Assessment Submission Sheet
BSB61015 Advanced Diploma of Leadership and Management
Unit Code
Unit Name
Develop and Implement Business Plan
Assessor Name
Student Name
Student ID
Date Due
Please read and sign this assessment coversheet and submit it together with your assessment to your Assessor by the due date.
Student Declaration
I declare that the work submitted is my own, and has not been copied or plagiarised from any person or source.
I have read the Plagiarism Policy and Assessment Appeal and Reassessment Policy in the Student Handbook and I understand all the rules and guidelines for undertaking assessments.
I understand that by typing my full name in the student field this is equivalent to a hand-written signature.
I give permission for my assessment material to be used for continuous improvement purposes.
Student Signature
Date Submitted
Assessor Use Only
Assessment Items
Task 1
Case study
Task 2
Task 3
Case study
Final Result for this unit
Student Declaration: I declare that I have been assessed in this unit, and I have been advised of my result. I am also aware of my appeal rights.
Assessor Declaration: I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and flexible assessment with this student, and I have provided appropriate feedback
Assessor’s Final Comments
Task 1
Assessment Instructions
This is an individual assessment. Use the information provided in the case study ‘Fast Track Couriers’ (see Appendix 1) to develop a business plan to support the company’s strategic and operational goals. Develop a plan for communicating the business plan to relevant parties.
Review the information in the case study.
Analyse and interpret the current business environment, goals and objectives embedded in the case study.
Consult with your assessor (assume the assessor is a key stakeholder) and discuss and agree upon performance objectives and measures.
Document a business plan to assist the organisation to achieve its goals.
Document a plan for communicating the business plan to all relevant parties.
To be deemed competent you will need to successfully demonstrate the following:
Submit a completed business plan.
Consult with key stakeholder (assessor) and document the outcomes of the consultation.
Submit a communication plan.
The business plan must include the following:
Table of contents
Executive summary
Description of the business (background)
Business products and services
Marketing activity – the market
Business operations:
productivity and performance targets for key result areas (in consultation with key stakeholders)
include financial and non-financial performance measures
detail resource requirements, including human resources, capital equipment and other resources required to achieve business goals
Management and organisational structure
Financial background
trading to date
Risks (risk analysis)
include a section on how you will ensure skilled labour is available to implement the plan, such as a recruitment or training strategy
include any permits or licences required
Communication strategy
Produce a report or document which covers the following areas:
Who are the key stakeholders?
What information will each person (position) require?
What are the relevant timeframes?
How will you communicate this information?
How will you ensure their understanding of their role in implementing the business plan?
Task 2
Assessment Instructions
This is an individual assessment. Read the questions carefully in Part A and B and you must answer all of the questions below, and include examples where appropriate. If you need help understanding any questions, ask your assessor to explain.
Part A- Analyse a business plan
Instruction for the student
This is an individual assessment. Review two completed business plans. Analyse the strengths and weaknesses of each business plan, and prepare two written reports of your findings.
Read the business plan ‘Quality Training’ (see Appendix 1). Compare and contrast the business plan against the criteria for effective business plans, as described in your workbook or other reference materials.
Compare the strengths and weaknesses of the business plan.
Complete a written report, detailing a critical analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the business plan.
To be deemed competent you will need to successfully demonstrate the following:
Submit a completed report, analysing the strengths and weaknesses of business plans.
A report should be properly formatted and logically structured.
Identify relevant strengths and weaknesses of the plan, including discussion on the following areas:
Compare and contrast with text book structure and layout.
Comment on quality and relevance of information.
Comment on quality of information, i.e. did the business plan demonstrate adequate research on competition market conditions?
Comment on quantity of information – was there sufficient information to determine the likely success of the business in accordance with its performance measures?
Were the performance measures specific and realistic?
Was the document well set out, easily understood and pitched at an appropriate level for the reader?
Part B- Monitor performance
Monitor the performance of a business plan, through testing and refining of the performance measurement system, and report on progress of the business plan in a timely and effective manner.
Review the completed business plan from Part A.
Identify the key performance objectives.
For each key performance objective:
Produce a report to capture and test the performance measure.
Write a brief report on how you would test the performance measurement systems, including:
Acceptable levels of variance to planned objectives (where applicable).
The timeframe for each report – how frequently reports will be completed.
What benchmarking will be used.
Who will be the key stakeholder for each report.
To be deemed competent you will need to successfully demonstrate the following:
Submit a report on capturing performance data for each performance measure.
Submit a written report explaining how the performance measurement system will be implemented and tested, and how system/product failures and variances to the business will be reported, to whom and when.
Performance measurement system:
one report for each performance measure
covers financial and non-financial performance measures
report should be pitched at the appropriate level for the recipient
should be presented in a readable and logical format
should include graphs, charts or other methods of presenting data.
timeframes should allow appropriate action to be taken (where necessary)
identify key stakeholders who will require the information
describe the benchmarking used to determine suitable performance measures, including tolerance levels and variances to plan
document how system failures, product failures and variances to the business will be reported, to whom and when.
Task 3
Assessment Instructions
This is an individual assessment. In this task, you will analyse performance data and reports against planned objectives, implement strategies to refine performance indicators, and address coaching and training needs. You are also required to develop and recommend processes for the review of systems, procedures and work methods.
Review the case study ‘B&A Toy Warehouse’.
Critically analyse the information and write a brief report, responding to each question in the case study.
To be deemed competent you will need to successfully demonstrate the following:
Submission of written report.
Case study – B&A Toy Warehouse
You have been provided with the following information pertaining to the operation of B&A Toy Warehouse.
Review and analyse the information provided, and answer each of the five questions in this case study.
Evaluating performance measures
After identifying the performance measures, Tony evaluated performance by comparing current performance against the desired level of performance. This allowed him to determine areas for improvement to assist the warehouse in achieving its productivity goal.
Current performance
Performance target to achieve 10% productivity improvement
Average order processing time
80 minutes
72 minutes
Average cost to process an order
Error rate
Less than 1%
Average number of orders processed per day
Question 1
After completing a comparison of current performance against desired performance levels, identify the corrective actions required to achieve the business plan goal of improving warehouse productivity by 10%. What type of corrective actions do you recommend for each performance improvement (e.g. interim, adaptive, corrective, preventative or contingency)?
Required corrective action
Average order processing time
Average cost to process an order
Error rate
Average number of orders processed per day
Analyse systems and processes
After implementing his strategy to monitor and evaluate performance, Tony has identified the areas that require corrective action. Tony knows that in order to do this, he must first complete a more detailed analysis of the warehouse systems and processes, and identify the specific steps required to improve productivity.
Two years ago, the warehouse implemented a custom-built electronic warehouse management system (WMS) which has had an enormous impact on productivity. When completing his review, Tony asks the following questions to ensure that the system effectively supports warehouse operations:
Has the warehouse achieved the productivity goals that were to be delivered by
this system?
What is the occurrence rate of the system being out of order and impacting on the packing of orders?
How long does it take to train new staff members to use the system?
How do the employees who use the system rate its ability in assisting them to process customer orders efficiently?
Tony also uses the system to generate a series of reports that allow him to analyse warehouse systems and processes. The reports details:
number of orders packed per hour, per day
time required to pack each order
number of packers per order
number of boxes per order.
Tony also documents the process (from order receipt to dispatch) to assist with his analysis, and to help him to understand the exact process followed in packing an order.
Tony also completes the following SWOT analysis to assist with his review.
Warehouse order processing systems and process
Warehouse Management System automates administrative components of the process.
Simple process for packing and distributing customer orders.
Good orientation and induction programs for new staff, to ensure they get up to speed quickly.
Warehouse layout – stock difficult to access.
Warehouse supervisors are all junior and new to management roles; they require intensive coaching and support from Warehouse Manager.
Warehouse extension to facilitate better layout.
Preferred supplier arrangement to be established with temporary workforce supplier, to ensure provision of temporary labour.
Forklift licence requirements mean that not all staff can drive a forklift.
The above requirements also require staff to have time away from packing floor to attend training.
Industrial action from Union members due to lack of licensed forklift drivers.
Performance measures and assessment tools and techniques
At the commencement of the performance year, Tony tasked his management team to complete balanced scorecards for all warehouse team members, and record the key result areas (KRAs) and key performance indicators (KPIs) for each role. This was done to ensure that all warehouse employees understood the performance measures for their role.
The scorecards were last accessed two months ago to complete annual
performance reviews.
Tony contacted the Human Resource Manager to obtain a report detailing the KRA’s, KPI’s and performance ratings for all warehouse employees. He wants to evaluate the performance review process and the effectiveness of these measures in assisting the warehouse to achieve its operational plan goals.
Upon reviewing the report provided by Human Resources, Tony discovered:
Only 80% of employees have documented KRA’s and KPI’s – 20% of employees do not know what performance level is expected of them.
KPI’s are not aligned with warehouse goals – employees are not clear on what the warehouse is trying to achieve.
Majority of KPI’s are not written using SMART format – they are not providing employees with clear expectations on what needs to be achieved and by when.
Performance ratings indicate that 50% of employees exceeded performance expectations for the last performance year, which is inconsistent with warehouse end-of-year results (the warehouse did not achieve its operational plan goals last performance year).
Performance reports
As Warehouse Manager, Tony is tasked with the following human resource KRA’s:
Human Resources Scorecard
Key Result Area
Long service leave liability
$2.0 million
Annual leave liability
$1.5 million
Employee engagement
Employee attended training sessions
Warehouse Human Resources Monthly Performance Report
Report name
Human Resources Monthly Report
201X Year to Date
Key Result Area
Long service leave liability
$2.0 million
$1.8 million
Annual leave liability
$1.5 million
$1.2 million
Employee engagement
Employee attended training sessions
Identifying trends
To assist Tony in understanding the warehouse operations, and to identify where he can make improvements to achieve performance objectives and measures, Tony graphs the number of orders processed and absenteeism for each month over the last year.
Question 2
Critically analyse the performance against planned objectives.
Identify areas of non-performance.
Report on systems failures which contributed to these results.
Consider failures in communication, planning, reporting and training.
Review performance indicators and refine if necessary.
Comment on the suitability of performance indicators and what changes might be required to achieve organisational goals.
Question 3
Recommend performance improvement strategies.
Identify and redefine performance measures, if necessary.
Document a training and development strategy to address the performance of underperforming individuals or teams.
Identify development needs of individuals and groups.
Identify training/coaching needs.
Present in a development plan.
Question 4
Develop a strategy for reviewing systems processes and work methods at B&A Toy Warehouse.
Describe how the implementation of your strategy would lead to continuous improvement.
Educating for Excellence
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