychics can use the seeing of colours
in the aura to tell a person about sickness or emotional problems. You can also feel the
aura when you place your hands above a person’s body. It can feel like a sense of
heaviness when you move your hands around them. It is as if it is trying to stop you from
entering into it’s field. You may also feel vibrations through your hands as you connect
with the aura. There are around seven layers of the Aura. Each layer corresponds to
each Chakra within a body.
We believe that the Chakras push energy outwards from our body and this is how the
aura is created. Emotions can be detected through the auras. That is how people are
able to read body language. Someone maybe smiling and putting on a pretence, when in
actual fact they are feeling miserable. When you come into their auric field you may pick
up on their pain because their aura tells the truth about how they are really feeling. When
someone is sick, the part of the body that is ill gives off a vibration and colour that goes
into the aura. It is the same too with emotional pain. The Chakra that controls the energy
for that part of the body has become weakened and so it sends out messages to the
aura. It also literally dumps the negative energy into the aura because it cannot store the
energy within the body. That is how dis- ease gets into a body. Something has happened
on an emotional or physical level and the body has reacted causing the Chakras to
become out of alignment, so sickness sets in and when it becomes too congested it then
pushes that sickness into the aura. When we come into contact with other peoples auras
this can cause reactions to our own body. When someone is happy and feeling well they
tend to radiate a lot of colour and vibration around them. This can make other people
feel good in their presence. When someone is depressed and unmotivated we can feel
drained by their presence or feel negatively towards them without understanding why.
Also people who have a strong powerful personality can use their power through the
aura on people who are easy going. They can control other people by taking away a an
other persons personal power. You see that in schools with children and peer pressure.
In fact any emotions that we are able to express can be released through our aura and
onto others. You can make a person feel weak, threatened, angry and even ill. You can
also make a person feel happy, excited, full of energy and loved with the energy that you
radiate within your aura outwards towards others. Spiritual healers have been able to
cleanse and heal the Chakras and the aura for centuries. They could do this because
they were aware of them and understood their functions within a body. By you becoming
aware of your own Chakras and aura you can also learn to heal and align them for
yourself. You can learn to cleanse and remove negativity that has come from pain,
sickness and from other people and align yourself so that you feel whole and balanced.
This helps you to function at the highest levels you can in your life. When we look at
doing inner healing work we must become aware of both the Chakras, their purpose and
functions within the body and the aura and it’s function in connection with the Chakras.
Just for today let go of you worry and face the day bravely.
Just for today do your work honestly no matter whether you are a mother, or a factory
worker or a businessman. Be proud of who you are and what you do.
Just for today give thanks for what life has already bestowed upon you no matter how
small or how large.
Just for today have respect for those you love and for every living being and animal on
our small planet. Give out kindness and kindness will be returned
Reiki Second Degree
General Info
Second Degree Healing Hands On
Reiki Second Degree Practices
Absentee Healing
Communicating with the sub-conscious in a healing
Understanding the concept of sickness on a spiritual level
Clearing Houses with the power of Reiki 2nd Degree
=> Click here for Reiki One Manual
Reiki Second Degree
General Info
With Reiki Second Degree we are dealing with an advanced and wider area that is covered
by Reiki life force energy. Symbols are employed with the energy of Reiki in second degree.
These symbols are from the Sanskrit and are sacrosanct, meaning sacred. We ask that
when you learn these symbols that you do not show anyone else. This is out of respect for Dr
Usui and his teachings. The symbols on their own have no real power, they are just special
symbols and words that are used to activate a certain type of healing within Reiki. Only when
they are used with the special attunements can they be activated. These symbols cannot
cause harm in any way and you are not asked to believe in them outside of your healing.
That is your choice.
The first symbol we are learning is the Cho- Ku - Rei symbol. This is the first symbol we use
when activating our
Reiki Second Degree.
This symbol activates
a large spiral of
energy that we call a
power boost. This
helps to send the
Reiki energy at
greater distances and
with more power. You
have to use this
symbol first before
you can activate the
other symbols. It is
capable of sending
healing energy out to other people
in absent healings. It
can also set up protection and heal
situations as well as
people. Choku - Rei is capable of
going into the future
as well as going back into the past. This is to help set up positive outcomes to any upcoming
events and to relieve the pain caused by something gone wrong in your past. Choku - Rei
activates your Reiki second degree. Please remember it is essential you use it before the
other symbols. This symbol cannot be used to harm anyone, but it can be used to protect
and heal.
It’s meaning in other forms of teachings used such as yoga are:
It embodies total control and power of one’s body mind and spirit but only towards the
person using this symbol for honest use in healing.
When used on anyone or thing it gives them the power of strength and healing as well as
protection for their own needs.
It is essential that you learn this symbol properly. I have enclosed a copy of the symbol, but I
ask that when you have learnt the Choku - Rei symbol, you return it to me or burn it when it
is no longer needed.
The way to pronounce the Choku - Rei symbol is as follows:CHOCK - ER - RAY
When drawing the symbol or saying it in your mind starting from the outside until you reach
the middle, repeat the word Choku - Rei three times until the spiral is totally drawn. Push the
symbol out to where you want it to go with you hand or visualise in your mind.
The next symbol we will look at is the symbol for mental healing. The name of this symbol is
Sei He Ki.
I know mental sounds weird but what it means is working with someone through their inner
self and their mind. With this symbol we are able to
connect to them from the inside, to help them move
through any negative thoughts and fears that they
have built up inside of themselves.
This symbol works in healing phobias, anxiety,
depression and any mental illnesses like schizophrenia
You cannot take control of the patients mind but you
act as a little voice that goes in and sends positive
thoughts to them.
This helps them to feel good about themselves, and to
move through their fears.
This symbol can be used to help people lose weight,
give up smoking and help with increasing memory
capacity. I like to use the Reiki ideals when doing a
mental healing. If you have discussed the problem with
the patient before the healing you can organise a
special affirmation that they have picked out for you to
use when doing the healing.
There are many books and cards available today that
explain and offer positive affirmations that you can use
with the mental healing. The position for mental
healing is on the head as explained in class. Timing
should be up to you personally, but I recommend
around 30 minutes.
Remember to activate the Choku - Rei symbol first.
The name of this symbol, Sei He Ki is pronounced as follows: SAY- HAY- KEY
A reminder: This symbol cannot cause harm or give you control over another person.
When drawing the symbol in your mind or with your hand remember to repeat its name three
times. There are three parts of this symbol. With the drawing of each part repeat the full
name SEI HE KI until all the symbol is drawn.
The final symbol is the symbol for absent and distant healing. The name of this symbol is
With this symbol we are able to send healings out to people who are far away or not
available to attend a hands on healing.
You are also able to send healings to any events or situations that are going on in your life or
to those close to you.
You can also heal any world crisis or disaster that is occurring today. If someone is being
negative or cruel you can activate this symbol to calm them down and make them change
their negative attitude.
This symbol cannot be used to hurt anyone, it only knows how to set up positive healing.
You are also able to call in the past with this symbol, which is valuable if you are a believer of
past lives.
You are also able to heal past life issues the patient has with the use of this symbol.
The name of this symbol, Hon-Sha-Za-Sho-Nen, is pronounced as follows: "HON- SHARZAY-SHOW-NEN"
When drawing this symbol you must repeat its name three times until the total symbol is
drawn. There will be some of the symbol left to draw when you finish saying it’s name three
times, remain silent and allow the energy to flow while you are drawing the rest of the symbol
with your hand or in your mind.
It is a very big symbol and will take awhile to learn, but do not be distressed it will come to
you with practice.
Second Degree Healing Hands On
The wisdom and healing behind Reiki Second Degree is all about making inner contact with
a person’s soul or spirit. When we activate the symbols of Second Degree, we are able to tap
into the inner being.
Our purpose is to bring about healing from within. This power gives us the ability to heal any
major trauma core issue from this life, and even their past-lives. For ourselves, as Reiki
Second Degree healers, we are able to open our wisdom and the hidden qualities that are
within us. We can heal our own lives, past and present.
There is nothing that you cannot do when you have the power of Second Degree channelled
through your being. This power affords you with wisdom - and this wisdom gives you access
to the spiritual planes and beyond.
There are many ways that you can use the Second Degree symbols for healing when you
are working on a person or yourself with hands on.
A very powerful method of Second Degree past-life healing on a person is to go to their head
and activate the power symbol, the mental symbol, the absentee symbol, then the power
symbol again. When you have done this, ask that you make contact with their higher mind
and ask that it assist you in healing any ongoing issues from their past-lives.
Close your own eyes, relax and allow the energy to flow through you and into your patient or
yourself if you are doing a self healing.
Most of the time, many people feel a sense of heaviness enter their body. You, as the healer,
will feel this sense of heaviness and you know that you have connected to their past- life
trauma. Some see themselves entering a tunnel of light. Allow yourself to feel any emotions
and allow your third eye to show you any visions that may come through. Ask that their
higher mind remove the negative reactions that they are still carrying out in this life time.
Request the higher mind to bring back all the positive qualities and wisdom that the person
has attained in their life times. Sit for a while, still keeping the energy flowing, and then slowly
bring you hands out into their aura above their crown Chakra. Activate the power symbol, the
absentee symbol and then the power symbol again. Still in the aura above their crown, allow
the Reiki energy to flow through their aura. See it clearing away the past - life trauma.
Visualise that all their acquired positive knowledge is flowing through them, awakening them
to their hidden self. When you sense this has been done, flick away any negative build up
that may be present in their aura. When this is completed, ground them with the grounding
symbol. Thank their higher mind and activate the power symbol to protect them from any
healing crisis that they may experience. The results should be instantaneous. Your patient
should sense a feeling of lightness of being. Next, go to the rest of the body and beam their
Chakras just above their body in the aura. Check to see if there is any past-life memory that
may be stored within their aura. If you sense that there is a build up, apply the symbols as
you did to the head and flick out any negativity. Afterwards, cleanse and balance the
Chakras and aura and then close them up.
Second Degree Healing Hands on
The next procedure is the Inner Child Healing. This method of healing focuses on a person’s
childhood issues and brings them to the surface to be faced and healed.
Starting at the head, activate the power symbol, the mental symbol, the absentee symbol
and then the power symbol again.
Request that you make contact with their inner child and their higher mind. The inner child
will help you to delve into their childhood and bring forth any emotional trauma to the surface.
The higher mind will then help you to remove the issue in order to help the person to heal.
When you feel that you have made contact, allow the energy to flow through you and into
Sit there for a while, open your intuition and allow their inner child to communicate with you.
Talk to their inner child through your mind. You can encourage them with positive words or
even positive feelings that you send through to them from your heart. No words are needed
to be spoken out loud.
All this communication is through telepathy. Your thoughts and feelings pass through their
body and on to their spiritual level.
You can encourage them to breathe through their pain and encourage them to let go of their
fears and trauma. All this is communicated through each others minds.
Every so often while this is going on, you can activate the power symbol. You may also wish
to activate the absentee symbol and help to go back into their past to heal the present
situation. As time goes by, their pain will be removed and it will become like a distant
memory. This helps them to move quickly through any issues that they may be holding onto.
When you feel that you have helped them enough, gently ground them.
Next, move to the other Chakras and starting with the heart, activate the power symbol, the
mental symbol, the absentee symbol, then the power symbol again. Ask that their inner child
opens and releases so that the person can re-discover the joy that they have been missing in
their lives.
Continue downwards through each Chakra until you reach their feet. Ground them and then
close them off.
This healing procedure takes several sessions and sometimes they may need to talk to you
about their feelings. Be compassionate and listen, but do not become involved in their pain.
Whenever they feel out of control, always place them on the table and do this procedure until
they have cleared through their issues.
Second Degree Healing Hands on
The next procedure is the spiritual healing method.
Our evolution and survival here on earth depends on our ability to grow and become aware
of our true existence. When we make contact with our soul or our inner universe, we are able
to become open to our outer levels of spirituality and learn how to evolve to a higher spiritual
This healing procedure is for the purpose of opening a person up to their spirituality. It also
opens them to their other senses such as clairvoyance, telepathy and intuition and allows
them access to their personal soul records.
Many of us believe that we have been tampered with by other beings whose wish is that we
do not become evolved. This type of healing clears away any spiritual blocks and repairs any
DNA coding damage that may have been inflicted on us by other beings. This allows us to
grow into the type of beings we are supposed to become. It clears the way for our future
generations to help fix the damage that has already occurred.
Before you begin this type of healing, activate your power symbol, then your absentee
symbol, then your power symbol again. Request that this healing will be a spiritual healing
and ask that all blockages and damage be removed from yourself or your patient.
Starting at the feet, move along the body and beam the aura. Feel for any blockages, and if
you find any, gently remove them by flicking them out of the aura. You can even gently blow
away the negativity using your breath. When you have done this, go to their head and again
activate the symbols and the request for a spiritual healing. Work on their head and
occasionally move above their head and go into their aura above the third eye and crown
When this is done, do a simple Chakra balancing on all their Chakras and then close them
Afterwards you may wish to tell them of your own personal experience of their healing. Also
encourage them to talk about their experience with you.
This healing will affect their whole life. The changes will be positive and uplifting and they will
feel the benefits of this healing for the rest of their lives.
These healings will open their senses, make them more aware of their environment and
open their creativity. It will help them to communicate with their personal guides and they will
also become open to the hidden knowledge and wisdom that is recorded inside them. This
healing is also good for removing any negative spirits or energy that has clouded their soul
and closed them down. They stop behaving negatively and become more loving and
compassionate of themselves, their world and of the universal consciousness.
Second Degree Healing Hands on
The next procedure is the Grounding and Balancing method of healing. This procedure uses
the power symbol and the grounding symbol to balance, ground and align all of their energy
This method of healing is used when you need to work on a certain area that is sick and filled
with negative blockages or energy. By aligning all the Chakras and balancing them, you can
promote faster healing than any other procedure used in this book.
This method also allows you to work on the infected area for a longer period of time. You do
not have to feel guilty about missing out on any other areas when you use this procedure.
This procedure does not take long because you are using the power symbol to send greater
amounts of energy into their body.
An example is when someone who comes to you with lower back problems. If you can
concentrate on the back for more than thirty minutes, you can help heal the area more
thoroughly. However, you need to align all the other areas and Chakras within the body so
that the person does not become weakened in these areas or out of balance after the
In addition, there may be other areas that are beginning to become blocked and need to be
cleared out and healed as well. What do you do? Well, if you do the grounding and balancing
procedure first, you can then go onto the area that needs the most amount of healing last,
and work there happily knowing that you have covered all the other areas.
To do this procedure, return to the base Chakra and activate your power symbol, then your
grounding symbol, then your power symbol again. Place your hands on their Chakra and for
a minute or two, Reiki the area. If you feel the need, activate the power symbol over and over
as many times as you like. This helps to bring more energy into their body. You can also do
this procedure while working above the body in the aura as well.
Continue this procedure all the way up to their head. Remember also to do their feet Chakras
and activate their thymus Chakra as well. This helps to remove any negative blockages
through their feet and it also aligns their inner child and higher mind through the thymus
When this is done, go to the area that needs the most healing energy and spend as much
time there as you feel guided to. Once all this is done, do not forget to close them using the
zipping up method.
All the methods that have been discussed here can also be done with absentee healing
using a pillow as the person’s body.
Reiki Second Degree Practices
The Healing circle: This is a lovely method to use with your Reiki Second Degree when you
are with a group of people whom all have Reiki Second Degree. If someone is very ill and
needs an absentee healing you can form a circle, all holding hands and activate your Reiki
Second Degree.
To use this method simply follow the following directions:
All focus on the person who requires the absentee. The person who is in charge of the
healing group then states the following: I call in the thought form of (state their name) to
accept this healing from the healing circle. Do you accept ?
Wait till you feel the energy then proceed with the following instructions. Holding on to each
others hands, visualise the symbol.
Choku-Rei / Hon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen / Choku-Rei in your minds. Remembering to repeat the
symbols name three times.
Then visualise all of you going to the person and while still holding hands with each other,
feel your Reiki energy flowing through the person, healing and clearing them of any
disharmony or illness.
Try and stay focused with the healing energy for at least 30 minutes. When you have finished
call yourselves back and close off. Don't be afraid to talk about what each of you has
experienced and seen while the healing was going on.
This method is also good for any negative situations going on in the world. You can use it to
help in wars, pollution problems, fires, floods, serious accidents and even with kidnapping's
and killings. To try and find a kidnapping victim you could ask the Reiki energy to locate the
person and help the person to be brought back to safety. If the victim is dead you can ask
that their killer be found and brought to justice.
Sending out healings into the future for yourself or for others.
This method is great if you haven't got enough time to do an absentee healing at the time
asked of you.
To do this method simply do the symbols used for absentee healings but state the following: I
would like to send out an absentee to the future on (state the date and time) for myself or
(state their name). Then visualise a bubble or container of some kind filled with Reiki energy
just above your head or the person you are setting up the healing for.
At the time you have asked for the healing to activate, the Reiki energy will flow. This method
can also be used to heal the past. It helps let go of any influence a past hurt is causing you
or to others, letting go of it forever.
Absentee Healing
There are several ways you can do an absentee healing on a person. The first is with a
pillow and a photo.
Make yourself comfortable, either sitting on the floor with the pillow next to you, or standing
up with the pillow on a table or a bed. Place the photo on a stand or in your left hand. Make
sure they are not wearing sunglasses. This is because you need to see their eyes.
Look at the photo of the person and state their name and say the following: I wish to call in
the thought form of (state their name) and I ask if they accept this absentee healing. If you
feel a rush or warmth coming from your hands you know they have accepted.
Activate your Reiki 2nd degree symbols for absentee healings as follows:
Choku-Rei / Hon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen / Choku-Rei
Tell the person you are placing their thought form in the pillow. The pillow now becomes their
make-shift body. You can now treat the pillow as if it is a real body and you can commence a
normal Reiki treatment on the pillow including a mental healing. When you are finished you
close the pillow off and zip them up. You then tell their thought form they are released. Say
as follows: I send your thought form back.
The second method of absentee healing is where you can visit the person. As long as you
know the person or have seen a photo of them you are able to do this method. To do this
procedure lay down and make yourself comfortable and follow these instructions: Say the
following: I wish to visit (state their name) to give them an absentee healing. If you have their
address state their address, though this is not necessary. Then activate the following
Choku-Rei / Hon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen / Choku-Rei
See yourself going to the person and visualise yourself giving them a full Reiki treatment.
When you have finished, close them off and state: I wish to return to my body.
The Third Method of absentee is much simpler and you do not even have to know or have
seen a photo of the person. You only have to have their name. You can place their thought
form in an object, preferably a crystal and carry it around on your body. To do this, activate
the Reiki absentee symbols like the other methods of absentee healings and state: I wish to
give (state their name) an absentee healing, and I place their thought form in this crystal/
object. You can carry them around for as long as you need with this method. When you are
finished close them off and send their thought form back as you have learnt in the other
methods of absentee healing.
Communicating with the sub-conscious in a healing
When the person is lying down on a table grab a chair and place yourself at their head. Place
your left hand over their left eye and raise your right hand just above their crown Chakra.
With your right hand make the Choku - Rei symbol, then the Sei-he-Ki symbol, then the
Choku - Rei symbol again.
(Please note if you are left handed switch these instructions around eg. right hand over the
right eye, and left hand doing the symbols.)
If they are sitting in a chair, stand directly behind them and repeat the above directions.
Repeat this procedure with the ears and the back of the neck.
If the person is holding in past pain you can do this procedure on the Chakra areas where
problem is coming from. eg child hood issues are usually found in the heart and the solar
Plexus Chakras. Sexual abuse is found usually in the sacral and the throat area.
To visit another person, place or planet for healing:
Form the Choku-Rei and the Hon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen then the Choku-Rei symbol.
Then state where or whom you want to visit.
If a person has problems or issues they cannot move through, activate a past life healing, by
unlocking their cellular memory that stores their past life experiences. To do this give them a
healing on a table. When they are relaxed and calm, go to the head and follow these
Place your right hand on their third eye Chakra. Place your left hand on the top of their crown
In your mind draw the Choku-Rei symbol and state: I wish to unlock a past life that is
causing pain or illness to the person. Then draw the Hon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen symbol then the
Choku-Rei symbol. Wait until you feel the energy flowing through. Then draw the Sei-HeiKi symbol and ask in your mind that the problem be healed.
If you are open enough you may see or feel things from the persons past life. Do not be
afraid to discuss it with the person after the healing eg. you may see that they may have
drowned in a past life. By telling them about it you may discover that they have a fear of
water and drowning, but they could never understand why. When you have finished draw the
Choku-Rei symbol and ask to close up the past life that
you opened. You do not have to say anything out aloud. Speak to the person in your mind.
They will hear you.
Second Degree Healing Hands on
Death can be a very controversial issue for a healer. Our aim is to heal people. However, we
do much more than that. Reiki brings about awareness, forgiveness, healing, wisdom and
personal power. Sometimes we cannot heal the physical body. There may be too much
damage. The soul may be willing, but the body may have suffered too much trauma and
cannot go on any more. We believe that death of the body is not the final stage to one’s
growth. It is only a part of the soul's journey to enlightenment. Death scares us because it
seems so final. For our loved ones, their grief is because they will never see us again in this
life time. For ourselves, death is frightening because our pathway in life has changed and we
must journey into new and unchartered waters not knowing where we will be going next in
our universe.
I believe in reincarnation. I have personally experienced memories of my past -lives. I know
in my heart that when I die, I will return. So my goal in this lifetime is to learn and experience
all the joys and learn all that I can while I am in this body. I know that if I live a life full of love,
compassion, caring and healing, my next life will be even richer than this life. When I am
faced with a person who is looking at death, and the body can longer be restored, I know that
my job is to help them make the most of their final days in this body. I help prepare their soul
for their next life. We heal any negative issues and past traumas and help them find inner
peace. We can also help them with pain relief if they are suffering and counsel them and
their loved ones to help them through the final days. Most diseases that are fatal are caused
from a lack of love in a person’s life. They may be filled with a lot of self hatred to themselves
and a build up of anger and grief towards others in their life. Sometimes we are able to help
them find inner peace and learn to love themselves and others before death becomes final. If
we can get to a person before it becomes too late, we are able to heal them.
In cases where it is to do with children especially babies and very young children who have
had no early traumatic issues, we need to look at what they suffered in their mother's womb
and in their past - lives. We also need to see if there was any exposure to contamination
from all the poisons and toxins that are floating around in our world. We need to see if the
parents were exposed to any of these while carrying the child. If this is the case, we have to
bring in diet, and extra vitamins into the healing as well. If you are not qualified in this area,
encourage your patients to see Natural Paths, Herbalists and Chinese Natural paths. These
people work with the diet and vitamins and can help to build up your patients immune
system. When working along side these people with your Reiki energy, you have an ultimate
medicine that can create a cure on all levels.
With a womb issue, we need to work with the parents and whatever issues they had while
their child was growing inside. With past - lives, we need to do a lot of past life healings,
involving the absentee symbol and the mental symbol. With this area we focus on
forgiveness for the past life that has been. We connect to their higher mind and inner child
and heal the pain that these parts of the soul brought through in this lifetime.
Understanding the concept of sickness on a spiritual level
When we learn about the concept of sickness on a Spiritual level - Womb level, we can then
learn how to work with Reiki to help remove these issues.
When you do a healing with these issues, you need Reiki Second Degree and the use of the
healing symbols to work with this level.
When a person comes to you for a healing because they have illness, you have to first treat
the symptoms before you can remove the physical problem.
It is like when you get a splinter in your finger. Maybe you had become disorientated and
were doing something with wood, not really concentrating. You hit your finger against the
wood and that causes a splinter to become embedded into your finger. You walk around in a
bit of a daze for a couple of days not really noticing that your finger was becoming infected.
This was because you had so much on your mind. Then one day you start to get a fever and
you finger swells up. You go to the Doctor and he notices that you have this sharp object in
your finger that has caused the sickness. He removes the splinter, gives you some antibiotics
and your finger heals.
It is the same with all types of sickness. There is always some reason why we become ill.
Our jobs as Reiki Healersis to determine the cause of why the illness started in the first
place. We are given the tools of being able to access these records.
With Reiki we are able to work with the energy that surrounds our body. This energy is
emanating from our energy centres or Chakras as they are commonly called. These centres
give us a warning, that there are problems within the body. You can also detect dis-ease
before it actually manifest into sickness. This is the greatest way to do a healing. If you can
remove the dis-ease before it manifests, you can stop sickness before it takes hold within
the body.
When you come to understand these procedures, even with Reiki First Degree you can help
heal emotional levels of sickness. You do not have to consciously know what you are feeling.
Reiki will guide you on how to clean and help balance the areas that need the "so called
splinter removed."
When you have done your advanced Reiki, you are taught how to become aware of these
feelings and warnings, that come from the energy centres. However, it is Reiki First degree
that really teaches you about the energy that you are working with.
Clearing Houses with the power of Reiki 2nd Degree
Houses absorb energy the same as we do. They can store feelings and emotions within their
rooms and walls. These emotions stay in the house until they are cleared.
Reiki is able to cleanse out the negative and evil energy and replace it with love.
If a house is haunted, with the power of Reiki you can remove the spirit with love.
When a house absorbs the negative energy it can cause disruption with the people who live
there. You can suffer bad sleeping patterns and a sense of not wanting to be in the house for
long periods of time. You may also find that you become restless. There may be a lot of
arguments and upsets that take place because of the build up of energy in the house.
When you buy a house that had other generations in it, the memories of all the love,
laughter, tears and anger are stored within the house’s walls. This creates an energy slime
that needs to be cleared. If there have been seances in the house the house may be filled
with spirits. If a death occurred within the house that spirit or their energy may still be present
in the house.
House clearing with Reiki can clear away the old negative energy and restore the house
back to a positive atmosphere.
How to begin
Set a protective healing on yourself with the Reiki 2 symbols before you set foot in the house.
Call in your protective and healing guides to surround you as you enter the house or building.
Take three white candles, some incense (preferably sandalwood) and a smudge stick. If you
are involved with Shamanism, take your drum and rattle. If you read Tarot or Runes have
them with you as well. Take some gentle loving music that you will leave there when you
have gone.
When you enter the house I want you to light your candles, put the music on and light your
incense. Set this up in the main room where everyone places their energy in. Holding one
candle in your hand, walk around each room and open your psychic eye and read and feel
the energy that is around. If you need help, use your Tarot, or Runes to give you further
Find the areas that have a lot of anger and sorrow. Make a note- these areas will need the
most healing.
Find the areas that have good vibrations and lots of love. This is where you will tap into the
good that the house has around it. You will be setting these areas up as strong energy walls
that will support your healing.
When you have gone around and felt the energy, you will have an idea of what has gone on
in the past and how this has affected the house in the present. Go back to main room and
talk to the owners or occupiers of the house and explain what you have felt. You need to
counsel them and their behaviour within the house and around the rooms that are the most
negative. Teach them how they can help and assist with the healing of the house once you
have left.
A few examples are:
There is to be no anger, arguments or violence where a room has been exposed to this
energy in the past. They are to take their anger outside.
Placing white candles, incense, crystals, indoor plants, and playing soft healing music every
day after the healing will help keep the negative energy away. When you burn a white candle
this helps to burn away anything that is evil or negative in the room. The incense places a
clean smell that invokes a clean room. The music soothes the tension, fear and anger that
may accidentally come back into the room.
If you find that a spirit was present and it's line of entry was in a certain room, that room
needs to have a healing shrine placed in it. The shrine will have a wooden bowl filled with
clear quartz, rose, fluorite and amethyst crystals and a lovely inside plant. Light a white
candle and burn some sandal wood each morning around the shrine. This helps to establish
a loving and healing presence and makes the room stronger with positive vibrations that
shuts off negative vibrations.
When you are ready to start the healing on the house, sit yourself down and activate your
Reiki Second Degree symbols. Call in your Guides and white light yourself. Go to each room
and with your white candle, sit down and place your hands out toward the whole room, palms
facing upwards. Activate your Reiki and send the energy out for about 20-30 minutes.. Ask
that there be no violent or negative reactions and that anything evil enter into the light with
the love of the Reiki power. Activate more Reiki symbols and keep pumping love through
until you feel it fill the whole room. If you need to go to a wall or an area and place more
energy there, do so. When you are finished go to the other rooms and repeat the procedure.
If there are no entities but only negative vibrations you will be able to stabilise the room much
quicker, between 3-10 minutes. After you have finished, light your smudge stick and smoke
each room to clear away the left over energy.
If you studying Shamanism, you can use your drum and smudge stick or even a Buddhist
bell after to also raise the vibrations to a healing spiritual level and call in earth guides to
protect the house. After you have done the healing follow up for a few weeks with absentee
healings to keep an eye on the happenings within the house.
A Look at Reiki through the eyes of one Reiki Master
By Leonie Faye
Reiki is a form of Spiritual energy that was rediscovered by a wonderful man named Dr Usui
in the early nineteenth century. He was searching for healing that could work with humans on
the physical level. However, what he did discover was a formula for healing both the body
and the spirit. Reiki is both hands on healing and also absentee healing. Second Degree
Reiki is able to send a healing out to the whole world on a Global level.
When Reiki is applied with dedication and commitment miracles can and do happen. When
working with Reiki energy on a person you find that you can lower stress within their body.
Stress is the major factor for illness in our society today. Stress and worry can cause the
mind to break down which can cause illness to the body. With the hands on healing we are
able to help a person lower their stress levels, which in turn helps them to control their level
of worry, fear and stress and when we do that, a person is able to think straight and focus on
positive outcomes in their lives. Have you notice that when you are at peace with your
personal world illness does not invade you as much as when you are worried or stressed
out? Reiki healing can provide that level of healing to improve your life. When someone is
diagnose with a serious and life threatening illness there is a real fear and a sense of failure
within themselves. You begin to feel like life has betrayed you in some way.
With Reiki we are able to help a person feel good about themselves, to help them combat the
fear and worry. Reiki will relax them and open them up on both a physical and spiritual level.
Reiki helps you to believe that your life is worthy. When your confidence is high and your
levels of stress, worry and fear are regulated then you are able to fight the illness with more
confidence. When some illnesses can not be healed because a disease has taken over and
death is imminent Reiki can help.
Reiki can heal the soul and teach the person to accept death. This can make dying a less
painful event. We believe the soul lives forever and Reiki can help the person come to terms
with the dying process and even bring an inner sense of peace. At the point that the soul
leaves the body at death Reiki can guide the soul to the light force and into the high levels
which aides the rebirth process. The beauty of Reiki is that you do not have to do your Reiki
to become healed. What you can do is have healings from a Reiki Healer who has dedicated
their life to working with this energy. Reiki opened me up to my true gifts that I had buried
inside. I love to write poetry to sing to dance and to heal others as well as my self. I had had
serous illness problems with my stomach and through my Reiki I was able to heal myself to a
level where I can know lead a happy and productive life.
Click here for Reiki I
Click here for Reiki III, Masters' advice
"Just for today let go of you worry and face the day bravely."
"Just for today do your work honestly no matter whether you are a mother, or a factory
worker or a businessman. Be proud of who you are and what you do."
"Just for today give thanks for what life has already bestowed upon you no matter how small
or how large."
"Just for today have respect for those you love and for every living being and animal on our
small planet. Give out kindness and kindness will be returned"
Working with the Aura
Around our body is an energy that has life. It is called the Aura.
As we grow and evolve the Aura grows with us. When using our psychic senses we are able to see and feel this energy. Some people can see Colou
coming from the Aura. You may see Red’s Blues, Oranges, Purples, Whites, Greens, Yellows, Browns, Blacks and also Grey mists of clouds.
Some psychics can use the viewing of Colours in the Aura to tell a person about sickness or emotional problems.
You can also feel the Aura when you place your hands above a person’s body. It can feel like a sense of heaviness when you move your hands aroun
them. It can feel like the Aura energy is trying to stop you from entering into it’s field. You may also feel vibrations through your hands as you
connect with the Aura.
There are around ‘Seven Layers of the Aura’. Each layer corresponds to each Chakra within a body.
We believe that the Chakras push energy outwards from our body and this is how the Aura is created.
Emotions can be detected through the Aura. That is how people are able to read body language. Someone maybe smiling and putting on a pretense
when in actual fact they are feeling miserable. When you come into their Auric field you may pick up on their pain because their Aura tells the trut
about how they are really feeling. When someone is sick, the part of the body that is ill gives off a vibration and Colour that goes into the Aura, thi
also happens when somone has emotional hurt. The Chakra that controls the energy for that part of the body has become weakened and so it sends o
messages to the Aura. It also literally dumps the negative energy into the Aura because it cannot store the energy within the body. That is how dis
ease gets into a body. Something has happened on an emotional or physical level and the body has reacted causing the Chakras to become out - of
alignment, so sickness sets in and when it becomes too congested, it then pushes that sickness into the Aura.
When we come into contact with other peoples Auras this can cause reactions to our own body.
When someone is happy and feeling well they tend to radiate a lot of Colour and vibration around them. This can make other people feel good in the
presence. When someone is depressed and unmotivated we can feel drained by their presence or feel negatively towards them without understandin
why. Also people who have a strong powerful personality can use their power through the Aura on people who are easy going. They can control oth
people by taking away another persons personal power. You see that in schools with children and peer pressure. In fact any emotions that we are ab
to express can be released through our Aura and onto others. You can make a person feel weak, threatened, angry and even ill. You can also make
person feel happy, excited, full of energy and loved with the energy that you radiate within your Aura outwards towards others.
Spiritual healers have been able to cleanse and heal the Chakras and the Aura for centuries. They could do this because they were aware of them an
understood their functions within a body.
By you becoming aware of your own Chakras and Aura, you can also learn to heal and align them for yourself. You can learn to cleanse and remov
negativity that has come from pain, sickness and from other people and align yourself so that you feel whole and balanced. This helps you to functio
at the highest levels you can in your Life.
When we look at doing Inner Healing work we must become aware of both the Chakras, their purpose and functions within the body and the Aura an
it’s function in connection with the Chakras.
Crystals have been used for Healing, and foretelling the future by many indigenous and ancient cultures for centuries. ‘Crystal Beings’ are
‘Spiritual Masters and Teachers’.
We believe that Crystals are ‘beings’ with a Soul and conscience like us humans, in fact more advanced than we are. Crystals have a Spirit
and a Soul within them that are very highly evolved and hold knowledge well beyond this world and time. It is believed that Crystals carry
pure Chi Healing Energy. Crystals do not have an ego mind set and have evolved past the ‘ego consciousness’ to just exist in a higher level
of vibration. Crystals are very high up on the evolution chain.
The Quartz Crystal family is used in Modern Science for the use in clocks, computers, lasers and radios. The family of Quartz Crystals create
an electrical charge called ‘Piezoelectricity’. A Quartz Crystal is able to store and amplify energy within their form and send it back out.
(Proven scientifically). Quartz can also hold an electrical charge within it’s form. When we use a certain Crystal and it’s Healing properties
on the body, it can help bring about positive changes and promote healing. The Crystal acts as a channel that sends positive healing energy
into the body.
Because Quartz is a Channel Medium and a Record Keeper of Past and hidden knowledge, it is also able to record new knowledge and create
energy that transmits this knowledge to others. You are able to program any Crystal with the knowledge and healing that you need on any
area, or level in your Life.
We believe that dis-ease is only negative energy that has become built up within the body. This energy can be blasted away with the use of
Crystals because Crystals transmit positive energy. We believe that positive energy is much stronger than negative energy. For example;
when you use the Quartz Crystal on someone who has a tumour, say for instance in their leg, you would be able to place the Crystal in your
hand and hold it over the area where the tumour is. It would only focus on the tumour and would direct all the power of the Crystal energy in
that area. This is very much like Laser surgery. You are able to blast away at the poison and remove the blockage that is causing the
tumour. The poison is then absorbed through the body, through the sweat glands, the bowel and bladder.
First; you have to cleanse and then charge your Crystal up with this intent. You need to meditate, and focus the intent of Healing within the
Charging your Crystals before a Healing
You can charge and clean your Crystals with salt water and place them out in the garden and in the moonlight. Also taking them to the beach
helps keep them cleansed and charged with natural Earth Energy. You can also use essential oils like Eucalyptus and Lavender as well as
Rosemary to clean your Crystals and keep them feeling fresh and alive. You can also drum them and smudge them with the smoke from
smudge sticks made from sage and lavender herbs. These herbs, when smoking, are supposed to remove negative energy.
Crystals carry and store wisdom from every experience they have encountered. When you properly connect with your Crystals, all their
wisdom is poured through to your Spiritual DNA. Your Crystal will also tap into your personal DNA and acquire your many lessons and
wisdom you have also gained throughout your many lives.
Getting to know your Crystals:
Before you start a Healing, I want you to take your Crystal and place it in your hands. Sit yourself down somewhere quiet and peaceful, then
place positive thoughts and feelings into your Crystal. Flow loving energy from your Heart to your Crystal. Feel the beat of your Heart
connect to the Crystals Heart. Allow yourself to feel the energy that your Crystal radiates. Try and be open to receive any colours, images or
messages that may come through as you connect. Place Healing intent and requests back through to your Crystal.
You are now ready to begin using your Crystal.
The are many types of Crystals that we are going to learn about, the first ones are the Clear Quartz, the Amethyst, Rose Quartz, Smoky
Quartz, and Citrine.
All these Crystals are from the Quartz family and some of them have other properties embedded within them that make them a little different
in their meanings.
I have found this Quartz Crystal family to be the most strongest in the mineral family when used in Healing. Clear Quartz, Amethyst Quartz,
Smoky Quartz, Citrine and Rose Quartz all have the same qualities, but each Crystal works on different levels in the way that they amplify
and heal an area. The Clear Quartz has a powerful laser like effect that can destroy sickness with great amounts of Healing energy. Clear
Quartz is usually used for illness in the form of disease, tumors and for the use of clarity and understanding. In fact Clear Quartz can be used
on any problem, or illness that arises on a physical and mental level in the body.
The Clear Quartz can also cleanse and eliminate blockages from the Aura and Chakras. Clear Quartz is able to bring balance and harmony to
our thoughts, feelings and our ‘Higher State of Consciousness’. In doing this, the Clear Quartz can balance and align our Chakra Centres.
You can also use a Clear Quartz Crystal to channel other Spirits, the Plant Kingdom and the Spirit of Mother Earth. You are also able to
access other ‘beings’ from other Universes and re-connect to the Stars and Beyond.
Clear Quartz can also foretell the future and look back into the Past. By staring into a Clear Quartz Crystal Ball, you are able to see all. You
are also able to channel safely with a Clear Quartz Crystal in your hand. Clear Quartz is said to banish negative forces and spirits from
people and houses. The natural wisdom of the Clear Quartz is that it is a Stone that calls in ‘harmony’.
The Clear Quartz is also able to record other people’s feeling through the wisdom of psychometry. Clear Quartz also vibrates on the same
frequency as music. This is good for releasing blockages in the Aura and re-connecting to the Universal Frequencies that allow you to
become ‘Whole and United’ within yourself. Clear Quartz can also create altered states of awareness. This Crystal enhances your meditative
states. It clears the mind of negative thoughts and allows you to stop the thinking process so that you can access a meditative state for Inner
Healing and awareness. They say that the Clear Quartz was used in Atlantis and Lemuria for rejuvenation and the development of power
generated equipment. I want you to always focus only positive thoughts and feelings when you work with these Crystals.
Crystal Healing
As there is enough negative energy around today, we must remember that the Crystals transmit energy. Keep your Crystal clean and pure.
You can use the Clear Quartz on all your Chakra Centres. Your Crystal will dispense negative energy, raise your consciousness and connect
you to your Higher Mind. Here you are able to see things in a clear and rational way. Ask for guidance and advice and you will always
receive the truth. The Clear Quartz works powerfully on the mind. It will bring you back to focus and help you make major decisions within
your Life.
When you meditate with this Crystal, place one in your hand, one above your Crown Chakra if you are laying down and one below your
feet. This will help to connect you to your Higher Mind, keep you grounded to Mother Earth and encourage a safe and powerful meditative
The Rose Quartz deals with the Emotional and Spiritual Levels of Consciousness. It is a gentle Crystal that gives off gentle healing energy.
Rose Quartz works well on the Heart Chakra and the newly discovered Thymus Chakra. In these areas you are able to open one’s trust in
yourself and help you come into contact with your Inner Child. The Rose provides support to your emotions if you are feeling vulnerable
and hurt. Rose Quartz deals with the emotions, be it love, hate, anger, worry, confusion, fear and depression. Working with this Crystal
helps to heal, and deal with emotional problems. Most sicknesses are caused through some emotional issue that has damaged a person. They
become vulnerable and this vulnerability causes them to create a physical sickness. Working with the Rose quartz is good if there are severe
emotional traumas within a person. If the problem is leading to physical illness, you can cure it much easily by removing the emotional
blockage first. In one Healing session you could help to remove all the problems and thus promote faster healing all round.
Also if you have feelings for another person that you want to share with, giving them a Rose quartz Crystal will open them to your feelings.
You can give a Rose to a friend, letting them know that you are there for them. You can also give this Crystal to a child, to help them know
that you love them. You can give one to a lover to help bring love back into the relationship or someone new you have met to see if they
share the same feelings as you.
Rose Quartz is the symbol for love, both conditional and unconditional. The energy that comes from Rose is similar to the energy of Reiki.
When meditating with this Crystal, you would place one in your hand, one on your Heart Chakra and one on your Thymus Chakra. Rose
Quartz also carries the properties of the Clear Quartz. However, you would see things in an innocent, clear and loving way. Rose Quartz
gently raises your awareness and takes away your fears and doubts. If you have suffered any pain, sorrow or heart ache, then this Crystal
will help to heal the situations and bring clarity and love back into your Life.
The Amethyst Quartz deals with the mind on a ‘Spiritual Level and can help open a person to their beliefs, dreams and goals.
Amethyst helps people to be open to their intuition, making sure that their judgement is sound and that their actions are honest. It also helps
people regain their memory or improve their memory capacity as this is useful when someone is trying to learn and study. People who suffer
from mental related illnesses would benefit with this Crystal in their Life. Amethyst is also good for someone who is trying to build up their
Psychic abilities, as it helps to open them up to the other ‘Levels of Consciousness’. Amethyst can help to unleash the presence and power of
the Third Eye Chakra. Amethyst is also a valuable tool when working on the Aura and the Chakras. Amethyst can help heal and repair
damaged Auras and Chakras, especially if they have Past-Life issues.
People who are artistic in nature, but are having a block, can gain assistance with the use of the Amethyst. Working with the Amethyst
Crystal can help someone find their creative and artistic side. If you had someone who suffered from severe mental anguish, working with
the power of this Crystal would help to isolate the problem and remove the blockage in a gentle way.
Amethyst is a loving and gentle Crystal that works on a Spiritual Level, making you feel connected to the Earth and the Universe. You feel
closer to the Universal Awareness that created us when connecting to this Crystal. This Crystal is good to work with when you are trying to
decipher dreams. Dreams hold hidden messages, and the Amethyst can help unlock these messages.
The Smoky Quartz helps you to balance your Ying and Yang energy. Ying is the feminine side, Yang being the masculine side of a person.
By balancing these energies, you are able to have an even amount of power and gentleness in your nature. The Smoky Quartz can also be
used to place a protective barrier of energy around your body. This is good if you work with all types of energy and need protection. Placing
Smoky Quartz in a room will also help keep the house clear of all negative energy that comes from other people’s emotions. This Crystal is
good for any business deal, providing balance and fairness in all events needed to sustain a healthy workplace and attitude. It is the Stone of
‘co-operation’. This Crystal helps remove fear and anxiety from the Solar Plexus Chakra, helping one to be courageous and balanced.
When you work with this Crystal in a meditation, place the Crystal on your Base Chakra and Solar Chakra for Grounding and also to help
open and activate your Feet Chakras, place one near each foot and in each hand. This helps you to be totally Grounded and focused, as well
as preventing any healing crisis that may occur due to a lot of built up emotional trauma.
Citrine has the same qualities as the Clear Quartz. It also helps to balance and align all the Chakras, opening them to Life Force Energy and
Inner Healing. Citrine opens and energises the Sacral Chakra, helping one deal with relationship problems as well as creative endeavours.
Citrine also helps to build one’s self esteem. It also helps with the Solar Plexus Chakra. Citrine helps to remove fear and thoughts that tell
you that you are a failure. Citrine also helps the Base Chakra find an emotional balance so that you do not waste valuable energy on any
endeavours or emotional issues that are a waste of time.
You can use Citrine to help clear the Aura and bring clarification to any problems that need a lot of focusing on. Citrine also balances the
Ying and Yang energies with the body. Citrine helps to remove anger and helps one to realise and rationalise any emotional problems.
Citrine helps with digestive, eye, blood and circulation problems. Citrine helps to activate the Thymus Gland and open the new Thymus
Chakra. This can help to bring your Inner Child and your Higher Mind together to bring forth all your goals and dreams.
Citrine is also a stone that can help you with financial problems. It is said to help bring money towards you in a honest way. ‘The Stone of
good fortune and luck’. When meditating with this Crystal, you place one on your Sacral, one on your Thymus and one in each hand. This
Stone will also help you to focus courage and determination on any goal or dream you have. In a meditative state, it will bring balance to
your brain wave patterns. Beta, Theta Alpha and Delta - so that you can reach any meditative state you choose.
Agate is a Crystal that has become very popular, due to the fact that it was used by the Native Americans for Healing. Agate balances the
Ying and Yang energies within the body and the Aura. Agate is a good stone for cleansing and balancing the Chakras. Agate helps the mind
to become focused and balanced in times of crisis and can help in times when decisions are needed to be made with one’s Life. Agate is also
able to remove sickness by placing your Agate Crystal on any disease affected area, it then removes the poison or negative energy from the
body. Agate absorbs the negative energies and breaks them down, turning it into positive energy that can then be distributed into the body
for regenerative healing. Agate also has a strong bond with plants and animals, thus making it a Crystal to help you become open and aware
to Mother Nature. You can also use Agate in meditation to open up Ancient Sacred knowledge on Mother Earth and her Natural Healing
Gifts. There are many types of Agate that you can use. Each race of Agate has individual healing qualities that can help to heal certain areas
of the body.
Fluorite is a Crystal that helps dispel chaotic and negative energy that starts physical sickness. Fluorite helps to balance and align all the
Chakras and Aura around a person’s body. Fluorite helps to combat a sickness before it becomes dominant. This Crystal is also able to work
with large amounts of energy, making it a stone that works well in groups. Fluorite promotes balance to the circulation and is good for
Healing work needed on the Heart and the arteries. This stone is also a ‘Stone of Truth’, helping one to see things in a truthful manner.
Fluorite is a good stone for working on bringing issues to the surface to be faced and healed once and for all. Fluorite works well in
relationship issues, bringing balance and truth to the relationship. This stone also encourages you to do the things that are important to you
and your Spiritual Growth. This stone can also answer questions that need to be asked with total honesty. It is a good stone to sleep with as
it encourages your dream state to function in a way that you are able to access your hidden subconscious to remember your Past and learn
about your future.
Jasper is a Crystal that is used for protection. By placing it in your environment it emits an energy that deters any negative vibrations or
frequencies to enter your Sacred Space. Jasper helps to stop thieves and anyone wishing to cause you harm from entering into your Sacred
Space. Jasper is good for the removal of negative entities and can also help people who suffer from Dual personalities. They believe this
disease is caused because there is more than one Soul inhabiting a body. This stone has strong links to the Shamanic ways of Healing - The
Old and Sacred Ways of Magic and Mysticism. When you work with this Crystal or allow it into your Life, you are allowing these ways and
beliefs to enter into your being. This Crystal will help heal any Past-Life Trauma. Jasper is also a Stone that is used to help create ‘Warrior
Energy’. This energy gives you the power and strength to combat anything that needs force and courage in your Life. This Crystal helps you
to remain focused and balanced. Jasper connects you to your Higher Mind and your Guardian Angels or Spirit Guides. It creates a
nurturing effect that makes you feel secure and loved within yourself. Jasper is a good Crystal that will help bring about awareness of our
planet and teach us how to respect each other and look after our planet. This Crystal works well on all the Chakras.
Calcite is a Crystal that helps one to remember. Calcite emits a very powerful healing charge of energy that when directed at a certain area,
can bring about Healing changes within seconds of its use. You can use this Crystal for Astral Travel and any other Outer Body Dimensional
Shape Shifting. Calcite is so intense and powerful that when placed on the Chakras of the body this stone will cause a major shift in any
negative build up of energy. This Crystal promotes ‘Power and Strength’. Calcite demands that you heal and grow. This Crystal is used in
the elimination of viral infections and any other parasite infections that may be breeding in the body. This stone is the stone for artists, poets
and anyone who is very creative. It inspires you to act. This Crystal works well with the Throat, Thymus, Solar and Sacral Chakra.
Chrysocolla is a good Crystal for soothing and calming the nervous system. This stone can be used in matters dealing with grief, heartache
and depression. It can assist in helping one to come out of their shell and be more open and expressive. This Stone works well with the
Sacral and Third Eye Chakra.
Chrysocolla is a wonderful Grounding and Balancing Stone. It is a good stone to sleep and meditate with. This stone is also a favourite with
the Earth’s Natural Energies, helping one to connect with the power and wisdom of Mother earth. This stone works well with the Base
Chrysoprase is a stone that helps balance and align all the Chakras. This Crystal revitalises your Chakras and fills your body with positive
Healing Chi. It is good to work with this stone if you suffer from a low self esteem. Anyone who has a bad immune system will do well
working with this Crystal. This stone works well on the Base, Solar and Third Eye Chakra.
Chalcedony is a very powerful stone used for healing the mind. It carries all the qualities of the Quartz family and balances and aligns all the
Chakras and the Aura.
Lapis, Malachite and Azurite are Crystals that are used for psychic awareness. These stones open up your Third Eye and Crown Chakras,
helping you to become aware of other planes of consciousness. These Crystals help you to see visions, read minds and move objects without
the use of the physical body. These Crystals clear the head and help one to see beyond their normal existence. They are good for
Channelling and Star Gazing. You can make contact with other Life Forms and also aid in Astral Projection. They are able to open up your
Inner Frequencies and eliminate any bad DNA coding that may be implanted in your body. In healing they are useful to help one become
more aware and stable in themselves. They are able to eliminate any waste material and break down any calcification that can cause blocked
arteries. If your blood flows freely, your Soul is able to fly high. These Crystals will also assist people who have been abducted by aliens to
help remember the events that took place and also help them heal any trauma that was associated with the abduction. These Crystals work
well on the Third Eye and Crown.
Tiger eye and Tiger iron are Crystals that promote courage, strength and will. These Crystals help you to reach your goals and discover your
true persona. In Healing, these Crystals help to break down weakness and re-build strength. They balance and align the Chakras in a way as
to give you the courage to face your future. They heal the Past and allow you to move on in your Life. These stones work well on the Solar
There are many other Crystals that are available that you can use, however, all these Crystals that we have talked about do everything that
other Crystals do. But Crystals choose you and you may well feel drawn to other breeds. Even a plain creek rock has the abilities to heal and
educate. If you allow yourself the belief that you can communicate with the Life form that exists in the Crystals, they will be able to tell you
what their healing qualities are themselves.
Open your mind and allow yourself to believe.
Lay down and hold a Crystal in your hands or on your body. Allow the Crystal to speak to you and tell you what you need to know. Reconnect to these powerful beings and you can access the Akashic records that holds all the knowledge, thoughts, feelings and actions that
reside on your Ethereal Level.
Points to Remember for Crystal Healing
You can use several types of Pendulums for Crystal Therapy. If you are using a basic metal, or man made fabric based Pendulum, all these
Pendulum types are capable of doing, is showing you the way each Chakra is spinning and answer simple yes and no questions. They do not
carry any special Healing qualities and in cases of metal Pendulums, they can actually contaminate a Crystal Healing, as some metals block
Chi energy from flowing freely.
If you decide to use a Crystal based Pendulum (which are the best), these kinds of Pendulums are actual Healing tools that hold Healing
power within them. Whatever the Crystal type Pendulum, they would bring their healing abilities into the Healing.
Example: The Clear Quartz would focus on piercing the Auric Consciousness to bring healing about on the physical level (meaning physical
sickness), while the Rose Quartz would pierce through the Emotional Consciousness to bring in emotional healing. The Amethyst would
pierce through the Spiritual Consciousness to bring about healing on a more Spiritual Level (Awakening the Soul’s divine script and Life
The Terminator Crystals:
Crystal Surgery is a Crystal Healing technique which is used for creating an open channel between the Physical and Spiritual world by
piercing through the Etheric Aura to bring healing into the physical body. The Clear Quartz Crystal Terminator is used in this procedure first
to make the tear between this World and the Spiritual. Poisoned Chi from the physical level then seeps out into the Aura. A Healing Crystal
which is usually a tumbled or polished Stone is placed on the area that has been opened which allows healing Chi to replace the poisoned
Chi. When awakening your Crystal Terminator, the chambers are stroked upwards towards to the tip of the Terminator to release the energy
from the Crystal to pierce through the Aura. Stroking the chambers backward actually releases and draws the poisoned Chi out into the Aura.
A Rose or Amethyst Crystal Terminator is what we class as the ‘glue’ that repairs the tear we made. These two Crystals are both Spiritual
and Emotional, so are much stronger when it comes to repairing and healing tears and issues that arise and come outwards.
Crystal Grids:
You can place Crystals under your healing table when you are applying a Spiritual Healing and/ or Massage. This method is just as powerful
as the ‘Laying on of Crystals’ on a persons body. The Grid should be set up to represent the seven main Chakras that run from the Base
Chakra, right up through to the Crown Chakra in a straight line under your healing table. You can also place Crystals in a circular fashion
around the seven main Crystals representing the Aura, Etheric and Akashic fields of the human and spiritual body. This Crystal Grid will act
as a Generator, enhancing and empowering any healing you are applying with your Client. Crystal Grids can be placed anywhere, in any
room throughout your house to also enhance the positive energy and dissipate any negative energy the house may have picked up.
Crystal Healing
We will now look at how to do a Healing, working with the Crystals we have talked about in recent pages. At the start of a Crystal Healing
you can use a Pendulum to show you where an area of the body is blocked or sick. By swinging the Pendulum over the body you are able to
see which area is out of alignment. Program your Pendulum before asking it where the sickness is. A Pendulum needs to be told what it’s
job and purpose is. We are using the Pendulum for detecting illness and also detecting the rotation of the Chakras.
Before you begin working with the Pendulum, allow yourself to drop into a meditative state. Placing the Pendulum on its string, gently
rotate the Pendulum around the palm of your hand. Communicate to it that you wish it to detect illness and show it which way the Chakras
are meant to rotate in both males and females. You may need to use a body to do this. Also teach it ‘yes’ is clockwise swinging and ‘no’ is
Each Chakra has a way of spinning. These directions tell you if the Chakra is imbalanced or working well.
The Base Chakra spins in a woman anti-clockwise and in a man, clockwise.
The Sacral in a woman, clockwise and in a male, anti-clockwise.
The Solar in a woman, anti-clockwise and in a man, clockwise.
The Heart in a woman, clockwise and in a man, anti-clockwise.
The Throat in a woman, anti-clockwise and in a man, clockwise.
The Third Eye in a woman, clockwise and in a man, anti-clockwise.
The Crown in a woman, anti-clockwise and in a man, clockwise.
The Pendulum will spin in an anti, or clockwise direction to show you if the Chakra is working properly. If the Pendulum spins from side to
side, it is telling you that the Chakra is congested with a build up of toxic energy and that it needs to be cleared away.
Once you have applied a Crystal on a chosen Chakra and spun the Crystal and encouraged the Chakra to spin properly, you can then put the
Pendulum back over to see if your healing has worked.
You can also place a Crystal on each Chakra and allow them to heal and cleanse the area intuitively. Once this is done, place the Pendulum
over the area to see if the Crystal is doing the right healing for that area. If it is not, try another Crystal to see if that one works.
Crystal Healing
I want you to always start at the head. Taking any of the Crystals that you feel guided to use. The Clear Quartz is very powerful on the
Crown Chakra. I want you to gently rotate the Crystal around the Crown Chakra. You will be cleansing this Chakra and clearing out
negativity. You will also be connecting your Client to the Universal Consciousness whichs awakens a person to ‘Healing and Life Force Chi
Energy’. Start close to the head and as you are spinning the Crystal, gently come out into the Aura in spinning anti or clockwise directions.
Next: Move on to the Third Eye Chakra. You may want to place a very small Amethyst Crystal on their Third Eye to help them further
connect to the Crystal Therapy. Taking your Clear Quartz Crystal, I want you to gently rotate the Crystal around the Third Eye Chakra. You
will be cleansing this Chakra and clearing out negativity and awakening their Psychic abilities, as well as healing any Emotional or Past-Life
issues. Start close to the forehead and as you are spinning the Crystal, gently come out into the Aura.
Next: Move on to the Throat Chakra, taking your Clear Quartz Crystal, I want you to gently rotate the Crystal around the Throat Chakra.
You will be cleansing this Chakra and clearing out negativity. Working on this Chakra will open their voice, as well as open up their
Spiritual creativity, their right to speak for themselves and express themselves freely. This Chakra also awakens connection and
communication to their Guides and Angels Start close to the Throat and as you are spinning the Crystal, gently come out into the Aura.
Next: Move to their Base Chakra, taking your Clear Quartz Crystal, I want you to gently rotate the Crystal around the Base Chakra. You will
be cleansing the Chakra and clearing out negativie blocked energy. Working with this Chakra will also provide Grounding and Balancing of
their Physical Body to their Emotional Body. Also working with this Chakra will help align them to Mother Earth. This will fill them with
energy from Mother Earth and provide balance to their physical state of consciousness. Start close to the Base and as you are spinning the
Crystal, gently come out into the Aura.
Next: Move on to the Sacral Chakra, taking your Clear Quartz Crystal, I want you to gently rotate the Crystal around this Chakra. You will
be cleansing the Chakra and clearing out negative blocked energy. Working with this Chakra will help open their passion for love and Life as
well as heal any sexual issues or relationships. Start close to the belly button and as you are spinning the Crystal, gently come out into the
Next: Move on to the Solar Chakra, taking your Clear Quartz Crystal, I want you to gently rotate the Crystal around this Chakra. You will
be cleansing the Chakra and clearing out negative, blocked energy. Working with this Chakra will awaken their Inner Strength. It will also
ignite their ‘Self Will’ to achieve any goals or dreams they have been struggling with. Working with this Chakra will awaken their Personal
Power. Start close to the stomach and as you are spinning the Crystal, gently come out into the Aura
Finally: Move on to the Heart Chakra, taking your Clear Quartz Crystal, I want you to gently rotate the Crystal around this Chakra. You will
be cleansing the Chakra and clearing out any negative, blocked energy. Working with this Chakra will help awaken their Heart to love and
compassion. Start close to the chest and as you are spinning your Crystal, gently come out into the Aura.
For the Healing of Emotional Issues you would use the Rose Quartz Crystal on all the Chakras and Aura. The Rose Quartz gives off a loving
and gentle supportive energy to help remove pain and heartache.
For a Healing on a Spiritual Level, you would use the Amethyst Crystal. This helps to clear out Past-Life, Spiritual Crisis’s, Birth and Rebirth issues. The Amethyst Crystal also provides a gentle clarifying energy and the awakening of a person’s Spiritual creative side. When you
are working on a physical sickness you will need to know if it was created by Past-Life, Emotional or Environment. By clearing and
cleansing these Chakras, you are able to strengthen the Chakras and release the blockages causing the sickness. When you work with the
Crystal on a Spiritual Level, you are dealing with the Aura and the Chakras.
To balance and align the Chakras with the Crystals you must know where the Chakras are positioned. You would use the Clear Quartz for
the Base and the Sacral Chakra. The Rose and the Citrine Quartz you would use with the Solar and the Heart Chakra. The Amethyst, Citrine
and Smoky, you would use with the Throat, Third Eye and the Crown Chakra.
If you notice that there is damage to the person’s Aura, you can help to close and seal the Aura. This will help to stop any negative entity or
negative energy to come within the person's body. You will also remove anything that does not belong to them with the use of the Crystals.
To do this Procedure;
If you find tears in the Aura, place the Rose Quartz around the area in the Aura and gently rotate the Crystal and fill the Aura up with
Healing Chi.
Next: Place energy stitches on the area that is torn. Advise your client to take it easy for a week and not expose themselves to any negativity
while the stitches heal. After you have done these procedures, you can use the Pendulum to see if your Healing has worked. By the right
rotation of the Pendulum you will know if you have been successful.
Universal Seichim
Seichim is a very ying / yang balanced healing modality, which is very feminine, loving, soft and gentle but carries the strength, fire and wisdom of
Seichem allows you to heal from the Spiritual level down to the physical body. When working with the Seichem energy, you feel wonderfully sensiti
Many Angels, Guides and Higher Order Spirits work with Seichim, making it very open and expansive in the way it heals.
Each of the Seichem symbols used, are almost a whole healing modality in themselves. So you may well decide to only work with a couple of th
Seichim works above the body, using both hands to attain perfect balance when using the energy. It opens realms, dimensions and planes that hold
powers. It brings the energy down through your Aura into your etheric body and finally into the physical body. It does it so slowly and ever so gentl
the healing release process easier. There is less trauma in the release of negative energy when applied in this fashion.
Isis Seichim was discovered by Mike and Mary Shaw and their guides. The same wisdom is applied as with basic Seichim. However, you have mor
energy streams to work with.
Universal Seichim: My guides showed me many other places that I can access to gain more healing power streams. The same wisdom applies, but w
the symbols over the heart with Isis and Seichim, with Universal you can sign on any energy centre. The power and emotions that come from each en
come through the healing with the universal part, so here you will feel things a little more stronger than the other two. My guides have always taught
no such thing as limitations. It shows in the way I heal and teach.
Universal Seichim is a very powerful Healing energy that is applied within a person’s Aura. It is applied through the signing of Sacred symbols wit
You will recognise the balance in both the male and female side of a person’s energy with the use of both hands when signing the symbols in the per
helps to create a powerfully even flow of the energy going through your hands and into the person having the healing. This insures that the healing w
both the female, which is the left and works with the higher and inner side, to the male, which is the right side of the person and works with manife
physical side. This is very important to understand when doing a healing on a person, because if they lack balance in themselves they lack balance i
whole. This makes your Client vulnerable to dramas, repeated patterns and sickness.
The Teachings
The first level that we are going to learn from Universal Seichim is the original that was first re- discovered in 1984, simply called Seichim. Seichim
like the healing modality Reiki. In truth, their energies, although feel different to work with, are equal in strength. Seichim uses the Reiki symbols,
a little differently. However, there is a very subtle difference with the energy that flows from these symbols when a Seichim student uses them in a h
uses a very beautiful symbol called MY YUR MA and another powerful symbol called TA KU REI
The History of Seichim
“Seichim” is an Egyptian word meaning; ‘living light energy’. It is also known as the ‘Powers of Powers’
“The living light energy of Seichim dissolves barriers to your higher self, activates the light body and opens and enhances the connection to your A
the Ascended Masters and the Divine Source of All That Is.
Seichim, and Reiki are from the same family of origin and were widely taught and used in the mystery schools and temples in Atlantis, Lemuria, Eg
India and later throughout the world though they were likely known by other names. These kinds of universal healing energy streams often go und
various times and at others resurface when the need is great such as is the case today. Reiki resurfaced toward the end of the 19th century through Dr
of Kyoto, Japan.
In 1984, a man named Patrick Ziegler brought Seichim to the US from Egypt. While there, Patrick was led to spend the night locked in the Great Py
He fulfilled his childhood dream by finding a hiding place in the Pyramid and then coming out after the tourists and guards were gone. During his ov
the Pyramid, Patrick lay in the King’s sarcophagus and while there, experienced many initiations including an electric blue-white ball of light enter
After leaving the Pyramid the next morning, Patrick spent the next several days in the Sudan with a group of Sufis. The spiritual leader of the Sufis w
Sheik who passed on to Patrick the teaching that went with his Pyramid experience and called the energy ‘Seichim.’ After returning to the United
thereafter, Patrick became a Reiki Master and began passing the Seichim energy at the same time as Reiki. Two of Patrick’s earliest students wer
McMasters and Tom Seamon. Kathleen and Tom together brought forward through channelled information what today are known as the seven leve
Universal Seichim works by filtering healing through the Aura, gently activating the chakras, flooding them with healing and opening up blocked
around and on the body. This is all achieved on a higher level and does not cause too great an effect on the persons physical body, or conscious s
Seichim works its wisdom and healing power down through the outer spiritual levels and into the body. A slow, gentle healing takes place. A perso
away from a Seichim healing feeling quite refreshed, sensitive and open to their Inner most feelings. This enables them to open themselves up verb
any hidden issues or problems they may be having. They release in a gentle and loving way.
The energy lasts for days, up to weeks after a healing has taken place. Your Client may experience as many healings needed to help them move throu
Though after about three sessions you usually create a healing bank for them to access. Try and encourage the person having healing with you, to lea
responsibility for their own healing and not become dependant on you. Explain how the healing bank works and teach them to work with the energy
Always move quietly and silently around your client and allow time for them to come back to reality afterwards. People can be quite open and vuln
Seichim healing, so it is important that they do not become exposed to too much excitement or loud energy after their healing.
Universal Seichim works well in total silence as music and noise can distract the person easily. This is because the energy works from a higher level
to filter down to the body and the conscious self. Your Client can be distracted and become agitated easily with any outside interference while you w
this way.
After about ten minutes or more, the silence calms the persons mind and relaxes them. This allows them to feel the healing slowly and gently, like
waves crashing over their body. I have used music when felt it was needed. Use your instincts on what is best for you and importantly your
The Aura
There are around seven layers of the Aura. Each layer corresponds to each chakra within the body. We believe that the chakras push energy outw
body and this is how the Aura is created. When the chakras are in trouble, you are most likely to see or feel problems in the Aura. When someone is
the body that is ill, gives off a vibration and colour that goes into the Aura. It is also the same with emotional pain, the chakra that controls the ener
of the body has become weakened, so it sends out a message to the Aura. It also literally dumps the negative energy into the Aura because it cannot
within the body. That is how dis-ease gets into a body. Something has occurred on an emotional or physical level and the body has reacted. This r
chakras becoming vulnerable and out of alignment and then sickness sets in and when it becomes too congested, it is then pushed into the Aura ca
What does signing the symbols left and right with both hands achieve? Well it helps to recognise the problem in the person (right side) and then acti
to release the issue or trauma, (left side), thus healing the problem on a physical, emotional and spiritual level in a balanced male and femal
Universal Seichim is so powerful that you need only apply the energy over a body for as little as 20 minutes each session.
Universal Seichim energy
# is very powerful, but will not harm in any way.
# is soft and gentle, almost like soft rain, gently cleansing and purifying.
# heals at a very deep level, going very deeply into a persons whole state of being, both inner child and higher state.
# balances and aligns the Aura and the physical body.
# changes your vibrations, usually by raising them. Great for those wishing to tread a spiritual path.
# clears blockages from the mind the body and the Aura.
# eases grief and helps to heal emotional issues.
# helps creates abundance by allowing the individual to accept they are worthy.
# clears toxins and promotes faster healing.
# releases past life issues.
# expands your spirituality.
# can be stored in a cosmic healing bank.
# can be signed with both hands
# can be visualised
# signed to the power of:
-3- brings in energy
-7- brings in deep energy
-9- total spiritual link
You cannot make any mistakes when doing a healing. If your client becomes agitated, tearful, angry or simply un interested, you simply tone the po
done to three.
You are able to use Universal Seichim in absentee healings and on self healings. Seichim can be used to set up positive outcomes to events, hopes an
symbols work on all beings, animals, humans, plants and situations. Seichim can be used for protection, creating abundance, healing, awakenin
With Universal Seichim, we work in a persons Aura and on their energy centres. In this way, we are working from the higher self downwards to
Universal Seichim can also be used with the energies of Reiki and Ki Manna as well as Massage, Inner Healing, Meditation and any other type of he
It only enhances and adds extra volume and quality to a healing when used all together.
This symbol turns on and magnifies the Seichim energy. It also sends out intent and protection. The symbol when activated, empowers and magnifi
The Ta Ku Rei symbol is an ‘energy enhancer’, whilst the Chock Rei symbol opens the energy up and brings it forward, the Ta Ku Rei enhances and
healing energy, sending the wisdom of the symbols through to the ‘Heart Centre’. Our Heart chakra is the feeling centre of all our layers, physical,
spiritual. Here we live through the feelings we experience on every level of awareness. Feelings can cause us to react in certain ways. Feelings of lo
heal us, motivate us into positive action and awaken our true skills and creativity, while feelings of anger, hatred and fear can block us and make us
emotions can make us lose faith in ourselves and we can become depressed and lack motivation to heal ourselves. Ta Ku Rei, brings the healing strai
and heals the emotional side to illness, stress, anger and fear. Because you work in the Aura, the healing starts at the higher levels. It clears away ‘p
and then goes through to ‘present day issues’.
Another symbol used with Seichim is ‘Sei Hei Ki’ which is used to make contact with a persons subconscious to help them to come to terms with issu
This symbol also helps a person to move through any fears or anger by gently communicating ‘positive affirmations’ that you may place into their su
this energy is applied over the heart, your client will feel this symbol through an emotional outlet. You can heal any conflict they may be experiencin
and also clear away ‘out of control emotions’. There is always an emotional issue behind any illness. Sei Hei Ki removes these issues and heals the
they can move on in their lives.
The next symbol, a truly beautiful symbol is the ‘Mi Yur Ma’. This symbol is truly a ‘heart healing’ symbol. It opens the heart up, clears away all em
brings in trust and understanding and promotes positive reactions after the healing for your client. Mi Yur Ma can be drawn in three different way
represents an aspect in ‘heart healing’ that is needed for each individual persons needs. I find that drawing the symbol without the thunderbolt helps
heart centre and flush them with love, making them start to open and become trustful.
Drawing the symbol with just the heart and the thunderbolt is very ‘Inner Child’, releasing all conditions and adult perceptions for the person, mak
young and energetic like a child. It also seems to remove patterns created by others and taken on by your client personally. This way of drawing the
to release old moral beliefs that do not suit the individual but where thrust upon them by their parents, peers or society. Drawing the symbol this way
break down racism and those who lack belief. The third way of drawing this symbol is with; both the thunder bolt and the figure eight around the
method activates the healing ways of the other two methods, as well as healing any relationship issues. It opens the Heart Centre, flushes out the pain
and then floods it with love. It then closes the heart off from outside influence and negativity. This makes the person responsible for their own feel
they react to them.
This symbol is used to set up ‘Cosmic Healing Banks’, used in the Sacred Healing Triangle, and for sending out absentee healings to others and situ
helps create positive future outcomes. You can also use this symbol over the body in a healing to help unlock and set up future healing throughout th
(great for remission healing with cancer). This symbol sets up a protective shield around the person, helping them in shielding negative energy from
their Aura. HON SHA ZE SHO NEN can help with past life healings, womb issues and possible future issues that may manifest. This symbol also p
into the physical body aiding with faster healing on any physical illness. Simply use this symbol first when proceeding with a healing where you w
future healings.
I find that if a person is really stressed and totally shut down in their feelings and living a life full of negative patterns and constant dramas with th
others, the symbol called Divinity is called in to totally heal the issue. The Divinity symbol helps you to forgive and move on in your life. It shows y
yourself and how to become open to loving others unconditionally. There are two ways you can use this symbol. You can place this symbol over th
bank with other symbols, especially MI YUR MA and allow them to access it when they are ready. The next method is; simply place it over them
work gently through the body.
With the symbols Ra and Eternal Pearl; I allow these symbols to activate themselves and throw outwardly from the person. Sometimes you may
visualise one of these symbols to help them manifest their dreams on the physical with Ra, or the emotional with Pearl. Ra is good for protection and
a healing around the person to block any negativity. You can also set up mirrors to reflect any negativity thrown at the person. These mirrors w
negativity back to the person throwing it at your patient. Ra is a good symbol to make things manifest for the person sooner than later. Ra is good to
underway to a successful conclusion. Ra ihas the power of ‘synchronicity’ and can make things happen at the right time. Ra is masculine therefore
and brings balance and connection to the physical realm. Pearl is feminine and can enhance your creativity and psychic abilities. Pearl can make peo
things in a truthful way. Pearl is also empathetic in nature. Some people live in fantasy about life and relationships. This symbol helps them to see t
situation or the person. This is good for relationships, friendships and also family issues.
The Healing Triangle
In psychology and counselling we are taught to encourage people to have a diary to write their fears in and then a diary to write their dreams in. T
person see their issues on paper. It also brings the issue out instead of being locked away in. ‘The Healing Triangle’ is pretty much the same. How
healing solution and release as well. If you want something good to happen in your life, you have to manifest it on the physical level. The Healing
this manifestation out of the body. You see your request in words. It becomes real for you to see outside of yourself. Adding the healing symbols
sets up a powerful healing. You simply draw a large triangle on a piece of paper, then draw symbols in each corner of the triangle and then write dow
healing that is needed. An example; you want healing for your family. Simply state this in the middle of the triangle and then write symbols in the
triangle. Fold the paper and then store it away.
The Cosmic healing bank offers you the absentee powers of Seichim. In the healing bank you can set almost any type of healing up for yourself, fr
or clients to obtain access when they are ready to take over their own healing. You can create an object and then place the symbols needed for the h
object and it can then be activated on request by either yourself, or whoever is requesting this method. After you have finished a healing on a person,
large three dimensional object above them in their Aura. (I like to use a pyramid or a healing drip). Place the Hon Shar Ze Sho Nen symbol into the p
then throw whatever symbols you are guided to use in as well. Let your client know it is there to access whenever they wish.
This part of Seichim was added by Mary Shaw through channelled information. When working with the Isis part of the Seichim, you are given even
to work with. I have found that these symbols work on certain areas and situations, bringing total focus to that area to help a person remove negativ
Trinity helps to remove blocks that exist all over the body and Aura. Drawing the circle first in an anti-clockwise direction removes blockages. Dra
starting at the bottom line to the right then the left line of the triangle. To place positive energy back in, draw it in a clockwise direction with the tri
with the right side going along the bottom up to the left side of the triangle.
The Harth symbol is good for providing ‘inner peace, harmony, and balance’. As the symbol is like a pyramid, like a normal pyramid, it seems to
keep pure, any positive healing that has taken place in the persons ego. It releases ego issues and also promotes a sense of well being in the mind.
person is able to contact the higher self and bring about their own self healing. This symbol has a calming effect, almost mediationial, which is very
pace world that we live in. ‘Great for stress relief’. They say this symbol was given out by the cosmos by Sai Baba and also used in the Egyptian tem
draw this symbol or visualise it in your mind. Draw the circles in an anti - clockwise direction to whatever power 3-7-9
The next symbol called Zonar and is very good for working on releasing past life issues, traumas and even sicknesses that have manifested with this
very good for running energy down from the Crown to the Base as this helps to release any built up negative energy from any past (be it present pa
situation. Using Zonar can help a person to really understand themselves, especially if they are star seed and know they are not from this planet. T
great for awakening the ‘Souls true purpose’ for reincarnation. Start at the top, draw the Z then finish with the infinity in the middle to whatever po
The Fire Dragon is an amazing symbol used to heal all back injuries. By healing the physical issues, it also releases the emotional issues that cau
problems in the first place. This symbol also releases blockages in all chakras, creating a feeling of lightness. To use this symbol; you need to lay th
on their front, draw the symbol starting at their neck, travelling down to their back bone in the Aura, then place one hand on their neck, and the other
their spine, allow the energy to run between 10 to 20 minutes. It is quite common to experience great heat coming from your hands with this
The Pentagram is used to clear out and protect from any negative sources like entities or bad energy from others and anything that is blocking a pers
It can also be used to help cast an intent for the person, as well as release any past life bad karma. Use this sign with caution and careful understan
visualise the symbol, throw the symbol out into the Aura and move your hands through the Aura focusing on the intent of the symbol. This symbol
spells, protect, open other doorways to other dimensions, communicate to spirit, connect to Mother Earth and to bring magic into your li
Merging with Consciousness is a wonderful symbol that helps you merge and understand other ‘Beings’, like crystals, trees, plants and animals. In
connected to Spirit or of the Universe. This symbol can also heal the world. Useful for Global Healing. Simply visualise the symbol over the obj
person you wish to merge with and relax. Then place yourself in a meditative state. Imagine the symbol coming back to you, back and forth ma
Tam -a-ra-sha
This is yet another Reiki symbol used for Grounding and balancing the body, the mind and the soul. It can also help to connect one to Spirit . (if draw
Use this symbol at the beginning and end of each healing as it will help to balance all the energies and chakras to help promote faster healing. You st
circle either clockwise, or anti clockwise and then draw the lines within the circle.
Universal Symbols
These next lot of symbols were channelled through after I was attuned to my Isis Seichim Masters. While sitting down relaxing and studying my
suddenly went into automatic writing and allowed my hand to be guided to write. These symbols and then detailed information were written down
dreamed the symbols and after working with these symbols in healings and seeing the positive results they bring, I now trust to add them to this hea
Do not be surprised if this happens to you as well when you start working with your Seichim.
Heart Activator
This symbol is drawn in the Aura right around the body as many times as you are guided. The heart is drawn first, then the thunderbolts, either on
drawn inside the heart. This symbol is used to awaken healing on an emotional level. Heals all heart and blood circulation issues and illness. Emot
help mend a broken heart. Heals pain caused through any relationship trauma. Unblocks painful hidden memories. Spiritually, the Heart Activator h
guilt from this life and other past-lives. In healing, The Heart Activator symbol will give you confidence and a positive self esteem.
The two Thunderbolt symbols are drawn all over the body, they help to charge and activate energy to help release any blockages. The Thunderbolt
people who have memory or emotional blocks. The Thunderbolts are literally ‘heart starters’. They call in extra energy for strength, courage and
Grounding Heart- Connecting Soul Activator
The Grounding Heart-Connecting Soul symbol creates a protective force field around a person so you, as their healer can work safely with them. It
client to their Higher Source and surrounds their body with protecting light and then balances your client to their physical body with Mother Earth.
connects ‘Spiritual to Physical’ It also Grounds Balances and pours energy throughout the whole body, Aura and all the Meridian lines. It is good in
all mental disorders, stress, depression, fear and illness caused by karmic history. You can also run the serpent snake up and down safely through th
helps to raise their energies to help them heal and grow.
Connective Guides Activator
This symbol is used to connect you to your Guides, Soul family, Soul Friends and Soul Mates. Both for you the healer and your client as well. It h
psychic perception and also invokes connection to Higher Realms and Dimensions. To apply this symbol, you start at the Crown chakra, drawing th
slowly, draw the symbol down the body all the time being aware that you are sending out a message to the Higher Guides or connecting with a dec
member or friend.
Eternal Flower
Also known as Ki manna. Ki Manna is a key that unlocks a doorway to this world, other parallel worlds and dimensions. Working with this symbo
healing enhances, heals and supports all other healing methods. This symbol fills in the gaps that other modalities have in their wisdom and
Angel Activator
This symbol activates super intense unconditional love, as well as invoking and calling in the presence of Angels in a healing. Working with this ene
release suppressed emotions and feelings like hatred, envy, jealousy and scorn as all these emotions destroy parts of the soul that are connected to
heart. This symbol brings in, ‘love and salvation’.
Totem Activator
Here you are given the opportunity to work with the Shaman energies. Inside us all is information from our past lives. Activating the Totem sym
forth all your hidden healing skills that were within you from many past lives. This symbol activates ancient wisdom and knowledge buried deep. Y
the great wise Shamans from the past to help you sing, drum and smudge via astral to help connect your client to ancient healing.
The Star of Hope
This symbol as the name states, ‘offers hope’. It literally offers hope in manifested form. It brings in advice and solutions to any problem or issue,
through a situation. It brings abundance into you life without feelings of guilt. It has a dynamic energy source, helping to bring in vibrancy and conf
life. Simply visualise this symbol then throw it at the person, situation or event.
I want to add that we are entitled to a life without worries about money and material possessions, however, there is many types of happiness, try and
on all levels in your life. Aim for happiness in family, friends, health, material, job and in beliefs. Money and possessions only will not make your
The Practise of Universal Seichim
Go to their feet and place your hands on and allow yourself to breathe with them. Take three deep breaths in and out and feel yourself connect. Th
hands above into their Aura. It does not matter how low or high you sign into the Aura, again allow yourself to be guided to what is need
With Seichim and Isis you direct the symbols into the heart centre. With Universal you can direct the energy into all or any one of their chakras and
feels blocked or un balanced.
You can draw a symbol, wait until you feel it has filtered through to their body, then draw another symbol. Take your time when signing, allow bot
your patient to feel the energy activate.
You may draw the symbols small or large over the body or through visualisation. Micro or macro, the power can be magnified or contracted to the
person. You can also throw symbols out anywhere in public places, at houses, in rooms to clear away negativity, to create parking spaces, heal figh
events you see on the news or in your town, with friends and family members. Remember; small symbols brings small amounts of energy, large sym
powerful energy amounts into a healing.
A good healing on someone to start with is, to activate the Chock Ku Rei over the body to the power of three to activate the healing, then pausing to a
to gently filter through the layers and levels of your client. Stop and allow the wisdom to come through which is needed to activate the right healing
Next; draw the Ta Ku Rei three times to the power of three over their heart to enhance the energy. After that is done, stop and wait for the other sy
intuitively to you to be drawn over their body.
You can also place yourself either at their head, or at their feet if they are laying down and simply through visualisation of the symbols, throw them
client. This Technique is just as strong and effective in a healing.
Combining Reiki hands on with Seichim, sometimes you will be doing a healing on the persons body and through intuition, change over to Universa
then into their aura.
Use your creativity to set up a healing for yourself or for someone else. The person you are doing a healing on can be sitting in a chair, laying on a
massage table or even a floor for a healing.
You are able to use each level of Universal Seichim on it’s own or combined together. There is no pressure to have to use all the symbols at one tim
Universal Seichim is very intuitive and the person who is having the healing, will through telepathy, tell you what symbols they need. You will then
the appropriate energy.
Sometimes before the healing, your patient may well discuss a certain issue or complaint they have. You can then use a healing using the symbols th
the issue, sickness or problem. Allow yourself to be guided to how many times the symbols need to be signed over the body in the Aur
Seichim and Past lives
Your client can either lay on their front or back or sit in a chair to do this procedure. You will have to be able to move around them as you will be si
in their aura. If they are sitting in a chair you will be placing your hands on their shoulders to connect to their energies.
If they are laying down, place your hands on their feet and connect to them through your breath. Take your time and allow the energy to flow. Get
energy flowing.
Draw the following symbols into their aura. (Activate to the power of 11. This is a past life healing. Full spiritual power has to be invoked.) Allow
First stage
CHO KU REI - Call the energy in.
TA KU REI - Enhance the energy ready for the healing.
CHO KU REI -Seal the energy in.
Second stage
CHO KU REI - Call the energy in.
TA KU REI - Enhance the energy ready for the healing.
MAI YUR MA - Open the heart to healing.
CHO KU REI - Seal the heart energy in.
Third stage
CHO KU REI - Call the energy in.
TA KU REI - Enhance the energy ready for the healing.
SE HEI KI - Connect to their subconscious, higher self and inner child.
CHO KU REI - Seal the energy in.
TAM -A-RA-SHA (anti clock wise) -Balance and ground the energy to their physical body.
TAM -A-RA-SHA (clock wise) - Balance and ground the energy to their spiritual body
Fourth stage
CHO KU REI - Call the energy in.
TA KU REI - Enhance the energy ready for the healing.
Connecting Soul and Heart activator - Connecting to universal love to awaken spiritual essence needed for a spiritual healing.
CHO KU REI -Seal the energy in.
Fifth stage
CHO KU REI - Call the energy in.
TA KU REI - Enhance the energy ready for the healing.
ZONAR - Activate a past life memory.
ETERNAL FLOWER - Bring all pieces of the soul together in the physical body.
CHO KU REI - Seal the heart energy in.
Sixth stage
CHO KU REI - Call the energy in.
TA KU REI - Enhance the energy ready for the healing.
TRINITY - Remove any blocks causing illness, stress or trauma.
GROUNDING HEART - Heal any past life residue.
CHO KU REI - Seal the energy in.
TAM -A-RA-SHA (anti clock wise) -Balance and ground the energy to their physical body.
TAM -A-RA-SHA (clock wise) - Balance and ground the energy to their spiritual body.
Womb Birth Issue Universal Seichim
Place your client on their back. Go to their feet. Connect to them through three deep breaths and activate the UV Seichim energy. Draw the symb
above their body in their aura to the power of 9 or 11 as this is a spiritual healing.
CHO KU REI x 9 Call the energy in.
TA KU REI x 9 Enhance the energy ready for the healing.
CHO KU REI x 9 Seal the energy in.
CHO KU REI x 11 Call the energy in.
TA KU REI x 11 Enhance the energy ready for the healing.
MAI YUR MA x 11 using thunderbolts and infinity spiral - Open the heart to healing.
CHO KU REI x 11 Seal the heart energy in.
SE HEI KI - Connect to their subconscious, higher self and inner child.
ZONAR - Activate a womb healing
MERGING WITH CONSCIOUSNESS - Connect to the highest good of your clients mother. To aid in sending special energy that only a mothe
MAI YUR MA x 11 using thunderbolts and infinity spiral - Open the heart to healing.
HARTH - To activate a peaceful loving state, like in a mothers womb.
ETERNAL FLOWER x 11 To call the master energy in to heal both your client and their mother.
HEART ACTIVATOR - Activate a relationship healing.
TRINITY - Remove any blocks that surface throughout the healing.
TRINITY - Place back positive energy.
TA KU REI x 9 Enhance the energy ready for the healing.
CONNECTING SOUL HEART ACTIVATOR: Connect to universal love to awaken spiritual essence needed for a spiritual healing.
CHO KU REI x 9 Seal the energy in.
TAM -A-RA-SHA (anti clock wise) -Balance and ground the energy to their physical body.
TAM -A-RA-SHA (clock wise) - Balance and ground the energy to their spiritual body.
Allow them to come back to consciousness when they are ready.
Ki Manna
By the time you have reached the path to Ki Manna, you will have released a lot of old beliefs and have grown in Self and in Spirit.
You are now ready to remove the veil and live in truth.
Ki Manna is all about ‘Self’ and the power you have as a ‘Being of Light’. You have mastered this plane, and are now ready to accept the Personal
within you that comes from a Higher Source.
You are the Power, the Essence and the Wisdom. Ki Manna recognises your power as a Healer, Teacher and Spiritual Soul. With Ki Manna you w
many Guides. ‘Lets call them friends’. By this stage in your Growth, you will have faced many lessons in your own personal life as the bricks and
self made lifeless structures have fallen off, to reveal the beautiful gardens, lakes and flowers that were hidden in your Soul Matrix.
Not only do you work Healing on this level, but you also work with other levels, Planets, Beings and Dimensions. Ki Manna has the power to make
(making you Pure Spirit and Energy on Earth, other Planes and Planets to focus Healing and awakening). Ki Manna is also able to connect to scatter
Soul that are lost, and bring them back to aid in Healing totally.
Ki Manna has the power and ability to not only affect the person who is having a Healing but also anyone or thing involved with this person and thei
Ki Manna also activates other very powerful Healing Modalities and they all join forces to aid in Healing.
The symbol used to invoke the power of Ki Manna is like this eternal, everlasting, expanding and multi coloured flower. As it expands outwards wh
sends out masses and masses of pure love from the Universe. This energy is then directed back at you and becomes your personal Healing energy to
will desires with it. The more you use this energy on yourself and on others, the more you will channel into your own Healing bank. You cannot l
become drained with Ki Manna, in fact the opposite occurs, you grow even more balanced and powerful.
The Ki Manna Touch
Ki Manna Touch uses both the Spiritual and the Physical vibrations to activate release and Healing. With Ki Manna Touch (White Dragon known a
Therapy ™), you work on the body in a gentle massage. It relaxes and de-stresses. Ki Manna Touch is a very powerful Therapy that is recommende
throughout a clients Healing work.
The Star Seed
High up in the Skies of the Universe, near the Stars that burn and pulsate with Colour and Fire, as Suns and Moons circle Planets, there lies a Golde
energy. Like an infinite circle of burning fire, this Golden Ring glows and vibrates. If you were to stand near this Golden Circle, you would be fille
sense, of pure power, energy and emotions so intense, they would take your breath away. Inside the Circle there lies a large Eye. It is ‘All Seeing
Universe to all Dimensions. ‘This Eye sees all’.
Emotions can be seen to flash in the middle of this Golden Eye. These emotions are so intense and filled with such love, that when your eyes make c
eye, instantly you become healed, instantly you attain all the wisdom you have ever searched for. This Golden Eye has the power of the Universe its
wisdom, the compassion and the true understanding of our existence.
When you connect with it’s energies, the ‘All Seeing Eye’ passes it’s wisdom on to you. You too become a part of it’s energy, it’s existence. You b
the Group Consciousness, a part of the Star Seed Generation. You are one, but part of a whole Group - Collective Souls dedicated to Healing, Love
Knowledge that enhances ‘Greatness of Being’.
It does not matter if you are from another Universe or another Parallel or even another Dimension. Your origin loses all meaning once you have beco
to this Energy Source. You never lose your sense of past, your roots, but you gain another sense of belonging. This Source in it’s great wisdom, sent
to Beings who Vision Quested for a place where they could grow, evolve, learn and teach others. Once you have felt it’s love and wisdom, no matt
were in this great space, instantly you feel drawn to seek out and find the Source. It is a sense of truly coming home.
Star Seed Souls are Beings that were placed on Earth and many other solid matter planets since the beginning of time. Their roles are to educate tr
other Worlds and Dimensions who come through the reincarnation system to live on Earth and other similar Planets. Star Seed Souls are from a sele
Beings who are dedicated to certain causes and beliefs.
Many of these Beings are from the Ancient Times. These Beings carry all the old magical beliefs and wisdom of the Great Shamans, Witches, Gyp
and Earth healers from Atlantis, Priest and Priestesses from the Inca, Mayan, Celtic and Egyptian Civilisations. Ki Manna connects to the Pleiadian
Arch Angels. All these cultures come not just from Earth but from other Planets, Dimensions and Parallels. All Star Seed Beings lived in these era
these cultures to aid them in the New Age. As you wake up and remember your past lives, all these gifts return to you here in this age
As a Star Seed Being, we start life in a relatively normal way. Then, when we reach a certain age, our shattered parts and past lives all come back as
remember our role here on Earth. This can cause great dramatic changes in our lives. When we have remembered our role, we then aid other Star S
‘wake up’.
Star Seeds Beings also aid in the nurturing, protecting and educating of new Souls. These new Souls are created from the Source, the Golden Circle,
Eye’. We work with these children in different Dimensions and with our higher selves. Many Mystics and Spiritual Healers sense and see these ch
them. When we work on the different Spiritual Levels, these children watch and learn from us. On a higher level we leave our human form and com
these children. We may have children here that we nurture, but in truth we have many Soul children who we raise on other levels.
These children will carry the wisdom and powers to heal other planets in years to come. We use Earth and other Dimensions to bring forth these chil
form. These children will set up a system that will hopefully provide protection and Sacred Knowledge passed down to them from other Star Seed
looking for perfection, but rather a planet which can live in harmony, love and peace. No war, no poverty, no racism and no greed.
This Universe runs on energy based on the ‘Free Will’ System. Sometimes this system can cause chaos and destruction as different beliefs systems c
belief systems. As the Group Consciousness has come to understand that this can destroy Souls and create destruction to planets, a group of Ancien
joined forces many millions of years ago to help educate and heal these problems. As the time draws ever near, we find ourselves awakening to the v
true reality of existence. We have been living an illusion, but now that illusion is dissolving and we are starting to see things in a different pers
Once we have awakened, our roles become clear, our destiny changes and we walk on a different pathway than when first we started on this
The Universe is made up of pure energy that uses colour, vibration, emotion and light. Everything that exists in the Universe is made from this ener
things. If you were to look at solid objects, humans and animals in a different perspective, you would see that they are just a mass of energy broug
form a shape.
To be able to create pure energy and turn it into a solid form is the most powerful form of creation. Beings that have the power to manifest pure ene
form are the most awakened and powerful Beings that exist. Their wisdom and power is so great, that they are capable of doing anything. These
experienced many different lives and have evolved to such a level and plane of consciousness, that they have the ability to transform energy into soli
the Sun, the Moon, all these beings are highly evolved and work with solid form. All through the Universe, you will find these solid beings existing,
Every Soul that exists has a higher wisdom of Truth within them. If you can harness this wisdom, you are capable of achieving anythin
If you could turn your solid form back into pure energy, imagine what you could achieve on a physical level.
Imagine the power and energy if you could place your hand through a solid wall, even walk through walls, walk on top of water. Imagine placing yo
persons body, finding the sickness and turning that sickness back into energy and removing it. That is what Spiritual Healers and Psychic Practition
of doing once they come to this understanding and open themselves to the Sacred Knowledge.
Imagine being able to create anything you needed just by turning energy into solid matter through creative visualisation.
Star Seed Souls have all this information encoded inside them, but first, they must awaken their gifts and knowledge. When you bring all your ‘Selv
in your physical form, you start to put your life back together through all the lessons your Higher Self has placed upon you to learn.
By opening to the realisation that you must learn your lessons on the Higher Plane first so that those lessons can filter back down to your physical se
to achieve awakening. When you have achieved this, only then can you become the alchemist and transform energy, light, emotion and sound into s
then transform it back into energy again.
The lesson we are facing now, is to bring back solid form into pure energy, as solid form has many restrictions. Only by being able to move back a
solid to energy, can we truly create perfection and stability to our Universe.
Many Star Seed Souls have the ability to Shape Shift. They are able to turn themselves into any form they choose, be it human, animal, stone or plan
to connect to Group Collective Wisdom from other Beings. They also do this to aid in Healing and Awakening.
Star Seed Beings are also able to leave their bodies and travel through Space and Time to meet up with other Star Seed Beings. When we lift oursel
our restrictive solid form, we lose the ego and the belief we are unable to move around this Universe freely. We become wise and open to our True S
meet and have discussions with other Star Seed beings on higher planes and different Parallels.
It is like we take all the wisdom we have gained and all the lessons we have learnt back to our Golden Eye and pass this information on to the Eye
process. The Eye then passes this information back in to new Souls it creates to help them when they venture out into the Universe.
Ki Manna is a symbol that came to me through channelled visions and messages. I was shown this symbol and then was taught the wisdom. Ki Man
unlocks a doorway to this World, other Parallel Worlds and Dimensions. Working with this symbol in Alternative Healing enhances, heals and sup
Healing methods. This symbol fills in the gaps that other modalities have in their wisdom and Healing.
As the Group Consciousness and Collective Soul of alternative healers become connected to this symbol, I feel working with this energy will take R
Healing modalities into an even more powerful Healing stage of their evolution.
Even though it is not a part of the traditional Reiki or Seichim, I believe this symbol can be used with Reiki and Seichim to enhance and take these m
the new millennium. Over the years I have encountered a lot of Masters and Teachers who have had vivid dreams and messages from Higher Level
Sacred Healing Symbols that can be used in conjunction with Reiki and Seichim to enhance and give them more Healing power.
The symbol we use is called ‘Ki Manna’ which means both Life Force Energy and Universal Energy.
‘Ki’ is a type of Universal Life Force Energy that links us to an energy that works through light, sound and vibration. ‘Ki’ is an energy that does no
person’s own storage of energy which all humans have to help them in their own personal Healing.
‘Manna’ is a type of solid Life Force Energy that links the Universal energy together to help manifest the sounds, light waves and frequencies into a
that can be utilised in healing on a Physical body. This aids and benefits both the person having the healing and the Healer themselves, as they are a
Negative Energy and understand it better, as well as heal it more efficiently. When this symbol and it’s energy is combined with Reiki, Seichim and
Techniques, I believe it will result in a more powerful healing to both the Healer and the person having the Healing.
In the last few years we have experienced many energy shifts. These energy shifts have helped us become more open and aware of our ‘True Existen
helps us to unite and awaken with these energy shifts and allows our true potential as ‘Beings of Light’ to emerge. The reason for these energy shifts
raise our own vibrations in order to handle the up coming changes in Consciousness. The understanding and wisdom of Ki Manna embraces the truth
Dimensions and the concept of death and the Cycle of Rebirth. We now know that there is no death, only the decay and release from the body. The S
heaven, nor hell, but to other Dimensions, Planes and Levels that exist through the Creation of the Collective Souls Higher Consciousness. We, as a
are coming to understand the truth behind this last stage of Evolution and Reincarnation for Mankind on this planet.
Ki Manna Energy is an energy used in conjunction with other Healing modalities. The Symbol used to open this Universal Energy is what we cal
Healing Symbol’.
The Symbol looks like a large Petalled Flower with a Spiral inside that glows and includes all colours and vibrates on all frequencies with sound and
also works with Earth Ley Lines, the Sacred Mer-Ka-Bar, Time Lines and Time Travel. This enables the Ki Manna Symbol to move around and
Level, Planet and Dimension without interference.
The Ki Manna Symbol opens doorways and corridors to intense love and compassionate energy required to help bring in the changes needed to he
others and the Universe itself. If you are a Reiki Healer and Master, this Symbol intensifies Reiki and it’s healing beliefs.
If you are involved in Shamanism and Wiccan, in fact any Alternative Healing and you are an intensely dedicated Healer and Teacher, the Ki Mann
provide even greater Healing energy and Power.
The Ki Manna Energy opens the Heart and frees the Ego so that the Soul can become clear, purified and focused for further awakening and Spiritual
Manna Symbol can heal the body, but in all truth, you cannot really heal someone if the Soul is broken and shattered and existing in many differen
Realities or other Dimensions. It is necessary to bring the Soul and all the Selves (higher, inner, past lives and physical), as well as the other pieces
exist in other realities, all back together as one, here in this existence. When this is completed, then you can 100% successfully heal someone. This
Manna Symbol achieves.
Ki Manna Energy works through finding all the shattered pieces and putting these pieces of the Soul back together, it then floods them with loving
intensely that it clears away the despair, fear, pain and confusion that has caused the initial separation.
As each Soul becomes fully awakened and reunited with all ‘their selves’, then the energy from the Ki Manna Symbol vibrates outwards to the rest
and beyond the Universe itself.
The Ki Manna Energy also works with other Souls like; Mother Earth, the Sun, the Moon and all the Animal Kingdom as well as the Plant Kingdom
Crystals that exist from other Planets.
Ki Manna works with other Places in other Realities and Dimensions.
Ki manna also works with the Star Energy. The Star Energy is Alien contact and Alien wisdom from other Planets. These beings are aiding us here i
Healing and Awareness.
When you activate the Ki Manna symbol by visualising and drawing it either into the air, or on paper, what happens, is that it starts to vibrate and
sending these vibrations outwards like a large ‘Mandalla’. This symbol is like an infinitely petaled flower with a large spiral that goes inwards for th
and outwards for the future to heal, align and bring balance.
Every Thought is a Creation: Dreams and creative thoughts, even our negative fears and nightmares actually become real in another dimension. A
somewhere these thoughts become real and we shatter a part of our soul and exist in the dimension where these thoughts go. Here our shattered par
lives through these fears and dreams. After a while, these feelings and events that take place in these dimensions, filter down to this dimension and h
(be it good or bad) on us here in this level.
The Ki Manna symbol itself is an incredibly powerful energy source. It has the power and wisdom to help heal on all levels. As it is activated, it star
intense, loving energy outwards to whoever, or wherever it is focused on. This symbol also works with powerful ‘Pleadian Generators’ and ‘Pyr
maintaining and preserving the energy long after the person using it has finished the healing. The Pleadians are ‘Beings’ that exist in other dimens
currently assisting us in our evolving and healing here on Earth. They are ‘Beings’ that helped many eons ago. They gave us valuable information th
years, has been long forgotten by the masses, due to technology. They are now working with the Group Consciousness to help us yet again find Inne
Pyramids have always been renown for the preservation of life. With Ki Manna they work with the preservation of healing by keeping the healing g
we have finished working with the energy.
The Ki Manna symbol also works with the energy and wisdom of ‘Dolphin Healing’. I have encountered many psychic messages from Dolphins whe
this symbol. Dolphin energy is able to transmit healing vibrations that bring on an ‘Oceanic’ healing through connecting with water. Dolphins use a u
to send messages and healing. As they are gentle, loving creatures that ignite innocence and trust, working with Dolphins and Ki Manna can heal m
issues. Water is known as a powerful cleansing energy. As humans, we have great amounts of water within us. This connection aids us in connectin
Breathing and healing that is valuable in aiding us with ‘Deep Core Trauma’ healing and removing blockages.
You can also tap into ‘Whale Energy’ as Whales are known to hold all the old ancient records of the past. Whale energy will aid you when working
and also attaining wisdom to do special healings. Being in a female body, I have also encountered a lot of Goddess and Shaman energy when I have
symbol on myself.
The Ki Manna symbol also activates and balances the male \ female energy in ourselves. Helping us to balance our male and female side in reas
acceptance, particularly when a recent past life was a different sex to this lifetime.
Entity Attachment:
We live, not just in in a world but in a Universe that has many Dimensions. These Dimensions create vibrations that cause us to react in different wa
causing confusion and chaos. When working with Spirit, sometimes we may encounter Ghost and Spirits that are lost, confused, angry and in despai
able to help these beings find peace and send them to where they need to be. Sometimes though, these beings can attach themselves to people and pl
problems to both themselves and to the places and people to which they have become attached. Ki Manna can cleanse, heal and protect you from
encounters. The human brain is so complex and vibrates on many different frequencies, it is able to create and manifest energy that can be turn
‘Manifestation’ that can resemble an Entity or Ghost. You need to look at the person and their traumas to see if they have created these demons thro
subconscious. If you find they have, then Ki Manna can help you to help them un - manifest what they have created. By activating the Ki Manna s
power of one, you are able to, through several healing sessions balance, clear and remove the problems and trauma. This then removes their man ma
Spirit Connection;
Each individual receiving Guidance and Wisdom from other healing modalities like Reiki, Seichim and White Dragon combined with Ki Manna, wi
the messages and wisdom they receive will be personal and for their own self growth and healing. Ki Manna draws your true Healing Guides and T
safely and with total honesty. You can and should use the Ki Manna symbol with all your other healing beliefs and knowledge - even with conventio
as the symbol helps intensify the energy used by these healing modalities.
Coming Home to Self:
The Ki Manna symbol brings all the scattered parts of the ‘Self’ back together as ‘One’ for total healing on all levels. Ki Manna then causes a synerg
the same time, brings out and clears away all negativity. This effect then filters down and affects all involved. The Ki Manna symbol is good for wo
lives, family members and friends of those who are having the healing; as what effects one person with a certain problem, affects others who are asso
person. Think of the wonderful effects and healing you can have on families, cities and even countries - not to mention other Planets, Dimensions
The Ki Manna symbol works with ‘Creative Thoughts’. The more open and imaginative the Master Healer, the more powerfully this symbol works.
with all forms of meditation and creative visualisations.
The Ki Manna symbol also helps you to become more psychically aware. It also opens all your channels and energy centres and allows you to gain
records and libraries that have been created throughout this Universe and other parallel Universes. You are given a complete ‘link up’ to other Bein
Guides who are of the highest levels in wisdom and love, and are dedicated to healing and Spiritual awakening. You are able to take yourself and
place on this planet or even other planets with Ki Manna. You can go into the future or the past to heal any negative situation or event. When you r
able to observe as the negative energy and vibrations leave to be replaced with healing and awareness.
Awakening your Higher Vibrations:
With the Ki Manna symbol, you will find yourself as the Master Healer, begin to vibrate and become very sensitive to all other energies and freque
to help you work on Mother Earth for healing. Assisting Mother Earth helps the whole Collective Consciousness here on this planet. It is our resp
guard, protect and love her well. You will become more open, caring, balanced and compassionate within yourself. This is also to help you assist o
There are no boundaries and no negative reactions with the Ki Manna symbol, only love, awareness, healing and awakening. Every negative reac
encounter is merely a positive release from past lessons.
Parallel Dimensions:
There are places, worlds and galaxies that exist just as we do. Places and times that exist at the same time we are living in now - and we are living
at the same time we are living here. These places are created by our own minds. Our imagination creates them and then we make them a reality. The
they are the world that we are in now.
For some of us, we have dream of castles and dragons and fairies, of lovers that ignite our passions, of adventures that make us feel alive and full of
our dreams they are real. Well yes, they are real! Somewhere in the Universe we created them and now they exist as we exist at the same
You see our life and the way we live it now is only an illusion created in the minds of other beings. We come from their imagination. They send the t
feelings that turned the illusion into a reality.
Our Planet Earth is a learning place, a place where you can come to experience the Reincarnation System. This system allows you to have differe
experiences through the process of birth, death and rebirth. We never really die, as the end of each life is only the end of the body you chose to in
that lifetime. The soul merely inhabits the mind of the physical body.
Our body is like a car. We get into a car, turn on a key, press some knobs and then we are able to drive anywhere we want to go. The body is
With this understanding, we also come to reawaken our Soul as a ‘Whole’ that resides above this Dimension. We see our true reality, (our higher se
from another planet that sits high above in a place of safety. A part of our Higher Self breaks away and comes down through the Reincarnation Syst
the human body. High above, our Higher Self records all the information and experiences from each lifetime. The part of the soul that entered the h
our Basic Self. Our essence, or our Inner Child, is the part that connects us to both the Higher and Basic selves. The Inner Child is all the feelings t
back and forth from the Higher to the Basic Self.
Working with the symbol:
After you have been attuned to the Ki Manna symbol, there are many ways you can use the symbol on yourself before using it as a Healing Modality
fact, it is important that you activate and work with the symbol in the ways that are about to be explained to you. These procedures are of great imp
you first become attuned to Ki Manna.
Once you have achieved this balance within yourself, you are then able to work with this energy on other people, places and events. You will expe
benefits of using this energy with everything else you have learnt in your vision quest to become a Healer / Teacher. All the wisdom and power will
to unlock, awaken and heal in others.
How can we truly heal ourselves and others if we do not bring all the ‘Selves’ back as ‘One’ on this level? A lot of healers and those who work on s
that when they have worked and moved through an issue, trauma or sickness, discover recurring patterns come back after a time. This causes a lot of
a feeling of failure in healers and those being healed.
When we have experienced a vivid or traumatic event we tend to scatter parts of ourselves to other places and Dimensions and live out the roles that
Like nightmares and dreams we tend to, as humans think the worst and play out fears as events in our minds. In actual fact what we do is create a re
manifest these fears and worries into a physical form. Even though the events we visualise in our mind may not become real here on this plane, th
become real in a another level or Dimension. As we are one soul, it makes no difference where we scatter parts of our self. We have many roles on
other planes. For example; as a parent to our children, a lover to our partner, a friend etc. These roles have repercussions here on this, and the other l
we live in these lives. This is why we never truly heal ourselves completely and why sickness, trauma and stress stay with us - because of this scat
This also applies to positive thoughts and dreams as well. As the ‘every thought is a creation’ ideal says, how we think and what we think has major
us here on this level. We create and turn our thoughts into actual events that are played out on other levels and Dimensions.
Also, as we become more sensitive and more aware within ourselves, we start to remember past lives and all these memories bring back past issues.
good for retrieving past knowledge, experiences and feelings. However, we tend to hook into a lot of the negative feelings and trauma suffered in o
Working with Ki Manna to the vibration and power of one helps you to bring your past lives back into this lifetime and heal and awaken you to all th
they say, Buddha become enlightened and then moved onto another plane after he brought all of him self back here on this level. He remembered al
and learnt all his lessons.
This is what we all need to achieve if we want to truly heal and awaken.
By bringing all the selves back, we not only heal all the core trauma that has been created by either, outside events, or through our fears and worries,
positive effect on others who are involved in our other realities. If these people exist here on this level as well, we are able to bring healing to t
When you have become attuned to the Ki Manna Symbol, begin each day by drawing the symbol to the power of One. One represents the self as a wh
will be doing is bringing all of your selves back together as one whole. You will be bringing your Higher, Inner and Basic Self back as one here on
existence. You will also be retrieving all the scattered pieces of your self that have been living in other realities, dimensions and levels. Once they a
you are then able to heal all yourself here on this level and on the other levels.
I recommend that you use this procedure every day of your life as we are able to break and scatter ourselves all the time. This is done consciously thr
and worries and subconsciously in dream states and altered states brought on by drugs, foods and even through social and moral behaviou
Every morning upon waking; activate and draw your symbol to the power of one. Using your hand, you can draw the symbol in the air or even on a p
You may even visualise the drawing of the symbol in your mind. Take deep cleansing breaths, visualise your Heart Chakra responding to the ener
from the Ki Manna symbol. Try and visualise Ki Manna growing, pulsating and filling your whole being up with love, colour and healing. Then v
Crown Chakra opening and visualise all your selves coming together as one. First, see your Higher Self connect to your Basic Self, then see your
connect. See them all come together as one. Next allow your mind to relax and as you breathe in and out slowly and deeply, see all of your other sc
coming into you as well.
Use this procedure when working on all the number vibrations. You will be amazed at how quickly you bring healing and awareness into yo
There are 11 master number frequencies with this symbol. You have to activate and work with each number and level for an intuitive length of time
and awaken yourself. Allow yourself enough time and be patient with this side of the energy as you will only benefit from doing this for yourself, hu
world as a whole.
For the vibrational activation of the symbol and it’s power, you must draw the symbol only once. Starting with the infinity symbol side to side, then
then left and right, with the spiral in the middle, you draw these figures only once. Drawing the symbol once brings; healing, awareness and focus on
Unity to your true self! One represents unconditional love to your self. It helps to raise your vibrations and activate your true feelings that you have f
goes deep into your heart centre and opens you to self love and acceptance. Then allow your intuition to kick in, and in your mind visualise how m
symbol spins from 1-11.
When the Ki Manna symbol vibrates to the power of two, it brings healing, wisdom and awareness to you and all your personal relationships. This v
all relationship issues and helps you to re-unite or meet your soul partners. We all have strong connections to other souls in this Universe. Worki
vibration connects us to our loves and our soul families. These are souls who have loved, guided and taught us in all our lives here on earth and for
other planets and Dimensions. Two represents polarity - the twin souls and balance to the male and female side we each have within us, thus prov
balance within.
When the Ki Manna symbol vibrates to the power of three, it brings healing, wisdom and awareness to you and all your future endeavours on the M
and on all vision quests you are embarking, on your Spiritual plane. Ki Manna to the power of three also places you on the right pathway and helps
rewards on all levels of your life. For those seeking material security and a balanced spiritual and emotional persona, working with this vibration
achieve this. Three is also about vibrations and rhythm. It helps you find balance in yourself and allows your natural rhythm to come alive to enh
When the symbol vibrates to the power of four, it helps you to stay focused and strong as you endeavour to strive and succeed in your life. This vibr
to continue and progress in all your goals, dreams and self healing. Four provides measure, order and alignment to your soul and the body you
When the symbol vibrates to the power of five, it brings healing, wisdom and awareness to all the lessons that you encounter on your journey. This
you to truly learn and clear out all negative patterns and traumas you face on your journey to the ‘true self’. Many of us get caught up in the negative
created by lessons. We tend to hold onto these emotions and are unable to advance forward. Working with this vibration helps us to see through the
helps us gain focus on the positives that can be gained by having courage and moving forward into the unknown. Five provides a ‘balanced centre
with resolution and understanding.
When the symbol vibrates to the power of six, it will award you with courage, great strength, stamina and personal power to strive for excellence in a
life. Using this vibration helps remove all fears and phobias. Six can heal past lives and connect you to your core i.e. who you really are as a soul a
Light’. You are able to connect to the wisdom of your past lives and apply that wisdom in this lifetime. Six unblocks painful memories and heals the
and conviction.
When the symbol vibrates to the power of seven, it brings healing, wisdom and awareness to you in your pursuit for individuality and creative exp
bringing your true self out for the world to see. This vibration helps to release all control and power issues. Seven is the mystical powers and the hid
open up our psychic abilities.
When the symbol vibrates to the power of eight, it brings healing, wisdom and awareness to you, and all those that are around and in your life. This
home town or city, family friends and work colleagues. This vibration works well in bringing reconciliation to any negative situations created by
collective souls. This vibration helps you to become committed to yourself and others as a group collective soul. Working with this vibration help
racism and opens us up to the fact that all are equal. This vibration also teaches us that once we have achieved our goals and dreams, we are ready to
dreams and new goals. Eight provides harmonic balance.
When the symbol vibrates to the power of nine, it brings healing, wisdom and awareness on the Global stage. This vibration is the ‘Earth Healing St
connect to the Earth, the trees, the animals, in fact all living things are affected in a positive healing way. We unite with all, to bring total awarenes
This vibration teaches us that all living things are equal and that all have an individual consciousness. We become connected to all things and le
communicate with them on their level. Through communication with Mother Earth and all her children, we are able to help establish balance and ord
as a whole. This vibration raises our intuition and opens all our psychic skills. Nine embodies greater cycles.
When the symbol vibrates to the power of ten, it helps you achieve completion. Here you have gained wisdom, accessed knowledge and seen your
truth to such a level, you are now ready to deal and complete all lessons you have set yourself in this lifetime and heal all past lives. This vibration
vibrate at the highest level. Ten embodies manifestation.
When the symbol vibrates to the power of eleven, we are ready to help others begin their healing journey. This vibration supports and teaches us how
others in an intuitive way. This is a powerful humanitarian vibration. When we work with this number, we are truly committed to healing others i
have worked on ourselves.
When you have achieved personal healing and gained inner wisdom through working with this symbol on your self, you can then intuitively use thi
others using the power of the numbers.
Time Travel
The Ki Manna symbol is also able to move through time. You can use the Ki Manna symbol to slow time around you or speed it up. This procedure
need extra time and you are in a hurry. When you find time dragging - example travelling long distances, you can speed time up to arrive there quick
situation that needs time to be altered for healing, the use of the Ki Manna symbol will aid you in achieving healing without any negative reper
Colour Therapy
Using the Ki Manna symbol with colours has a great effect on your own and others personal healings. When you work with Ki Manna and colour
powerful healings on events and people. Each colour represents a meaning and a healing energy. Ki Manna activates these energies. By visualising
spiral, you can focus on the colour and allow the symbol to glow with that colour. This activates the Ki Manna energy and allows it to combine wi
qualities of the colour you requested. You can use it on people, Earth Healings, or even on events - past, present and future.
Working with Ki Manna in Healings with others
The Ki Manna symbol is so powerful and yet so easy to use. You can combine it with other methods of healings as an amplifier of energy, or on its
not need any time limit as this symbol does not work to the vibrations of man made time. This means if you need a powerful healing, you just request
manna symbol activates instantly.
The person can be laying down, sitting on a chair or even standing up. Go to the Heart or Solar chakra, activate the Ki Manna symbol and pull energ
their aura, while allowing the symbol to guide you through colours or number vibrations. This will provide a very powerful healing. On a time scale
can take only minutes, but the power and healing effects will be vast. Make a mental note of the colours that were used, as well as the number the sy
at. This will help you to understand why they needed that particular type of healing.
In a full body healing where you know what the person needs in order to heal a situation, you may draw this symbol over each of their chakras and v
and number vibrations through their body. You can place your hands on the body or just above in the Aura. Activate the energy of Ki Manna, State
for the person. Wait until you feel the energy come through, then begin. When working with this symbol to the power vibration of three (which is als
can play relaxing music to help enhance the healing. This takes longer however, they will come away from this healing very empowered, balanced a
process will activate quickly, which will bring them self unity, healing and awareness on all levels.
You can send someone an absentee by visualising the person, placing them in a pyramid, drawing the Ki Manna symbol to the power of the number
colour vibrations. You can request that the pyramid preserve and send out healing whenever it is needed for the person. This can also be done for
situation that may need healing. After you have done this, close the healing off with White Light.
Ki Manna works with vibrational healing. You are able to raise and lower a person’s frequency to enhance wisdom and healing. The world is fille
light and frequencies from electronic equipment, microwaves, atomic and electrical equipment used to make our lives easier. However, these ma
equipment can affect the human body, causing our natural vibrations to become un-aligned and out of balance. The body reacts and can cause sic
emotional level that filters down to the physical level. Also when a person becomes involved with the soul, spirit, body connection, their vibrations
levels to help them evolve. At first these raised vibrations can cause shattering effects on the body and mind of a person. As your vibrations rise, yo
sensitive to your surroundings and the energy that flows through this planet. You also become highly sensitive to people and their energy. If you ar
how to tune and balance your vibrations with these other vibrations, you can become very off balance.
When you tap into your past-life records and bring memories from other lives and parallel lives through, they can have quite a devastating effect on
inhabit now. Your vibrations become unbalanced and you can react by having psychological and physical traumas. When you work with earth energ
soul becomes aligned with the earth, moon and suns energies and frequencies. You will feel the vibrations of both the ocean’s and the moon’s cycle
sun’s gravitational effects, the ozone layer, the ley lines and the inner workings of the planets, especially earth. When fault lines move and there
movement, you become affected by all these vibrations. Ki Manna can help to keep these vibrations balanced.
Vibrational healing method
If we live parallel lives, we must also have parallel energy centres. We must bring these Chakras gates that exist in the other parallels in through the s
feel about three energy centres spinning outwards from the body. All three centres will be in front of each other raising high into the Aura of the p
You will be able to use the solar and parallel chakras from these centres to activate the other chakras and their parallel chakras in the body. Lay the
flat on a healing table or floor. Go to the Solar chakra and activate the Ki Manna energy. State your intent to heal and balance their vibrations. Fr
centre, activate and draw the Ki Manna symbol. Then spin the spiral around and around starting low in the Aura until you have reached the outer
Aura. Use both hands to draw the symbol and spiral. This will create male and female energy, making it balanced.
Allow your intuition to hook in and visualise the numbers and colours needed to raise the person’s vibrations. You may find the spiral will go inward
vibrations or outwards to raise them. This healing method should be ongoing with their Reiki healing program and done either before each healing
after the healing. They will feel very light for awhile and also they may experience ringing and pinging noises in their ears. This is just their vibration
tune with the planet and their bodies becoming more aligned to their spirit. If you are involved with shamanism, you may use music, drums, bells, e
balance their vibrations.
Creating positive change in our lives is important to all of us. Many of us ask for our wishes and dreams to come true. We are allowed to have goo
love and material security. That is our right. However, sometimes what we wish for in a moment of weakness and emotional vulnerability may we
negative lesson. If you ask for wishes, always make sure that those wishes do not force another or even an event to change by your will. Ki manna
helping you fulfill your destiny and the dreams and wishes you hope for.
First look at what it is you are hoping to materialise in your life. Here is how you could word some wishes that will not have any adverse affects on
A good job that makes you happy and does not interfere with your health and time with family and friends.
Real love in your life that does not make you lose your own personal identity and gives to you equally as you give to them.
Money and security that does not effect anyone through, theft, death or gambling.
Always think long and hard before you make your request. Make sure it does not hurt or compromise another. When you are sure, write your requ
paper, look at it and then ask your higher self if this is really what you want.
When you are sure, then activate your Ki Manna Symbol, open out your palms skywards and say after you have made your request and drawn the
above (point to the sky). As below ( point to the ground), As within (place your hands on your heart). Make it so!!! Draw the Ki Manna symbol o
then walk away from the healing request. Do not ponder on this request, trust in the energy and allow it to come through for you.
Ki Manna and Lightwork
The positive healing energy that is within each person, can manifest into a solid mass and create pyramids, circles, stars or generators around them
preserve their own healing reserves. This helps the person to create their own healing for themselves. This creates an independence that helps them
own lives.
To do this procedure: Lay them down either back or front, go to their Solar chakra, activate your Ki Manna and then draw the energy up from the So
the shape you wish to use. Create it with your hands. This procedure should be used with all the other healing procedures you work with as it will
more powerful healing effect. You can place vibrational energy, colour energy and also numeral energy into the shape to help the person heal
The power of Ki Manna is the ability to be able to transform pure energy into a solid force. When we call on light energy for healing, we are able to
light energy into solid mass for healing. We are able to draw out the negative energy that resides in the body, the Aura and around the chakras so po
we can feel, smell and touch this energy. The same goes for positive healing energy that everybody has within themselves. This is their own healing
force energy. We are able to manifest it outwards and work with it.
Some examples are; taking negative energy from a person’s body that could be caused by past lives, emotional stress in this life and sickness of the
take this energy outwards and manifest it into an object, for example a knife, sword, a crystal or sharp needles. We can then literally pull out the en
hands, thus releasing the negative energy. This creates a strong healing release in the person on all levels. It can heal sickness, stress and emotional
immediately without any long term releasing.
On the Solar chakra you can release fear, phobias and personal self control issues.
On the Crown chakra you can work on breaking down belief barriers, you can raise their spiritual levels so that they come to understand themselves
You can break down curses and entity attachments and open them to their spiritual guides who will protect them and teach them.
On the Third eye chakra you can work on mental, dreams and psychic issues. This chakra is good for breaking down bad conditioning and trauma
problems in them understanding themselves and others.
On the Throat chakra you can help remove communication problems, truth and lie issues and also open their creativity. On the Sacral chakra you c
sexuality, heal their self esteem problems and also work with any vibration and colour to help them change themselves in a positive way. On the Ba
are able to work with severe depression, lack of motivation and also connect them to the Earth for grounding. On the Thymus chakra, you are able
deep hidden emotional issues like grief, fear and also help them to strengthen the body and connect it more with their soul, their higher self, their inn
basic self. When all three are joined as one, all comes together for total healing.
To do this procedure: Lay them down; either back or front, then go to their head and place your hands over their Third Eye or Crown. I like to plac
the Crown chakra and the other on the Third Eye chakra. Next; activate your Ki Manna and flood them with universal energy and earth energy. A
hearing senses and tune into the Dolphin healing energy bank. Allow the vibrations to raise in you, then transfer these vibrations into your patient.
like a sonar that can track down negative energy and allow it to manifest into a solid object that will appear either in their body or their Aura. Once
objects appear either by seeing through your eyes or sensing them through your Third Eye, go to the area and gently pull the objects out. Make a not
the object is, as it could be an old memory from a past life injury or from a parallel life.
When you have finished, place your hands on their feet and ground them with earth energy.
Create chambers either with the person’s own healing reserves or with energy from other healing sources, then place these chambers in areas around
allows you to work on a particular area or problem, healing it quickly so that the person can get on with their life.
To do this procedure:, Lay the person down on their back, then place your hands on their feet and activate your Ki Manna symbol either in your min
hands over their feet and in their Aura. Activate their Feet chakras and allow Ki Manna to enter the person’s Aura and body. Then go to part of the
guided to. Look at the area and open your own channels for the wisdom and healing knowledge needed to create the chambers. With your hands,
cylinder starting from their body and allow it to go out into their Aura. You will feel the cylinder become hard and will be able to feel it and ev
When this is done, you can either draw energy from the Universal healing bank or the person’s own healing reserve. Use the energy either from their
Thymus chakra as these centres seem to carry the most amount of positive healing energy. You will not drain them as the energy is going back into
themselves. The more you take from them and flood back to them, the more they will make, thus providing more healing reserves in the
Fill the chambers with, either their energy, or Universal energy. You will see or sense colours coming from these chambers. Go back down to the f
your hands on and allow the time needed for the healing to take place. When you are finished, create a pyramid around them high into their Aura c
whole body - this is to preserve the energy. Leave the chambers in for at least a week. Then have them come back to remove the chambers. After y
this, they will feel healing energy running through them for about three weeks and will notice great changes in their lives from this procedure. Mo
benefit from this healing Lightwork ongoing for many months, even years as it heals totally and slowly. The changes will come in a gentle fashion
disturb their way of life too much.
Light Work
With light work healing, you are able to create energy balls and beams of light, like thunderbolts. By activating your Ki Manna in their Aura and s
objects into them, you can also create healing quickly for the person. This procedure is like creating a thunderstorm within their Aura that is electrica
can clear and cleanse away any negativity and sickness. With this procedure, you can also activate colour vibration and numbers to the power of K
whatever purpose or problem you wish to work with them on. Be creative with this procedure as it is very enjoyable to both the person having the
To do this procedure: Lay the person down on their front or back, then activate your Ki Manna symbol and connect to Mother Earth energy. You m
to hook into Dolphin sonar energy as well to help you. Create an energy field around them that will be quite dense. You will notice that your eyes wi
misty and that the room will appear dense with cloud like matter. Work high into the Aura, using your hands, swirl the energy around them. Then op
Eye up and bring in through creative visualisation, a storm like effect that will activate the healing. When you have finished, gently brush the Au
soothing waves and then draw a pyramid over them and close them off.
Pastlives and Parallel lives
It is important when we start healing on a person to work with past lives and parallel lives, by bringing the person together as one whole, we are abl
totally. With Ki Manna, you are able to heal these areas by tapping into their records. You can use crystals to aid you with this area of healing, as cr
for opening and recording data from a person’s Aura. Before you start a healing, you can place crystals around the persons body and even on them
that works with you on this area can also aid you in the person’s healing process.
To do this procedure: Lay the person down on their back, go to their feet and activate Ki Manna to the power of one. Allow your hands to stay on
awhile. Slowly raise your hands above their feet going into their Aura. Next; move to their Base chakra and repeat the last instructions. Do this on
Solar, the Heart and the Throat. When you reach the Third eye; attach a cord of light to their Third Eye Chakra and connect it to yours. Stay for aw
any visions, feelings or just a deep knowing to enter you. Go back to the Heart chakra and activate your Ki Manna symbol and send in healing ene
use any method that has been taught to you from other procedures to help heal. When you have finished, remove the cord from you to them and th
Crown chakra, activate your Ki Manna symbol and lay your hands on for awhile, again slowly moving high into the Aura. When you have finish
pyramid around them to preserve the healing.
Leonie Faye
Inner Healing™®1012215
A Journey into the Self Creative Visualisations Meditations
Inner Healing Explanations
Here are a few tips to help you achieve the ultimate experience from your Inner Healing Meditations.
It is always good to make yourself comfortable before you start your Inner healing Meditation. It is important not to be
interrupted, so pick a time where you can be by yourself. You can do these meditations either, sitting up, or lying down and
always have pillows or comfortable cushions handy, as you may be sitting in one position for long periods of time. If you suffer
circulation problems, have your legs elevated and your back supported.
With Breathe work, we are able to release the tension that is stored within our bodies. The breathing in, and out we encourage
you to do while meditating provides vital Chi energy into your body that allows your muscles to release their tension. You are
trained to breathe in positive energy while releasing negative energy from the body as you breathe out. Through the breath
techniques taught in Inner Healing, we are able to allow our bodies to just let go. We do not realise, but we actually hold onto
our tension and stress like a tight rubber band very stretched. We find it hard to let go of this tension and our bodies may even
fight it by cramping or flexing our body really tightly once we start to relax.
When you are meditating, it is important that you use your breath properly to help you relax. At the beginning of each
meditation, always breathe slowly and deeply in before a Meditation begins. Hold the air deep within your lower abdomen for a
moment and then release. Like a dolphin or whale does when surfacing the water. Throughout the rest of the meditation,
breathe slowly, gently and silently in and out through your nose.
Throughout the whole Inner Healing Meditation, allow your muscles to slowly release, until your body starts to feel rather heavy
or very light (the lightness feeling comes when astral is about to take place). It does take time and practise. You will be amazed
at the difference it will make on you when you begin to really relax. When you work with Inner Healing Meditations, you will
learn just how much stress, fear, tension and illness really controls your Life. All these issues are created by the way your mind
thinks and feels. The mind is not meant to feel, it is meant to follow orders from your soul and then send these orders throughout
the whole body. With Inner Healing meditation, you are trying to stop your mind from controlling your feelings. This allows the
body to make decisions, to have the power to run itself like it was created to do. When given this chance, it can work miracles,
without interference from the ego mind. So try and empty all the emotions from the mind, not the Heart. The Heart can feel
what so ever it chooses. This is what it was created for. Left to do its job, it can promote healing on all levels. When we empty
ourselves of all emotions for periods of time, our body has a chance to really relax. When we can relax properly, we can heal
ourselves and stop any negative thoughts and feelings so we can heal. So when you imagine yourself as an empty vessel, try
using your breath and imagining that you are just floating, like you are in a pond, floating on your back. To switch the mind off,
you can use the music you place on in the background as a buffer against your mind. The music can be a focus point that helps
you relax your mind and your body, so the music should be gentle, quiet and soothing.
Landscapes are places I create that take you into a special visual world outside your normal world. Some of these places are
very real and exist in our reality, some are made up of other realities and places. When you enter into an Inner Healing
meditation with landscapes, they are always positive healing places and are never anywhere that could cause stress or fear.
When you are taken to these places, try to smell, hear and feel with all your senses. When you are doing a Landscape
meditation, it is important that you take your whole self. Feel yourself actually in the visualisations. We have all been in day
dreams, this is the same, it is like going to the movies but within your mind.
When asked to float upwards, will yourself. When you rise higher and higher, push yourself up. When you connect to a
Landscape, see it’s colours and energies connect to you. When asked to visualise the Earth, see and feel her as your Mother.
The Earth gives us, as humans, a place to live. She is also the Creator of these bodies that host our souls. She is strong,
protective, loving, and supportive. Without her, we not live. She carries both equal male, Yang and female, Yin. Mother Earth
Grounds us and keeps us stable and connects us to the element of Earth.
When asked to visualise looking at the Moon, imagine it to be very, very large, as big as the whole night sky, directly above your
head, high in the night sky. ‘GrandMother Moon’ See the Aura from the Moon surround you and cover you in it’s glow and
imagine what effect it has on you. Working with the Moon raises your psychic vibrations and helps you to connect to the female
Yin side to yourself. The gentle intuitive, compassionate loving side. The Moon also connects you to the Goddess within you
that holds all the power of your compassionate, empathic and psychic senses.
When asked to visualise the breeze from the Wind, feel it pass through your body, shiver with the experience. The Wind brings
messages from Spirit. It also clears the mind and clears away confusion. It also brings clarity and wisdom and connects you to
the element of Air
When asked to visualise the Sun, ‘Father Sun’ see it as this great yellow and golden ball, filled with warm healing energy that
burns away any sickness, anger hatred and evil. The Sun also connects you to your male, Yang side. Bringing rebirth, strength,
courage and physical vitality. Connects to the element of Fire. In the night sky you will notice Stars, ‘Brother and Sister Stars,
visualise them glowing and pulsating. Feel them vibrate and glimmer. Stars help to fulfil our dreams and hopes. They help one
to astral travel, to space and dimensional travel as well time travel.
When asked to visualise Water, like seas, lakes oceans and even ponds, see them as crystal blue, healing, gentle, loving
and releasing you of any illness, or negativity. Water cleanses the emotions and heals. Water also cleanses you from any self
esteem issues you may have from traumatic experiences and is very useful in Inner Child meditations. Connects to your female,
Yin side and the element of Water.
When rising from your body, literally feel yourself lift. Push yourself gently and slowly out. You can leave a protective Crystal or
Guardian behind to protect your body. Remember, when you are free from your body, allow yourself to feel a lightness of
‘’Being’’. You may also experience feelings of heaviness. This means you have not properly left your body. Imagine yourself
lifting up and down as you are flying. Remember you are a soul free from your body. What do you look like? Are you
glimmering and glistening with colours. Are you swirls of energy? It is quite common after you experience an obe to feel aches
and pains from your body. This is because your soul does not have any sickness. It is the body that holds blocked energy, not
the soul.
Your Inner child, Your Higher Mind
Imagine a baby dolphin, swimming in the water close to its Mother and its family. It is full of innocence and inner beauty. In its
eyes there is this light that shines outwards like a ‘Golden Aura’, from that glow comes feelings of love, joy, innocence and
playfulness. The Baby Dolphin is so full of unconditional love and joy that it radiates outwards toward others surrounding them
with this energy. The Dolphin knows nothing of the adult world and all of her dramas. It does not know of evil, anger, hatred,
racism or violence. It does not exist in his world. Inside each and everyone of us, is a baby dolphin. It lives and breathes inside
us all. It pulsates in our Heart. The Dolphin’s essence flows through our blood. All of its qualities are inside of us. We have a
child within us trying to break out and play. Open your Heart, allow the inner child, the baby dolphin to play within you. Watch
as you begin to expereince Inner Healing and Inner Love. You will heal all your painful adult fears and woes.
You can also visualise your Inner child as this beautiful angel like ‘Being’ that glows with a white auric essence of pure
innocence and love, that is the most beautiful creature you have seen but its beauty is from within.
Imagine a powerful and Graceful Eagle, soaring high up in the heavens.
The Eagle has strength and courage. It is free from all dramas. The Eagle is master only to Great Spirit. The Eagles ‘will’ is so
strong, that there is nothing that it cannot achieve once it is soaring into the heavens. Great Spirit has given the Eagle the gift of
Higher Mind and grace. With this gift, it sees the truth and knows the laws of karma and of fate. The Eagle has the gift of
‘Being’ able to transform dreams and goals into reality. Above our Crown Chakra is a state that we call our Higher Mind. This
state is accessible to all of us if we allow ourselves to become open. A state of grace is were we turn our dreams and goals into
reality. Allow Eagle into your Life and you allow this state of grace to bring forth your goals and dreams and manifest them into
your Life. The Eagle brings forth your personal power and your personal freedom and connects you to your Higher Self.
The Dolphin brings all your hidden child like innocence and joy outwards. It brings you the gift of true love and a state of perfect
‘Being’. When you contact your inner child and bring her through to your outer existence, you allow yourself contact to your
Higher Mind. There is nothing that you cannot achieve in your quest for Spiritual growth with these two ‘Being’s by your side.
Within you and above, freedom is yours. You can also visualise your Higher self as this huge, tall Golden White Angel, filled with
such beauty, wisdom and compassion. A ‘Being’ that knows none of the negative feelings and thoughts of the human ego.
Astral Travel
Our Crown Chakra is where we contact our Higher Self and activate our desire to leave our body and go astral visiting. Our
Base Chakra is needed to keep our bodies grounded while the soul goes travelling. We attach a cord to our soul from our body.
This cord makes sure we do not become dis-attached from our physical body. The Crown Chakra can also place our souls in
the bodies of animals, like birds and trees, the oceans, dolphins and whales. If this is what you want to do, activate your Higher
Mind and request your desire.” I wish to enter into the body of a whale and access their wisdom, healing and see through their
eyes, the Life that they live”. The Crown Chakra can take us astral travelling to the centre of the Universe and down through
Mother Earth. If we are astral travelling for the purpose of healing or assisting someone in trouble, we need to activate our Inner
Child and the loving energy that comes from our Heart Chakra. We also need to activate our Third Eye Chakra so that we can
experience and feel where we are going. The Third Eye can also take us into the future.
Inner Healing with Chakras
When we work with the belief behind the power of the Chakras and their meanings on a physical, mental and Spiritual level, we
cover just about every problem you can imagine. Inner Healings way of dealing with pain, fear and stressful issues that cause
us not to function in a positive way, is the way to go when all the other conventional methods have not worked. We approach
these issues in a way in which we teach people how to heal themselves.
How? By taking back our own personal power. We do it in a way that is not stressful and does not cause a lot of pain. By using
imaginative and creative meditation, which is almost subliminal in its effect. We teach that if your Life is crappy, then you can
learn to paint a different, more positive way of Life and deal with the problems we all face in a more effective manner. If you
cannot recognise the problem within the mind, Inner healing will work with your subconscious and create a healing experience.
Once trust has been established, then this healing can be spread throughout the whole body. This causes the mind to come to
the party and healing takes place on all levels. I do not pretend to be trained by the normal standards when helping people. My
experience comes by associating and working with people as a Reiki, Seichim and Ki Manna Master and Alternative Therapist.
My experience comes from Life itself. I have not got all the answers, but I do know what I know, and that knowledge is, that we
have been living in a Life that has been covered and sheltered from the reality of our true self. The solution is to learn about
Awareness is when we realise that something is wrong with ourselves and our lives, because we are not happy. We become
aware. This is the first step to healing. The second step is to find out how to release ourselves from self imposed entrapment.
The solution comes by learning how to unlock and release our pain, fear and worry. Through experience, I know that Inner
Healing will help bring this about. With Inner healing, we learn how to slow our minds. We learn how to relax. We learn how to
put ourselves in a state where we can work through all our problems in a gentle and loving way. Inner Healing teaches you an
alternative method of healing using a different type of wisdom that can enhance your Life. I use all sorts of unconventional
methods to do this. The most important thing is, that while you are trying to heal yourself, you will have fun doing it. In the past
we have made it hard on ourselves. I hope to bring back the joy of living and to make it less difficult. The third step is to learn to
bring back your Personal Power. When you have regained your power, you are able to heal your Life. Nobody but you can fix
your problems. People can teach you how to become aware, and they can show you ways to deal with your problems, but
when it comes to the crunch, you are the only one who can right your Life. You have to learn to take responsibility for your own
The first method I use is a program that teaches you about the Chakras and their meanings in our lives on the physical level.
We then discuss the emotional effects the Chakras create when unbalanced and we learn how to balance them. This brings
about healing on the Spiritual level. This level is the most powerful. Our Spiritual level is where we, ourselves, make our own
judgments and decisions upon which we reach a state of peace. This peace brings us an awareness of our problems. We then
face these problems in a way that is fun, relaxing and healing. We are unable to heal if our mind is in a state of confusion, fear
and worry. First, we slow the mind. When that is done, we are able to look at things in a more balanced way. Our head is clear
and we can recognise and face the truth behind our problems.
Chakras and Inner Healing
You will be learning about Chakra Healing through Creative Visualisation Meditation.
Creative Visualisation is all about tapping into your Inner ‘Being’ through self awareness. By allowing yourself to become
relaxed in your mind and in your body, you are able to create a state of vulnerability that helps you to put subliminal messages
in your subconscious, which in turn, can promote a positive healing experience within you. Providing the visualisation is positive
and uplifting, you can heal just about any problem or sickness that you have. This can create a positive effect upon your Life. My
aim is to teach you the inner workings of your soul through Chakra Balancing and Meditation. We are going to explore a
creative visualisation meditation Based on accessing our Chakras, aligning, healing and becoming aware of these energy
centers within our body.
There are seven main Chakras that have some control over our body organs and emotions. By focusing on these Chakras with
creative visualisation, we can help to heal certain areas of the body that have sickness or disease.
The Base Chakra controls our physical energy levels, our connection to the Earth. The Base controls our legs, lower back and
the Base of our spine.
The Sacral controls our passions, our sexual needs and our lower sexual organs, our bladder, bowel and lower intestine.
The Solar controls our will power, our strength and courage. It also controls our upper intestine, upper back and spine.
The Heart controls the Heart itself, the chest, thymus, ribcage and arteries that pump the flow of blood into our system. It also
controls our love for ourselves and others, our appreciation of beauty and our compassion.
The Throat controls our voice, lungs, mouth, teeth, thyroid, and glands. This Chakra opens us to speaking, communicating and
expressing our artistic and creative desires.
The Third Eye controls our mind, our ears, our subconscious, our dream states and also our memory and learning capacity. It
also controls our openness to the psychic senses, such as clairvoyance, telepathy and Aura sensing. Headaches, stress, lack
of sleep and memory loss can occur when not functioning properly. Also mental problems and mental illnesses. The Third Eye
governs our eyes, ears and sinus cavities.
The Crown controls our eyes, the top of the brain and is like the link to the other Spiritual realms, our connectives to our beliefs
and contact to the Spirit world. Here our dreams and goals start and through careful nurturing, our dreams can become
realities. There are many other Chakras all over the body but these Chakras are, to me the main ones that when healed can
bring about healing on the physical body, the mind and the soul.
Creative Chakra Inner Healing Meditation
To learn how to become aquatinted with our Chakras we must learn to feel their presence within our body.
To do this we must allow ourselves to become aware of our inner workings. This creative meditation will help you learn how to
feel the Chakras and also learn to detect when they are out of alignment and heal them for yourself.
As you are breathing, I want you to visualise a white ball of energy coming from your Crown Chakra. Feel this energy wrapping
around your whole body and as it is surrounding your whole ‘Being’, feel it acting as a protective shield. With this shield around
you, you are safe and protected from anything that is negative or evil. Take in deep breaths, in and out, and release.
I want you to make yourself comfortable. Take deeps slow cleansing breaths in and out. (By cleansing, I mean as you inhale,
visualise you are placing positive energy into your ‘Being’.) Feel it entering inside of you and sweeping over your whole body.
As you exhale out, feel any negative energy leaving your body. (Please note: Negative energy is emotions and feelings like
fear, pain, anger and illness.) Feel your whole body become relaxed. Starting with your feet and travelling to your legs and up
through your body till you reach your head, breathe in and out slowly, deeply and relax. Let yourself go, you are safe and
protected. Nothing can harm you. (Do this breath work until you feel really calm and relaxed.)
Place your hands on your Base Chakra, close your eyes and focus on the feelings that are coming from this centre. Breathe in
and out and visualise healing rays of red light coming from Mother Earth entering into your Chakra. Take time to feel any thing
that feels unusual and make a note of what colours and emotions you are feeling. If you feel anything that is painful or negative,
breathe in more red healing rays and visualise any black or negative energy leaving your Base Chakra as you breathe out. See
these negative emotions and feelings like black strands or ribbons, visualise cutting these ribbons and releasing them into a
balloon. See the balloon rising into the sky and away from your body. Visualise rays of red light coming into your Base Chakra
and feel the warmth and the heat that comes from these rays. Feel yourself coming alive with energy and excitement. Breathe
in and out slowly, gently and deeply and relax.
Next; place your hands onto your Sacral, and focus on the feelings that are coming from this Chakra. Make a note of anything
that feels wrong. Breathe in and out and visualise orange healing rays coming from the Universe and entering into your Sacral
Chakra. Take time to feel any emotions coming up from your Sacral. Visualise anything that feels negative turning into black
ribbons and visualise cutting these ribbons from your body and placing them into a balloon. See the balloon rising into the sky
and away from your body. Visualise rays of orange light coming into your Sacral Chakra and feel the passion and the
excitement that swells around your body that comes from these rays. Feel yourself coming alive with passion and fulfillment.
Breathe in and out slowly, gently and deeply and relax.
Creative Chakra Inner Healing Meditation
To learn how to become aquatinted with our Chakras we must learn to feel their presence within our body.
To do this we must allow ourselves to become aware of our inner workings. This creative meditation will help you learn how to
feel the Chakras and also learn to detect when they are out of alignment and heal them for yourself.
As you are breathing, I want you to visualise a white ball of energy coming from your Crown Chakra. Feel this energy wrapping
around your whole body and as it is surrounding your whole ‘Being’, feel it acting as a protective shield. With this shield around
you, you are safe and protected from anything that is negative or evil. Take in deep breaths, in and out, and release.
I want you to make yourself comfortable. Take deeps slow cleansing breaths in and out. (By cleansing, I mean as you inhale,
visualise you are placing positive energy into your ‘Being’.) Feel it entering inside of you and sweeping over your whole body.
As you exhale out, feel any negative energy leaving your body. (Please note: Negative energy is emotions and feelings like
fear, pain, anger and illness.) Feel your whole body become relaxed. Starting with your feet and travelling to your legs and up
through your body till you reach your head, breathe in and out slowly, deeply and relax. Let yourself go, you are safe and
protected. Nothing can harm you. (Do this breath work until you feel really calm and relaxed.)
Place your hands on your Base Chakra, close your eyes and focus on the feelings that are coming from this centre. Breathe in
and out and visualise healing rays of red light coming from Mother Earth entering into your Chakra. Take time to feel any thing
that feels unusual and make a note of what colours and emotions you are feeling. If you feel anything that is painful or negative,
breathe in more red healing rays and visualise any black or negative energy leaving your Base Chakra as you breathe out. See
these negative emotions and feelings like black strands or ribbons, visualise cutting these ribbons and releasing them into a
balloon. See the balloon rising into the sky and away from your body. Visualise rays of red light coming into your Base Chakra
and feel the warmth and the heat that comes from these rays. Feel yourself coming alive with energy and excitement. Breathe
in and out slowly, gently and deeply and relax.
Next; place your hands onto your Sacral, and focus on the feelings that are coming from this Chakra. Make a note of anything
that feels wrong. Breathe in and out and visualise orange healing rays coming from the Universe and entering into your Sacral
Chakra. Take time to feel any emotions coming up from your Sacral. Visualise anything that feels negative turning into black
ribbons and visualise cutting these ribbons from your body and placing them into a balloon. See the balloon rising into the sky
and away from your body. Visualise rays of orange light coming into your Sacral Chakra and feel the passion and the
excitement that swells around your body that comes from these rays. Feel yourself coming alive with passion and fulfillment.
Breathe in and out slowly, gently and deeply and relax.
Place your hands on your Third Eye Chakra, and focus on the feelings that are coming from this Chakra. Breathe in and out
and visualise healing rays of purple light entering into this Chakra. Take time to feel any thing that feels unusual and make a
note of what colours and emotions you are feeling. If you feel anything that is painful or negative, breathe in more purple
healing rays and visualise any black or negative energy leaving your Third Eye Chakra.
See these negative emotions and feelings like black strands or ribbons, visualise cutting these ribbons and releasing them into a
balloon. See the balloon rising into the sky and away from your body. Visualise rays of purple light coming into your Third Eye
Chakra and feel the warmth and the heat that comes from these rays. Feel yourself coming alive with feelings of
understanding. Feel yourself releasing feelings of stress and fear. Allow your mind to become open and feel the sense of
awareness that this creates. Your mind is like a computer, feel it taking in information and processing that information in a clean
and organised way. Allow your psychic gifts to flow through you. Breathe in and out slowly, gently and deeply and relax.
Place your hands on your Crown Chakra, and focus on the feelings that are coming from this Chakra.
Breathe in and out and visualise healing rays of white light entering into this Chakra. Take time to feel any thing that feels
unusual and make a note of what colours and emotions you are feeling. If you feel anything that is painful or negative, breathe
in more white healing rays and visualise any black or negative energy leaving your Heart Chakra.
See these negative emotions and feelings like black strands or ribbons, visualise cutting these ribbons and releasing them into a
balloon. See the balloon rising into the sky and away from your body. Visualise rays of white light coming into your Crown
Chakra and feel the warmth and the heat that comes from these rays. Feel yourself become connected to the Earth and to the
Universe. Allow yourself to feel love flow through you and outwards towards others feel a sense of belonging. Visualise
healing love coming from your body and surrounding the Earth. See the love cleanse and heal the Earth. Breathe in and out
slowly, gently and deeply and relax.
Allow yourself to slowly come back to reality. Breathing slowly, open your eyes and wake yourself up.
Exercises to work on for aligning and balancing the Aura and Chakras
There are many wonderful ways you can heal and align the body with the use of Chakras and the Aura. The simplest and
easiest way is, with positive breathing and visualisation. In the morning before getting out of bed, do slow and relaxed breathing
and with your mind, visualise that you can feel your seven Chakras and see your Aura. Visualise your Chakras as spinning
energy wheels that glow and radiate with colour and vibration. Visualise your Aura as a mass of pure and colourful energy
surrounding your body. Place your hands on the following areas.
Visualise that you see energy coming from the Earth and attaching on to your legs like roots to a tree. Now feel the energy
travelling up your legs and see the colour red filling up your Base Chakra.
Change the colour to orange and see it filling up your Sacral Chakra, and again changing colour too yellow and filling up your
Solar Plexus Chakra.
Moving on to the Heart Chakra, visualise the colour green filling up your Heart Chakra, and again changing colour too blue and
filling up your Throat Chakra.
Moving and changing colour to purple and filling up your Third Eye Chakra, and finally moving and changing colour to white and
filling up your Crown Chakra.
When the energy has reached your Crown, visualise the white energy filling up your Aura and swirling around your Aura and
cleaning it of negative energy.
Wrap the energy around your body and feel it protecting and cleansing your Aura of all impurities. Feel the energy enter your
body and as you breathe in and out, visualise that your body has become centred and clean, and that you have become
balanced and whole. Now take the energy and make it go backwards into the body and back down the Chakras till it reaches
your feet. Feel it go back into the Earth.
Applying this Chakra balancing work will help to move out any blockages within the body.
This method helps clean and revitalise the Chakras and the Aura. By doing it morning and night it will help you to stay
balanced, healthy and happy.
When you come into contact with negative people you can open your Chakras and send out positive happy energy so that
people respond positively to you.
You can close your Chakras off to outside influence by placing a protective door on your Chakras, keeping them open only to
you but closed to outside influences. Simply visualise a protective door of your choosing on each of your Chakra centres.
A protective bubble can also be put in place to protect you. Simply visualise a protective bubble surrounding your whole body.
These methods are safe and easy to apply to your everyday Life.
Aura Meditation
Intro - For Aura Meditation
(This is to be used before each meditation)
Make yourself comfortable. Close your eyes. Take a deep cleansing breath in, and breathe out, breathe in, breathe out, relax
your body, relax your mind.
Breathe in and out slowly and deeply, all the time relaxing more and more.
Do not allow any noises to disturb your relaxation, make them a part of your meditation. Allow stray thoughts to wander in and
out of your mind, do not hold onto any thoughts, let them flow off into the universe* (10 sec pause)
Slow your mind down. Bring yourself into a state of total relaxation. Lift away the dust from your soul. Allow positive Life
cleansing energy the right to enter into your body. Give it free passage to your Heart, breathe slowly and softly in and out
relaxing your mind and your body. (10 sec pause)
Empty your mind of all emotions. (10 sec pause)
Try and feel none of the negative feelings that hinder your growth. (10 sec pause)
Empty your mind of any negative thoughts that make you believe the worst in yourself and in your fellow man. (10 sec pause)
Allow yourself to just drift like a white cloud in a bright blue sky. (10 sec pause)
Breathe in, breathe out. Your mind is slowing down. Your body is beginning to relax.
Breathe in, breathe out. (10 sec pause)
‘I watch as I release my tension, my fear, my anger and worries leave my body on a wave of healing energy’. (10 sec pause)
Count yourself down into total relaxation. Breathe slowly and silently. (10 sec pause)
ten - nine - eight - seven - six- five - four - three - two - one (10 sec pause)
Let yourself sink deeper and deeper. (10 sec pause)
Place a shield of ‘White Healing Energy’ around your body, this energy will block out any negative influence. (10 sec pause)
You are safe and protected. (10 sec pause)
You are totally relaxed.
You are ready for meditation.
You are ready for Inner Healing.
Take yourself into a beautiful forest. There are large trees as tall as mountains all around you. They have a green healing
glow around their forms. There is a small lake in the clearing. Visualise a crystal blue hue surrounding the lake like a mist. Up
in the skies there are birds flying around, not a care in the world, free from all tension and stress. Free from all Life’s dramas.
Following them is this golden glow that swirls with the blue sky. This glow is coming from their Aura, it is part of their essence.
Clouds float by and leave white mystical trails behind them in the sky. These trails cleanse the top layers of Mother Earth.
There are rocks and crystals on the floor of the forest and they are radiating all the colours of the rainbow. There is a sense
that these ‘’Being’s’ will provide healing if your touch them. (If you have a crystal hold onto it while you are meditating). There is
a vibration that you can feel throughout this forest. This vibration is soothing, peaceful and Life Force energising. Feel this
vibration like a hum entering into your body. ommmmm, ommmmm, ommmmmm, ommmmm. A bell rings outs softly, placing
more balance into your soul. Suddenly the forest connects to you. Visualise your body surrounded by a Force of mystical
clouds. An Aura surrounds you. Visualise you can see colours coming from this Aura.
Visualise a healing red entering into your Aura. This colour awakens your energy. You will become energised and empowered.
Your Kundalini begins to stir.
Visualise a healing orange entering into your Aura. This colour awakens your passion and your creativity. Feel the energy swirl
around you, surrounding you with warmth and healing.
Visualise a healing yellow entering into your Aura. This colour awakens your strength and courage, your will power and Life
Force energy. Feel it pulsate and vibrate all around your body.
Visualise a healing green entering into your Aura. This colour heals your Heart. Love flows through you, and out to the world.
Feel yourself become more open, peaceful and loving.
Visualise a healing blue entering into your Aura. This colour awakens your power of communication You speak openly, honestly
and with compassion.
Visualise a healing purple entering into your Aura. This colour clears your mind and opens your senses. It frees the clutter in
your your ears and opens your eyes with clarity.
Visualise a healing white entering into your Aura. This colour heals your soul and all the traumas from your past to awaken you
to a better future.
Allow yourself to immerse your body in these colours. Breathing deeply in and out, allow yourself to just exist there. No
thoughts, no feelings. Just exist. Slowly bring yourself back and become aware of your breath - Become aware of your Heart
beat. Allow yourself to become aware of the music.
Slowly allow yourself to rise and become aware of your surroundings.
Slowly wriggle your toes, then your legs, then your shoulders, your hands and slowly open your eyes.
The Base Chakra
The Base Chakra is the energy centre which controls our energy levels, our connection to the Earth and our ambitions. Also
our legs, lower back and the Base of our spine. There is an old saying that we use when we are in trouble. That saying is; ‘That
we must get to the root of the problem so that we can heal the situation’. This is true in the physical, mental and Spiritual
The Base Chakra is the root of our manifestation, our existence. When we learn about our Base or root Chakra, we come to
understand that this centre is the Base to past - lives, and our present Life. It is our connection to the Earth and to the physical.
How we function on this level depends on how this Chakra is working. If we are tired, run down and lack ambition and drive, it is
because this centre is not working or absorbing enough positive energy to help us sustain the high levels needed to work, play,
think and feel. We need to reconnect to this centre and work with it on a daily basis. To do this, we have to invoke inner healing
that comes from ourselves. This Chakra needs to be flooded with positive energy and positive love.
Love comes from the Heart centre and flows through the body and out through the Aura. How others perceive us or react to us
is because of the energy that we emanate from our Auras. Love is an energy that is able to heal any sickness, emotional stress
and fear that we have locked inside. Love is an energy that is pure, cleansing and can be quite exhilarating. We all know about
emotional love, especially when we first fall in love. However, there is more to this emotion. This energy when properly
functioning becomes unconditional. When this happens, it becomes a healing energy that can create miracles and change your
Life around for the better. We all have this energy inside of us. We have to learn how to open it up inside and send it out. But
first we must learn how to use it on ourselves. I know that we would all like to fly in the heavens, free from all worries, sickness
and stress, but I believe that we can do this on our Earthly existence. Our Base Chakra is the centre that can help us achieve
health, groundedness and vitality.
This Chakra can also unlock our past - lives to help bring old talents and wisdom into this Lifetime. This Chakra can also
remove any past- Life negative patterns and pain that might be hindering our present Life. In many old cultures they believe in
the wheel of Life. We believe that we go through cycles of birth, death and re-birth. Throughout one Lifetime we experience
these cycles many times. Each time we go through a death there is a chance to re-create our birth in a more healing and
positive way. The Base is our root. our connection to the Earth, who we are as humans and how we live our Life in each birth
and death cycle.
When we heal this Chakra and have it pulsating with positive healing energy we are able to heal our past, and we learn to
function in a vibrant and alive way for the present and the future.
Intro - Base Chakra Meditation
(This is to be used before each meditation)
Make yourself comfortable, close your eyes, take a deep cleansing breath in, and breathe out, breathe in, breathe out, relax
your body, relax your mind.
Breathe in and out slowly and deeply, all the time relaxing more and more. Do not allow any noises to disturb your relaxation,
make them a part of your meditation. Allow stray thoughts to wander in and out of your mind, do not hold onto any thoughts, let
them flow off into the universe* (10 sec pause)
Slow your mind down. Bring yourself into a state of total relaxation, lift away the dust from your soul. Allow positive Life
cleansing energy the right to enter into your body. Give it free passage to your Heart, breathe slowly and softly in and out
relaxing your mind and your body.
Empty your mind of all emotions. Try and feel none of the negative feelings that hinder your growth.
Empty your mind of any negative thoughts that make you believe the worst in yourself and in your fellow man.
Allow yourself to just drift like a white cloud in a bright blue sky. Breathe in, breathe out.
Your mind is slowing down. Your body is beginning to relax. Breathe in, breathe out.
‘I watch as I release my tension, fear, anger and worry leave my body on a wave of healing energy’.
Count yourself down into total relaxation.
Breathe slowly and silently.
ten - nine -.eight - seven - six- five -four - .three - two -one.
Let yourself sink deeper and deeper, you are totally relaxed, you are ready for meditation, you are ready for Inner Healing.
Place a shield of white around your body. This energy will block out any negative influence.
You are safe and protected.
I want you to take yourself high up on a mountain top. The air is fresh and pure. Take in deep breaths of pure cleansing air,
and as it is entering into your body, feel it lift away any stress, illness or fear that you have. Release the air quickly from your
lungs and relax.
All around are large trees, rocks and clear quartz crystals. As you focus on their Life Force, their presence fills you with energy.
Visualise that they are radiating a vibrant red auric energy. As you focus on them, feel the energy enter into your body, through
your feet, up your legs and into your Base Chakra. As the energy enters into your Chakra, feel your Chakra spinning, and as it
is spinning, feel it open you up and release all your emotional baggage. Feel it release all negative blocked energy that hinders
your growth.
Visualise that there is an old Indian medicine man standing nearby with a drum in his hand. As he beats the drum, allow it’s
rhythm to enter into your Base centre. Feel yourself come alive and aligned with the Earth’s rhythm. You become one with
Mother Earth. Hear the beat and feel the energy within you.
Listen to the Earth beat. Become one and become connected.
Open yourself up to your past. Allow any wisdom or knowledge that has been hidden, surface into your body. Allow yourself to
become open to any visions that you may experience at this time. Feel the knowledge coming from the Earth, as it travels up
your feet, up your legs and into your Base Chakra. Breathe in and out and relax. You are safe and you are protected. (20 sec
If a animal appears into your vision, make a note of it’s presence and it’s message. Listen and receive. (20 sec pause)
Lay yourself down on Mother Earth and just experience the joy of just existing at this moment in time. (20 sec pause)
Feel yourself become connected to the Earth and to the Universe. Allow yourself to feel love flow through you and outwards
towards others and feel a sense of belonging. Visualise healing love coming from your body and surrounding the Earth. See
the love cleanse, and heal the Earth. Breathe in and out and relax.
Allow yourself to slowly come back to reality. Breathing slowly, open your eyes and wake yourself up.
You will feel balanced and connected to the Earth.
The Sacral Chakra
The Sacral Chakra is the energy centre that controls our passions. It also controls our sexual needs. The Sacral activates the
abundance that you allow into your Life for the fulfillment of our desires. The Sacral governs our lower sexual organs, our
bladder, bowel and lower intestine. This centre is where we fund our creativity on the physical plane.
When functioning positively, the Sacral creates a sense of well-’Being’ which is our ability to feel good about ourselves. When
this Chakra is aligned and balanced, our emotions are stable and we are able to express our true feelings to others without fear
or exaggeration. When we learn about our personal expression we become more self confident, in ourselves and our dealings
with others. When functioning properly, we become open, expressive, creative and spontaneous. When negative and not
functioning positively, we may have a low self esteem and may think that we are ugly and that we have nothing worth giving to
others. We could have a low sex drive and find it hard to communicate and respond to our own, and the opposite sex. These
kind of people deny themselves pleasure and can become martyrs. They may also give of themselves and their bodies without
any real emotion. This sets up patterns of self sacrifice.
The Sacral is also about ourselves as men and woman. For a woman it is all about our femininity. For men their masculinity.
This energy centre has caused a lot of conflict and emotional pain for many people within this age of awareness. This is
because it has been flooded with too much sexual responsibility. This centre is all about passion, freedom and personal
expression which can sometimes be mistaken purely for sexuality.
We have a right to express ourselves and our feelings, but we have to learn that sometimes passion is related to artistic and
creative pursuits rather than sex, and relationships with others. We have focused all of our desires and passions onto others,
and we have neglected to allow the energy to flow within ourselves. Even though this Chakra is all about the physical love that
we experience with others, it is much more. We have placed too much focus on this area and shut down the other attributes
that this energy centre has to offer.
A lot of stomach dis-orders happen because this Chakra is dysfunctional. This is because there are issues with others and how
we relate and express emotions outside of ourselves. Sexual abuse also causes this Chakra to become unbalanced. People
who suffer sexual related diseases are caused through the Chakra becoming exposed and vulnerable to negativity.
When we flood this Chakra with healing energy, we experience well - ‘Being’, which is when we love and appreciate ourselves
and our body. When we focus on this Chakra and heal ourselves, we may find ourselves questioning our feelings towards our
friends and lovers. The veil has lifted and we may find that once we have become healed, that these people in our lives are not
giving to us enough. By recognising and working with unconditional love and healing, we can recreate our friendships and
relationships so that our emotions and needs are met. We can heal our past and make way for our future.
When working positively, we are able to experience more happy and fulfilling friendships and relationships. We are more open,
understanding and compassionate.
We learn to open our creative side and we become filled with a desire to learn about art, music, dance and Spirituality. We are
more open to nature and all her wisdom and beauty.
Our creative talents open, and we begin to explore new horizons.
The colour orange is a powerful colour that invokes passion, creativity and vibrancy. The more colourful and bright the orange,
the more avant-gare you feel. The more Earthly and brown looking the orange, the more connected to the Earth and Mother
nature. Orange is a mixture of powerful red and willful yellow. Power and will ignite together to create an explosion of strength,
self esteem and vitality.
When you use this colour with your Sacral Chakra, you are able to invoke this energy into your body. This will create an effect
of joy, self expression, freedom and fun.
Music, song and dance that has a stimulating and passionate rhythm will also help to unlock your inner passions and your true
Painting, writing and drawing will also help you to learn how to express your inner feelings by allowing you to release any
inhibitions that you may have hidden inside of you. By expressing this way, you are able to view your true feelings without any
interference or conditioning from others.
This Chakra is also an Earth connecting Chakra like the Base. Working on this Chakra will also help you to remain focused and
grounded. However, it will also help you with your ability to interact with all ‘Being’s that reside upon the Earth. This Chakra is
good for healing relationship issues, healing minor stomach and digestive orders and help your reproductive organs to function
Intro to Sacral Meditation
Make yourself comfortable, close your eyes. Feel your muscles in your body begin to relax.
Take a breath in slowly, and release the breath out slowly and deeply, relaxing even more. Take three more deep breaths in
and out.
Your body slowly releases all of its tension and tightness as you sink deeper and deeper into relaxation. Feel the tension drain
from your legs out into Mother Earth
Take three deep breaths in and out.
Feel the tension leave your pelvis. Feel your pelvic muscles relax and sink into the floor
Sink deeper and deeper into relaxation.
Take three deep breaths in and out. (10 sec pause)
Feel the tension slowly leave your lower back, traveling down your legs and out into Mother Earth. (10 sec pause)
Feel the tension leave your upper back and shoulders and slowly drain downwards, down through your legs and out into
Mother Earth.
Take three deep breaths in and out.
Your facial muscles become relaxed and your mouth slightly opens, breathing softly as your head and neck releases it tension.
Breathe slowly and deeply in and out. Your whole body is now totally relaxed.
(10 sec pause)
Place your focus on your Heartbeat. Listen to your Heart beat and relax.
(10 sec pause)
Breathe in and out slowly and deeply, all the time relaxing more and more.
Do not allow any noises to disturb your relaxation, make them a part of your meditation. Allow stray thoughts to wander in
and out of your mind, do not hold onto any thoughts, let them flow off into the universe* (10 sec pause)
Count yourself down into total relaxation. Breathe slowly and silently.
ten - nine -.eight - seven - six- five -four - .three - two -one.
Place a shield of white, healing energy around your body. This energy will block out any negative influence. You are safe and
Let yourself sink deeper and deeper. You are totally relaxed. You are ready for meditation, you are ready for Inner Healing.
The Female Sacral Meditation
As you are breathing, I want you to take yourself to a beautiful meadow. The Sun is warm and it is spring time. This is the time
of ‘birth and new growth’. All around you as far as the eye can see, are wild flowers. To the distance there are large trees.
These trees radiate an auric green healing energy. Allow yourself to become embraced by this energy.
Breathe in and out deeply and relax. (pause 20 sec)
Allow yourself to feel a sense of wonder and joy as the beauty and colour of the meadow fills your body, releasing any negative
emotion, sickness or pain. As you walk in the meadow, visualise that your body touches the wildflowers. As they make contact
with your body, feel their energy enter into your ‘Being’. As if in a painting, feel their colours, the rich violets, pinks, yellows,
oranges and whites of the flowers enter into your body, and feel their colours come out through your hands. Visualise waving
your hands in the air, and as you move your hands about, feel the colours come out, as if your hands are a paintbrush. If your
Life is grey, visualise you changing the colour to a vibrant orange, a vibrant blue, yellow, pink and violet. Remove the negative
colours of your Life with the positive colours of nature. Breathe and relax. (pause 20 sec)
To the distance there is a small swirling orb of vibrant orange energy coming towards you. As it comes closer, feel it’s energy
enter into your Aura. Coming closer and closer towards you, feels it’s passion and joy enter into your feet, moving up your legs
and into your Base Chakra and then into your Sacral. Feel yourself swell up as this energy penetrates your body, your mind
and your soul. Allow yourself to see the beauty that is within you.
Feel the power and joy as you recognise your woman hood. Your body is beautiful just the way it is. Feel the energy enter into
your sexual organs. Realise the power and joy that is within you, because you are truly sacred. A woman's body has the gift of
creation. Women are creators of new Life. We are Goddesses. Even if we have not experienced in our physical lives yet, this
creation, we are still made that way. That power is still within us and will stay with us until we move on. If we have the ability to
create within our body, new Life, we also have the gift to create anything on any level, because that is the way we are made.
That is our gift. Feel the power and energy that is within your own body, breathe in and out and release that power within your
whole ‘Being’. Open yourself up to your own creativity, not on others, but on your own self.
Feel the energy circling your breasts and feel the sensations that come from these power centres. No matter how big or small
or scarred, they are still beautiful from within. These centres can provide food and substance to sustain Life for others, why not
invoke in them, the power and energy to sustain Life within you. What is it that you need in your Life to give you joy, happiness,
passion and Life?
To the distance there is a woman, a sacred medicine woman beating a drum. She is beating out the Heartbeat of your
existence. Allow the rhythm to enter into your body and open up your passion and you joy for Life.
Around you are many others just like you, feel their presence, not as a threat but as a sense of companionship and friendship.
Allow yourself to open up and experience the joy that they are feeling while ‘Being’ near you. Send loving energy out to these
special people.
Turn towards the Sun and give thanks for your body, for your mind and for your soul. Give thanks for Life, what has been and
what is to come. Honour your power as a woman and as a ‘Being’ that lives and grows on Mother Earth.
Send your energy outwards to heal and protect Mother Earth and all who reside upon her. Heal the past and set up healing for
the future generations. Let us all live together in harmony, peace and love. As women, let us send out passion, creativity and
Turn the negative colours that surround us and the Earth, and using our paintbrush, create a colourful and healing existence
that we all can live in. Breathe and relax.
Feel yourself become connected to the Earth and to the universe. Allow yourself to feel love flow through you and outwards
towards others and feel a sense of belonging.
Visualise healing love coming from your body and surrounding the Earth.
See the love cleanse, and heal the Earth.
Breathe and relax. It is time to return, give thanks to this sacred place, bid it farewell and come back to reality.
Allow yourself to slowly come back. Breathing slowly, open your eyes and wake yourself up.
Intro to Sacral Male Meditation
Make yourself comfortable, close your eyes. Feel your muscles in your body begin to relax. Take a breath in slowly, and
release the breath out slowly and deeply, relaxing even more. Take three more deep breaths in and out. Your body slowly
releases all of its tension and tightness as you sink deeper and deeper into relaxation. Feel the tension drain from your legs
out into Mother Earth
Take three deep breaths in and out. Feel the tension leave your pelvis. Feel your pelvic muscles relax and sink into the floor.
Sink deeper and deeper into relaxation. Take three deep breaths in and out. (10 sec pause)
Feel the tension slowly leave your lower back, traveling down your legs and out into Mother Earth. (10 sec pause)
Feel the tension leave your upper back and shoulders and slowly drain downwards, down through your legs and out into Mother
Earth. Take three deep breaths in and out. Your facial muscles become relaxed and your mouth slightly opens, breathing softly
as your head and neck releases it tension. Breathe slowly and deeply in and out. Your whole body is now totally relaxed. (10
sec pause)
Place your focus on your Heartbeat. Listen to your Heart beat and relax.
(10 sec pause) Breathe in and out slowly and deeply, all the time relaxing more and more - do not allow any noises to disturb
your relaxation, make them a part of your meditation. Allow stray thoughts to wander in and out of your mind, do not hold onto
any thoughts, let them flow off into the universe* (10 sec pause)
Count yourself down into total relaxation. Breathe slowly and silently
ten - nine -.eight - seven - six- five - four - three - two -one. Let yourself sink deeper and deeper. You are totally relaxed. Place
a shield of white, healing energy around your body, this energy will block out any negative influence. You are safe and
protected. You are ready for meditation. You are ready for Inner Healing.
As you are breathing, I want you to take yourself to a beautiful meadow. The Sun is warm and it is spring time. This is the time
of birth and new growth. All around you as far as the eye can see are wild flowers. To the distance there are large trees. These
trees radiate an auric green healing energy. Allow yourself to become embraced by this energy. Breathe in and out deeply and
Allow yourself to feel a sense of wonder and joy as the beauty and colour of the meadow fills your body, releasing any negative
emotion, sickness or pain. As you walk in the meadow visualise that your body touches the wildflowers. As they make contact
with your body, feel their energy enter into your ‘Being’. As if in a painting, feel their colours, the rich violets, pinks, yellows,
oranges and whites of the flowers enter into your body, and feel their colours come out through your hands. Visualise waving
your hands in the air, and as you move your hands about feel the colours come out as if your hands are a paintbrush. If your
Life is grey, visualise you changing the colour to a vibrant orange, a vibrant blue and yellow, pink and violet. Remove the
negative colours of your Life with the positive colours of nature. Breathe and relax.
To the distance there is a small swirling cone of vibrant orange energy coming towards you. As it comes closer, feel it’s energy
enter into your Aura. Coming closer and closer towards you, feels it’s passion and joy enter into your feet, moving up your legs
and into your Base Chakra and then into your Sacral. Feel yourself swell up as this energy penetrates your body, your mind
and your soul. Allow yourself to see the beauty that is within you.
Feel the power and joy as you recognise your male sexuality. Your body is beautiful just the way it is. Feel the energy enter into
your sexual organs. Realise the power and joy that is within you, because you are truly sacred. A Man’s body has the gift of
spreading the seed of Life given to him by our Mother Earth. Men are co creators of new Life. In your own right, you are truly
god’s. Feel the power and energy that is within your own body, breathe in and out and release that power within your whole
‘Being’. Open yourself up to your own creativity, not on others, but on your own self.
Feel the energy circling your Heart, your shoulders, travelling slowly done to your gentatils and feel the sensations that come
from these power centres.
To the distance there is a male , a sacred medicine man beating a drum. He is beating out the Heartbeat of your existence.
Allow the rhythm to enter into your body and open up your passion and you joy for Life.
Around you are many others just like you, feel their presence not as a threat but as a sense of companionship and friendship.
Allow yourself to open up and experience the joy that they are feeling while ‘Being’ near you. Send loving energy out to these
special people. Turn towards the Sun and give thanks for your body, for your mind and for your soul. Give thanks for Life, what
has been and what is to come. Honour your power as a man and as a ‘Being’ that lives and grows on Mother Earth.
Send your energy outwards to heal and protect Mother Earth and all who reside upon her. Heal the past and set up healing for
the future generations. Let us all live together in harmony, peace and love. As a man, send out passion, creativity and hope.
Turn the negative colours that surround us and the Earth, and using our paintbrush, create a colourful and healing existence
that we all can live in. Breathe and relax.
Feel yourself become connected to the Earth and to the Universe. Allow yourself to feel love flow through you and outwards
towards others and feel a sense of belonging. Visualise healing love coming from your body and surrounding the Earth. See the
love cleanse, and heal the Earth. Breathe and relax. It is time to return, give thanks to this sacred place, bid it farewell and
come back to reality. Allow yourself to slowly come back. Breathing slowly, open your eyes and wake yourself up.
The Solar Chakra
The Solar Chakra controls our will and our personal power. It also controls our upper intestines, upper back and spine. The
Solar activates our strength, our courage and our will to succeed, achieve and survive.
The Solar Chakra, when functioning negatively, can cause a person to be very fearful and suffer from a low self esteem making
them feel like they have very little self worth. They may allow others to push them around and control them and can become
very indecisive, fearing to make any decisions or commitments to anyone or anything.
Because the Solar governs the stomach, many ulcers and stomach di-orders are caused by stress that is created by excessive
worry. When this Chakra is not functioning properly, we become very fearful. We carry many burdens and worries for the future
and this can cause back problems. The old saying ‘whose burdens are you carrying on your back’ has a very symbolic meaning
to this Chakra centre. You can become a slave to others needs and wants, which is common when you are within a relationship
and have children. Your family or friends may not do it deliberately, but they can take away your own power because their needs
seem more important than yours at the time. This sets up negative patterns in how they allow their personal power to be taken
away from them. They allow their energy to flow towards others instead of empowering themselves. We can give out a little of
our power, but we can get into to a routine where we become relied upon. We all like to be needed by others. It makes us feel
good to have others that rely upon us, but we can get into the habit of giving all our power away and this is what causes us to
become weakened and ill emotionally and physically.
Some people go the opposite way with the power that comes from the Solar Chakra. They like to control others to an extent
that they become overbearing, controlling and manipulative. This is when they have recognised that their power may be
stronger than others. They pray on people whose centres are not functioning positively and these people have become Co-
dependent. This makes the person with too much power enjoy a sense of power and control over these types of people. Many
people who are overbearing choose people in their lives that they can control because it hides their own lack of self worth.
Many drug problems come from this centre, when not functioning positively. Also some overweight and underweight problems
manifest because people cover themselves in protection to hide away their low self esteem. We are a race of people of different
shapes and sizes, not all of us are built to be tall, slim and beautiful, but some people become so obsessed with their looks and
their bodies because of their own lack of self worth. It is good to have pride in yourself and wear things and do things positively
to your body, however we must do it for ourselves and not because of what others think of us. We have to learn to recognise
what are our needs and wants, and not what others expect out of us.
When functioning positively, we have a sense of our own self worth. We meet our own needs and then we give to others
without giving our own personal power away. We do not compromise on our own values because others do not believe in our
ways. We are neither controlling, manipulative, hard or weak. We find an equal balance in ourselves that makes us feel
secure. We make the right choices and decisions in a balanced and fair fashion. We associate with people who accept us for
who we are. We are confident and are able to express ourselves with honesty and integrity. We fight for our rights and we also
have a sense of what is wrong and what is right in Life. We speak the truth and we share our wisdom with others without over
shadowing another's view or Life style.
We are neither racial or judgmental. Many famous people who fight for the rights of others and try to make positive changes in
our world use their Solar Chakra in a positive and empowering way. We have all met people who, have in them, strength and a
strong vibrant personality that makes us want to make changes in ourselves and our world. We are all capable of ‘Being’ like
Through Inner Healing, we are able to open up the repressed emotions and feelings that we have buried inside. We are all
‘Spiritual warriors’. Inside us all is a strong, wise and loving individual that is capable of dealing with and healing any negative
situation we are facing. If we need strength and courage to face the day, we do not look at others, instead we look into
ourselves for this courage and wisdom. We must learn to accept responsibility for our own actions and in the way we deal with
our lives. We have to face up to the weaknesses that we have allowed into our lives. If someone has done wrong to us or hurts
us emotionally, then it was because we gave out an energy that said ‘hear I am hurt me’ I know this sounds harsh but if you
look deep into this, you will see the truth behind it.
We create our own actions and then others react to our actions Everybody in the world today has given away their personal
power. This is why the world is in such a mess. It is time to take back our personal power and our own inner wisdom.
This Chakra is also an Earth Base Chakra. Working on this Chakra will help us to stay focused, strong and grounded to our
beliefs, goals and dreams. This Chakra gives us the courage and will to face each day. We must open this Chakra to
meditation. With the Solar, we must learn to go within and focus on our own needs and wants.
Meditation slows the mind down and helps us to gain focus and clarity on our inner workings. This Chakra responds to soft
gentle music, sounds and movement, like walking and swimming. The Solar responds to water because water has a cleansing
and clearing effect.
A healthy diet, with only little amounts of meat, but a lot of fruits, vegetables and pasta help keep this area cleansed. A good
crystal to work with is the clear quartz crystal, fluorite, agate and chysophase. These crystals help to bring clarity, purification,
order and balance to this Chakra. They help to release any blockages and give you the wisdom behind why blockages had
By wearing yellow or having this colour in your environment, helps you to show the world that you are at peace with yourself.
This colour shows others that you are an individual who is strong in character, but gentle in Spirit. The Lion represents
leadership, control and self esteem. By focusing on this animal as your guide and protector you can invoke his Spirit into your
Intro for Solar Chakra Meditation
Lock the doors and take the phone of the hook. I want you to sit or lay down somewhere comfortable. Take deep, slow
cleansing breaths in and out.
By cleansing I mean as you inhale, visualise you are placing positive energy into your body, feel it entering inside of you and
sweeping over your whole body. As you are exhaling out, feel the negative energy leaving your body. Please note: Negative
energy is emotions like fear, pain, anger and illness Positive energy is feelings like warm tingling sensations. Feelings of love,
happiness, peacefulness and blissfulness.
Do this breathe work until you feel really calm and relaxed.
Feel the tension slowly lifting off your body, floating into your Aura and out into the Universe. Feel your body become heavy as
it relaxes. Going into a deeper relaxed state, feel your mind slowing down. Feel it become clear. Breathe in and out and relax.
Remove all the stress that is locked within your body. Tense your feet and then release. Breathe silently and softly in and out.
Tense your pelvic floor and relax.
Tense your shoulders, hold for a moment and then totally relax. Breathe in and out slowly relaxing your whole body. Breathe in
and out.
Clear your mind. Relax your body. Release any negative thoughts or feelings trapped within you. Breathe in and out and sink
deeper into relaxation.
Breathe in and out slowly and deeply, all the time relaxing more and more.
Do not allow any noises to disturb your relaxation, make them a part of your meditation. Allow stray thoughts to wander in and
out of your mind, do not hold onto any thoughts, let them flow off into the Universe* (10 sec pause)
Count yourself down into total relaxation.
Breathe slowly and silently
Ten - nine -.eight - seven - six- five - four - three - two -one
Let yourself sink deeper and deeper. You are totally relaxed
Place a shield of white, healing energy around your body. This energy will block out any negative influence.
You are safe and protected.
You are ready for meditation, you are ready for Inner Healing.
Before you is a large mountain top. This mountain is the highest mountain in the whole wide world. All around the mountain
there are trees are as high as large buildings. There are also wild plants and animals all around.
Stand on the top of this mountain. Feel the wondrous power that vibrates through you. You are on top of the world, looking out,
seeing trees, lakes and other mountains for miles and miles.
On the Mountain where you are standing, there is a large powerful eagle that sits up high on a tree. Merge with the eagle and
become one with him. As he takes off in flight, feel yourself rising with him and soar through the skies without any care, fear or
worry. Open your personal will and strength and unite it with the eagle’s. You are as one. As you as the eagle flies higher
towards the Sun, visualise that the rays of yellow light that come from the Sun enter into your body and heal you with its power
and wisdom.
Visualise that you see a great vibrant mass of yellow energy coming at you like an orb. Feel it merge with you, exploding and
surrounding your whole body with energy. Allow yourself to feel the heat that comes from this orb of light. Feel it surround you,
making you feel alive and empowered with energy. Visualise that the energy is travelling up your feet and into your lower back
and stomach. Feel the warmth that enters into you. Feel the energy travel into your back and become aware of any sensations
that you feel. Feel the energy reconnect with your Solar Chakra and feel the warmth that occurs when it enters. Visualise this
energy re-vitalising your depleted energy. Feel it open up your sense of power, will and courage. For a moment, allow any
sensations to emerge good or bad. Visualise that this energy is clearing and cleansing your Chakra. Allow the energy to
remove all that is stopping you from feeling strong, self empowered and courageous.
Bring your awareness to your Solar Chakra
Feel the energy that comes from this centre. Allow yourself to see into your Solar Chakra as if you are seeing into a spiral of
energy spinning around and around. Breathe in and out deeply and focus all your attention to your Solar. Allow any thoughts or
visions to enter into your mind. Go with them and allow them to pass through your mind and out to the universe. Feel yourself
going deeper and deeper into a relaxed state. Visualise that you are entering into the spiral of energy that is your Solar Chakra.
Allow yourself to merge into the spiral as if you are entering into Sun. Go deeper and deeper into your energy centre.
Breathing deeply in and out allow yourself to just exist there. No thoughts, no feelings. Just exist.
Visualise seeing yourself exiting from your Solar Chakra. Slowly bring yourself back and become aware of your breath. Now
bring yourself back and become aware of your Heart beat. Bring yourself back and allow yourself to become aware of the
music. Slowly allow yourself to rise and become aware of your surroundings. Slowly wriggle your toes, then your legs, then your
shoulders, your hands and slowly open your eyes.
The Heart Chakra
The Heart Chakra is situated in and around the Heart area of our physical body. The Heart pumps the flow of blood that is
needed to keep us alive. Without the Heart we cannot function on the physical plain. The physical Heart controls many other
parts of the body. The blood which is pumped through to the Heart rushes through our veins and arteries and feeds our body
with nutrients and oxygen to sustain our well-’Being’. The Heart is what we call the main centre or control panel for our body.
The Heart also governs the lungs. We need our lungs to breathe in the Life Force energy of oxygen and Chi. Without oxygen
or Chi energy, our physical bodies would die.
On a physical level we have problems with our Heart, blood, circulation and the vessels that carry the blood. This also effects all
the surrounding tissue, muscles, nerves and bones.
The Heart Chakra functions on our emotions, our feelings and how we express them towards ourselves and to others. How we
think gets turned into how we behave with our feelings. When someone has acted badly towards us, the mind processes these
actions and then sends these waves of information to our Heart centre, which in turn, sends them out as feelings of anger, fear
or betrayal. When someone tells us that we are beautiful, our mind sends these messages to the mind and the brain sends
them to our Heart centre and we experience feelings of love, joy and happiness, in return we emanate this energy out into our
Aura toward others. When we smile and radiate love outwards, the whole world smiles back at us. It is the same when we are
in a negative mood. The same energy comes outwards and lashes onto those around us. We have to learn just how powerful
our feelings are, not only to ourselves, but to everyone we encounter.
On a Spiritual level, when one person is negative and sends that negativity out, others who have vulnerable Heart centres, and
lets be honest I think we all suffer from a vulnerable Heart centre, connects to this energy, and it feeds their soul and creates a
global network of negativity. That is why the world is filled with so much negativity, so much hatred and racism and also a lack
of love and respect for our Mother Earth.
How we think is how we become. How we feel is how we react. Reactions are what caused good and bad changes in our lives
There are many types of love that are created from this centre. The first is the love that we have for our children, our friends,
outside family and our lovers. This love comes from a sense on wanting and needing these people in our lives. We love and
cherish our children because they are a part of us, we created them and we want what is best for them. We want to cherish
them and protect them from all evil. This is natural. However, sometimes this energy becomes so conditional that we put too
many expectations on to our loved ones. We can sMother them and over protect them.
The love we feel for our children should have some conditions, but it should also be unconditional as well. The love we feel for
our partners is a love as they say has captured our Hearts. Each of us are separate ‘’Being’s’. ‘Separate Universes’, when we
meet another, we collide and one becomes two. Our ways and their ways are different and this causes dramas and pain. We
expect too much from the other and they do the same to us as well. We have to learn to love and accept each other in our own
separate ways. We have to learn how to find a middle road when we are involved with another person emotionally. You cannot
make this type of love unconditional, but through compassion, understanding and acceptance, you can make it more fulfilling
and whole.
The Heart centre governs and supports our feelings both negative and positive in the conditional love area. A lot of Spiritual
people have a hard time when they decide to become healers and Spiritualist on the unconditional level. You cannot mix
unconditional love with conditional love. It is like mixing oil and water. We live in a society that has rules and regulations as well
as moral obligations. Conditional love was created from this society. We have Based these ideals on the ways we were
taught. It is very hard to make sudden changes from conditional too unconditional because we are evolving rather quickly
Spiritually. We think that this area will move into the Spirit at the same pace. This is wrong. We have to slowly and gently move
forward. Our feelings are so sensitive that kid gloves are needed and when we try and push too hard, we fail and that failure
leads us to walk away from the Spirit. There is nothing that you can do, or any pills or healing that will help rush you. You have
to find a middle road with these two loves. Allow them to take you to your own personal level of awareness. Give it time and
they will emerge together to create a very powerful and uplifting experience, that will carry you on the wings of healing.
Unconditional love is all about acceptance, joy, happiness, Spiritual fulfillment, healing and wisdom. With unconditional love
you do not control or take away from others, instead you give out positive, uplifting and healing love, both to yourselves and to
others. This love, when functioning properly will heal yourself, your family, friends and even the world. It will take away any
pain, sickness or emotional trauma that you have had in your past and in your present You future will come alive with healing
and new love.
When functioning on the negative, this Chakra makes it hard for us to feel any real emotions. You feel your lovers, children,
family and friends will not offer any richness or reward in your Life. When this centre is fragile it becomes vulnerable to pain,
fear, sickness and a lack of Life. We suffer from envy, jealousy, hatred and closed Heartedness. We become dramatic and all
turn into drama queens demanding attention but refusing to give out in return. The world owes me, but I owe the world nothing
in return.
When functioning in the positive, this centre offers us real love, real friendships and true joy for those that are a part of us. We
become spontaneous with our emotions. Our Hearts are full and we want to share that love with anyone who wishes to feel it’s
presence. We are kind, supportive, caring and understanding of others and their ways. We accept others and love them for who
they really are. We lean to love and appreciate our Mother Earth and all of her creatures. We embrace the brotherhood and
sisterhood of mankind, by accepting all ‘Being’s and loving them the way they deserve to be loved and honoured.
Love brings peace to the world and all the conflict that is going on in this time of awareness. Love brings harmony that stops all
the conflicts that are raging at this time. Love brings about healing on all levels and in all areas of our Life. The Heart centre
functions both in the physical and the Spiritual levels. It belongs both on Mother Earth and in the heavens. This centre loves
and appreciates music, dance, yoga, self expression and drumming. The drum is like a Heart beat and this centre responds to
the vibrations that come from the drum. It helps to realign your internal rhythm, making you strong and connected to your own
self and to the Earth we live upon. This centre also loves trees and anything that gives off a green energy. Trees hold the
wisdom and healing knowledge of our wonderful Earth. Our roots and our connections all come from the knowledge and
healing that these ‘Being’s have to offer. The colour green also allows you to have an Earthly existence.
This colour creates your identify and also heals you with its connections to the Earth. Green is a powerful healing energy that
helps you to release and heal in a way that you gain Spiritual understanding. The colour Pink is also used to help you heal this
centre when you need a gentle caring and nurturing energy. The stone people have also provided a very loving and powerful
crystal called Rose Quartz. The rose quartz promotes a gentle healing energy for those who have a lot of emotional trauma and
need a more softer and gentler approach to their pain. All these tools are provided from the Earth and from our creator. When
we use them all combined together we create total healing, for ourselves and for the world.
Intro to Heart Meditation
Make yourself comfortable, close your eyes. Feel your muscles in your body begin to relax. Take a breath in slowly, and
release the breath out slowly and deeply, relaxing even more. Take three more deep breaths in and out. Your body slowly
releases all of its tension and tightness as you sink deeper and deeper into relaxation. Feel the tension drain from your legs out
into Mother Earth.
Take three deep breaths, in and out. Feel the tension leave your pelvis, feel your pelvic muscles relax and sink into the floor.
Sink deeper and deeper into relaxation. Take three deep breaths in and out. (10 sec pause)
Feel the tension slowly leave your lower back, traveling down your legs and out into Mother Earth - (10 sec pause)
Feel the tension leave your upper back and shoulders and slowly drain downwards, down through your legs and out into
Mother Earth. Take three deep breaths in and out. Your facial muscles become relaxed and your mouth slightly opens,
breathing softly as your head and neck releases it tension. Breathe slowly and deeply in and out. Your whole body is now totally
relaxed. (10 sec pause)
Place your focus on your Heartbeat. Listen to your Heart beat and relax.
(10 sec pause)
Breathe in and out slowly and deeply, all the time relaxing more and more, do not allow any noises to disturb your relaxation,
make them a part of your meditation. Allow stray thoughts to wander in and out of your mind, do not hold onto any thoughts, let
them flow off into the universe* (10 sec pause)
Count yourself down into total relaxation, breathe slowly and silently.
Ten - nine -.eight - seven - six- five -four - three - two -one.
Place a shield of white healing energy around your body, this energy will block out any negative influence, you are safe, and
Let yourself sink deeper and deeper, you are totally relaxed, you are ready for meditation, you are ready for Inner Healing.
The secret of true love lies in the way that we look at ourselves and our environment. Visualise a beautiful blue sky on a clear
day and feel this warmth and energy pour into your Heart and swell up inside of you, making you feel energised and alive. Feel
a sense of warmth and reach out and show your affection to all living ‘Being’s. You will know true love, and when you do, you
will truly heal yourself and your world.
Today let us enter into a beautiful rain forest that is filled with the healing, loving energy of Mother Nature. Let us walk amongst
the plants and animals. Let us look up to the skies and capture that feeling of peace and stillness as the breeze brushes our
faces in affection as we meditate on our Hearts and bring healing into our lives.
Bring your awareness to your Heart Chakra
Feel the energy that comes from this centre. Allow yourself to see into your Heart Chakra as if you are seeing into a spiral of
energy spinning around and around. Breathe in and out deeply and focus all your attention to your Heart. Allow any thoughts or
visions to enter into your mind. Go with them and allow them to pass through your mind and out to the Universe. Feel yourself
going deeper and deeper into a relaxed state. Visualise that you are entering into the spiral of energy that is your Heart Chakra.
Allow yourself to merge into the spiral as if you are entering into the forest. Go deeper and deeper into your energy centre.
Breathing in and out deeply, allow yourself to just exist there. No thoughts, no feelings. Just exist.
Visualise that you see a great vibrant mass of Green healing energy coming at you like an orb. Feel it hit you with a gentle
warmth, exploding like rain drops and surrounding your whole body with energy. Allow yourself to feel the heat that comes from
this Green orb of healing light.
Feel it surround you, making you feel alive and empowered with energy. Visualise that the energy is travelling up your feet and
into your lower back and stomach, visualise it travelling up and into your Heart. Feel the warmth that enters into you. Feel the
energy travel into your Heart and become aware of any sensations that you feel. Feel the energy reconnect with your Heart
Chakra and feel the warmth that occurs when it enters into your Heart. Visualise this energy re-vitalising your depleted energy
banks. Feel it open up your sense of love, compassion, joy and freedom. For a moment, allow any sensations to emerge, good
or bad. Visualise that this energy is clearing and cleansing your Heart Chakra. Allow the energy to remove all that is stopping
you from feeling happy, well and grounded.
Visualise seeing yourself exiting from your Heart Chakra.
Slowly bring yourself back and become aware of your breath. Now bring yourself back and become aware of your Heart beat.
Bring yourself back and allow yourself to become aware of the music.
Slowly allow yourself to rise and become aware of your surroundings. Slowly wriggle your toes, then your legs, then your
shoulders, your hands and slowly open your eyes.
The Throat Chakra
The Throat Chakra is situated in the neck area of the body. On a physical level, this Chakra governs the Throat, thyroid, mouth,
teeth, tongue, and jaw.
The physical problems that we have on this level are; sore Throats, tonsillitis, over and under active thyroids that can lead to a
lack of energy, vitality, overweight and underweight problems.
This Chakra governs what we place into our body with food and other substances. We use the Throat to eat and drink. If we
place unhealthy things into this centre, it can cause the rest of our body to become out of balance. On other levels like the
emotional and Spiritual this can cause confusement and blockages to our creativity and our emotions, because this centre also
governs our creativity. Sometimes having a bad diet and abusing it with drugs and alcohol can cause problems in this area.
However, when we place healthy substances into this area, we can create healing, which can enhance our verbal creativity.
We come alive and vocally vibrant in what we say and how we act.
On an emotional level, this Chakra governs the aspects of communication, willpower, truthfulness and creativity. If we cannot
express ourselves through our voice to others, we can become reclusive, shy and retreating in nature. In the extreme side, we
can become loud and overly verbal which can cause us to become aggressive, overbearing and deceitful. All these problems
can cloud our self expression. This can make us hide our true selves away from others.
The Throat Chakra centre is very sensitive and can become unbalanced at an early age. As babies, the only way we could
communicate our needs to our parents was through crying and screaming. We did not know how to communicate in any other
way. If we were chastised and ignored, our needs were not met and this caused our Throat Chakra to start closing down. The
cycle of conditioning had begun. Our true self expression was starting to become denied.
As young children, we were loud and vocal, running around screaming and yelling and enjoying Life without the restrictions that
adults have. However, our parents and elders found us too loud and made us become quiet and this too caused our self
expression to close down even more. Throughout our childhood we have had to suppress our true expression. Which shut down
sections of our true creativity.
As adults, we have been suppressed by all the conditions that were placed on us while we were growing up. We have become
so conditioned not to express our true selves, that we no longer know who is the real person we truly are.
We have to learn how to re-open our spontaneous reactions, and verbal expressions to find our true creativity. To find the true
The positive attributes of the Throat Chakra on the emotional level are; when we speak the truth, know the truth and act upon
that truth. In a way, what we say can sometimes determine to the outside world what they think of us. Through our verbal
actions we express our true ‘Being’. Our personality shines outwards for the world to see, through spoken communication.
The Throat Chakra also governs our voice. Through our voice we can speak either truth or lies. When we speak in truth, we
live in truth. When we speak in lies, we live in lies. When we act and communicate in a suppressed and negative state, our
living environment lacks lustre and creativity. When we are open and creative, our living environment becomes open and
creative as well.
On a Spiritual level this Chakra governs freedom and expression. This is a type of freedom where we are fully opened and can
communicate with all ‘Being’s and Spirits. On a Spiritual level the Throat Chakra governs the doorway to peace on Earth.
How? By communicating with all ‘Being’s we learn the truth, and when we learn the truth, we live the truth.
The colour that responds to this Chakra is turquoise or pale blue. When we look up at the sky, we see a beautiful blue colour.
The colour blue vibrates an energy through the body that embraces the ideals of openness and the unlimited freedom that is
available to all us. Blue embodies a sense of self expression. Blue is the colour of wisdom, healing and freedom.
We have been granted the gift of sound that comes from our vocal cords and up through the Throat. This sound turns into
words and singing. Through using the voice in song, we can create a vibration that travels through our whole body. This sound
and rhythm enters into our soul and clears away negative energy blockages that accumulate when we are sick or under
emotional stress. Through song, we are able to heal the body in a creative and inspiring way.
Through the use of words that are creative and uplifting like poetry and story telling we are able to inspire ourselves and others.
When the Throat Chakra is functioning in a positive manner, we are able to communicate words and verbal rhythms that send
out loving and positive vibrations to the world. These vibrations and energies enter other ‘Being’s and inspires them to feel
positive and uplifted. Not only does song and poetry heal us, it can also heal the whole planet.
It is also important to recognise this energy centre as a major emotional and Spiritual healing tool. We open our mouths to
breathe in Life giving air, we open our mouths to release out stale negative air. On a Spiritual level we use a method of
breathing for releasing any negative or emotional trauma, Breathe in Life, breathe out death, breathe in love, breathe out hate.
This Chakra is vital for healing work that uses the release method.
When we express ourselves in an honest, loving and creative way, we create a positive and uplifting enjoyment of our lives that
enriches our whole ‘Being’. We have a reason for living. That reason is to gain the most out of our lives. Through Inner Healing
with creative visualisation we can learn to open this centre up to our true potential. With singing, storytelling and poetry we can
learn about our creativity. A good stone ‘Being’ that we can use on this Chakra is agate, especially blue lace agate. You can
also use the amethyst quartz to provide you with inspiration. Any crystal that has a blue in its body will enhance your self
expression. The agate family provide you with the power to cleanse and clear out any blockages. The quartz provides clarity
and understanding.
Intro to Throat Chakra Meditation
Make yourself comfortable, close your eyes. Feel your muscles in your body begin to relax.
Take a breath in slowly, and release the breath out, slowly and deeply, relaxing even more. Take three more deep breaths in
and out.
Your body slowly releases all of its tension and tightness as you sink deeper and deeper into relaxation.
Feel the tension drain from your legs out into Mother Earth.
Take three deep breaths in and out.
Feel the tension leave your pelvis, feel your pelvic muscles relax and sink into the floor
Sink deeper and deeper into relaxation.
Take three deep breaths in and out. (10 sec pause)
Feel the tension slowly leave your lower back, traveling down your legs and out into Mother Earth. (10 sec pause)
Feel the tension leave your upper back and shoulders and slowly drain downwards, down through your legs and out into Mother
Take three deep breaths in and out.
Your facial muscles become relaxed and your mouth slightly opens, breathing softly as your head and neck releases it tension.
Breathe slowly and deeply in and out.
Your whole body is now totally relaxed. (10 sec pause)
Place your focus on your Heartbeat. Listen to your Heart beat and relax.
(10 sec pause)
Breathe in and out slowly and deeply, all the time relaxing more and more.
Do not allow any noises to disturb your relaxation, make them a part of your meditation.
Allow stray thoughts to wander in and out of your mind, do not hold onto any thoughts, let them flow off into the universe* (10
sec pause)
Place a shield of white, healing energy around your body - this energy will block out any negative influence - you are safe
and protected
Count yourself down into total relaxation. Breathe slowly and silently.
ten - nine -.eight - seven - six- five - four - .three - two -one.
Let yourself sink deeper and deeper, you are totally relaxed, you are ready for meditation, you are ready for Inner Healing.
‘Being’ able to talk to your fellow man is not enough. True expression comes when you can communicate with all of nature. Her
plants and her animals as well.
Visualise that you are on a boat in the middle of the ocean. Allow yourself to feel the motions of the boat rocking back and
forth. The Sun is warm and it cleanses your body and makes you fell energised and relaxed. Immerse yourself in this
High in the sky there are seagulls drifting and floating. They squawk to one another as they float by. All around us are dolphins
and whales swimming and playing about in the water. As you lay on the boat, open yourself to their language and allow yourself
to connect to these wonderful ‘Being’s.
Immerse yourself into the water and become one with the whales and the dolphins. Communicate on their level
Bring your awareness to your Throat Chakra
Feel the energy that comes from this centre. Allow yourself to see into your Throat Chakra as if you are seeing into a spiral of
energy spinning around and around. Breathe in and out deeply and focus all your attention to your Throat. Allow any thoughts
or visions to enter into your mind. Go with them and allow them to pass through your mind and out to the universe. Feel
yourself going deeper and deeper into a relaxed state. Visualise that you are entering into the spiral of energy that is your
Throat Chakra. Allow yourself to merge into the spiral as if you are entering into the ocean. Go deeper and deeper into your
energy centre. Breathing in and out deeply, allow yourself to just exist there. No thoughts, no feelings. Just exist.
Visualise that you see a vibrant orb of Blue healing energy coming towards you. Feel it spread all over you you, gently exploding
and surrounding your whole body with energy. Allow yourself to feel the heat that comes from this orb. Feel it surround you,
making you feel alive and empowered with energy. Visualise that the energy is travelling up your feet and into your lower back
and stomach and travelling up to your Heart and up further into your Throat and lungs. Feel the warmth that enters into you.
Feel the energy travel into your Throat and become aware of any sensations that you feel. Feel the energy reconnect with your
Throat Chakra and feel the warmth that occurs when it enters into your Throat. Visualise this energy re-vitalising your depleted
energy. Feel it open up your sense of communication. Expression and honesty. For a moment allow any sensations to emerge
good or bad. Visualise that this energy is clearing and cleansing your Chakra. Allow the energy to remove all that is stopping
you from feeling happy, well and balanced.
Visualise seeing yourself exiting from your Throat Chakra. Slowly bring yourself back and become aware of your breath. Now
bring yourself back and become aware of your Heart beat. Bring yourself back and allow yourself to become aware of the
music. Slowly allow yourself to rise and become aware of your surroundings. Slowly wriggle your toes, then your legs, then
your shoulders, your hands and slowly open your eyes.
The Third Eye Chakra
The Brow or Third Eye Chakra is situated in the middle of the forehead. On a physical level, this Chakra governs the pituitary
glands, the skull, eyes, the brain and the nervous system. It also governs our senses, like sight, smell, taste and touch. The
Third Eye Chakra also governs the pituitary glands, nervous system and the brain that governs the energy waves that send
messages to the rest of the body. The skull protects the brain from outside interference and the eyes give us the ability to see
on the physical. If this Chakra is unbalanced, our physical state of existence can become confused. This can send our body into
a state of disarray. Sickness is sometimes caused by the way we think. If the energy waves from our brain and pituitary does
not flow in a positive and balanced direction, we can suffer all sorts of mysterious aliments. We can also suffer a lot of
headaches, sinus, nasal problems and dis-ease within the brain and the skull because we are not living in the physical sense,
instead we are in the head always thinking and worrying about the future instead of living in the now.
We can also suffer from different types of mental dis-orders that are caused through our nervous system. This is because the
cord and energy that runs inside within the nervous system is blocked. This causes a build up of energy in certain areas of the
body. We become weak and lose co-ordination in our body because the body is not receiving the right messages. Our senses
of smell and taste can also become un-balanced. Also our emotions can cause our senses of touching and communication
through affection with others to become unbalanced as well. We can also suffer eye problems because we are refusing to see
the truth to some situation, or we fear seeing something in case it causes changes in our lives.
When functioning positively, we have good co-ordination and reflexes. We feel at peace within ourselves and we function
positively on the emotional and physical level. We suffer very little from sickness and stress because our organs that this
Chakra governs, are healthy and flowing with a balanced amount of energy. They call this Chakra the control panel for the entire
mind, body and Spirit. Here everything is processed before any actions or reactions take place. On an emotional level, this
Chakra governs discernment, knowledge, intuition and wisdom. When functioning positively, we are able to look at Life from a
balanced point of view. We are open to learning, which provides stimulus that makes our Life more fulfilling. They say the brain
governs our emotions. I do not entirely believe this scientific point of view, however, when the brain waves are dis-orientated, it
can cause us to suffer mental illnesses like depression, stress and worry.
When functioning positively, we are clear in our thoughts and focused within or actions and we are open to further learning and
growth. We enjoy learning and we take that knowledge and apply it to our everyday lives through action, and will power. We are
also able to deal with any emotional issues or dramas that may arise within our lives. Because our senses are functioning
positively, we are able to use our senses to foretell any possible dramas and problems that we may face in the future. Our
intuition is high and balanced and we are able to tell fact from fiction.
This area also governs our dream state, our subconscious and our imagination. When these areas are functioning positively,
we sleep deeply and peacefully and we are open to dreams that educate us and send messages that foretell of future events.
With our imagination, we are able to focus on positive awake dreams that set up our future in a way that brings us happiness,
healing and rewards. With our subconscious, we are able to program our minds to function in the way we want it too. We have
full control of our bodies and our emotions.
When functioning negatively, we are always in our heads. We constantly worry and suffer fears and phobias for the future. We
can become critical and analytical, always judging others. We suffer a lack of control over our lives and we can become stupid,
refusing to listen and learn. We only focus on negative situations and in our imagination, we create dramas. Our dream state
can become filled with nightmares. We can become too intellectual, insisting on learning through books instead of experiencing
the wisdom gained from Life itself. We live only for the future instead of living Life from the present. We allow ourselves to
suffer from events in our past that hinders our growth for the present.
On the Spiritual level, this Chakra governs our open awareness of our sixth senses. The Third Eye opens you up to other
worlds, other ‘Being’s and other senses like clairvoyance, which is the ability to see into the future. Clairaudience which is the
ability to be able to hear Spirit voices and other vibrational frequencies that cannot be heard by the normal ear.
When functioning negatively, we tend to criticize any Spiritual beliefs. We do not believe in the magic of Life that is present in
our Universe. We can become critical, skeptical and harsh in the way we look at the world. When functioning positively, we trust
in Life and the Universal process that governs our existence here on this plane. We are open to the realms and planes of
consciousness that reside along side our world. We communicate to ‘Being’s and we have an understanding of the soul. We
are able to leave our bodies and venture into the past and the future to set up positive events and healing. We sense people
and their thoughts and feelings through psychic waves of energies that flow through all living ‘Being’s. We are open,
spontaneous and alive with Life Force energy. We think thoughts, we dream dreams and we set up patterns that we know can
create healing and well-’Being’ within our lives. We see beyond illusion.
The colour that is associated with this energy centre is violet to purple. These colours vibrate an energy that opens up our
intuition and imagination. These colours stimulate the brain to function in a balanced way that helps with education and
There are many crystals that enhance this Chakras energy. Lapis opens you up to the Stars and beyond. Azurite and
malachite enhance your psychic abilities. Amethyst quartz brings clarity, wisdom and enhances all your skills that are needed
on all levels.
Meditation and gentle subliminal music help to keep this centre focused and balanced in times of stress and worry. Exercise like
walking and swimming can also help a person to get out of their head and into their body. The saying ‘stop thinking and start
feeling’ is a good affirmation to do each day to help solve problems, fears and doubts. All is well with this Chakra when you
sleep well, think positively and have good dreams and goals for the future. You love to learn and you are open to different
ideals about metaphysics. You can sense danger and have gut feelings and thoughts on future events. The Third Eye
embraces wisdom that goes beyond illusion to awaken clarity that brings enlightenment.
Intro - For the Third Eye Meditation
Make yourself comfortable. Close your eyes. Take a deep cleansing breath in, and breathe out, breathe in, breathe out, relax
your body, relax your mind.
Breathe in and out slowly and deeply, all the time relaxing more and more. Do not allow any noises to disturb your relaxation,
make them a part of your meditation. Allow stray thoughts to wander in and out of your mind, do not hold onto any thoughts, let
them flow off into the universe* (10 sec pause)
Slow your mind down. Bring yourself into a state of total relaxation. Lift away the dust from your soul. Allow positive, Life
cleansing energy the right to enter into your body. Give it free passage to your Heart. Breathe slowly and softly in and out
relaxing your mind and your body.
Empty your mind of all emotions. Try and feel none of the negative feelings that hinder your growth.
Empty your mind of any negative thoughts that make you believe the worst in yourself and in your fellow man. Allow yourself to
just drift like a white cloud in a bright blue sky.
Breathe in, breathe out, your mind is slowing down, your body is beginning to relax.
Breathe in, breathe out.
‘I watch as I release my tension, fear, anger and worry leave my body on a wave of healing energy’.
Count yourself down into total relaxation. Breathe slowly and silently.
Ten - nine -.eight - seven - six - five -four - three - two - one Let yourself sink deeper and deeper.
Place a shield of white, healing energy around your body. This energy will block out any negative influence. You are safe and
You are totally relaxed. You are ready for meditation, you are ready for Inner Healing.
Today let us venture into our own minds, as if we are venturing into a cave that has hidden corners and secret passage ways. I
want you to allow your imagination to have full rein while you are in this cave. Allow any pictures, thoughts and feelings come in
and fade out again. See into your past and open your senses of awareness. See if they are any fairy tales that reside within
this cave or any fictional characters. See how these fairy tales represent you and your Life in some way. Allow yourself to think
whatever thoughts come through. Enter into the cave, use your Third Eye to light the way with a white glow. Go deeper into
the cave. You are safe and well and have nothing to fear.
Bring your awareness to your Third Eye Chakra
Feel the energy that comes from this centre. Allow yourself to see into your Third Eye Chakra as if you are seeing into a spiral of
energy spinning around and around. Breathe in and out deeply and focus all your attention to your mind. Allow any thoughts or
visions to enter into your mind. Go with them and allow them to pass through your mind and out to the Universe.
Feel yourself going deeper and deeper into a relaxed state. Visualise that you are entering into the spiral of energy that is your
Third Eye Chakra. Allow yourself to merge into the spiral as if you are entering into the cave. Go deeper and deeper into your
Third Eye energy centre. Breathing in and out deeply, allow yourself to just exist there. No thoughts, no feelings Just exist.
Visualise that you see a vibrant orb of purple energy coming towards you. Feel it spread all over you you, gently exploding and
surrounding your whole body with energy. Allow yourself to feel the heat that comes from this orb. Feel it surround you, making
you feel alive and empowered with energy. Visualise that the energy is travelling up your feet and into your lower back and
stomach and travelling up to your Heart and up further into your Throat and lungs until it reaches your head. Feel the warmth
that enters into you. Feel the energy travel into your Third Eye and become aware of any sensations that you feel. Feel the
energy reconnect with your Third Eye Chakra and feel the warmth that occurs when it enters into your mind. Visualise this
energy re-vitalising your depleted energy. Feel it open up your senses of sight, smell, touch and total awareness. For a
moment, allow any sensations to emerge good or bad. Visualise that this energy is clearing and cleansing your Chakra. Allow
the energy to remove all that is stopping you from feeling happy, well and balanced.
Now visualise seeing yourself exiting from your Third Eye Chakra.
Slowly bring yourself back and become aware of your breath. Now bring yourself back and become aware of your Heart beat.
Bring yourself back and allow yourself to become aware of the music.
Slowly allow yourself to rise and become aware of your surroundings.
Slowly wriggle your toes, then your legs, then your shoulders, your hands and slowly open your eyes.
The Crown
The Crown Chakra is situated at the top of the head. This Chakra governs parts of the spinal cord, the stem of the brain, the
pain centre of the brain and parts of the nerves. When people become sick and suffer a lot of pain that they cannot handle, it is
because the energy flow is blocked to this Chakra. A lot of people are able to control their pain fresh hold levels by focusing on
this Chakra and flowing Chi energy through to block the pain.
The Crown Chakra is the centre used to focused breathing that shuts the pain senses down. This is because it governs the
organs and nerve centres that control our pain.
When not functioning properly on a physical level, this Chakra causes a loss of control over a person’s ability to live and interact
with the world. Some people suffer from dis-eases that cause them to lose mobility. Some of the problems that come from this
Chakra are blindness, deafness, paraplegics, loss of limbs and any disease that attacks the nervous system, brain stem and
spinal cord. There is a loss of energy flow and more so belief, which causes this Chakra to become unbalanced.
This Chakra is the Chakra that can create miracles. If you believe and have hope, working with this Chakra can bring about true
healing on any level.
When functioning positively on the physical level, you will feel alive and filled with Spiritual energy. Your health is radiant and
your are strong in mind, body and Spirit.
The Crown is at the very top of the body. As the Base Chakra connects us to Mother Earth, the Crown Chakra connects us to
the heavens, to the Stars and beyond. The sky and all the power and wisdom that belongs to our Higher Mind. This Chakra is
truly an amazing Life Force energy channel for healing and Spiritual awakening.
This Chakra governs the connection that we have to the Divine. The Crown Chakra embodies belief, unconditional love and
When we believe, we are open to learning. When we learn, we open ourselves to Life’s experiences that challenge us to grow
and evolve into better people.
When we open ourselves to unconditional love, we allow ourselves to love and accept all ‘Being’s. We are free from judgement
and we are non racial to others and their beliefs. We embrace the concept that we are a part of every living thing that exists. If
you believe in God, the Creator or Great Spirit, you believe that these ‘Being’s are apart of you. With unconditional love, you
are ready to accept other cultures and their beliefs. You embrace the concept of Brotherhood and Sisterhood. Beauty is within.
We are all beautiful. When we truly open our Hearts and our eyes, we see the beauty in all Life. We are able to look at others
who suffer from defects and scars with love and compassion, instead of embarrassment and pity. We are able to focus on the
beauty rather then the scaring. In fact, a lot of us do not recognise afflictions on people unless pointed out to us.
On a Spiritual level, the Crown Chakra is our connection to healing and Life Force energy. This centre is connected to your
Higher Mind. Your Higher Mind is the part of you that knows all the answers. You are able to communicate to the trees, the
animals and to Mother Earth herself.
When you open this Chakra up, you can channel through Spirits from different Planes, Aliens and many more ‘Being’s that
communicate on this level. This Chakra can also send healing energy down through to the other Chakras in the body.
Telepathy is a form of communicating messages to other people. If you find that you can sense a friend or family member trying
to make contact with you, it is because your Crown Chakra is opened and you are using this centre to send out and receive
The Crown Chakra is like a transmitter to the whole Universe. If you send out thoughts, ideals, dreams and goals through this
Chakra, you will be heard and a lot of the times your prayers are answered. However, you must learn to open this Chakra to do
this. I found through doing Reiki, I was able to send out healing and also set up positive outcomes to events in my Life through
using this Chakra as a transmitter. Now I use it all the time to help myself, my friends and my family and most importantly
Mother Earth.
There are two major colours that you can use with this Chakra. One is purple and the other is white. White represents all the
colours combined together. So all the energies that exist with all the colours flow and vibrate a powerful healing frequency
through this Chakra. White is divine, pure, honest and brings re birth.
Through Inner Healing and deep meditation, we are able to unlock our true potential.
The Clear quartz crystal is one of the most powerful crystals on Earth. It promotes clarity and transmits energy that opens us up
to all the wisdom of the universe. This crystal is very powerful when focused on the Crown Chakra.
Intro - For the Crown Chakra Meditation
(This is to be used before each meditation)
Make yourself comfortable. Close your eyes. Take a deep cleansing breath in, and breathe out. Breathe in, breathe out. Relax
your body, relax your mind.
Breathe in and out slowly and deeply, all the time relaxing more and more. Do not allow any noises to disturb your relaxation,
make them a part of your meditation. Allow stray thoughts to wander in and out of your mind, do not hold onto any thoughts, let
them flow off into the universe* (10 sec pause)
Slow your mind down. Bring yourself into a state of total relaxation. Lift away the dust from your soul. Allow positive Life
cleansing energy the right to enter into your body. Give it free passage to your Heart. Breathe slowly and softly in and out
relaxing your mind and your body.
Empty your mind of all emotions. Try and feel none of the negative feelings that hinder your growth.
Empty your mind of any negative thoughts that make you believe the worst in yourself and in your fellow man. Allow yourself to
just drift like a white cloud in a bright blue sky. breathe in, breathe out. Your mind is slowing down. Your body is beginning to
relax. Breathe in, breathe out.
‘I watch as I release my tension, fear, anger and worry leave my body on a wave of healing energy’.
Count yourself down into total relaxation - breathe slowly and silently.
Ten - nine -.eight - seven - six- five -four -.three - two -one.
Place a shield of white, healing energy around your body. This energy will block out any negative influence, you are safe and
Let yourself sink deeper and deeper. You are totally relaxed. You are ready for meditation. You are ready for Inner Healing.
Visualise that you are floating out in space. All around you are Stars, Planets, the Moon and the Sun. Look down we see the
Earth below. Visualise that you are flying around the Earth, orbiting and sending out healing energy to Mother. Visualise that
you are just pure energy. You are perfect and you are free. Allow all the colours to vibrate around you and send out healing
and love towards you. Visualise that the Moon, Stars and the Sun are alive and communicating with you. See past this
Universe and fly towards other Universes. Allow yourself to see other ‘Being’s and try and communicate with them as well. You
are on a Spiritual journey. Allow yourself to just float around free and full of Life.
Bring your awareness to your Crown Chakra
Feel the energy that comes from this centre. Allow yourself to see into your Crown Chakra as if you are seeing into a spiral of
energy spinning around and around. Breathe in deep and focus all your attention to your mind. Allow any thoughts or visions to
enter into your mind. Go with them and allow them to pass through your mind and out to the Universe.
Feel yourself going deeper and deeper into a relaxed state. Visualise that you are entering into the spiral of energy that is your
Third Eye Chakra. Allow yourself to merge into the spiral as if you are entering into the Universe. Go deeper and deeper into
your energy centre. Breathing deeply allow yourself to just exist there. No thoughts, no feelings. Just exist.
Visualise that you see a vibrant orb of white energy coming towards you. Feel it spread all over you, gently exploding and
surrounding your whole body with energy. Allow yourself to feel the heat that comes from this orb. Feel it surround you, making
you feel alive and empowered with energy. Visualise that the energy is travelling up your feet and into your lower back and
stomach and travelling up to your Heart and up further into your throat and lungs until it reaches your head. Feel the warmth that
enters into you. Feel the energy travel into your Crown and become aware of any sensations that you feel. Feel the energy
reconnect with your Crown Chakra and feel the warmth that occurs when it enters into your mind. Visualise this energy revitalising your depleted energy. Feel it open up your senses of Life, joy, freedom hope and inspiration. For a moment allow any
sensations to emerge good or bad. Visualise that this energy is clearing and cleansing your Chakra. Allow the energy to
remove all that is stopping you from feeling happy, well and balanced.
Visualise seeing yourself exiting from your Crown Chakra. Slowly bring yourself back and become aware of your breath. Now
bring yourself back and become aware of your Heart beat. Bring yourself back and allow yourself to become aware of the
music. Slowly allow yourself to rise and become aware of your surrounding. Slowly wriggle your toes, then your legs, then your
shoulders, your hands and slowly open your eyes.
The Thymus Chakra
We believe that there is a Chakra that exists in between the Heart Chakra and the Throat Chakra. Called the Thymus Chakra. It
is a very powerful energy channel that links you to the Earth and to the Higher Spiritual Levels. Uniting with this Chakra brings
about great awareness to your Emotional and Spiritual bodies uniting them as one. This Chakra helps you to understand the
links between sickness and the three levels of awareness, the Physical, emotional and Spiritual. Working with this Chakra
awakens you to a greater understanding about how sickness can be created when one level be it physical, emotional or spiritual
is out of alignment.
We believe that when this Chakra is recognised within a person and is functioning properly, they will become open to the truth of
their existence. It is like accessing Sacred Spiritual Records and learning more about their true origins. This Chakra seems to
bring belief and Spiritual wisdom down from the Higher Spiritual realms and connects us to the Earthly plane. ‘The Higher Mind
meets the Inner Child’. Learning to become aware of this Chakra and working with its energies is said to bring about healing
and wisdom on all levels.
We believe that our bodies have been spiritually tampered with to stop us from properly evolving. That is why until now we have
forgotten about this Chakra’s presence within the body. By bringing this Chakra back into awareness, we may actually be able
to bring back total healing.
This Chakra governs the thymus itself. This takes the pressure off the heart Chakra and evens out the energy. This creates an
even balance for each of the Chakras when the Thymus Chakra is recognised and activated.
By knocking or tapping gently on this centre each day, we are able to access energy that will make us feel well and energised.
Physically this Chakra helps to regulate the amount of toxins that invade the body through contamination and pollution from our
outside world.
Working with this Chakra helps to fight off infections that cause disease within the body.
Working with this Chakra can also help boost the Immune centre providing important natural antibiotics.
When we Meditate and bring our awareness to this centre, we are able to activate our three bodies. The Mind, the Body and
the Soul. This unites us into one perfect ‘Being’ able to understand and function fully.
We use the colours blue and green to encourage healing and growth with this Chakra.
Working with Mediation and Inner Healing we are able to open this centre and learn more.
Using Golden Calcite, Azurite, Lapis and Malachite will help bring the star beings down to help us explore this Chakra more
Intro - For the Thymus Meditation
(This is to be used before each meditation)
Make yourself comfortable. Close your eyes, take a deep cleansing breath in, and breathe out, breathe in, breathe out, relax
your body, relax your mind.
Breathe in and out slowly and deeply, all the time relaxing more and more. Do not allow any noises to disturb your relaxation,
make them a part of your meditation. Allow stray thoughts to wander in and out of your mind, do not hold onto any thoughts, let
them flow off into the universe* (10 sec pause)
Slow your mind down. Bring yourself into a state of total relaxation. Lift away the dust from your soul. Allow positive life
cleansing energy the right to enter into your body. Give it free passage to your heart, breathe slowly and softly in and out
relaxing your mind and your body.
Empty your mind of all emotions. Try and feel none of the negative feelings that hinder your growth.
Empty your mind of any negative thoughts that make you believe the worst in yourself and in your fellow man. Allow yourself to
just drift like a white cloud in a bright blue sky. Breathe in, breathe out. Your mind is slowing down, your body is beginning to
relax. Breathe in, breathe out.
‘I watch as I release my tension, fear, anger and worry leave my body on a wave of healing energy’.
Count yourself down into total relaxation. Breathe slowly and silently.
Ten - nine - eight - seven - six - five - four - three - two -one.
Place a shield of white, healing energy around your body. This energy will block out any negative influence.
You are safe and protected.
Let yourself sink deeper and deeper, you are totally relaxed, you are ready for meditation, you are ready for Inner Healing.
Take yourself into a pyramid. Inside there are statues of ancient birds and paintings adorn the walls. There is ancient jewelry
and gold pots all around. In the corner there is a great statue of a phoenix. Place your hands on the phoenix and feel this
powerful energy enter into your body. Feel it surround your whole Aura glowing white, then silver, then gold. Your body begins
to pulsate as you unlock your Akashic records. These records unlock your past memories of your true origins. Breathe in
slowly deeply and relax your body. (10 sec pause)
Bring your awareness to you Thymus Chakra
Feel the energy that comes from this centre. Allow yourself to see into your thymus Chakra as if you are seeing into a spiral of
energy spinning around and around. Breathe in deep and focus all your attention to your Inner Self. Allow any thoughts or
visions to enter into your Inner Self. (10 sec pause) Go with them and allow them to pass through your mind and out to the
Universe. (20 sec pause)
Feel yourself going deeper and deeper into a relaxed state. (10 sec pause) Visualise that you are entering into the spiral of
energy that is your thymus Chakra. Allow yourself to merge into the spiral as if you are entering into the Universe. (10 sec
pause) Go deeper and deeper into your energy centre. Breathing deeply, allow yourself to just exist there. No thoughts, no
feelings. Just exist. (20 sec pause)
Visualise that you see a vibrant blue green orb of energy coming at you. Feel it spread throughout you gently, pulsating and
surrounding your whole body with energy. (10 sec pause)
Allow yourself to feel the heat that comes from this healing orb as it becomes one with your whole body and Aura. Feel it
surround you, making you feel alive and empowered with energy. (10 sec pause)
Visualise that the energy is travelling up your feet and into your lower back and stomach and travelling up to your heart and
thymus area. Feel the warmth that enters into you. Feel the energy travel into your thymus and become aware of any
sensations that you feel. Feel the energy reconnect with your Thymus Chakra and feel the warmth that occurs when it enters
into your mind. Visualise this energy re-vitalising your depleted energy. Feel it open up your inner child and higher mind, joining
them together with your body. For a moment allow any sensations to emerge good or bad. (10 sec pause) Visualise that this
energy is clearing and cleansing your Chakra.
Allow the energy to remove all that is stopping you from feeling happy, well and balanced.
(10 sec pause)
Visualise seeing yourself exiting from your thymus Chakra. Slowly bring yourself back and become aware of your breath. Now
bring yourself back and become aware of your heart beat.
Bring yourself back and allow yourself to become aware of the music. Slowly allow yourself to rise and become aware of your
surroundings. Slowly wriggle your toes, then your legs, then your shoulders, your hands and slowly open your eyes.