peptides 27 (2006) 2750–2755
available at
journal homepage:
Effects of glucose-dependent insulinotropic peptide on
Ke-Hong Ding a, Qing Zhong a, Ding Xie a, Huan-Xin Chen f, Mary Anne Della-Fera e,
Roni J. Bollag c, Wendy B. Bollag a, Ravinder Gujral a, Baolin Kang b,
Supriya Sridhar a, Clifton Baile e, Walton Curl a,b, Carlos M. lsales a,b,d,*
Medical College of Georgia, Institute of Molecular Medicine and Genetics, Department of Medicine, CB-2803,
1120 15th Street, Augusta, GA 30912, USA
Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, GA 30912, USA
Department of Pathology, Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, GA 30912, USA
The Augusta VAMC, Augusta, GA 30912, USA
University of Georgia, Department of Animal and Dairy Science, Athens, GA 30602, USA
Department of Neurological Surgery, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32610, USA
article info
Article history:
Glucose-dependent insulinotropic peptide (GIP) is an incretin hormone that rises rapidly in
Received 21 March 2006
response to nutrient ingestion. The GIP receptor is widely expressed in the brain including
Received in revised form
the brain stem, telencephalon, diencephalon, olfactory bulb, pituitary, and cerebellum. Until
8 May 2006
recently it was not clear what the endogenous ligand for this receptor was because no GIP
Accepted 9 May 2006
expression had been demonstrated in the brain. GIP synthesis has now been documented in
Published on line 5 July 2006
the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus. To define GIP effects on behavior we utilized a mouse
model a GIP-overexpressing transgenic mouse (GIP Tg). Specifically, anxiety-related beha-
vior, exploration, memory, and nociception were examined. Compared to age-matched
GIP receptor
adult male C57BI/6 controls GIP Tg mice displayed enhanced exploratory behavior in the
open-field locomotor activity test. GIP Tg mice also demonstrated increased performance in
Transgenic mice
some of the motor function tests. These data suggest that the GIP receptor plays a role in the
regulation of locomotor activity and exploration. To our knowledge, this is the first report of
effects of GIP on behavior.
# 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Glucose-dependent insulinotropic peptide (GIP), a 42 amino
acid peptide released from endocrine cells in the small
intestine in response to a meal, is known to potentiate
nutrient-stimulated insulin release [4]. GIP receptors (GIPR)
belong to the seven transmembrane domain G proteincoupled receptor family and are widely distributed in the
brain with receptor mRNA being expressed at high levels in the
olfactory bulbs, layers 3 and 5 of the cerebral cortex, ventral
and dorsal hippocampus and mammilary bodies [11]. There is
also moderate GIPR mRNA expression in the anterior and
lateral septum, cortical amygdala, claustrum, subthalamic
nucleus, substantia nigra, inferior olive and rostral raphe
nuclei and choroid plexus [11]. The function of these GIPR was
not clear since GIP, in contrast to leptin, does not appear to
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 706 721 0692; fax: +1 706 721 7915.
E-mail address:
[email protected] (C.M. lsales).
0196-9781/$ – see front matter # 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
peptides 27 (2006) 2750–2755
suppress food intake [5]. However, recently the peptide itself,
GIP has been shown to be expressed in the hippocampus and
to induce progenitor cell proliferation [7]. In fact GIP receptor
knockout mice were demonstrated to have less than half the
number of new proliferating cells in the hippocampus than did
wild-type mice [7]. Thus, this result would suggest that specific
areas in the brain are able to synthesize and respond to GIP.
Signals for GIP release in the brain are not well defined but
presumably might also respond to changes in nutritional
As part of our efforts to define GIP’s role as an integrative
hormone modulating multiple systems within the body to
maximize nutrient absorption [1,2], we utilized a genetic
mouse model a GIP-overexpressing transgenic mouse, in
which serum GIP levels are two to six times higher than in the
wild-type mouse. We have demonstrated that this mouse
model and a related mouse model, the GIP receptor knockout
mice have large differences in bone mass, with GIP receptor
knockout mice having a low bone mass compared to wild-type
mice [12] and GIP-overexpressing transgenic mice exhibiting a
higher bone mass than control mice [13]. Since GIP blood
concentrations reflect nutrient ingestion, we studied effects
this peptide has on selected behaviors related to anxiety,
exploration, memory, and nociception. We report that alterations in GIP levels result in significant changes in mouse
Materials and methods
GIP-overexpressing transgenic mice
In view of data that the GIP receptor can be downregulated by
high doses of the peptide hormone [1], we designed a construct
that contained a regulatable promoter. Thus, the regulatory
elements associated with the mouse metallothionein promoter, which have been characterized extensively by Palmiter
et al. [8,9], were incorporated. The full-length GIP cDNA was
inserted into the vector MT2999 (a kind gift of Dr. Richard
Palmiter) for generating GIP-overexpressing transgenic mice
(Fig. 1). In this construct the GIP coding sequences are flanked
by 17 kb of regulatory sequences from the endogenous
metallothionein locus (MTI and MTII), leading to an insular
construct that retains proper regulation with limited artifactual effects derived from the site of integration. Colonies of
transgenic mice were established and characterized by
Southern blot and GIP radioimmunoassay. A transgenic
mouse line with greater than 10 integrated copies was selected
and GIP levels were measured.
All experiments were performed in accordance with the
guidelines put forth by the Institutional Animal Care and Use
Committee at the Medical College of Georgia. Unless
otherwise noted, behavioral tests were performed on 11
male transgenic or wild-type mice per group, of 3 months of
age. The same animal was used for multiple tests and the
order of testing was: (1) hot plate; (2) light/dark preference; (3)
tail flick; (4) rotarod; (5) Y-maze; (6) plus maze; (7) two-trial
novel object recognition task; and (8) open field locomotor
Fig. 1 – (A and B) Schematic of the MT-GIP construct used to
generate GIP-overexpressing transgenic mice. A 500 bp
mouse GIP cDNA was inserted into the unique Nrul site of
vector 2999. Vector 2999 incorporates the proximal mouse
metallothionein I promoter upstream and human growth
hormone polyadenylylation signals downstream of the
introduced cDNA. This minigene is insulated by 17 kb of 50
and 30 regulatory sequences deriving from the genomic
metallothionein locus to ensure tighter transcriptional
In the transgenic group the genetic manipulation has no
effect on body weight and growth compared to wild-type mice
at 3 months of age (GIP+/+ versus WT body weight (g):
26.3 1.85 versus 25.3 2.14, p = 0.2070; length (cm): 9.6 0.19
versus 9.5 0.24, p = 0.1295).
Anxiety-related behavior tests
Elevated plus maze
Anxiety levels were assessed using an elevated plus-shaped
maze consisting of two open arms and two closed arms
equipped with rows of infrared photocells interfaced with a
computer (Hamilton–Kinder, Poway, CA). Normal rodents
avoid the open arms of the plus maze so that decreases in
time spent in and entries into the open arms are thought to
reflect enhanced anxiety [6]. Mice were placed individually in
the center of the maze and allowed free access for 5 min. They
could spend their time either in a closed safe area (closed
arms), in an open area (open arms), or in the middle,
intermediate zone. Recorded beam breaks were used to
calculate the time spent and the distance moved in the open
and closed arms and the number of times the mice extended
over the edges of the open and closed arms. After behavioral
peptides 27 (2006) 2750–2755
testing, the equipment was cleaned with 1 mM acetic acid to
remove odors.
time that passes before the mouse lifts a hind paw from the
surface of the plate was recorded.
Memory tests
Light/dark preference
This apparatus consisted of a Plexiglas rectangular box (45 cm
long 27 cm wide 27 cm high) divided into a dark region
(15 cm long) and a larger light region (30 cm long) as in Bourin
and Hascoet [3]. The light and dark regions were separated by
an opening (7.5 cm 7.5 cm) that allowed the animals to move
between the two compartments. The dark region was made of
black opaque material and covered with a black lid. The light
portion was made of Plexiglas, and a 60-W light was positioned
directly over it. On the day of testing, each mouse was
transported individually from the housing room to the testing
room. The mouse was placed in the light compartment and
was allowed to move freely between the two compartments.
Behavior was video-recorded for a total of 5 min, and the
videotapes were scored for latency to return to the light
compartment and the number of transitions between the light
and dark compartments by an investigator blind to the group
assignments of the animals.
Motor function tests
Open field locomotor activity
Mice were placed in a Y-shaped maze for 5–8 min. All arm
entries were sequentially scored so that the total number of
arm entries, as well as the sequence of entries, were recorded.
Data were analyzed to determine the number of arm entries
without repetition. Success in this test is indicated by a high
rate of alternation in the control groups indicating that the
animals can remember which arm was entered last.
Automated open field locomotor activity was measured using
an Omnitech Digiscan (model CCDIGIO) optical animal
activity monitoring system that uses horizontal and vertical
banks of photo beam sensors to monitor several categories of
animal movement with time. Each animal was placed in a
clear test cage (40 cm 40 cm 30 cm), and the trial initiated
immediately. Locomotor activity was monitored continuously for 30 min, and the data were accumulated and
processed in a spreadsheet format. The following parameters
were recorded: horizontal activity, movement time, number
of stereotype movements, and vertical activity. A complete
description and definition of each parameter has been
published [10].
Each animal was placed on an accelerating rotorod (Ugo Basile,
Italy) that used a rotating treadmill that accelerated from 4 to
40 rpm over a 5-min period. Animals were given one trial on
the apparatus on the day prior to the experiment. On the day of
the experiment, the total number of seconds maintained on
the rotorod was recorded.
Tests of nociception
Tail flick
Mice were restrained in a conical polypropylene tube with an
opening through which its tail was exposed to a heat lamp and
the amount of time necessary for the animal to move (flick) its
tail away from the heat was recorded.
Thermal sensitivity test
In this test the mice were placed on an apparatus that
gradually increased in temperature. The temperature of the
heating surface was elevated by 3 8C/min from a beginning
temperature of 42 8C to a maximum temperature of 49 8C. The
Two-trial novel object recognition task
With one arm of the Y-maze blocked, mice were placed in one
of the arms and allowed to explore the two arms for 15 min.
The mice were returned to the maze 1–4 h later with all arms
open and scored for 5 min. The first arm entered, the amount
of time spent in each arm, and the number of entries into each
arm were recorded. Seven to 10 days later the test was
repeated with a delay time of only 2 min between the trials.
Statistical analyses
Results are expressed as mean S.E.M. Data were analyzed
using either ANOVA or unpaired t-tests, where appropriate,
with a statistical computer package (Instat, Graphpad Software Inc., San Diego, CA).
GIP-overexpressing transgenic mice had elevated
serum levels of GIP
Because of concerns about GIP receptor downregulation with
high GIP levels, a construct was generated using a heavy
metal inducible promoter (Fig. 1A). However, even at baseline prior to heavy metal ingestion, transgenic mice had
more than two-fold higher serum levels of GIP than control
mice (Fig. 1B). Further, after ingestion of 25 mM zinc sulfate
added to the drinking water, the GIP Tg mice had a nearly
six-fold rise in serum GIP levels. Sustained elevation of GIP at
these high levels however, resulted in GIP receptor downregulation as determined by Western blot analysis (data not
shown). Thus, no heavy metal supplement was given to any
of the GIP Tg mice for any of the subsequent experiments.
Since GIP is a hormone that rises rapidly after a meal and
may play a role in satiety, we first examined whether
alterations in GIP levels had an impact on anxiety-related
GIP had no effect on levels of anxiety
Both the elevated Plus-Maze and the test for light dark
preference evaluate an animals’ overall level of anxiety. The
elevated Plus-Maze, by measuring the amount of time spent in
enclosed (or protected) areas of an elevated platform versus
time spent in open areas, monitors the animals’ desire to avoid
peptides 27 (2006) 2750–2755
stressful or anxiety-inducing environments. GIP-overexpressing transgenic mice did not differ in the amount of time spent
in the open arms of the platform compared to control mice
(ratio of time in open arms/total (%): 10.6 1.3 versus
11.7 1.8, control versus Tg; mean S.E.M., p = 0.627). Similarly, in the test for light–dark preference, there was no
difference between GIP Tg mice and controls (ratio of time in
light/dark (%): 42.6 4.2 versus 56.3 10.7, control versus Tg;
mean S.E.M., p = 0.254). Increased time spent in the lighted
area of the cage is consistent with decreased anxiety. We next
examined the effects of GIP on locomotor activity.
GIP overexpression did not negatively impact
locomotor activity
In this series of experiments animals were placed in an open
cage and motor activity and movements recorded. These tests
ascertain whether genetic manipulation negatively impacts
on motor, hippocampal or basal ganglia function and thereby
mouse behavior. As shown in Fig. 2, GIP-overexpressing
transgenic did not have impaired locomotor activity compared
to control mice. In fact activity levels were significantly
increased: Distance traveled (cm) in total—784.6 67 versus
1212.3 88, control versus Tg; mean S.E.M., p = 0.001;
center—572.8 62 versus 869.4 80, control versus Tg; mean
S.E.M., p = 0.009; periphery—211.7 22 versus 342.9.7 26,
control versus Tg; mean S.E.M., p = 0.001. Any potential
impact of genetic manipulation on motor function was further
assessed by use of the rotarod test.
GIP overexpression did not negatively impact motor
Sensorimotor coordination of GIP transgenic mice was
evaluated using the rotarod test. In this test mice were placed
Fig. 2 – GIP transgenic mice did not have impaired
locomotor activity. In order to assess whether genetic
manipulation negatively affected basal ganglia or
hippocampal development, activity levels were measured
for the GIP transgenic and control mice. None of the study
groups were found to have impaired locomotor activity
compared to control animals. Each point represents the
mean W S.E.M. of 11 mice per group. There were
significant differences in activity level between control
and Tg mice (total: **p = 0.001 with 20 degrees of freedom;
center: *p = 0.009 with 20 degrees of freedom; periphery:
p = 0.001 with 20 degrees of freedom).
Fig. 3 – (A and B) GIP transgenic mice demonstrated
improved sensorimotor coordination. GIP transgenic and
control mice were placed on a rotating rod the speed of
which was gradually increased and the time spent on the
rod before falling off was measured. At two time points,
GIP transgenic mice were found to perform significantly
better than control animals. Data represent the
mean W S.E.M. of 10–12 mice/group. *p < 0.05 GIP
transgenic vs. wild-type mice.
on a rotating rod whose speed is gradually increased and the
time spent on these rods measured. This test evaluates basal
ganglia and cerebellar function. As shown in Fig. 3, GIP
transgenic mice did not demonstrate decreased motor
coordination compared to control animals. In fact GIP
transgenic mice show a consistent trend (which was statistically significant on two different trials) to be able to spend
more time on the rotating rods compared to control animals
(rotarod day 1 trial 3 (s): 27.5 3.7 versus 50.9 8.8, control
versus Tg; mean S.E.M., p = 0.029; rotarod day 2 trial 2 (s):
47.4 7.3 versus 68.8 6.9, control versus Tg; mean S.E.M.,
p = 0.0464). To evaluate whether changes in GIP had an impact
on pain perception we next performed tests for nociception.
GIP overexpression had no impact on nociception
In this series of experiments the sensitivity to spinal
perception of pain was assessed in the GIP transgenic mice.
Mice were restrained in a conical tube and the amount of time
taken for moving their tail from under a heat lamp was
measured. GIP-overexpressing transgenic mice did not differ
in tail flick latency compared to control mice (Tail flick latency
peptides 27 (2006) 2750–2755
in seconds: 7 0.4 versus 6.7 0.3, control versus Tg; mean
S.E.M., p = 0.566). In contrast, to assess supraspinal nociception, experiments using a thermal sensitivity test were
performed. In this series of experiments, mice were placed
on a hot plate that gradually increased in temperature
(38 min 1 from 42 to 49 8C) and the time taken for the animals
to lift their hindpaws from the hot plate was measured. There
was no significant difference between the test groups animals
(hot plate average time (s): 79.5 3.1 versus 80.6 4.6, control
versus Tg; mean S.E.M., p = 0.845; hot plate average temperature (8C): 46.1 0.1 versus 46.0 0.2, control versus Tg;
mean S.E.M., p = 0.661).
GIP-overexpressing transgenic mice demonstrated
improved performance in the Y-maze
In order to assess potential hippocampal damage and as a
way to evaluate any impact on memory, mice were placed in a
Y-maze for 8 min and then the number of entries into each
arm measured. A high number of alternations is consistent
with the mice remembering the arm that they previously
entered and subsequently testing the other arm. As can be
seen in Fig. 4A, there was no significant difference between the
Fig. 4 – GIP transgenic mice perform better than control
mice in the Y-maze. GIP transgenic or control mice were
placed in a Y-maze and the number of alternations
(entering the different arms) an index of how well they
remember the arm previously entered (panel A) was
measured. Alternatively, animals were placed in a
Y-maze, removed and subsequently again placed in the
maze and the number of entries into each arm measured
as an index of how well they remembered their previous
time in the maze (panel B). Data represent the
mean W S.E.M. of 10–12 mice per group. **p < 0.01 GIP
transgenic vs. wild-type mice.
different mouse groups tested. However, in the two-trial
recognition memory test, mice were permitted to explore the
Y-maze, in which one of the arms was blocked, for fifteen
minutes, removed from the maze for 1–4 h and then again
placed in the maze and the arm of the maze entered and the
number of entries recorded. This test evaluates longer term
memory and as can be seen in Fig. 4B, GIP transgenic mice had
a significantly greater number of total entries than control
mice (total entries: 23.9 1.5 versus 34.9 2.0, control versus
Tg; mean S.E.M., p = 0.0003) although there were no significant differences in the % novel entries between the Tg and
control mice. This would suggest that differences in performance may be related to the increased activity observed in the
transgenic mice.
The present results demonstrate that GIP-overexpressing
transgenic mice have better sensorimotor coordination and
memory recognition compared to control mice. The widespread distribution of the GIP receptor in the brain has been
known for some time [11]; however the role these receptors
play in normal brain function has been unclear, since GIP
synthesis has been well documented to occur almost
exclusively in the endocrine (K) cells of the small intestine.
Nyberg et al. [7] have recently shown however that GIP mRNA
and immunoreactivity is present in the rat hippocampus.
These investigators also demonstrated that the GIP receptor is
expressed in hippocampal progenitor cells and in vivo and in
vitro experiments showed that GIP increased hippocampal cell
proliferation. Interestingly, these investigators also examined
GIP receptor knockout mice and found that these mice had
fewer than half the number of proliferating cells in the
hippocampus than did wild-type mice. However, no behavioral testing was performed on the GIPR knockout mice [7].
The hippocampus is important in a number of brain processes
including recent memory and orientation. GIP-overexpressing
transgenic animals did significantly better than wild-type
mice in the Y-maze (Fig. 4) and coordination (Figs. 2 and 3) as
might be predicted from the effect of GIP on hippocampal cell
proliferation. Although part of the increase in total entries in
the two-trial recognition memory test may relate to the
increased locomotor activity.
The role of GIP in normal physiology has become increasingly relevant as new therapies for treatment of diabetes
mellitus become available. GIP and glucagon-like peptide-1
(GLP-1) are well known ‘‘incretin’’ hormones, that is, they
potentiate glucose-induced insulin secretion. Both GIP and
GLP-1 are rapidly broken down by the enzyme dipeptidyl
peptidase IV (DPP IV) and inhibitors of this enzyme are now in
clinical trials for treatment of diabetes mellitus type II. The
impact these medications may have on these neuropeptides
and brain function is not clear. Our data suggest that GIP
overexpression in our transgenic mice can have significant
effects on a number of behavioral tests. Whether the observed
behavioral changes are due only to changes in circulating GIP
levels or there may be other developmental differences
between control and transgenic mice is not completely clear
thus our findings must be interpreted with caution. However,
peptides 27 (2006) 2750–2755
only a relatively narrow spectrum of behavioral tests were
performed and how these changes in behavior in mice may
translate to effects on human brain function is also unclear.
This suggests that human testing on behavior on patients
receiving medication that can alter the levels of these
neuropeptides is warranted and that until these test results
become available that caution may be justified.
This study was funded by a grant from the National Institutes
of Health (R01DK058680, CMI). We thank Dr. Alvin Terry and
the small animal behavior core for behavioral testing.
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