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Objectives 1. Learn that a group may accomplish more than individual efforts. 2. Understand that good communication is important for a successful team. 3. Think about the different attitudes each individual needs to make to be on a successful team. Quote -TEAM = Together Everyone Achieves More -Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success. -Henry Ford Activity "Survival Scenario Exercise" from Equipment • Scenario briefing (1 per group) • List of items/people (1 per person) • Expert list (number optional)
Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time fo r reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing this collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to Department of Defense, Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports (0704-0188), 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington, VA 22202-4302. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to any penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. PLEASE DO NOT RETURN YOUR FORM TO THE ABOVE ADDRESS.
Compound contributions (CCs) -dialogue contributions that continue or complete an earlier contribution -are an important and common device conversational participants use to extend their own and each other's turns. The organisation of these cross-turn structures is one of the defining characteristics of natural dialogue, and cross-person CCs provide the paradigm case of coordination in dialogue.
Proceedings of the 27th …, 2009
Michmanim 30, 2024
Article presents the results of rescue excavations conducted by the authors on behalf of the Antiquities Authority on the northwestern outskirts of the Roman city of Paneas (Caesarea Philippi). The excavations exposed part of a suburban cemetery dated to the Roman period, with several sealed tombs found empty of any archaeological or osteological remains. Two peculiar square stone-built burial structures were exposed in the immediate vicinity and were identified as monumental tombs. Whereas one of the monuments was discovered empty, the other contained a large cooking pot with cremated human remains. The characteristics of these monuments, previously unattested in the archaeological record of Israel, seem to be inspired by the funerary architecture of the Palmyrene region typified by its well-known “tower-tomb” structures.
Kehidupan bernegara tanpa ideologi bagaikan berkelana tanpa arah dan tujuan, tidak ada arah tidak ada dasar semuanya berjalan tanpa pertimbangan-pertimbangan dan tidak tahu tujuan. Makna dan arti ideologi bagi suatu negara/bangsa adalah sesuatu memiliki fungsi sebagai pandangan hidup dan sebagai petunjuk arah semua dalam kehidupan hidup serta penghidupan bangsa di berbagai aspek-aspek atau bidang dalam kehidupan masyarakat, bangsa, dan negara. Menurut Ali Syariati, ideologi adalah keyakinan-keyakinan dan gagasan-gagasan yang ditaati oleh suatu kelompok, suatu kelas sosial, suatu bangsa, atau suatu ras tertentu. Ideologi umumnya dirumuskan dari pandangan hidup, baik pandangan yang bersumber dari ajaran agama maupun dari falsafah hidup. Ideologi yang berasal dari ajaran agama seperti Islam, Kristen, Hindu, Buddha, maupun agama lainnya, ideologi ini biasanya bersifat umum dan universal, artinya berlaku untuk semua umat manusia.
LA HISTORIA OLVIDADA: FILIPINAS-MEXICO 2024, 2024 The Philippine Embassy in Mexico, in partnership with the UP Departamento ng Kasaysayan of the University of the Philippines, El Colegio de San Luis, A.C., and the Philippine-Mexico Studies Program of UNAM Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, is pleased to invite everyone to the fifth episode of LA HISTORIA OLVIDADA: FILIPINAS-MEXICO 2024, which will be held via Zoom on 22 June 2024 from 8:30 to 10:00 a.m., Philippine time. The resource speaker, Dr. Sonia Ocaña-Ruiz, is a Professor from the History Department of Universidad Juaréz Autónoma de Tabasco, México. She will discuss “The Domestication of Asia Trans-Pacific Art Objects in 17th Century New Spain”. Her presentation will be in English. This virtual colloquium series, which will also be streamed live via the Embassy´s YouTube channel (, aims to highlight pivotal events and contexts that have shaped the engagements between the Philippines and Mexico from the sixteenth century to the contemporary period. To confirm attendance, please complete this Google form:
Soucieux de connaître la manière dont l'homme du Moyen Âge considérait sa famille et sa parentèle, l'historien s'est penché sur les actes de la pratique pour examiner avec soin les formules dites « pro anima » qui, dans les chartes de donation et selon la volonté du bienfaiteur, réunissent les bénéficiaires des oraisons des hommes d'Église. Il a noté l'attention portée aux ancêtres et le souci pour la génération future. Il semble cependant que, plus que les mots eux-mêmes, ce soit, sur ce dernier point, l'idée qui ait été relevée. Or, les résultats de quelques sondages concernant les termes qui désignent les enfants, garçons et filles, dans les actes de la pratique, suscitent des interrogations. Filius s'impose quand il s'agit d'évoquer les enfants, mâles en l'occurrence, d'un donateur. Ainsi, cent trente sept chartes sur les quatre mille quatre cent dix-huit actes de l'abbaye de Cluny antérieurs au XIII e siècle comprennent une formule pro anima incluant le mot filius. La fréquence de ce dernier terme devient immédiatement plus sensible quand elle est comparée à celle de proles qui, visant « les enfants », « la postérité », « la lignée », n'apparaît, en effet et dans le même contexte, qu'à deux reprises 1 . Si l'on élargit la base documentaire pour considérer vingt-quatre mille six cent cinquante-quatre actes rédigés au sein du royaume franc entre la fin du VIII e siècle et l'entrée dans les années 1200 2 , proles demeure rare. Il n'est, de fait, attesté qu'à quatre-vingt-sept reprises, soit dans moins de 0,36% des écrits considérés 3 .
Polonistyka "tu i teraz". Krajobraz po zmianie. Materiały Zjazdu Polonistów Warszawa 2022, 2023
Лесковачки зборник 64, 2024
Γραφή και Γραφές στον 21ο αιώνα – Η πρόκληση για την εκπαίδευση. , 2009
Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics, 2019
The European Physical Journal C, 2011
Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, 2022
The European Physical Journal Plus, 2013
Peritoneal Dialysis International: Journal of the International Society for Peritoneal Dialysis, 2000
newDATA Magazine, 2021
Journal of Virology, 2019
The European Physical Journal B, 2013
The Journal of extra-corporeal technology, 2005