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e-Jurnal Bahasa dan Linguistik (e-JBL)
يسعى البحث إلى بيان حقيقة ظاهرة التكرار في التحليل النصّي وأهميتها في ذلك، بوصفها ظاهرة لسانية ذات أهمية كبيرة في تماسك النّص واتساقه، فهي أيضاً ظاهرة لغوية عرفتها العربية في أقدم نصوصها التي وصلت إلينا، حيث تستحق دراستها؛ لتبين معالمها والتعرف على حقيقتها ومواضع استعمالها، إذ نجد تكراراً للحروف والأسماء والأفعال والجُمل، ونلاحظ كذلك أن للتكرارية ألواناً إيقاعية يُقصد بها إحداث نوع من الموسيقى اللفظية المؤثرة، وعلى مستوى النص القرآني سنجد تكراراً لهذا كله. فهذا البُحَيث يمكن أن يعد لبنة في صرح مشروع يهدف إلى توظيف اللسانيات المعاصرة في دراسة النص، وإبراز دور التكرار في تحقيق التماسك داخل النصوص، ولتحقيق هذا الغرض سيعتمد البحث المنهج الوصفي في بيان ما يتعلق هذه الظاهرة من ذكر أغراضها والعلاقة المتبادلة فيما بينها، ففي هذا الصدد، سيقوم البحث ببيان موضوع التكرار وأثره في تماسك النص، وسنقتصر على توضيح مفهوم التكرار والنّص، فضلاً عن القيمة البيانية للتكرار النصّي، والغرض منه وذكر أنواعه، وبعضاً من النماذج حول التكرار في التحليل النصي، ومختتماً بأهم النتائج التي توصل إليها البحث منها: إن ...
مجلة کلیة الدراسات الإسلامیة والعربیة للبنات بدمنهور, 2020
The study of modern faith incidents related to the issues of creed is worthy of research and study, and its significance increases when the issues are related to the monotheism of God Almighty. This is important to demonstrate the reality of contemporary faith incidents, particularly creed-related issues published in the digital world. Accordingly, this research examined the Istikhara (Asking the guidance of Allah) on the digital applications, to determine its mechanisms in terms of clarifying its concept, types, methods, and origins. Moreover, it examined its consequences in terms of criticism based on an objective research approach that shows the legitimacy faith concepts. This revealed the falsity of novelty methods in applying the creed concepts. The research concluded that the digital Istikhara (Asking the guidance of Allah) is violates the Islamic legitimacy Istikharah in the aspect of procedures and results. Furthermore, it contains forms of polytheism through which no devotional purposes are achieved.
Musyarakah Mutanaqisah is generally an agreement between two or more parties on the basis of their participation in known capital, provided that the return between them is according to the agreement and the loss according to the capital with the commitment of one of them to transfer its share to the other party, under special conditions of contracts, which is a contract consisting of several contracts linked to each other in more The images, and that the nature of this contract is based on an overlap between a group of contracts that take each other's necks, and complex contracts have effects, so that all other obligations of those contracts combined or opposite, and all the rights and obligations arising from them in one sentence that does not accept separation and fragmentation, are the effects of a single contract, Building On this problem, this research aims to analyze the forms of installation in financial contracts, and to investigate the most likely jurisprudential interp...
İstanbul journal of arabic studies, 2020
This paper presents a review and analysis of the NATO Language Proficiency Framework, known as STANAG 6001. This framework was published for the first time in 1976, based on the Interagency Language Roundtable, known as ILR. Since then, the STANAG 6001 framework has gone through total and partial development processes. The development process resulted in a number of language proficiency tests guided by the framework in 2009. This subject is important for two main reasons, one related to the framework itself, and the other related to this paper. The reason related to the framework comes from its being an outcome of a cooperation of a number of countries of different languages, thus, it is an international framework, rather than a product of a specific country. It also became a reference for many of the Alliance country members in the domains of language assessment, language curriculum and program design. In addition, its audience is unique-civilian and military-who are associated with the North Atlantic Alliance operations. On the other hand, the framework development process went through many phases since its inception until the second version of the fifth Edition in 2016. This is something of a benefit to Arab researchers interested in the idea of creating an Arabic framework of reference and an international language proficiency test. The other reason, which is related to the importance of this paper, is in it being one of the first works to present STANAG 6001 in Arabic, where there is no information available in Arabic about it, neither in general, nor on research websites.
Waqāʾiʿ Tārīẖiyyaẗ, 2023
This topic discusses one of the serious criminal societal issues that threatened the security and stability of the Egyptian society during the Ayyubid and Mamluk periods, and touched its Islamic values and moral rules, which is "kidnapping of children in Egypt during the Ayyubid and Mamluk eras", by identifying its causes and motives, and those responsible for that crime, And the most important methods and methods adopted, and government policies taken by the Egyptian authorities towards the kidnappers, and the result of that on society and the family.
Journal of Interdisciplinary History of Ideas, 2023
El Profesional de la Informacion, 2011
Revista del Museo de Antropología, 2024
Investment Management and …, 2007
Remote Sensing, 2015
AIROLDI F. 2021, Si leva un fil di fumo. Pipe in ceramica dagli scavi nei cortili dell’Università Cattolica di Milano, in “Sotto il profilo del metodo”. Studi in onore di Silvia Lusuardi Siena in occasione del suo settantacinquesimo compleanno, a cura di C. GIOSTRA, C. PERASSI, M. SANNAZARO con la ...
Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 2014
Groma. Documenting archaeology
Law, technology and humans, 2020
Enciclopédia Biosfera, 2019
Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 2007
Acta poloniae pharmaceutica
BioScience, 2017
Nucleic Acids Research, 2009
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2015
Journal of Great Lakes Research, 2012
Springer eBooks, 2015