In: A Critical Reflection on Automated Science, Bertolaso, M., Sterpetti, F. (eds.), Cham, Springer, pp. 1-8.
Introduction. Human Perspectives on the Quest for Knowledge
Marta Bertolaso
Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome
Faculty of Engineering & Institute of Philosophy of Scientific and Technological Practice
[email protected]
Fabio Sterpetti
Sapienza University of Rome
Department of Philosophy
[email protected]
We firstly introduce the new Springer series Human Perspectives in Health Sciences and
Technology (HPHST), and then we move on to illustrate the topic this volume deals with,
namely whether machines will replace scientists in scientific development. We then
explain the decision of having this volume to be the first volume of the HPHST series.
Finally, we describe the organization of this book and give a brief presentation of each
Automated Science; Epistemology; Health Sciences; Scientific Discovery; Scientific
Practice; Technology
Introducing the New Series
This volume is the very first one to appear in the new Springer series Human Perspectives
in Health Sciences and Technology (HPHST). It is first of all worth clarifying that the
term ‘human’ in the series’ title has not to be understood as a synonymous of the term
‘humanities’ as it is usually understood in the extant literature. Indeed, the HPHST series
is not another series devoted to what is usually referred to by the expression ‘medical
humanities’, which nowadays is a quite precisely delimited disciplinary field.
In: A Critical Reflection on Automated Science, Bertolaso, M., Sterpetti, F. (eds.), Cham, Springer, pp. 1-8.
The HPHST series aims to provide an editorial forum to present both scientists’
cutting-edge proposals in biomedical sciences which are able to deeply impact our human
biological, emotional and social lives, and thought-provoking reflections by scientists and
philosophers alike on how those scientific achievements affect not only our lives, but also
the way we understand and conceptualize how we produce knowledge and advance
science, so contributing to refine the image of ourselves as human knowing subjects. The
main idea that led to the creation of the series is indeed that those are two sides of the
same ‘being-human’ coin: scientific achievements can affect both our lives and ways of
thinking, and, on the other hand, a critical scrutiny of those achievements may suggest
new directions to scientific inquiry. So, although epistemological, social, and ethical
issues are certainly all central for the series, what distinguishes it from other already
existing series dealing with similar issues, is that HPHST aims to address those issues
from a less rigidly pre-defined disciplinary perspective and be especially attractive for
non-mainstream views and innovative ideas in the biomedical as well as in the
philosophical field.
The HPHST series aims to deal both with general and theoretical issues that spread
across disciplines, such as the one we deal with in this volume, and with more specific
issues related to scientific practice in specific domains. The series focuses especially,
although not exclusively, on health sciences and technological disciplines, since
technology, bio-medicine, and health sciences more in general are coevolving in
unprecedented ways, and much philosophical work needs to be done to understand the
implications of this process.
Technological development has always offered new opportunities for scientific and
social advancement. In the last decades, technology has entered in intimate partnership
with the life sciences, providing tools to isolate and modify experimental systems in vitro,
offering computational power to expand our cognitive capacities and grasp features of
complex living systems, then introducing digital models and simulations, providing
methods to modify and ‘rewrite’ certain life processes and organismal traits, and allowing
more daring and smooth hybridizations between artificial design and natural systems.
Incredible improvements to human life have come from these techno-scientific
developments. Complex ethical questions have also arisen regarding the impact and the
use of these developments. The life sciences have been shaking their paradigm and
transforming the ways we conceptualize and deal with organisms and living systems,
including humans (see e.g. Soto, Longo, Noble 2016). Bio-medicine is also experiencing
ever increasingly difficult challenges (see e.g. Ioannidis 2016). In fact, we live in a time
In: A Critical Reflection on Automated Science, Bertolaso, M., Sterpetti, F. (eds.), Cham, Springer, pp. 1-8.
of widespread worries and fears about science, and also of scepticism and resignation
regarding the extreme complexity of living and social systems. Great expectations are
placed on technology, and much of science is said to be technology driven, but human
choices and responsibility remain ineliminable ingredients in the task of elaborating on
the acquired knowledge and thus improving our scientific understanding about the natural
world. A driving persuasion of HPHST series is that a new trust in science is possible, but
it must be based on a sound and up-to-date epistemology, and a recognition of the
inherent ethical dimension of science as a human endeavor: the only way to understand
and govern science and communities for the better is a view of science rich in all its
human aspects, requiring the contribution of philosophy, as well as natural and social
sciences. Our hope is that the HPHST series can contribute to such a renewed trust in
science and to a real improvement of it.
The Theme of the Volume
This volume originated from the conference “Will Science Remain Human? Frontiers of
the Incorporation of Technological Innovations in the Bio-Medical Sciences,” which took
place in Rome, at the University Campus Bio-Medico, in March 2018, thanks to the
support of the Social Trends Institute. When working on this book, we decided to deal
with the very same challenging question, namely whether science will remain human, but
to focus a little bit more sharply, although not exclusively, on the issue of whether
science will remain human notwithstanding the increasing automation of science. So, we
thought, together with Floor Oosting, Springer Executive Editor of Applied Ethics, Social
Sciences, and Humanities, whom we wish to thank for all her support and advice, that A
Critical Reflection on Automated Science – Will Science Remain Human? would be an
appropriate title for this book.
According to some philosophers and scientists, humans are becoming more and more
dispensable in the pursuing of knowledge, since scientific research can be automated
(Sparkes et al. 2010; King et al. 2009; Anderson 2008; Allen 2001). More precisely,
according to some philosophers and scientists, the very aim of Artificial Intelligence
today is not merely to mimic human intelligence under every respect, rather it is
automated scientific discovery (Sweeney 2017; Colton 2002). Those claims are very
appealing and ever more shared by many scientists, philosophers and lay people. Yet,
they raise both epistemological and ethical concerns, and rely on assumptions that are
In: A Critical Reflection on Automated Science, Bertolaso, M., Sterpetti, F. (eds.), Cham, Springer, pp. 1-8.
disputable, and indeed have been disputed. From an epistemological point of view,
consider, for instance, that assuming that scientific discovery can be automated means to
assume that ampliative reasoning can be mechanized, i.e. that it is algorithmic in
character. But proving that this is the case is not an easy task (see e.g. Sterpetti, Bertolaso
2018). From an ethical standpoint, consider, for instance, issues of responsibility on data
management processes (which entail consistency of data organization and transmission
with the original scientific question, contextualization of data, etc.) or on possible (and
often unforeseen) consequences of completely automated researches. As an analogy,
think of the difficulties we have in acknowledging limits of the majority of target
therapies, as well as of the debate on who is responsible for deaths provoked by selfdriving cars. So, although there is an increasing enthusiasm for the idea that machines can
substitute scientists in crucial aspects of scientific practice, the current explosion of
technological tools for scientific research seems to call also for a renewed understanding
of the human character of science, which is going to be sometime less central but not for
this less fundamental.
The topic this volume deals with, namely whether the computational tools we
developed in last decades are changing the way we humans do science, is a very hot topic
in the philosophy of science (see e.g. Gillies 1996; Humphreys 2004; Nickles 2018). The
question that many are trying to answer is the following: Can machines really replace
scientists in crucial aspects of scientific advancement? Despite its interest, it is a topic on
which, to the best of our knowledge, one can find very few consistent works in the
literature. This is why this volume brings together philosophers and scientists with
different opinions to address from different perspectives the issue of whether machines
can replace scientists. The book’s aim is to contribute to the debate with valuable insights
and critical suggestions which might be able to further it toward more reasoned and aware
stances on the problem. Another feature of this volume that might be interesting for
readers, is that it does not only deal with the issue of automated science in general, but it
also focuses on biology and medicine, which are often ignored when abstract and general
issues such as whether scientific research can be automated are discussed.
Most of the times, works that are devoted to the topic at stake try to support or deny
the hypothesis that science can be automated from an ‘engaged’ perspective. On the
contrary, this volume tries to scrutinize that hypothesis without prejudices or any previous
theoretical commitment. There are indeed different opinions among the contributors to
this volume on the automation of science, but overall the book integrates reasons for
thinking that current computational tools are changing our way to do science, while they
In: A Critical Reflection on Automated Science, Bertolaso, M., Sterpetti, F. (eds.), Cham, Springer, pp. 1-8.
also ask for a deeper philosophical reflection about science itself as a rational human
endeavor. This opens to innovative thoughts about the peculiar way humans know and
understand the world and gives us reasons for thinking that the role of the human
knowing subject in the process of scientific discovery is not deniable nor dispensable.
We decided that this volume would be the first one of the HPHST series for several
reasons. First of all, this book shares the focus of the series on the interplay between the
human subject and technology. As we said, between the great promises of technology and
the great fears that technology may replace the human in driving important aspects of our
life, to get the right attitude for future scientific practice we need to develop an adequate
epistemology. To this end, the series invokes contributions from philosophy as well as
natural and social sciences, and this is exactly what this book aims to provide. Also, this
volume deals with the human subject as an object and a subject of inquiry, an approach
that perfectly fits with the series’ approach. Indeed, in order to claim that scientific
discovery can be automated, scientific discovery needs to be clearly understood. And in
order to understand scientific discovery, it is usually believed that human reasoning needs
to be clearly understood. This means that we need to improve our understanding of a
qualifying feature of human nature, i.e. reasoning, and of what do humans really do when
they do science. Moreover, this volume deals with epistemological, ethical, and
technological issues, and focuses specifically on the bio-medical sciences and technology.
Finally, in accordance with the series’ aims, this volume tries to provide both scientists’
and philosophers’ reflections on practical and theoretical aspects of science, and so to
further our understanding of how we produce knowledge and advance science. For all
those reasons, it was natural for us to think about this volume as the most adequate one to
inaugurate the HPHST series.
Overview of the Volume
The book is divided into three parts. The first part, Can Discovery Be automated?,
addresses the question of whether scientific discovery can be automated from a general
and theoretical perspective. This part consists of five chapters.
The first chapter is Paul Humphreys’ Why Automated Science Should Be Cautiously
Welcomed, which focuses on the notion of ‘representational opacity’, a notion
Humphreys develops in analogy with the notion of ‘epistemic opacity’ that he introduced
in previous works, in order to clarify in what sense the introduction of automated
In: A Critical Reflection on Automated Science, Bertolaso, M., Sterpetti, F. (eds.), Cham, Springer, pp. 1-8.
methods in scientific practice is epistemologically relevant. Humphreys argues for a
moderately optimistic view of the role that automated methods can play in the
advancement of scientific knowledge. He also draws some interesting parallels between
the problem of scientific realism and the problem of internal representations in deep
neural nets.
In the second chapter, Instrumental Perspectivism: Is AI Machine Learning
Technology like NMR Spectroscopy?, Sandra Mitchell addresses the issue of whether
something crucial is lost if deep learning algorithms replace scientists in making
decisions, by considering whether the ways in which new learning technologies extend
beyond human cognitive aspects of science can be treated instrumentally, i.e. in analogy
with the ways in which telescopes and microscopes extended beyond human sensory
perception. To illustrate her proposal, Mitchell compares machine learning technology
with nuclear magnetic resonance technology in protein structure prediction.
In chapter three, How Scientists Are Brought Back into Science – The Error of
Empiricism, Mieke Boon argues that despite machine learning might be very useful for
some specific epistemic tasks, such as classification and pattern recognition, for many
other epistemic tasks, such as, for instance, searching for analogies that can help to
interpret a problem differently, and so to find a solution to that problem, the production of
comprehensible scientific knowledge is crucial. According to Boon, such kind of
knowledge cannot be produced by machines, since machine learning technology is such
that it does not provide understanding.
In the fourth chapter, Information at the Threshold of Interpretation: Science as
Human Construction of Sense, Giuseppe Longo investigates the origin of an ambiguity
that led to serious epistemological consequences, namely the ambiguity concerning the
use of the concept of ‘information’ in artificial intelligence and biology. According to
Longo, there is still a confusion between the process of knowledge-production and that of
information-processing. Science is dehumanized because information is thought to be
directly embedded in the world. In order to avoid this shortcoming, we must distinguish
between information as formal elaboration of signs, and information as production of
The fifth chapter is Fabio Sterpetti’s Mathematical Proofs and Scientific Discovery.
Sterpetti claims that the idea that science can be automated is deeply related to the idea
that the method of mathematics is the axiomatic method. But, he argues, since the
axiomatic view is inadequate as a view of the method of mathematics and we should
prefer the analytic view, it cannot really be claimed that science can be automated.
In: A Critical Reflection on Automated Science, Bertolaso, M., Sterpetti, F. (eds.), Cham, Springer, pp. 1-8.
Indeed, if the method of mathematics is the analytic method, then the advancement of
mathematical knowledge cannot be mechanized, since non-deductive reasoning plays a
crucial role in the analytic method, and non-deductive reasoning cannot be mechanized.
The second part of the book, Automated Science and Computer Modelling, deals with
an analysis of the consequences of using automated methods that are more focused on
biology, medicine and health technologies. In particular, some epistemological issues
related to the role that computer modelling, computer simulations and virtual reality play
in scientific practice are discussed. This part consists of five chapters.
Fridolin Gross’s The Impact of Formal Reasoning in Computational Biology
investigates the role played by computational methods in molecular biology by focusing
on the meaning of the concept of computation. According to Gross, computational
methods do not necessarily represent an optimized version of informal reasoning, rather
they are best understood as cognitive tools that can support, extend, and also transform
human cognition. In this view, an analysis of computational methods as tools of formal
reasoning allows for an analysis of the differences between human and machine-aided
cognition and of how they interact in scientific practice.
Emanuele Ratti, in his Phronesis and Automated Science: The Case of Machine
Learning and Biology, supports the thesis that, since Machine Learning is not
independent from human beings, as it is often claimed, it cannot form the basis of
automated science. Indeed, although usually computer scientists conceive of their work as
being a case of Aristotle’s poiesis perfected by techne, which can be reduced to a set of
rules, Ratti argues that there are cases where at each level of computational analysis,
more than just poiesis and techne is required for Machine Learning to work. In this view,
biologists need to cultivate something analogous to phronesis, which cannot be
A Protocol for Model Validation and Causal Inference from Computer Simulation, by
Barbara Osimani and Roland Poellinger, aims to fill in a gap, namely to give a clear
formal analysis of computational modelling in systems biology, which is still lacking. To
this end, they present a theoretical scheme, which is able to visualize the development of
a computer simulation, explicate the relation between different key concepts in the
simulation, and trace the epistemological dynamics of model validation. To illustrate such
conceptual scheme, they use as a case study the discovery of the functional properties of a
protein, E-cadherin, which seems to have a key role in metastatic processes.
Eric Winsberg’s Can Models Have Skill? aims to determine whether the idea that a
model has skill is a step in the direction toward post-human science by focusing on
In: A Critical Reflection on Automated Science, Bertolaso, M., Sterpetti, F. (eds.), Cham, Springer, pp. 1-8.
climate science. Winsberg considers the paradigm of verification and validation which
comes from engineering and shows that this paradigm is unsuitable for climate science.
He argues that when one deals with models of complex non-linear systems, the best one
can find to justify such models is the modeler’s explanation to his peers of why it was
rational to use a certain approximation technique to solve a particular problem for some
specific and contextual reasons. And this shows that science will probably remain human.
In Virtually Extending the Bodies with (Health) Technologies, Francesco Bianchini
suggests an analogy between the extended mind thesis and a so-called extended body
thesis, with particular respect to new technologies connected to health care. According to
Bianchini, if one accepts the three main principles which characterize what extends the
mind to make it something cognitive, one might wonder whether similar principles are
valid for a new vision of the body, which is extended by interactive health technologies.
In this perspective, boundaries between what cognition is and what is not could change,
as well as boundaries between mind and body could become more blurred.
Finally, the third part of the book, Automated Science and Human Values, addresses
some relevant ethical issues related to the automation of science and to the scientific
endeavor more generally. This part consists of four chapters.
The first chapter of this part is Benjamin Hurlbut’s Behold the Man: Figuring the
Human in the Development of Biotechnology. Accounts of what the human is in debates
about biotechnology have mostly focused on the human as an object of technological
intervention and control. But, according to Hurlbut, the human being is not separated
from the ways of being human together. So, Hurlbut explores the question of whether
science will remain human by taking the political conditions of possibility for asking that
question as an object of analysis, attending to the ways those political conditions have
been transformed in conjunction with the development of biological sciences.
The chapter The Dehumanization of Technoscience by Alfredo Marcos addresses the
problem of the so-called dehumanization of technoscience, both at the time of its
production and at the time of its application. The causes of this twofold dehumanization
are found in an oversimplified ontology and in an erratic anthropology, swinging between
nihilism and radical naturalism. As an alternative to such perspective, Marcos proposes a
pluralistic ontology and an anthropology of Aristotelian inspiration. In this perspective,
technoscience becomes valuable and meaningful when it is part of a wider human
Christopher Tollefsen, in What is ‘Good Science’?, approaches the question
concerning the human character of science from a rather different perspective. In his
In: A Critical Reflection on Automated Science, Bertolaso, M., Sterpetti, F. (eds.), Cham, Springer, pp. 1-8.
view, it is not only automation which threatens the human character of science. Recent
controversies over scientific endeavors led some commentators to assert the impropriety
of imposing moral limits on scientific inquiry. According to Tollefsen, those claims aim
to minimize the human character of science too, since there is instead a deep relationship
between good science and morality, which he analyses along three axes, namely the
external ethics of science, the social ethics of science, and the internal ethics of science.
In the final chapter, Cultivating Humanity in Bio- and Artificial Sciences, Mariachiara
Tallacchini offers some reflections on Hurlbut’s, Marcos’, and Tollefsen’s different
approaches to the human characters of science presented in previous chapters of this Part.
She underlines how, although the accounts of the potential threats to the humanness of
science proposed in those chapters follow different trajectories, similar or complementary
arguments run across their narratives, revealing that critical voices toward a potential loss
of humanity through technology come from multiple and pluralistic perspectives, which
are often under-represented in the public debate.
Overall, the contributed chapters in one way or another underline that something is
missing in the view that science can be made a completely human-independent endeavor,
and that philosophical reflection is required nowadays in order to reinforce our
understanding of science itself. As it often happens in history, apparent threats turn into
constructive challenges both at the individual and collective level. The initial question
“Will science remain human?” should thus be reframed by deepening the aspects that
humanly characterize scientific praxis, knowledge and understanding. We think that
opening up and framing the issue in a wider context of debate is one of the valuable
contributions of this volume that offers important clue for further researches.
Allen, J.F. (2001). In Silico Veritas. Data-Mining and Automated Discovery: The Truth Is in
There. EMBO reports, 2: 542–544.
Anderson, C. (2008). The End of Theory: The Data Deluge Makes the Scientific Method Obsolete.
Wired Magazine, 23 June.
Colton, S. (2002). Automated Theory Formation in Pure Mathematics. London: Springer-Verlag.
Gillies, D. (1996). Artificial Intelligence and Scientific Method. Oxford, Oxford University Press.
Humphreys, P. (2004). Extending Ourselves: Computational Science, Empiricism, and Scientific
Method. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
In: A Critical Reflection on Automated Science, Bertolaso, M., Sterpetti, F. (eds.), Cham, Springer, pp. 1-8.
Ioannidis, J.P.A. (2016). Why Most Clinical Research Is Not Useful. PLOS Medicine, 13(6):
King, R.D. et al. (2009). The Automation of Science (2009). Science, 324: 85–89.
Nickles, T. (2018). Alien Reasoning: Is a Major Change in Scientific Research Underway? Topoi.
An International Review of Philosophy, DOI: 10.1007/s11245-018-9557-1.
Soto, A.M., Longo, G., Noble, D. (eds.) (2016). From the Century of the Genome to the Century
of the Organism: New Theoretical Approaches. Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology,
Special Issue, 122(1): 1–82.
Sparkes, A. et al. (2010). Towards Robot Scientists for Autonomous Scientific Discovery.
Automated Experimentation, 2:1, DOI: 10.1186/1759-4499-2-1.
Sterpetti, F., Bertolaso, M. (2018). The Pursuit of Knowledge and the Problem of the Unconceived
Alternatives. Topoi. An International Review of Philosophy, DOI: 10.1007/s11245-018-9551-7.
Sweeney, P. (2017). Automated Science as a Vision for AI. Medium, available at: