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SWOT analysis is used to consolidate the results from the external and internal business environment analysis. SWOT stands for: Strengths-will aid the development of the organization Weaknesses-will undermine the development of the Organization. Opportunities-available to be grasped by the organization Threats-presenting potential problems for the organization Strengths the internal positive capabilities of the organization, for example financial resources, motivated staff or good market reputation; Weaknesses the internal negative aspects of the organization that will diminish the chances of success, for example out-of-date equipment and systems, unskilled staff or poor management information; Opportunities the external factors that present opportunities for success ,for example social changes that increase demand for the organization's services, or the development of technology to provide new service delivery channels; Threats the external factors that have the potential to harm the organization, for example a technological development that could enable new competitors to enter the market, or economic difficulties leading to a reduction in market demand.
Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan dan Sosial
Education in Indonesia has been running on the basis of a duality between general education and religious education, resulting in a separation between secular knowledge and religious knowledge. This has been the case since the colonial Dutch government introduced a secular education system. This journal article will discuss the history of the development of Islamic education in Indonesia, Islamic educational institutions that emerged in the early period of Indonesia, and the progress of Islamic education in Indonesia. This research is entirely literature-based (Library Research), where data is gathered through library resources such as books. This type of research is qualitative in nature, employing the method of historical research, specifically heuristic and data collection techniques through literature review. The data processing in this study involves: (1) Inductive approach, which entails interpreting and analyzing specific data to draw general understandings and conclusions; (...
Researchmeet Engaging learnersformal vs informal learning, 2022
Research on young people engaging in informal learning ad accessing qualifications through activities set by youth workers.
Resumen El renacimiento, del siglo XIV al XV, fue el renacer de la cultura grecorromana, vuelve a ser antropocéntrica, el ser humano es el centro de todo. Esto marco el cambio de la Edad media a la edad moderna, el paso de una sociedad teocéntrica, una sociedad en donde el cristianismo y la religión eran impuestos como " voluntad divina " a una nueva visión en la cual el hombre vuelve a búsqueda de información, al desarrollo y formación académica como también formación cultural. Introducción Volver a nacer, volver atrás y volver a instaurar algo del pasado, esto fue la base del Renacimiento. Su origen se fue dando en Italia, con el añorado deseo de volver a ser la gloriosa Roma que fue en el Clasicismo. Con bases muy fuertes en ciudades como Florencia, Siena, Venecia, Ravena ya que eran las principales rutas de comercio con oriente, y que luego los productos que pasaban por ahí (Especias, tintes, sedas, pólvora, te, pastas, etcétera) eran vendidos en toda Europa, gracias al comercio estas eran las ciudades con más riquezas de ese entonces. Con esta rehabilitación de la economía monetaria surge la burguesía, eran personas que no tenían sangre noble pero eran quienes comerciaban con oriente, como la familia Medici, que para pasar a formar parte de la nobleza algunos de sus miembros se unieron al clero. Todo ese enriquecimiento propicio el crecimiento del mercado del arte, los burgueses le pagaban a los artistas para buscaban que sus obras los posicionara socialmente mediante un relato, ya que ellos no formaban parte de la realeza, y por esto los artistas volvieron a firmar sus obras como se hacía en la antigua Grecia y Roma. Con la invención de la imprenta de Gutenberg, el renacimiento se deja de lado el observar lo natural y cotidiano, para estudiarlo a fondo, al reapareciendo los conocimientos de la era clásica, fue el renacer de la cultura grecorromana. Los conocimientos pasaron de estar en los monasterios a estar en manos de todas las personas, llevando a cabo 1
Digging Up Jericho: Past, Present and Future (R. Sparks, B. Finlayson, B. Wagemakers, J. Briffo, eds), 2019
This work falls within the framework of superluminal relativity and specifically addresses the physical interpretation of imaginary quantities that arise in its development (coordinates, velocities, angles, complex charges, and masses), to which, contrary to common practice, physical significance is attributed. After a brief introduction to tachyon theory, limited to the aspects that affect the development of this work, and some epistemological propositions regarding the concept of physical reality, the kinematics of tachyons is analyzed from the perspective of tachyonic rest. The study focuses on the imaginary velocities that emerge, allowing the identification of different kinematic universes for tachyons. In the context of tachyonic electromagnetism, the complex nature of electric charge is examined, with particular emphasis on its divisibility. It is concluded that there exist singular fractions of electric charge whose squares coincide with the charge of quarks. The physical nature of complex mass is also analyzed, leading to the conclusion that the imaginary component of the mass implies that its gravitational potential behaves like a wave, with the speed of the wave associated with the particle. By applying this result to both tachyons and bradyons, the existence of a dual world is postulated, in which the waves associated with bradyons are tachyons, and conversely, the waves associated with tachyons are bradyons.
Toward a Theology of Eros, 2020
Perubahan materi adalah perubahan sifat suatu zat atau materi menjadi zat yang lain baik yang menjadi zat baru maupun tidak. Perubahan materi terbagi menjadi dua macam, yaitu :
Spectacle, Entertainment, and Recreation in Late Ottoman and Early Turkish Republican Cities, 2023
Carnets de géographes
Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, 2024
Perfiles Educativos, 2014
Current Microbiology, 1992
Toxicological sciences : an official journal of the Society of Toxicology, 2014
Advances in Difference Equations, 2019
The Eurasian Journal of Medicine, 2020