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Dalam ilmu matematika dan komputasi, algoritma berarti langkah-langkah yang harus ditempuh untuk kalkulasi atau pemecahan masalah. Pada dasarnya definisi algoritma abstrak, untuk lebih mudahnya dapat dipelajari melalui contoh studi kasus berikut. Kasus 1a : Mengupas Kentang Bayangkan kalian ingin mengupas kentang untuk memasak sebuah sup. Jika disediakan sebuah pisau, mangkuk, dan kentang bagaimana langkah-langkah mengupas kentang untuk ditaruh di dalam mangkuk ? Jawab : Dengan mudah persoalan tersebut dijawab dengan langkahlangkah sebagai berikut :
--Cosmos was produced through tapas – Nāsadīya Sūkta --Locations where Soma is processed through tapas -- 1. Mujavant 2. śaryaṇā-vat 3. Ārjikīya –(a, b)
Статья посвящена анализу причин русской революции. Автор показывает, что главной причиной революции был мальтузианский кризис. Увеличение численности населения приводило к дроблению крестьянских наделов и уменьшению потребления до полуголодного уровня. Череда крестьянских восстаний завершилась восстанием крестьян-солдат в Петрограде в феврале 1917 года. Автор критикует историков, которые называют революцию «случайностью». The article analyzes the causes of the Russian Revolution. The author shows that the main cause of the revolution was the Malthusian crisis. The increase in population led to the fragmentation of peasant holdings and reduce consumption to the level of starvation. A series of peasant uprisings ended with the uprising of the peasants soldiers in Petrograd in February 1917. The author criticizes historians who called revolution "accident."
Please read the case study given below and answer question given at the end.
The first and rather simple classificatory schemes of the Slavic languages appeared in the first half of the 19 century. The idea that languages develop from one another caught on when the heuristic diagram in the form of Stammbaum (genetic tree) was employed to portray this hypothesis in the second half of the 19 century. Quite unrealistically, the Stammbaum suggests that languages are discrete and self-contained entities, which rapidly branch out from their “parent languages,” as if they were actual “babies” born on a given day. On the other hand, it is well attested that the relatively “sharp” linguistic boundaries arise only between dialect continua, and even those can be bridged by creole continua. Within the dialect continuum language forms change gradually from village to village. The concept of “a language” requires that a segment of a dialect continuum (invariably connected to a power center, that is, a capital) be made into the basis of a written language, which is standar...
First Monday, 2021
Whereas the amount of hostility found online increases, scholarly interest in online hostility is decreasing. In this paper, I discuss three questions central to the study of online hostility, namely 1) what role the text, the speaker’s intention and the targets’ perception should play in definitions of hostility; 2) whether hostility is always destructive or if it can also be productive in public debate; and 3) how to distinguish between destructive and productive hostility. I demonstrate the difficulties in defining online hostility and argue that rather than aiming for specific definitions, we should acknowledge the situatedness of rhetorical practice and, consequently, that the effects and ethical implications of utterances depend on given situations. In doing so, I aim to encourage renewed academic interest in flaming and trolling.
Journal of Motor Behavior, 2014
For any given animal, the sources of mechanical dis- turbances inducing tissue deformation define environment from the perspective of the animal’s haptic perceptual system. The system’s achievements include perceiving the body, attachments to the body, and the surfaces and substances adjacent to the body. Among the perceptual systems, it stands alone in having no defined medium. There is no articulated functional equivalent to air and water, the media that make possible the energy transmissions and diffusions underpinning the other perceptual systems. To identify the haptic system’s medium the authors focus on connective tissue and the conjunction of muscular, connective tissue net, and skeletal (MCS) as the body’s proper characterization. The challenge is a biophysical formulation of MCS as a continuum that, similar to air and water, is homogeneous and isotropic. The authors hypothesized a multifrac- tal tensegrity (MFT) with the shape and stability of the constituents of each scale, from individual cell to whole body, derivative of con- tinuous tension and discontinuous compression. Each component tensegrity of MFT is an adjustive-receptive unit, and the array of tensions in MFT is information about MCS. The authors extend the MFT hypothesis to body-brain linkages, and to limb perception phe- nomena attendant to amputation, vibration, anesthesia, neuropathy, and microgravity.
Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 2008
Hablemos, escritoras, 2024
Emerging Trends in Consumer Behaviour in the Service Sector (Tabari, S., Colmekcioglu, N., and Chen, W. Eds.), 2024
Health Research Policy and Systems, 2024
SSRN Electronic Journal
Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia, 2013
The American Mathematical Monthly, 1952
Journal of Catalysis, 1980
Advanced Materials, 2011
International Journal of Social Science And Human Research