, 1971.
Chapter 12
Race, articulation and
societies structured in
by Stuart Hall
The aim of this paper is to mark out a set of emergent questions and problems
in the study of racially-structured social formations, and to indicate where some
new and important initiatives are developing. In order to do this, it is necessary
to situate the breaks which these studies represent from the established field of
study; this, in turn, requires a crude characterization of the field. I begin with
such a crude sketch, at a very general level of abstraction-offering only passing
apologies for the necessary simplification involved. The attempts to deal with
the question of 'race' directly or to analyse those social formations where race
is a salient feature constitute, by now, a formidable, immense and varied literature, which is is impossible to summarize at all adequately. No justice can be
done to this complexity and achievement here.
Something important about this field of inquiry can nevertheless be
grasped by dividing many of the varied tendencies represented within it into
two broad dominant tendencies. Each has generated a great variety of different
studies and approaches. But the selection of these two tendencies is not wholly
arbitrary. In many ways, they have come to be understood as opposed to one
another. As is often the case with such theoretical oppositions, they can also be
understood, in many respects, as inverted mirror images of one another. Each
tries to supplement the weakness of the opposing paradigm by stressing the socalled 'neglected element'. In doing so, each points to real weaknesses of conceptualization and indicates, symptomatically, important points of departure
for more adequate theorizations. Each, however, I suggest, is inadequate within
the operative terms of its present theorization. The break thus constitutes a
theoretical rupture, in part or in whole, with each of these dominant tendencies,
and a possible restructuring of the theoretical field such as might enable important work of a new kind to begin.
For simplification sake, the two tendencies may be called the 'economic'
Stuart Hall
and the 'sociological'. Let us begin with the first-the economic. A great rang:
and variety of studies must, for convenience, be bundled together under t h ~ c
crude heading. These include both differences of emphasis and differences of
conceptualization. Thus, some studies within this tendency concentrate on i n ternal economic structures, within specific social formations (analyses of thc
economic and racial structures of South Africa would be a good example^
Others are more concerned with relations between internal and external economic features, however these are characterized (developed/underdeveloped:
imperialist/colonized; metropolitan/satellite, etc.). Or very different ways c r
conceptualizing the 'economic' are involved, based on radically different econcmic premises or frameworks. For the purposes of this paper, I shall group together
within this tendency-the pertinent differences will be dealt with later-thoce
which are framed by neo-classical 'development' economics (e.g. a dual sector
analysis-capitalist and subsistence sectors); those which adopt a m o d e r n i z a t i ~ ~
or industrialization model (e.g. based on something like Rostow's theory (:!
'stages of growth'); those, like the 'dependency' theorists of the ECLA school.
utilizing a radical theory of the economics of world underdevelopment; or thosc
like Baran or Gunder Frank, who have employed a Marxist orientation (hen
classical it remains, as shall be seen, is a matter of continuing controversy).
What allows of a characterization of these very different approaches as belonging
to a single tendency is simply this: they take economic relations and structures
to have an overwhelmingly determining effect on the social structures of such
formations. Specifically, those social divisions which assume a distinctively racial
or ethnic character can be attributed or explained principally with reference to
economic structures and processes.
The second approach I have called sociological. Here again-rather
tendentiously-a great variety of approaches are placed under a single rubric.
Some concentrate on social relations between different racial or ethnic strata.
Some deal more exclusively with cultural differences (ethnicity), of which race
is only one, extreme case. Some pursue a more rigorously plural theory.
derived from Furnivall and M. G. Smith and others of that school. Some are
exclusively concerned with forms of political domination or disadvantage, based
on the exploitation of racial distinctions. In the vast majority of these studies.
race is treated as a social category. Biological conceptions of race have greatly
receded in importance, though they have by no means wholly disappeared (for
example: the revival of bio-sociology, and the reintroduction of biologica1l)~based theories, through the genetic principle, in the recent work of Jensen and
Eysenck. The principal stress in this second tendency is on race or ethnicity as
specifically social or cultural features of the social formations under discussion.
Again, what distinguishes the contributors to this school as belongingfor the purposes here alone-to a single tendency, is this: however they differ
internally, the contributors to the sociological tendency agree on the autonomy,
the non-reductiveness, of race and ethnicity as social features. These exhibit, they
argue, their own forms of structuration, have their own specific effects, which
cannot be explained away as mere surface forms of appearance of economic
Race, articulation and societies structured in dominance
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relations, nor adequately theorized by reducing the111 to the econonlic level of
Here it can be seen how the two paradigms have been couiiterposed to
one another, each correcting the weakness of its opposite. The first tendency,
whether Marxist or not, gives an over-all determinacy to the economic level.
This, it is said, imparts a hard centre-a materialist basis-to the otherwise softcentredness or culturalisrn of ethnic studies. The stress on the sociological aspects,
in the second tendency, is then a sort of direct reply to this first emphasis.
It aims to introduce a necessary complexity into tlie simplifying schenias of an
economic explanation, and to correct against the tendency of the first towards
economic reductionism. Social formations, the second tendency argues, are
complex ensembles, composed of several different structures, none of which is
reducible to the other. Thus, whereas the former tends to be mono-causal in
form, the latter tends to be pluralist in emphasis, even if it is not explicitly
plural in the theoretical sense.
It will be seen that this debate reproduces, in micro, the larger, strategic
debates which have marked out the field of social science in general in recent
years. Consequently, developments in the latter, larger, field-whether they
take racially-structured social formations as their specific objects of inquiry or
not-are bound to have theoretical effects for that region of study. Hence, the
consequences of such breaks in the paradigms for the 'sociological theories of
race'. The debate is not, however, exclusively a theoretical one. Differences of
theoretical analysis and approach have real effects for the strategies of political
transformation in such societies. If the first tendency is broadly correct, tlien what
is often experienced and analysed as ethnic or racial conflicts are really manifestations of deeper, economic contradictions. It is, therefore, to tlie latter that the
politics of transformations must essentially be addressed. The second tendency
draws attention to the actual forms and dynamic of political conflict and social
tension in such societies-which frequently assume a racial or ethnic character.
It points to the empirical difficulty of subsuming these directly into more classical
economic conflicts. But if ethnic relations are not reducible to economic relations,
then the former will not necessarily change if and when the latter do. Hence, in a
political struggle, the former must be given their due specificity and weight as
autonomous factors. Theory here, as always, has direct or indirect practical
Political circumstances-while not sufficient to account for the scientific
value of these theories-also provide one of the conditions of existence for
theory, and have effects for its implementation and appropriation. This has
clearly been the case, even if restricted (as is done for a good section of this paper)
primarily to the Latin America and the Caribbean. The dual sector modelbased on an export-led, import-substitution, foreign investment supported type
of economic development-sponsored a long and disastrous period of national
economic development, which further undermined the economic position of one
country after another in the region. The theory of modernization was for long
the economic cutting-edge of alliance-for-progress strategies in the continent.
Stuart Hall
Versions of the 'dependency' school have been harnessed, under different cond.tions, to the promotion of anti-imperialist, national-capitalist development oi a
radical type. The metropolitan/satellite theories of Gunder Frank and other,
were specifically developed in the context of the Cuban revolution and tkte
strategies of Latin-American revolution elaborated in OLAS-represented. fc:
example, in the resolutions to the 1962 Second Declaration of Havana. Tbc
whole field, indeed, provides an excellent case study of the necessary intercernexions between theory, politics and ideology in social science.
Each tendency exhibits something of its own rational core. Thus, it ma!
not be possible to explain away race by reference to the economic relatior:
exclusively. But the first tendency is surely correct when it insists that rac!r.
structures cannot be understood adequately outside the framework of qujtc
specific sets of economic relations. Unless one attributes to race a single, unitar?.
transhistorical character-such that wherever and whenever it appears it al\\a! s
assumes the same autonomous features, which can be theoretically explain&.
perhaps, by some general theory of prejudice in human nature (an essentialls:
argument of a classic type)-then one must deal with the historical specificit! ci
race in the modern world. Here one is then obliged to agree that race relations are
directly linked with economic processes: historically, with the epochs of conquest, colonization and mercantilist domination, and currently, with the 'urequal exchanges' which characterize the economic relations between develow
metropolitical and 'underdeveloped' satellite economic regions of the worli
economy. The problem here is not whether economic structures are relevant tc.
racial divisions but how the two are theoretically connected. Can the economic
level provide an adequate and sufficient level of explanation of the racial features
of these social formations? Here, the second tendency enters its caveat. Similar]!.
the second tendency is surely correct to draw attention to the specificity of those
social formations which exhibit distinctive racial or ethnic charactistics. The
critique of economic reductionism is also, certainly to the point. The problem
here is to account for the appearance of this 'something else'-these extraeconomic factors and their place in the dynamic reproduction of such social formations. But these 'real problems' also help us to identify what weaknesses are
obscured by the inversions which each paradigm practices on the other. If the
dominant tendency of the first paradigm is to attempt to command all differences and specificities within the framework of a simplifying economic logic
then that of the second is to stop short with a set of plural explanation,
which lack an adequate theorization, and which in the end are descriptive
rather than analytic. This, of course, is to state the differences in their sharpest.
and most oversimplified form. It is worthwhile, now, exploring some of the cornplex terrain and arguments which are contained by this simple binarism.
The first aspect can be pinpointed by looking at some features of the recent controversies which have arisen in the analysis of the South African social
formation. South Africa is clearly a 'limit case' in the theoretical sense, as well as
a 'test case' in the political sense. It is perhaps the social formation in which the
salience of racial features cannot for a moment be denied. Clearly, also the racial
om: re-
11 as
Race, articulation and societies structrrred in dominance
structures of South African society cannot be attributed to cultural or ethnic
differences alone: they are deeply implicated with the forms of political and
economic domination which structure the whole social formation. Moreover,
there can be little argument that this is a social formation in which the capitalist
mode of production is the dominant economic mode. Indeed, South Africa is
the 'exceptional' (?) case of an industrial capitalist social formation, where race
is an articulating principle of the social, political and ideological structures,
and where the capitalist mode is sustained by drawing, simultaneously, on what
have been defined as both 'free' and 'forced' labour.
Now substantial parts of the literature on the South African social
formation deal with the racial aspects of the society as accounted for, essentially,
by the governing economic relations. These relations are characterized as, for all
practical purposes, class relations in the classical sense. The structuring of the
South African labour force into black and white strata is therefore analysed as
similar to the 'fracturing' of the working class, which one finds in all capitalist
social formations-with the single exception that, here, race is the mechanism
by which this stratification of the class is accomplished. As Wolpe has observed,
these analyses assume that white and black working classes stand in essentially
the same relation to capital. Hence, the dynamic of social relations will fall withn
the basic logic of class struggle which capitalist relations or production classically assume. The racial divisions amount to 'nothing more than the specific form
which the fractionalization of the working class, common to all capitalist modes
of production, has taken in the South African social formations' (Wolpe: 1976).
Such analyses-Wolpe refers to several sources-thus tend to fall into what we
have defined as our 'first' paradigm: the subsumption of racial structures under
the 'logic' of capitalist economic relations. This approach can then be easily
matched by its immediate, and inverted, opposite. These alternative analyses treat
economic class formations as largely irrelevant to the analysis of the social and
political structures, where race, rather than class, is treated as the pertinent
factor, through which the society is socially structured and around which social
conflicts are generated. Such a 'sociological' approach can be found in, for
example, Kuper (1974) and Van den Berghe (1965).
Much more important-and more difficult to slot easily into either of the
two approaches-is the work of John Rex, himself a South African and a distinguished sociologist. Rex has not worked extensively on South African
materials. But his writing, though often necessarily programmatic, represents the
'sociological' approach at one of its richest and most complex points. Rex's
first essay on the subject, 'South African society in comparative perspective'
(Rex: 1973), opens with a critique of the failure of both structural-functionalist
and Marxist perspectives to deal effectively with race and ethnicity in South
African society. He is equally critical of, though he gives more attention to, the
'Plural' theory of Furnivall and Smith. Smith argued that the different ethnic
segments of Caribbean society were 'plurally' distinct, held together only through
the monopoly, by one of the segments, of political power: 'the monopoly of
power by one cultural section is the essential precondition for the maintenance
Stuart Hall
of the total society in its current form.' Against this, Rex correctly argues that
'the dynamics of the society turn upon the involvement of men of differing ethnic
backgrounds in the same social institutions, viz., the slave plantation' (Rex:
1973, p. 261). The same could be said of the attempts to extend the 'plural
society' paradigm, with its primacy of attention to cultural segmentation, and its
ascription of the factor of cohesion to the instance of political monopoly, to
South Africa. However, he is equally critical of any attempt to explain the racial
forms in which social conflict appears in such societies as a species of 'false
Rex bases his own approach on a significant historical fact of d~yerence.
Whereas, 'classically', capitalism has been installed through the expansion of
market relations, production for which is based on 'free labour', capitalism in
South Africa arose on the basis of conquest (of the Bantu peoples) and their
incorporation into the economic relations on the basis of 'unfree labour', 'as
part of an efficient capitalist system of production'. This inaugurates the capitalist
mode on very different historic 'presuppositions' from those derived from the
general account said to be offered by Marx-presuppositions, however, more
typical of 'colonial' formations, where conquest and colonization have been
central features, and thus pertinent to the appearance, in such societies, of 'nor
simply the class struggle engendered by capitalist development, but the "race
war" engendered by colonial conquest' (Rex: 1973, p. 262). Rex makes a great
deal of these differentiating features : the 'capacity of the employers to command
the use of coercive violence during and after colonial conquest', and the facr
that the 'central labour institution' is not classical free labour but 'migrant
labour in its unfree form'.
Taking as the central feature of his analysis this quite atypical 'central
labour institution', Rex is able to delineate more precisely the specific economic
mechanisms which have served to 'incorporate' the African working class into the
capitalist system in ways which preserve rather than liquidate its segmentar!
racial character. The racial structure of the South African social formation 13
thereby given concreteeconomicconditions of existence-thelink being traceable.
precisely, through its 'peculiarity', its deviation from the 'classical' capitalist path.
Rex traces historically the various economic forms of this 'unfreedom' : the rural
reserves, the labour compound, the emergence of the third element of the migrant
labour system, the 'urban native location'. 'Nearly all African labour partake3
in some measure of the characteristics of the compound worker and the domestic
worker's status. All are liable to masters and servants legislation, and none are
completely free, even though the development of secondary manufacturing industry may lead to greater flexibility of wages, greater permanence of the
labour force and hence greater recognition of the needs of the worker for kinship
and community.' (Rex: 1973, p. 278). These 'differences', both in the mode of
entry and in the status of African labour, are seen by Rex as operating principally through the means by which African labour supply is recruited to capitalist
industry. The economic relations are thus the necessary, but not the sufficient
conhtion of the racial structure of the South African social formation. For this
Race, articulation and societies structured in dominance
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is also preserved by a 'non-normative' element-for example, political and legal
factors-which stems from the political domination of the State by the white
settler capitalist class, and the 'workable compromise' between this class and the
white working class, which leads both to reap the advantages of confining
native labour to its subordinate status in the labour market. In the context of the
'classical' line of capitalist development, a capitalism which preserves rather than
abolishes such 'irrational' features must be, to say the least, a 'deviant' case.
There is certainly no simple counterposing of 'social' as against 'economic' factors here. Rex cannot be accused of neglecting the level of economic
relations, as many 'culturalists' can. Indeed, it is his concern with the specificity
of the fornls of economic relations peculiar to the South African case which
enables him to grasp some of the fundamental features of a social formation
which is both identifiably 'capitalist', and yet different in structure from 'the
capitalist type' of social development-as the latter has been derived from one
reading of the Marxist literature. The attention to the 'central labour institutions'
of this formation enables h m to bring forward what Marx in another context
called the 'differentia specifics'-the basis, as he put it, of an adequate historically-specific abstraction: 'just those things which determine their development,
i.e., the elements which are not general and common, must be separated out . . .
so that in their unity . . . their essential difference is not forgotten.' (Marx: 1973,
p. 85.)
Nor is there a neglect of class relations and the class struggle. The segmentary approach of 'Pluralism' is specifically refused. 'If there is division, the
divisions can be seen as functionally integrated within an over-all pattern of
political conflict generated by the capitalist development of the country since the
mineral discoveries of 1867 and 1886.' The 'revision' involved is rather the refusal of any attempt to subsume these into a universal and univocal form'capitalist class relations' in general. 'Clearly what we have here is not something
which can be adequately interpreted in terms of some universal Marxist law
of class struggle but a specific kind of class struggle there undoubtedly is, namely
one in which the classes are groups of varying rights and degrees of rightlessness,
according to the kind of conquest or unfreedom which was imposed on them in
an earlier period. The history, the structure and the forms of social differentiation
which South Africa presents [i.e. its 'racial' aspect] are, as in the case of any
former colonial society, the product of such conquest and unfreedom.' These
two criteria---conquest and 'unfree' labour-are the critical conceptual mechanisms through which Rex's analysis is organized. The 'origin' of the capitalist
mode in conditions of conquest, coupled with the 'peculiar institutions' of
unfree labour thus preserve, at the economic level, and secure its continuing
racially ascriptive features. This is a capitalism of a very specific and distinctive
kind: 'there are a number of different relationships to the means of production
more subtle than can be comprehended in terms of distinction between owners
and non-owners', each of which 'gives rise to specific class situations . . . a
whole range of class situations'. The analysis therefore begins with the economic
level but differentiates it from the classical type.
Stirart Hall
In addition, however, there are other relations which are not ascribable
within the 'social relations of production'. These include distinctions at the level
of culture and values-maintained, for example, by such institutional structures
as the system of Bantu education and forms of political power--established
through the separation of political and economic power, such as the control of
political power by the whites. These generate conflicts between groups distinct
from 'control of the means of production'. Here the analysis encompasses the
position of social groups-the African 'middle class', the Cape Coloureds, the
Indian traders-which cannot be easily assimilated to the earlier analysis of
economic relations. From them many ascriptive features of South Africa's
'closed' structure of social relations also arise.
This analysis, while predicated on the 'peculiarity' of the South African
system, is not limited to it. Rex has recently proposed a similar sketch as the
basis for analysing ethnic relations in Latin America and the Caribbean (Rex :
1978). Here, too, the analysis begins with delineating 'the basic forms of economic exploitation which can arise in colonial conditions', including 'other possible
types of capitalist and non-capitalist exploitation and accumulation'. In this
instance, the range includes forms of 'unfree' or 'partly-free' labour-the
encomie slavery and the plantation system, the formation of a 'dependent
peasant'. It includes a similar range of social strata-the 'settlers', pariah trader
groups, middlemen, the caciques, missionaries, administrators. The general form
of the argument is very similar to that employed in the South African case.
'Some of these groups are opposed to one another as classes in a Marxian sense.
All of them, however, form relatively close groups with their own distinctive
cultural traits and social organization. The over-all effect is of too much overlap
and inter-penetration to justify us in calling it a caste system, but too much closure of avenues of mobility for us to call it a system of social stratification. It is
much too complex, involving overlapping modes of production, for it to be
described as a situation of class struggle in the Marxian sense. All of these aspects
need to be kept in mind when we speak of a colonial system of social stratification.' (Rex: 1978, p. 30).
On the broad theoretical plane, we inust see this as a model founded
on a very specific theoretical revision. Without undue simplification, it combines
elements of a Marxist and a Weberian approach. The synthesis is, however.
secured on essentially Weberian terrain. I say this, not because Rex constantl!
counterposes his own approach to what he sees as an inadequate and simplifying
application of the 'Marxist law of class struggle'-though he docs. Rather, this
characterization refers to the conceptual structure of Rex's revisions. The synthesis is accomplished, theoretically, in two different, complementary ways. The
first is the distancing of the analysis from what is conceptualized as a 'classical'
Marxist approach. Much depends on how this definition is established. 'Classical' Marxism is characterized as a mode of explanation which assumes that all
the various instances of conflict are subsumable within and dominated by the
class struggle. Classes are defined by economic position-loosely, in terms of the
distinction between 'owners and non-owners' of the means of production. They
Race, articulation and societies structured in dominance
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are economic groups 'in themselves' which can be organized, through the pursuit of their distinct class interests in competing market situations, by means of
the class struggle, to become 'classes-for-themselves'. The Marxist approach is
also identified, here, with a set of propositions as to the form, the path and the
logic of capitalist development. The classical form is that in which free labour
confronts the capitalist in the labour market. (Capitalism 'can spring to life
only when the owner of the means of production and subsistence meets in the
market with the free labourer selling his labour power. And this one historical
condition comprises a world's history'. (Marx: 1961, p. 170).) The classical path
is that which makes this struggle between owners and non-owners the typical,
dominant and determining set of relations in all social formations in which the
capitalist mode is dominant. The classical logic is that the 'economic rationality'
of capitalist market relations sooner or later prevail over and transform those
relations stemming from previous, now displaced, modes of production, so that
capitalist relations 'net' the latter within their sway. Rex distances himself from
this 'classical' account, in terms of the pertinent differences between it and the
actual social formations it is required to explain. True, he concedes that where
there is capitalism, there will be economic struggles of a capitalist type-class
struggles. However, social formations of a colonial type exhibit different forms
which take a different path and obey a different logic. In addition, there are in
such social formations other structural relations which are not attributable to
class relations of a classical capitalist type.
The second feature is a recuperation of these problems within the framework of a 'classical' Weberianism. By this we mean that, contrary to those who
have adopted Weber against Marx, as a way of moving decisively from economic-structural to more 'superstructural' features, Rex always works from that
often-forgotten side of Weber's work which treats extensively of economic relations including, of course, economic class conflict of a capitalist type, as one
among a range of possible types of such relations. This is a distinctive stress, which
allows Rex to encompass Marxian analysis of class relations as one, limited case
within a more inclusive range of economic relations, defined as a set of 'idealtypes'. This 'one among a range' approach thus also permits the elaboration of
other economic relations to explain peculiar features of social formations which
do not exhibit Marx's hypostasized classical capitalist structure. For Weber,
economic class conflicts were conceptualized as one among a range of possible
market situations, in relation to which groups, differently composed, struggled in
competition. For Weber, these different market relations do not overlap into
anything which can be called the general form of the class struggle. Groups
competing in the struggle over prestige or status may not be the same as groups
competing over the power over scarce resources. Thus, in his work on immigration and housing, Rex distinguishes, between and within economic groups in
terms of the stratification of the housing market-in relation to which, he
identifies a set of distinct 'housing classes'. It follows that the groups dominant
in each market situation do not cohere into anything so singular as a single
ruling class in the Marxian sense. Instead, one must generate, according to each
Stuart HUN
empirical case, a range of ideal-typical market situations, the sum of these
plural structures constituting the social formation. This does not mean that the
analysis excludes questions of exploitation. This is not, however, a general
feature but one which remains to be specified in each individual case. It is, thus,
Weber in this 'harder' form-Weber, so to speak, 'corrected for' by Marxwhich is the theoretical basis of the synthesis Rex proposes. The solution to a
limited, one-sided form of Marxian explanation is the adoption of a powerful and
distinctive 'left Weberianism'. It should be pointed out here that this 'solution'
is not restricted exclusively to those who are opposed to the 'totalism' of Marxian
forms of explanation. It has been noted recently (cf., McLennan: 1976 and
Schwarz: 1978) that some Marxist theorists, when required to integrate political
and ideological structures into an economic analysis of a Marxist kind, sometimes also attempt to deal with these levels by a somewhat untheorized appropriation of Weberianism. (This, it has been suggested, is sometimes the case with
the work of so distinguished a Marxist economic historian as Maurice Dobb.)
So what has been pinpointed here is something like a 'theoretical convergence'.
operated at one time or another from arguments which begin from either the
Marxist or the Weberian pole of the debate.
Significantly, there is one point where Rex challenges both Marx and
Weber-a point where, incidentally, they both appear to agree. This is the contention that 'free labour was the only form of labour compatible in the long run
with the logic of rational capitalism' (Rex: 1973, p. 273). This argumentfounded, in Weber, by his particular ideal-type definition of 'capitalist rationality', and in Marx, by his historical analysis of the 'typical' path of capitalist
development, based on the English case-is contested by Rex on both fronts.
Instead, Rex argues that historical deviations from this 'modal' type can often
be found in social formations of a 'specifically colonial type'. Here, in contrast,
conquest, and a variety of forms of 'unfree labour' (based on apparently irrational forms of ascriptive relations, such as those founded on racial differences)
can be possible conditions of existence for the emergence and development of
an 'effective' capitalist mode ofproduction. Lying behind this analytic distinction
is, undoubtedly, a theoretical-political point: namely a refusal of the 'Eurocentredness' of Marxism, based as it is on extrapolating to other social formations forms of development, paths and logics peculiar to, and illegitimately
generalized from, European cases (especially, of course, the English case, which
forms the basis for the analysis in Marx's Capital).
With this important qualification, we can now identify the dominant
tendency of this synthesis (the following passage may stand for many other instances in Rex's work): 'Of course, one problem in adopting terms like "caste"
and "estate" . . . is that all of them seem to omit what is essential to the Marxist
definition of class, i.e. relationships to the means of production. What we wish
to suggest here, however, departs from simple Marxism in a twofold sense.
First it recognizes that at the level of relationships to the means of production
there are more possible positions and potentialities for class formation than
simple European Marxism seems to allow; and second, that over and above the
Race, articulation and societies structured in dominance
t of
actual means of production, there are a number of social functions and positions
and that these functions are appropriated by closed groups which, thereafter,
have their own interestsand their own power position vis-a-vis society as a whole.'
When this 'Marx plus Weber' theoretical position is then translated to the domain of politics, it yields a 'Marx plus Fanon' sort of argument. (Rex: 1978,
p. 23-24, p. 45.)
The position, the synthesis of which has been outlined here, has of course
been criticized in the context of its application to South Africa. For example,
Wolpe in a recent article (Wolpe: 1976) points out that the distinction between
'free' and 'forced' labour is not an adequate way of conceptualizing the relations
of production of a capitalist social formation, since, for Marx, even in its classical form, 'free labour' is 'free' only in a very specific and formal sense: it is, after
all, subject to economic compulsions to sell its labour power as a commodity.
Thus, in the South African case, the freelunfree couple, while effective in distinguishing the different constraints which structure the availability of black and
white labour in the market, is not theoretically powerful enough to establish,
for black labour, a relation to capitalist production of a conceptually distinct
kind: 'all labour-power is in some way and in some degree unfree, the type,
gradation or continuum of degrees of unfreedom "merely" affect the intensity
of exploitation but not its mode' (Wolpe: 1975, p. 203). Secondly, this distinction
does not encompass what for Marx was central to 'relations of production';
namely, the mode of appropriation of surplus labour. Thirdly, such an approach abstracts the labour market and its constraints from the system of production relations proper, which are in fact the central preoccupation of a
Marxian analysis. Fourth, the absence of an adequate theorization at the mode of
production level leaves us with a political and ideological definition of 'classes'
which are then too easily homogenized with the main racial groupings. However,
a detailed analysis of the position of the black and white working class in South
Africa, in terms both of their complex relations to capitalist production and their
internal stratifications, does not allow us to 'treat racial groups' as 'homogeneous
in their class composition'. Wolpe, indeed, uses Carchedi's recent work on the
identification of social classes to say that the 'functions' of even the white
working class with respect to capital are not homogeneous. Fifth, Wolpe, argues
that political and ideological positions cannot be ascribed as a bloc to classes
defined at the economic level: 'A social class, or fraction or stratum of a class,
may take up a class position that does not correspond to its interests, which are
defined by the class determination that fixes the horizon of the class struggle.'
(Carchedi: 1977.) The example taken is that of the 'labour aristocracy'. This
leads on to a more general argument, that the analysis of classes and class struggle
must begin from the level of the relations of production, rather than from political and ideological criteria; but that the latter have their specific forms of 'relative autonomy' which cannot be ascribed to the place of a class or class fraction
in the relations of production.
I am not concerned to assess in detail the merits of these arguments as
they relate to the South African case. Instead, I want to use the example of this
3 16
Stuart Hall
exchange to establish the basis of a more general argument. Rex's arguments may
not be entirely satisfactory in themselves, but undoubtedly they win effective
ground from what he calls 'simple Marxism'-as Wolpe is obliged to concede.
These represent real theoretical gains, against some of the weaknesses and
lacunae in what has become the dominant form in which the classical Marxist
paradigm has been applied. These gains are not wholly offset by pointing.
correctly, to the ways in which Rex sometimes misrepresents Marx, and distorts
Marx's real theoretical effectivity. Secondly, Wolpe's response shows that these
weaknesses can only be 'corrected for', while retaining the broad outline of a
Marxist approach, by significantly modifying the dominant form in which the
Marxist paradigm has been applied: either by means of a more scrupulous or
rigorous application of Marx's protocols (which have often, over time, been
subject to severe theoretical simplification and impoverishment) and/or b>
bringing to the fore aspects and arguments which, though they can be shown not
to contradict Marx, have not tended to play a very significant part when applied
the the peculiar features of post-conquest or post-colonial social formations.
This paper's interest in certain new approaches to these problems, from within
a substantially new application of Marxist protocols of analysis, arises precisel!
from a concern to indicate where and how these new emphases are beginning to
Wolpe himself concedes some of the points, at least. He acknowledges that
Rex 'was right to insist upon the need for a more comprehensive and more refined conceptualization of class than was encompassed by the bare reference to
property relations'. This however, he suggests, means moving away from the
attention which Rex gives to market relations and constraints on the labour
supply, into a fuller analysis of the relations of production and 'modes of production' analysis. He acknowledges that Rex was correct to draw attention to
pertinent differences in the conditions affecting the entry into the labour market
of 'black' and 'white' labour: though he would add that the distinction between
freelunfree labour is then too sharply and simply applied. Wolpe also recognizes
the Rex brings forward a point of great theoretical interest by his reference to
the form of the 'political compromise' between the white capitalist and the white
working classes, and the consequent 'supervising and policing' functions which
white labour exerts over black. It follows from this that some of the more
simplistic political recipes based on the call for 'black' and 'white' labour to sink
their differences in a common and general class struggle against capital-the
famous call to 'unite and fight'-are abstract political demands, based on
theoretically unsound foundations, since they do not adequately grasp the
structurally different relations in which 'white' and 'black' labour stand in relation to capital.
Indeed, on this point, Wolpe may not have gone far enough. For a larger
argument is involved here, even if only implicitly. Rex is arguing that the South
African social system shows no strong or 'inevitable' tendencies to be gradually
assimilated to the more 'rational' forms of 'free' labour, which Marx suggested
was a necessary precondition for the establishment and reproduction of the
Race, articulation and societies structured in dominance
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capitalist mode of production. Hence, he would argue, the racial fractioning of
the South African working classes has a real and substantial basis. with pertinent
effects at the economic, as well as at the political and ideolog~cal.level. Rex
thus points to the need for a definition of 'the capitalist mode' which is able to
deal with 'other types of capitalist and non-capitalist exploitation and accumulation'-that is, to a 'capitalist' system founded quite securely on forms of labour
other than traditionally free and mobile labour. This formulation may be criticized as being, finally, too plurally descriptive. It avoids the necessity to specify
the articulating mechanisms, and the modes of dominance, between these different 'types'. But Rex has clearly succeeded, once again, in putting into question
an analysis predicated unquestioningly on a general and necessary classical
path of capitalist development, with a classical and irreversible sequence of
evolutionary stages. To put this more broadly: he opens up the crucial theoretical
question of the teleological and evolutionary form in which Marx's work on the
necessary preconditions and optimal line of development of the capitalist mode
has been interpreted-from the famous assertion, in The Communist Mangesto,
that 'The bourgeoisie . . . compels all nations on pain of extinction, to adopt the
bourgeois mode of production . . . it creates a world after its own image',
through to the legendary discussion on the 'sequence of stages' which is often
derived from the section on 'Pre-capitalist forms'-the so-called Formen-in the
Grundrisse (Marx: 1964). Against this teleological extrapolation, it must be said
that the fact of conquest, and thus the very different conditions in which preconquest social strata have been inserted into the capitalist mode, have not, on
the whole played a central role in the versions of Marxist theory usually applied
to such post-conquest societies. (The difficulty of deciding precisely what was the
nature of the American slave systems-clearly inaugurated within yet separate
from the expanding mercantile capitalist phase-is an aspect of the same theoretical problem (Genovese: 1965; Hindess and Hirst: 1975).
These, then, represent some of the gains which Rex's critique makes against
a too-simple Marxism. What I am concerned to show, now, is how current
Marxist theorizing on these questions have begun, through their own internal
critique of what earlier passed as 'classical' or orthodox Marxism, to rectify
some of the weaknesses correctly pinpointed by the critics of reductionism.
These departures are, at once, rich and complex, often only a t a rudimentary
stage of formulation, and-as is often the case at a critical moment of paradigrnshift-locked in an intricate internal debate. Only certain indications of some of
the main directions in this work can be provided in this review.
We might begin, here, by looking at one, very distinctive formulation
with respect to the development of the social formations of Latin America,
which not only defines itself within 'classical' Marxism, but which develops, in
what is held to be a Marxist direction, one of the lines of argument which the
critique by Rex and others has put in question: namely, the work of Gunder
Frank, and recent critiques of Frank's work from within a transformed Marxist
One distinctive but seminal application of what is taken to be the Marxist
3 18
Stuart Hall
paradigm is to be found in the work of A. Gunder Frank. Frank's work was itself counterposed to the dominant and formative school of 'dependency'
theorists, grouped around the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin
America (ECLA) which was established in 1948. This school adopted a more
rigorously structural analysis to explain the 'underdevelopment' of the underdeveloped countries of the region. As against earlier developmentalist models,
the ECLA 'school' insisted that development and underdevelopment had to be
treated within the single framework of a world economic system. The 'underdeveloped' countries were the dependent sectors of such a world economy: as
Furtado put it, 'the theory of underdevelopment turns out to be essentially a
theory of dependence' (Furtado : 1971). This startingpoint within a global economic framework had much in common, in a 'broadly' Marxist way, with those
writers who had attempted to deal with modern aspects of capitalist development
on a world scale in terms of a 'theory of imperialism' (e.g. Lenin, Luxembourg,
Hilferding and Bukharin). The ECLA theorists accepted some such general
framework of imperialism, giving of course greater attention than the classical
theorists did to the effects of this world system at its peripheries. They were not
necessarily Marxist in any other sense. These general relations of dependency,
they argued, had created internal structures promoting a form of what they called
'dependent capitalist development' in those sectors, and among those classes,
closely linked with the imperialist chain, whilst marginalizing other sectors,
including the great mass of the population, especially the peasantry. 'The
differences between the internationalized sector and the non-industrialized or
marginal sector are the direct result of capitalist expansion, and become a form
of structural dualism.' (07Brien: 1975). However, the 'school' promulgated a
variety of different strategies for overcoming this externally-induced sectoral
imbalance-often of a technical-economic, rather than of a political kind.
Frank certainly shares with the dependency theorists the necessity to
begin from a world capitalist system in which development and underdevelopment were structurally related. However, he explicitly argued against the possibility of a genuine, indigenous programme of economic development, of, say,
a national-bourgeois type, as a possible path for Latin America out of its phase
of dependent development. And this argument was supported by a startling
thesis, which takes us back to the problems posed earlier. Frank argued that
Latin America had been thoroughly incorporated into capitalist world relations
since the period of the conquest by the European powers in the sixteenth
century. Its underdevelopment stemmed from this dependent nature of its early
insertion into the world capitalist market. Implicit in this thesis was the view that
no structural differences remained between the moreand the less developed sectors
of these dependent social formations. 'Dependency' he argued, was no recent
phenomenon in the region. It was only the latest form of the long-standing
'satellitization' of the Latin-American economies within the framework of
imperialist economic relations. The 'expansion of the capitalist system over the
past centuries effectively and entirely penetrated even the most isolated sectors
of the under-developed world' (Frank: 1969). The fundamental term for
Race, arliculation and socieries structured in domit~ance
understanding this penetration and subversion by capitalist relations which had
brought about the structural coupling of development and underdevelopment
was that of a single continuum-the 'metropolis-satellite polarization' . . . 'one
and the same historical process of the expansion and development of
capitalism' which continues to generate 'both econoniic development and
structural underdevelopment'. This was the imperialist chain, which 'extends
the capitalist link between the capitalist world and the national metropolises to
the regiolial centres . . . and from these local centres and so on to the large landowners or merchants who expropriate surplus from small peasants or tenants,
and sometimes even from these latter to the landless labourers exploited by
them in turn' (Frank: 1969).
The most telling critique of Frank's work is offered in Ernesto Laclau's
review essay, 'Feudalism and capitalism in Latin America', republished in a
recent volu~neof essays (Laclau: 1977). Laclau's specific criticisms are easily
resumed. The object of his critique is Frank's assertion that Latin America has
'been capitalist from the beginning'-a single process, which must, for Frank,
be 'identical in all its aspects from the sixteenth to the twentieth century'.
Laclau, first, criticizes Frank's conception of 'capitalism'. Frank defines this as a
system of production for the market, of which profit forms the driving motive.
This, Laclau argues, differs fundamentally from Marx's conception of mode of
production in so far as it dispenses with Marx's principal criteria for defining a
'mode'-the relations of production. This 'error' leads Frank to assume that,
wherever their is capital accumulation, then Marx's 'law'-the rapid and inevitable transformation of the social formation by capitalist relations-must
follow. However, as Laclau shows, for Marx, the accumulation of commercial
capital is perfectly compatible with the most varied modes of production and
does not by any means presuppose the existence of a capitalist mode of production: e.g. 'However, not commerce alone, but also merchant's capital is
older than the capitalist mode of production, is in fact historically the oldest
free state of existence of capital' (Marx: 1974. p. 319-21). This leads Laclau to
mount a further critique of Frank's lack of historical specificity-exploitative
situations as different as the Chilean inquilinos, the Ecuadorian hua~ipungeros,
West Indian plantation slaves and Manchester textile workers being, for all
practical purposes, subsumed into a single relation, declared 'capitalist'. The
same can be said in more detail of the troublesome case of plantation slavery
in the New World. This is, of course, the site of a protracted, and still unresolved debate. Phillips (1969)-who, despite his offensive anti-slave viewpoint,
Genovese correctly praises for a seminal analysis of the political economy of
slavery-argued, long ago, that plantation slavery was a form of capitalism.
That was, indeed, the basis of his objection to it (cf. Genovese: 1971). Genovese
himself argues that slavery had a distinct set of exploitative relations-a
'seigneurial society . . . [which] created a unique society, neither feudal . . . nor
capitalist' (Genovese: 1977). Hindess and Hirst constitute plantation slavery
as its own distinctive 'mode', using primarily formal criteria. Williams. early on,
subsequently Genovese, and Banaji among others, have concentrated on the
3 20
Stuart Hall
relationship between plantation slavery-whatever its characteristic 'mode'and the global capitalist economy. Fogel and Engerman have recently described slavery as a profitable form of 'capitalist agriculture'. (Hindess and
Hirst: 1977; Williams: 1966; Genovese: 1971; Banaji: 1977; Fogel and
Engerman : 1974.)
Frank quotes Marx's observation in the History of economic doctrineswhich describes the plantations as 'commercial speculations, centres of production for the world market'-as proof that Marx regarded them, too, as 'capitalist'. Laclau reminds us that Marx, pertinently, added, 'if only in a formal way'.
Actually, Marx seemed to be arguing the opposite to Frank; for he insists the
plantation slavery could only be 'formally capitalist', 'since slavery among the
negroes excludes free-wage labour, which is the base on which capital production rests. However, those who deal in slave-trading are capitalists'. As Beechey
(1978) has recently argued slavery certainly presupposed private property, a class
of owners and a property-less class. However, whereas under capitalism the
worker owns his own labour power which he sells as a commodity to the capitalist, slaveholders owned both the labour power and the slave. 'The slaveholder
considers a Negro, whom he has purchased, as his property, not because the
institution of slavery as such entitles him to that Negro, but because he has
acquired him like any other commodity through saleand purchase.' (Marx: 1974,
p. 776.) However, both the slave trade itself, and the extraction of the commodities so produced, were funded by mercantile capital and circulated within the
global circuits of capital. As Beechey puts it, with great clarity: 'Slaveholders
were both merchants, dealing with the purchase and sale of commodities on the
world market, and slaveholders exploiting their slaves within the plantation
system, which emerged as a specialized agricultural region, a kind of internal
colony within the expanded world market.' (Beechey ; 1978.)
What Marx was describing, then, was something radically different from
Frank's interpretation : namely, an articulation between two modes of production, the one 'capitalist' in the true sense, the other only 'formally' so: the two
combined through an articulating principle, mechanism or set of relations, because, as Marx observed, 'its beneficiaries participate in a world market in
which the dominant productive sectors are already capitalist'. That is, the object of inquiry must be treated as a complex articulated structure which is, itself,
'structured in dominance'. Slave plantation owners thus participated in a general
movement of the world capitalist system: but on the basis of an internal mode
of production-slavery in its modern, plantation form-not itself 'capitalist' in
character. This is a revolutionary proposition in the theoretical sense, since it
departs from that very teleological reading of Marx which produced, in Frank,
the indefensible thesis that Latin America has been 'capitalist' since the Conquest. What we have now, in opposition to the thesis of 'inevitable transformation' of pre-capitalist modes and their dissolution by capitalist relations, is the
emergent theoretical problem of an articulation between different modes of production, structured in some relation of dominance. This leads on to the definition of a social formation which, at its economic level, may be composed of
Race, articulation and societies structured in dominance
several modes of production, 'structured in dominance' (cf., Althusser and
Balibar: 1970; Hindess and Hirst: 1975, 1977; Poulantzas: 1973). This has
provided the basis for an immense amount of formative work, especially on
'pre-capitalist modes of production', offering a more rigorous approach to that
reading of Marx, rightly criticized-on this very point b y Rex, whilst retaining
the systematic terms of a Marxist analysis. This work is, of course, pitched
principally at the level of economic relations. Though it has clear consequences
for other levels of the structure of social formations (class formations, alliances,
political and ideological structures, etc.), these have not been spelled out (for
example in Laclau's essay quoted here: though for related devclopments pertaining to these levels, see Laclau, and others referred to more extensively below).
It has, for example, quite pertinent effects for any analysis of the way this articulated combination of modes inserts economic agents drawn from different ethnic
groups into sets of economic relations which, while articulated into a complex
unity, need not be conceptualized as either necessarily the same or inevitably
destined to become so.
This emergent problematic constitutes perhaps the most generative new
theoretical development in the field, affecting the analysis of racially-structured
social formations. The emergent theoretical position is grounded by its proponents in a certain 're-reading' of the classical Marxist literature. It is part of that
immense theoretical revolution constituted by the sophisticated return to the
'reading' of Marx's Capital which has had such a formative intellectual impact
over the past decade. It is also being currently developed in a range of different
theoretical fields. Laclau puts the essential argument in a strong form: 'the precapitalist character of the dominant relations of production in Latin America
was not only not incompatible with production for the world. market, but was
actually intensified by the expansion of the latter.' Marx, in a passage less well
known than The Communist Manifesto 'scenario' quoted earlier, spoke of the
fact that: 'the circuit of industrial capital . . . crosses the commodity circulation
of the most diverse modes of social production. . . . No matter whether commodities are the output of production based on slavery, of peasants . . . of State
enterprise . . . or of half-savage hunting tribes . . . they come face to face with the
monies and commodities in which industrial capital presents itself. . . . Thc
character of the process of production from which they originate is immaterial.
. . . They must be reproduced and to this extent the capitalist mode of production
is conditional on modes of production lying outside of its own stage of development.' (Marx: 1956, p. 109.) Bettelheim who may appear to take a more 'classical' view, argues that the dominant tendency is towards the dissolution of other
modes by the capitalist one. But this is often combined with a secondary tendency-that of 'conservation-dissolution': where non-capitalist modes, 'before
they disappear are "restructured" (partly dissolved) and thus subordinated to
the predominant capitalist relations (and so conserved)' (Bettelheim: 1972).
Using this schema, Wolpe shows that certain problems of the South
African social formation, referred to earlier, which could not be satisfactorily
explained within the older reading, and which Rex among others correctly
Stuart Hall
criticized, begin to be resolvable through the use of these new theoretical instruments and in a manner which throws significant light on the racial fracturing
of class relations in South Africa. While the detailed outlines of this attempted
'solution' cannot be entered into here (Wolpe: 1975), its broader consequences
are worth quoting. Wolpe suggests, for example, that the reliance of the capitalist sector in South Africa on the non-capitalist sectors in the African areas
for both cheap labour supply and subsistence reproduction enables capital to
pay for labour-power below the cost of its reproduction, whilst having always
available a plentiful labour supplywhosecostsof subsistence it does not fully bear
(Wolpe: 1972). He employs both the 'articulation' and the 'dissolution-conservation' variants of the thesis. In South Africa, the tendency of capital accumulation
to dissolve other modes is cross-cut and blocked by the counter-acting tendencies
to conserve the non-capitalist economies-on the basis that the latter are
articulated in a subordinate position to the former. Where capitalism develops
by means, in part, of its articulation with non-capitalist modes, 'the mode of
political domination and the content of legitimating ideologies assume racial,
ethnic and cultural forms and for the same reasons as in the case of imperialism
. . . political domination takes on a colonial form' (Wolpe: 1975). He adds:
'The conservation of non-capitalist modes of production necessarily requires
the development of ideologies and political policies which revolve around the
segregation and preservation and control of African "tribal" societies'-that is,
the relation assumes the forms of ideologies constructed around ethnic, racial,
national and cultural ideological elements.
In short, the emergent theory of the 'articulation of different modes of
production' begins to deliver certain pertinent theoretical effects for an analysis
of racism at the social, political and ideological levels. It begins to deliver such
effects-and this is the crucial point-not by deserting the level of analysis of
economic relations (i.e. mode of production) but by posing it in its correct,
necessarily complex, form. Of course, this may be a necessary, but not a sufficient
starting point. In this respect, Wolpe's term 'requires' may go too far, suggesting a necessary correspondence, of a too-functionalist kind, between the structure of modes of production and the specific forms of political domination and
ideological legitimation. The level of economic analysis, so redefined, may not
supply sufficient conditions in itself for an explanation of the emergence and
operation of racism. But, at least, it provides a better, sounder point of departure than those approaches which are obliged to desert the economic level, in
order to produce 'additional factors' which explain the origin and appearance
of racial structuring at other levels of the social formation. In this respect, at
least, the theoretical advances briefly outlined here have the merit of respecting
what we would call two cardinal premises of Marx's 'method'. The materialist
premise-that the analysis of political and ideological structures must be
grounded in their material conditions of existence; and the historical premisethat the specific forms of these relations cannot be deduced, a priori, from this
level but must be made historically specific 'by supplying those further delineations which explain their diferentiae sp.' Both premises are well expressed in one
Race, articulation and societies structured in dominance
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of the most justly famous passages from Capital: 'The specific economic form,
in which unpaid labour-surplus is pumped out of direct producers, determines
the relationship of rulers and ruled, as it grows directly out of production itself
and, in turn, reacts upon it as a determining element. Upon this, however, is
founded the entire formation of the economic community which grows up out
of the production relations themselves, thereby simultaneously its specific
political form . . .' (the materialist premise). But 'This does not prevent the
same economic basis-the same from the standpoint of its main conditionsdue to innumerable different empirical circumstances, natural environments,
racial relations, external historical influences, etc., from showing infinite variations and gradations in appearance, which can be ascertained only by analysis
of the empirically given circumstances' (the historical premise), (Marx: 1974,
p. 791-2). Both premises are indeed required, if the conditions of theoretical
adequacy are to be met: each, on its own, is not sufficient. The first, without the
second, may lead us straight back into the impasse of economic reductionism;
the second, without the first, snares us in the toils of historical relativism. Marx's
method, properly understood and applied, provides us with the conditionsthough not, of course, the guarantee-of a theoretical adequacy which avoids
both. (For a further elaboration of the 'basic premises' of Marx's method, see,
Johnson, et al.: 1978; for a condensed version of the argument outlined by
Wolpe, as applied to Latin-American and Carribbean social formations, see,
Hall: 1978.)
The application of the 'articulation' thesis, briefly outlined here, has had
revolutionary theoretical consequences in other fields of inquiry, which can only
be shortly noted here since they fall outside of our principal concern. They
can be found, in the English context, in the work on 'pre-capitalist modes7and
social formations, by Hindess and Hirst (1975, 1977); in Banaji (1977); in the
recent work on 'colonial modes of production' (e.g., Alavi: 1975); in recent
issues of The review of African political economy, Critique of anthropology and
Economy andsociety; also, in a related form, in the renewed debate about 'transition', sparked off by the reissue of the formative set of essays on The transition
from feudalism to capitalism (Hilton: 1976); and in the forthcoming work on
Jamaica by Post. In France, it is most noteworthy in the context of the revived
interest in the new 'economic anthropology' to which such writers as Godelier,
Meillassoux, Terray, Rey and DuprC have made outstanding contributions (cf.,
the selection by Seddon, 1978). (For interpretive overviews and critiques in
English, see, inter alia: Clammer, 1975; Bradby, 1975; Foster-Carter, 1978;
Seddon, 1978; Wolpe, 1978.) Meillassoux principally deals with 'self-sustaining'
agricultural social formations, and their dissolution-transformation, when they
have grafted on to them production for external 'capitalist' markets. This has
certain theoretical consequences for those articulated social formations where
the non-capitalist sector is 'able to fulfil functions that capitalism prefers not to
assume in the under-developed countries' (cf., Wolpe's development of this
argument, above)-and thus for such societies as the South African one, where
(as Clammer extrapolates) 'people who are obliged to become wage-labourers
Stuart Hall
in a neo- and quasi-colonial situation are forced back on the "traditional"
sector to obtain precisely those services which the capitalist does not provide'.
Clammer correctly points out that this revives the 'dual sector' analysis-though
in a radically new form; since (Meillassoux argues) it is precisely the ideological
function of 'dual sector' theories to 'conceal the exploitation of the rural community, integrated as an organic compoiient of capitalist production' (Meillassoux : 1972, 1974; for a more extended critique, see Clammer : 1975).
Rey's work deals principally with 'lineage' societies and, like Meillassoux
derives from African fieldwork: but wider extrapolations of a theoretical nature
have been made from this terrain (Rey: 1971,1973,1975; Rey and DuprC: 1973).
It differs from other work in the French 'economic anthropology' tradition by
being concerned, in part, with problems of extending the 'articulation' argument
-as the title of his second book indicates-to the question of class alliances,
and thus to the political level. Rey also departs somewhat from the problematic of 'articulation'. He is concerned with the 'homoficence' of capitalismwhat Foster-Carter calls the problem of the 'parallelism of action' of capitalism
(cf., Foster-Carter: 1978; also for a more substantive reviewlcritique both of
Rey and of the 'articulation' literature). A major distinction in Rey's work is,
however, the attempt to periodize this 'parallelism of action' as a process, into
three principal stages, marked by the character of the articulation in each.
These are: (i) the period of the slave trade, where the European market acquires
supplies, through relations of exchange, 'essentially by playing on the internal
contradictions of the lineage social formations'; (ii) a transitional phasecolonialism in the full sense-where capitalism takes root, grounding itself in the
pre-capitalist mode and gradually subordinating it; (iii) a new type of social formation, with the capitalist mode of production internally dominant; frequently.
then, dependent on a metropolitan capitalism (neo-colonialism). To each phase
a different set of class alliances corresponds. Rey is also much concerned with
the way the lineage societies are interrupted and disarticulated by the exterior
force of capital-often through violence and what Marx called the 'fact of conquest' (Foster-Carter: 1978). Rey sees the 'rooting' of capitalism in these precapitalist modes as possible only with the implantation of 'transitional modes'precisely the function of the colonial period. While giving to this phase a seminal
role not normally accorded to it, or even distinctly remarked, Rey's approach
leaves the history of capital and the mechanism of transition as one largel!
'written outside such social formations' and he tends to treat the relations of
exchange as the central articulating feature (for a wider critique, see, Clammer :
1975; Foster-Carter: 1978; Terray : 1972; Bradby: 1975).
The term articulation is a complex one, variously employed and defined
in the literature here referred to. No clear consensus of conceptual definition
can be said to have emerged so far. Yet it remains the site of a significant
theoretical rupture (coupure) and intervention. This is the intervention principally associated with the work of Althusser and the 'school' of structuralist Marlism. The term is widely employed, in a range of contexts, especially in the For
Marx essays, and the succeeding volume, with Balibar, in Reading Capital
Race, articulation and societies structured in dominance
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(1965; 1970). At least two different applications are particularly relevant to our
concerns here (though, interestingly, the term is not defined in the 'Glossary',
prepared by Ben Brewster and sanctioned by Althusser himself, which appeared
in the English editions of both books). Aside from these particular usages, the
term has a wider reference of both a theoretical and a methodological nature.
Foster-Carter correctly suggests that is is a metaphor used 'to indicate
relations of linkage and effectivity between different levels of all sorts of things'though he might have added that these things require to be linked because, though
connected, they are not the same. The unity which they form is thus not that of
an identity, where one structure perfectly recapitulates or reproduces or even
'expresses' another; or where each is reducible to the other; or where each is
defined by the same determinations or have exactly the same conditions of existence; or even where each develops according to the effectivity of the same conditions of existence; or even where each develops according to the effectivity
of the same contradiction (e.g. the 'principal contradiction'so beloved, as the
warrant and guarantee of all arguments, by so-called 'orthodox' Marxists).
The unity formed by this combination or articulation, is always, necessarily, a
'complex structure': a structure in which things are related, as much through
their differences as through their similarities. This requires that the mechanisms
which connect dissimilar features must be shown-since no 'necessary correspondence' or expressive homology can be assumed as given. It also means-since the
combination is a structure (an articulated combination) and not a random
association-that there will be structured relations between its parts, i.e., relations of dominance and subordination. Hence, in Althusser's cryptic phrase,
a 'complex unity, structured in dominance'.
Many of the classic themes of the Althusserian intervention are resumed
in and through his various uses of this term: for example, llis argument that
Marx's 'unity' is not the essentialist 'expressive unity' to be found in Hegel,
and that, therefore, Marx's dialectic is not merely an inversion, but a theoretical
advance over Hegel. This is the critique against conceiving Marx's 'totality' as an
'expressive totality', which grounds Althusser's early critique of the attempts to
rescue Marx's work from 'vulgar materialism' by way of a detour through
Hegelianism (see Althusser's For Marx, expecially the chapter 'On the Marxian
dialectic'). It also founds Althusser's critique of the attempt to read Marx as if
he meant that all the structures of a social formation could be reduced to an
'expression' of the economic base; or as if all the instances of any historical conjucture moved in a relation of direct correspondence with the terms of the
'principal contradiction' (that of the 'base', between forces and relations of production)-this is Althusser's critique (the opposite of that against Hegelian
idealism) against 'economic reductionism'. Marx's 'complex unity', Althusser
argues, is neither that in which everything perfectly expresses or corresponds to
everything else; nor that in which everything is reducible to an expression of
'the Economic'. It operates, instead, on the terrain of articulation. What we
find, in any particular historical conjuncture (his example, in 'Contradiction and
overdetermination' in For Marx, is Russia, 1917) is not the unrolling of the
Stuart Hall
'principal contradiction', evenly, throughout all the other levels of the social
formation, but, in Lenin's terms, the 'merger', 'rupture', condensation of contradictions, each with its own specificity and periodization-'absolutely dissimilar currents, absolutely heterogeneous class interests, absolutely contrary
political and social strivings'-which have 'merged . . . in a strikingly "harmonious" manner' (Lenin, Letters from afar, no. 1). Such conjunctures are
not so much 'determined' as overdetermined, i.e., they are the product of an
articulation of contradictions, not directly reduced to one another.
Althusser and Balibar, then, employ this general theoretical concept in a
variety of different contexts. They conceive of a social formation as composed
of a number of instances--each with a degree of 'relative autonomy' from one
another-articulated into a (contradictory) unity. The economic instance or
level, itself, is the result of such a 'combination': the articulation between forces
and relations of production. In particular social formations, especially
in periods of 'transition', social formations themselves may be an 'articulated
combination' of different modes with specified, shifting terms of hierarchical
ordering between them. The term also figures in the Althusserian epistemology,
which iiisists that knowledge and the production of knowledge are not directly
produced, as an empiricist reflection of the real 'in thought', but have a specificity and autonomy of their own-thought, 'established on and articulated to
the real world of a given historical society' (Althusser and Balibar: 1970, p. 42).
The scientific analysis of any specific social formation depends on the correct
grasping of its principle of articulation: the 'fits' between different instances,
different periods and epochs, indeed different periodicities, e.g., times, histories.
The same principle is applied, not only synchronically, between instances and
periodizations within any 'moment' of a structure, but also, diachronically,
between different 'moments'. This connects with Althusser's objections to the
notion of a given and necessary sequence of stages, with a necessary progression
built into them. He insists on the non-teleological reading of Marx, on the notion
of 'a discontinuous succession of modes of production' (Althusser and Balibar :
1970, p. 204), whose combined succession-i.e., articulation through timerequires to be demonstrated. Indeed, 'scientificity' itself is associated with 'the
problem of the forms of variation of the articulation' of the instances in every
social structure (Althusser and Balibar: 1970, p. 207). The same is said of the relations between the economic and the political and ideological forms of their
appearance. This, too, is thought on the analogy of an articulation between structures which do not directly express or mirror each other. Hence, the classical
problem for Marxism-the problem of determinancy of the structure, the 'determination in the last instance by the economic' (which distinguishes Marxism
from other types of social scientific explanation)-is itself redefined as a problem
of 'articulation'. What is 'determined' is not the inner form and appearance of
each level, but the mode of combination and the placing of each instance in an
articulated relation to the other elements. It is this 'articulation of the structure'
as the global effect of the structure itself-or what has been called, by Balibar, the
matrix role of the mode of production'-which defines the Althusserian concept
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Stuart Hall
the members of a totality of distinctions within a unity.' (Marx: 1973.) In the
same way, there seems to be a clear warning issued against any simple notion
of an evolutionary sequence or succession of stages in that development:
'Their sequence is determined, rather, by their relation to one another in modern
bourgeois society, which is precisely the opposite of that which seems to be
their natural order or which corresponds to historical development. The point
is not the historic position of the economic relations in the succession of different
forms of society.' This last point indicates what we would want to call (in addition to those already signalled) the third premise of Marx's method: the structural
premise. It is, above all, the employment of the structural premise in the later.
mature work of Marx, and the manner in which this has been appropriated and
developed by Althusser and the structuralists, which produces, as one of its
theoretical results, the extensive-intensive concept of articulation.
The term itself is by no means unproblematic, indicating here a certain
approach, rather than providing in itself a theoretical resolution to the problems
it indexes. It has been subjected to a searching critique. In itself, the term has an
ambiguous meaning, for, in English, it can mean both 'joining up' (as in the
limbs of the body, or an anatomical structure) and 'giving expression to' (cf:
Foster-Carter: 1978). In Althusserian usage, it is primarily the first sense which
is intended. There are, in any case, theoretical objections to the notion that one
structure 'gives expression to' another: since this would be tantamount to seeing
the second structure as an epiphenomenon of the first (i.e., a reductionist conception), and would involve treating a social formation as an 'expressive totality'
-precisely the object of Althusser's initial critique of Hegelianism. Some
notion of an 'expressive' link-say, between the economic and political structures
of a society remains, even in Althusserian usage, but this is elaborated by other
terms which break up or break into any residual sense of a perfect and necessary
'correspondence'. Thus, in addition to insisting on the specificity, the nonreductiveness, the 'relative autonomy', of each level of the society, Althusser
always uses such terms as 'displacement', 'dislocation', 'condensation', in order
to demonstrate that the 'unity' which these different relations form are not univocal, but mislead through 'over-determination'. Another criticism, then, is
that the concept of 'articulation' may simply leave two dissimilar things yoked
together by a mere external or arbitrary connexion: what Marx once called
'independent, autonomous neighbours . . . not grasped in their unity' (Marx:
1973, p. 90). Althusser attempts to overcome this 'mere juxtaposition' by using
the concept of 'over-determination', and by always speaking of 'articulation'
as involving hierarchical as well as lateral relations i.e., relations of dominance
and subordination (cf: Marx's discussion of money in different historical epochs,
which does not 'wade its way through all economic relations' but is defined by
where it plays a 'dominant' or a 'subordinate' role). This, however, leads on to
other criticisms. The schema, constructed around articulation has, often with
justice, been described as too 'formalist'. Thus, in the full-blown 'structural
causality' of Althusser and Balibar's Reading Capital, the 'economic' determines
'in the last instance' not substantively but principally by 'giving the index of
Race, articulation and societies structrrred in don~inance
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effectivity' in the structure to one or another level: i.e., in a forl?zal way. (But
Althusser retreats from some of these more formalist excesses (Althusser : 1976) .)
While the whole attempt to develop such an analysis is predicated on the need
for an approach which is not reductive, it has been criticized as giving rise to a
conception of 'structure' which-since it contains within itself all the conditions
of its own functioning-is itself that 'expressive totality' which Althusser seeks
to avoid (cf: Hindess and Hirst: 1975; Hirst: 1977). The framework is also open
to the criticism that it leaves the internal elements of any 'structural combination' unchanged with change or transition being limited to the variations
(different articulations) through which the 'invariant elements' are combined.
This weakens the historicity of the approach-contravening what we have called
the historical premise of Marx's work (but again see Althusser: 1976). This notion of the variation between invariant elements has resulted in a very formalist
way of defining a 'mode of production' (following, especially, Balibar): so that
some of the real advances made in attempting to ground analysis in a more developed and sophisticated understanding of modes of production and their combination can easily be vitiated by a sort of formalist hunt for one, separate, 'mode
of production' after another. Nevertheless, we would continue to insist on
the potentially generative value of the term and its cognate concepts, which give
us a start in thinking the complex unity and diflerentiae specijicae of social
formations, without falling back on a naive or 'vulgar materialist' reductionism,
on the one hand, or a form of sociological pluralism on the other.
So far, I have been speaking, exclusively, of the application of the term
'articulation' to the economic structure of complex social formations. But I
have also said that the social formation itself can be analysed as an 'articulated
hierarchy'. At the economic level, this may involve the articulation of a social
formation around more than one mode of production. Some of the political and
ideological features of such societies can then be explained with reference to this
particular combination. But it is also possible to conceptualize the different
levels of a social formation as an articulated hierarchy. Since we must assume
no 'necessary correspondence'-no perfect replication, homology of structures,
expressive connexion-between these different levels, but are nevertheless
required to 'think' the relations between them as an 'ensemble of relations'
(marked by what Marx in his 1857 Introduction, when dealing with these issues,
defined as the 'law of uneven development')-then it is, once more, to the nature
of the articulations between them to which we must turn. The attention-of a
more detailed and analytic kind-to the nature of modes of production helps
to ground these other aspects of the social formation more adequately at the
level of the economic structures (the materialist premise). However, we cannot
thereby deduce apriori the relations and mechanisms of the political and ideological structures (where such features as racism make a decisive reappearance)
exclusively from the level of the economic. The economic level is the necessary but
not sufficient condition for explaining the operations at other levels of the society
(the premise of non-reductionism). We cannot assume an express relation of
'necessary correspondence' between them (the premise of historical specificity).
Stuart Hall
These are, as Marx put it, 'a product of liistorical relations and possess
their full validity only for and witliin these relations'. This is an important, indeed
a critical qualification. It requires us to demonstrate-rather than to assume,
a priori-what the nature and degree of 'correspondence' is, in any specific
historical case. Thus, through this opening, some of the criticisms which, as
was noted earlier, are made from the perspective of 'sociological' explanationsfor example the requirement to be historically specific-begin to be met, within
the framework of this seminal revision.
Here, however, different positions within the general problematic ol
'articulation' can be identified. Some theorists argue that all we can do is to dea'
with each level, in terms of its own specificity, and the 'conditions of oxistencef
which must be fulfilled for it to function (e.g. the economic relations of the
capitalist mode require, as a condition of existence, some extra-economic,
juridical framework, which secures the 'contract' between buyer and seller of
labour power). But, it is argued, the internal forms and specificities of the extraeconomic levels can neither be prescribed nor identified from the economic level
which 'requires it', as a formal necessity of its functioning. This is tantamount
to a theory of the 'autonomy' (not 'relative autonomy') of the different levels
(Hirst: 1977; Cutler, et al.: 1977). This, however, fails to deal with social
formations as a 'complex unity' (Marx's 'unity of many determinations').
Other approaches recognize that there may well be 'ta~dentialcombinations': combinations which, while not prescribed in the fully determinist sense,
are the 'preferred' combinations, sedimented and solidified by real historical
development over time. Thus, as is clear from, say, the Latin-American case, there
is no 'necessary correspondence' between the development of a form of capitalism and the political forms of parliamentary democracy. Capitalism can arise on
very different political foundations. Engels, himself, showed how capitalism can
also harness and adapt very different legal systems to its functions. This does
not prevent us from arguing that the advent of capitalism has frequently (tendentially) been accompanied by the formation of bourgeois parliamenatary democratic regimes: or even from accepting Lenin's percipient observation that
parliamentary democracy provides 'the "best possible" political shell for
capitalism'. We must, however, see these 'combinations' as historically specific,
rather than specified n priori: as 'laws of tendency'--which can be countermanded by 'counteractirig tendencies'. To take a pertinent example: in Europe,
the rise of capitalism is consequent upon the destruction of feudal ties and the
formation of 'free labour'-of 'labour power' as a commodity. It is hard to
think of a capitalist formation in which there would be no form of labourpower available to capital in its 'free' fonn. This, in turn, means that, whatever
is the specific legal form with which capitalist developinent 'corresponds', it must
be one in which the concept of the juridical 'contract' between 'free persons'
appears, which can legally regulate the forms of contract which 'free labour'
require. This 'requirement' is something more than a mere, empty, or formal
'condition of existence'. However, this docs not mean that the tendency to
combine capitalism with 'free labour' cannot, under specific historical conditions
Race, articu[ation and societies structrtrcd in don~inarrce
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be cross-cut or countermanded by a counteracting tendency: namely, the possibility of certain of the conditions of existence of capitalism being effectively
secured by combining 'free labour' with certain forms of 'unfree' or 'forced'
labour. Once we move away from European to post-Conquest or post-colonial
societies, this combination-free and 'unfree' labour, on the basis of a combination of different modes of production-becomes more and more the paradigm
case. This leaves almost everything of importance, still, to be done in developing
a better understanding of the 'laws of motion' of capitalist formations which are
structured in this alternative manner. Naturally, it has consequences, then, for
political and legal structures. In such 'deviant' social formations (deviant only
in the sense of departing from the European paradigm-case), there will be
political structures which combine (or may combine) forms of parliamentary
democracy with other forms of political representation-or legal structures
which elaborate more than one form of citizen status. The 'articulation' of
'free' and 'forced' labour, the combination of 'equal' and 'restricted' franchises,
the position of the Chiefs and the Bantustan 'internal colonies', and the different legal statuses of 'white' and 'black' citizens, in the South African social
formation, perfectly represent the elements of such a 'variant' case-one which
is in no sense 'non-capitalist' ;provided, that is, we read Marx's 'laws of development and motion' as laws of tendency (and countertendency) rather than as
a priori laws of necessity.
Where, then, the relations between the different levels of a social formation are concerned, one needs additional concepts, i.e., to supply further determinations, to those which have been mobilized for the analysis of the economic
'mode of production' levels. And one needs to acknowledge that the economic
level, alone, cannot prescribe what those levels will be like and how they will
operate--even if their mechanisms are not fully specifiable without attending
to the level of the economic. Here, the work cf Althusser, and of the 'Althusserians7-for example, Poulantzas's work on 'the State'-requires to be supplemented by the work of another Marxist theorist whose elaboration, at this level,
constitutes a contribution to the development of a rigorously non-reduction
Marxism of the very first importance. This is the work of Gramsci. Gramsci's
work is more fragmentary (much of it written in prison. under the eyes of the
censor, in one of Mussolini's jails), far less 'theorized' than that of Althusser.
Gramsci has been formative for the development of Althusser's problematic:
though, since in certain respects Gramsci remained a 'historicist', the relationship between Althusser and Gramsci is a complex one. In a recent review of t h s
relationship, we have expressed it in terms of Gramsci providing the 'limit case'
of historicity for Marxist structuralism (Hall, et al. : 1977).
We cannot elaborate in any depth, here, on Gramsci's concepts (for a
review, see: Hall, et al.: 1977; Anderson: 1977; Mouffe: 1978). The central
concept in his work is that of hegemony. Hegemony is that state of 'total social
authority' which, at certain specific conjunctures, a specific class alliance wins,
by a combination of 'coercion' and 'consent', over the whole social formation,
and its dominated classes: not only at the economic level, but also at the level
Stuart Hall
of political and ideological leadership, in civil, intellectual and moral life as
well as at the material level: and over the terrain of civil society as well as in and
through the condensed relations of the State. This 'authority and leadership' is,
for Gramsci, not a given a pviovi but a specific historical 'moment'-one of
unusual social authority. It represents the product of a certain mastery of the
class struggle, certainly, but it is still subject to the class struggle and the 'relations of social forces' in society, of which its 'unstable equilibrium' is only one,
provisional, outcome or result. Hegemony is a state of play in the class struggle
which has, therefore, to be continually worked on and reconstructed in order to
be maintained, and which remains a contradictory conjuncture. The important
point, for Gramsci, is that, under hegemonic conditions, the organization of
consent (by the dominated classes to the 'leadership' of the dominant class
alliance) takes precedence (though it does not obliterate) the exercise of domination through coercion. In such conditions, the class struggle tends to assume
the form, not of a 'frontal assault' on the bastions of the State ('war of manoeuvre') but of a more protracted, strategic and tactical struggle, exploiting and
working on a number of different contradictions (Gramsci's 'war of position').
A state of hegemony enables the ruling class alliance to undertake the enormous
task of modifying, harnessing, securing and elaborating the 'superstructure'
of society in line with the long-term requirements of the development of the mode
of production-e.g. capital accumulation on an expanded scale. It enables
such a class alliance to undertake the educative and formative tasks of raising
the whole social formation to what he calls a 'new level of civilization', favouring the expanded regime of capital. This is no immediate and direct imposition
of the narrow, short-term, 'corporate' class interests of a single class on society.
it forges that unity between economic, political and ideological objectives such
that it can place 'all the questions around which the struggle rages on a "universal" not a corporative level, thereby creating a hegemony of a fundamental
social group over a series of subordinate groups'. This is what Gramsci calls
the 'educative and formative role of the State. . . . Its aim is always that of
creating new and higher types of civilization ; of adapting the "civilization" and
the morality of the broadest popular masses to the necessities of the continuous
development of the economic apparatus of production'-the formation of a
'national-popular will', based on a particular relationship between the dominant
and dominated classes. This, then, depends, not on a presumed, necessary or
a priori correspondence between (economic) structure and (political and ideological) superstructures but precisely on those historically specific mechanismsand the concrete analysis of those historical 'moments'-through which such a
formative relationship between structure and superstructures comes to be forged.
For Grarnsci, the object of analysis is always the specificity of this 'structuresuperstructure' complex-though as a historically concrete articulation. 'It is
the problem of the relations between structure and superstructure which must
be accurately posed and resolved if the forces which are active in history. . . are
to be correctly analysed.' This is a rigorously non-reductionist conception : 'How
then could the whole system of superstructures be understood as distinctions
Race, articulation and societies structured in dominance
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within politics, and the introduction of the concept of distinction into a philosophy of praxis hence be justified? But can one really speak of a dialectic of
distincts, and how is the concept of a circle joining the levels of the superstructure to be understood? Concept of "historical bloc", i.e. . . . unity of opposites
and distincts. Can one introduce the criterion of distinction into the structure
too?' Gramsci, clearly, answers these questions in the affirmative. He is especially sharp against any form of vulgar economisni: 'It is therefore necessary to
combat economism not only in the theory of historiography, but also and especially in the theory and practice of politics. In this field, the struggle can and
must be carried on by developing the concept of hegemony.' (All the quotes
are from two essays in Gramsci : 1971.)
Gramsci's theoretical contribution has only begun, recently, to be recognized-though his role as an outstanding militant in Italian politics in the 1920s
and 1930s has long been acknowledged. His analysis bears, in a specially rich
and productive way, on the analysis of the great bourgeois social formations of
a developed capitalist type in Europe-Western Europe, where a reductionist
economistic analysis, clearly, will not suffice to account for the depth of the transformations involved. Perhaps for this very reason, he has been thought of as,
par excellence, the Marxist theorist of 'Western capitalism'. His work has,
therefore, hardly been applied or employed in the analysis of non-European
formations. There are, however, very strong grounds for thinking that it may
have particular relevance for nowEuropean social formations-for three,
separate reasons. First, Gramsci may help to counteract the overwhelming weight
of economism (Marxist and non-Marxist) which has characterized the analysis
of post-Conquest and 'colonial' societies. Perhaps because the weight
of imperialist economic relations has been so powerfully visible, these formations have virtually been held to be explainable by an application of 'imperialism' as essentially a purely 'economic' process. Second, these societies present
problems as to the relation in the 'structure-superstructure complex' equal in
complexity to those about which Gramsci wrote. Naturally, no simple transfer
of concepts would be advisable here: Gramsci would be the first to insist on
historical specificity, on difference. Third, Gramsci viewed the problem of
'hegemony' from within the specific history of the Italian social formation.
This gave him a particular, and highly relevant, perspective on the problem.
For long periods Italy was marked precisely by the absence of 'hegemony':
by an alliance of ruling classes governing through domination rather than through
hegemonic class leadership (direction). So his work is equally relevant for societies
in which, according to the rhythm and punctuation of the class struggle, there
has been significant movements into and out of a phase of 'hegemonic direction'. Moreover, Italy was/is a society brutally marked by the law of uneven
development: with massive industrial capitalist development to the North,
massive underdevelopment to the South. This raises the question of how the
contradictions of the Italian social formation are articulated through different
modes of production (capitalist and feudal), and through class alliances which
combine elements from different social orders, The problem of the State, and
Stuart Hall
the question of strategic alliances between the industrial proletariat and the
peasantry, the 'play' of traditional and advanced ideologies, and the difficulties
these provide in the formation of a 'national-popular will' all make his analysis of
Italy specially relevant to colonial societies.
Gramsci's work has recently been taken up and developed in a structuralist manner--especially in Althusser's essay on 'Ideological State apparatuses'
(Althusser: 1971). This seminal essay differs from Gramsci's work, specifically,
in posing the problem in terms of 'reproduction'. But the concerns which underlie this approach are not all that distant from those of Gramsci. The economic
relations of production must themselves be 'reproduced'. This reproduction is
not simply economic, but social, technical and, above all, ideological. This is
another way of putting Gramsci's observation that, to achieve its full development, capitalist social relations require to be coupled with an elaborate development and elaboration at the 'non-economic' levels of politics, civil society and
culture, through moral, intellectual and ideological leadership. Althusser then
shares with Gramsci a classical concern for the manner in which the 'hegemony'
of a ruling class alliance is secured, at these other levels, through a formative
and educative class leadership or authority over the social formation as a whole.
Both of them argue that this enlarged or expanded hegemony is specific to the
institutions, apparatuses and relations of the so-called 'superstructures' of the
State and civil society. Both Althusser and Gramsci, then, insist that ideology,
while itself a contradictory site and stake in the class struggle, has a specific
function in securing the conditions for the expanded reproduction of capital.
It is, therefore, a pertinent, and distinctive level of struggle, where leadership is
secured and contested : with mechanisms and sites of struggle 'relatively autonomous'. Both also maintain that 'ideology' is not a simple form of false consciousness, to be explained as a set of myths or simple false constructions in the head.
All societies require specific ideologies, which provide those systems of meaning,
concepts, categories and representations which make sense of the world, and
through which men come to 'live' (albeit unconsciously, and through a series of
'misrecognitions'), in an imaginary way, their relation to the real, material conditions of their existence (which are only representable to them, as modes of
consciousness, in and through ideology). Althusser sometimes tends to represent ideology as rather too functionally secured to the rule of the dominant
classes: as if all ideology is, by definition, operative within the horizon of the
'dominance ideas' of the ruling class. For Gramsci, ideologies are thought of in
a more contradictory way-really, as sites and stakes in the class struggle. What
interests Gramsci is how the existing ideologies-the 'common sense' of the fundamental classes-which are themselves the complex result of previous moments
and resolutions in the ideological class struggle, can be so actively worked uport
so as to transform them into the basis of a more conscious struggle, and form
of intervention in the historical process. Both insist, however, that ideologies are
not simply 'in the head', but are material relations-what Lenin called 'ideological social relations'-which shape social actions, function through concrete
institutions and apparatuses, and are materialized through practices. Gramsci
Race, articulation and socictie.~stvrtctrrwd in donzrria~ice
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insists on the process which transforms these great 'practical ideologies' of fundamental social classes. Althusser, for his part, adds that ideologies operate by
constituting concrete individuals as the 'social subjects' of ideological discourses
-the process of what, following Laclau, he calls 'interpellating subjects'.
These propositions have recently been taken forward in a seminal intervention by Laclau (1977). In the essays on 'Populism' and 'Fascism', Laclau
argues that the individual elements of these ideologies (e.g. nationalism, militarism, racism, 'the people', etc.) have, in themselves, no necessary class-belonging
'no necessary class connotation'. We cannot assume, apriori that these elements
necessarily 'belong' to any specific class, or indeed that a class, as a single homogeneous entity, has a single unitary and uncontradictory 'world view' which, as
Poulantzas says, it carries around with it, through history, 'like a number plate
011 its back' (Poulantzas: 1973). Ideologies, as concrete discursive formations
do exhibit a peculiar 'unity' of their own. This unity arises, first, through what
Laclau calls 'condensation': where each element 'fulfils a role of condensation
with respect to others. When a familial interpellation, for example, evokes a
political interpellation, or an aesthetic interpellation, and when each of these
isolated interpellations operates as a symbol of the others, we have a relatively
unified ideological discourse'. (This has been defined as 'ideological unity'
through a process of connotative condensation-cf., O'Shea: 1978.) Secondly,
unity is secured through 'the specific interpellation which forms the axis and
organizing principle of all ideology. 111 trying to analyse thc ideological level
of a determinate social formation, our first task must be to reconstruct
the interpellative structures which constitute it'. If separate ideological elements
have no necessary class belonging, and classes do not have paradigmatic ideologies assigned or ascribed to them, what then is the relationship between classes
and ideologies? As might bc assumed, this relation is understood in terms of the
way the class struggle articulates the various ideological discourses. 'Articulation requires . . . the existence of non-class contents-interpellations and
contradictions-which constitute the raw materials on which class ideological
practices operate. The ideology of the dominant clays, precisely because it is
dominant, interpellates not only the members of that class but also members of
the dominated class.' It succeeds to the extent that it articulates 'different ideologies to its hegemonic project by an elimination of their antagonistic character'.
Ideologies are therefore transformed 'through the class struggle, which is carried
out through the production of subjects and the articulation/disarticulation of diqcourses'. This follows Gramsci's general line, which argued that ideologies cannot be reduced to the transparent. coherent 'class interests' of their class-subjects,
and that ideologies are transformed, not by one class imposing a unitary 'world
vision' upon all other classes, but by 'a process of distinction and of change in
the relative weight possessed by the elements of the old ideology . . . what was
secondary or subordinate or even incidental becomes of primary importance. it
becomes the nucleus of a new doctrinal and ideological ensemble' (Mouffe:
1978; see also Mouffe for a seminal elaboration of this argument in relation to
Stuart Hall
There are problems with Laclau's tentative formulations: for example,
what are 'class practices' which can operate to transform ideologies but which
are, themselves, presumably, without any specific ideological elements which
'belong' to them? Despite these difficulties, these theorists begin to give us the
tentative elements by means of which we can attempt to construct a non-reductionist theory of the super-structural or extra-economic aspects of social formations-once again, powered through the use of the concept of articulation.
What I have tried to do in this paper is to document the emergence of a
new theoretical paradigm, which takes its fundamental orientation from the
problematic of Marx's, but which seeks, by various theoretical means, to overcome certain of the limitations-economism, reductionism, 'a priorism', a lack
of historical specificity-which have beset certain traditional appropriations of
Marxism, which still disfigure the contributions to this field by otherwise distinguished writers, and which have left Marxism vulnerable and exposed to
effective criticism by many different variants of economistic monism and sociological pluralism. This is a survey of an emergent field, not a comprehensive
critical account. It must in no sense be assumed that the solutions attempted
have been fully demonstrated, or that they are as yet adequately developed or
without serious weaknesses and lacunae. With respect to those racially-structured social formations, which form the principal objects of inquiry in this
collection, the problematic has hardly begun to be applied. Thus all that I
have been able to do is to indicate certain strategic points of departure in such
a potential field of application, certain protocols of theoretical procedure.
Specifically, there is as yet no adequate theory of racism which is capable of
dealing with both the economic and the superstructural features of such societies,
while at the same time giving a historically-concrete and sociologically-specific
account of distinctive racial aspects. Such an account, sufficient to substitute
those inadequate versions which continue to dominate the field, remains to be
provided. Nevertheless, in the hope of sponsoring and promoting such a development, it might be useful to conclude with a brief outline of some of the theoretical
protocols which-in my view, of necessity-must govern any such proposed
This would have to begin from a rigorous application of what I have
called the premise of historical specificity. Racism is not dealt with as a general
feature of human societies, but with historically-specificracisms. Beginning with
an assumption of difference, of specificity rather than of a unitary, transhistorical 01 universal 'structure'. This is not to deny that there might well be
discovered to be certain common features to all those social systems to which
one would wish to attribute the designation, 'racially structured'. But-as Marx
remarked about the 'chaotic' nature of all abstractions which proceed at the
level of the 'in-general' exclusively-such a general theory of racism is not the
most favourable source for theoretical development and investigation: 'even
though the most developed languages have laws and characteristics in common
with the least developed, nevertheless, just those things which determine their
development, i.e. the elements which are not general and common, must be
Race, articulation and societies strrrctured in dominance
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separated out . . . so that in their unity. . . their essential difference is not forgotten.' (Marx: 1973.) Racism in general is a 'rational abstraction' in so far as
'it really brings out and fixes the common element and saves us repetition'. Thus
it may help to distinguish those social features which fix the different positions
of social groups and classes on the basis of racial ascription (biologically or
socially defined) from other systems which have a similar social function. However, 'some determinations belong to all epochs, others only to a few. Some will
be shared by the most modern epoch and the most ancient'. This is a warning
against extrapolating a common and universal structure to racism, which
remains essentially the same, outside of its specific historical location. It is only
as the different racisms are historically specified-in
their differencethat they can be properly understood as 'a product of historical relations
and possess . . full validity only for and within those relations'. It follows that
there might be more to be learned from distinguishing what, in common
sense, appear to be variants of the same thing: for example, the racism of the
slave South from the racism of the insertion of blacks into the 'free forms' of
industrial-capitalist development in the post-bellum North; or the racism of
Caribbean slave societies from that of the metropolitan societies like Britain,
which have had to absorb black workers into industrial production in the twentieth century.
In part, this must be because one cannot explain racism in abstraction
from other social relations-even if, alternatively, one cannot explain it by
reducing it to those relations. It has been said that there are flourishing racisms
in pre-capitalist social formations. This only means that, when dealing with
more recent social formations, one is required to show how thoroughly racism is
reorganized and rearticulated with the relations of new modes of production.
Racism within plantation slave societies in the mercantilist phase of world
capitalist development has a place and function, means and mechanisms of its
specific effectivity, which are only superficially explained by translating it out
from these specific historical coiltexts into totally different ones. Finley (1969),
Davis (1969, 1970) and others have argued that, though slavery in the Ancient
World was articulated through derogatory classifications which distinguished
between the enslaved and enslaving peoples, it did not necessarily entail the use
of specifically racial categories, whilst plantation slavery almost everywhere did.
Thus, there can be no assumed, necessary coincidence between racism and
slavery as such. Precisely the differences in the roles which slavery played in
these very different epochs and social formations may point us to the necessary
ground for specifying what this specific coincidence between slavery and racism
might secure. Where this coincidence does in fact appear, the mechanisms and
effectivity of its functioning-including its articulation with other relationsneed to be demonstrated, not assumed.
Again, the common assumption that it was attitudes of racial superiority
which precipitated the introduction of plantation slavery needs to be challenged.
It might be better to start from the opposite end-by seeing how slavery (the product of specific problems of labour shortage and the organization of plantation
Strrart Hall
agriculture-supplied, in the first instance, by non-black, iiidigenous labour,
and then by white indentured labour) produced those forms of juridical racism
which distinguish the epoch of plantation slavery. The elaboration of the juridical
and property forms of slavery, as a set of enclaves within societies predicated on
other legal and property forms, required specific and elaborate ideological work
-as the history of slavery, and of its abolition, eloquently testifies. The same
point may be made, in extenso, for all those explanations which ascribe racismin-general to some universal functioning of individual psychology-the 'racial
itch', the 'race instinct1--or explain its appearance in terms of a general psychology of prejudice. The question is not whether men-in-general make perceptual
distinctions between groups with different racial or ethnic characteristics, but
rather, what are the specific conditions which make this form of distinction
socially pertinent, historically active. What gives this abstract human potentiality
its effectivity, as a concrete material force? It could be said, for example, that
Britain's long imperial hegemony, and the intinlacy of the relationship between
capitalist developinelit at home and colonial conquest overseas, laid the trace of
an active racism in British popular coiisciousness. Nevertheless, this alone cannot
explain either the form and function which racism assumed, in the period of
'popular imperialism' at the height of the imperialist rivalry towards the end of
the nineteenth century, or the very different forms of indigenous racism, penetrating deep into the working class itself, which has been an emergent feature of
the contact between black and white workers in the conditions of post-war
migration. The histories of these different racisms cannot be written as a
'general history' (Hall : 1978; Hall, et al. : 1978). Appeals to 'human nature' are
not explanations, they are an alibi.
One must start, then, from the concrete historical 'work' which racism
acco~iiplishesunder specific historical conditions-as a set of economic, political
and ideological practices, of a distinctive kind, concretely articulated with other
practices in a social formation. These practices ascribe the positioning of different social groups in relation to one another with respect to the elementary
structures of society; they fix and ascribe those positionings in on-going social
practices; they legitimate the positions so ascribed. In short, they are practices
which secure the hegemony of a dominant group over a series of subordinate
ones, in such a way as to dominate the whole social formation in a form favourable to the long-term development of the economic productive base. Though the
economic aspects are critical, as a way of beginning, this form of hegemony
cannot be understood as operating purely through economic coercion. Racism,
so active at the level-'the economic nucleus'-where Gramsci insists hegemony
must first be secured, will have or contract elaborate relations at other instances
-in the political, cultural and ideological levels. Yet, put in this (obviously
correct) way, the assertion is still too a priori. How specifically do these mechanisms operate? What further determinations need to be supplied? Racism is
not present, in the same form or degree, in all capitalist formations: it is not
necessary to the concrete functioning of all capitalisms. It needs to be shown
how and why racism has been specifically overdetermined by and articulated
Race, arriculation and rocieriex srrucr~trzdit1 dorrrinut~ce
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with certain capitalisms at different stages of their de\clnpment. Nor can i t be
assumed that this must take one, single form or follot~one necessar! path or
logic, through a series of necessary stages.
This requires us, in turn, to sllow its articulation tiith the difierent
structures of the social formation. For example, the position of the s l a ~ ein
pre-emancipation plantation socicty was not secured exclusively through race.
It was predominantly secured by the quite specific and distinctive productive
relations of slave-based agriculture, and through the distinctive property status
of the slave (as a commodity) and of slave labour-power (as united with its
exerciser, who was not however its 'owner'), coupled with legal, political and
ideological systems which anchored this relation by racial ascription. This
coupling may have provided the ready-made rationale and framework for
those structures of 'informal racism' which became operative when 'freed'
black labour migrated northwards in the United States or illto the 'free village'
system in the post-emacipation Caribbean. Yet the 'coupling' operated in new
ways, and required their own ideological work-as in the 'Jim Crow' legislatioil
of the 1880s and 1890s (Van Woodward: 1957). The reproduction of the low
and ascribed status of black labour, as a specific fraction of the 'free labouring'
classes of industrial capitalism, was secured-with the assistance of a transformed racism, to be sure: but also through other mechanisms, which accomplished their structured positioning with respect to new forms of capital in new
ways. In the latter case, pertinent struggles have developed which exploited the
gaps, or worked directly on the contradictions between racial ascription and the
official ideologies of 'equal opportunity' which were simply not available to
black slaves under a plantation system (Myrdal, 1962). We treat these differences as 'essentially the same' at our peril. On the other hand, it does not
follow that because developed capitalism here functions predominantly on the
basis of 'free labour' that the racial aspects of social relations can be assimilated,
for all practical purposes, to its typical class relations (as does Cox (1970),
despite his many pertinent observations). Race continues to differentiate between
the different fractions of the working classes with respect to capital, creating
specific forms of fracturing and fractioning which are as important for the
ways in which they intersect class relations (and divide the class struggle,
internally) as they are mere 'expressions' of some general form of the class
struggle. Politically and culturally, these combined and uneven relations between
class and race are historically more pertinent than their simple correspondence.
At the economic level, it is clear that race must be given its distinctive and
'relatively autonomous' eRectivity, as a distinctive feature. This does not mean
that the economic is sufficient to found an explanation of how these relations
concretely function. One needs to know how different racial and ethnic groups
were inserted historically, and the relations which have tended to erode and transform, or to preserve these distinctions through time-not simply as residues and
traces of previous modes, but as active structuring principles of the present
organization of society. Racial categories alone will not provide or explain these.
What are the different forms and relations in which these racial fractions
Stuart Hall
were combined under capital? Do they stand in significantly different relations to
capital? Do they stand within an articulation of different modes of production?
What are the relations of dissolution/conservation between them? How has race
functioned to preserve and develop these articulations? What are the functions
which the dominated modes of production perform in the reproduction of
the dominant mode? Are these linked to it through the domestic reproduction of
labour power 'below its value', the supply of cheap labour, the regulation of the
'reserve army of labour', the supply of raw materials, of subsistence agriculture,
the hidden costs of social reproduction? The indigenous 'natural economies' of
Latin America and the forms of semi-domestic production characteristic of the
Caribbean societies differ significantly, among and between them, in this respect.
The same is true even where different ethnic fractions stand in the same sets of
relations to capital. For example, the position of black labour in the industrial
North of the United States and of black migration to post-war Britain show
highly distinctive patternings along racial lines: yet these situations are not
explicable without the concept of the 'reserve army of labour'. Yet it is clear
that blacks are not the only division within the 'reserve army': hence race is not
the only mechanism through which its size and composition is regulated. In the
United States, both white immigrants (e.g. European and Mexican) and women,
and in Britain, both women and the Irish have provided a significant alternative
element (see Braverman : 1975; Castle and Kosack : 1973).
The eitherlor alternatives, surveyed in the opening parts of this paper,
are therefore seriously disabling, at a theoretical level, whether it is 'metropolitan'
or 'satellite' formations which are under discussion; and whether it is historical
or contemporary forms which are under scrutiny. As I have recently argued
(Hall, et al. : 1978), the structures through which black labour is reproducedstructures which may be general to capital at a certain stage of development,
whatever the racial composition of labour-are not simply 'coloured' by race:
they work through race. The relations of capitalism can be thought of as articulating classes in distinct ways at each of the levels or instances of the social formation-economic, political, ideological. These levels are the 'effects' of the
structures of modern capitalist production, with the necessary displacement of
relative autonomy operating between them. Each level of the social formation
requires its own independent 'means of representation'-the means by which the
class-structured mode of production appears, and acquires effectivity at the
level of the economic, the political, the ideological class struggle. Race is
intrinsic to the manner in which the black labouring classes are complexly
constituted at each of these levels. It enters into the way black labour, male and
female, is distributed as economic agents at the level of economic practices, and
the class struggles which result from it; and into the way the fractions of the black
labouring classes are reconstituted, through the means of political representation
(parties, organizations, community action centres, publications and campaigns)
as political forces in the 'theatre of politics'-and the political struggles which
result; and the manner in which the class is articulated as the collective and individual 'subjects' of emergent ideologies-and the struggles over ideology,
Race, articulation and societies structured in dominance
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culture and consciousness which result. This gives the matter or dimension of
race, and racism, a practical as well as theoretical centrality to all the relations
which affect black labour. The constitution of this fraction as a class, and the
class relations which ascribe it, function as race relations. Race is thus, also, the
modality in which class is 'lived', the medium through which class relations are
experienced, the form in which it is appropriated and 'fought through'. This has
consequences for the whole class, not specifically for its 'racially defined' segment. It has consequences in terms of the internal fractioning and division
within the working class which, among other ways, are articulated in part
through race. This is no mere racist conspiracy from above. For racism is also
one of the dominant means of ideological representation through which the white
fractions of the class come to 'live' their relations to other fractions, and through
them to capital itself. Those who seek, with effect, to disarticulate some of the
existing syntaxes of class struggle (albeit of a corporatist or social-reformist
kind) and to rearticulate class experience through the condensed interpellations
of a racist ideological syntax are, of course, key agents in this work of ideological transformation-this is the ideological class struggle, pursued, precisely,
through harnessing the dominated classes to capital by means of the articulation
of the internal contradictions of class experience with racism. In Britain, this
process has recently attained a rare and general pitch. But they succeed to the
measure that they do, because they are practising on real contradictions within
and inside the class, working on real effects of the structure (however these may
be 'misrecognized' through racism)-not because they are clever at conjuring
demons, or because they brandish swastikas and read Mein Kampf:
Racism is, thus, not only a problem for blacks who are obliged to suffer
it. Nor is it a problem only for those sections of the white working class and
those organizations infected by its stain. Nor can it be overcome, as a general
virus in the social body, by a heavy dose of liberal innoculation. Capital reproduces the class, including its internal contradictions, as a whole-structured
by race. It dominates the divided class, in part, through those internal divisions
which have racism as one of its effects. It contains and disables representative
class institutions, by neutralizing them-confining them to strategies and struggles which are race-specific, which do not surmount its limits, its barrier.
Through racism, it is able to defeat the attempts to construct alternative means
of representation which could more adequately represent the class as a whole,
or which are capable of effecting the unity of the class as a result: that is, those
alternatives which would adequately represent the class as a whole-against
capitalism, against racism. The sectional struggles, articulated through race,
instead, continue to appear as the necessary defensive strategies of a class divided
against itself, face-to-face with capital. They are, therefore, also the site of capital's continuing hegemony over it. This is certainly not to treat racism as, in any
simply sense, the product of an ideological trick.
Nevertheless, such an analysis would need to be complemented by an
analysis of the specific forms which racism assumes in its ideological functioning.
Here, we would have to begin by investigating the different ways in which racist
Stuart Hall
ideologies have been constructed and made operative under different historical
conditions: the racisms of mercantilist theory and of chattel slavery; of conquest and colonialism; of trade and 'high imperialism'; of 'popular imperialism'
and of so-called 'post-imperialism'. In each case, in specific social formations,
racism as an ideological configuration has been reconstituted by the daminant
class relations, and thoroughly reworked. If it has performed the function of
that ce~nentingideology wllich secures a whole social formation under a dominant class, its pertinent ditferences from other such hegemonic ideologies require to be registered in detail. Here, racism is particularly powerful and its
imprint on popular consciousness especially deep, because in such racial characteristics as colour, ethnic origin, geographical position, etc., racism discovers
what other ideologies have to construct: an apparently 'natural' and universal
basis in nature itself. Yet, despite this apparent grounding in biological givens,
outside history racism, when it appears, has an effect on other ideological formations within the same society, and its developn~entpromotes a transformation
of the whole ideological field in which it becomes operative. It can in this way,
harness other ideological discourses to itself-for example, it articulates securely
with the usjthem structure of corporate class consciousness-through the
mechanism previously discussed of connotative condensation. Its effects are
similar to other ideologies from whlch, on other grounds, it must be distinguished : racisms also dehistoricize-translating historically-specific structures
into the timeless language of nature; decomposing classes into individuals and
recomposing those disaggregated individuals into the reconstructed unities, the
great coherences, of new ideological 'subjects' : it translates 'classes' into 'blacks'
and 'whites', econonlic groups into 'peoples', solid forces into 'races'. This is the
process of constituting new 'historical subjects' for ideological discourses-the
mechanism we encountered earlier, of forming new interpellative structures.
It produces, as the natural and given 'authors' of a spontaneous form of racial
perception, the naturalized 'racist subject'. This is not an external function,
operative only against those whom it disposes or disarticulates (renders silent).
It is also pertinent for the dominated subjects-those subordinated ethnic
groups or 'races' which live their relation to their real conditions of existence, and
to the domination of the dominant classes, in and through the imaginary representations of a racist interpellation, and who come to experience themselves as
'the inferiors', les autres. And yet these processes are themselves never exempted
from the ideological class struggle. The racist interpellations can become themselves the sites and stake in the ideological struggle, occupied and redefined to
become the elementary forms of an oppositional formation-as where 'white
racism' is vigorously contested through the symbolic inversions of 'black power'.
The ideologies of racism remain contradictory structures, which can function
both as the vehicles for the imposition of dominant ideologies, and as the
elementary forms for the cultures of resistance. Any attempt to delineate the
politics and ideologies of racism which omit these continuing features of struggle
and contradiction win an apparent adequacy of explanation only by operating
a disabling reductionism.
Race, articulation and societies structured in dominance
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In this field of inquiry, 'sociological theory' has still to find its way, by a
difficult effort of theoretical clarification, through the Scylla of a reductionism
which must deny almost everything in order to explain something, and the
Charybdis of a pluralism which is so mesmerized by 'everything' that it cannot
explain anything. To those willing to labour on, the vocation remains an open
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