Chemical Engineering Science 60 (2005) 3919 – 3931
Roll compaction of maize powder
Yus Aniza Yusofa,1 , Andrew C. Smithb , Brian J. Briscoea,∗
a Department of Chemical Engineering & Chemical Technology, Imperial College London, London SW7 2AZ, UK
b Institute of Food Research, Norwich Research Park, Colney, Norwich NR4 7UA, UK
Available online 2 April 2005
This paper presents a study of a roll compaction process as a dry granulation method for typical food materials such as maize powder.
This process is widely applied in industry as it can continuously produce large quantities of granular product at comparatively low cost.
The objectives of this work were to predict the roll compaction performance from a simple measurement involving uniaxial die compaction
using the classical Johanson model. This involved determination of the optimum operating conditions for the production of granules as
evaluated by apparent density.
In the current work, a smooth counter-rotating rolling mill with a roller diameter of 0.08 m and a roller width of 0.20 m was used. The
operating conditions for the rolling mill are shown to be influenced by parameters such as the roll gap, the roll speed, the feed powder
amount, and the friction ratio. Material properties such as the compressibility factor and the angle of wall friction were investigated using
uniaxial die compaction. The angle of wall friction was analysed using both contact mechanical and continuum mechanical approaches.
The results indicated that this simplified approach can be used to provide a quantitative prediction of the extent of the roll compaction
performance, and can be used to design optimal roller geometries and operating conditions.
䉷 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Modelling; Dry granulation; Rolling mill; Maize flour; Uniaxial die compaction; Roll compaction; Friction; Slip-stick behaviour
1. Introduction
Granulation is a process whereby small particles are gathered together to form larger cohesive masses in which the
original particles can still be identified (Ennis and Lister,
1997). Generally, the subject of granulation has been divided
into ‘dry’ and ‘wet’ granulation processes. In dry granulation, dry powders are brought into contact by compression,
and examples are roll compaction and uniaxial die compaction. Dry granulation is of particular interest in industry
as the final product requires no liquid binder and drying process, and therefore costs less to operate as it requires simpler
equipment (Augsburger and Vuppala, 1997; Miller, 1997).
It has special advantage for handling of moisture sensitive
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +44 20 7594 5561.
E-mail address:
[email protected] (B.J. Briscoe).
1 Current address: Department of Process and Food Engineering, Fac-
ulty of Engineering, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 UPM Serdang,
selangor, Malaysia.
0009-2509/$ - see front matter 䉷 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This study considers the roll compaction of maize flour to
determine the optimum operating conditions and to predict
the roll compaction performance from a simple measurement of uniaxial die compaction using a classical but not
fully tested model of a rolling theory for granular solids developed by Johanson (1965a). There has been no reported
work on the experimental validation of Johanson’s model
for the prediction of the roll force and the roll torque, except
work reported by Bindhumadhavan et al. (2004) for the prediction of the pressure profile in the nip region during roll
The influence of parameters such as the roll gap, the roll
speed, the feed powder amount, and the friction ratio were investigated. The friction ratio, defined as the ratio of the front
roller speed to the back roller speed, influenced the slip-stick
behaviour between the powder and the roller surface, and it
may also indirectly influence the adhesional and frictional
forces which are crucial for the granule formation. Material
properties such as the compressibility factor, the effective
angle of internal friction and the angle of wall riction were
Y.A. Yusof et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 60 (2005) 3919 – 3931
included in order to test the viability of Johanson’s model.
The comparison with the model indicated that this simplified
approach may be used to provide a quantitative prediction
of the extent of the roller compaction performance.
Feed material
roll force
2. Theory
2.1. Uniaxial die compaction and compressibility
The material properties of the feed powder are investigated
by using uniaxial die compaction which is widely used to
determine the mechanical properties of various materials
such as metals, ceramics, pharmaceutical materials, and in
the present case, food powders (Peleg et al., 1982; Fernando,
1986; Charalambides et al., 2001). The powder is confined
between two punches and a cylindrical stainless steel die and
is placed on a fixed table. A force is applied at a constant
velocity onto the upper punch, while the lower punch does
not move within the mechanical assembly.
The results from the uniaxial die compaction are presented in the form of the applied pressure–volume relationship, compressibility factor and frictional properties. Compressibility is defined as the ability of the powder to reduce
in volume caused by the application of the applied pressure.
It is widely presented in the form of a compressibility factor
K, obtained from an empirical relationship between the bulk
density and applied pressure in the high pressure region and
is referred to as a tablet material law (Johanson, 1965a)
where 1 and 2 are the maximum and minimum pressures,
respectively, 1 and 2 are the corresponding bulk density
of the material from the maximum and minimum pressures,
2.2. Effective angle of internal friction
Internal or interparticle friction exists whenever particles
touch one another. By using a shear cell test, the interparticle
friction is characterised by a yield locus at maximum shear
stress under any normal stress and the angle below the yield
locus is the angle of internal friction (Jenike and Shield,
1959). This concept was extended from the Mohr–Coulomb
criterion (Jenike and Shield, 1959) and has been simplified
by Johanson (1965a) as is shown in Fig. 1b. The combination
of the yield loci defines an effective yield locus, and an
effective angle of internal friction, , which indicates the
resistance of the powder during flow (Jenike and Shield,
1959). The flowability of the powder decreases as the angle
increases. A typical value of for most powders is between
25◦ and 70◦ (Thomson, 1984). However, there is no direct
method of estimating the effective angle of internal friction
for a cohesive powder except by using a shear cell test
(Tüzün, 1987).
Slip region
Nip region
roll gap
nip angle
feed angle
Shear Effective yield locus
Wall yield locus
Normal stress n
Fig. 1. (a) Schematic presentation of a roll compaction process. (b)
Effective angle of internal friction and angle of wall friction (Johanson,
2.3. Angle of wall friction
Wall friction exists whenever the particles are in contact
with wall surfaces. It is a measure of resistance of powder
to flow along the wall surface (Thomson, 1984). In a shear
cell test, when shear is applied to the powder at a constant
shear rate, friction will develop between the powder and the
wall surface, and is presented as a wall yield locus and the
angle below is called an angle of wall friction w as shown
in Fig. 1b (Johanson, 1965a), related to the coefficient of
wall friction, , by:
= tan
There are three main approaches to interpret the angle of wall
friction; continuum mechanics, kinematics, and contact mechanics approaches (Tüzün, 1987). In this paper, both continuum and contact mechanical approaches are used, which
are based upon the transmission of stresses in the die and are
described in the equation (Macleod and Marshall, 1977):
= yy + w ,
where is the applied pressure, yy is the transmitted pressure, and w is the interfacial shear stress. The interfacial
shear stress will largely determine the magnitude of the wall
Y.A. Yusof et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 60 (2005) 3919 – 3931
2.3.1. Continuum mechanics approach: a differential slice
Walker usefully modified Janssen’s approach to write the
transmission of stresses as (Janssen, 1895; Walker, 1966):
= −4 Kw FD
where is the applied pressure, yy is the transmitted pressure, Kw is a factor where the magnitude depends upon the
equilibrium state of material, FD is the distribution function, H is the current height of the cylindrical compact, and
D is the diameter of the cylindrical die. In order to obtain the estimate of the coefficient of the wall friction, ,
ln (yy /) is plotted against aspect ratio (H /D) with the
constant Kw = 0.4 (Briscoe and Evans, 1991) and FD is
unity (Briscoe and Evans, 1991).
nip angle, which depends upon the physical properties of
the feed powder, the nature of the feeding mechanism and
the physical characteristics of the rolls (Funakoshi et al.,
1977). Problems such as aeration and a rapid increase in
densification usually occur in the nip region (Pietsch, 1976;
Funakoshi et al., 1977). Below the slip and the nip regions
is the release region, where the influence of the elasticity of
the powder is apparent (Johanson, 1973).
2.4.2. Slip region
Johanson (1965a) used the Jenike and Shield (1959) yield
criterion to describe the powder behaviour under continuous
shear deformation by assuming the powder to be isotropic,
cohesive, and compressible. The powder characteristic in the
slip region is determined by the effective angle of internal
friction and angle of wall friction. The effective angle of internal friction represents the plane-strain condition of the
powder between the rolls and the angle of wall friction w
represents the relationship of the shear (tangential) and normal forces at the roll surface (Johanson, 1965a). This concept has been developed by Jenike and Shield (1959) based
on the Mohr–Coulomb criterion and has been simplified by
Johanson (1965a) as is shown in Fig. 1 where is the angular position of the roll “bite”; essentially the roller traction
angle. The shear stress and the normal stress at the roll wall
surface are then represented by a feed angle (Johanson,
2 =
2.3.2. Contact mechanics approach: an adhesion theory of
According to the adhesion theory of friction, friction arises
from two distinct sources, namely adhesion and deformation
(Bowden and Tabor, 1954). The friction force F, at the die
walls is mainly caused by the adhesive friction from the
solids that are dissipated in an interfacial shear zone by the
interfacial shear stress w , and at a specific real area of
contact A, and is written as (Bowden and Tabor, 1954)
F = w A.
The friction force (Briscoe et al., 1985) is:
F = kW m .
The coefficient of wall friction
= kW m −1 ,
− arc sin
sin w
− w .
is (Briscoe and Evans,
where k is the friction factor, W is the applied force, and m′
is the applied force index.
2.4. Roll compaction
The successful development of a dry granulation process
using the roll compaction greatly depends upon the roll dimensions, the powder behaviour, and the roll operating parameters (Johanson, 1965a).
2.4.1. Powder behaviour
The transport behaviour of the powder during the roll
compaction process is described based on the slip and the
nip regions (see Fig. 1) (Johanson, 1965a). In the slip region,
sliding occurs between the powder and the roll surface as the
powder is predensified and forced in between the rolls. In the
nip region, the powder is compressed and rearranged, and
densification occurs as well as plastic deformation (Pietsch,
1976). The extent of the nip region is characterised by a
The feed angle is the angle of delivery that depends upon the
width of the feed opening above the rolls (Pietsch, 1976).
2.4.3. Nip region
In the nip region, the powder behaviour has been postulated to obey the tablet material law from a simple uniaxial die compaction test (Johanson, 1965a). From the applied
pressure–volume relationship, the compressibility factor K
of the powder may be obtained at high applied pressure, and
this value is very important for design purposes. If the ratio
of the roll gap to the roll diameter Rg /Dr is much less than
1 (in this paper, Rg /Dr is between 0.0013 and 0.0044), and
the roll surface used is smooth, the nip angle depends greatly
upon the powder properties K, and (Johanson, 1965a).
2.5. Roll operating parameters and roll design
Roll operating parameters such as roll gap, roll speed,
feed powder amount, and friction ratio, as well as roll design
such as roll diameter, roll force, and roll torque influence the
performance of a rolling mill or a roll compaction process.
Y.A. Yusof et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 60 (2005) 3919 – 3931
2.5.1. Roll diameter
The roll diameter Dr is a fixed parameter that cannot be
readily adjusted to provide different rolling conditions. The
maximum pressure exerted by the rollers is greatly influenced by the roll diameter and is given as (Johanson, 1965b):
1 − sin 1 − f
Pmax = R1 P0
1 + sin d + Rg
×[Dr (1 − cos ) cos + d + Rg cos ] ,
where R1 is the log pressure ratio, P0 is the estimated feed
pressure applied at the roll bite, d is the pocket depth for
briquette types of rolls and may be assumed as zero for
smooth rollers, f is the recycle fraction (ratio of the powder
lost from the roll bite to the feed rate), Rg is the roll gap,
is the nip angle, is the effective angle of internal friction
and K is the compressibility factor.
The feed pressure at the roll bite P0 (psi) for a rolling mill
with a gravity feeding system is given by Johanson (1965b)
P0 = 0.40 l,
2.5.2. Roll force
In practice, the roll separating force Rsf is used to measure
the performance of a roll compaction process and is written
where Rf is the average of the forces generated from the
front and the back roll, and l is the roll width.
Johanson (1965a) has written the roll force as a first-order
model and is given as:
Rf = lD r
where is the applied pressure that may produce good quality of granules, l is the roll width, Fr is the force factor that
may be obtained from Johanson (1965a) as a function of
(d + Rg )/Dr at different compressibility factors, K.
2.5.3. Roll torque
The roll torque Tq generated from the roll compaction
is used to calculate the coefficient of sliding wall friction
r , which later will determine whether slip-stick occurs (see
Section 2.6). The coefficient of sliding wall friction r may
be calculated by:
where R is the roll radius.
Roll torque Tq may also be estimated by the integration
of the moments about the roll axes of the constant horizontal
compaction forces (Pietsch, 1976) and is given by Johanson
(1965a) as:
Tq = lD 2r
where T is the torque factor that may be obtained from
Johanson (1965a). The roll power Rp (W ) is then written as
(Johanson, 1965b):
Rp = 2.796 × 10−3 Pmax lD 2r T S r ,
where Sr is the roll speed (rpm) and Pmax is the maximum
exerted pressure (psi).
where 0 is the initial bulk density of powder (lb in−3 ) before
the roll compaction process and l is the roll width (in).
Roll separating force Rsf =
for shear force r Rf , where Rf is the roll force, and
is the shear force which may be obtained from the equation
given below as:
2.5.4. Roll speed
The roll speed Sr mainly determines the pressing time
(retention time) of the powder that passes through the nip
region, which is related to the amount of material passing
through the nip or the throughput Cc (kg h−1 ) and is written
as (Pietsch, 1991):
Cc = 60g Dr lR g Sr ,
where Dr is the roll diameter (cm), l is the roll width (cm),
Rg is the roll gap (cm), Sr is the roll speed (rpm) and g
is the apparent density (kg cm−3 ). The pressing time in the
roll mill tp was described as (Pietsch, 1991):
tp =
2 Sr
where Fr is the force factor.
2.6. Slip-stick behaviour of powder
In a roll compaction process, the speed of the front roll
and the back roll are usually similar. A slight variation of
the roll speed may cause slip to occur which depends upon
the material properties of the powder (Pietsch, 1976). If the
coefficient of static friction exceeds the coefficient of sliding friction of the powder, the powder may exhibit slip-stick
behaviour. However, if the coefficient of the sliding friction
exceeds the coefficient of static friction, continuous slip motion will occur. When slip occurs, the roll will move faster
than the powder (Schönert and Sander, 2002), which induces
extrusion into the process and wear on the roll surfaces (Lim
et al., 1997).
Y.A. Yusof et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 60 (2005) 3919 – 3931
3. Experiment
3.1. Feed powder
Maize flour (Fine Polenta F) was obtained from Smiths
Mills, Worksop, UK. The dry matter composition of the
maize was 80.5% starch, 13% protein, 1.7% dietary fibre,
1.4% fat, 0.7% free sugar and 0.2% ash. The material properties before the granulation process are shown in Table 1.
The mean particle size was measured by using a laser particle size analyser, Mastersizer 2000 (Malvern Instruments
Ltd., UK). The bulk density, b , was measured by filling
a tare of 100 ml graduated cylinder (diameter of the cylinder is 30 mm) to approximately 70 ml mark and the weight
recorded. Then, the tapped density, t , was measured after
500 taps (until the powder height in the container was constant). A pycnometer, AccuPyc 1330 device (Micromeritics
Instrument Corp., Norcross, GA) was used to determine the
true density, s , by utilising helium gas as the displacement
fluid (Pietsch, 2002). All of the measurements were carried
out three times. The inter-relationships between the porosities and densities are given by Ennis and Lister (1997).
Large values of the Carr Indices and Hausner Ratios indicate poor flowability and they are generally correlated with
high values of the interparticle friction (Carr, 1965; Hausner,
1967), which usually correspond to a large effective angle
of internal friction.
3.2. Uniaxial die compaction
A commercial die compaction machine (Lloyds, UK) with
a cylindrical stainless steel die (Specac, UK) of a diameter
20±0.5 mm was used, the roughness of the components was
comparable to that of the surface roughness of the rolling
mill. The uniaxial die compaction machine comprised a fixed
bottom punch and a moving top punch. At the upper punch,
an applied force transducer (Sensotec Inc., USA) with a
maximum allowable force of 50 ± 1 kN and a displacement
transducer were installed. The displacement and the applied
force exerted during the compaction process were recorded
on a computer. Another force transducer (RDP Electronics,
UK) was connected with an additional computer to measure
the transmitted force (see Eq. (3)). The maximum allowable
force for the transmitted transducer was 90 ± 2 kN.
Firstly, 3.00±0.01 g of the maize flour was poured gradually using a plastic funnel into the cylindrical stainless steel
die. The die was then tapped 20 times on a surface of a
bench for data consistency and in an attempt to form a homogeneous density distribution. Next, the transmitted force
transducer was placed at the bottom of the die and 10 ±1 kN
force was applied from the upper punch with a crosshead
speed of 0.5 mm s−1 . This process was called the ‘loading’
process. After the desired force was reached the ‘unloading’ process occurred where the applied force was removed
from the upper punch. The data of the applied force corre-
sponding to the displacement of the compacted maize were
logged by a computer. In order to release the compacted
powder from the die, the bottom punch was removed and the
upper punch was consolidated. The thickness of the compacts was measured by using a 25 mm External Micrometer
(Vernier, England). Compression tests were repeated for the
applied forces of 20, 30, 40, 45 and 49 kN. The 49 kN applied
data were used as input for testing the Johanson (1965a)
3.3. Roll compaction
Experiments for roll compaction were carried out on a laboratory rolling mill (Francis Shaw, Manchester, UK) which
was equipped with smooth rollers of 0.08 m (80 mm) diameter and 0.20 m (200 mm) width (the rolls’ surface finish was
less than 0.1 m centre line average) that were horizontally
arranged. In order to measure the roll compaction conditions the rolling mill was instrumented. Two compression
type load cells or also known as force transducers with a Direct Current (DC) Bridge, with a maximum allowable force
of 9071.85 N (2000 lb) were connected to the left and right
sides of the moving front rolls in order to measure the magnitude of the roll separating forces. The signals of each of
the transducers were transmitted by means of a high precision slip ring to transducer amplifiers, model S7M-Z (R.D.P.
Electronics Ltd, UK) to meet the conditioning needs of the
type of the DC Bridge transducers. The signal of the transducers was connected to a computer via a direct memory
access A/D converter card. A torque transducer was used to
measure the magnitude of the torque transmitted to the rolls.
The drive shaft at the back roll, was fixed to transmit signal
of the torque generated during rolling with the maximum allowable torque of 50 Nm (433 lb in). The torque signal was
transmitted by a slip ring transducer amplifier, PR 9307 Carrier Frequency Bridge (Phillips, Germany) via a direct memory access A/D converter card to the same computer connected to the force transducers amplifier. The rolling mill
was equipped with a dual drive system, with a maximum
power of 1.1 kW using an AC Vector Controlled motor. Gear
boxes transmitted the drive via a reduction gearbox and a
belt drive system. A control system consisted of the drive
shaft, the emergency and reset push buttons, and roll speed
and friction ratio thumbwheel controls.
The feed powder was fed between the rollers by a gravity feeding chute with a constant feeder height of 0.2 m. An
amount of feed powder ranging from 0.03 to 0.16 kg was
used. Variations were made in the roll gap, the roll speed,
the feed powder amount and the friction ratio (ratio of the
front roll speed to the back roll speed). The compacted maize
powder was stored in an airtight plastic bag for later characterisation.
In this study, the maximum allowable roll separating force
of the force transducer was 0.45 kN cm−1 , using the standard
roll mill classification.
Y.A. Yusof et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 60 (2005) 3919 – 3931
Table 1
Material properties of maize flour
Material properties
(×10−6 /m)
Mean particle size dp
Bulk density b (kg m−3 )
Tapped density t (kg m−3 )
True density s (kg m−3 )
Bulk porosity b
Apparent density g (kg m−3 )
Moisture content Mc (%)
Carr Index CI (%)
Hausner Ratio HR
135 ± 15
446.25 ± 23.50
697.60 ± 18.25
1504.7 ± 16.0
0.475 ± 0.003
850.0 ± 5.5
11.1 ± 1.0
39 (poor flowability)
1.6 (poor flowability)
Carr (1965)
Hausner (1967); Hayes (1987)
3.4. Granule characterisation
The efficiency of the granule formation during roll compaction was characterised by the apparent granule density
g , which includes closed pores and open pores (Hancock et
al., 2003), and is defined as the ratio of powder mass to the
envelope volume. The apparent density was measured by an
envelope density analyser, GeoPyc 1360 (Micromeritics Instrument Corp., Norcross, GA), with an accuracy of ±1.1%.
4. Results
4.1. Compressibility factor
From the measured inter-relationship between the bulk
density and the applied pressure, the compressibility factor
K was calculated (Johanson, 1965a), (Eq. (1)). The value of
the compressibility factor K for maize powder was found
to be 9.03 ± 1.81 with the regression value R 2 of the relationship having a value of 0.9880. The value of K greatly
depends upon the material properties. For instance, K for
coffee creamer is 12.50, powdered sucrose is 33.3, and powdered salt is 50.0 (Peleg et al., 1982).
4.2. Effective angle of internal friction
A value of 52◦ for the effective angle of internal friction of maize powder was adopted, taken from Fitzpatrick
et al. (2004), which was measured with a Jenike shear cell
with a true density s of 1490 kg m−3 and a mean particle
size of 49 m. Although the mean particle size of the maize
flour used in this study was 135 m and is relatively large
compared to that of Fitzpatrick et al. (2004), both feeds can
be considered as fine powders having particle size less than
170 m under the Geldard Group C particles class, which
are difficult to flow (Geldard, 1973). This was supported by
the calculation of Hausner Ratio and Carr Index, shown in
Table 1, which indicated that the powder was very cohesive
and difficult to flow. The characteristic of the maize flour
used by Fitzpatrick et al. (2004) was also categorised as difficult to flow based on the flow index of 1.5 and was classi-
fied as very cohesive (Tomas and Schubert, 1979). The flow
index was defined as the inverse slope of the flow function,
from the relationship between the unconfined yield strength
of the powder and the major consolidating stress in a Jenike
shear cell. In order to use these data in the Johanson (1965b)
analysis, the value should be either 30◦ , 50◦ or 70◦ ; therefore the value of was taken as 50◦ .
4.3. Angle of wall friction
Both continuum mechanics and contact mechanics approaches were used in this paper to obtain the value of angle
of wall friction w . The value of w obtained was incorporated later in the established models to predict the roll
design parameters.
4.3.1. Continuum mechanics approach: a differential slice
In order to calculate the coefficient of wall friction , the
value of the slope from a plot of the stress transmission
ratio as a function of compact aspect ratio was substituted
into Eq. (4) (see Section 2.3.1). The calculated value was
0.25 which was based upon the friction between the maize
powder and the stainless steel die wall. The angle of wall
friction w was thus calculated by using Eq. (2) and was
given as 14◦ . The value of is in good agreement with values
published for polymers ranging from 0.15 to 0.25 (Briscoe
and Evans, 1991). Fitzpatrick et al. (2004) have given the
angle of wall friction: for maize powder: 13◦ ( = 0.23), salt
27.3◦ ( = 0.52) and sugar 19.1◦ ( = 0.35).
4.3.2. Contact mechanics approach: an adhesion theory of
The friction force coefficient decreased as the applied
force increased, similar to the trend reported by Briscoe et
al. (1985). By fitting Eq. (6), values of k=0.60 and m′ =0.88
were obtained. The value of m′ was between 2/3 (0.67) and
unity which indicates that adhesive friction arises from the
real area of contact at the interface. The value of m′ obtained is in good agreement with Briscoe et al. (1985) with
the value of 0.87 for maize powder. The value of calculated using Eq. (7) was 0.17, and by using Eq. (2), the value
of w was equal to 10◦ .
Y.A. Yusof et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 60 (2005) 3919 – 3931
4.4. Roll compaction
The effects of the roll compaction process as a dry granulation method on the roll operating conditions such as the
roll gap, roll speed, feed powder, and friction ratio were
investigated. By using a trial-and-error procedure, the optimum operating conditions were also determined. The optimum operating conditions were: roll gap 0.15 mm, roll speed
40 rpm, feed material 0.07 kg, and friction ratio 1.0, as described below.
4.4.1. The effect of the quantity of feed powder
The quantity of the feed powder was defined as an amount
of material that was poured into the feeder during the start
of each run of the rolling mill with the other operating conditions such as the roll gap, roll speed, and friction ratio
were kept constant and at their optimum operating conditions. The high values of the roll separating forces indicate
that the amounts of the powder used were sufficient to induce extensive powder-wall surface contact. The lowest feed
powder amount of 0.03 kg showed rather low values of roll
separating forces of 700 N m−1 . However, for amounts of
feed powder of 0.14 and 0.16 kg it was found that a large
amount of maize powder was accumulated at the front and
back of the rollers and collapsed without being compacted,
which indicated that, an excessive amount of the feed powder may cause an inefficient feeding of rolling process. During the experiments, it was also observed that the granules
produced were in the form of weak thin flakes, of typical
mean diameter 10 mm, for the entire range of the feed powder used. However, no apparent slip occurred in any of the
feed powder.
The highest apparent density occurred at the feed powder
amount of 0.07 kg. This particular amount of feed powder
may be considered as a sufficient amount of powder to produce high quality relatively tough granules. Therefore, this
amount of feed powder was used in the subsequent experimental work to investigate the effect of the roll gap, the roll
speed and the friction ratio.
4.4.2. The effect of the friction ratio
The friction ratio fr is defined as the ratio of the speed
of the “front” roll to the speed of the “back” roll, the identification is arbitrary as there were not uniquely identifiable
differences between the rollers. In this study, the effect of
the friction ratio was investigated to relate the granule apparent density with the ratio of the roller speeds. The friction ratio influences the slip-stick behaviour of the powder
and the roller surface and it may indirectly influence the adhesion and frictional forces, which are crucial for granules
formation. A friction ratio of 0.2–2.0 was used with the roll
gap, roll speed, and feed powder kept constant at their optimum operating conditions. The highest roll separating force
occurred at a friction ratio fr equal to 1. However, at friction ratios less than or more than 1, the performance of the
rolling mill was significantly reduced. This was due to the
fact that, as rollers moved at speeds relatively different from
each other, this reduced the contact between the powder and
the roller surfaces, and hence allowed more slip to occur.
However, at a friction ratio of 0.7, the roll separating force
was only slightly less than at a friction ratio of 1.0, and the
coefficient of sliding wall friction r values sometimes became less than the static coefficient of wall friction = 0.25
of the powder. Slip-stick behaviour then occurred.
During the experiment under discontinuous sliding conditions, it was observed that a ‘zebra’ stripe-like surface morphology or a ‘strip’ type appearance formed on the front
roller surface at friction ratio of 0.7. The ‘zebra’ morphology
surface here means that the powder formed adhered strips
of transferred powder on the roller surface with no such deposited powder between the strips. This phenomenon can
be tentatively attributed to the presence of air trapped in the
nip region due to the higher speed of the back roll causing
aeration to the maize powder, which may result in a poor
product quality and induce wear on the roll surface. This result is consistent with that reported by Pietsch (1991) where
entrapped air was shown to exist within the roll gap, and
may effect the feeding of the powder and the product quality. As expected, the apparent density of the maize powder
was highest when the friction ratio was 1.
4.4.3. The effect of the roll gap
The variations of roll gap between 0.10 to 0.35±0.05 mm
were used so that it was within the range of the mean particle size of the maize powder of 135 m. The roll speed,
feed powder, and friction ratio were kept constant at their
optimum operating conditions.
In general, the experimentally measured roll separating
force increased as the roll gap was decreased. The smallest
roll gap of 0.10 mm (100 m) provided the highest separating force of 1000 N m−1 between the rollers. As the processing time increased, the roll separating force gradually
increased until the rolling time t was approximately 45 s and
remained constant for approximately 10 s before it decreased
very rapidly. The increasing separating force was due to the
increasing amount of maize powder sticking to the roll surface as the time increased, which then allowed more contact
between the powder and the roll-wall surface, causing more
powder cohesion, and hence an enhanced initial formation
of granules.
Direct evidence of the powder slip-stick behaviour was
observed from the relationship between the coefficient of
sliding wall friction r and the rolling time. The values of
were calculated using two approaches to be 0.17 and 0.25,
respectively. Slip occurs when r exceeds of the powder.
For roll gaps of 0.10–0.20 mm, slip only occurred for the
first few seconds of the rolling time, indicated by r values
larger than = 0.25. However, this condition of slip may be
ignored due to the initial unsteady state of the process. For
roll gaps of 0.25–0.35 mm, on the other hand, slip occurred
Y.A. Yusof et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 60 (2005) 3919 – 3931
during the whole compaction process, which may be caused
by the large roll gap where the low separating force did not
facilitate effective powder contact with the roll surface.
From the observation made during the experiment, there
were some granules produced in the form of thin flakes
with a mean size of approximately 5 mm (0.005 m). However, these flakes broke when in contact with subsequently
compacted maize powder. The weak inter-particle bonding
caused these granules flakes to break very easily. Therefore,
the mean granule size may not be used to characterise the
process. Weak granules are still acceptable when an instantaneous characteristic, such as dissolving easily in water, is
required and this concept also may be applied in the pharmaceutical industry as an intermediate process before tabletting. The selection of the granulation process depends on
the product application, as extensively explained by Capes
The reason for the weak granule formation was because
the forces applied to the rolls were too small to produce a coherent compact. The maximum separating force
that was generated during the experiment was 45 kN m−1
(0.45 kN cm−1 ), which may be considered as extremely
low, compared to the roll separating force used by Bultman
(2002) to compact microcrystalline cellulose of 7 kN cm−1 ;
about 15 times higher than the roll separating force in this
study. Moreover, due to the viscoelastic characteristic of
the maize powder, the low separating force applied may
have allowed significant elastic deformation compared to
the plastic deformation to occur. Therefore, large stored
elastic strains within the powder prevented the permanent
formation of cohesive junctions (plastic junctions) between
the particles.
The most robust parameter used to characterise the effectiveness of the roll compaction process was the apparent
density of the compacted maize powder, the accuracy of the
measurements was approximately 2%. The highest apparent
density measured was 980 kg m−3 at a roll gap of 0.10 mm
(100 m), and decreased gradually to 900 kg m−3 as the roll
gap increased to 0.35 mm (350 m). These results clearly
indicate that the granulation process occurred during roll
compaction as there were increases of the apparent density
from the uncompacted apparent density of 850 kg m−3 . For
roll gaps of 0.10–0.20 mm, the increase was about 15%. For
the subsequent investigations, the roll gap of 0.15 mm was
chosen because smaller gaps often caused a small fraction
of size reduction to occur, which is beyond the scope of this
work. Therefore, the optimum roll gap was taken as approximately equal to the mean particle size of the maize powder
(135 m).
4.4.4. The effect of the roll speed
The roll speed ranging from 10 to 60 rpm was used (see
Fig. 2) with the other operating conditions of roll gap, feed
powder, and friction ratio were kept constant at their optimum operating conditions. The roll separating force in-
Roll separating force Rsf / Nm-1
Roll speed
Sr / rpm
Rolling time t/s
Fig. 2. Roll separating force, Rsf as a function of rolling time, t for
different roll speeds, Sr at ambient conditions with the feed powder
amount Wt of 0.07 kg, the roll gap Rg of 0.15 mm and the friction ratio
fr of 1.0.
creased as the roll speed increased from 10 to 60 rpm. Less
time was required to achieve the maximum roll separating
force as the roll speed increased, ranging from 35 s at 60 rpm
to 60 s at 30 rpm, and the longest periods being at 10 and
20 rpm. In Fig. 2, the maximum roll separating force can
be seen clearly for the roll speeds of 30–60 rpm. Higher
rolling times are not shown in this figure as similar magnitudes of the roll forces were achieved after a rolling time of
55 s except for 30 rpm. However, after 60 s for 30 rpm, the
roll separating force decreased gradually. The roll separating forces for 10 and 20 rpm, did not show any significant
maximum value even though the experiment was carried
out for longer than 60 s. Therefore, the maximum separating force was considered to be relatively constant at 1700
and 2000 N m−1 , respectively. Note also that the amount of
the material that passed through the roll gap depended upon
the roll speed. A higher roll speed meant that more powder passed through the roll gap, therefore leaving very little
material on the roller surface.
During the experiment, it was also observed that powder
leakage occurred at both ends of the rollers and increased
as the roll speed increased. As the roll was moving faster,
more powder was pushed to both ends of the roller as it
passed through the nip region. It was also found that the
granules produced were in the form of weak thin flakes as
was reported in the previous section.
The number of the roll separating force fluctuations depended upon the roll speed. For instance, if 10 rpm was used,
10 fluctuations of the roll separating force may be seen during 10 rotations. The fluctuations were most certainly caused
by imperfect alignment of the rollers. The shapes of the
transducer outputs during one rotation, may be used to describe the pressure distribution in the nip region. This shape
was found to be similar to that given previously by Johanson
(1973), Schönert and Sander (2002), and Dec et al. (2003).
Extensive roller/powder slip only occurred at the lowest
roll speed of 10 rpm. The slow rolling process allowed sufficient time for the powder to slip through the roll gap. At
Y.A. Yusof et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 60 (2005) 3919 – 3931
Calculated bulk
porosity 1
Calculated bulk
porosity 2
Roll force Rf /N
Roll force Rf / N
Roll gap RgX10-3 /m
speeds higher than 20 rpm, there were shorter retention times
and hence no slip occurred. Moreover, the contact between
the powder and the roll wall surfaces may be increased as
the roll speed increased. However, the high roll speeds (50
and 60 rpm) of the rolling process prevented the powder
from interacting with the roller walls effectively. This corresponded to the highest apparent density being obtained at
the roll speed of 40 rpm, which was used in the subsequent
Roll speed Sr / rpm
Fig. 4. Roll force as a function of roll speed. Error bars are based upon
six measurements.
Roll force Rf / N
Fig. 3. Roll force as a function of roll gap for bulk porosity 1 ( b =0.475)
and bulk porosity 2 ( b = 0.435). Error bars are based upon six measurements.
4.5. Model verification
Feed powderWt X10-3/kg
Fig. 5. Roll force as a function of feed powder. Error bars are based upon
six measurements.
Roll force Rf /N
The results of the roll force and the roll torque obtained
from the experimental work were compared with the predictions obtained using Eqs. (12) and (15), by incorporating the
compressibility factor, the effective angle of internal friction,
the angle of wall friction, and the applied pressure–volume
relationship from the uniaxial die compaction. The angle of
wall friction value was taken as 14◦ , based on the continuum
mechanics approach.
Figs. 3–6 show the experimental and computed roll force
values as functions of roll gap, roll speed, feed powder
and friction ratio, respectively. The error bars of the measured roll force were based upon a series of 6 measurements. Figs. 7–10 show roll torque as a function of roll
gap, roll speed, feed powder and friction ratio, respectively.
The measured roll force and roll torque are within the range
of 200–2500 N and 0.6–1.6 Nm respectively, which are in
agreement with finite element simulation results from Dec
et al. (2003) for microcrystalline cellulose ranging from 460
to 760 N and 0.96–1.4 Nm, respectively, with the coefficient
of wall friction of 0.35.
The roll force and the roll torque were calculated based
on the applied pressure–volume relationship obtained from
the uniaxial die compaction data. The bulk density was calculated for every applied pressure, and the apparent density value calculated with b = 0.475 (bulk porosity 1) from
Friction ratio fr
Fig. 6. Roll force as a function of friction ratio. Error bars are based
upon six measurements.
Table 1. Therefore, a series of apparent density values was
obtained. The roll force and the roll torque were calculated
using Eqs. (12) and (15) with Fr = 0.0215 and T = 0.0009
Y.A. Yusof et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 60 (2005) 3919 – 3931
Roll torqueTq /Nm
Roll torque Tq / Nm
Roll gap RgX10-3/m
Fig. 7. Roll torque as a function of roll gap. Error bars are based upon
six measurements.
Feed powder Wt X10-3 /kg
Fig. 9. Roll torque as a function of feed powder. Error bars are based
upon six measurements.
Roll torqueTq /Nm
Roll torqueTq /Nm
Roll speed Sr /rpm
Fig. 8. Roll torque as a function of roll speed. Error bars are based upon
six measurements.
from Johanson (1965a) for a roll gap of 0.15 mm and K =
9.03, obtained from the uniaxial die compaction data. For
a comparison between the roll force and the roll torque,
the calculated apparent density was extracted to match the
apparent density from the roll compaction experiment. For
instance, at a roll gap of 0.15 mm, and with the other operating conditions kept constant at their optimum operating
conditions, g = 971.68 kg m−3 ; the same values of g were
extracted from the uniaxial die compaction data. The calculated roll force and roll torque values were 1.9 kN and
1.59 Nm at these particular conditions and can be compared
favourably to the measured values of 1.8 kN and 1.60 Nm,
respectively. The measured roll force was obtained from the
maximum separating force (Eq. (11), also see Fig. 2) and roll
torque was fairly constant throughout the rolling process.
The magnitude of the roll force and the roll torque depended upon the roll gap, the roll diameter, the roll width
and the compressibility factor. In this paper, the roll gaps was
Friction ratio fr
Fig. 10. Roll torque as a function of friction ratio. Error bars are based
upon six measurements.
varied. Other spreadsheets were prepared for the roll gaps of
0.10, 0.20, 0.25, 0.30 and 0.35 mm. Finally, the calculated
roll force and roll torque were then compared with the results
measured from direct experiment.
5. Discussion
5.1. Comparison of roll force
Generally, the value of the calculated roll force agreed
quite closely with the measured roll force when investigating the effects of the roll speed (Fig. 4), the feed powder
amount (Fig. 5), and the friction ratio (Fig. 6). However,
the quality of the agreement reduced at the feed powder
amounts of 0.03, 0.14 and 0.16 kg. Too small or too large
amounts of feed powder reduced the product quality, and
hence the calculation of the roll force was much higher or
lower than measured. This observation is in agreement with
that of Pietsch (1991) that only a critical amount of feed
powder is suitable to produce a good quality of product. For
Y.A. Yusof et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 60 (2005) 3919 – 3931
the effect of the roll gap (Fig. 3), the calculated roll force
agreed well with the measured roll force at the roll gap of
0.10 and 0.15 mm only. At roll gaps of 0.20–0.35 mm, the
calculated roll forces were predicted to be twice the measured roll force. The larger gaps may have allowed the powder to slip, and consequently reduced the contact between
the powder and the roll surface. Therefore, the calculated
value is expected to deviate since Johanson (1965a) assumed
that no slip occurred within the nip region. The calculated
and measured roll forces agreed quite well at the optimum
operating conditions: the roll gap of 0.15 mm, the roll speed
of 40 rpm, the feed powder amount of 0.07 kg, and the friction ratio of 1.0.
The Johanson (1965a) model may be used to predict the
roll force at different operating conditions, the accuracy of
the roll force measurement being approximately 20%. The
large range of the roll forces measured may arise as a result
of the fine powder which stuck on the roll force transducers,
which could have reduced the reading. This effect has also
been noted by Schönert and Sander (2002) for the prediction
of the shear and pressure as a function of rotational angle in
a high-pressure rolling mill (with maximum applied stress
of more than 300 MPa).
5.2. Comparison of roll torque
The trends observed in the calculated values of the roll
torque agreed quite well with the measured values of the roll
torque for the effects of the roll speed (Fig. 8), the feed powder amount (Fig. 9) and the friction ratio (Fig. 10). However,
the calculated value of the roll torque deviated slightly at the
roll speed of 10 rpm, feed powder amounts of 30, 140, and
160 g, and the friction ratios of 0.2, 0.5, and 2.0. For the effect of the roll gap, there were large discrepancies between
the measured and the calculated roll torque values, particularly at the roll gap of 0.10 mm (Fig. 7). These discrepancies
may be due to aeration in the nip region, which may effect
the feeding of the powder, and consequently the measured
roll torque was lower than anticipated. Pietsch (1976) noted
that aeration may affect the roll compaction process. However, the roll torque agreed quite well for the roll gaps of
0.15–0.30 mm.
Among the various important parameters that contributed
significantly to the numerical predictions was the compressibility factor obtained from the tablet material law. The application of the tablet material law from the uniaxial die
compaction has been questioned in the literature by Sommer
and Hauser (2002). There may be large discrepancies between the measured and calculated values used to describe
the pressure distribution within the nip region.
In general, the torque prediction may be used to provide an estimation of the quantity for a roll compaction
process. However, further study is required to improve the
quality of such predictions, which has also been noted by
Pietsch (1991), and Sommer and Hauser (2002). Sommer
and Hauser (2002) have also suggested that a more advanced
Table 2
Data analysis
(◦ )
Feed angle
Roll power Rp (W)
Throughput Cc (kg s−1 )
Pressing time tp (s)
modelling method is required for a better prediction of the
overall roll compaction performance.
5.3. Bulk porosity effect on the model validation
The effect of the initial bulk porosity on the prediction
of the model has been investigated and is shown in Fig. 3.
At initial an bulk porosity of 0.435 (bulk porosity 2), the
roll force curve is three times higher than the roll force at
a bulk porosity of 0.475 (bulk porosity 1). Therefore, it is
crucial to measure the bulk porosity precisely before the
granulation process. The effect of initial bulk porosity is
important in powder rearrangement and densification during
the entire compaction granulation process, and therefore, a
slight change in the initial bulk porosity has a large effect
upon the whole compaction and granulation system. The
magnitude of the tapped density (Table 1) indicates possible
lower values of the bulk porosity.
5.4. Effect of operating conditions
Table 2 shows the ranges of feed angle, roll power,
throughput, and pressing time calculated from Eqs. (8) and
(16)–(18), respectively, for all of the operating conditions.
The feed angle, also known as an angle of delivery of
the powder, is affected by the roll gap, the roll speed, the
feed powder amount, and the friction ratio. It was also influenced by the powder properties, particularly the angle of
wall friction w . The roll power decreased as the roll gap
and the roll speed decreased. At the roll gap of 0.10 mm,
the roll power was relatively high at 0.044 W. Otherwise the
roll power remained constant at 0.009 W for changes in feed
powder and friction ratio. The througel hput also increased
linearly as the roll gap and the roll speed increased but remained constant at approximately 0.005 kg s−1 for changes
in feed powder amount and friction ratio. The pressing time
increased as the roll gap increased and the roll speed decreased. The pressing time decreased from 0.020 s at 10 rpm
to 0.003 s at 60 rpm, and increased from 0.004 s at 0.10 mm
to 0.006 s at 0.35 mm, but remained constant at 0.004 s for
changes in the feed powder and the friction ratio.
In summary, the calculation of roll power, throughput,
and pressing time only showed significant changes due to
variations in the roll gap and the roll speed. However, the
calculated values are relatively low and remain constant for
changes in the feed powder amount and the friction ratio.
Y.A. Yusof et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 60 (2005) 3919 – 3931
6. Conclusions
The roll compaction parameters such as the roll force and
the roll torque have been predicted using Johanson’s model
by incorporating simple measurements obtained from uniaxial die compaction. The predictions of the model were in reasonable agreement with the experimental results, and were
rather sensitive to the variations in the initial bulk porosity.
This model may also be applied where there is a slight deviation when slip occurs in the compaction granulation system. The effects of the roll operating conditions on the roll
power, the throughput, and the pressing time were also calculated. The roll gap and roll speed had significant effects
on the roll power, throughput, and pressing time, while the
feed powder amount and the friction ratio were constant,
and in comparison, uninfluential.
Dry granulation can be carried out on maize powder using a roll compaction process and the optimum operating
conditions, which depend on the material properties and roll
design, were determined. This study has demonstrated that
the roll compaction performance can be predicted quantitatively, and indicates the necessary protocols for the design, the optimal geometries and the operating conditions
for compaction and granulation.
The authors would like to acknowledge Professor Michael
J. Adams from Unilever and Dr. Kendall Pitt from Merck
Sharp and Dohme, Professor Chris J. Lawrence and Dr.
Omar Matar from Imperial College London for the invaluable discussions, and Mr. Dan Parsonage for technical assistance. One of the authors (Y.A.Y.) is also grateful for the
scholarship from Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia and
A.C.S. was funded from the BBSRC competitive strategic
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