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2020, Adamic Calendar Timeline for Second Advent of Christ
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Graphic created to help visualize key points of information from Daniel 9 Messianic Prophecy PDF. Includes full "Adamic Calendar" Timeline, Christ First Advent Timeline, and Christ Second Advent Timeline. Please share!
Academia Letters, 2022
Research Objective: This paper demonstrates how comparative effectiveness of medications can be examined in observational data. In these data, the impact of antidepressants is confounded with patients' history of illness, previous medications, and demographic characteristics. We show how observational data can be balanced so confounding can be removed. Population Studied: We relied on the STAR*D database of National Institute of Mental Health. Data were collected on 4,041 patients over seven years from 41 clinical sites around the country, which included both specialty care and primary medical care settings. Principal Findings: Causal models were constructed for the for the studied antidepressants. The Markov blanket of these antidepressants included respectively 0, 6, 2, 2, and 3 of the 33 covariates measured at baseline, showing that the proposed procedure was able to radically reduce the number of covariates that should be stratified. These 5 causal models constitute a decision aid that can be used to recommend antidepressants based on patients' medical history. Conclusions: It is possible to construct multiple causal models in observational data using PMB of antidepressants.
Transmodernity: Journal of Peripheral Cultural Production of the Luso-Hispanic World, 2012
The masked face which today has a name may die, but the word which came from the depth of history can no longer be cut by the arrogance of the powerful. We were born of the night. We live in the night. We will die in her. For everyone everything. … For us nothing. … Housing, land, employment, food, education, independence, democracy, liberty, justice and peace. These were the banners during the dawn of 1994. These were our demands during that long night of 500 years. These are, today, our necessities." EZLN, Fourth Declaration of the Lacandona Jungle, 1996 Few statements in history capture the enormous significance and marvel for European Christians of the so-called "discovery" of the Americas as the judgment from Francisco López de Gómara, which considers it next in importance to the creation and the birth of Jesus Christ. The "discovery of the Indies" represented the veritable emergence of a "new world," one that challenged the then existing sense of time, space, laws, knowledge, and social organization, and that opened up new paths of power, knowledge, and being not only for Europe, but gradually for the largest part of humanity. This new system and worldview, which came together with a new sense of selfhood, new
Nicolas Langlitz, Die Zeit der Psychoanalyse. Lacan und das Problem der Sitzungsdauer, Suhrkamp: Frankfurt / M., 2005.
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication
Internet of Things (IoT) has gained its major insight in terms of its deployment and applications. Since IoT exhibits more heterogeneous characteristics in transmitting the real time application data, these data are vulnerable to many security threats. To safeguard the data, machine and deep learning based security systems has been proposed. But this system suffers the computational burden that impedes threat detection capability. Hence the feature selection plays an important role in designing the complexity aware IoT systems to defend the security attacks in the system. This paper propose the novel ensemble of spotted hyena with firefly algorithm to choose the best features and minimise the redundant data features that can boost the detection system's computational effectiveness. Firstly, an effective firefly optimized feature correlation method is developed. Then, in order to enhance the exploration and search path, operators of fireflies are combined with Spotted Hyena to ...
Artificial Intelligence is the recent technology which is being explored to make human life congenial. It has been reinvented as "cognitive computing" or "machine intelligence". It is broad field constituted of many disciplines, ranging from robotics to machine learning. The ultimate goal of AI, most of us affirm, is to build machines capable of performing tasks and cognitive functions that are otherwise only within the scope of human intelligence. AI has progressed and reached great heights ranging from self-driving cars to speech recognition and synthesis. Practitioners of AI focused on problems and algorithms abstracted from the real world. This paper describes six areas of AI that are particularly noteworthy in their ability to impact the future of digital products and services including what they are, why they are important, how they are being used today and include a list (by no means exhaustive) of companies and researchers working on these technologies.
8.1. CONCEPTO DE SUELDOS Y SALARIOS 133 8.2 CLASIFICACIÓN DE LOS SALARIOS 133 8.3 FACTORES EN LA DETERMINACIÓN DE LOS SALARIOS 135 8.4 CONCEPTO Y GENERALIDADES DE LA VALUACIÓN DE PUESTOS 137 8.5 SISTEMAS DE VALUACIÓN 139 "La denominación Relaciones Humanas en el Trabajo no sería correcta ya que determina la conducta del empleado o funcionario en sus relaciones interpersonales, dentro de los lugares de trabajo, o fuera de ellos. 2 "Los términos Administración de Personal o de Recursos humanos representan las denominaciones más adecuadas, ya que abarcan todas las acciones, procesos y técnicas propias de la función de personal." 3 Algunas de las definiciones de administración de personal, que se pueden encontrar, se mencionan a continuación: Víctor M. Rodríguez: "Un conjunto de principios, procedimientos que procuran la mejor selección, educación y organización de los servidores de una organización, su satisfacción en el trabajo y el mejor rendimiento a favor de unos y otros". 4 Byars y Rue: "Es el área de administración relacionada con todos los aspectos del personal de una organización: determinando necesidades de personal, reclutar, seleccionar, desarrollar, asesorar y recompensar a los empleados; actuar como enlace con los sindicatos y manejar otros asuntos de bienestar". 5 Rodríguez Valencia Joaquín: "Es la planeación, organización, dirección y control de los procesos de dotación, remuneración, capacitación, evaluación del desempeño, negociación del contrato colectivo y guía de los recursos humanos idóneos para cada departamento, a fin de satisfacer los intereses de quienes reciben el servicio y también las necesidades del personal". 6 E.B. Flippo: 2 RODRIGUEZ, Valencia Joaquín, Administración moderna de personal. p. 19. 3 IDEM. Y en A partir de 1930, se desarrolla un verdadero concepto de las relaciones humanas, surgen investigaciones sobre la conducta del ser humano, el desarrollan nuevas técnicas y nuevos sistemas de administración de recursos humanos. Durante este período surge también lo que hoy conocemos como el positivismo administrativo. 1.4 CARACTERÍSTICAS DE LA ADMINISTRACIÓN DE PERSONAL
Assertive Community Treatment: A Critical Update , 2009
Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) has been identified in the United States at the time of this writing, as one of only six evidence-based practices for the severely mentally ill by federal, private foundation, and academic mental health experts. This article examines the research of the inventors of ACT (the Madison Wisconsin ACT group) regarding two of their claims. First, that ACT reduces homelessness, and second, that it also reduces penal stays, outcomes which have been key empirical claims for the National Alliance of the Mentally Ill’s proactive and very successful public relations campaign to institutionalize ACT across the US. The Madison Wisconsin ACT group makes these assertions in the longest study (at least 14-years) ever done on this treatment model. The present analysis concludes that there is no ACT specific clinical effect in these domains but there appear to be erroneous or misleading factual claims invoked to justify ACT effectiveness claims. The implications of these findings are also discussed.
Сборник посвящен 80-летию доктора филологических наук, профессора Г.Ф.Ковалева. В издание вошли материалы докладов, прочитанных на соответствующих юбилейных конференциях учениками и коллегами Г.Ф.Ковалева. Для специалистов по истории русского и других славянских языков.
Finding the Limits of the Limes Modelling Demography, Economy and Transport on the Edge of the Roman Empire, 2019
Research concerning settlement dynamics is mainly based on data from archaeological field survey. This method of investigation provides researchers with a lot of information that can help to identify trends and to model the evolution of settlement structure at different scales. Nonetheless, field survey data is sometimes incomplete and only shows a snapshot of the settlements. This static information lacks a certain number of parameters (evolution of architectural, economic, social features, etc.) which are essential to perceive the inherent evolution of the settlements and therefore to visualize their own evolution within the dynamics of settlement trajectory networks. On the other hand, data from archaeological excavations enable us to detect those phenomena. This paper aims to propose a methodological approach to try to resolve this lack of parameters: the creation of an evolutionary model of the settlements from the information collected during excavations. Applied to the sites discovered by field survey, and combined with other analytical tools, the model allows for a better understanding of the diversification phenomena and the processes of spatial development of the settlement pattern. This method, which offers solutions to enhance the static information provided by survey data, was designed for the study of Roman settlement of the Plateau Lorrain (France), but it can be applied to other periods and to other regions as well. Keywords Field survey · Temporal dimension · Archaeological excavation · Modelling · Settlement study
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