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Presentación de perforación
International Surgery Journal, 2018
Non-traumatic gastrointestinal perforations have received far less attention in the recent medical literature than inflammations, tumoral or traumatic lesions of solid abdominal organs. The first clinical description of perforated ulcer was made by Crisp in 1843. 1 Smoking and NSAIDS are important risk factors for perforation1. Diagnosis is clinically made and confirmed by the presence of pneumo-peritoneum on radiographs. Non-operative management is successful in patients identified to have spontaneously sealed perforation proved by water soluble contrast gastro-duodenogram. 1 Operative management consists of time honoured practice of omental patch closure, but this can be done by laparoscopic approaches as gold standard in the future especially if perforation site is less than 10mm presenting within 24 hours of onset of pain. 2
Rectal perforation is a rare cause of acute abdomen. The most common cause of rectal perforation is trauma. Barotrauma due to the injection of compressed air in the rectum is an extremely rare cause of rectal perforation. We report a case of extensive pneumoperitoneum with abdominal compartment syndrome caused by rectal perforation secondary to the forceful injection of compressed air through the perineum. The patient was successfully managed by immediate relief of abdominal compartment syndrome by needle decompression followed by surgical repair of rectal perforation.
Revista de gastroenterologia del Peru : organo oficial de la Sociedad de Gastroenterologia del Peru, 2023
Pneumobilia is a phenomenon associated with the presence of a biliary-enteric fistula or manipulation of the bile duct during procedures or surgical interventions that cause dysfunction of the sphincter of Oddi. A known, but infrequently reported event, is the increase in intraabdominal pressure after closed abdominal trauma, which causes pneumobilia due to a mechanism of retrograde air leakage towards the bile duct. Depending on the general compromise of each patient, the prognosis can vary from a benign condition that only requires conservative management, to being life threatening. We present the case of a 75-year-old male patient who, after suffering a closed thoraco-abdominal trauma, presented with rib fracture and, in addition, gallbladder wall rupture, pneumoperitoneum, pneumobilia, and pneumowirsung, having a favorable clinical course after receiving conservative management.
Introduction: Gastro intestinal perforation is the most common surgical emergency presenting as an acute abdomen. Diagnosing a gastrointesinal perforation is not a herculean task except cases complicated with a small sealed perforation and overlapped with a picture of ileus or obstruction. The current paper states the changes with time with regards to its etiology from gastric to duodenal and in management from colostomies to primary closure. We present a case study of 100 patients to know most common cause of gastro intestinal perforation, their symptomology and recent techniques of management with management of their complications studied from May2004-Aug 2006. Method: The study includes 100 patients admitted in a major tertiary institution in rural India between 2004 and 2006 and studied with respect to incidence, modes of clinical presentation, management and outcome. Results: Maximum patients reported were between 21 to 30 years of age. Males are predominantly affected. The stu...
International Surgery Journal, 2015
Gastrointestinal perforation is a common surgical emergency encountered. Patients with peritonitis are among the most complex patients encountered in surgical practice. Thus there is a need to stratify the various determinants which can help us to plan the treatment strategy. 1 Various studies have accessed the association of various risk factors with the outcome, but either with the single risk factor or an isolated post-operative complication. But there are additional risk factors that influence the outcome. Known since the days of Hippocrates, transmigration of bacteria from the gut causes peritonitis, which may be fatal or cause profound morbidity. Contamination of peritoneal cavity can cause sepsis, multisystem organ failure and death if not treated timely. Objectives: The objectives are to establish an association between various risk factors and the possible outcomes in gastrointestinal perforations either independently or in synergism. The secondary objective was to correlate the results with existing Mannheim peritonitis prognostic index.
Turkish Journal of Colorectal Disease
Bu çalışmada non-travmatik ince bağırsak perforasyonlarındaki cerrahi deneyimlerimizi ve klinik sonuçlarımızı paylaşmayı amaçladık. Yöntem: 2009-2019 yılları arasında non-travmatik ince bağırsak perforasyonu nedeniyle cerrahi tedavi uyguladığımız hastalar çalışmaya dahil edildi. Hastalar postoperatif 90 günlük mortalite durumuna göre iki gruba ayrıldı: Grup 1 (mortalite yok), Grup 2 (mortalite var). Gruplarda hastaların demografik, klinik özellikleri, labarotuvar parametreleri, uygulanan tedavi yöntemleri ve sonuçları karşılaştırıldı. Bulgular: Çalışmamıza 42 hasta dahil edildi. Grup 1: 25, Grup 2: 17 hastadan oluşuyordu. Grup 2'de erkek cinsiyet baskındı (%48 vs %76,5 p=0,062). Grup 2'de yaş daha büyük (54 vs 61 p=0,218). Grup 2'de Amerikan Anesteziyoloji Derneği sınıflandırması, sınıflandırması (ASA) istatistiksel olarak anlamlı ölçüde daha yüksekti (%12 vs %58,8). Hastaların %42'sinde geçirilmiş batın cerrahisi, %30'unda malignite öyküsü vardı. Elektrolit imbalansı varlığı gruplarda benzerdi (%56 vs %76,5 p=0,049). İlk şikayet ile laparotomi arasındaki süre gruplar arasında benzerdi (6,40 vs 5,70 p=0,699). Perforasyon alanı açısından Grup 2'de jejunum %64,7 Grup 1'de ileum %68 ağırlıktaydı. Multiple perforasyon oranı Grup 2'de daha fazla idi fakat istatistiksel olarak anlamlı değildi (%12 vs %23,5 p=0,284). Postoperatif komplikasyonlardan anastomoz kaçağı Grup1'de daha fazla ancak istatistiksel olarak anlamlı değildi (%12 vs %5,9 p=0,501). Sonuç: Non-travmatik ince bağırsak perforasyonlarının morbidite ve mortalitesi yüksektir. Travmatik olmayan ince barsak perfosyonlarında ASA skoru ve hipoalbunemi postoperatif moratalite ile ilişkili iken perforasyonun lokalizasyonu ve ilk şikayet ile laparotomi arası süreyi mortalite ile ilişkili bulmadık.
Journal of Clinical and Experimental Investigations, 2015
Bu çalışmanın amacı, travmatik olmayan ince barsak perforasyonu nedeniyle ameliyat edilen hasta yönetimimizi ve sonuçlarını sunmaktır. Yöntemler: Kliniğimizde 2005 ve 2013 arasında travmatik olmayan ince bağırsak perforasyonu nedeniyle ameliyat edilen 30 hastanın kayıtları incelendi. Hastalara ait yaş, cinsiyet, şikayetler, belirtilerin süresi, eşlik eden hastalık(lar), perforasyon yeri, hastanede kalış süresi, etyoloji, cerrahi tedavi, morbidite ve mortalite verileri kaydedildi. Hastalar yaşayanlar ve ölenler olmak üzere iki gruba ayrıldı ve grupların çeşitli özellikleri karşılaştırıldı. Bulgular: Hastaların yaş ortalaması 51,3±19,9 yıl idi. Periton irritasyonu bulguları 22 (% 73,3) hastada vardı. Eksplorasyonda 14 (% 46,6) hastada yaygın pürülan peritonit gözlenirken, diğerlerinde lokalize peritonit mevcuttu. Primer sütürasyon sadece 3(%10) hastaya uygulanırken, barsak rezeksiyonu 27 (%90) hastaya uygulandı. Saptırıcı ileostomi 18 (%60) hastaya uygulandı. Mortalite 9 (%30) hastada gözlendi. Semptom süresi ve çoklu perforasyon varlığı mortalite gelişen hastalarda anlamlı derecede yüksek bulundu. Sonuç: Tanıda gecikme ve çoklu perforasyon varlığı mortalitenin en önemli nedenleridir. Tanıda gecikmeyi önlemek için her türlü çaba harcanmalıdır; ancak, eğer tanı gecikmişse, özellikle çoklu perforasyonu olan hastalarda bağırsak rezeksiyonu ve/veya ileostomi gibi geniş cerrahi prosedürlerden kaçınılmamalıdır.
Open traumatic pneumothorax results from a penetrating injury through the chest wall that allows air to communicate between the atmosphere and the pleural space. The initial management consists of closing the wound with a quadrangular dressing, large enough to cover the entire length of the wound. This procedure aims to avoid any additional communication of air with the pleural space and is performed with the placement of an occlusive dressing adhered to the thorax with adhesive tape on three sides in order to allow a unidirectional valve. The role of nursing in this type of injury highlights the relevance of scientific knowledge that defends the professional's autonomy in handling the practices that establish the patient's level of progression, with the nursing professional being an integral participant in the care of the individual from the approach to the high of the same. Therefore, simple measures, such as the use of a unidirectional valved dressing in APH, allow for a lower incidence of deaths due to penetrating aspiration trauma.
Indian Journal of Medical Research and Pharmaceutical Sciences , 2014
With the increasing of industrialization, usage area of high pressure air compressor became widespread. It has varied range of uses as a source of power for various tools and cleaning machines and fabrics. As a natural consequence of this, various organs and tissue injury including colorectal by using it except for the purpose has taken place in the literature. Colon injury as a result of bantering with high pressure air compressors especially among the workers around industrial fields is extremely rare but has serious morbidity and mortality rates. The case we described in this report is a case of sigmoid colon perforation in 37-year-old man who was harmed by compressed air that entered through the anus. In our opinion it is a unique cause of colonic perforation for about 150 cases of colon rupture by compressed air have been described so far. Sigmoid resection and colorectal anastamosis was performed and the patient discharged uneventfully.
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Revista Caribeña de Investigación Educativa (RECIE)
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European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2011