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2010, Vision Actualization through Grace-Faith Transformation
6 pages
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Vision is a clear picture of the preferred future. Vision is actualized when we become what God wants them to be (through spiritual disciplines such as prayer, Bible study, fasting, and others) so that they can reach where He wants them to go. We can find out God’s vision for their lives by accessing God’s mind (read 1 Corinthians 2:9 – 16).
Revista de Estudios Internacionales, 2024
Durante los años ´70 y ´80, los exiliados sudamericanos y activistas humanitarios crearon a escala internacional y local diferentes espacios de atención en salud mental para las víctimas de la represión estatal desplegada por las dictaduras militares. Este fue, específicamente, el caso de Chile. Allí, los trabajadores de la salud mental construyeron un andamiaje conceptual y político para reinscribir los padecimientos psíquicos en el marco de la violencia azotada por el Terrorismo de Estado. Esta investigación recupera los aspectos teóricos y clínicos desarrollados a escala internacional y local para atender a los exiliados-retornados chilenos. Su hipótesis es que la experiencia chilena fue pionera en la elaboración de un saber psi sobre el exilio porque lo definió como un trauma político y lo reinscribió en el marco político y social de ese régimen, pero que este conocimiento se gestó dentro y fuera del país e implicó no solo al exilio sino también al retorno. Esta investigación se apoya en fuentes primarias y testimoniales.
Im Donbass im Osten der Ukraine tobt seit 2014 ein Krieg, der zuweilen auch als Kalter Krieg 2.0 bezeichnet wird. Mit dem historischen Kalten Krieg hat dieser Konflikt eines gemeinsam: Ahnlich wie damals wird heute in der Ukraine und in Russland die Geschichte als „Waffe“ in aktuellen politischen Auseinandersetzungen instrumentalisiert.
Informes Psicologicos, 2007
El presente trabajo tiene como propósito revisar críticamente los fundamentos históricos de la práctica clínica y sus condiciones de existencia a partir de las diferentes perspectivas paradigmáticas. Se ha tenido a bien nombrar historia no oficial de la clínica psicológica a una aproximación que permite la inclusión de las vicisitudes históricas de la clínica, más allá de las posiciones hegemónicas establecidas sobre la base del paradigma clásico de la ciencia positiva. Para tal fin se ha realizado un análisis hermenéutico de un total de 38 documentos, a partir de los cuales emergen las siguientes categorías que permiten hilvanar la reflexión sobre el problema en cuestión: La crisis de la Psicología, la problemática de la Psicología aplicada, la psicoterapia en disputa y la psicoterapia más allá de la ciencia psicológica.
Ἐν ἐν Preposition (+dative) (+dat) in, with, by, to ἀρχῇἀρχή (ἄρχω) Noun feminine singular dative beginning, first, principle; ruler, realm, rule; power ἦν εἰµί (ἐιµί) Verb indicative imperfect third singular to be, exist (sum) ὁ ὁ Article masculine singular nominative the, who, which λόγος λόγος (λέγω) Noun masculine singular nominative word, speech, message, argument; book, volume καὶ καί Conjunction coordinating (copulative) and, also, even, and yet, but ὁ ὁ Article masculine singular nominative the, who, which λόγος λόγος (λέγω) Noun masculine singular nominative word, speech, message, argument; book, volume ἦν εἰµί (ἐιµί) Verb indicative imperfect third singular to be, exist (sum) πρὸς πρός Preposition (+accusative) (+gen) for; (+dat) at; (+acc) to, toward; (adv) moreover τὸν ὁ Article masculine singular accusative the, who, which θεόν θεός Noun masculine singular accusative god, God καὶ καί Conjunction coordinating (copulative) and, also, even, and yet, but θεὸς θεός Noun masculine singular nominative god, God ἦν εἰµί (ἐιµί) Verb indicative imperfect third singular to be, exist (sum) ὁ ὁ Article masculine singular nominative the, who, which λόγος λόγος (λέγω) Noun masculine singular nominative word, speech, message, argument; book, volume John 1,2 οὗτος οὗτος Pronoun (demonstrative) masculine singular nominative this, this one, he ἦν εἰµί (ἐιµί) Verb indicative imperfect third singular to be, exist (sum) ἐν ἐν Preposition (+dative) (+dat) in, with, by, to ἀρχῇἀρχή (ἄρχω) Noun feminine singular dative beginning, first, principle; ruler, realm, rule; power πρὸς πρός Preposition (+accusative) (+gen) for; (+dat) at; (+acc) to, toward; (adv) moreover τὸν ὁ Article masculine singular accusative the, who, which θεόν θεός Noun masculine singular accusative god, God John 1,3 πάντα πᾶς Adjective neuter plural nominative all, every; the whole δι᾿ διά Preposition (+genitive) (+gen) through; (+acc) because of αὐτοῦ αὐτός Pronoun (personal) third masculine singular genitive he, she, it; self, same; they (when pl) ἐγένετο γίνοµαι Verb indicative aorist middle third singularto become, be, be born, be created καὶ καί Conjunction coordinating (copulative) and, also, even, and yet, but χωρὶς χωρίς ImproperPreposition (+genitive) (+gen) without (prep.); separately (adv) αὐτοῦ αὐτός Pronoun (personal) third masculine singular genitive he, she, it; self, same; they (when pl) ἐγένετο γίνοµαι Verb indicative aorist middle third singularto become, be, be born, be created οὐδὲ οὐδέ (οὐ, δέ) Adverb and not, neither, nor, not even ἕν εἷς (εἷς_1) Adjective neuter singular nominative (cardinal) one ὃ ὅς Pronoun (relative) definite neuter singular nominative who, which, what γέγονεν γίνοµαι Verb indicative perfect active third singular to become, be, be born, be created John 1,4 ἐν ἐν Preposition (+dative) (+dat) in, with, by, to αὐτῷ αὐτός Pronoun (personal) third masculine singular dative he, she, it; self, same; they (when pl) ζωὴ ζωή (ζάω) Noun feminine singular nominative life, living, way of life ἦν εἰµί (ἐιµί) Verb indicative imperfect third singular to be, exist (sum) καὶ καί Conjunction coordinating (copulative) and, also, even, and yet, but ἡ ὁ Article feminine singular nominative the, who, which ζωὴ ζωή (ζάω) Noun feminine singular nominative life, living, way of life ἦν εἰµί (ἐιµί) Verb indicative imperfect third singular to be, exist (sum) τὸ ὁ Article neuter singular nominative the, who, which φῶς φῶς (φαίνω) Noun neuter singular nominative light τῶν ὁ Article masculine plural genitive the, who, which ἀνθρώπων ἄνθρωπος Noun masculine plural genitive man, human
Roczniki Teologiczne Warszawsko-Praskie, 2023
Geología Colombiana 35, 2010, 162-174, 2010
This study presents some results of the investigation of the provenance of 116 marble objects from the important Roman metropolis of Carnuntum. In order to obtain the maximum information on the entire collection of the marble objects they were divided into nine groups according to their macroscopic properties, prior to selecting those objects to be sampled for laboratory investigation. The results of the macroscopic, microscopic and geochemical investigations showed that most of the coarse and medium grained marbles originated from Gummern in Carinthia (Austria) or from Pohorje (Slovenia). The fine grained marbles were, however, mostly imported from the Mediterranean.
African Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Research, 2024
The rise of social media networks and their increasingly significant role in democratic life, epitomized by uprisings like the Arab Spring (Wolfsfeld et al., 2013), have revived hopes for democratization from below and the lively participation of the general population to produce dynamic system change. However, while social media allows for increased political awareness, it often inadvertently supports disseminating fake news and rumors that interfere with political reality. This article examines the most popular fake news stories, and rumors circulated during the 2018 presidential election in Cameroon through social media analytics. This research showcases the importance of homophily and echoes chambers in disseminating information on different political digital networks in Cameroon, revealing how fake news spread quickly during the campaign. Nevertheless, this research also shows that while specific fake news stories and rumors were not deemed plausible by the general public, they nevertheless shaped public perceptions and succeeded in maintaining the ruling party's political dominance, underscoring the profound impact of misinformation on public opinion and political control.
Nomos Library, 2017
London: Cabinet Office. …, 2008
Revue française de science politique, 2013
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The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, 2010
Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 2014
Proceedings of 37th International Cosmic Ray Conference — PoS(ICRC2021), 2021
International Journal of Nursing Studies, 2016
Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education, 2021
Clinical science and molecular medicine, 1975