Lotka-Volterra Predator-Prey Models
Danna Rammal
Student Number: 0600936
Institute: Trent University
Course: MATH- 4800H Honours Project
Date: Monday, April 6th, 2020
Table of Contents:
Chapter 1:
1.1 Abstract
1.2 History on the Lotka-Volterra Model
Chapter 2
2.1 Relationship of variables in the Lotka-Volterra Model
2.2 Derivation of Formulas
2.3 Graphical representation of the Predator-Prey Model
2.4 Conclusion
Chapter 1:
1.1 Abstract
A mathematical model is an abstract model that uses mathematical language to
describe the behaviour of a system. It’s not only used in mathematics, but also in
physics, computer science, economics, and so on. The Lotka-Volterra model is a
widely used pair of first-order nonlinear differential equations used to interpret the
dynamics of two species: a predator and a prey. The model is also known as the
predator-prey equations as it mainly studies the behaviour and interactions of the
two species in ecology. It uses various mathematical concepts such as linear
algebra, calculus, as well as ordinary differential equations to implement the
constraints into real life situations.
1.2 History on the Lotka-Volterra Model
The Lotka-Volterra model was initially proposed by Alfred Lotka to analyse
predator-prey interaction in his book on biomathematics. Alfred Lotka was an
American mathematician who was interested in the behaviour of species preying
on or being preyed by other species. In 1925 he began to study the interactions
between species and realized that various species that would compete for a
common source of food created a different category in his studies. Vito Volterra
was an Italian mathematician who was widely known for his field of research and
interest in mathematical biology. While Volterra was interested in understanding
the competitive interactions between species, the two mathematicians proposed the
term “ Lotka-Volterra equations”. Ecologically, the same title was used for the
competition model, however it strictly applied only to predator-prey interactions.
The Lotka-Volterra model provides information about the competition between
two species, living in the same ecosystem. To understand the lotka-volterra model,
a few basic knowledge about ecology must be understood. If two species reside in
the same habitat, then the same resources are shared between the two. Furthermore,
the food habits as well as their food resources are common amongst them. Two
terms ought to be defined in ecology: habitat, and ecological niche. A habitat is a
place where an organism lives. It concludes with the abiotic factors in that
habitat/place. While the ecological niche consists of the biotic factors, the food
sources, as well as the habits of the organisms all together. Therefore, the niche is
much more accurate and specific compared to the habitat, which only consists of
biotic factors, and the biotic elements living there. Moving forward, the idea of a
niche is referred to an organism’s functional role in the ecosystem that concluded
the abiotic factor, the foods that organisms eat, the organism who preys on the
other, as well as their behaviour. Ideally, with respect to a niche, no two species
can coexist in the same niche without ending up in competition. Hence, if two
species share the same niche, then they ought to end up in competition. In ecology,
that idea is known as the competitive exclusion principle or Gause’s Law. Gause’s
Law states that if the niche is indifferent between two species, then the system will
lead to a competition. Therefore, the result of the competition will be as follows:
Competition → Win/Loss
→ Partitioning.
Between these two species, if competition arises, one species will win and the
other will lose. Furthermore, the one that succeeds will live in that habitat and the
species that lose will be locally extinct. On the other hand, partitioning is a case
such that both the species live and belong to the same niche together in the same
habitat, but have limited resources. For example, consider two bird species that
currently live in the same region of a plant and consume the same food, decide to
live in two separate regions of the plant and eat different types of food. One bird
feeds on the fruit, while the other on the seed. By the separation of food habits, the
two can separate from their niche, to form a separate niche. This technique in
specific will help prevent competition from ensuing between them. In this case, the
first situation is of interest - when two species compete against one another.
Chapter 2
2.1 Relationship of variables in the Lotka-Volterra Model
In order to predict the outcome between two species competing against each
other, the Lotka-Volterra model will be used. Using this model in specific, the
result of the condition will be determined based on the impact of one species on
Starting with species X and Y, assume that both kinds live in the same region
and are in competition due to having the same niche. Realistically, X will have an
impact on Y, and Y will have an impact on X.
The impact of X exerted on Y and vice versa is known as the
competition coefficient, alpha α. Suppose that X and Y are taken to be species 1
and 2 respectively. Then, when X is present along with Y, species 1 is exerting
some competition on 2, known as alpha α21. Similarly, the amount of competition
exerted by species 2 on species 1 will be α12. After having defined those terms, the
determination of population growth can be analyzed for both kinds. If species 2 is
being calculated, then the population of species 1 or species X must be taken into
account as well. There is an inverse relationship between them because for
instance, if the size of population for species 1 is larger, then the growth of species
2 will be less due to the competition. Thus, proceeding to the formula, the growth
of the population can be calculated. In specific, the growth rate of a population can
be calculated.
2.2 Derivation of Formulas
The equation of the growth rate of population is as follows:
= rN
( 1.4.1)
is the total number of species increasing over time, N is the initial
number of individual species present, and r is the intrinsic growth rate. The
intrinsic growth rate is defined as the number of deaths subtracted from the number
of births per generation - in other words, the difference of reproduction rate and
death rate. Graphing the equation would result in an exponential growth as such
Fig 1. Image source:
The rapid growth is obtained from the growth rate of species, assuming that their
resources are unlimited. An environment's ultimate resource that can support the
length of a population is known as a carrying capacity. This factor refers to the
total number of individuals a specific ecosystem can support for its growth,
denoted as K. Once the carrying capacity has been taken into account for, a much
accurate growth rate will be obtained as a result. Therefore, introducing K to the
equation gives
= RN (
The above equation will promote more precise data based on real situations of the
wild as the carrying capacity has been introduced to the equation. In specific, a
logistic growth, showing how populations actually grow, will be obtained as a
result of graphing the formula above.
Fig. 2 Image source:
Until this point, the general equations and graphs have been defined to calculate
the population growth of one species. Below is the graph of the idealized
exponential and logistic growth curves.
Fig. 3 Image Source: PPK @ biology-forums.com
In this graph above, the logistic and exponential growth initially correlate well, but
eventually diverge from each other. The population growth exponentially increases
continuously, with respect to an increase in the size of the population. Whereas the
logistic growth curve increases in the population growth rather rapidly until
reaching the carrying capacity. However, moving forward to a more complex
scenario, if one species is in competition with another species in the environment,
then the two formulas (1.4.1) & ( 1.4.2) are not sufficient enough to determine the
outcome. Therefore, a deeper understanding of the Lotka-Volterra model must be
studied. If one species is in competition with another, then the population size of
the other species as well as other factors must be taken into consideration. The
Lotka-Volterra model is also called the predator-prey model because in a
competition, it will be known that one of the species will win as the impact of each
will be determined. A predator is an animal that naturally preys on others, whereas
a prey is the animal being preyed upon. Typically, the species that will win in the
competition will be the predator and the other is the prey, being less impactful.
Once the total number of predators and prey in the population have been
determined, then it will be clear as to what the outcome is going to be and what the
growth rate will be of either the predator or prey in the environment. Therefore, in
order to proceed with the derivation of the formula, the latter equation of 1.4.2
must be tweaked further. Assume that the total number of individuals present at the
beginning of species 1 and species 2 is N1, N2 respectively. Then, the calculation
for the growth of species 1 in the presence of species 2 will be
= rN1
Thus, the equation to calculate the growth rate of species 1 is defined as
= rN1( K−N 1−α12
Recall that K is the carrying capacity, α21 was subtracted from the total number of
individuals for species 1 because the impact of one species on another is being
taken into account. In this case, the growth rate of species 1 is being calculated,
therefore, the impact is on species 1 by species 2 - hence, α21. In addition to that,
N2 was multiplied by α21 because that is the total number of individuals present in
species 2. Comparing equations 1.4.4 & 1.4.2, the two are almost indifferent, apart
from the additional factor of α12N2. If the number of individuals in species 2
increased, then the impact from α12 will increase as well. Therefore, the total
number of individuals present in species 2 must be taken into account for, which is
why N2 was multiplied by. Similarly, a formula can be derived to obtain the growth
rate of species 2 in the presence of species 1.
= rN2( K−N 2−α21
In both cases, the growth rate of species 1 and species 2 was able to be determined
correctly, using the idea of the Lotka-Volterra model. Therefore it can be
concluded that in reality, competition is always present, whether it is intraspecific
of interspecific competition.
To sum it up, it is always preferable to use the principle of the Lotka-Volterra
model to accurately calculate the growth rate of one species in the presence of the
2.3 Graphical representation of the Predator-Prey Model
Continuing on to the second part of the model, in this section, the behaviour of the
species will be assumed and proved using mathematical graphs. As mentioned
earlier, the outcome of the competition between two species can be predicted using
the Lotka-Volterra model. In order to achieve that idea between both species and
determine who is going to win and lose amongst them, graphs using the value of
N1 and N2 must be constructed and analyzed. To perceive the predictions of the
model, it is beneficial to analyze the graphs that demonstrate how the size of each
population decreases or increases, starting with different combinations of species
abundances. Those include a high value in N1, low N2 or a low N1, low N2 and so
on. On each graph that will be studied below, the x-axis and y-axis represent the
abundance of species 1 and species 2, respectively. A zero isocline is a straight line
politted on the graph for every species, that represents the abundances of the two
species combined. For instance, the zero isocline for species 2 at an arbitrary given
point constitutes of the two species together where species 2 in specific remains
constant. Therefore the growth rate,
= 0 when the population of species 2 does
not decrease or increase, and the value for N can be calculated. It is very important
to calculate the carrying capacity of both species 1 and 2 in the presence of the
opponent’s species.
Fig. 4 Image Source:
Observe that the graph above is divided in two proportions where the population
size decreases on the right, and increases on the left of the isocline. The black
arrows show trajectories of the change in population of species 1 and 2, whereas
the multicolored dotted arrows represent the trajectories of individual populations
in their respective species. In this case, the combination of the two abundances to
the left is less than the carrying capacity, and larger than K on the right of the
isocline. The carrying capacity is depicted in the y-axis as the maximum number of
individuals supported. Note that the isocline of the graph intersects at the x-axis,
where no individuals of species 1 is present, resulting in N2 reaching its carrying
capacity. While calculating the carrying capacity of K2, which is the carrying
capacity of species 2, the presence of species 1 or the number of individuals
present in species 1 must be taken into account, as well as α12. Recall that α12 is
the impact of species 2 on 1, so to determine the carrying capacity of species 2, the
number of species 1 and the impact of species 1 on species 2 must be calculated as
well. If α21 is greater than α12, then this means that the impact of species 1 on 2 is
far more greater than the impact of species 2 on 1. Thus in that case, the carrying
capacity value will be less if the initial number of individuals present in species 1
is larger. Furthermore, the value of N1 will be high and the value for α21 is greater
than α12, meaning that species 2 will lose and species 1 will win. This concludes
the whole idea of the graphs using the Lotka-Volterra model. Using the same
concept, if the value of α12 is greater than α21, and the initial number of individuals
present in species 1 is less, then there is a far less impact coming from species 1 on
species 2. Consequently, the impact provided by species 2 on 1 is high, therefore
the value of the carrying capacity of K2 will reach a maximum and species 2 will
win. This method of determining which of the two species will win or lose can be
used to understand and analyze the graphs. The population of the species is
displayed for the cause when it is above or below one isocline at a time. In that
event, three scenarios will be illustrated and studied for both species’s isoclines.
Resultantly, the outcomes of the interspecific competition will possibly be
predicted according to the relation of the isoclines with respect to the species.
Fig. 5 Image Source adapted from Begon et al. (1996) & Gotelli (1998)
Similarly, for the zero isocline of N1, it reaches K1 on the x-axis in the absence of
species 2. K1/α12 is
depicted on the y-axis where the value of the carrying capacity
of species 1 is equivalent to N2, in the absence of N1
Fig. 6 Image Source adapted from Begon et al. (1996) & Gotelli (1998)
The first scenario is a graph of the calculation of parallel graphs for both species 1
and 2. The yellow colored line represents the isocline of species 1 and the growth
pattern of species 1, meanwhile the pink dotted line represents the growth pattern
of species 2. Focusing on the values of α12 and α21 in the parameters of K1/ α12
and K2 / α21, an inverse relationship between the carrying capacity and competition
coefficients can be derived. Assuming that α21 is greater than α12, then the value of
K2 / α21 will decrease and that of K1/ α12 will increase. Therefore as a result, the
carrying capacity for species 1, K1, will increase due to the low value of α12.
Similarly, as α21 increases, the carrying capacity of species 2 tends to decrease. The
isocline for species 2 is below and to the left of species 1. Thus, any point in that
lower left space will result in an increase in their respective isoclines for both
species. Similarly, any point in the top right space will result in a decrease in both
species as they are above their isoclines. Furthermore, If any point lies in between
the two isoclines, then the isocline for species 2 will still remain on top, resulting
in a decrease. Equivalently, species 1 will still remain below its isocline and
increase for any point in between the two isoclines. Inspecting the graph of
scenario 1, the carrying capacity of species 1 is the length along the x-axis until K1,
and the carrying capacity for species 2 is the length along the y-axis until K2. It can
clearly be seen that the length of K1 is longer than that of K2, meaning that with the
same resources, the environment can support more of K1. In other words, the
environment is favoring species 1, resulting in a win and an extinction of species 2.
Stable equilibrium is reached on K2 on the y-axis, while species 1 continues to
increase up to the point where it reaches carrying capacity, K1. Using Gause’s Law
in this case, species 2 will consistently be outcompeted by species 1.
Fig. 7 Image Source: adapted from Begon et al. (1996) & Gotelli (1998)
The same idea can be implemented to analyse the graph of scenario 2 as it is the
opposite of the first where the isocline of species 1 is below species 2. In this case,
α12 is greater than α21, resulting in a larger value of K2. Looking at the graph, the
length of K2, which is the carrying capacity of species 2, is far greater than that of
K1. From here, since K2 is greater than K1, species 2 will consistently outcompete
species 1. Note that more than one case used the same method to prove the
prediction of the outcome for species 1 and 2.
Fig. 8 Image Source adapted from Begon et al. (1996) & Gotelli (1998)
Fig. 9 Image Source adapted from Begon et al. (1996) & Gotelli (1998)
Scenarios 3 and 4 can be considered to be made by alterations of the value for α21,
and α12. In this case, both species’ isoclines intersect at a point. However in
scenario 3, K1 is higher than K2 / α21 , and K2 is higher than K1/ α12. The point of
equilibrium is unstable, so the outcome of the species depends on the initial
abundances of the two. The trajectories in between the isoclines diverge away from
each other, and away from the point of equilibrium. In scenario 4, while the
isoclines of both species intersect, their carrying capacities α12, and
α21 are lower
than K2 / α21 and K1/ α12. The
population increases below and decreases above the
isoclines of both species. However in this case, the arrows in between the isoclines
of the two species tend to converge toward the intersection of the isoclines. Thus,
the two species will coexist at the point of intersection, regardless of the conditions
of the initial abundances. Henceforth, the idea behind the values of K1 and K2 is
not well understood where both the sides of the line will intersect each other at a
point. The arrows indicated on the graph show that they can move randomly in
either direction. If the same technique was used to predict which species is the
predator and which is the prey, the lengths of K1 and K2 are not fairly different. So
in this kind of situation, as α21 and α12 are quite similar in lengths, it is more
challenging and difficult to predict whether species 1 or species 2 will either win or
lose. On that account where the two lines intersect at a point, it can be said that
either species 1 or species 2 can win, as both are capable of happening. To
conclude, that is how the outcome of two species can be predicted to either win or
lose in certain situations, using the Lotka-Volterra model.
2.4 Conclusion
To conclude, that is how the outcome of two species can be predicted to either win
or lose in certain situations, using the Lotka-Volterra model. Several assumptions
must be made in order to implement the constraints onto the equations for
derivations. Those assumptions include factors such as the environment, changing
conditions, competition of the species, as well as other ecological factors belonging
to the surroundings.
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