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Griot, 2020
In Aristotle, the process of constitution of natural beings involves a set of causes, delimited according to the theory of matter and form. Matter is cause as a compositional support by which beings are generated; and form is cause as a factor responsible for the essential characteristics of the natural being, as well as for giving rise to a series of coordinated movements, which will result in substantial composition. In this article, I intend, at first, to argue that between the two types of fundamental causalities, that is, on the one hand, (i) that associated with material nature, and (ii) on the other, formal nature, there would be an explanatory primacy relative to the second, because in a fuller explanation involving these two causal aspects, material causality would be subordinated and subsumed by causality in formal-final terms. In a second moment, I’ll try to establish a contrast between natural causes and spontaneous cause, examining cases in which causal relationships do not occur due to a teleological determination, but by a mere conjunction of concomitant factors. Spontaneous generation is an example of events such as this, for in this case the constitution of the organism would not be presided over by a formal-final causality which administered a set of interdependently related causal series.
This work gives us the translation of the part of Hadidi’s poetized Ottoman chronicle from the end of the 15th and beginning of the 16th century, which deals with waging war and the career of the great vezir Ahmed- pasha Hercegovic. Chronicler Hadid, in verses and in detail described even the wounding of Hercegovic, his captivity and his liberation, and then his successful career. Apart being an army commander and high government official, Ahmed-pasha was known also as a legator (waqif). His waqfname which is kept in America give us many details about the organization of his waqfs in the village Hersek and in Kesan. The shrine of the great vezir Ahmed-pasha Hercegovic is, unfortunately still in ruins. In this work we want to point out on the fact that the Great vezir Ahmed-pasha, son of Herceg Stjepan Kosaca, was a poet. Some of the verses from his poem (kaside) devoted to Sultan Selim Javuz were given.
This article examines the relationship between totalitarianism and the metaphysical illusions on which it rests. Phenomenological investigation is claimed to loosen the grip of totalitarian ideology by exposing its origins in the " resurrective " illusions that seek to overcome the impact of collective trauma. Phenomenology is thus shown to have emancipatory power.
Revista CNJ, 2023
RESUMO: Interpreta a Recomendação n. 123/2022 do Conselho Nacional de Justiça, quando recomenda aos juízes brasileiros a utilização da jurisprudência da Corte Interamericana de Direitos Humanos (CIDH). Para tanto, utiliza-se a teoria do direito para fundamentar o poder de recomendação do CNJ. Quanto à interpretação do que significa "uso da jurisprudência da Corte Interamericana", apresentam-se estudos teóricos para entender a extensão dessa recomendação, incluindo a interpretação de instrumentos internacionais do Sistema Interamericano, especialmente a Convenção Americana sobre Direitos Humanos Direitos em si, e autores que estudam os direitos humanos no âmbito internacional. O artigo pretende esclarecer dúvidas sobre o conteúdo da Recomendação do CNJ, particularmente se os juízes brasileiros são livres para ignorar a jurisprudência da CIDH.
Journal of Creation and Environmental Care, 2015
Les recherches contemporaines sur l’homosexualité ont connu un essor et une diversification au cours des trente dernières années en France. Pourtant, les enjeux des trajectoires et des identités gaies et lesbiennes restent majoritairement étudiés isolément. S’appuyant sur deux corpus d’entretiens biographiques recueillis entre 2005 et 2012 auprès d’hommes et de femmes homosexuels âgé-e-s de 17 à 35 ans, cet article propose une analyse de la construction des subjectivités minoritaires. Il s’agit d’envisager comment la contrainte à la norme hétérosexuelle continue à produire des modes d’identification différenciés, en analysant l’articulation des rapports sociaux de classe et de genre. L’article se concentre particulièrement sur les premières années de la découverte de l’homosexualité, les implications en terme de définition de soi, et la manière dont ces hommes et ces femmes font le choix (ou pas) de dévoiler leur orientation sexuelle à leur entourage familial.
Deoarece tema aleasă este vastă, în realitate am reușit să identific doar anumite probleme esențiale și să aduc, acolo unde a fost posibil, clarificări conform rezultatelor culese din studiul doctrinei și din analiza jurisprudenței CJUE. Principalele probleme identificate au fost următoarele: aplicarea orizontală a cartei, aplicarea extrateritorială a cartei și domeniul de aplicare material conform art. 51 alin. (1) CDFUE. Întrebările la care mi-am propus să răspund, pe parcursul acestui referat, au fost următoarele: (i) Are Carta o aplicabilitate orizontală?; (ii) Are Carta o aplicabilitate extrateritorială?; (iii) Care este domeniul de aplicare material al Cartei?; și (iv) Ce înseamnă noțiunea de „legătură între dreptul național și dreptul european”? În secțiunea I.B, am expus anumite considerații generale privind Carta, respectiv modificările aduse de Tratatul de la Lisabona statutului juridic al Cartei, legătura dintre Cartă și celelalte instrumente cu privire la drepturile omului și problemele esențiale privind domeniul de aplicare. În secțiunea II, am tratat pe scurt anumite noțiuni esențiale privind aplicabilitatea Cartei, în ceea ce privește domeniul de aplicare material, orizontal și extrateritorial și consecințele care decurg din includerea Cartei în dreptul primar al Uniunii Europene. În secțiunea III, am analizat, conform jurisprudenței CJUE, domeniul de aplicare material a Cartei. În secțiunea III.A, am identificat și analizat comparativ cele două extreme ale interpretării domeniului de aplicare, respectiv interpretarea restrictivă și cea extensivă. În secțiunea III.B, am analizat noțiunea de legătură între dreptul național și prevederile cartei. În secțiunea III.C, am prezentat o hotărâre recentă a CJUE care arată cum prevederile Cartei pot pătrunde, printr-o interpretare teleologică, și în domenii ce țin de suveranitatea unui stat. În concluzii, în limita posibilităților, am abstractizat și generalizat rezultatele din secțiunile anterioare.
Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare , 2016
Canada has had recurring debates about guaranteed or basic income over several decades. This article outlines reasons for implementing basic income in the Canadian context. These reasons include reducing poverty and inequality, addressing precarious employment, and building an ecologically sustainable economy. Recently there has been a strong renewal of interest in basic income in Canada. Expressions of interest have come from the Liberal federal government elected in 2015, from provincial governments, from political parties not in power, and from municipal governments. Support for basic income is also found among a growing range of prominent individuals and organizations. While basic income advocates are encouraged by recent developments, several large and complex questions remain on how this approach can be implemented in Canada. These questions encompass the specifics of design, delivery, funding, and political support. How can basic income build on existing income security programs and leave Canadians better off in the end? How can we ensure that basic income is not used as an excuse to cut vital services such health care, social housing, early childhood care and development, and social services for those with disabilities and other challenges? How can basic income be set in place in Canada, given its complicated federal-provincial nexus of responsibility for delivery of, and funding for social programs? The article concludes with principles that might help guide the implementation of authentically universal, adequate, and feasible basic income architecture in Canada.
Encyclopedia of the History of Psychological Theories, 2012
Proceedings of the 12th UUM International Legal Conference 2023 (UUMILC 2023), 2023
Cahier de l'Herne, 2023
isara solutions, 2014
Government Information Quarterly, 2013
ENTRENOVA - ENTerprise REsearch InNOVAtion
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 2011
Nurse Educator, 2017
Journal of General Virology, 2005
European Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2010
… European Conference on …, 1999
Prilozi / Makedonska akademija na naukite i umetnostite, Oddelenie za biološki i medicinski nauki = Contributions / Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Section of Biological and Medical Sciences, 2009