Papers by ibrahim hamaloglu
Tarih ve Günce, Jul 31, 2021
Seyahat, güçlü bir merak dürtüsünün sebep olduğu kendine benzemeyeni keşfetme ihtiyacına karşılık... more Seyahat, güçlü bir merak dürtüsünün sebep olduğu kendine benzemeyeni keşfetme ihtiyacına karşılık gelen bir kelimedir. Suyun yeryüzünde sürekli akması anlamında Arapça "seyh" kelime kökünden türerken, bu manadan gelen çağrışımla suyun âlemi dolaşması gibi yerküre üzerinde dolaşan kişiye de seyyah denilmektedir. Bu zincirin son halkası ise seyyahın ürünü olan seyahatnamelerdir. Aslına bakmak gerekirse herkesin sahip olamadığı bilgiyi merak uyandırıcı, ebedi bir metin haline dönüştüren seyyahın kişiliğini tanıma ve onu besleyen kaynakları tespit etmenin yolu seyahatnamelerinden geçmektedir. Özellikle bir seyyahın, devlet görevlisi, aydın, tüccar, bilim adamı, asker, hacı, esir, din adamı, misyoner, maceracı gibi değişik isim ve unvanlarla birlikte, eğitim düzeyi, inanç ve çıkarı gibi faktörler neyi, nasıl ve niçin söylediklerini de önemli kılmaktadır. Seyyahlar ve seyahatnameleri tarihin gizli tanığı gibidir. Seyyahlar, şehirler ya da toplumlar hakkında devletin resmî belgelerinde göremeyeceğimiz; sosyal, kültürel ve ekonomik açıdan çok sayıda ayrıntıyı eserleri sayesinde kuşaktan kuşağa aktararak taşıyıcı görevini üstlenmektedir. XIX. yüzyıl Osmanlı dünyasında, önemi gittikçe artan ve Güneydoğu Avrupa'nın en önemli şehirlerinden biri olarak hızla gelişen Selanik, Balkanların en kozmopolit kentlerinden birisi haline gelmiştir. Bu zaman aralığında şehre gelen çok sayıda seyyah, ilk başlarda şehrin dış görünüşü ve yapıları ile ilgilenirken sonrasında pek çok farklı etnik unsurun bir arada ve barış içinde yaşamasını hayretle kaleme almış, devamında şehirdeki nüfus, din, sağlık gibi gündelik hayata ilişkin ilgi çekici bilgiler vermişlerdir. Bu çalışmada yukarıda da bahsedildiği üzere Bu makalede Etik Kurul Onayı gerektiren bir çalışma bulunmamaktadır. There is no study that would require the approval of the Ethical Committee in this article.
Smyrna ya da Turklerin Izmir’i, Turkiye’nin Asya’daki onemli ticaret merkezlerinden biri olup ken... more Smyrna ya da Turklerin Izmir’i, Turkiye’nin Asya’daki onemli ticaret merkezlerinden biri olup kendisiyle ayni adi tasiyan ve batidan doguya dogru uzanan Izmir Korfezi’nin basinda yer almaktadir. Şehir kismen adi gibi yuce bir dagin eteklerine kurulmus, doguya dogru 8- 10 kilometre boyunca yuksek dag sirtlarina kadar uzanan ova uzerinde yayilmistir. Bu ovadan akan Meles, hizli ve kristal berrakligina sahip bir nehirken, geleneklere gore Izmir’de dogdugu soylenen olumsuz Homeros’un da en sevdigi inziva yeridir. Şehrin arka taraflari, zengin ve aluvyonlu bir topraga sahiptir, bu nedenle buralardaki bahcelerde yogun miktarda tarim yapilmakta, cok miktarda sebze yetistirilmektedir. Bu bolge kar, yagmur, Meles ve bahcelerindeki sayisiz kuyulardan degirmenler araciligiyla cikarilan sular yuzunden surekli nemlidir. Bu nedenle ova bitmez tukenmez mikroplu bir havaya sahiptir ve bu hava sagliga cok zararlidir.
Asayişten Cepheye: Milli Mücadelede Jandarma Sempozyumu, 2019
Osmanlı’dan Cumhuriyet’e Hatırat Uluslararası Sempozyumu, 2018
Pliny Fisk, born in Massachusetts in 1792, first graduated from Middlebury College
and then Ando... more Pliny Fisk, born in Massachusetts in 1792, first graduated from Middlebury College
and then Andover Theological Seminary in 1818. After ordination as a missionary,
he served briefly as agent of the ABCFM in Georgia. With Levi Parsons he embarked
on 3 November 1819, on the first American mission to the Near East, with the
primary aim of converting the Jews of Palestine. First based at Smyrna then they
soon moved to Scio, where they studied modern Greek and published and distributed
a tract made up of evangelical passages from Chrysostom. After returning to Smyrna
they toured Asia Minor. When Parsons went on to Jerusalem in December 1820,
Fisk remained in Smyrna and for a year was acting British chaplain there, preaching
and distributing literature. Finally in 1825 Fisk moved to Beirut where he died from
fever in October, having nearly completed an Arab and English dictionary.
Pliny Fisk stated that his purpose for coming to Izmir was to visit the first Seven
Churches of Christianity built in the Aegean region. For this reason, as soon as he
came to Izmir, he passed through Chios Island and immediately learned the Greek of
the time with great enthusiasm and returned to İzmir. He did not hesitate to tell the
life in the regions where he visiting Seven Churches in Western Anatolia. This paper
draws a lot of observation from the arrival of İzmir Harbor to the chat with the trade
connoisseurs, from the climate and diseases to the school visits, from the interviews
with the Russian consulate to the people who are part of the city life, In short, it
enlightens many observations, including the 500-kilometer western Anatolian tour.
Journal of Atatürk and the History of Turkish Republic, 2022
Les bulletins de presse étrangers de Gallica, qui a rendu de grands services au ministère françai... more Les bulletins de presse étrangers de Gallica, qui a rendu de grands services au ministère français des Affaires étrangères à travers l'histoire, sont considéré très importants. A côté du bulletin quotidien de presse étrangère, à vocation généraliste et à forte fréquence de publication, on trouve des bulletins périodiques, par pays, dont la fréquence de publication est généralement mensuelle. Ces bulletins font l'analyse de la presse étrangère et présentent à l'appui de celle-ci des traductions d'assez larges extraits des journaux d'opinion. Il s'agit naturellement de publications à vocation interne, dont le caractère confidentiel est d'ailleurs parfois précisé. Il s'agit donc d'un outil de travail permettant d'éclairer les agents du corps diplomatique ainsi que le gouvernement de l'état de l'opinion des pays dans lesquels la France possède des intérêts particuliers. Ce corpus est donc d'un grand intérêt, notamment pour des historiens qui pourra facilement y trouver une documentation précieuse dont le grand avantage est d'être déjà traduite en français. Ces documents révèlent aussi le regard que portent les partenaires et adversaires de la France sur sa politique extérieure comme son évolution intérieure. Il donne à voir les questions qui, à l'extérieur de ses frontières, préoccupent la diplomatie française et dévoile enfin le souci permanent qui habite celle-ci quant à l'image de la France à l'étranger. Le processus vécu après l'occupation d'Izmir est également une période importante pour la France d'étendre sa domination en Méditerranée orientale. L'attitude de ces bulletins, notamment dans le processus de libération d'Izmir, est le reflet de la France en politique étrangère. Dans le processus qui a commencé avec l'incendie d'Izmir, les nouvelles du public grec ont été très scrutées dans ces bulletins français. Alors qu’un bulletin a été publiés au cours des huit premiers mois de 1922, ce n'est pas un hasard si un bulletin a été publié chaque mois de septembre à décembre. Des problèmes tels que la libération d'Izmir et l'incendie d'Izmir ont occupé le même public pendant des jours. Dans cette étude, les orientations de la politique grecque sur Izmir déterminées par le public français et les orientations de la politique étrangère de la France à travers Izmir au cours du dernier trimestre de 1922 seront examinées.
Tarih ve Günce Atatürk ve Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Tarihi Dergisi, Aug 3, 2021
Thessaloniki is one of the most cosmopolitan cities of the Balkans, whose importance gradually in... more Thessaloniki is one of the most cosmopolitan cities of the Balkans, whose importance gradually increased in the XIXth century Ottoman world and rapidly developed as one of the most important cities of Southeastern Europe. Many travelers who came to Thessaloniki were initially interested in the appearance and structures of the city, but later they were amazed that many different ethnic elements lived together and in peace, and then gave interesting information about the social life in the city. In this study, as mentioned above, Thessaloniki which became the socio-cultural intersection point of Southeastern Europe during the 19th century and in its process, the information about the city and its people, which has never been mentioned before, given by nearly twenty travelers visiting the city, has been examined from primary sources and determinations have been made on it.
Turkish Culture in Rhodes and Kos, Oct 2020
As a cabinet minister for nearly 14 years until Atatürk's demise Şükrü Kaya, contributed directly... more As a cabinet minister for nearly 14 years until Atatürk's demise Şükrü Kaya, contributed directly or indirectly to all events during the Early Republican Period. He adopted Statism as a prerequisite of economic and political independence. He was the one who drafted the first Land Reform bills in that Era.
Mübadele: Türk - Yunan Nüfus Değişimi I, Jan 2021
A bibliographic compendium about Population Exchange between Turkey and Greece
IZMIR: Search of the Past, 2020
The V. International Symposium of Akhism, 2019
The merchant guilds made great contributions to the medieval economy while also dominating the tr... more The merchant guilds made great contributions to the medieval economy while also dominating the trade in Europe. This formation, which emerged with the voluntary merchant associations and in the sixteenth century turned into monopolies that benefited from the privileges given to them by the rulers and were in search of rent and were very difficult to join. In cities such as Venice, Amsterdam and Antwerp, the official merchant guilds began to lose their political, legal and economic privileges since the sixteenth century, and this was also seen in important trade centers in countries such as Germany, France and the United Kingdom. However, in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, there was a transformation from the official merchant guilds to the corporations on the path of institutionalization, where various families were performing individual activities and these companies had begun to have a say in world politics and the global economy in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. However, traders continued to organize even in Europe's most prominent trade centers. For example; communities with or without a legal guild status had either their own chapels to meet the religious needs of their members or had strong relations with a particular congregation or monastery. They often bought common cemeteries and even established brotherhood societies for education. The standing guilds provide the socialness for the local city dwellers, for example by means of elements such as guild houses; they had social contacts such as recruitment. This situation attracted great attention of traders and this interest made possible a long period of loyalty to the guild. In the nineteenth century, merchant guilds in Spain, Italy and other European countries were weakened by their inability to adapt to the globalized economy. In this study, the political, economic and legal qualities of the merchant guilds in Europe aim to examine the transformation of these qualities after the Industrial Revolution, in addition to their place and importance in European society.
Journal Of Modern Turkish History Studies, 2020
Immediately after the Occupation of Izmir by the Greeks on May 15, 1919, it is understood that bo... more Immediately after the Occupation of Izmir by the Greeks on May 15, 1919, it is understood that both the Greeks living in Izmir and the Greek occupation forces started to make physical and psychological violence to the Turks, regardless of civilian or military discrimination. This violence has been sustained through numerous methods of Greek authorities, such as misleading the world public opinion regarding the occupation, isolating the Turks in the international public opinion and pushing them into a defeated country psychology. In this study, it has been tried to reveal the details of the violence in the Canadian press, which is the subject of most of the news about the Occupation of Izmir. At the same time, the Canadian press, in which Greek, British and American diplomacy is highly influential, this study has also make some points on the content of the publication policy followed after the occupation of Izmir by the Greeks.
Kurtuluş: İzmir’in İşgalden Kurtuluşunun 98. Yılı, 2020
Uluslararası Küçük Menderes Araştırmaları ve Tire Tarihi Sempozyumu, May 2018
ÖZET Bozdağ'dan doğup kendisini besleyen ırmakla aynı ada sahip bir havza olan Küçük Menderes Hav... more ÖZET Bozdağ'dan doğup kendisini besleyen ırmakla aynı ada sahip bir havza olan Küçük Menderes Havzası, binlerce yıllık bir devinim içinde sürekli canlı kalan bir yerleşim yeri olmuş, İzmir'e yakınlığı, Yedi Kilise'den bazılarını barındırması sebebiyle pek çok gezginin zaman içinde ilgisini ve merakını çekmiştir. Aydınoğulları Dönemi'nde Türk kimliğini kazanan havza, tarım ve ticarette gelişmiş bunların sonucunda nüfusunda belirgin bir artış görülmüştür. Havzanın yavaştan gelişmeye başladığını kesin belirtebileceğimiz dönem ise XIX. yüzyılın ikinci yarısından itibaren İzmir-Aydın Demiryolu'nun bölgeden geçirilmesiyle olmuş, böylece İzmir'e bağlanan bölge, ekonomik faaliyetlerinde hız kazanmıştır.
Batı Anadolu Eşkıyalık Tarihi, Dec 2019
Mübadele Göçmenleri ve Bursa , Oct 2019
Göç ya da göç hareketi, iyi tanımlanmış coğrafi bölgeler veya idari alanlar arasındaki yerleşim y... more Göç ya da göç hareketi, iyi tanımlanmış coğrafi bölgeler veya idari alanlar arasındaki yerleşim yeri değişiklikleri 1 , insan ya da insan topluluklarının asıl yerinden ulaşılmak istenilen yere hareketidir 2 . Bu hareket kuşkusuz mekân değişikliğinden öte bir mekânsal bir kopuşa işaret eder. Bu bakımdan olayın göç sayılabilmesi için mekânsal ve zamansal ölçütün önemi büyüktür 3 . Göç teorileri arasında görece yeni bir model olan "Yerinde Olma Teorisi" genel olarak, kendi iradesi dışında veya zorla yaşadığı topraklardan başka bir mekâna göç ettirilme olgusunu ifade eder. Genellikle savaşlar sırasında veya sonrasında karşılaşılan bu durum, iradesi dışında göçe katılanların genellikle "zorunluluğu" yaşamasına yol açar. Nüfus Mübadelesinin tarafları olan Müslüman Türkler ve Ortodoks Rum-
İzmir Araştırmaları Dergisi Prof. Dr. Serap YILMAZ Özel Sayısı, 2017
Conference Presentations by ibrahim hamaloglu
1st Conference on Mediterranean Studies Renewable Energy and the Environment: Social, Political and Economic Dimensions, 2020
In the first half of the nineteenth century, the city of Smyrna (İzmir) was famous with its own s... more In the first half of the nineteenth century, the city of Smyrna (İzmir) was famous with its own special fog. Soil always retains its moisture due to intensive farming in the city's backyards which causes producing a vast quantity of vegetable matter. On the contrary, this plain is an inexhaustible store of miasma and diseases, this air is very harmful to health. That rains for 50 days makes the land is so low and many of the houses are built upon piles and special wooden causeways are necessary for passing in wet weather from one part of the street to the another. So that the city got used to living with this kind of air and it was observed that there were many baths around the city to treat diseases. These facts are sufficient to prove that although the climate is temperate, yet it is not uniformly so, and that it is subject to vicissitudes as destructive to vegetation as they are detrimental to human life. The Ottoman archives contain far more information on weather events and reports by European and American officials and travelers promise far more still. In this study, we will examine the city of Izmir’s soil and its people, which has a hard time due to the negative weather conditions caused by the climate. In this regard, historians and climatologists must continue working together to fill in the gaps in our understanding of Mediterranean climate change and its historical impact
Son Göçün 30. Yılı Ulusal Sempozyumu, 2019
A Journey to Izmir in the First Years of the 20th Century and a Diary
Papers by ibrahim hamaloglu
and then Andover Theological Seminary in 1818. After ordination as a missionary,
he served briefly as agent of the ABCFM in Georgia. With Levi Parsons he embarked
on 3 November 1819, on the first American mission to the Near East, with the
primary aim of converting the Jews of Palestine. First based at Smyrna then they
soon moved to Scio, where they studied modern Greek and published and distributed
a tract made up of evangelical passages from Chrysostom. After returning to Smyrna
they toured Asia Minor. When Parsons went on to Jerusalem in December 1820,
Fisk remained in Smyrna and for a year was acting British chaplain there, preaching
and distributing literature. Finally in 1825 Fisk moved to Beirut where he died from
fever in October, having nearly completed an Arab and English dictionary.
Pliny Fisk stated that his purpose for coming to Izmir was to visit the first Seven
Churches of Christianity built in the Aegean region. For this reason, as soon as he
came to Izmir, he passed through Chios Island and immediately learned the Greek of
the time with great enthusiasm and returned to İzmir. He did not hesitate to tell the
life in the regions where he visiting Seven Churches in Western Anatolia. This paper
draws a lot of observation from the arrival of İzmir Harbor to the chat with the trade
connoisseurs, from the climate and diseases to the school visits, from the interviews
with the Russian consulate to the people who are part of the city life, In short, it
enlightens many observations, including the 500-kilometer western Anatolian tour.
Conference Presentations by ibrahim hamaloglu
and then Andover Theological Seminary in 1818. After ordination as a missionary,
he served briefly as agent of the ABCFM in Georgia. With Levi Parsons he embarked
on 3 November 1819, on the first American mission to the Near East, with the
primary aim of converting the Jews of Palestine. First based at Smyrna then they
soon moved to Scio, where they studied modern Greek and published and distributed
a tract made up of evangelical passages from Chrysostom. After returning to Smyrna
they toured Asia Minor. When Parsons went on to Jerusalem in December 1820,
Fisk remained in Smyrna and for a year was acting British chaplain there, preaching
and distributing literature. Finally in 1825 Fisk moved to Beirut where he died from
fever in October, having nearly completed an Arab and English dictionary.
Pliny Fisk stated that his purpose for coming to Izmir was to visit the first Seven
Churches of Christianity built in the Aegean region. For this reason, as soon as he
came to Izmir, he passed through Chios Island and immediately learned the Greek of
the time with great enthusiasm and returned to İzmir. He did not hesitate to tell the
life in the regions where he visiting Seven Churches in Western Anatolia. This paper
draws a lot of observation from the arrival of İzmir Harbor to the chat with the trade
connoisseurs, from the climate and diseases to the school visits, from the interviews
with the Russian consulate to the people who are part of the city life, In short, it
enlightens many observations, including the 500-kilometer western Anatolian tour.