Journal of Mediterranean Earth Sciences 12 (2020), xx-xx
In: Romano M., Citton P. (Eds.), Tetrapod ichnology in Italy: the state of the art
doi: 10.3304/JMES.2019.003
Journal of Mediterranean Earth Sciences
Human footprints from Italy: the state of the art
Marco Avanzini 1,*, Paolo Citton 2, Paolo Mietto 3, Adolfo Panarello 4, Pasquale Raia 5,
Marco Romano 6, Isabella Salvador1
MUSE, Museo delle Scienze, Trento, Italy
IIPG, Instituto de Investigación en Paleobiología y Geología (CONICET), General Roca, Río Negro, Argentina.
Dipartimento di Geoscienze, Università di Padova, Padova, Italy
Laboratorio di Ricerche Storiche e Archeologiche dell’Antichità, Dipartimento di Scienze Umane, Sociali e della Salute,
Università di Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale, Cassino, Italy
Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, dell’Ambiente e delle Risorse, Università di Napoli Federico II, Napoli, Italy
Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Sapienza Università di Roma, Roma, Italy
* Corresponding author:
[email protected]
ABSTRACT - The ichnological record of human traces from Italy is rich and quite diversified. In recent years, the
development and dissemination of various methodologies and technological applications has facilitated the re-analysis
of this record, enabling different, sometimes deeper, interpretations favoured by the integration of external data, both
geological and palaeontological. The oldest occurrence of the human ichnological record from Italy is represented by
the Middle Pleistocene ‘Devil’s Trails’ ichnosite in the “Foresta” area (Roccamonfina volcano, southern Italy), depicting
human trackmakers trampling a pyroclastic flow deposit while descending a slope dating to about 349 ka. Most of the
record is Holocene in age and is constituted by the Upper Palaeolithic Grotta della Bàsura site (Toirano, northern Italy,
about 14 ky), the protohistoric sites of Afragola, Nola and Palma, the area of Pompei and the site of Aosta. The record
is enriched by the ichnological evidence preserved in military structures of Trentino region (northern Italy) during the
First World War. An updated report and discussion of these sites is provided here.
Keywords: human footprints; Pleistocene; Holocene.
Submitted: 11 February 2020-Accepted: 10 March 2020
The first study devoted to human fossil footprints in
Italy was due to Leon Pales (Blanc et al., 1960) who, in
the middle of the 19th century, analysed the Palaeolithic
fossil footprints of the Grotta della Bàsura near Savona.
Despite the frequent presence of human traces in
archaeological contexts of Roman and medieval Ages (i.e.
Acocella, 2013; Giorgetti and González Muro, 2011; De
Vos and Maurina, 2011), the study of this type of traces
played secondary role for decades. Only in 2003, after the
correct interpretation by Marco de Angelis and Adolfo
Panarello of the prints impressed on the ignimbrite of the
Roccamonfina volcano near Caserta, the interest in this
discipline has been renewed (Mietto et al., 2003).
In recent years, the attention to this type of finds has
undoubtedly increased and the identification of new
sites is linked to the review of historical ones. The use of
modern investigative approaches led the re-examination
of old finds and expanded the study of human traces in
archaeological and historical contexts of the most diverse
areas and ages (Avanzini, 2011) (Fig. 1).
The oldest evidence of human footprints from Italy is
represented by the well-known ‘Devil’s Trails’ ichnosite
at Tora e Piccilli (“Foresta” area, Roccamonfina volcano,
Caserta province, southern Italy) (Fig. 1). The ichnosite,
formally described by Mietto et al. (2003), was already
known by local people since the first half of XIX century
(Panarello, 2005; De Angelis, 2009; Panarello et al.,
2017a). The record consists of many footprints preserved
on a volcanic deposit so as to evoke, over time, various
fantastic and anecdotal interpretations about an uncanny
walker able to cross fresh lava without getting burnt
(hence the name “ciampate del diavolo”, literally translated
M. Avanzini et al. / Journal of Mediterranean Earth Sciences 12 (2020), xx-xx
Fig. 1 - Localization of the main sites with human footprints in
Italy. 1) ‘Devil’s Trails’ ichnosite (Roccamonfina volcano, Caserta);
2) Grotta della Bàsura (Bàsura Cave) site, Toirano (Savona); 3)
Afragola, Nola and Palma Campania (Napoli); 4) Pompei Area
(Napoli); 5) Aosta; 6) Valmorbia (Trento); 7) Celva Mount (Trento).
into “devil’s footprints” or “devil’s trails”; Avanzini et al.,
2008; Panarello et al., 2017b), or an ancient warrior of
historic times (Iulianis, 1986).
The record represented, for at least a decade, the oldest
occurrence in the global human ichnological record,
leading to a great scientific and media interest (Avanzini,
2003; Avanzini et al., 2003, 2008; Mietto, 2004, 2009;
Mietto et al., 2013; Panarello, 2016a, 2016b; Panarello
et al., 2017a, 2017b, 2018, 2020; Palombo et al., 2018;
Saborit et al., 2019). Recently, evidence for older human
footprints (likely referable to Homo herectus) have been
described from Ileret/Koobi Fora in Kenya (Bennett et al.,
2009), at Happisburgh in the United Kingdom (Ashton
et al., 2014), at Gombore II.2 - Melka Kunture, Africa
(Altamura et al., 2018). The human-like footprints from
the Miocene of Trachilos (Crete, Greece) could have been
produced by an ape that convergently evolved humanlike foot anatomy (Gierliński et al., 2017).
The first ichnological survey in the ‘Devil’s Trails’
ichnosite showed the existence of at least three main
trackways, which were imprinted on a zeolite-rich deposit
produced by a pyroclastic flow originally dated at 385,000325,000 years ago. However, a new trackway and two
other possible directions of walking have been recently
announced raising the number of human trackways
at least to four (Panarello et al., 2020). Moreover, some
stone tools have been found within the site and in its close
surroundings (Panarello et al., 2017a, 2020).
2.1.1. Geographic and geological settings
The “Ciampate del diavolo” site is located on the
northeastern slope of the Roccamonfina volcano
(N41°19.954’-E14°01.488’) in the Roman Comagmatic
Province (Appleton, 1972). The geological evolution of the
Roccamonfina volcano comprises several activity phases
(Giannetti, 1979a, 1979b; Radicati di Brozolo et al., 1988;
Cole et al., 1992; De Rita and Giordano, 1996; Rouchon et
al., 2008 and references therein). The ichnological record
refers to the end of the first phase, when, between 0.385
and 0.335 Ma, a thick ignimbritic succession, known as
“Brown Leucititic Tuff ” (BLT - Luhr and Giannetti, 1987;
Ballini et al., 1989a) was deposited on the slope of the main
stratocone. The human and animal tracks are preserved
at the top of the LS07 (sensu Santello, 2010) within the
BLT (Avanzini et al., 2008; Santello, 2010; Panarello et
al., 2017a, 2020), which is exposed for approximately
2000 m2. According to Mietto et al. (2003), zeolitization
(low temperature mineral neoformation) of the trampled
deposits led to the lithification of the surface, thus enabling
the preservation of the footprints. These were in turn
covered by coarser, granular material belonging to the
LS08 which further contributed to footprints fossilization
(Santello, 2010; Panarello, 2016a, 2016b, 2020).
The first dating of LS07 based on K/Ar method provided
an age of 385-325 ka (Appleton, 1972; Giannetti, 1979a,
1979b; Luhr and Giannetti, 1987; Radicati of Brozolo et
al., 1988; Ballini et al., 1989a, 1989b, 1990; Cole et al.,
1992; De Rita and Giordano, 1996). Subsequently, Scaillet
et al. (2008) used the 40Ar/39Ar method providing a dating
of 345±6 ka. The last available and probably best-accurate
estimate is given by Santello (2010), which dated the
trampled layer at 349±3 ka. According to this age, the
ichnosite results a little bit younger than Termination IV
and referable to the late MIS 10 (Panarello et al., 2017a,
2.1.2. Ichnology
After the first report stressing the global significance of
the Roccamonfina site (Mietto et al., 2003), subsequent
field work was conducted between 2005 and 2010,
enriching the record from the village of “Foresta”
(municipality of Tora e Piccilli, Caserta province) with
other evidences of human frequentation, some of which
are still under study (Panarello et al., 2017a) (Fig. 2).
Originally, at least 46 footprints and a single possible
handprint organized in three trackways (A, B, C) were
recognized together with other animal traces. 14 new
human footprints have been recently announced from
the site raising the total number of human traces to 81.
These new findings allowed for the identification of
another human trackway (called Trackway E) (Panarello
et al., 2020).
A first detailed description of three main trackways,
named ‘Trackway A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’ was given in Avanzini
et al. (2008). Trackway A is made of 26 footprints on a
total length of 13.40 m. Footprints depict an individual
descending a very steep slope by crossing it through a
M. Avanzini et al. / Journal of Mediterranean Earth Sciences 12 (2020), xx-xx
Fig. 2 - Foresta “Devil’s Trails” ichnosite: southern overview of the trampled BLT-slope; a) Western overview of the prehistoric pathway
P1; b) South-eastern view of Trackway A; c) South-eastern view of Trackway B; d) Western view of the segment 2C of Trackway C
(scale-bar: 2 m); e) Eastern oblique 3D generated photo of Trackway E (scale-bar: 10 cm); f) Southern oblique 3D generated detail
photo of the footprint B11 (left) preserving all the parts of a leg (calf, ankle an foot) (scale bar: 10 cm).
M. Avanzini et al. / Journal of Mediterranean Earth Sciences 12 (2020), xx-xx
Z-shaped path, probably to choose the steadiest and most
convenient gradient (Mietto et al., 2003; Avanzini et al.,
2008; Saborit et al., 2019).
Trackway B consists of 19 footprints and a single
handprint and has a total length of 8.60 m (altitude
difference of 2.91 m); looking at the spatial disposition
of the tracks, it seems that the producer placed its own
feet in a more irregular manner than occurred during the
impression of the ‘Trackway A’; moreover, footprints show
slipping traces very likely indicating that the individual
descended the slope in a less deliberate manner (Avanzini
et al., 2008).
Trackway C was recently reinterpreted (Panarello et
al., 2020); the trackway is 10.6 m long and is composed
of 13 human footprints composing two quite-straight
segments, which are separated by a rupture of the ground
extending for about 5.59 m.
Trackway E was described for the first time in Panarello
et al. (2020). It is composed by four human footprints in
regular right/left succession and has a total length of 1.10
m and a maximum width of about 17 cm. Trackway E
indicates movement toward the west, which is in an
opposite direction to all the others.
Trackways A, B and C are narrow and almost constant
with respect to the pace and stride length, respectively
equal to 60 cm and 120 cm. The stride length/footprint
length ratio equals to 5. Footprints indicate both inward
and outward foot rotation with respect to the trackway
midline (i.e. foot angle), with values ranging from -5°
to 20°, and a pace angulation ranging between 90° (final
portion of Trackway A) and 160°, this last value mainly
characterising trackways B and C (Avanzini et al., 2008).
In Trackway E the average measurable step and stride are,
respectively, 34.17 cm and 69.5 cm (Panarello et al., 2020).
From a morphological and functional standpoint,
footprints are plantigrade, entaxonic, with an average
length of about 24 cm and an overall width of about 10
cm, thus appearing relatively short and broad (Avanzini
et al., 2008). The footprint E3 (Trackway E) is almost
completely preserved and has a total length of 27 cm
(Panarello et al., 2020).
Adopting a ratio equal to 15.5% and the available
formulas for stature estimate (Grieve and Gear, 1966;
White, 1980; Charteris et al., 1982), Avanzini et al. (2008)
ascribed the footprints of Trackways A, B and C to adult
individuals no taller than 1.56 m, walking at an average
speed of 1.09 m/s (based on the method of Alexander,
1984). The footprints of Trackway E seem left by a taller
individual (Panarello et al., 2020), resulting 174.2 cm tall.
Based on Homo fossil remains from the region (i.e. the
Ceprano skull; Ascenzi et al., 1996, 2000; Manzi et al., 2000,
2010; Manzi, 2016; Di Vincenzo et al., 2017), Panarello et
al. (2017a) considered that very likely the Roccamonfina
footprints could be attributed to an European MiddlePleistocene form like Homo heidelbergensis. Today, based
on a renewed debate about the precise characterization
of Homo heidelbergensis, it seems to be more correct
to leave unaddressed the precise identification of the
Foresta trackmakers. Nonetheless, the shape and the
dimensional range of the human footprints of Foresta
allow us to suppose that the hominins who walked on
the Roccamonfina volcano slopes during the Middle
Pleistocene were part of human populations widely
diffused in southern Latium and shared some anatomical
features with the Sima de los Huesos hominins (Panarello
et al., 2020 and references therein).
More recently, further studies devoted to taphonomy,
associated palaeoichnofauna and archaeology have been
undertaken (Panarello et al., 2017a). The associated
palaeoichnofauna is characterised by different tracks
preserved on the sub-horizontal surface also trampled
by humans (Panarello et al., 2017a). These tracks were
referred to middle sized ruminant artiodactyls and
possible young strait-tusked elephants (Panarello et al.,
2017a; Palombo et al., 2018).
Panarello et al. (2017b) described the additional P1Trackway located on the top of the same BLT (Brown
Leucitic Tuff, top of layer LS7) zeolitized layer preserving the
above described footprints, and representing the area from
which the two trackways A and B start. The fossil pathway,
called P1-Pathway (start: N41°19.954’-E14°01.466’, ends:
N41°19.962’-E14°01.496’), subdivided by the authors into
25 different segments, is characterised by a total length
of ~53.19 m, showing a total width ranging from 1.40 m
to a maximum of 3.21 m and registration across an area
with an altitude varying from 292±3 m a.s.l. at the start
(west) to 283±3 m a.s.l. (east). The authors recognized
on the surface several superimposed human traces, some
of which referable to the footprints forming trackways A
and B, followed by a post-lithification smoothing of the
traces linked by Panarello et al. (2017b) to the passage of
both human and animals and, in historical times, to the
quarrying activities and frequent foot traffic across the
site. Based on an analysis of the global record, Panarello
et al. (2017b) considered P1-Pathway as the oldest known
human “pathway” in the world.
After the reports by Mietto et al. (2003) and Avanzini
et al. (2008), which interpreted the purported handprint
(TP_M1; Trackway B) as an intervention of the left
arm to regain lost balance when sliding in the soft
substrate, Panarello et al. (2018) re-analysed the track
by means of high-resolution Digital Photogrammetry.
The hand-print was interpreted as fully compatible
with those characterising actual human hands. Based
on general morphology and print length and width, the
material corresponds well to the variability detected in
anthropometric values for both Pleistocene hominins
and present day humans (Mc Henry, 1992; Marzke and
Marzke, 2000; Buryanov and Kotiuk, 2010; Garrido Varas
and Thompson, 2011; Almécija et al, 2015; Darowish et
al., 2015; Lorenzo et al., 2015) and correlates very well
with previous stature estimates (Avanzini et al., 2008;
Panarello et al., 2018). Thus in conclusion, the study
confirms the original interpretation of the TP_M1
hollow as a handprint left by a bipedal Middle Pleistocene
small hominine in the course of instinctive movements,
M. Avanzini et al. / Journal of Mediterranean Earth Sciences 12 (2020), xx-xx
necessary to regain the lost balance after a sudden long
slide on the steep Roccamofina slope, also representing
the oldest confirmed human fossil handprint known to
date (Panarello et al., 2018) (Fig. 3).
Saborit et al. (2019) investigated the locomotor
behaviour of Middle Pleistocene human trackmakers
with regard to step length corrections while walking on
a slope, applying a previous model (Saborit and Casinos,
2015) on stocky trackmakers (1.60 m in stature and 68
kg in body weight based on the authors estimation),
compatible with Middle Pleistocene H. heildebergensis
and H. neanderthalensis (Helmuth, 1998; Ruff, 2002;
Carretero et al., 2012; Will et al., 2017), and especially
with the values provided for the hominids at Sima de
los Huesos at Atapuerca dated to 430 kyr (Arsuaga et
al., 2014, 2015). The authors concluded that Middle
Pleistocene trackmakers walked using a dynamic
equivalent gait to that characterising modern humans,
with gait adjustments during locomotion in order to
minimize energy expenditure (Saborit et al., 2019).
According to the authors, the body characteristic inferred
from the footprints, along with the dynamic of walking,
leave still open the debate regarding a putative attribution
of the footprints to a given Homo species.
The Grotta della Bàsura (Bàsura Cave) site (Toirano,
Savona, northern Italy) is prominent for preserving
Fig. 3 - Foresta “Devil’s Trails” ichnosite: a) 3D generated photo
of the fossil handprint “TP_M1” along trackway (Western view);
b) depth map (Western view); c) simulation (Southern view).
(Scale bar: 10 cm).
a unique record of human tracks and traces of Upper
Paleolithic age (Fig. 1). The inner portions of the cave
were discovered in 1950 by a group of young local people
that broke a stalagmite column located few meters from
the entrance (Tongiorgi and Lamboglia, 1954; Blanc,
1960; Lamboglia, 1960). Soon after the discovery, which
constituted one of the most spectacular finding at that
time regarding Italian prehistoric research (Giacobini,
2008), several preliminary studies were conducted to
investigate both the archeological and ichnological
evidence (Chiappella, 1952; Tongiorgi and Lamboglia,
1954; Blanc, 1960; Blanc et al., 1960; Lamboglia, 1960;
Pales, 1960; De Lumley and Giacobini, 1985).
A renewed interest opened in 2014, when the
Soprintendenza Archeologia Belle Arti e Paesaggio
per la Città Metropolitana di Genova e le province di
Imperia, La Spezia e Savona - Genova in cooperation
with the Municipality of Toirano, promoted a new
multidisciplinary investigation of the site involving
archaeological, geoarchaeological, sedimentological,
geochemical, ichnological and archaeobotanical
analyses. The new studies, also supported by a National
Geographic Grant to one of the authors (Grant EC53477R-18 to M.R.), took advantage of new cutting edge
methodologies and technologies (i.e. palaeosurfaces laser
scans, geometric morphometrics and high-resolution
digital photogrammetry), allowing re-interpretation of
part of the record (Citton et al., 2017; Avanzini et al., 2018;
Starnini et al., 2018; Romano et al., 2019) that is still under
study. In particular, the most recent studies allowed the
reconstruction of the activities of an Upper Palaeolithic
human group inside the cave in the framework of a single
exploration that occurred about 14 ky cal BP. For the first
time in the global human ichnological record the evidence
of crawling locomotion is reported (Romano et al., 2019).
3.1.1. Geographical and geologic settings
The entrance of Grotta della Bàsura is located at
186 m a.s.l., about 1 km north of Toirano (Savona,
western Liguria) at the foot of Mount Carmo of Loano
(436253.433 E; 4887689.739 N). The cave is characterised
essentially by a sub-horizontal trend with a total spatial
development of about 890 m and height difference of
+20/-22 meters with respect to the entrance. The cave
represents a portion of a broad larger karst system carved
in a Middle-Triassic limestone-dolomite massif (Collina
dei Roccai, 400 m a.s.l.), developed in the Costa Losera
and overlain Dolomie di San Pietro dei Monti Fm.,
Anisian to Ladinian in age (Menardi Noguera, 1984).
Recently, Chiesa et al. (2019) analysed the speleogenesis
of the cave systems, correlating the formation of the karst
system to the rising of mineralized waters and a weak
thermalism. Four distinct levels were discovered in the
karst system, with the upper hydrologically inactive one
represented by the Grotta del Colombo (247 m a.s.l.)
and the lower one by the Bàsura Cave (186 m a.s.l.). The
system of cavities develops along NW-SE or WNW-ESE
tectonic fracture and joints and along bedding planes.
M. Avanzini et al. / Journal of Mediterranean Earth Sciences 12 (2020), xx-xx
Humidity in the Bàsura Cave is close to saturation all the
year around, with air temperature constantly remaining
around 16 °C (Bruzzone et al., 2006).
3.1.2. A brief history of the studies at Grotta della
Virginia Chiappella was the first researcher ever to
enter the cave in the early 1950s (Chiappella, 1952). She
immediately recognized the great palaeontological and
archaeological potential of the site, identifying several
traces of human frequentation including footprints, digit
tracks, lumps of clay adhering to the walls, along with
abundant remain of Ursus spelaeus (Chiappella, 1952).
A large part of human and other animal footprints were
unfortunately damaged due to the uncontrolled access to
the site by numerous visitors and in the construction of
the present tourist pathway to make the cave site public
(Blanc et al., 1960; De Lumley and Giacobini, 1985). It
follows that only the traces covered by calcite concretions,
or otherwise close to the wall, were not damaged and now
represent the study material for the new multidisciplinary
The first formal ichnological study of the material was
performed by Pales (1960) on 13 plaster casts of the bestpreserved footprints. Pales recognized two principal
human footprint classes on the basis of total foot length
(22.5 cm and 27 cm on average, respectively) and, due
to the apparent association with abundant remains
of Ursus spelaeus, identified the putative trackmakers
as ‘Neanderthal-type’ humans (Pales, 1960). Such
interpretation has been subsequently falsified (De Lumley
et al., 1984) and the first absolute dating that placed the
human activity between 12,000 and 14,000 years BP (De
Lumley et al., 1984; De Lumley and Giacobini, 1985),
thus in the Upper Palaeolithic. More precise dating was
subsequently provided on the base of radiocarbon dating
of charcoal samples from the trampled surface, with a
calculated age of human activity at 12,340±160 yr BP
(calendric age calBP: 14,534±417) (Molleson et al., 1972;
Molleson, 1985).
At same time as Pales’s study, Blanc (1960) inferred
that some individuals, also including juveniles, travelled
into the cave and reached the innermost room, called
‘Sala dei Misteri’ (Mysteries room). The author especially
focused on seven human heel traces left close to the main
wall of the cave room, and interpreted as the evidence
of putative prehistoric ritual activity, possibly involving
young hunters in initiatory rites (Blanc, 1960). Such
interpretation, according to Blanc (1960), was also
supported by the presence in the room of a stalagmite,
defined by the author as an ‘acephalous sphinx’ or a
‘zoomorphic stalagmite’, preserving a surface of great
interest for intentional finger fluting-drawing, attributable
to several individuals.
3.1.3. Ichnology
Recent surveys in the inner rooms of the cave led to
the recognition of up to 107 human traces represented
by both partial and complete footprints, handprints and
several human body traces, including knee traces and
others left by portions of the legs (Citton et al., 2017;
Romano et al., 2019) (Fig. 4). The laser scanning of the
cave rooms (see Romano et al., 2019) enabled researchers
to obtain digital cross-sections of the environment and to
contextualize the single 3D photogrammetric models in a
broader digital environment (Citton et al., 2017; Romano
et al., 2019), allowing comparison between the differential
depth of impressions in the best-preserved footprints and
inference of the dynamic of locomotion of the producers
(Citton et al., 2017; Romano et al., 2019). In addition,
Principal Component Analyses (PCA) conducted
on the best-preserved footprints, allowed to obtain a
two-dimensional scatter plot of all the morphological
variability characterising the human traces, helping to
identifying which variables most influenced the footprintshape variation. The PCA conducted on anatomical
foot landmarks proposed by Robbins (1985) led to the
recognition of five clusters of human footprints (Romano
et al., 2019). The analysis thus quantitatively suggests that a
minimal number of five individuals entered and explored
the Bàsura Cave in the Upper Paleolithic.
Based on the comparative analysis of all the results
obtained with the above reported approaches and
methodologies, Romano et al. (2019) recognize five
distinct morphotypes, identifiable on the base of both
dimensional and morphological features. Morphotype 1
is represented by footprints with an average total length
of 13.55±0.49 cm, characterised by a poorly-developed
plantar arch and a heel area that is in proportion broader
than in longer tracks, thus indicating, along with total
size, an early ontogenetic stage for the trackmaker.
Morphotype 2 shows great variability due to different
substrate conditions (see Webb et al., 2006; Morse et al.,
2013). It is represented by footprints with a total length of
17±00 cm, characterised by a more pronounced plantar
arch with respect to the condition observed in Morphotype
1. Morphotype 3 comprises footprints with a total
average length of 20.83±0.51 cm and with a pronounced
plantar arc, as highlighted by a strongly convex outline
on the lateral margin coupled to an appreciable medial
embayment. Moreover, this Morphotype shows a strongly
adducted digit I trace and a consistent separation between
adjacent digit couples II-III and IV-V. Footprints falling
into Morphotype 4 have a total length of 22.80±0,42
cm and are characterised by parallel digit traces and by
a less pronounced medial embayment if compared with
the condition observed in Morphotype 3. Morphotype 5
includes the largest footprints to date recovered from the
site that result in general more robust when compared to
Morphotypes 3 and 4; footprints have an overall average
length of 25.73±0.45 cm, with a variably pronounced
plantar embayment and margins that result only slightly
concave. Orientation of digit traces is comparable to the
condition in Morphotype 4, while the adducted digit I
resemble closely the condition described for Morphotype
M. Avanzini et al. / Journal of Mediterranean Earth Sciences 12 (2020), xx-xx
Fig. 4 - Selected traces form the Bàsura Cave (Savona). C33) Human footprint referred to the Morphotype 3 (‘lower corridor’); SM15)
human footprint referred to the Morphotype 3 (‘Sala dei Misteri’); CA8) human footprint referred to the Morphotype 3 (‘upper corridor’);
C72) hand print (‘lower corridor’); SM44) finger traces (‘Sala dei Misteri’); SM55) finger flutings on the clay floor (‘Sala dei Misteri’). .
M. Avanzini et al. / Journal of Mediterranean Earth Sciences 12 (2020), xx-xx
Some footprints referred to Morphotypes 3, 4 and
5 are associated in the main gallery to sub-circular
traces, interpreted as knee imprints, also associated in
some cases with fore foot traces (Fig. 5). On the same
trampled surface at least six isolated handprints, variably
preserved as didactyl, tridactyl and pentadactyl prints
were recognized. Such footprints have been interpreted
as traces produced unintentionally by the trackmakers
during both stance and progression phases while
exploring the lower corridor (Romano et al., 2019).
The heel traces already reported and discussed by Blanc
(1960) were also considered. Their overall mean width is
about 5.67±0.12 cm, a size comparable to the condition
described for Morphotype 2 (Citton et al., 2017).
Stature, weight and ontogenetic stage of the putative
trackmakers have been reconstructed for each
morphotype (see Citton et al., 2017; Romano et al., 2019)
on the base of eight terminal Upper Palaeolithic adult
individuals from the Italian Peninsula (Corrain, 1977;
Paoli et al., 1980; Formicola et al., 1990; Mallegni and
Fabbri, 1995; Mallegni et al., 2000). The obtained foot
length/stature ratios are 0.154, a value fully compatible
with those proposed by Topinard (1878) and Robbins
(1985) for modern humans living in between the XIX
and XX centuries. Ages and stature reconstructions are
as follows: a child three-year-old and about 88 cm tall
corresponding to Morphotype 1; a child about 110 cm
tall around six years old, corresponding to Morphotype
2; a pre-adolescent about 135 cm tall, probably between
eight and eleven years old corresponding to Morphotype
3; a sub-adult to adult about 148 cm tall corresponding to
Morphotype 4; and a 167 cm tall adult corresponding to
Morphotype 5. Stature estimates for the latter have also
been corrected and confirmed by the inferred length of
the tibia derived from the study of the crouching trackway
(Romano et al., 2019). The results obtained for the
putative adult individuals, namely Morphotypes 4 and 5,
are fully comparable to the stature inferred for European
Upper Palaeolithic people, considered to average
162.4±4.6 cm for males and 153.9±4.3 cm for females
(Villotte et al., 2017). The arch angles indicate a possible
attribution to a male individual for the largest footprints,
whereas for Morphotypes 1, 2, 3 and 4, no definitive
gender attribution is possible, even if Morphotype 4 most
probably represents a female individual (Fig. 6).
Along with the footprints, finger flutings are present
in several parts of the cave, with the best-preserved ones
from the inner “Sala dei Misteri” (Mysteries Hall). Finger
flutings preserved on the terminal wall were classified as
both Rugolean and Mirian, following the classification
proposed by Sharpe and Van Gelder (2006) (Fig. 4, SM55).
The great concentration of finger fluting is reported from
the stalagmite concretion (‘acephalous sphinx’) briefly
mentioned above, with traces essentially referable to the
Mirian type and left by at least two different trackmakers,
who smeared soft clay on the surface of the concretion.
Traces made on the upper and middle portion of the
stalagmite concretion can be referred, based on size, to
an adult individual; by contrast, smaller traces on the
base of the concretion can more likely be ascribed to a
young individual, but such evidence is currently under
study. More interesting evidence from the inner Sala dei
Misteri are pits and holes excavated on the clay substrate,
and at the moment preliminary interpreted as deliberate
digging performed with the goal, probably connected to
clay collecting, to make the finger fluting traces on the
above reported stalagmite concretion.
The integration of different methodologies favoured
the reconstruction of the complex exploration in the
Bàsura Cave around 14 ky cal BP (Romano et al., 2019).
The authors inferred that 159 m after having entered the
cave and a climb of 12 m, the group reached the lower
corridor (“Corridoio delle Impronte”), which preserves
the large number of analysed footprints. The group
walked essentially in a single line with the adult ahead
followed by younger individuals in the trail; they most
probably kept themselves close to the cave walls, acting
a cautious attitude as when exploring dark and unknown
environments. After about 10 m in the corridor the roof of
the cave drops below 80 cm, so the members of the group
were forced to get down on all limbs and to crawl, leaving
the traces of both knees and hands on the soft substrate.
The adult individual leading the group stopped about after
few meters, likely in deciding the subsequent sequence
of movement and left two parallel calcigrade footprints,
then proceeding across the section where the roof is at
his lowest point, also followed by the rest of the group.
The group descended along a steep surface for about ten
meters, and traversed a small pond were they left very
deep impressions (still under study), and climbed again
up a 10 m slope to finally arrive to the innermost “Sala dei
Misteri”, where they stopped for a short time. Once in this
room, the adolescents and children collected clay from the
cave floor and smeared it on the stalagmitic concretion
(‘acephalous sphinx’ or ‘zoomorphic stalagmite’) at
different levels, according to their height. In the same
period the ten clear heel traces were formed close to the
wall, interpreted as calcigrade tracks left by individuals
collecting and manipulating clay on the floor, as already
observed and inferred for the ‘Salle des Talons’ at Tuc
d’Audoubert cave (Pastoors et al., 2015). Considering the
large number of tracks left in this phase, the group had
to stop for several minutes in the inner room, and before
they reached the exit following a path in some sections
different to the one followed on entry. Based on the
footprint orientations and cave topography, they chose
to cross, after the pond, the upper corridor instead of
the lower one, maybe considering it as a safer and more
comfortable pathway (Romano et al., 2019).
The multidisciplinary study indicated the huntersgatherers behaviour should not always be put in relation
to subsistence or practical necessity, but also could
represent non- utilitarian activities, as also confirmed by
diverse ethnographic evidence. The study also confirmed
that children younger than 3 years old were following the
rest of the group also in dangerous and social activities
M. Avanzini et al. / Journal of Mediterranean Earth Sciences 12 (2020), xx-xx
Fig. 5 - Selection of semi-plantigrade and knee traces from the ‘lower corridor’ of the ‘Corridoio delle Impronte’ in the Bàsura cave,
indicating crawling locomotion of the producers. Semi-plantigrade and metatarsal traces (C44 - C44b) and knee traces (C41 - C42)
imprinted on a plastic, waterlogged muddy substrate. a) Cast from the 1950s reproducing two knee (C41, C42) and two metatarsal (C44,
C44b) traces; b) Digital Terrain Model obtained from the HDI 3D Scanner; c) topographic profile with contour lines, obtained from
b; d) interpretive draw. In the knee trace C42 are located the impressions of: patella (a), vastus medialis (b), fibular head (c), patellar
ligament (d) and tibial tuberosity (e).
M. Avanzini et al. / Journal of Mediterranean Earth Sciences 12 (2020), xx-xx
Fig. 6 - Principal Component Analysis (PCA) based on the best-preserved footprints from the Bàsura Cave and reconstruction of
crawling locomotion in the “Corridoio delle Impronte”. The five morphotypes to which footprints have been referred are shown.
and thus were in all respects active members of the Upper
Palaeolithic populations (Citton et al., 2017; Romano et
al., 2019).
The protohistoric villages of Afragola, Nola and Palma
Campania (southern Italy, Campania region) are vivid
examples of the culture and everyday life of the oldest
populations of Campania region (Fig. 1). They were
affected by the volcanic phenomena that preceded and
followed the great eruption of the Summa/Vesuvius
commonly called “Eruzione delle Pomici di Avellino” or,
simply, “di Avellino” (Mastrolorenzo et al., 2006; Di Vito
et al., 2009). When the ancient inhabitants of the “Piana
Campana” realized that the eruption had begun, they
went away in mass with their animals walking on wide
layers of ash created by the surge cloud. Thousands of
human and animal footprints were thereby preserved on
a first layer prior to the massive eruption and the collapse
of the eruptive column with consequent pyroclastic flows.
In the first layer, wooden elements and remains of other
non-carbonized plants were found. This testifies that
the levels created by the surge-cloud had a relatively low
temperature, so that people who chose to run away did
not suffer serious harm (Mastrolorenzo et al., 2006).
3.2.1. Geological setting
Deposits formed by this violent Plinian eruption have
been dated to 3780 yrs BP by 14C (Mastrolorenzo et al.,
2006; Di Vito et al., 2009) (Fig. 7a). At least two trampled
M. Avanzini et al. / Journal of Mediterranean Earth Sciences 12 (2020), xx-xx
layers have been surveyed: the layer already described as
created from the ashes of the surge and those created by
the pyroclastic flows and the following floods and lahars
(Mastrolorenzo et al., 2006). The first footprints during
the mass exodus were filled by the lightest materials of
the eruption (white/grey pumices, lapillus, ashes) thus
being preserved from the pyroclastic impetus and from
the following hydrogeological events (acid rain, lahar,
etc.) (Mastrolorenzo et al., 2006). As some flood and
lahar deposit preserves some fossil footprints, it has been
Fig. 7 - The Campanian plain showing Vesuvius, the Afragola Bronze Age village and the distribution of Pomici di Avellino deposits
(a). Isopachs in cm, Eruptive Unit 2: white; Eruptive Unit 3: black, Eruptive Unit 5: dark grey (after Di Vito et al., 2009); b) Aerial view
of the footprints made during the eruption and traces of three storehouses (after Laforgia et al., 2009); c) Footprints of two fugitives in
the surge ash deposit found ≈15 km NNW of Vesuvius: thousands of footprints directed NNW away from the volcano testify to an en
masse exodus from the devastated zone (after Mastrolorenzo et al., 2006).
M. Avanzini et al. / Journal of Mediterranean Earth Sciences 12 (2020), xx-xx
inferred that human and animal exodus continued also
during ash-fall and after the storms of rain and the floods
(Mastrolorenzo et al., 2006).
3.2.2. Ichnology
The best investigated village, from a paleo-ichnological
point of view, is Afragola (Giampaola et al., 2007).
However, the collected data and the geo/ichnological
evidence is almost the same as for other surrounding sites
for a radius of at least 15 km. In these areas, thousands of
human and animal footprints have been found on various
depositional levels both inside and outside villages (Fig. 7
b,c). The footprints within the boundaries of the ichnosite
of Afragola are mainly human and are randomly organized
and concentrated around huts. Overlaps, slips, sudden
changes of direction and jumps are common and clearly
visible everywhere. The tracks, which are oriented away
from the village for distances of up to 1 km, are oriented
in various directions (Laforgia et al., 2009). Given the
large number of human footprints, palaeo-ichnological
measurements were carried out on a sample located in
a small area outside the village. Referring to the human
remains found in the nearby village of San Paolo Belsito,
the sex of which is also known, sample imprints were
attributed to 13 individuals whose stature supposedly
did not exceed 1.40 m. These individuals have been
considered as non-adults or children of unidentifiable sex.
Other footprints have been attributed to 57 individuals
whose estimated stature ranged from 1.40-1.70 m. The
footprints of 9 other individuals suggest estimated stature
exceeding 1.70 m so that they were attributed to adults of
unknown sex. The speeds calculated from footprints vary
from 2.5 to 5.4 km/h in 89.6% of the sample (Laforgia et
al., 2009).
Animal footprints are associated with human ones.
They were left by cattles (Bos taurus), sheep and goats,
Equidae (both donkeys and horses), cats and dogs. Tracks
of deers, porcupines, squirrels, and other rodents have
also been identified (Laforgia et al., 2009).
In Moregine, a small village located near the Sarno
river, about 600 m south of the walls of the ancient city of
Pompeii, remains of a majestic Roman villa were found in
1959 (Fig. 1). The villa was destroyed by the same eruption
that buried Pompeii and therefore can be dated back to
79 AD. Its magnificently preserved frescoes, with many
of the unearthed furnishings, are shown in a permanent
exhibition created in the “Great Gym” of ancient Pompeii.
Here, some casts of three footprints of human bare feet
are exposed. The arrangement of the footprints suggests
they could not belong to the same trackmaker. The casts
of the footprints were made with plaster castings, so that
the data that were possible to survey must be considered
mostly approximate. The dimensions of the two entire
footprints are as follows: right foot - length 24.5 cm,
width 11.6 cm, left foot - length 24.6 cm, width 10.5
cm. Both footprints show a very raised and well-defined
plantar arch, which demonstrate that they were left by
unshod feet. It is not known whether the footprints on
display were the only ones to be found, as no scientific
publication has been dedicated to this ichnological
discovery (Panarello, 2016b).
Archeological excavations during June 2014 in an area
occupied by the former gym of the CONI (National Sport
Federation) brought to light a series of attendance plans
related to agricultural activities (Regione Valle d’Aosta,
2015; Panarello, 2016b; Amirotti et al., 2017) (Fig.1). On
the last of these levels, a series of footprints of at least two
adult and a child are documented, as well as a series of
animal footprints (Fig. 8). Stratigraphic analysis placed
these traces into the second Iron Age (5th-1st century BC).
The available data show narrow tracks with aligned step
sequences of apparent barefoot individuals still under
Avanzini et al. (2011) and Avanzini (2012) described
several boot tracks detected on the floor of tunnels and
trenches of the First World War in the Trentino-Alto
Adige Region (Northern Italy). These traces represented
the first report of footprints left by First World War
soldier tracks, and were used to throw light on everyday
life activities carried out in the underground bunker
3.5.1. The Valmorbiawerk (Vallarsa, Trento)
The Valmorbiawerk, known as Forte Pozzacchio in
Italian documents, is placed on the right side of the
Vallarsa Valley, at about 8 km from Rovereto in the
Trentino-Alto Adige region, at an altitude of 882 m a.s.l.
(Fig. 1). The fort pertains to a system of fortifications
planned at the beginning of the twentieth century by the
Austro-Hungarian Empire, scared that Italy would try to
obtain further territory in the Veneto Region (Fontana,
2004; Righi and Leonardi, 2006; Avanzini et al., 2011).
However, by the beginning of First World War in July
1914 the structure was incomplete and when Italy enter
the war on January 30th, 1915 all the works in the fort
were abandoned. The 80th regiment of the Italian infantry
occupied the fort on June 13, 1915, but the structure was
recaptured by the Austro-Hungarian troops in May 1916
by the Strafexpedition, and controlled until the end of
First World War (see Avanzini et al., 2011).
3.5.2. Ichnology
The boot tracks are preserved in one internal cave of the
fort, likely dedicated to storage room, and are impressed
on a 30 cm wide concrete curb which constitutes the
M. Avanzini et al. / Journal of Mediterranean Earth Sciences 12 (2020), xx-xx
Fig. 8 - Archaeological excavation of the new hospital in Aosta. Human and animal footprints on a palaeosurface of the second Iron
Age (after Amirotti et al., 2017).
perimeter of the room and raised 40 cm from the floor. On
the top of the curb is a 2-3 mm thin layer of pure cement
on which the boot tracks were impressed and preserved
(Avanzini et al., 2011). The authors recognized a series of
four walking patterns with a total length of 5.60 m, with
an oblique pace length of 78-80 cm, a stride equals to
154-160 cm and a pace angulation ranging between 175°
and 180°; the foot angle is outwardly rotated between 15°
to 20°. General morphology, and in particular the hobnail
layout, led the authors to refer all the tracks to the left
and right boots of a same individual (Fig. 9 a-d). In all
the studied traces, the heel region results the deepest
impressed, due to the presence of a reinforcement made
by rectangular and square-shaped hobnails. Comparing
all the analysed footprints, Avanzini et al. (2011) were
able to reconstruct the whole hobnail pattern of both
left and right boots (Fig. 9e). In particular, the rim of the
sole and heel were characterised by a close arrangement
of nails with a rectangular base; around the tip the nails
were uniformly and closely arranged in a group of 15, and
disposed in pairs along the sides. The sole was differently
characterised by semicircles of quadrangular hobnails,
and another series that were aligned according to the foot
main axis.
As stressed by Avanzini et al. (2011), the use of
footwear reinforced with hobnails was common in the
Alps until the 1950s and such features characterize the
boots of soldiers in First World War in both AustroHungarian or Italian mountain troops. However, the
peculiar pattern of hobnails disposition on the sole
depends strictly on the nationality and branch of the
armed services. Avanzini et al. (2011) have been able to
ascribe the recognizable pattern to mountain footwear
used by the Austro-Hungarian army (Bergschuhe) like
other footprints recovered in several First World War
mountain trenches (Luserna-Oberwiesen, Monte NagiaGrom, Pasubio) (Avanzini, 2012) (Fig. 9g). Based on
the inferred foot length of about 27 and 27.5 cm, and
using the ratio provided by Topinard for foot length/
height of 15% (Helmuth, 1974) and the values of 13.47%
and 15.98% proposed by several authors (Burke, 2002;
Fessler et al., 2005; Brenda and Rohreni, 2006; Kumar et
al., 2007), Avanzini et al. (2011) reconstructed a possible
height for the trackmaker of about 1.77-1.80 m; this is
also in accordance with the value calculated starting by
the length of the reconstructed shoe (shoe length/stature
ratio of 16.63%; see Giles and Vallandingham, 1991;
Ozden et al., 2005; Brenda and Rohreni, 2006).
Based on general structure and preferential wear
evidence from the traces, Avanzini et al. (2011)
reconstructed a quite normal locomotion pattern,
characterised by a slight lateral foot functional prevalence
(Fig. 9f); the evidence allows reconstruction of a possible
trackmaker as a slender tall soldier showing a slightly
M. Avanzini et al. / Journal of Mediterranean Earth Sciences 12 (2020), xx-xx
Fig. 9 - Valmorbiawerk fort site (Trentino-Alto Adige). a) Single well-preserved left boot tracks; b) partial right footprints; c) footprint
heels with sliding track; d) superimposed trackways; e) the two reconstructed soles as seen from below; f) traces of use recognizable in
the right foot ; g) Austro-Hungarian troops’ mountain footwear sole (Bergschuhe).
varus knee, with a weight around 70-80 kg based on
the formula proposed by Robbins (1985, 1986), and
proceeding at a speed around between 1.67 and 1.80 m/s
based on Alexander (1984). The individual very likely left
the footprints in the fresh concrete between spring 1914
(beginning of the work in the secondary tunnels) and
May 1915 (end of the works; see Fontana, 2005).
3.5.3. The military kitchens of Monte Celva, Trento
The fortified complex of Monte Celva, located
immediately east of the city of Trento, was part of the
defensive belt of the Trentino capital developed by the
Austro-Hungarian Military Engineer in the second half
of the 1800s (Fig. 1). From autumn 1914 until spring 1916
M. Avanzini et al. / Journal of Mediterranean Earth Sciences 12 (2020), xx-xx
the city was surrounded by a formidable entrenched field
network and equipped with walkways, concrete casemates
and batteries dug into the rock. Monte Celva (998 m a.s.l.)
was completely fortified with an articulated system of
entrenches and tunnels that connected artillery casemates
and steel dome pieces to which an efficient logistic system
consisting of deposits, dormitories and warehouses, was
associated. The work, which began at the dawn of the
conflict and continued throughout the first year of the
war, involved hundreds of local workers. In the autumn
of 1915 there were 1538 workers, including 714 prisoners.
The batteries had a staff of eight officers and 243 soldiers to
which could be added another 16 officers and 900 soldiers
housed in the warehouses of Pramarquart not far away,
and almost 1500 men of reserve troops in case of need.
It is clear that with a number of men of this magnitude
the field kitchens in which meals for workers and soldiers
were prepared were in full swing while the preparatory
work was still going on around them.
3.5.4. Ichnology
Several human and animal footprints are preserved on
the concrete floor of one of the Monte Celva kitchens.
Three cave entrances open onto an entrenched courtyard
protected downstream by a concrete wall. Of the three
galleries, one was the kitchen, with the others intended
for housing and storage. A corridor allowed the internal
connection to the warehouse caves: dozens of different
sizes and types of footprints are imprinted on its floor.
The most abundant footprints correspond to shoes with
soles covered by regular rows of nails with a rounded
head and the heel reinforced by a sturdy metal plate (Fig.
10a). These are elongated soles ending with a relatively
pointed profile. The same type of footprints is preserved
in the galleries of the fort of the Sommo alto (Folgaria)
(Avanzini, 2012). They are 28 cm long and correspond
to the right and left foot of the same individual who
moved irregularly from the kitchen to the warehouse.
Using the methods already described above, it appears to
have been about 168 cm tall and weighing just over 65 kg.
More squat shoes, with a quadrangular tip and with
rows of large and small nails alternating and aligned in
transverse rows with respect to the sole, are imprinted on
the lateral edge of the connection tunnel (Fig. 10b). They
are two right footprints both oriented from the warehouse
towards the kitchen. The heel is raised and the weight of
the author’s body (about which, however, it is not possible
to say much) is unloaded all over the front of the foot.
Among them, preserved in several points on the floor, the
traces of a small mammal are recognizable. Four elliptical
digit traces are placed in front of a heart-shaped plantar
pad. More rounded outline footprints are associated with
more elongated ones suggesting the presence of hand-foot
pairs of the same animal. The dimensions vary between 3
and 4 centimetres in length with a length / width ratio of
approximately 1. There are no traces of nails. The length
of the author’s body was to be about 40 cm (Fig. 10c).
What emerges this time? The fortifications were
occupied by the Austro-Hungarian army, but the traces
are very different from those of the mountain footwear
“Bergschuhe”. Austrian infantries were equipped with
two main models of footwear. The first consisted of
boots with pointed soles. The nails on the sole had the
same arrangement as the Bergschuhe but the pointed
nails on the margin were missing, replaced by a row of
round nails and the heel was reinforced by a horseshoe
plate. The second model, less frequent, was a boot with
a more square sole and a squat point. In this case, the
round-headed nails were arranged in rows transversal to
the sole and did not reach the edge: a metal horseshoe
reinforcement completed the heel. It is therefore evident
that our traces are to be referred to infantry troops who
were employed also in the defence of mountain posts.
Animal traces belong to a small carnivore. Wild animals
such as foxes and martens are excluded in shape and size.
Even small domestic dogs are excluded due to morphology
and the absence of nails. The closest similarities are with
traces left by a medium-sized domestic feline.
The scene is lively: while the floor has just been finished
by the workers, a soldier is busy between the kitchen
and the warehouse, one of his fellow soldiers (part of a
different contingent) looks out into the corridor, but
realizing that the concrete is still fresh stops on the point
of the boots and takes a step back; heedless of the two
soldiers, a cat escapes from the kitchen taking refuge in
the deepest part of the galleries.
For just over thirty years, palaeoichnology has begun to
recognize in human fossil footprints important support
for understanding our history. The documentation of such
finds in Italy is still sporadic and new finds are still scarce.
Despite this, some of the sites recently studied confirm
the great interpretative potential of the discipline. One
of the most interesting aspects of the Roccamonfina site
is, for example, the dynamic movement frozen over the
time. The same can be said of the traces preserved in the
internal corridors of the Grotta della Bàsura which, for the
first time, clearly describe human exploration behaviour
in complex environments. Even the most recent footsteps,
linked to the chronology of the 20th century, are proving
to be instruments with high educational potential in
support of the narration of well-known historical events.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS - We thank Martin G. Lockley and
an anonymous referee for reviewing and critical comments. Part of
the research was funded by the Soprintendenza Archeologia Belle
Arti e Paesaggio per la Città Metropolitana di Genova e le province
di Imperia, La Spezia e Savona, Genoa, Italy, the Municipality of
Toirano and by the National Geographic Early Career Grant to
MR. (EC-53477R-18) “A multidisciplinary approach to a unique
human ichnological record from the Grotta della Bàsura (Toirano,
Savona Italy)”.
M. Avanzini et al. / Journal of Mediterranean Earth Sciences 12 (2020), xx-xx
Fig. 10 - Monte Celva site (Trentino-Alto Adige). a) Shoes prints with regular rows of nails and reinforced by a sturdy metal plate; b)
squat prints with a quadrangular tip and with rows of large and small nails; c) cat footprints; d) Austro-Hungarian infantry troops
employed in the fortress.
M. Avanzini et al. / Journal of Mediterranean Earth Sciences 12 (2020), xx-xx
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