Is the Conversion of Hagia Sophia Into a Mosque an Islamic Act?

Responding to: Hagia Sophia: From Museum to Mosque Is the Conversion of Hagia Sophia Into a Mosque an Islamic Act? You may access the essay at the following address:

QU About BERKLEY ÇENTER v People v Events Topics v Regions Media & Resources v Support Us v For Students v Is the Con v ersion ofH a g ia Sophia In to a M osqu e an Islam ic A ct ? By: Yasir Yılmaz July 27, 2020 Responding to: Hagia Sophia: From M useum to M osgue f * in S © + The decision of the Turkish government to convert Hagia Sophia into a mosque occurred vvith many references to the fıfteenth century, when Mehmed II conquered Constantinople. İn mere legal terms, the conversion is based upon a lavvsuit submitted to the Turkish Council of State (DanIŞtay) in 2016 against a decision of the Board of Ministers from 1934, vvhich had canceled the Hagia Sophia's mosgue status and turned it into a