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The first experience of finding a settlement of litigations via cyberspace goes back to The main aim of this project was to give quick solutions to disputes related to the Internet through a mediator represented in a neutral judge who is an expert in arbitration and the laws governing Internet activities or the electronic justice law. This goal is achieved when the Internet user sends his complaint to that body by e-mail, and then the commission selects a neutral judge to settle the dispute, and the judge's decision is devoid of legal value except If the parties accept it, and this service is free of charge. In this way, the options offered by electronic communication networks have been utilized in completing the procedures of traditional methods of dispute settlement such as negotiation, mediation, conciliation, and arbitration, and the possibility of using information and communication technologies in completing litigation procedures before the courts as well. The settlement of disputes via computer networks found real applications through initiatives adopted by unions and qualified institutions such as the American Arbitrators Association and prepared a project for direct arbitration via the Internet called the (Virtual Judge Project), in 1995 and the electronic arbitration court of the World Intellectual Property Organization that developed a dispute settlement system. Domain names and some non-governmental institutions such as the Faculty of Law at the University of Montreal (Canada) in 1996 adopted a draft space court system and provided mediation and arbitration services through electronic channels and media by this system.
Innovative Technologica: Methodical Research Journal
To start with, the Internet and information technology have a practical influence on conflict resolution procedures: papers are instantly transferred to arbitrators at a low cost, and parties avoid paying travel expenditures. Electronic papers provide substantial benefits to arbitrators, particularly when the parties' submissions are voluminous, because they may do a keyword search without having to study the full file. Furthermore, arbitrators are already making extensive use of modern technologies. Aside from the regular usage of information technology (IT) equipment, the Internet has had a significant influence on dispute resolution methods. Although conventional alternative dispute resolution depended on interviews and meetings between plaintiffs and the arbitrator or mediator, the Internet increasingly facilitates distant conflict settlement.
Internet and New Technologies Law, 2021
metody rozwiązywania sporów ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem mediacji' in Andrzej Torbus (ed) Mediacja w sprawach gospodarczych. Praktyka-teoria-perspektywy (Ministerstwo Gospodarki Departament Doskonalenia Regulacji Gospodarczych 2015) 13. 4 Andrzej Kobyrski, Alternatywne rozwiazywanie sporów w USA. Studium teoretycznoprawne (Wydaw. UMCS 1993) 10; zob. także Aneta Arkuszewska, Informatyzacja postepowania arbitrażowego (Wolters Kluwer 2019) 50. 5 Aneta Jakubiak-Mirończuk, 'Zmiany zachodzące w charakterze form alternatywnego rozwiązywania sporów sądowych rozwój idei "zarządzania sporem"', (2008) 4 ADR. Arbitraż i Mediacja 12 ff.
The purpose of this study is to present the main facets of online dispute resolution, including a definition of the term, the types of resolution available, and the most recent legal regulations in this area. The article is an in-depth study of this field, discussing online mediation and electronic arbitration, their uses and their relationships with e-commerce. The strengths and weaknesses of online dispute resolution are identified and used to help formulate de lege ferenda stipulations. The paper is divided into three parts. Part I looks at preliminary aspects of online dispute resolution (ODR), including a definition of the term and an examination of its phases of development, implementation examples and the relationship between ODR and technology. Part II is devoted to examining the two most frequent forms of ODR: online mediation and electronic arbitration. Part III is an analysis of consumer disputes arising from commercial transactions made using electronic communications. As an example of the implementation of ODR, the author emphasises the importance of new European regulations on that and alternative dispute resolution (ADR): Directive 2013/11/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 May 2013 on alternative dispute resolution for consumer disputes and amending Regulation (EC) No 2006/2004 and Directive 2009/ 22/EC (Directive on consumer ADR), and Regulation (EU) No 524/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 May 2013 on online dispute resolution for consumer disputes and amending Regulation (EC) No 2006/2004 and Directive 2009/22/EC (Regulation on consumer ODR).
The nature of disputes rising at a far greater rate than ever before as people began to travel longer distances and communicate from further away meant that disputes developed as they grew in number and complexity. Alternative dispute resolution (ADR) measures were employed. However, the rapid rise in B2C electronic transactions produced a number of concerns for businesses and consumers. the traditional dispute resolution through court proceedings is unsuitable for problems that arise in e-commerce. Therefore, the global arena is witnessing a departure from the traditional process of dispute resolution to online dispute resolution (ODR) in its various forms. This article analyses all the alternative dispute resolution methods, especially e-arbitration used to settle disputes. And what is the Distinguish between e-arbitration and other alternatives.
International Journal of Law, 2021
In a century of rapid intelligence mechanical and technological revolution, the legal field as no exception has been substantively influenced and affected, whether by imposing regulations for the usage of intelligent cyber means in society, or through the implementation and adoption of cyber mechanisms in the legal industry itself. This has necessarily evoked the question of adopting cyber platforms and instruments as an integral agent in the adjudication process in general, and arbitration in specific. Thereof, Cyber Arbitration both as a theory and application has emerged as a controversial and developing subject matter. Cyber arbitration refers to the various uses of the Internet and cyber technologies as a method of conducting arbitral procedures. Cyber arbitration was successfully adopted and enforced under international conventions and treaties, along with the entailment of cyber arbitration platforms within the international arbitration institutions such as the Permanent Court of Arbitration. However, certain challenges have surfaced post numerous domestic and international trials of cyber arbitration as a dispute resolution mechanism in many fields-due to its joint nature-whether on a mere legal basis, or technological grounds. Thereof, reforms have been proposed as an effort of amending the loops and inadequacies of Cyber Arbitration. This article shall provide a coherent analytic study of the effectiveness and deficiencies of Cyber arbitration as a prospering adjudication mechanism on a mere legal, and technological grounds through a comparative study between traditional and Cyber arbitration undermining the ongoing technological revolution, and the capitalist global economic scene. This article shall examine the interplay between Cyber arbitration and sociology as fundamental element of the adjudicatory process. In addition to proposing solutions and providing a checklist for parties' as a way to conduct risk management strategies, for efficient Implementation of Cyber arbitration.
Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Online Dispute Resolution (ODR Workshop 2010)
This paper presents some results of a research on Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) and mediation online which was undertaken within the White Book on Mediation in Catalonia. The research shows the state of the art of ODR today. It presents the technologies, processes and products currently existing in the global market. According to this, a table of 34 ODR providers is developed which covers information on service models, communication types, functionalities, ADR services and other off-ADR services such as seals of quality or formation activities. The outcome shows that IT is not fully employed within the current ODR systems and web 2.0/web 3.0 tools are not used at all. Consequently, ODR systems do not benefit from the opportunities these technologies could provide. According to our research, today there are less ODR services providers than only a few years ago and this seems a trend for the near future.
With commercial transaction now making wave in the cyberspace, online dispute becomes inevitable. This has led to the evolution of Online Dispute Resolution (ODR). Since its emergence, ODR has shown itself capable of resolving online disputes especially with regards electronic commerce (e-commerce). Just like traditional ADR, ODR makes use of ADR mechanisms such as arbitration, mediation and negotiation. The only difference is that these ADR mechanisms are employed online. One area of ODR that has won the attraction of international organizations and private institutions is online arbitration. Online arbitration has mostly been used to resolve both online and offline disputes. Resolving disputes via online arbitration is similar to traditional arbitration except that disputes are resolved using various technological devices such as video-conference, e-mail, chats and electronic signature (e-signature). The ODR process has been hailed for its simplicity, speed, convenience and been least expensive when compared with traditional ADR and litigation. On the other hand, the process has been criticized as lacking face to face encounter, having security and confidentiality issues, problems with e-arbitration agreements and awards amongst many others. The good news is that most of these challenges are solvable thus, establishing ODR as a viable online equivalent of alternative dispute resolution.
Alternative dispute resolution (ADR) has become an established alternative method to litigation in solving disputes in many western jurisdictions. Online dispute resolution (ODR), the application of ICT in ADR has become a new and enhanced technique for dispute resolution. Most current ODR projects have been developed in the area of e-commerce. In this paper we discuss the emerging field of ODR research, point at some challenges for technology and outline strategies we have and are developing for supporting ODR including an integrated environment for supporting ODR and the use of trade-offs and compensation strategies for providing negotiation support. ACIS 2004 Proceedings Paper 79 ; Australasian Conference on Information Systems (15th : 2004 : Hobart, Tas.)
International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2006
Region-growing segmentation algorithms are useful for remote sensing image segmentation. These algorithms need the user to supply control parameters, which control the quality of the resulting segmentation. This letter proposes an objective function for selecting suitable parameters for region-growing algorithms to ensure best quality results. It considers that a segmentation has two desirable properties: each of the resulting segments should be internally homogeneous and should be distinguishable from its neighbourhood. The measure combines a spatial autocorrelation indicator that detects separability between regions and a variance indicator that expresses the overall homogeneity of the regions.
Адам и Ева. Альманах гендерной истории. Вып.24, 2016
Springer, 2018
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