Distinguishing Between
The Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and Our Gathering Together unto Him (Rapture)
The Manifestation of His Coming (Appearing with Him in Glory to Establish His Kingdom)
In Relation To
New Testament
Every Member of
the Body & Bride
of Christ
2 Thess. 2:1
2 Thess. 2:8; 1:7-10
John 14:1-3
Col. 3:4
1 Thess. 4:15-18; 1:10; 5:4-11, 23; 2:19-20 1 Thess. 3:13
Jude 14-15
Rev. 3:10-11
Acts 3:19-21
Acts 1:11
Matt. 24:3,27-51; 25:31-32; 19:28; 13:41,49
1 Cor. 15:48-55; 4:5; 11:26; 16:22
Mark 13:26-27,32-37; 14:62
Phil. 3:20-21
Luke 17:24,30; 21:25-28
James 5:7-9
1 Tim. 6:14-15
Rom. 13:11-12
2 Tim. 4:1, 8
Jude 21
2 Pet. 1:16; 3:3-4; 1 Pet. 1:7,11b,13; 4:13
Heb. 9:28
Rev. 1:7; 19:11-16; 3:3; 3:21; 11:15; 16:15
Rev. 22:17,12-13,20-21; 2:25,28
1 Cor. 1:7 (“revelation of our Lord Jesus Christ”)
1 Cor. 1:8 (“day of our Lord Jesus Christ”)
1 John 2:28a (“manifested”)
1 John 2:28b (“coming”)
1 John 3:2a (“manifested”)
1 John 3:2b (“we shall see Him as He is”)
Tit. 2:13b (“appearing of the glory”)
Tit. 2:13a (“blessed hope”)
Note that both stages of His “Coming” (or ‘Presence’) are encompassed in the one phrase in , e.g., 1
Cor. 15:23: “For since by man came death, by man also resurrection of those that are dead. For as in
[in virtue of] the Adam all die, thus also in [in virtue of] the Christ all shall be made alive. But each in
his own rank: the first-fruits, Christ; then those that are the Christ's at [or in] His coming [which
covers both Rapture and Manifestation phases of His “coming”].” (1 Cor. 15:21-23)
His coming FOR us all
His coming WITH us all
All who have died are resurrected, and
All of us who are living are transformed—and
All are Translated/Caught Up together into
the air to be ever with the Lord
When He appears, we all appear WITH HIM in glory
(Col. 3:4)
[Note that in the Rapture, in His coming FOR
us, there is no “manifestation (or appearing)
of His coming” (2 Thess. 2:8), as when He
does so come with respect to the world]
[Note that He does NOT Appear (is not Manifested)
WITHOUT us or BEFORE us or TO us while we are
yet on earth (as is true of other subsequent groups,
e.g., Matt. 24:30-31); rather, when He Appears, He
Appears TOGETHER WITH us. For His heavenly
saints, the scenario is NOT: He appears in glory
alone, without us, and then He catches us up from
the earth to be with Him, and then we too appear
in glory. It is altogether the contrary: at the
“manifestation of His coming,” “when Christ
appears,” we are ALREADY WITH Him, for we all
APPEAR WITH Him in glory (Col. 3:4). Thus the
Rapture and the Appearing must be separate and
distinct phases of His coming, with the former
necessarily preceding and facilitating the latter.]
Page 1
Prepared by: James M Ventilato 5/24/2019
Distinguishing Between
The Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and Our Gathering Together unto Him (Rapture)
The Manifestation of His Coming (Appearing with Him in Glory to Establish His Kingdom)
In Relation To
Those Affected
who are Alive on
This Earth at the
All Heavenly Saints
(In Christ, neither Jew nor Gentile in their
standing before God)
(1) All Earthly Saints who survive through the entire
Tribulation Period/Daniel’s 70th Week
(Jew and Gentile believers in their standing before
Jewish Saints (Godly Jewish Remnant):
Those living In the Land of Israel and those
living in the dispersion, among the nations,
who are Regathered by the sovereign grace
and power of Jehovah-Messiah to the Land
in their natural bodies (unglorified state)
Gentile Saints: The great crowd of Rev. 7:917 which no one can number, those who
come out of the great tribulation in their
natural bodies (unglorified state), from
among every nation and tribes and peoples
and tongues, who have washed their
robes and made them white in the blood of
the Lamb—i.e., those composing the Sheep
in the Judgment of the Sheep and the
Goats of Matt. 25
(2) All Unbelieving Jews and Gentiles who survive
through the entire Tribulation Period/Daniel’s 70 th
Timing and Signs
Pre-Tribulational/Pre-70th Week and
Imminent: To be looked for with expectant
hearts as possible at any moment
Post-Tribulational/Post-70th Week, which is at
least, roughly, 7 years away—and potentially
longer, if God sees fit to allow for a brief transition
period between the Rapture and the onset of the
7-year Tribulation/70th Week. Nonetheless, neither
the specific day nor the specific hour is known
No signs or prophetic events must be fulfilled,
awaited, or looked for by the heavenly Body
& Bride of Christ before He thus comes
Signs and prophetic events must be fulfilled and
ought to be looked and prepared for by the elect,
godly Jewish remnant of the Tribulation Period
before the Son of Man thus comes
“The Spirit and the Bride [currently waiting on
earth] say: Come [Come NOW, Lord Jesus, our
Bridegroom]!” (Rev. 22:17)
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Prepared by: James M Ventilato 5/24/2019
Distinguishing Between
The Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and Our Gathering Together unto Him (Rapture)
The Manifestation of His Coming (Appearing with Him in Glory to Establish His Kingdom)
In Relation To
Daniel’s 70
Will precede the onset of the 70th Week of
Daniel (with God possibly allowing for a brief
transition period between the Rapture and
the beginning of the 70th Week, just as there
was a transition period between the death
and resurrection of Christ and the beginning
of the mystery period of the formation of the
heavenly Body & Bride of Christ on the Day of
Pentecost by the special arrival of the Holy
Spirit on earth)
Will occur at the end of the 70th Week of Daniel
(not on the exact day or hour of its termination,
but in connection with it), when the Church will
appear, out of heaven, with Christ in glory
The Church was not part of the first 69 of the
70 Weeks of years, and will not be part of the
last, i.e., 70th Week/7-year Tribulation Period
(See also the sections on “Times and Seasons”
and “Day of the LORD”)
Daniel 9:24-27—“Seventy weeks [or, “Seventy sevens” of years] are apportioned out upon thy people
[Daniel’s people, Israel] and upon thy holy city [Jerusalem], to close the transgression, and to make an
end of sins, and to make expiation for [or, to purge, forgive] iniquity, and to bring in the righteousness of
the ages, and to seal the vision and prophet, and to anoint the holy of holies. Know therefore and
understand: From the going forth of the word to restore and to build Jerusalem unto Messiah, the Prince,
are seven weeks, and sixty-two weeks [for a total of 69 weeks of years]. The street and the moat shall be
built again, even in troublous times. And after the sixty-two weeks [which follow the first 7 weeks, for a
total of 69 weeks of years; thus, not after 69 ½ weeks . . . not during the 70th week, but after 69 weeks]
shall Messiah be cut off [in the death of the cross], and shall have nothing [of His earthly kingdom glories];
and [again, sometime “after” the 69 weeks of years have expired, and as a consequence of the Messiah
being cut off, thereby implying His rejection unto death by His own people Israel] the city and the
sanctuary shall be destroyed by the people of the prince that shall come [not by the coming prince himself,
but by “the people” of this prince that shall come; and not by the people of the Messiah-Prince who was
cut off, but by the people of this prince that is yet to come (the prophetic figure spoken of earlier in 7:8,
20-21, 24-26, the prince of the fourth beast, the Roman Empire), as seen in the next verse (v. 27); it is this
“people” that “shall destroy the city and the sanctuary”—as was fulfilled in the 70AD destruction of
Jerusalem and the temple by the Roman “people” (the Roman Empire-people), after an almost 40-year
gap between the expiration of the 69 weeks of years and the “cutting off” of the Messiah]; and the end
thereof shall be with an overflow, and unto the end, war, -- the desolations determined. And he [“the
(Roman) prince that shall come,” just mentioned in the latter half of the preceding verse] shall confirm a
covenant with the many for one week [for the seven years of the final/70th week, at some unrevealed time
subsequent to the (70AD) destruction of “the city and the sanctuary”; and, of course, Christ, the MessiahPrince, has never confirmed any covenant with anyone for a seven-year period after 70AD (or at any other
time for that matter); nor did Titus Vespasianus]; and in the midst of the week [at the mid-point of the 70th
week, 3 ½ years into this final seven-year period] he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease
[having thus previously been restored], and because of the protection of abominations there shall be a
desolator, even until that the consumption and what is determined shall be poured out upon the
desolate.” [The final 3 ½ years (of the 70th week) are also spoken of in 7:25 (in connection with the coming
Roman prince), and again in 12:7.]
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Prepared by: James M Ventilato 5/24/2019
Distinguishing Between
The Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and Our Gathering Together unto Him (Rapture)
The Manifestation of His Coming (Appearing with Him in Glory to Establish His Kingdom)
In Relation To
‘Removing’ and
The Father’s House with Christ, the Heaven of
heavens (in our glorified state), whence is our
(1) With respect to all Earthly Saints alive at the
time: Entrance into “eternal life,” i.e., the earthly
sphere of the Messiah’s Kingdom in power and
glory at its establishment on the Millennial Earth—
Israel being the Head and Gentiles the Tail
(commencing in the Regeneration of the present
Earth in their natural bodies so as to populate and
propagate therein, and consummated ultimately
on the New Earth in the glorified state)
“Simon Peter says to Him, Lord, where goest
thou? Jesus answered him, Where I go thou
canst not follow me now, but thou shalt
follow Me after. . . Let not your heart be
troubled; ye believe on God, believe also on
Me. In My Father's house [in Heaven] there
are many abodes; were it not so, I had told
you: for I go to prepare you a place; and if I go
and shall prepare you a place, I am coming
again and shall receive you to Myself, that
where I am [in My Father’s house, in Heaven]
ye also may be.” (John 13:36, 14:1-3)
(2) With respect to all Unbelieving Jews and
Gentiles alive at the time: Eternal Fire/ Eternal
Punishment (commencing with Sheol/Hades in the
disembodied state, and consummated ultimately
and everlastingly with the Lake of Fire/the Second
Death in the resurrection state)
All believers are removed from earth through
translation to Heaven (in their glorified state)
while all unsaved ones are left on earth to
enter the forthcoming 70th Week/Tribulation
[In the exact reverse of the Rapture procedure:]
All unsaved are removed from the earth through
judgment while all saved ones are left on earth in
blessing to populate and propagate within the
Millennial Period in their natural bodies
Cf. Zeph. 3:11-12 as to the Jews: “In that day thou
shalt not be ashamed for all thy doings wherein
thou hast transgressed against me; for then I will
take away out of the midst of thee them that exult
in thy pride, and thou shalt no more be haughty
because of my holy mountain. And I will leave in
the midst of thee an afflicted and poor people, and
they shall trust in the name of Jehovah.”
(Cp. also Matt. 24:37-42 with Luke 17:26-37, as
well as Matt. 13:40-43, 49-50; Isa. 4:3-4)
Ground and
Entirely of sovereign grace and in absolute
blessing, purely a matter of salvation
(consummation of the Church’s salvation),
wholly apart from and unconnected with
judgment of sins or wrath of God
Includes subjection to God’s judgments and wrath
or experience of His sovereign grace and entering
further into the blessings of individual and national
salvation, according to one’s grouping (believing or
unbelieving, Jew or Gentile)
(Heavenly Saints in Christ are not subject to
God’s wrath in any way, shape or form;
cf. 1 Thess. 1:10; 5:9; Rom. 5:9)
(Earthly saints will be exposed to God’s judgments
and wrath during the preceding Tribulation Period)
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Prepared by: James M Ventilato 5/24/2019
Distinguishing Between
The Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and Our Gathering Together unto Him (Rapture)
The Manifestation of His Coming (Appearing with Him in Glory to Establish His Kingdom)
In Relation To
“Times and
OT Prophecy
N/A: A hope which is unearthly and thus
An anticipation which is intimately connected with
wholly unconnected with “times and seasons” the earthly “times and seasons”
“Times and seasons have to do with ‘the day of the Lord,’ when execution of divine judgment, comes on
the world, not on the dead yet but the quick. . . [But] the hope of the heavenly saints, is altogether
independent of the revelation of earthly events, as it is before their accomplishment; and therefore is
that hope precisely the same for us now as for those in apostolic times, allowing time for its full
revelation by the apostle Paul.” (WK)
“It is not yours to know [Gr. ginosko, know by experience] times or seasons.” (Acts 1:7)
“But concerning the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that ye should be written to, for
ye know [Gr. oida, know by inward conscious knowledge] perfectly well yourselves, that the day of the
Lord so comes as a thief by night.” (1 Thess. 5:1-2)
The Spirit Author of these two Scriptures does not and cannot contradict Himself. Observing the
difference in the Greek word for “know” in each passage clears away the apparent difficulty and
discloses a blessed truth: Acts 1:7 means that times and seasons (of the Day of the LORD) were not to be
the earthly portion of the disciples (or of any of us heavenly saints) to “know” by experiencing them. For
the times and seasons are not connected with the Rapture. As such, we do not “know” them in the sense
of becoming objectively acquainted with them by entering into/by experiencing them. Nonetheless, as a
subject matter, we heavenly saints are by no means ignorant of the times and seasons; we “know” them
thus perfectly well from heeding God’s prophetic Word (1 Thess. 5:1-2), which is all for us though not all
about us.
Note: “times” (Gr. chronos) refer to the prophetic periods in relation to the earth (in connection with the
Day of the LORD, including Daniel’s 70th Week and Millennial times in the restoring of the kingdom to
Israel, Acts 1:6) while “seasons” (Gr. kairos) refer to the characteristics of those prophetic periods. (Cf.
the Millennial “seasons of refreshing” and the Millennial “times of restoration” in Acts 3:19, 21)
None: A “Mystery,” a “Secret,” Unrevealed in
OT Prophecy (1 Cor. 15:51-55)
Grand Subject of OT Prophecy
(Note: The type, e.g., of Enoch’s translation
out of this world before the world-wide Flood
Judgment is NOT prophecy)
(For a sampling, see: Gen. 49:10; Num. 24:17-19;
Deut. 30:3-6; 1 Sam. 2:10; Ps. 2:6-12; Ps. 45; 72;
89:27-37; 96:9-13; 98:3-9; 99:1-5; Ps. 102:12-22;
110:1-6; Isa. 60; 26:20-21; 30:27-28; 32:1-4,13-18;
33:17-24; 35:1-10; 40:10-11; 59:17-21; 62:11-12;
63:1-6; Ezek. 43:2-9; Dan. 2:34-35, 44-45; 7:13-14;
Hos. 5:15-6:3; Zeph. 3:8-20; Hag. 2:5-9; Zech. 2:1013; 8:2-8; 9:10,14-17; 14:3-5,9; Mal. 4:2,5; Joel
2:31; 3:1-2,12-21; Amos 9:11-15 w/Acts 15:15-16;
and cf. Jude 14-15)
Takes place in an instant, in the twinkling of
an eye, effected sooner than the mind can
compute or the eye can discern what has
transpired. It is thus not witnessed by the
world as it occurs.
As the lightning goes forth from the east and
shines to the west, from one end of heaven to the
other, so shall be the coming of the Son of Man in
His day. Every eye on earth will see Him when He
so comes.
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Prepared by: James M Ventilato 5/24/2019
Distinguishing Between
The Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and Our Gathering Together unto Him (Rapture)
The Manifestation of His Coming (Appearing with Him in Glory to Establish His Kingdom)
In Relation To
OT Types
The Four Gospels
Pictured by Enoch (Gen. 5:21-24; Heb. 11:5),
who, as a singular entity, is translated, caught
up and removed from this world altogether
before the world-wide judgment of the
Flood—the outpouring of God's wrath—
Pictured by Noah and his family (Gen. 6-9; 1 Pet.
3:20; Heb. 11:7), who are a type of that part of the
godly Jewish remnant which is preserved through
the world-wide judgment, and delivered at the
conclusion thereof to enter and reside on the
renewed earth in their natural/unglorified state
In the Gospel of John only
In the Synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark and Luke)
John 14:1-3
Matt. 10:23; 13:41,49; 16:27-17:1-5 [cp. 2 Pet.
1:16-19]; 19:28; 23:39; 24:3-25:31; 26:64
Mark 8:38-9:8; 13:3-37; 14:62
Luke 12:35-48; 13:35; 17:24-37; 18:8; 19:11-27;
21:8-11, 24b-36; 23:42; 24:26
Cf. also John 7:4
The Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit departs out of the world with
the Church, solely with respect to the special
manner in which He arrived and commenced
His unique ministry and residency on the Day
of Pentecost, after the Lord Jesus ascended in
heavenly glory at the right hand of God, to
form the heavenly people—Christ’s Body &
Bride, in which the Spirit of God dwells
corporately and individually
The Holy Spirit is poured out on all redeemed flesh
(cf. Joel 2:28-31), whether earthly Jewish or Gentile
saints, who survive through the entire Tribulation
Period/Daniel’s 70th Week to enter the Millennial
Kingdom in their natural (unglorified) bodies
(See 2 Thess. 2:6-7; and cf. John 7:39 and
Acts 19:2)
(The Holy Spirit will, of course, be at work during
the Tribulation Period/Daniel’s 70th Week, in much
the same way He was in OT times, working faith
and divine life in the souls of elect Jews and
Gentiles, and enabling, equipping, authenticating
ministry in speaking forth the Word of God, etc)
In 2 Thess. 2:6-7 we see that He who restrains the ‘mystery of lawlessness’ (now for the past 2,000
years), thereby preventing the manifestation of the ‘lawless one’ (man of sin, Antichrist), must be
"gone out of the way" (2:7) before the manifestation of the lawless one can occur. That Restrainer
must be none other than God, and specifically the Holy Spirit who is the Person of the Triune
Godhead who is dwelling in the Church on earth. And when He is "gone out of the way," the Church,
necessarily, must go with Him (for He has been given to be with us forever, John 14:16). The fact is,
the dwelling of the Holy Spirit on earth (in the unique capacity in which He arrived on the Day of
Pentecost, cf. John 7:39 and Acts 19:2) makes it impossible for the mystery of lawlessness to
culminate in the manifestation of the lawless one. Until the Holy Spirit “goes out of the way” (as no
longer on earth in the distinctive sense in which He came at Pentecost, and thus requiring the
Rapture of the Church), there will be no Antichrist and thus no 70 th Week.
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Prepared by: James M Ventilato 5/24/2019
Distinguishing Between
The Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and Our Gathering Together unto Him (Rapture)
The Manifestation of His Coming (Appearing with Him in Glory to Establish His Kingdom)
In Relation To
The Holy Spirit
“Son of Man”
“Lawlessness is the very essence of sin. It is the refusal of all controlling authority and restraint, and
therefore in deadly opposition to God. The lawlessness, which has long been at work in
Christendom in a mysterious or hidden way like a suppressed fire, is going to blaze forth in the
lawless one. But this will only be when the [heavenly] saints of God are removed from the scene of
conflict by the coming of the Lord for them. At present the forces of evil are under restraint . . .
There is 'He who restrains' [masculine pronoun, v.7] and also 'what restrains' [neuter pronoun, v.6].
The former doubtless refers to the Holy Spirit of God, who is at this time personally upon earth as
He never was before and will not be again. The latter, we believe, refers to the presence of the
church on earth; the church being the house of God wherein the Holy Ghost is dwelling." (FBH)
N/A: The Lord Jesus is NEVER said to so come
in the character of “Son of Man”
The Lord Jesus is INDEED said to so come in the
character of “Son of Man”
For the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ and
our gathering together unto Him has
absolutely no association with judgment of
“In His quality of Son of man,” the Lord’s coming
“notoriously attaches to Him as executor of
judgment (see John 5)” (WK)
Morning Star
Sun of Righteousness
Mal. 4:2
2 Pet. 1:19; Rev. 2:28; 22:16
The “Morning Star”’ and the “Sun of Righteousness” are most fitting symbols, respectively, of the
two phases of the coming of the Lord Jesus. For the morning star is seen by relatively few when the
night is far spent and rises in the heavens before the sun appears to announce the dawn of the new
day. The “Morning Star” speaks of Himself in His Pre-70 th Week coming for His heavenly saints to
catch us up to the Father’s house before the great day of His manifestation, before the “Sun of
Righteousness” arises to introduce His radiant Millennial Reign in power and great glory.
“The morning star as such precedes the sunrise; does not enlighten the earth . . . In Scripture it is
the seal upon the closing page of the New Testament, as the Sun of righteousness is the seal upon
the last page of the Old. It is connected with heaven alone; while the Sun in its rising brings heaven
and earth together.” (FWG)
“For those who watch during the night of man's day before the Lord appears in His glory, for those who
watch with bridal affections, not sleeping as do others — how does He speak to such? How is He made
known to them? ‘I am the bright, the morning star.’ Blessed star of morn before the day comes! We
watch not for the day, but for Him during the night, and He will give us the morning star, the harbinger
of the dawn.” “This [Sun of Righteousness] is not the morning star, which is rather the way in which we
[heavenly saints] know Jesus, and look for Him. The morning star is as decidedly for those who during
the night look up into the heavens, as the Sun of righteousness causes His force to be felt in calling man
to be occupied with his work here below. It is the sun that rules the day. Be it that the day of Jehovah is
come; the Sun of righteousness rules it. You cannot avoid seeing sunlight unless you shut your eyes, and
even then may have an instinctive sense of it. But with the morning star it is not so: you must look for it
when others sleep. This is the way therefore in which the Spirit of God shows us our watching for Jesus.
It is exclusively heavenly.” (WK)
Page 7
Prepared by: James M Ventilato 5/24/2019
Distinguishing Between
The Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and Our Gathering Together unto Him (Rapture)
The Manifestation of His Coming (Appearing with Him in Glory to Establish His Kingdom)
In Relation To
The time of the sounding of the “last
trumpet,” the “trump of God” (1 Thess. 4:16
and 1 Cor. 15:52) is at the Rapture WHEN
Christ descends into the air
The time of the sounding of the trumpet of Matt.
24:31 and Isa. 27:13 is sometime after the
Appearing—which itself occurs sometime after the
sounding of the 7th trumpet of Rev. 11:15-18
The sounding of this trumpet has its
application in connection with something
entirely for Heaven—NOT in connection with
any prophetic earthly events: It means
simply the final summons when we heavenly
saints leave our earthly sojourn to join the
The sounding of the trumpet of Matt. 24:31 and
Isa. 27:13 (for the gathering of the elect Jewish
remnant to their Land), along with the preceding
sounding of the 7th trumpet of Rev. 11:15-18
(especially for judgment on Gentiles), have their
application entirely in connection with prophetic
earthly events
“For this we say to you in the word of the
Lord, that we, the living, who remain to the
coming of the Lord, are in no way to precede
those who have fallen asleep; for the Lord
himself, with an assembling shout, with
archangel's voice and with trump of God,
shall descend from heaven; and the dead in
Christ shall rise first; then we, the living who
remain, shall be caught up together with
them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the
air; and thus we shall be always with the Lord.
So encourage one another with these words.”
(1 Thess. 4:13-18)
“Behold, I tell you a mystery: We shall not all
fall asleep, but we shall all be changed, in an
instant, in [the] twinkling of an eye, at the last
trumpet; for the trumpet shall sound, and
the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we
shall be changed.” (1 Cor. 15:51-52)
First: “The second woe has passed; behold, the
third woe comes quickly. And the seventh angel
sounded his trumpet: and there were great voices
in the heaven, saying, The world-kingdom of our
Lord and of his Christ is come, and he shall reign to
the ages of ages. . . And the nations have been full
of wrath, and thy wrath is come, and the time of
the dead to be judged, and to give the recompense
to thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and
to those who fear thy name, small and great; and
to destroy those that destroy the earth. . . And I
saw another sign in the heaven, great and
wonderful: seven angels having seven plagues, the
last ones; for in them the fury of God is completed.”
(Rev. 11:14-15, 18; 15:1)
Page 8
Then: “Immediately after the tribulation of those
days . . . shall appear the sign of the Son of man in
heaven; and then shall all the tribes of the land
lament, and they shall see the Son of man coming
on the clouds of heaven with power and great
glory. And He shall send His angels with a great
sound of trumpet, and they shall gather together
His elect [godly Jewish elect] from the four winds,
from the one extremity of the heavens to the other
extremity of them.” (Matt. 24:29-31)
“And it shall come to pass in that day, that the
great trumpet shall be blown; and they shall come
that were perishing in the land of Assyria, and the
outcasts in the land of Egypt, and they shall
worship Jehovah in the holy mountain at
Jerusalem.” (Isa. 27:13)
Prepared by: James M Ventilato 5/24/2019
Distinguishing Between
The Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and Our Gathering Together unto Him (Rapture)
The Manifestation of His Coming (Appearing with Him in Glory to Establish His Kingdom)
In Relation To
The "7th trumpet" of Rev. 11:15-18 is no more identical to the “last trumpet" or ”trump of God” of
1 Cor. 15:52 and 1 Thess. 4:16, nor even to the "great sound of a trumpet" in Matt. 24:31, than the
“ark” that Noah was in is to be identified with the “ark” that Moses was in. There is not the least
basis to link or confuse these trumpets one with the other. In fact:
“the last trumpet” is a “trump of God,” sounded directly by God, not the trump of an angel,
sounded by angels as seen in the Book of Revelation—where the series of trumpets,
moreover, open up judgments!
the 7th trumpet of Revelation is not even the "last” trumpet; it is only last in a specified
series of seven in the Book of Revelation (a series which was revealed long after 1
Thessalonians and 1 Corinthians were written; and thus the apostle Paul could not have
been alluding to it). In actuality, it is not the absolute last trumpet ever to be blown! Christ
will come in glory (the manifestation of His coming), AFTER the sounding of the 7th trumpet
of Rev. 11:15-18; and sometime AFTER He comes in glory ANOTHER trumpet will sound for
the regathering of the elect godly Jewish remnant to their Land (Matt. 24:31 and Isa.
27:13)—that “great sound of the trumpet” which sounds "AFTER the Tribulation of those
days" (Matt. 24:29, and thus after the sounding of the 7th trumpet of Rev. 11:15-18, and
after the pouring out of the seven last plagues of the seven bowls completing the wrath of
God on earth, Rev. 15-16).
“The ‘last trump’ of 1 Cor. 15 is an allusion to the final signal of the break up of a Roman camp for
its march. It has nothing whatever to do with the loud sound of trumpet in Matt. 24 (with which cp.
Isa. 27:13), any more than with the seven trumpets of Rev. 7-11. . . 1 Cor. 15 presents (and so I may
add 1 Thess. 4) our last trump, because the question is of the risen saints; Matt. 24: 31, presents, if
you will, the last trump of the Jewish saints then scattered over the earth. How does this identify
the two, even if the trumpet in Matt. 24 had been styled the last trump, or "his elect," were called
"all the elect," neither of which is the fact? Is it a contradiction if the historian speaks of the last
trump sounding for the tenth legion in Gaul, and of the trumpet gathering the twelfth legion in
" 'The last trump' of 1 Corinthians 15 means simply the final summons when the heavenly saints
leave their earthly sojourn to join the Lord – a figure, like others in the chapter, taken from familiar
military matters. The trumpet in the gospel [of Matthew, Ch. 24] is rather connected with the divine
call to gather Israel from all lands according to the prophets." [With respect to the significance of
“the last trump” of 1 Cor. 15:] “In the Roman army, when it was about to move, the trumpet
sounded three times: at the first trumpet they pulled down their tents; at the second trumpet they
put themselves in order; and when the last sounded they started.”(JND)
"In the military signals, the last trumpet was the one that actually set them in motion. Josephus
says, in the breaking up of the Roman camp, at the first trumpet the tents were struck and all made
ready for moving. At the second trumpet, the beasts were laden, and fire was set to the abandoned
camp. With the last trumpet to start them, it was demanded if all were ready, and the shout arose,
'we are ready,' and with uplifted hands they marched. (Wars iii. 5, 4.) Cf. 1 Thess. iv. 16, where
there are three signals: the Lord with a shout, the voice of the archangel, and the trump of God."
Page 9
Prepared by: James M Ventilato 5/24/2019
Distinguishing Between
The Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and Our Gathering Together unto Him (Rapture)
The Manifestation of His Coming (Appearing with Him in Glory to Establish His Kingdom)
In Relation To
Enjoyment of
“Rest” by those
composing the
Body & Bride
of Christ
(the Church)
There is God’s “rest” into which all of us
collectively and privately enter at the coming
of the Lord Jesus for His heavenly people, at
the Rapture, in our glorified state (in
connection with our future deliverance from
the presence of sin in perfected heavenly
glory, all of us together entering into and
sharing God’s everlasting rest in what satisfies
His love and holiness according to His purpose
fully realized in Christ Jesus, Heb. 4:1 and 4:3,
Gr. katapausis; Heb. 4:9, Gr. sabbatismos;
Heb. 4:10 (twice), Gr. katapausis and
katapauo; Heb. 4:11, Gr. katapausis)
There is a “rest” which all glorified saints will
collectively and publicly enjoy in the Revelation of
the Lord Jesus (in connection with the execution of
judgment on all unbelievers living at that time on
this earth, 2 Thess. 1:7, Gr. anesis)
There is also present positional and practical “rest” that we believers individually both possess
once-for-all now (in connection with our past deliverance from the penalty of sin, with full relief in
conscience from the toil of law and the burden of sin, Matt. 11:28, Gr. anapauo) and experience
progressively now (in connection with our present deliverance from the power of sin, with daily rest
of heart in the submissive acceptance of God's will, Matt. 11:29, Gr. anapausis).
There is a further “rest” into which believers individually enter at death, in the intermediate state
(in connection with deliverance from the presence of sin—see, e.g., the Tribulation martyrs who die
during the first half of the future 70th week of Daniel, who are told to “rest” while waiting on the
sovereign Lord to judge and avenge their blood, Rev. 6:11, Gr. anapauo; and the Tribulation martyrs
who die during the second half of Daniel’s 70 th week, who are told to “rest” from the labors through
which they passed, Rev. 14:13, Gr. anapauo). [This contrasts with the everlasting lack of “rest” in
eternal torment for the lost immediately upon death, as illustrated with those upon whom the
wrath of God is poured out for worshipping the beast and its image and receiving the mark of its
name during the second half of the 70th week, Rev. 14:11, Gr. anapausis.]
Now 2 Thess. 1:7-10 speaks of our Lord's public manifestation to the world in judgment on this
earth, not the blessed hope of His coming to Rapture His own to heaven. Thus the "rest" spoken of
in 2 Thess. 1:7, which we, His heavenly Body & Bride, will be enjoying at His public manifestation,
is public rest. In the Manifestation of His Coming, the Lord Jesus will recompense judgment to all
living unbelievers, whereas, at that very time, He will be recompensing (publicly awarding) "rest" to
us who are returning WITH Him! The passage says not one whit to contravene the blessed truth that
we will have been enjoying rest (private rest, if you will) ever since the Rapture prior to the 70th
Week. The passage speaks only to the fact that we will be enjoying said rest (publicly) while the
world of the ungodly is being meted out its just judgment (publicly) by the Lord in great power and
glory. Said another way, 2 Thess. 1:7 in no way implies that the public manifestation of the Lord in
judgment at His revelation will be the first time ever that we, who compose His Body & Bride, will
experience any "rest." For have not those among us who have died prior to the coming of the Lord
been experiencing rest in His presence in heaven (absent from the body, present with the Lord)?
Page 10
Prepared by: James M Ventilato 5/24/2019
Distinguishing Between
The Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and Our Gathering Together unto Him (Rapture)
The Manifestation of His Coming (Appearing with Him in Glory to Establish His Kingdom)
In Relation To
Enjoyment of
“Rest” by those
composing the
Body & Bride
of Christ
(the Church)
The apostles, e.g., have been enjoying that kind of rest for the past 2,000 years! Does that conflict
with the “rest” spoken of in 2 Thess. 1:7? In no way! Likewise, neither does the private rest we will
be enjoying in our glorified state upon the Pre-70th Week Rapture clash with the experience of the
public rest about 7 years later when we return with Him in judgment upon the world!
"2 Thessalonians 1 speaks solely of publicly awarded rest and tribulation when Jesus is revealed. . .
A previous translation is no more a difficulty for the saints caught up to heaven than a previous
tribulation for Jews and Gentiles on earth." (WK)
"The revelation and the day of the Lord are, as is manifest, associated with judgment, and hence
there is the public award of God then for the first time manifested to the world; 'seeing it is a
righteous thing with God to recompense tribulation to them that trouble you; and to you who are
troubled rest with us; when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed.' Doubtless there is a tribulation, and
even the great tribulation in the time of Anti-Christ, previous to the revelation of Jesus; as obviously
there is rest to those who sleep in Jesus now; and there will be rest in a fuller sense when our
bodies are changed, and we are caught up to be with Him. But both are wholly distinct from the
public or retributive tribulation and rest here spoken of. It is the day of punishment with
everlasting destruction to the adversaries, as it is the day when Christ comes, not to present the
Church to Himself, nor to take them to mansions in the Father's house, but to be glorified in His
saints, and to be marvelled at in all them that believed. For 'when Christ, our life, shall appear, then
shall ye also appear with Him in glory.' It is the open judicial dealing (not the hidden joy or
blessedness, before, then, or afterwards,) which here enters into the scene." (WK)
“Thief in the
Night” Figure
N/A: The Lord Jesus does NOT so come, i.e.,
as an object associated in anyway with dread
and apprehension, but exclusively as a
blessed hope, solely as an object and occasion
of indescribable joy, comfort and blessing
Christ does INDEED so come (Matt. 24:43; Luke
12:39; Rev. 3:3; 16:15), in order inculcate dread
and apprehension in the fear of sure judgment at
His hands where there is a lack of reality/spiritual
preparedness amongst Jewish and Gentile
professors and on the world at large
(The Day of the LORD—in its initiating phase with
the opening of the Tribulation/Daniel’s 70th Week
(see next section)—itself arrives as a ‘thief in the
night,’ 1 Thess. 5:1-4; 2 Pet. 3:10)
Note that a thief in the night is unwanted, unlooked for, unexpected. Thus His coming with respect
to His heavenly people, who have been placed of God in an ever expectant posture on earth,
eagerly desiring and looking for Him at any moment, can have absolutely no connection with such a
“thief in the night” character. “The Spirit and the Bride say, Come!” (Rev. 22:17), which expresses
what is proper to each Christian as such, and the Church collectively, as indwelt and actuated by the
Holy Spirit.
Page 11
Prepared by: James M Ventilato 5/24/2019
Distinguishing Between
The Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and Our Gathering Together unto Him (Rapture)
The Manifestation of His Coming (Appearing with Him in Glory to Establish His Kingdom)
Day of the LORD N/A: The Day of the LORD is earthly and
and the Great
connected with “times and seasons” (see
and Gloriously
above), and thus wholly unconnected with
Appearing Day of the heavenly Church and its heavenly hope
the LORD
(Rapture)—which precedes the Day of the
LORD (in its Tribulation/70th Week opening
phase, which relates not to “you”/“we”/“us,”
but to “they”/“them,” 1 Thess. 5:3)
In Relation To
The coming of the "Great and Dreadful," or "Great
and Gloriously Appearing," Day of the LORD (cf.
Mal. 4:5; Joel 2:31; Acts 2:20) is the phase thereof
which marks the actual point of the personal
Appearing of Jehovah-Jesus, the Manifestation of
His Coming, in great power and glory to this earth
The “Day of the LORD” (Day of Jehovah) is an epoch which commences with the Tribulation/Daniel's 70th
Week—and thus prior to the coming of the King of kings to this earth in order to establish His kingdom, but
sometime after the Rapture. It is a mistake to tie the beginning of the Day of the LORD with either the Rapture
or the Appearing, rather than with the 70th Week. The coming of the "Great and Dreadful," or, "Great and
Gloriously Appearing," phase of the Day of the LORD (Mal. 4:5; Joel 2:31; Acts 2:20), however, does indeed
mark the actual time of the revelation of the Lord Jesus from heaven in great power and glory to the world
(cf. also “the day drawing near” of Heb. 10:25). The Day of the LORD as an epoch encompasses the
Millennium as well—lasting through the destruction of the present heavens and earth, whereupon “the
Day of God,” “the Day of Eternity,” commences with the creation of the New Heavens and the New Earth
(cf. 2 Pet. 3:7-12, 18; Rev. chaps. 19, 20, 21; and OT passages that speak, at times, of the “Day of the LORD”
upon this present earth in terms of its purely Millennial glory phase). It is vital, then, to observe the specific
phase of the one epoch of the Day of the LORD dealt with in any given passage of Scripture (i.e., the
Tribulation phase, the Appearing phase, the Millennial phase, and the Destruction of the present heavens
and earth phase).
Moreover, that there is a phase of the “the Day of the LORD” that includes the Tribulation Period/70 th Week
accords with prophetic scripture which depicts the “Day of the LORD” (or “that day”), in its Introductory
phase, in the day of His wrath, as a unique time of “tribulation,” “trouble,” “distress,” “birth pains” in what is
uniquely the worst period of divine judgment in world history—as is the Tribulation Period/70th Week as a
whole and progressively so, especially the 2nd half or its last 3 ½ years. And there obviously cannot be two
distinct Tribulation Periods characterized as the worst divine judgments in world history! (Cp. Joel 2:1-2; Jer.
30:7; Dan. 12:1; Mark 13:19; Matt. 24:15-16, 19-21; Rev. 7:14; 3:10-11; 16:18; Zeph. 1:14-18; Rev. 6:12-17;
Isa. 2:10, 12, 19-21; 13:6-13; Rev. 15:1, 7; 16:1; 1 Thess. 1:10; 5:1-4, 9; along with the sudden/unexpected and
then more intensive “birth pains” of divine judgment and wrath executed during the Day of the LORD in
Matt. 24:8; 1 Thess. 5:1-4, 9; Isa. 13:6-8; Jer. 30:6-7). All of which accords perfectly with 2 Thess. 2. The
Tribulation Period/70th Week is thus identified with the introductory phase of the Day of the LORD.
Observe that in 2 Thess. 2, the apostle Paul does not correct the saints by telling them that the Day of the
LORD could not be present unless the Son of Man is revealed, but that it could not be present unless the man
of lawlessness is revealed! (which he will be when the Restrainer and that which restrains be gone, v. 6-8a,
and he is thus revealed when the covenant is confirmed for seven years by the head of the revived Roman
empire with the mass of apostate Israel at the onset of the 70 th Week, Dan. 9:27). Nor does the apostle
suggest that one of the errors that the Thessalonians imbibed was that of identifying the Tribulation
Period/70th Week with the beginning phase of the Day of the LORD—which is precisely and obviously what
they believed (in accordance with OT prophecy). They were shaken in mind and troubled because they
believed that they were then and there in the Tribulation/70th Week, by being misled into thinking that "the
Day of the LORD is present." Which itself proves absolutely that the coming of the Lord and our gathering
together unto Him (2:1, the Rapture) can in no way be one and the same as the arrival of “the Day of the
LORD” (2:2): for the former (truth) they eagerly and joyfully looked for, while the latter (deception) greatly
troubled them. The anti-PreTribulation error of the then presence of the Day of the LORD is what the apostle,
by the Spirit, masterfully disproves.
Page 12
Prepared by: James M Ventilato 5/24/2019
Distinguishing Between
The Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and Our Gathering Together unto Him (Rapture)
The Manifestation of His Coming (Appearing with Him in Glory to Establish His Kingdom)
Day of the LORD Additionally, if the beginning of the Day of the LORD were simply synonymous with the Lord's Appearing
and return to this earth, then how could the Thessalonian saints have possibly ever been misled into
and the Great
believing that the Day was then present? Who can seriously entertain for a moment that the
and Gloriously
Appearing Day of Thessalonians thought that the Lord Himself was present, that He had actually returned, or that they
were incapable of noticing whether or not such was the case?!
the LORD
Finally, in 1 Thess. 4 and 5 the apostle Paul clearly distinguishes between the Rapture and the times
and seasons of the Day of the LORD. For it is possible to be very “ignorant” of vital details pertaining to
the truth of the Rapture on the one hand (as per 1 Thess. 4:13, 15), while “perfectly well” knowing the
times and the seasons connected with the Day of the LORD (as per 1 Thess. 5:1-2). “Plainly then they are
two different things, quite distinct from each other. Were the rapture an essential part of the times and
seasons, then to be wholly ignorant of it [of the details of the Rapture of the saints] would mean partial
ignorance as to them [of the times and seasons of the Day of the LORD]. The Thessalonians however
were quite ignorant as to it, while being so well instructed as to them that the apostle could say you
‘know perfectly’ and ‘have no need that I write unto you.’ " (FBH)
In Relation To
“Day of our Lord
Jesus Christ”
(Or, “Day of
Christ,” “Day of
Jesus Christ,”
“Day of the Lord
The “Day of our Lord Jesus Christ” is not to be
confused with that which was first revealed in
the OT as the “Day of the LORD,” the “Day of
Jehovah” (see above). Rather, the “Day of
Christ” pertains to the heavenly sphere, and
has absolutely no association with God’s
judgment or wrath toward sin. It is a day of
pure, sovereign, infinite, heavenly grace in
Christ Jesus. It is the day—His day—when He
comes for His heavenly people, His Body and
Bride, to snatch them up to be with Him
forever in the Father’s house, in which day we
will also appear before His Bema or
judgment-seat and then His Marriage and
Wedding Supper, in the heavens, all for His
heavenly glory and joy, as well as our
heavenly blessing (see sections below).
N/A: The Manifestation of His coming pertains
rather to the earth in relation to its prophetic
“times and seasons” and “the Day of the LORD”
(see above), not the “Day of our Lord Jesus Christ”
1 Cor. 1:8; 5:5; 2 Cor. 1:14; Phil. 1:6, 10; 2:16
(cf. also “the day of redemption” of Eph. 4:30)
(Bema) of Christ
for Members of
the Body & Bride
of Christ
The Rapture facilitates the immediately
following presence of each and every member
of the Body & Bride of Christ, individually, in
their glorified state, before the Bema or
Judgment-Seat of Christ in heaven (which in
turn prepares and makes “ready” the Bride
for the heavenly Marriage and Wedding
Supper of the Lamb, see below)
Page 13
N/A: The Manifestation of His coming, and the
Bride with Him in glory, to establish His Millennial
Reign over the earth, occur sometime after the
Bema or Judgment-Seat of Christ is held for all who
compose her (as well as after the Marriage and
Wedding Supper of the Lamb) in heaven
Prepared by: James M Ventilato 5/24/2019
Distinguishing Between
The Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and Our Gathering Together unto Him (Rapture)
The Manifestation of His Coming (Appearing with Him in Glory to Establish His Kingdom)
In Relation To
(Bema) of Christ
for Members of
the Body & Bride
of Christ
At or pursuant to the Bema, every glorified
saint in Christ will receive some praise and
rewards: cf. 1 Cor 4:5; 2 Tim. 4:8; James
1:12; 1 Pet. 1:7; Rev. 4-5 (24 Elders all
crowned, see below); Rev. 19:7-8 (Wife of
the Lamb dressed in her wedding gown of fine
linen, which is the ‘righteousnesses’—
righteous acts, as an outflow of the divine
nature, wrought in the power of the Spirit—
of all heavenly saints, see below)
1 John 4:17-18, moreover, makes clear that
no believer manifested before the JudgmentSeat of Christ (in our glorified state mind you)
will experience any fear or torment, and
ought not feel any such thing now in view of
that coming day; but each of us should have
now, as we will certainly have then, boldness
(confidence, peace, rest of heart) because of
standing ever in grace in Him, in the very One
before whom we will be manifested
Note also that our session before the Bema is
entirely completed in heaven before the start
of the Tribulation with its divine judgments,
before the opening of a single seal in Rev. 6,
as the glorified Church is seen already
crowned with her victor’s reward crowns
under the symbolic representation of the 24
Elders in Rev. 4-5 (see below)
Rev. 22:12; 1 Cor. 4:5; 3:10-15; 2 Cor. 5:10;
Rom. 14:10-12; 1 John 2:28; 4:17-18; John
“Herein has [God’s] love been perfected with us [with respect to us believers] that [so that] we may have
boldness [confidence, peace, rest of heart (bold assurance indeed!)] in [in view of] the day of judgment,
because even as He is [even as the risen, ascended and glorified Christ is in His Life and in His standing
before God, in heavenly glories beyond all judgment], we also are [even while yet] in this world [higher
blessing there cannot be! For we are now, even in our present unglorified state, characterized before
God according to the Life which we have in the Son and the heavenly standing which we have in Him, all
on the ground of the infinite value of His atoning death on the Cross (and in the day of judgment itself
we will be manifested before Him in a physically and morally glorified state like unto Himself! (1 John
3:2; Phil. 3:20-21; 1 Cor. 15:48-49)). We believers are forever—and are even now—as clear from our sins
and the judgment they merit as is Christ Himself in glory, who is our Life, our Standing, and our
Righteousness before God. “Verily, Verily, I say unto you, that he that hears My word, and believes Him
that sent Me, has life eternal [in the Son], and does not come into judgment [as to the guilt of his sins]
Page 14
Prepared by: James M Ventilato 5/24/2019
Distinguishing Between
The Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and Our Gathering Together unto Him (Rapture)
The Manifestation of His Coming (Appearing with Him in Glory to Establish His Kingdom)
In Relation To
(Bema) of Christ
for Members of
the Body & Bride
of Christ
but has passed out of death into life.” (John 5:24) We are not to look within our own hearts to know or
gain assurance as to whether we are clear of judgment (a futile and despairing exercise!); rather, we look
up at the Beloved in whom we are accepted and satisfyingly know that He is so clear of all our sins and
judgment that He is in the glory! And that “even as He is, we also are in this world”—which the apostle
John declares, by inspiration of the Holy Spirit, in keeping with his unvarying, ever-present doctrine in 1
John: “which thing is true in him and in you” (2:8)]. (1 John 4:17)
JND: “Each act of our lives will be manifested then before the tribunal, according as the grace of God and
His ways with us in connection with our own acts will be known then . . . the whole of our acts will be
detailed there, before the judgment-seat, not for us however, as if we were in the flesh, and thus to our
condemnation, but to make evident to our own eyes the grace that occupied itself with us — [when we
were] regenerate or unregenerate . . . my own history will be detailed before the judgment-seat, and,
parallel with it, the history of the grace and of the mercy of God toward me. The why and the how we
did this or that will be manifested then. For us the scene will be declarative, not judicial. We are not in
the flesh before God; in His eyes by His grace we are dead [to the flesh]. But then, if we have walked
according to the flesh, we must see how we lost in blessing thereby, and what loss we have incurred;
and, on the other hand, the ways of God towards us, all ways of wisdom, of mercy, and of grace, will be
perfectly known and understood by us for the first time. The history of each one will come out in perfect
transparency; it will be seen how you yielded and how He preserved you, how your foot slipped and how
He raised you up again, how you were drawing near danger and shame and how He by His own arm
interposed . . . This is the Bride making herself ready, and I consider that moment as a wondrous one.
There will be no flesh then to be condemned; but the new nature will enter into the full knowledge of
the care and of the love, which, in true holiness and in righteousness and even in grace, have followed us
step by step all through the running of the race. Some parts of our life, till then entirely unexplained, will
be fully disclosed and become altogether plain; some tendencies of our nature, that perhaps we do not
judge to be so pernicious and deadly as they are, and for the mortification of which we are perhaps now
subjected to a discipline that we may not have interpreted aright, will be then perfectly explained; and,
what is more, the very falls that plunge us now into such bitter anguish will be seen then to be that
which God used to preserve us from something more terrible. I do not think that until then we shall ever
have had a full knowledge of the badness of our flesh. How blessed for us to know that then it will be not
only all over with the flesh in the counsel of God, but that the flesh will no longer be attached to us! On
the other side, I doubt not, the manifestation of God's grace toward us individually will be so magnificent
that even the sense of the perversity of the flesh that we had, if it could possibly enter there, would be
excluded by the greatness of the sense of divine goodness. Why do we not deny and mortify the flesh
when we think of that hour? The Lord grant that we may do so more and more to the glory of His grace.”
Marriage and
Wedding Supper
of the Lamb
The Rapture and the immediately following
Judgment-Seat of Christ (see above) facilitate
the presence of the complete and “ready”
Bride (Rev. 19:7) at the Marriage and
Wedding Supper of the Lamb in heaven,
BEFORE the Manifestation of His coming with
us in glory at the end of the Tribulation as
King of kings and Lord of lords
Rev. 19:7-9, 11ff
Page 15
N/A: The Manifestation of His coming, and the
Bride with Him in glory, to establish His Millennial
Reign over the earth, occur sometime AFTER the
Marriage and Wedding Supper of the Lamb are
celebrated in heaven
Rev. 19:7-9, 11ff; cf. also Luke 12:36 where He is
likewise pictured as returning from the wedding
feast (which particular wedding feast/celebration
we know from Rev. 19 takes place in the heavens)
Prepared by: James M Ventilato 5/24/2019
Distinguishing Between
The Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and Our Gathering Together unto Him (Rapture)
The Manifestation of His Coming (Appearing with Him in Glory to Establish His Kingdom)
In Relation To
Marriage and
Wedding Supper
of the Lamb
The heavenly Bride is, indisputably, all who compose the Church which is His Body (cf. Eph. 5:22-33;
2 Cor. 11:2; Rom. 7: 1-4; Rev. 21:9-10, 27; 22:14-15, 17). As the Bride is in heaven, complete and
“ready” (Rev. 19:7)—nothing lacking—while the Tribulation Period/Daniel’s 70 th Week is transpiring
on the earth, a Post-Tribulational Rapture of the Church is an impossible scenario. His coming to
Rapture His heavenly people and the Manifestation of His coming to establish the Kingdom must be
distinguished and separated in time. The former must precede, so as to facilitate, the latter.
Further note that the heavenly Marriage and Wedding Supper of the Lamb take place immediately
after the destruction on earth, under God’s judgment, of Mystery Babylon, the Great Harlot (Rev.
17-18; cf. also Rev. 2:22 and 3:16, the culmination of the church of Thyatira and of Laodicea)—the
False Church, the False Bride—at the mid-point of the 70th Week (Rev. 19:1-3) [which makes way for
the worship of the Beast during the 2nd half of the 70th Week (Rev. 13)]
“She [the Church] is both the body of Christ and the bride of Christ, as Eve was of the body of Adam
and also his bride. The Church is the nearest and the most beloved object of His loving heart. But
how has she made herself ready? And what does it mean, ‘And to her was granted that she should
be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white for the linen is the righteousness of the saints’? The grace
of God has supplied the robe and the precious blood is her title to glory. In this respect she was
ready. But the words here refer us to the judgment seat of Christ, that award seat before which we
must appear. Then the hidden things are brought to light and the wood and the hay and stubble are
burned (1 Cor. 3:12-15). Then ‘every man shall have praise of God’ (1 Cor. 4:5) and what grace
accomplished in each one and through each will be manifested. And the clean white linen ‘is the
righteousness of the saints.’ The word ‘righteousness’ is in the plural. It means more than the
righteousness which we are in Christ . . . It includes all the blessed results in life and service
produced by the Holy Spirit, the practical righteousness of the saints. And yet even these need the
washing in that precious blood without which all is unclean and unholy. And so it is grace after all,
as indicated by the word ‘given’ [in the phrase ‘given to her’, the Bride, in Rev. 19:8, and also by the
exhortation to give God the glory and credit for both the Bride’s preparation and the arrival of the
marriage of the Lamb, in Rev. 19:7] . . . He Himself has made her ready and removed every spot,
every wrinkle and every blemish. God grant that we His people may daily meditate on this coming
glorious event, the marriage of the Lamb, and walk worthy of [walk in a manner consistent with
having] such a Lord and such a calling.” (ACG)
Population of/
Propagation in
the Renewed
Earth during the
Millennial Reign
upon its
N/A: None participating in the Rapture can be
among those who will populate and
propagate on the renewed earth during His
Millennial Reign—for the very simple reason
that we heavenly saints, having been
transfigured and translated, will be in our
glorified state (cf. Luke 20:34-36)
Page 16
All Earthly Saints who survive through the entire
Tribulation Period/Daniel’s 70th Week (Jew and
Gentile believers in their standing before God) will
enter the Millennial Kingdom in their natural state
(unglorified bodies), with they alone able to
populate and propagate on the earth during His
Millennial Reign
Prepared by: James M Ventilato 5/24/2019
Distinguishing Between
The Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and Our Gathering Together unto Him (Rapture)
The Manifestation of His Coming (Appearing with Him in Glory to Establish His Kingdom)
In Relation To
Population of/
Propagation in
the Renewed
Earth during the
Millennial Reign
upon its
The Book of
Revelation and
Place of the
Time is required after the Rapture of the Church (wherein all receive glorified bodies) to allow for a
group of saved Jews and a group of saved Gentiles to be raised up to enter the Millennial Kingdom in
their natural bodies. For ONLY the saved will enter the Kingdom at its establishment (cf. 2 Thess.
1:7-9; Matt. 25:11-12, 30, 31-46; 24:13; 13:39-42, 49-50; 7:21-23; 18:3; Isa. 13:9; Ezek. 20:38; Zech.
13:8-9; Rom. 11:26-27); who will reproduce/have children during that 1,000 Year Reign—with many
of those children (from among the Gentiles, cf. Rev. 20:7-9) being unbelievers and some from
among them experiencing death during that Kingdom Age (cf. Isa. 65:20; 66:24). This is impossible
under a Post-Tribulation Rapture scenario, where the Rapture and the Manifestation of His coming
occur at the same time, thereby leaving no believers in natural bodies to thus enter the Kingdom. A
Post-Tribulation Rapture, in fact, makes the whole premillennial judgment of the Sheep and the
Goat Gentiles of Matt. 25:31ff entirely absurd and unnecessary—wherein the Sheep Gentiles are
separated from the Goat Gentiles when the Son of Man sits down upon His earthly kingdom throne
of glory—for such a separation would have already occurred by virtue of the glorification and
rapture of the saints to meet the Lord in the air!
After the Church “things that are” now in
When the time arrives for the Manifestation of His
Revelation Chapters 2 & 3 (cf. Rev. 1:19 and
coming as King of kings and Lord of lords at the end
its divinely given outline of the Book of
of the Tribulation (Rev. 19:11ff), when He comes
Revelation), the Church is seen in Heaven
victoriously, the Church is seen with Him as His
beginning with Rev. 4 and “the things that
armies out of Heaven (Rev. 17:14 and 19:14 & 19,
must take place after these things” (these
“the armies which are in the heaven [who]
Church things that are now; cp. Rev. 1:19c
followed Him upon white horses, clad in white,
with 4:1c)—the Rapture thus implicitly taking pure, fine linen,” even “they that are with Him
place between the end of Rev. 3 and the start called, and chosen, and faithful”)
of Rev. 4 (the occurrence of the Rapture of
the Church being nowhere explicitly recorded
in the Book of Revelation, though Rev. 3:1011 of course speaks of the certainty of that
heavenly hope which keeps us entirely out of
the time of the world-wide trial of the
Tribulation Period). As such, the glorified
Church is seen in Heaven as a result of the
Rapture and prior to the onset of Daniel’s 70th
Week, and during the course thereof:
As the 24 Elders
As the Tabernacle in Heaven
As the Bride, the Lamb’s Wife
The structure of the Book of Revelation requires the Pre-Tribulation Rapture. The divinely given
outline of the Book is given in Rev. 1:19 which is key, with the “things that are” now comprising the
present Church period pictured in Rev. 2-3, and the “things that are to be after these things”
comprising the heavenly events of Rev. 4-5 and the earthly Tribulation Period/Daniel’s 70 th Week
and beyond starting with Rev. 6—where the Church is never again seen on earth (until after the
visions close in Rev. 22, and we have the yearning cry of the Spirit and the Bride for the coming of
the Lord Jesus in Rev.22:17), but is specifically seen under the symbolic representation of the 24
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Prepared by: James M Ventilato 5/24/2019
Distinguishing Between
The Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and Our Gathering Together unto Him (Rapture)
The Manifestation of His Coming (Appearing with Him in Glory to Establish His Kingdom)
In Relation To
The Book of
Revelation and
Place of the
Elders in Heaven (Rev. 4:1-4, 10-11; 5:5-11, 14; 7:11-14; 11:16-17; 14:3; 19:4); and of the Tabernacle
in Heaven (Rev. 13:6, “His tabernacle, even those who [now] have their tabernacle in the heaven”
[cp. Eph. 2:21-22; 1 Cor. 3:16-17; 1 Pet. 2:5]); with the former representation continuing until the
glorified Church is seen in Rev. 19 as the Wife of the Lamb in Heaven, complete and ready, at the
Marriage and Wedding Supper of the Lamb which take place in Heaven (Rev. 19:7-9) prior to the
Manifestation of His coming at the end of the Tribulation as King of kings and Lord of lords (Rev.
19:11ff), when He comes victoriously and we with Him in glory as His armies out of Heaven (Rev.
17:14 and 19:14 & 19, “the armies which are in the heaven [who] followed Him upon white horses,
clad in white, pure, fine linen,” even “they that are with Him called, and chosen, and faithful”). And
observe, too, the conspicuous absence of the oft repeated phrase “he that has an ear, let him hear
what the Spirit says to the churches” after Rev. 2-3 (cf. 2:7, 11, 17, 29; 3:6, 13, 22; and contrast with
the expression in 13:9 relating to the Great Tribulation period).
With respect to Rev. 3:10-11: We are told in Rev. 3:11 how we will be kept out of the time of the
coming world-wide Tribulation judgment of Rev. 3:10, i.e., by way of His imminent coming for us (“I
come quickly”)! Now let us consider more precisely how the believers who comprised the
Philadelphian church (and the other six churches, “for he that has an ear, let him hear what the
Spirit says to the churches”) will actually be ‘kept out of’ the time of this world-wide judgment to
come: Will they be preserved through it? If such is the case (which is a complete misunderstanding
of the text), then these believers, who have been absent from the body and present with the Lord
for the last 2,000 years, will have to be brought back to this earth to undergo the Tribulation Period
so as to be “preserved through it”! Contra such an absurdity, the true saints of the Philadelphian
church (and the other six churches) have clearly been and will continue to be kept entirely out of
the 7-year ‘hour of trial to come upon the whole habitable earth.’ Now this promise is not for the
Philadelphian saints alone (or the saints of the other six churches). This promise of exclusion and
exemption from the time of the Tribulation is for all heavenly saints comprising the Body of Christ
from Pentecost to the Rapture—just as all salvation promises and blessings in every NT Epistle
apply to all believers, and not merely to the original recipients of those Epistles. Thus we have
established that: 1) Rev. 3:10 could not possibly mean ‘preservation through’ the Tribulation Period
for the Philadelphian saints; rather, it conveys exclusion and exemption from the time of the
Tribulation Period altogether; and 2) the promise of Rev. 3:10 applies to us today in the same exact
sense (i.e., it cannot mean exclusion and exemption from the time of the Tribulation for the
Philadelphian saints but ‘preservation through’ it for us). How, then, will those of us who are alive
when the Tribulation is set to start be kept out of (excluded and exempted from) that Period? How,
I ask, other than by a Rapture-Translation removing us from this world before the world-wide
Tribulation Period commences? No other explanation is possible or given to us in Scripture. And
Rev. 3:11, in fact, explicitly connects that very exclusion and exemption with His blessed coming for
us: “I come quickly!”
Note: for those who misinterpret Rev. 3:10 as ‘preservation through’ the Tribulation (and thereby
confuse the heavenly Church with earthly Jew and Gentile saints passing through the Tribulation
Period), what kind of ‘preservation through’ it do the myriads of martyred Tribulation saints actually
experience, being put to death during that Period and not preserved through it at all?! (cf. Rev. 6:911; 11:3-9; 13:10, 15; 14:12-13; 18:24; 19:2; 20:4)
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Prepared by: James M Ventilato 5/24/2019
Distinguishing Between
The Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and Our Gathering Together unto Him (Rapture)
The Manifestation of His Coming (Appearing with Him in Glory to Establish His Kingdom)
In Relation To
The 24 Elders
The 24 Elders are seen in heaven in Rev. 4-5
for the first time, after the Church “things
that are” now in Rev. 2-3, who collectively
represent, as a fixed group, the glorified
Church after the Rapture as king-priests, as a
royal priesthood (cp. Rev. 5:8, 10 with Rev.
1:6 and 1 Pet. 2:9), seated and enthroned
around and in closest connection to the
throne of God, acting in their priestly capacity
(cf. Rev. 5:8, “having each a harp and golden
bowls full of incenses, which are the prayers
of the [Jewish and Gentile] saints” on earth).
They are all crowned with victor’s crowns (Gr.
stephanos, Rev. 4:4, 10—not royal crowns, Gr.
diadema, and thus they are not yet reigning),
awarded as a result of appearing before the
Judgment-Seat (Bema) of Christ (the number
of victor’s crowns awarded to each is left
The 24 Elders are no longer seen as such once the
glorified Church is shown forth as the armies out of
Heaven and as the Wife of the Lamb appearing in
glory with Christ in His Manifestation to the earth
The 24 Elders in heaven (Rev. 4:1-4, 10-11; 5:5-11, 14; 7:11-14; 11:16-17; 14:3; 19:4) derive their
symbolic significance from the 24 courses (shifts or divisions) into which David the king divided the
representative heads of the Levitical priesthood in the OT (1 Chron. 24:1-19), which represented the
whole priesthood. The term “elder” itself, moreover, conveys the thought of: spiritual maturity (1
Tim. 3:6); intelligence in divine things (Tit. 1:9); government (1 Tim. 3; Tit. 1); and representation
rather than solely individual capacity. And observe that the 24 Elders are not and cannot be any
form of angelic creatures, from whom they are consistently and carefully distinguished in the Book
of Revelation (cf. Rev. 5:11 and 7:11). Consider:
Angels always stand, and are never seated or enthroned, before or in the presence of God
(cf., e.g., 1 Kings 22:19; Dan. 7:9-10; Zech. 6:5; Luke 1:19; Rev. 7:11; 8:2; and contrast with
John 20:12, where two angels are seen seated in the empty tomb of our risen Saviour!),
whereas the 24 Elders are indeed thus seated and enthroned (being perfectly at home in
perfect rest and peace in God’s presence, as a result of their so-great heavenly salvation in
Christ—in accordance with their position in Him in the heavenlies now, Eph. 2:6)
Angels always speak or shout (even in praise), and never sing (cf., e.g., Luke 2:13-14 and the
Book of Revelation throughout; Job 38:7 being no exception and better translated as the
morning stars ‘cried out’ in praise), whereas the 24 Elders do thus sing (as a result of and in
connection with their redemption in Christ) [cf. Rev. 5:8-10, and note that in the Greek it is
the 24 Elders alone who are said to be ‘having each a harp’ and to thus ‘sing a new song’]
The fact that the song which the 24 Elders sing in Rev. 5:9-10 speaks of “them” and
“they” (in the third person) rather than “us” and “we” (v. 10), in no way implies that
they sing not of their own blood-redemption (for they sing as representing the
entire glorified Church, not merely of themselves as individuals)—no more than,
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Prepared by: James M Ventilato 5/24/2019
Distinguishing Between
The Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and Our Gathering Together unto Him (Rapture)
The Manifestation of His Coming (Appearing with Him in Glory to Establish His Kingdom)
In Relation To
The 24 Elders
e.g., the Israelites sang not of their own redemption in the first recorded song of
Scripture in Ex. 15:1-18, when they were redeemed out of Egypt and sang of
themselves in the third person (cf. “the people” and “them,” Ex. 15:13, “your
people” and “the people,” Ex. 15:16, and “them” (twice), Ex. 15:17)
Accordingly, the song of the 24 Elders indeed speaks of themselves as redeemed by
blood (that of Jehovah-Jesus), of their being made kings and priests (partaking of
the offices of Christ Himself, the King-Priest), and of their forthcoming reign over
the earth (with the Lord Jesus, beginning with the establishment of the Millennial
Kingdom, Rev. 5:10; and cp. Rev. 1:6; 3:21; 2:26-27; 20:4, 6; 22:5; 1 Cor. 6:2-3; Rom.
8:17; Eph. 1:10-14, 21-23 (and cp. 1:21 with 2:6); 2 Tim. 2:12; 1 Pet. 2:9)—none of
which, clearly, is true of angelic creatures (see also Heb. 2:5, “for He has not
subjected to angels the habitable world [Millennial world] which is to come”)
Angels are known for excelling in strength (2 Pet. 2:11; Ps. 103:20), not wisdom, and never
age or grow to maturity and thus are never referred to as “elders,” a term used only of men
and particularly in connection with leaders in the local assembly (which itself is a
representative office) who were appointed by the apostles or their delegates; whereas the
24 Elders are seen demonstrating their spiritual wisdom, intelligence and intimate
familiarity with the mind of Christ and the counsels of God (cf. Rev. 5:5, 9-10; 7:13-14; and
cp. John 15:15; 1 Cor. 2:16)
Angels are never crowned; whereas members of the Body & Bride of the Son alone are
promised victor’s crowns (Gr. stephanos) as rewards (cf. Rev. 4:4, 10; and cp. 1 Cor. 9:25;
James 1:12; 2 Tim. 4:8; 1 Pet. 5:4; Rev. 2:10)—thus showing that the Judgment-Seat (Bema)
of Christ has already taken place in the heavens before the opening of the Tribulation
Period on earth
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Prepared by: James M Ventilato 5/24/2019