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2015, Золотоордынская цивилизация. № 8. - Казань
17 pages
1 file
After Columbus “discovered” the New World the Pope issued a series of Bulls that divided the world into two commerce zones, one being awarded to Spain and the other to Portugal. The line in the Atlantic Ocean demarking the respective zones was first decreed as being 100 leagues to the west of the Canary Islands. This line was abandoned in short order, the new line being set as 370 leagues to the west of the Canary Islands by the 1494 Treaty of Tordesillas. In 1495, the Royal Cosmographer of Spain, Jaime Ferrer, wrote a letter to the Sovereigns of Spain explaining how the 370-league line west of the Canary’s could be established. Ferrer then added that if you used the navigational method just explained, which established the “true terminus” of the 370-league west of the Canary’s line, and then simply extended that course for another “three degrees and a third of latitude” you would arrive at the “western parallel.” The Western Parallel was actually the longitude meridian which divided the world into two hemispheres. This meridian sliced between Newfoundland and Nova Scotia at approximately 60° W, referenced to Greenwich. All lands to the west of this longitude parallel were in the Eastern Hemisphere, thus the coastline of the North American continent was considered to be the land of Asia, the “home” of Prester John. The Western Parallel (Newfoundland-Nova Scotia Prime Meridian (NF-NS PM)) was decisively established in the 1350s/1360s by the Cambridge, England-based friar John Estwood during the 14th century Inventio Fortunatæ survey explorations. This meridian was exactly 90° to the west of Alexandria, Egypt. Runic-inscribed stones discovered in 1971 in Phippsburg, Maine, the stones being dated to 1401/1402 AD, contained geographic coordinates that referenced the NF-NS PM. The 1427 First Map of the North (Nancy Map) of the Danish monk Claudius Clavus referenced the NF-NS PM. Nicolaus Germanus, Paolo Toscanelli, and Martin Behaim all referenced the NF-NS PM (Western Parallel) on their cartographic works prior to Columbus’s 1492 “discovery” of the New World. After Ferrer’s 1495 letter, the Western Parallel slicing between Newfoundland and Nova Scotia was illustrated on over a dozen cartographic works across the 16th and 17th centuries. This paper totals 74 pages. Google Drive Microsoft Word (59.7 MB): Google Drive PDF (7.1 MB):
Akuntansi pemerintahan untuk aktiva tetap di Indonesia terrdapat dalam Standar Pernyataan Akuntansi Pemerintah 07 (PSAP 07). Standar ini mengatur mengatur perlakuan akuntansi untuk aset tetap meliputi pengakuan, penentuan nilai tercatat, serta penentuan dan perlakuan akuntansi atas penilaian kembali dan penurunan nilai tercatat (carrying value) aset tetap.
Spirulina maxima: do cultivo a aplicação (nano) biotecnólogica (Atena Editora), 2024
Na busca incessante pela disponibilidade de água de qualidade para consumo humano, a comunidade global tem direcionado esforços significativos em direção aos Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável, estabelecidos pela Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS) para o milênio. Nesse contexto, a atenção voltada para tecnologias limpas, sustentáveis e orgânicas tem se intensificado, destacando a necessidade não apenas de identificar espécies vegetais capazes de sintetizar compostos específicos em larga escala, mas também de aprimorar o conhecimento para otimizar esses processos. A microalga Spirulina maxima emerge como um protagonista crucial, revelando-se em diferentes ambientes, desde águas salobras até fontes termais. Sua capacidade de adaptação a condições ambientais extremas a torna uma candidata promissora para aplicações diversas, incluindo na indústria alimentícia, medicamentos, biocombustíveis, agricultura e biorremediação de águas residuais. Este organismo unicelular demonstra versatilidade e potencial para contribuir significativamente para a sustentabilidade e a qualidade ambiental. No cenário da nanotecnologia, sua integração com estratégias de remediação destaca-se como uma alternativa economicamente promissora para a descontaminação de águas. As nanoesferas, constituídas por polímeros biodegradáveis, ganham destaque devido à sua estabilidade nos fluidos biológicos durante o armazenamento. No entanto, neste livro, exploramos uma abordagem inovadora ao utilizar a biomassa microalgal, rica em ácidos graxos, como biossurfactantes no processo de descontaminação de águas, proporcionando uma perspectiva única e sustentável.
International Institute of Historiography, 2024
URL of International Institute of Historiography
Qysh në preambulën e saj, Kushtetuta jonë, shpreh zotimin e popullit për « ... vendosmërinë [e tij] ... për të garantuar të drejtat dhe liritë themelore të njeriut », e për t’a konkretuzuar, i ka dedikuar një pjesë të veçantë që në krye të saj. Të drejtat e njeriut përbëjnë një pjesë kryesore mbi të cilat duhet të (a) konstituohet Republika, (b) ndërtohen ligjet e tjera, dhe (c) qeveriset vendi. Jo rrallë herë, vullneti i përfaqësuesve të popullit nuk është i njejtë me vullnetin e shprehur nga vetë populli nëpërmjet ligjit themeltar, pra ligjet jo rrallë herë janë në kontradiktë me Kushtetutën. Në këtë analizë, do të argumentoj anti-Kushtetutshmërinë e dy dispozitave të Ligjit me № 49/2012 « Për Gjykatat Administrative dhe Gjykimin e Mosmarrëveshjeve Administrative », të amenduar. Motivi për këtë, ka të bëjë me cënimin e drejtpërdrejtë të të drejtave dhe lirive themelore të njeriut, që garantohen në Kushtetutë, që janë (a) rrëzimin e padisë, megjithëse, është konstatuar cënim i procesit të rregullt ligjor, me natyrë administrative, (pika 4 e nenit 40) si dhe (b) për të drejtën (i) për gjykim publik, dhe (ii) për t’u dëgjuar, në Gjykatën Administrative të Apelit, dhe në Kolegjin Administrativ të Gjykatës së Lartë. (pika 4 e nenit 3, pika 1 e nenit 49, dhe pika 1 e nenit 61)
In present times, the change of global trends in marketing and the development of digital technologies—electronic tools, systems, devices and resources that generate, store or process data, such as social media, online games and multimedia—represents an ideally unlimited source of opportunities for the promotion and marketing of tourist destinations. Official institutions and private organisations focus on innovation, digital technologies and creativity to promote and commercialise a tourism destination. At the same time, on the demand side, the planning of a trip tends to take place almost totally, if not exclusively, online. This occurs, for instance, from the search for the destination to the first approach to the monuments to visit, or from hotel reservations and ticket purchases to the share of travel diaries and feedback on hotels and attractions. Therefore, destination management organisations (DMOs) and destination management companies (DMCs) have a new way to promote products and destinations which is much more effective and less expensive than traditional off-line campaigns. Digital technology also provides them the opportunity to analyse the users’ profiles, the modalities of interaction and the preferences to monitor and regularly boost the campaigns’ effectiveness. Among other advantages, it is worth mentioning that online promotion and commercialisation can reach highly segmented targets. Here, it is also important to highlight that the new EU Programmes—such as the EU Recovery Plan and Next Generation EU—demonstrate clear attention towards online communication. In such a case, the creation and implementation of digital strategies align future projects with the new EU financial schemes. However, we cannot talk about tourism digital marketing without addressing the importance of the online presence and reputation of companies and tourist destinations. The online experience is itself part of the tourist offering, as it communicates to the users (potential or former visitors) all the values of the destination’s culture and emotions. Consequently, a good user online experience is perceived by tourists as a guarantee. This said, companies working in the tourism and travel industry should be continuously updated about the tools and strategies of tourism marketing to increase their visibility, involve and retain customers, and support users’ knowledge acquisition. This manual provides guidelines and recommendations for small and emerging destinations to support them in the decision-making process related to their promotion and commercialisation. These guidelines also consider the sectoral crisis due to COVID-19. The rules of social distancing imposed by the COVID-19 emergency have indeed strongly penalised many sectors that are based on human relations and on the reception of people. This crisis in some ways accelerates the adoption of new strategies in communication, which are necessarily based on online strategies. The recommendations of this document aim to support the decision-making process of potential new tourist destinations about the implementation of effective digital marketing. Recommendations are based on a qualitative analysis involving seven case studies which have been chosen for their uniqueness and creativity in the use of digital technologies, and considering the characteristics and needs of the ENI CBC MED Med Pearls project. The common denominator throughout the case studies is the replicability of their practices to other potential tourist destinations. The case studies that have been analysed are the following: Six destinations which are successful in the fields of promotion and commercialisation: o Puglia: a region in southern Italy with an extended coastline, UNESCO sites and fascinating cultural and natural attractions. The authenticity and contact with the local culture is a boosted element within the overall tourist offering. o Portugal: a European country where medieval castles, charming historic towns, museums and beautiful beaches create endless opportunities for tourists. Urban tourism is very developed—Oporto, for instance, has often been awarded Best European Destination—but also the small rural communities have been the object of tourist enhancement. The country, in general, offers a great value for the money. o Galicia: one of the most attractive regions of Spain, bordering Asturias, Castile and León and Portugal. Among green valleys, beautiful landscapes and a wonderful coastline bathed by the Atlantic Ocean, tourists find here a destination structured around typical products, religion (Camino de Santiago), culture and nature. o Cape Town: the most visited and lively city in South Africa. One of its most attractive features is the dual personality—European, for its cultural origins, but at the same time deeply African. Founded by Dutch settlers (1652), the so-called ‘mother city’ offers many hotspots for visitors, from the Waterfront, a former abandoned port that now teems with restaurants, museums and shopping centres, to the iconic Table Mountain and the Kirstenbosch Botanic Gardens, vineyards, trekking routes and lovely fascinating beaches. o Thailand: a fascinating Asian country where tourist attractions range from visiting the lush jungle to contact with monks in Buddhist temples; from heavenly beaches to tastings of typical cuisine; and the sense of hospitality of the local population. Thailand has been a tourist destination in international rankings for a long time. Now it is investing massively in digital marketing and in the ability to recreate its brand based on a newfound authenticity. o The Faroe Islands: an archipelago belonging to the Kingdom of Denmark, that comprises 18 volcanic islands. An ideal slow tourism destination for travellers wishing to experience a holiday in the open air, where the pace of the day is marked by hiking in nature, walking along scenic trails and many opportunities of contact with the local culture. One organisation acting as a DMC: Zaytoun is a valuable case of general interest in the use of innovative practices. It is a non-profit organisation established to support Palestinian farming communities by helping the internationalisation of olive oil products. Recently the organisation started to act as DMC, implementing innovative practices of promotion, particularly at the time of COVID-19. At the beginning the qualitative research aims at exploring the above-mentioned case studies. Informational and image sourcing was collected from web searches related to DMOs and DMCs. The result in the first part of the manual is dedicated to the description of the case studies. The practices used and related methodologies are summarised in a systematic way. In detail, much attention is dedicated to identifying the online strategies, digital tools, practices and aspects of each digital marketing initiative. The illustration of each case study ends with a table reprising the main practices, instruments and methodologies implemented by DMOs and DMCs. Furthermore, the most recurrent and successful practices that emerged from the case studies have been taken as a reference forrecommendations and guidelines. Finally, details are summarised in eight fact sheets, which help readers develop their marketing strategies, particularly in small destinations and slow-tourism products.
Una labor de sintesis alrededor de la gran tematica de este libro que surge a partir de una serie de reflexiones y propuestas encaminadas desde la innovacion del diseno para el desarrollo social, refleja una invitacion al lector para enunciar a partir de su lectura nuevas discusiones sobre el quehacer del diseno con una perspectiva de innovacion para este tipo de desarrollo, es pues este texto una invitacion a enunciar nuevos retos y dialogos partiendo de reconocer al desarrollo social como uno de los pilares fundamentales desde la Organizacion de las Naciones Unidas (ONU) como parte fundamental para garantizar el mejoramiento de la vida de las personas. Desde la disciplina del diseno y retomado como eje para su discusion se pretenderia establecer una serie de reflexiones y acciones que permitan atender situaciones para grupos minoritarios y vulnerables, asi como apoyar esfuerzos encaminados a mejorar la calidad de vida de los integrantes de grupos y sociedades establecidas y recupe...
multitudes, 2022
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Animals, 2024
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
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