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2020, IZMIR: Search of the Past
19 pages
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/aea Resumen: El establecimiento de un Juzgado de Indias único para toda Canarias en 1564 fue el antecedente directo de la creación de tres juzgados de registros en el archipiélago, establecidos en La Palma, Gran Canaria y Tenerife. A pesar de que debían ejercer el oficio de manera directa y personal, en algunas ocasiones tuvieron que delegar sus funciones en lugartenientes designados por los propios jueces. En este estudio, analizamos la figura de estos delegados durante los siglos XVI y XVII mediante el análisis de los registros de navíos incluidos en el fondo Contratación del Archivo General de Indias.
Forthcoming Chapter from the book "The Dark Posthuman: Dehumanisation, Technology, and the Atlantic World", 2021
Humanity for some five centuries has positioned itself at the fulcrum of sociopolitical order. The posthuman is suggestive of a being capable of existing apart from that order; something situated beyond its former punitive borders of reason and sentience. Nonetheless, the posthuman, like its predecessor, has to take its place among the respective role allocation, social hierarchies, and divisions of labour that remain attendant to social being. Thusly a colonality of power very much persists within this redefinition of mankind and race as a technology remains both indispensable and irreplaceable to the reproduction of what qualifies as posthuman. The posthuman implies a humanity that has achieved an extracognitive function distancing itself further still from those who have failed to realise themselves as fully human. The new paradigm of the posthuman elaborates the domination formerly expressed in terms of humanity by extending a logic that racialized others can only be assimilated into the world wide web of life and internet of things as beings granted temporary status and defined against a criterion of developmental potential that begins and ends within the contours of white masculinity. Within this context, race must be critically reassessed to plot its iteration within the post-liberal concept of the posthuman and localise its portent within the critical ecological narratives of both the Plantationocene and the Anthropocene. In order to posit race within the category of the posthuman this work critically intersects with groundworks laid by the theorists Sylvia Wynter, Philip Butler, Rosi Braidotti, Christina Sharpe, Donna Haraway, Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing and Katherine McKittrick. It brings together the geographies, economies, and ecologies of the African American South, Wilhelmine Germany, the African Global South, National Socialist Germany and the postwar Algorithmic North and South as well as the imperial and aggregate principles that animate them. It covers conflicts both interracial and intraracial that bear upon the theorisation of modernity, biology, and racial identity within the founding of the discipline of Sociology. W.E.B. Du Bois acts as a locus for these developments through his early work on formulating a concept of the New Negro and Pan-Africanism. It reviews his ambition to globally position himself as America’s leading racial authority and the ways in which this authority becomes corrupted through his interiorising of Victorian eugenic principles characteristic of his formative age. Du Bois may well have cast himself as the first dark posthuman, and this situation allows us to read his data visualisations as evidence of how he plotted the uplift of his race through techniques of sociological reification, aesthetic rarefication, and controlled development. For this reason, he is also a historical precursor relevant to discussions of the Plantationocene and Anthropocene as they figure into a longer narrative of advancement and debility.
Confluências | Revista Interdisciplinar de Sociologia e Direito
O artigo investiga o conceito de “democracia autoritária” na obra de Oliveira Vianna. Para tanto, são analisadas as discussões trazidas nas segundas edições das obras O idealismo na constituição e Problemas de política objetiva, afim de compreender o que tal conceito poderia significar para o autor quando utilizou essa expressão. Muito mais do que uma espécie de alternativa ao modelo liberal democrático que prevaleceu durante a Primeira República, a utilização dessa expressão demonstra uma instrumentalização desse conceito para implementação de um modelo político de uma democracia sem povo.
în perspectiva autonomizării fiinţei sub toate aspectele (din punct de vedere cognitiv, afectiv, comportamental etc.). Cunoştinţele constituie o formă complexă de reflectare în conştiinţă a unor straturi ale existenţei (materiale, spirituale) şi care asigură subiectului eficacitate existenţială, pragmatică, psihică. Orice nouă cunoştinţă, achiziţionată de individ, suportă un proces de semnificare, reajustare, chiar de elaborare, în consens cu o serie de date contextuale. O cunoştinţă transmisă de profesor nu trece de-a gata în mintea copilului, ci este "cucerită", în parte pe cont propriu, doar astfel achiziţia devine proprietatea celui care o posedă şi devenind cu adevărat operaţională. De regulă, cunoştinţele nu se ivesc pe un teren gol, ele continuă, amplifică, specifică, duc mai departe alte gânduri, alte idei. De aceea, predarea poate să se deruleze de la caz la caz fie pe un traiect inductiv, fie pe un traiect deductiv. Capacităţile sunt răspunsuri adecvate la situaţii diverse, modalităţi conştiente de rezolvare a unor probleme materiale, situaţionale, comportamentale. Deprinderile sunt elemente automatizate ale activităţii, o formă de stereotipizare a acţiunilor. Prin repetarea unei acţiuni (materiale, mintale), executarea acţiunii se automatizează, se fixează în deprinderi. Atitudinile sunt poziţionări preferenţiale şi valorice, emise de subiect, direct sau indirect, în împrejurările diferite ale vieţii şi acţiunii.
Adriana Kraft & altii Bring On the Hea #1 10 Ro
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International Journal
Çukurova Tarihi Araştırmaları -I, 2022
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2011
Biology, 2022
The Annals of Occupational Hygiene, 2013
Cercetări Arheologice, 2000
Romanian Reports in Physics, 2012
Logistics Research, 2012
International journal of surgery case reports, 2015
Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy, 2010