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Así Hablamos. Intermedio 3
41 pages
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Advanced Spanish as a Second/Foreign Language
The Handbook of Hispanic Linguistics, 2012
This article explores the idea of using an already existing language learning app, Duolingo, to complement traditional college level Spanish as second language courses. These types of apps use adaptive learning technologies, which are able to tailor the tasks to the level of each student. In the case of this study, Duolingo was used as part of the program of studies in two Spanish university courses, one a beginner's Spanish course (level A1) and the other an advanced intermediate course (B2). The students used the app online, either in its mobile version or in their web browser. I will describe how Duolingo operates, what kind of activities can be done, and how learning is achieved. Preliminary results suggest that Duolingo is an easy-to-use app that is useful and has potential, although its main lessons are not based on communicative competence. It is usually enjoyed by students because of several elements, such as the accessibility on a mobile device, its gamification aspect, and the variety of tasks. I will discuss possible ways to incorporate Duolingo into foreign language courses, always considering it as a complement to the curriculum, but considering its value to reinforce vocabulary and grammar acquisition through spaced repetition, interleaving of different skills and variety of activities. Resumen Este artículo explora la idea de utilizar una aplicación móvil (ya existente en el mercado para el aprendizaje de idiomas), Duolingo, para complementar las clases tradicionales de español como lengua extranjera a nivel universitario. Este tipo de aplicaciones hacen uso de la tecnología adaptiva para el aprendizaje, permitiendo así adaptar las tareas al nivel de cada estudiante. En el caso de esta investigación, Duolingo formó parte del programa de estudio de dos clases universitarias de español, una a nivel principiante (A1) y otra intermedio alto (B2). Los estudiantes accedieron a la aplicación de manera online, tanto en plataformas móviles como en su versión de escritorio. Este artículo describe el funcionamiento de Duolingo, el tipo de actividades que se pueden realizar con ella y de qué forma se adquieren conocimientos con esta aplicación. Los resultados preliminares de este estudio sugieren que Duolingo es
million people around the world were studying Spanish as a second language, a number surpassed only by the number of English learners. In the US alone, there are 6 million students of Spanish. In Europe, Spanish has 3.5 million students scattered throughout 38 countries. In Ivory Coast, in the African continent, 74% of all high schoolers choose Spanish as their required foreign language, and in China the number of students registered in Spanish classes has grown 160%. Since 2006, Brazil has instituted Spanish as a high school requirement, adding 11 million students and bringing the total number to 25 million learners of Spanish as a foreign language worldwide (Instituto Cervantes 2006). Calculations place the wealth generated by activities associated with the teaching of Spanish at 15% of Spain's GDP (Delgado, Alonso & Jiménez 2007) of which one third comes from courses. Unfortunately, we lack numbers for Latin American countries such as Mexico, Argentina, Chile and Costa Rica, which also attract growing numbers of students through study abroad programs. The future of the teaching of Spanish is as promising as it is challenging: shortage of qualified teachers, small presence of Spanish on the Internet, and the need to adapt teaching approaches to optimize language learning in different contexts. For example, US Latinos cannot be taught Spanish as if it were a foreign language.
The Modern Language Journal, 2011
The MLJ reviews books, monographs, computer software, and materials that (a) present results of research in-and methods of-foreign and second language teaching and learning; (b) are devoted to matters of general interest to members of the profession; (c) are intended primarily for use as textbooks or instructional aids in classrooms where foreign and second languages, literatures, and cultures are taught; and (d) convey information from other disciplines that relates directly to foreign and second language teaching and learning. Reviews not solicited by the MLJ can neither be accepted nor returned. Books and materials that are not reviewed in the MLJ cannot be returned to the publisher. Responses should be typed with double spacing and submitted electronically online at our ScholarOne Manuscripts address:
ELIA: Estudios de Lingüística Inglesa Aplicada, 2020
In the last 25 years, the topic of learning strategies has attracted a great deal of interest, quite often to analyse the use first (L1) and second language (L2) learners make of these strategies and how they can be helped to improve strategy knowledge. Although it is true that there has been considerable research on strategies, a smaller number of studies have attempted to explore the strategies that learners use in content and language integrated learning (CLIL) contexts, and even fewer when learning a third language (L3). This article seeks to fill that gap by reporting the findings of an intervention study into reading comprehension among young learners of English as an L3 in a multilingual (Spanish-Basque-English) context in the Basque Country.
Historically, Spanish has been taught as a foreign or second language in the United States. Little attention has been given to developing and coordinating well designed and carefully articulated programs for Hispanic bilingual college students of different ethnic and cultural ...
Resumen Esta propuesta de trabajo pretende aunar criterios de trabajo dentro del Departamento de Lenguas Extranjeras basandonos en la metodologia unificada que se presentara a los ingresantes para la seleccion de idioma Ingles o Frances en 1er ano. Nuestro proyecto se encuentra dentro del marco teorico institucional que se basa en el enfoque comunicativo; los pilares que sustentan este marco teorico son la musica, el arte y la literatura. Dichos ejes han sido tomados en nuestra investigacion adoptando como marco teorico los principios de CLIL (Content Language Integrated Learning), acentuando el trabajo sobre estrategias de aprendizaje e incorporando las nuevas tecnologias. Ensenar las lenguas extranjeras a traves de contenidos curriculares tomados de otras asignaturas implica un cambio de paradigma en la metodologia de trabajo de Departamento y en la seleccion y elaboracion de materiales. Haremos un recorrido por el proyecto, su implementacion y sus resultados. Abstract This paper ...
The Modern Language Journal, 2011
The MLJ reviews books, monographs, computer software, and materials that (a) present results of research in-and methods of-foreign and second language teaching and learning; (b) are devoted to matters of general interest to members of the profession; (c) are intended primarily for use as textbooks or instructional aids in classrooms where foreign and second languages, literatures, and cultures are taught; and (d) convey information from other disciplines that relates directly to foreign and second language teaching and learning. Reviews not solicited by the MLJ can neither be accepted nor returned. Books and materials that are not reviewed in the MLJ cannot be returned to the publisher. Responses should be typed with double spacing and submitted electronically online at our ScholarOne Manuscripts address:
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