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Course Description The Course is intended to provide an introductory framework to the subject/discipline of Cultural Studies. The main objective is to introduce students to the key questions and debates, both historical and contemporary. It would emphasize Media as central to the analysis of different aspects of culture and societal structures and foreground the ‘power’ that it exerts on the major social institutions. This course is structured around the premise that ‘Culture as a commodity’ is produced by discourse and media practices. During the semester we would traverse around different avenues of Media, Culture and Society and the major framework is to understand culture both as a process and a product. Apart from touching upon the conventional social sciences and humanities paradigm of cultural studies, the course will analyze the relationships among the three entities. The focus will be on representation, hegemony, censorship, gender and sexuality, war and terrorism, film, television, globalization, popular culture, interrogating its complex inter-relationships with other social structures namely Religion Class, Caste, Race, Ethnicity and so on.
Culture can be defined as the signs, symbols, values, beliefs, and behaviors that comprise a way of life for a given community. In all cultures there can be competing ways of interpreting cultural indicators and a diversity of meanings attached to them. Cultural hegemony is said to be established when a high degree of consensus is achieved; conflict arises when consensus breaks down. Accordingly, the meanings that are attached to various cultural indicators—the ways in which these signs and symbols are “represented”—whether developed from within a community or imposed from without, can have a powerful influence on the ways in which the community is perceived and on the quality of life within that community. In an age when the words, sounds, and images that are used to define communities come to us primarily via the media, representation becomes the connecting link between media and meaning and a central practice in the construction of culture. Understanding how community cultures are constructed and the role of media representations in that process are the central concerns of this course.
Washington University in St. Louis, 2021
This course is an introduction to methods in media and cultural studies. We will analyze intersections of media with race, gender, sexuality, and class by focusing on television and digital media examples. We will begin by exploring questions of representation in media. Then we will move on to discuss how media are implicated in existing structures of inequality and differences of social and cultural power. We will end by discussing some ways that scholars have theorized media consumers as actively engaging with media texts.
This book is about media and how we use it. It is very useful if you are not an expert in media because it helps to you to discover more about it
Asian Journal of Social Sciences Humanities, 2013
During the course of this research paper the researchers intend to assess what are societies, culture and mass media; the circumstances and conditions that make the three of them to be interlinked. What are the effects of mass media on culture and society? and whether these effects are positive or negative. What is the role of mass media in creating globalization, modernization and how does it promote cultural invasion of dominant powers that control the forms and contents of the mass media. This cultural invasion through mass media is literally helping in creating global culture all across the world especially in underdeveloped countries and thus these countries are losing their own cultural heritages gradually. Because of the cultural promotion of the dominant powers by mass media in underdeveloped countries the new generations of these countries are ignorant of their own local cultures, norms and values, which is a great dilemma of today. This is an issue of international concern and needs an effective solution of the problem, because different nations are recognized and remain distinguished from each other on the basis of their cultural differences.
Administración de Recursos Humanos - Enfoque latinoamericano
Prefacio xi CAPÍTULO 1 La administración de recursos humanos en la actualidad 1 ¿Qué es la administración de recursos humanos? 2 El entorno y las responsabilidades cambiantes en la administración de RH 7 El papel cambiante de la administración de los recursos humanos 11 El papel estratégico de la administración de recursos humanos 12 El gerente de recursos humanos en la actualidad 19 El plan de este libro 22
Revista Brasileira de Sexualidade Humana
Este estudo avaliou a prevalência das crenças errôneas relacionadas ao orgasmo feminino em pacientes do Estado de Pernambuco, Brasil. 166 indivíduos foram submetidos a questionário que investigou as características sociodemográficas e as crendices e superstições relacionadas ao orgasmo. Em sua maioria foram pacientes do sexo feminino, naturais do Recife, com bom nível de escolaridade, casados e católicos. Em média 49% dos entrevistados não sabiam como responder aos questionamentos ou optaram pela resposta relacionada à crendice. A crendice de maior prevalência foi sobre a intensidade do orgasmo, em que 66,2% dos pacientes acreditavam na afirmação: “Quanto mais demoradas as preliminares mais intensos serão os orgasmos”; e o questionamento que apresentou maior percentual de dúvida foi: “Existem dois tipos diferentes de orgasmos: o vaginal e o clitoriano”(26%). Concluímos que existe uma alta prevalência de crenças errôneas na população estudada, indicando que intervenções educacionais ...
Sicilia Antiqua XXI , 2024
The “Shield-cup” Class of the Indigenous Pottery in Iron Age Centralwestern Sicily: Is it a Shape of Aegean-Cretan Origin? · This paper aims at investigatinga specific typological class of the indigenous pottery production of Iron Age Sicily. The variety of shallow cup, without handles and carined profile, named as “shield-cup” is still scarcely examined in terms of chronology, diffusion and origin of type. This study contributes to reconstruct a new map of distribution which includes mostly the regions of Central-Western Sicily, the area named as “Sikanie” according the Greek historical sources. New elements of relative chronology comes from the main archaeological deposits where this pottery category is attested. Finally, a wider analysis of the possible connections, in terms of typological and decorative aspects, with a wheel-made painted production of Shield-Like Lids attested in the Middle and Late Geometric Period at Crete, suggests an origin from this area. Such Southern Aegean pottery category would have reach Sicily during the foundation of Gela by Rhodians and Cretans in early 7th century BC.
Sistema probatorio del juicio oral, 2019
Este trabajo inicia examinando los parámetros normativos de configuración del sistema procesal penal colombiano en contraste con los desarrollos doctrinales sobre los sistemas penales para así comprender la naturaleza del sistema establecido en la Ley 906 de 2004, para, una vez hecho esto, emprender un estudio de problemas que se han identificado que se están presentando en el ámbito probatorio en el sistema procesal penal colombiano, para analizarlos reflexivamente y plantear propuestas que permitan darles solución, con el propósito final de contribuir al mejor funcionamiento de la Administración de Justicia en lo penal.ón%20SISTEMA%20PROBATORIO%20DEL%20JUICIO%20ORAL.pdf
Journal of Applied Psychology, 2009
الشرق أكاديميا, 2024
Religions, 2024
Sociology of Sport Journal
isara solutions, 2023
Reparação de caldeiras Porto, Maia, Gondomar, Matosinhos, Gaia
De Gruyter eBooks, 2022
Forensic Science International, 1999
ChemInform, 1987
International Journal of Educational Management and Innovation, 2021
MATEC Web of Conferences, 2019
Paediatrics and International Child Health, 2014
Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics, 1983