International Journal of Emerging Issues in Islamic Studies, Dec 19, 2022
The potential for disputes increases with the growth of Islamic banks due to the possible occurre... more The potential for disputes increases with the growth of Islamic banks due to the possible occurrence of fraud in various forms. Therefore, immediate and appropriate steps are needed to detect and resolve fraud early. When fraud is not immediately addressed, it causes enormous losses, thereby decreasing public trust in Islamic banks. The Financial Services Authority Regulation Number 39/POJK.03/2019 concerning the Implementation of the Anti-Fraud Strategy is sufficient to regulate the strengthening of the internal control system. However, the introduction and preparation of follow-up actions in resolving fraud-related disputes are still required through litigation in the Religious Courts or non-litigation using the mediation and arbitration processes. This research is conducted to resolve disputes through mediation or arbitration as indicated in the Qur'an with the term Al Shulhu. The mediation model offered is to mediate internally within the banking institution through an independent mediator appointed by the BPS (Sharia Supervisory Agency). When internal mediation is not resolved, the next stage is mediation or arbitration at a special institution, such as Basyarnas (National Sharia Arbitration Board) or LAPSPI (Indonesian Banking Dispute Resolution Alternative Institute), without ruling out selecting a litigation institution of the Religious Courts.
The sharia (Islamic) activity has seen a rapid development, not only in its impact on growth in t... more The sharia (Islamic) activity has seen a rapid development, not only in its impact on growth in the international community, but also in the history and development of Islamic Law, which is part of The Living Law. Therefore, prompt actions are needed to oversee the growth using the concept, theory, laws and regulations, which are part of the Islamic Economic Law and being part of the National Legal System. One of the legal system principles is the concept of justice that constitutes the supreme goal of the Law, and the Quran promotes fairness and forbids partiality in any transactions. This paper emphasizes the importance of justice which is the goal of law and in the qur'an, justice matters are mentioned in various dimensions. Meanwhile, the concept of justice in the economy is defined as social justice or al mashlahah. Defining Al Mashlahah as social justice in economic dimensions justifies that God's purposes to reveal various rules including rules implementing economic activities is to achieve justice for all parties. Islam puts Mashlahah as the central idea of maqashid ash shari'a as the justice philosophy in the Islamic perspective is a universal and comprehensive justice. If the ultimate goal in establishing various economic policies is to maintain consciousness of justice then the decision makers should always institute justice for all as the basic policy in implementing al maslahah in economic activities especially in Indonesia.
Aspek legal sumber daya manusia secara singkat dapat dikatakan sebagai Hukum Ketenagakerjaan. Bic... more Aspek legal sumber daya manusia secara singkat dapat dikatakan sebagai Hukum Ketenagakerjaan. Bicara mengenai Hukum Ketenagakerjaan berarti merujuk kepada Peraturan Ketenagakerjaan yang dalam hal ini adalah Undang-Undang Nomor 13 Tahun 2003 serta berbagai peraturan pelaksanaannya. Beberapa hal pokok di dalam Undang-Undang Ketenagakerjaan dijelaskan di dalam buku ini seperti hubungan kerja, peraturan perusahaan, outsourcing, perlindungan tenaga kerja, upah, perselisihan hubungan industrial, PHK, mogok kerja juga tentang penutupan perusahaan Buku ini dapat dijadikan pegangan mahasiswa yang mengambil mata kuliah Aspek Legal SDM atau Aspek Hukum Ketenagakerjaan, juga pas untuk pengelola SDM dalam menangani ketenagakerjaan serta membantu masyarakat secara umum dan sederhana bagaimana memahami perundang undangan ketenagakerjaan. Oleh karena itu untuk melengkapi uraian di dalam buku ini maka dilampirkan pula Undang- Undang Nomor 13 Tahun 2003
Al-Ihkam: Jurnal Hukum dan Pranata Sosial, Aug 6, 2017
Fatwa tidak sama dengan hukum positif yang memiliki kekuatan mengikat bagi seluruh warganegara, n... more Fatwa tidak sama dengan hukum positif yang memiliki kekuatan mengikat bagi seluruh warganegara, namun fatwa dapat memiliki kekuatan mengikat setelah ditransformasi ke dalam peraturan perundang-undangan. Fatwa yang dikeluarkan oleh DSN-MUI (Dewan Syariah Nasional Majelis Ulama Indonesia) kurang lebih sebanyak 107 fatwa dan telah memberi kontribusi positif terhadap regulasi sistem hukum ekonomi syariah. Fatwa DSN-MUI menjadi bagian penting dalam sistem Hukum Republik Indonesia yang berdasarkan pada Pancasila sila pertama adalah Ketuhanan Yang Maha Esa dan salah satu dari the living law-nya adalah Hukum Islam. Metode penelitian yuridis normatif ini dilakukan dengan pendekatan deskriptif analitis, yaitu menggambarkan secara sistematis, faktual dan akurat, segala fakta dan permasalahan yang diteliti dikaitkan dengan teori-teori hukum dan dengan (1) pendekatan perundangundangan (statute approach), (2) pendekatan sejarah (hystorical approach), (3) pendekatan politis (Political approach). Selanjutnya, data yang diperoleh dianalisis secara yuridis kualitatif dengan memperhatikan sistem hukum yang berlaku dan kemudian dilakukan penafsiran.
This study aimed to determine the relationship between the financial performance of local revenue... more This study aimed to determine the relationship between the financial performance of local revenue and the halal tourism sector in DKI Jakarta. This qualitative descriptive research analyzes the information obtained from the results of a study that has been carried out before and then is complemented by interviews with several competent parties. Then a literature review is carried out on various published texts such as local government reports, regional regulations, and other information. from government websites. Based on the search, it was found that there were strategic steps in developing halal tourism in DKI Jakarta, including concrete Implementation in the form of preparing various supporting facilities as well as various forms of innovation and sharia services in banking in the form of sharia schemes to support the multiple needs of halal tourism actors such as JakQR, JakOne to later JakCard. It was also found that there is quite a large amount of income for regional original income from the tourism sector in DKI Jakarta, but the percentage that comes from halal tourism has yet to be identified. The recommendation from this research is to stay focused on developing the potential of halal tourism in DKI Jakarta and the need to issue Regional Regulations immediately.
Waralaba merupakan salah satu bentuk aktivitas bisnis yang cukup berkembang dan diminati. Fundame... more Waralaba merupakan salah satu bentuk aktivitas bisnis yang cukup berkembang dan diminati. Fundamen legal dari waralaba adalah perjanjian dan di dalam Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 42 Tahun 2007 telah cukup diatur rambu-rambu yang harus diperhatikan untuk membuat perjanjian waralaba, namun untuk mengetahui bagaimana bentuk perjanjian, kekhasan dan kekuatan berlakunya baik waralaba konvensional ataupun waralaba syariah maka dilakukan penelusuran dan kajian sehingga ditemukan bahwa aspek perjanjian yang diatur di dalam Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 42 Tahun 2007 serta yang diatur di dalam Kitab Undang Undang Hukum Perdata (KUHPerdata) merupakan pedoman dan payung hukum dari perjanjian waralaba yang dibuat. Menurut KUHPerdata, Hukum Perjanjian bersifat terbuka dan perjanjian yang dibuat akan menjadi Hukum bagi pihak yang membuatnya sepanjang dibuat atas dasar kesepakatan. Dengan demikian, perjanjian waralaba yang dibuat atas dasar Hukum Islam (apakah berbentuk perjanjian syirkah/kerjasama atau perjanjian ijarah/sewa dengan imbalan tertentu) tidak bertentangan dengan prinsip-prinsip perjanjian yang ada di dalam KUHPerdata dan yang diatur di dalam Peraturan Pemerintah No 42 Tahun 2007, yang penting para pihak sepakat dan perjanjian yang dibuat bukan merupakan perjanjian atas obyek waralaba yang bertentangan dengan syariah
Publik: Jurnal Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia, Administrasi dan Pelayanan Publik
Millennial generation is a generation that has competitiveness, collaborative, and innovative, re... more Millennial generation is a generation that has competitiveness, collaborative, and innovative, responsive to technology although sometimes referred as a generation that is impatient with something, easily distracted and tend to be self-oriented, and consider work is not just a matter of salary. For this reason, it is necessary to know whether career development and compensation factors have an influence on job satisfaction because of course there are many factors that make a worker especially millennial generation feel satisfied at work The sampel used is 145 respondent and data collection by distributing online questionnaires using Google Form. The analysis technique used in this study is classic assumption test. The result of the study which used quantitative analysis method, found that career development, and compensation have a significant positive effect on job satisfaction on millennial generation in Jakarta and for that further research is needed with a wider sample and anal...
International Journal of Emerging Issues in Islamic Studies, Dec 19, 2022
The potential for disputes increases with the growth of Islamic banks due to the possible occurre... more The potential for disputes increases with the growth of Islamic banks due to the possible occurrence of fraud in various forms. Therefore, immediate and appropriate steps are needed to detect and resolve fraud early. When fraud is not immediately addressed, it causes enormous losses, thereby decreasing public trust in Islamic banks. The Financial Services Authority Regulation Number 39/POJK.03/2019 concerning the Implementation of the Anti-Fraud Strategy is sufficient to regulate the strengthening of the internal control system. However, the introduction and preparation of follow-up actions in resolving fraud-related disputes are still required through litigation in the Religious Courts or non-litigation using the mediation and arbitration processes. This research is conducted to resolve disputes through mediation or arbitration as indicated in the Qur'an with the term Al Shulhu. The mediation model offered is to mediate internally within the banking institution through an independent mediator appointed by the BPS (Sharia Supervisory Agency). When internal mediation is not resolved, the next stage is mediation or arbitration at a special institution, such as Basyarnas (National Sharia Arbitration Board) or LAPSPI (Indonesian Banking Dispute Resolution Alternative Institute), without ruling out selecting a litigation institution of the Religious Courts.
This study aimed to determine the relationship between the financial performance of local revenue... more This study aimed to determine the relationship between the financial performance of local revenue and the halal tourism sector in DKI Jakarta. This qualitative descriptive research analyzes the information obtained from the results of a study that has been carried out before and then is complemented by interviews with several competent parties. Then a literature review is carried out on various published texts such as local government reports, regional regulations, and other information. from government websites. Based on the search, it was found that there were strategic steps in developing halal tourism in DKI Jakarta, including concrete Implementation in the form of preparing various supporting facilities as well as various forms of innovation and sharia services in banking in the form of sharia schemes to support the multiple needs of halal tourism actors such as JakQR, JakOne to later JakCard. It was also found that there is quite a large amount of income for regional original ...
Perbanas Journal of Islamic Economics and Business
Franchising is a form of business activity that is quite growing and in demand. The legal fundame... more Franchising is a form of business activity that is quite growing and in demand. The legal fundamentals of franchising are formed in agreements and in Government Regulation Number 42 of 2007, sufficiently regulated that there must be consideration for making a franchise agreement, but to find out what the form of the agreement is, the peculiarities and strengths of the validity of both conventional franchises and sharia franchises, an investigation and studies performed so that it is found that the aspects of the agreement regulated in Government Regulation Number 42 of 2007 as well as those regulated in the Civil Code (KUHPerdata) are the guidelines and legal umbrella for the franchise agreement made. According to the Civil Code, Agreement Law is open in nature and the agreement made will become law for the parties involved as long as it is made on the basis of an agreement. Thus, a franchise agreement made on the basis of Islamic Law (whether in the form of a syirkah / cooperation ...
The creative industry is one of the sectors that can support halal tourism, so it is difficult to... more The creative industry is one of the sectors that can support halal tourism, so it is difficult to separate the creative industry from tourism. The purpose of this study is to explore how laws and regulations (including regional regulations) provide support to develop the great potential that exists in the creative and tourism industries. Constitution number 10 of 2009 about Tourism, Constitution number 24 of 2019 about the Creative Economy and Constitution number 11 of 2021 about Job Creation have become the legal coverage for Regional Governments to develop tourism and creative industries in their regions. Central Java, where the city of Semarang as one of the halal tourism destinations has taken the right step by issuing Regional Regulation Number 10 of 2012 about the Master Plan for Tourism Development and Regional Regulation Number 5 of 2021 about Creative Economy Development, to support the existing Regional Regulations, various other policies that are more operational in natur...
Ijtihad : Jurnal Wacana Hukum Islam dan Kemanusiaan, 2021
The formation of the National Legal System is governed by legal raw materials prevailing in socie... more The formation of the National Legal System is governed by legal raw materials prevailing in society (living law), including the Customary, Islamic, and Western Laws. As part of the living law, Islamic Law affects the National Legal System, especially in sharia economic law, in line with sharia economic growth in various sectors. In forming a sharia economic legal system, legal politics is significant as a catalyst that reflects the ongoing leadership pattern. This normative legal research aimed at explaining the important role of legal politics as a catalyst in forming the Sharia Economic Legal System in Indonesia, by using statute and historical approaches. The study found that various legal products at the end of the new order and the reform era indicated the existence of democratic legal politics and supported the formation of the sharia economic legal system. However, contradictions and obstacles existed, and more sharia economic law products were still needed. Therefore, a posi...
This study attempted to explore the idea of two figures from the Islamic philosophy world, AlGhaz... more This study attempted to explore the idea of two figures from the Islamic philosophy world, AlGhazali and Ibnu Khaldun, whose greatness was recognized by the western world. Both of these philosophers have the similar viewpoint about truth, that the ultimate truth is the truth that comes from religion and in this case, truth came from the revelation spoken by God through the Prophet. However, Al-Ghazali believes that the ultimate truth that comes from God does not diminish the importance of the human mind as an instrument or as a tool to find the ultimate truth. Meanwhile, Ibnu Khaldun’s perception is more "down to earth". Ibnu Khaldun’s deep understanding in the philosophy of history led him to intelligently apply the essence of the truth that comes from religion in social theories.
The sharia (Islamic) activity has seen a rapid development, not only in its impact on growth in t... more The sharia (Islamic) activity has seen a rapid development, not only in its impact on growth in the international community, but also in the history and development of Islamic Law, which is part of The Living Law. Therefore, prompt actions are needed to oversee the growth using the concept, theory, laws and regulations, which are part of the Islamic Economic Law and being part of the National Legal System. One of the legal system principles is the concept of justice that constitutes the supreme goal of the Law, and the Quran promotes fairness and forbids partiality in any transactions. This paper emphasizes the importance of justice which is the goal of law and in the qur’an, justice matters are mentioned in various dimensions. Meanwhile, the concept of justice in the economy is defined as social justice or al mashlahah. Defining Al Mashlahah as social justice in economic dimensions justifies that God’s purposes to reveal various rules including rules implementing economic activitie...
One of the factors that give the highest contribution in the growth of national economy is the gr... more One of the factors that give the highest contribution in the growth of national economy is the growth of sharia economy. The fast growth of sharia economy makes a dispute settlement is one of the thing that has to be noted. Religious courts as a litigation institution that have the absolute authority based on Undang-Undang Peradilan Agama and enforced with the Keputusan Mahkamah Konstitusi No. 93 Tahun 2012 have the advantage and obstacles on its own, from the perspective of the history of the existence of religious court or from the perspective of sharia economy dispute settlement authority. The research of history of religious court in Indonesia and research on the advantages and obstacles of religious courts in carrying out the absolute authority has bring forth a conclusion that the appointment of religious courts as the institute that have an absolute authority in dispute settlement of sharia economy is very precise but needs to be enforcement from the institutional and human r...
There is not only positive effect that is emerged from the development of tourism, there is also... more There is not only positive effect that is emerged from the development of tourism, there is also negative impact, whether it is physical or non-physical. One of the non-physical negative impact is the shift of cultural and spiritual values of the local people. North Lombak has been one of the top destination of tourism of Nusa Tenggara Barat, having known as the a thousand mosque island, is unable to avoid the consequences of the development of tourism. Normative-empirical research (applied law research) with Normative juridical approach (perundang-undangan) and sociological juridical (empirical) found that there has been a shift in the social culture values and as well as the religious values at the three Gili islands (Gili Trawangan, Gili Meno, and Gili Air), however the shifting of values on each island are different. Other finding shoes the negative impact of the development of tourism can be minimalized by continuing the teaching of religion to the local people as we...
Fatwa tidak sama dengan hukum positif yang memiliki kekuatan mengikat bagi seluruh warganegara, n... more Fatwa tidak sama dengan hukum positif yang memiliki kekuatan mengikat bagi seluruh warganegara, namun fatwa dapat memiliki kekuatan mengikat setelah ditransformasi ke dalam peraturan perundang-undangan. Fatwa yang dikeluarkan oleh DSN-MUI (Dewan Syariah Nasional Majelis Ulama Indonesia) kurang lebih sebanyak 107 fatwa dan telah memberi kontribusi positif terhadap regulasi sistem hukum ekonomi syariah. Fatwa DSN-MUI menjadi bagian penting dalam sistem Hukum Republik Indonesia yang berdasarkan pada Pancasila sila pertama adalah Ketuhanan Yang Maha Esa dan salah satu dari the living law-nya adalah Hukum Islam. Metode penelitian yuridis normatif ini dilakukan dengan pendekatan deskriptif analitis, yaitu menggambarkan secara sistematis, faktual dan akurat, segala fakta dan permasalahan yang diteliti dikaitkan dengan teori-teori hukum dan dengan (1) pendekatan perundangundangan (statute approach), (2) pendekatan sejarah (hystorical approach), (3) pendekatan politis (Political approach). Selanjutnya, data yang diperoleh dianalisis secara yuridis kualitatif dengan memperhatikan sistem hukum yang berlaku dan kemudian dilakukan penafsiran.
International Journal of Emerging Issues in Islamic Studies, Dec 19, 2022
The potential for disputes increases with the growth of Islamic banks due to the possible occurre... more The potential for disputes increases with the growth of Islamic banks due to the possible occurrence of fraud in various forms. Therefore, immediate and appropriate steps are needed to detect and resolve fraud early. When fraud is not immediately addressed, it causes enormous losses, thereby decreasing public trust in Islamic banks. The Financial Services Authority Regulation Number 39/POJK.03/2019 concerning the Implementation of the Anti-Fraud Strategy is sufficient to regulate the strengthening of the internal control system. However, the introduction and preparation of follow-up actions in resolving fraud-related disputes are still required through litigation in the Religious Courts or non-litigation using the mediation and arbitration processes. This research is conducted to resolve disputes through mediation or arbitration as indicated in the Qur'an with the term Al Shulhu. The mediation model offered is to mediate internally within the banking institution through an independent mediator appointed by the BPS (Sharia Supervisory Agency). When internal mediation is not resolved, the next stage is mediation or arbitration at a special institution, such as Basyarnas (National Sharia Arbitration Board) or LAPSPI (Indonesian Banking Dispute Resolution Alternative Institute), without ruling out selecting a litigation institution of the Religious Courts.
The sharia (Islamic) activity has seen a rapid development, not only in its impact on growth in t... more The sharia (Islamic) activity has seen a rapid development, not only in its impact on growth in the international community, but also in the history and development of Islamic Law, which is part of The Living Law. Therefore, prompt actions are needed to oversee the growth using the concept, theory, laws and regulations, which are part of the Islamic Economic Law and being part of the National Legal System. One of the legal system principles is the concept of justice that constitutes the supreme goal of the Law, and the Quran promotes fairness and forbids partiality in any transactions. This paper emphasizes the importance of justice which is the goal of law and in the qur'an, justice matters are mentioned in various dimensions. Meanwhile, the concept of justice in the economy is defined as social justice or al mashlahah. Defining Al Mashlahah as social justice in economic dimensions justifies that God's purposes to reveal various rules including rules implementing economic activities is to achieve justice for all parties. Islam puts Mashlahah as the central idea of maqashid ash shari'a as the justice philosophy in the Islamic perspective is a universal and comprehensive justice. If the ultimate goal in establishing various economic policies is to maintain consciousness of justice then the decision makers should always institute justice for all as the basic policy in implementing al maslahah in economic activities especially in Indonesia.
Aspek legal sumber daya manusia secara singkat dapat dikatakan sebagai Hukum Ketenagakerjaan. Bic... more Aspek legal sumber daya manusia secara singkat dapat dikatakan sebagai Hukum Ketenagakerjaan. Bicara mengenai Hukum Ketenagakerjaan berarti merujuk kepada Peraturan Ketenagakerjaan yang dalam hal ini adalah Undang-Undang Nomor 13 Tahun 2003 serta berbagai peraturan pelaksanaannya. Beberapa hal pokok di dalam Undang-Undang Ketenagakerjaan dijelaskan di dalam buku ini seperti hubungan kerja, peraturan perusahaan, outsourcing, perlindungan tenaga kerja, upah, perselisihan hubungan industrial, PHK, mogok kerja juga tentang penutupan perusahaan Buku ini dapat dijadikan pegangan mahasiswa yang mengambil mata kuliah Aspek Legal SDM atau Aspek Hukum Ketenagakerjaan, juga pas untuk pengelola SDM dalam menangani ketenagakerjaan serta membantu masyarakat secara umum dan sederhana bagaimana memahami perundang undangan ketenagakerjaan. Oleh karena itu untuk melengkapi uraian di dalam buku ini maka dilampirkan pula Undang- Undang Nomor 13 Tahun 2003
Al-Ihkam: Jurnal Hukum dan Pranata Sosial, Aug 6, 2017
Fatwa tidak sama dengan hukum positif yang memiliki kekuatan mengikat bagi seluruh warganegara, n... more Fatwa tidak sama dengan hukum positif yang memiliki kekuatan mengikat bagi seluruh warganegara, namun fatwa dapat memiliki kekuatan mengikat setelah ditransformasi ke dalam peraturan perundang-undangan. Fatwa yang dikeluarkan oleh DSN-MUI (Dewan Syariah Nasional Majelis Ulama Indonesia) kurang lebih sebanyak 107 fatwa dan telah memberi kontribusi positif terhadap regulasi sistem hukum ekonomi syariah. Fatwa DSN-MUI menjadi bagian penting dalam sistem Hukum Republik Indonesia yang berdasarkan pada Pancasila sila pertama adalah Ketuhanan Yang Maha Esa dan salah satu dari the living law-nya adalah Hukum Islam. Metode penelitian yuridis normatif ini dilakukan dengan pendekatan deskriptif analitis, yaitu menggambarkan secara sistematis, faktual dan akurat, segala fakta dan permasalahan yang diteliti dikaitkan dengan teori-teori hukum dan dengan (1) pendekatan perundangundangan (statute approach), (2) pendekatan sejarah (hystorical approach), (3) pendekatan politis (Political approach). Selanjutnya, data yang diperoleh dianalisis secara yuridis kualitatif dengan memperhatikan sistem hukum yang berlaku dan kemudian dilakukan penafsiran.
This study aimed to determine the relationship between the financial performance of local revenue... more This study aimed to determine the relationship between the financial performance of local revenue and the halal tourism sector in DKI Jakarta. This qualitative descriptive research analyzes the information obtained from the results of a study that has been carried out before and then is complemented by interviews with several competent parties. Then a literature review is carried out on various published texts such as local government reports, regional regulations, and other information. from government websites. Based on the search, it was found that there were strategic steps in developing halal tourism in DKI Jakarta, including concrete Implementation in the form of preparing various supporting facilities as well as various forms of innovation and sharia services in banking in the form of sharia schemes to support the multiple needs of halal tourism actors such as JakQR, JakOne to later JakCard. It was also found that there is quite a large amount of income for regional original income from the tourism sector in DKI Jakarta, but the percentage that comes from halal tourism has yet to be identified. The recommendation from this research is to stay focused on developing the potential of halal tourism in DKI Jakarta and the need to issue Regional Regulations immediately.
Waralaba merupakan salah satu bentuk aktivitas bisnis yang cukup berkembang dan diminati. Fundame... more Waralaba merupakan salah satu bentuk aktivitas bisnis yang cukup berkembang dan diminati. Fundamen legal dari waralaba adalah perjanjian dan di dalam Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 42 Tahun 2007 telah cukup diatur rambu-rambu yang harus diperhatikan untuk membuat perjanjian waralaba, namun untuk mengetahui bagaimana bentuk perjanjian, kekhasan dan kekuatan berlakunya baik waralaba konvensional ataupun waralaba syariah maka dilakukan penelusuran dan kajian sehingga ditemukan bahwa aspek perjanjian yang diatur di dalam Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 42 Tahun 2007 serta yang diatur di dalam Kitab Undang Undang Hukum Perdata (KUHPerdata) merupakan pedoman dan payung hukum dari perjanjian waralaba yang dibuat. Menurut KUHPerdata, Hukum Perjanjian bersifat terbuka dan perjanjian yang dibuat akan menjadi Hukum bagi pihak yang membuatnya sepanjang dibuat atas dasar kesepakatan. Dengan demikian, perjanjian waralaba yang dibuat atas dasar Hukum Islam (apakah berbentuk perjanjian syirkah/kerjasama atau perjanjian ijarah/sewa dengan imbalan tertentu) tidak bertentangan dengan prinsip-prinsip perjanjian yang ada di dalam KUHPerdata dan yang diatur di dalam Peraturan Pemerintah No 42 Tahun 2007, yang penting para pihak sepakat dan perjanjian yang dibuat bukan merupakan perjanjian atas obyek waralaba yang bertentangan dengan syariah
Publik: Jurnal Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia, Administrasi dan Pelayanan Publik
Millennial generation is a generation that has competitiveness, collaborative, and innovative, re... more Millennial generation is a generation that has competitiveness, collaborative, and innovative, responsive to technology although sometimes referred as a generation that is impatient with something, easily distracted and tend to be self-oriented, and consider work is not just a matter of salary. For this reason, it is necessary to know whether career development and compensation factors have an influence on job satisfaction because of course there are many factors that make a worker especially millennial generation feel satisfied at work The sampel used is 145 respondent and data collection by distributing online questionnaires using Google Form. The analysis technique used in this study is classic assumption test. The result of the study which used quantitative analysis method, found that career development, and compensation have a significant positive effect on job satisfaction on millennial generation in Jakarta and for that further research is needed with a wider sample and anal...
International Journal of Emerging Issues in Islamic Studies, Dec 19, 2022
The potential for disputes increases with the growth of Islamic banks due to the possible occurre... more The potential for disputes increases with the growth of Islamic banks due to the possible occurrence of fraud in various forms. Therefore, immediate and appropriate steps are needed to detect and resolve fraud early. When fraud is not immediately addressed, it causes enormous losses, thereby decreasing public trust in Islamic banks. The Financial Services Authority Regulation Number 39/POJK.03/2019 concerning the Implementation of the Anti-Fraud Strategy is sufficient to regulate the strengthening of the internal control system. However, the introduction and preparation of follow-up actions in resolving fraud-related disputes are still required through litigation in the Religious Courts or non-litigation using the mediation and arbitration processes. This research is conducted to resolve disputes through mediation or arbitration as indicated in the Qur'an with the term Al Shulhu. The mediation model offered is to mediate internally within the banking institution through an independent mediator appointed by the BPS (Sharia Supervisory Agency). When internal mediation is not resolved, the next stage is mediation or arbitration at a special institution, such as Basyarnas (National Sharia Arbitration Board) or LAPSPI (Indonesian Banking Dispute Resolution Alternative Institute), without ruling out selecting a litigation institution of the Religious Courts.
This study aimed to determine the relationship between the financial performance of local revenue... more This study aimed to determine the relationship between the financial performance of local revenue and the halal tourism sector in DKI Jakarta. This qualitative descriptive research analyzes the information obtained from the results of a study that has been carried out before and then is complemented by interviews with several competent parties. Then a literature review is carried out on various published texts such as local government reports, regional regulations, and other information. from government websites. Based on the search, it was found that there were strategic steps in developing halal tourism in DKI Jakarta, including concrete Implementation in the form of preparing various supporting facilities as well as various forms of innovation and sharia services in banking in the form of sharia schemes to support the multiple needs of halal tourism actors such as JakQR, JakOne to later JakCard. It was also found that there is quite a large amount of income for regional original ...
Perbanas Journal of Islamic Economics and Business
Franchising is a form of business activity that is quite growing and in demand. The legal fundame... more Franchising is a form of business activity that is quite growing and in demand. The legal fundamentals of franchising are formed in agreements and in Government Regulation Number 42 of 2007, sufficiently regulated that there must be consideration for making a franchise agreement, but to find out what the form of the agreement is, the peculiarities and strengths of the validity of both conventional franchises and sharia franchises, an investigation and studies performed so that it is found that the aspects of the agreement regulated in Government Regulation Number 42 of 2007 as well as those regulated in the Civil Code (KUHPerdata) are the guidelines and legal umbrella for the franchise agreement made. According to the Civil Code, Agreement Law is open in nature and the agreement made will become law for the parties involved as long as it is made on the basis of an agreement. Thus, a franchise agreement made on the basis of Islamic Law (whether in the form of a syirkah / cooperation ...
The creative industry is one of the sectors that can support halal tourism, so it is difficult to... more The creative industry is one of the sectors that can support halal tourism, so it is difficult to separate the creative industry from tourism. The purpose of this study is to explore how laws and regulations (including regional regulations) provide support to develop the great potential that exists in the creative and tourism industries. Constitution number 10 of 2009 about Tourism, Constitution number 24 of 2019 about the Creative Economy and Constitution number 11 of 2021 about Job Creation have become the legal coverage for Regional Governments to develop tourism and creative industries in their regions. Central Java, where the city of Semarang as one of the halal tourism destinations has taken the right step by issuing Regional Regulation Number 10 of 2012 about the Master Plan for Tourism Development and Regional Regulation Number 5 of 2021 about Creative Economy Development, to support the existing Regional Regulations, various other policies that are more operational in natur...
Ijtihad : Jurnal Wacana Hukum Islam dan Kemanusiaan, 2021
The formation of the National Legal System is governed by legal raw materials prevailing in socie... more The formation of the National Legal System is governed by legal raw materials prevailing in society (living law), including the Customary, Islamic, and Western Laws. As part of the living law, Islamic Law affects the National Legal System, especially in sharia economic law, in line with sharia economic growth in various sectors. In forming a sharia economic legal system, legal politics is significant as a catalyst that reflects the ongoing leadership pattern. This normative legal research aimed at explaining the important role of legal politics as a catalyst in forming the Sharia Economic Legal System in Indonesia, by using statute and historical approaches. The study found that various legal products at the end of the new order and the reform era indicated the existence of democratic legal politics and supported the formation of the sharia economic legal system. However, contradictions and obstacles existed, and more sharia economic law products were still needed. Therefore, a posi...
This study attempted to explore the idea of two figures from the Islamic philosophy world, AlGhaz... more This study attempted to explore the idea of two figures from the Islamic philosophy world, AlGhazali and Ibnu Khaldun, whose greatness was recognized by the western world. Both of these philosophers have the similar viewpoint about truth, that the ultimate truth is the truth that comes from religion and in this case, truth came from the revelation spoken by God through the Prophet. However, Al-Ghazali believes that the ultimate truth that comes from God does not diminish the importance of the human mind as an instrument or as a tool to find the ultimate truth. Meanwhile, Ibnu Khaldun’s perception is more "down to earth". Ibnu Khaldun’s deep understanding in the philosophy of history led him to intelligently apply the essence of the truth that comes from religion in social theories.
The sharia (Islamic) activity has seen a rapid development, not only in its impact on growth in t... more The sharia (Islamic) activity has seen a rapid development, not only in its impact on growth in the international community, but also in the history and development of Islamic Law, which is part of The Living Law. Therefore, prompt actions are needed to oversee the growth using the concept, theory, laws and regulations, which are part of the Islamic Economic Law and being part of the National Legal System. One of the legal system principles is the concept of justice that constitutes the supreme goal of the Law, and the Quran promotes fairness and forbids partiality in any transactions. This paper emphasizes the importance of justice which is the goal of law and in the qur’an, justice matters are mentioned in various dimensions. Meanwhile, the concept of justice in the economy is defined as social justice or al mashlahah. Defining Al Mashlahah as social justice in economic dimensions justifies that God’s purposes to reveal various rules including rules implementing economic activitie...
One of the factors that give the highest contribution in the growth of national economy is the gr... more One of the factors that give the highest contribution in the growth of national economy is the growth of sharia economy. The fast growth of sharia economy makes a dispute settlement is one of the thing that has to be noted. Religious courts as a litigation institution that have the absolute authority based on Undang-Undang Peradilan Agama and enforced with the Keputusan Mahkamah Konstitusi No. 93 Tahun 2012 have the advantage and obstacles on its own, from the perspective of the history of the existence of religious court or from the perspective of sharia economy dispute settlement authority. The research of history of religious court in Indonesia and research on the advantages and obstacles of religious courts in carrying out the absolute authority has bring forth a conclusion that the appointment of religious courts as the institute that have an absolute authority in dispute settlement of sharia economy is very precise but needs to be enforcement from the institutional and human r...
There is not only positive effect that is emerged from the development of tourism, there is also... more There is not only positive effect that is emerged from the development of tourism, there is also negative impact, whether it is physical or non-physical. One of the non-physical negative impact is the shift of cultural and spiritual values of the local people. North Lombak has been one of the top destination of tourism of Nusa Tenggara Barat, having known as the a thousand mosque island, is unable to avoid the consequences of the development of tourism. Normative-empirical research (applied law research) with Normative juridical approach (perundang-undangan) and sociological juridical (empirical) found that there has been a shift in the social culture values and as well as the religious values at the three Gili islands (Gili Trawangan, Gili Meno, and Gili Air), however the shifting of values on each island are different. Other finding shoes the negative impact of the development of tourism can be minimalized by continuing the teaching of religion to the local people as we...
Fatwa tidak sama dengan hukum positif yang memiliki kekuatan mengikat bagi seluruh warganegara, n... more Fatwa tidak sama dengan hukum positif yang memiliki kekuatan mengikat bagi seluruh warganegara, namun fatwa dapat memiliki kekuatan mengikat setelah ditransformasi ke dalam peraturan perundang-undangan. Fatwa yang dikeluarkan oleh DSN-MUI (Dewan Syariah Nasional Majelis Ulama Indonesia) kurang lebih sebanyak 107 fatwa dan telah memberi kontribusi positif terhadap regulasi sistem hukum ekonomi syariah. Fatwa DSN-MUI menjadi bagian penting dalam sistem Hukum Republik Indonesia yang berdasarkan pada Pancasila sila pertama adalah Ketuhanan Yang Maha Esa dan salah satu dari the living law-nya adalah Hukum Islam. Metode penelitian yuridis normatif ini dilakukan dengan pendekatan deskriptif analitis, yaitu menggambarkan secara sistematis, faktual dan akurat, segala fakta dan permasalahan yang diteliti dikaitkan dengan teori-teori hukum dan dengan (1) pendekatan perundangundangan (statute approach), (2) pendekatan sejarah (hystorical approach), (3) pendekatan politis (Political approach). Selanjutnya, data yang diperoleh dianalisis secara yuridis kualitatif dengan memperhatikan sistem hukum yang berlaku dan kemudian dilakukan penafsiran.
Papers by Andi Fariana