International Surgery Journal
Tandup C et al. Int Surg J. 2019 Jun;6(6):2213-2215
pISSN 2349-3305 | eISSN 2349-2902
Case Report
Rare case of retroperitoneal cystic lymphangioma in an adult
Cherring Tandup*, Anish Chowdhury, Yashwant Raj Sakaray,
Nasika Venkata Kanaka Naga Karthik
Department of General Surgery, Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education & Research, Chandigarh, India
Received: 19 March 2019
Accepted: 17 May 2019
Dr. Cherring Tandup,
[email protected]
Copyright: © the author(s), publisher and licensee Medip Academy. This is an open-access article distributed under
the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License, which permits unrestricted non-commercial
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Cystic lymphangioma is benign tumor originating from the lymphatic vessels. Most commonly occurs in childhood
and in the head or neck regions, retroperitoneal localization and presentations in adulthood are rare. Making a preoperative diagnosis is challenging, and only possible subsequent to the histological examination. En bloc resection is
the recommended treatment for cystic lymphangioma, and recurrence occurs due to an incomplete excision. We here
present a case of 40 year female presenting with progressive palpable lump associated with pain in right quadrant of
abdomen, which on computed tomography revealed a large retroperitoneal cystic lesion probably lymphanigoma or
cystic mesothelioma.
Keywords: Lymphangioma, Cyst, Retroperitoneal, Adult
Retroperitoneal lymphangiomas occurs due to
malformations of retroperitoneal lymphatic systems are
extremely rare condition affecting adult patients.1
Lymphangiomas being benign congenital malformation
of lymphatic system are usually diagnosed in children
and young adults and mostly located in head, neck and
axilla where the loose connective tissue surrounding the
structures allow lymphatic channels to expand and
assume large proportions.2-4 Less than 5% of all
lymphangiomas occur intra-abdominally and of them
<1% occur in the retroperitoneum.5 When present intraabdominally they generally present as diffuse
lymphangiomatosis involving multiple organs such as
liver, kidney, spleen, GI tract mesentery , mediastinum,
bones and soft tissue.1,7 Hence solitary lymphangioma of
retroperitoneum in an adult is a very rare tumor and very
few cases have been documented. With this report we
would like to share our experience in managing a female
adult with a giant cystic lymphangioma of the
retroperitoneum complicated with kyphosis.
40 year old female, known case of kyphosis of dorsolumbar spine presented with complain of progressively
increasing lump in the right side of abdomen for the past
one and half year associated with dull aching pain over
right quadrant .The patient had history of caesarean 14
years back. On examination there was a palpable soft
mass in the right hypochondrium reaching up to
umbilicus and hypogastrium not moving with respiration.
Infraumbilical midline scar of previous LSCS was noted.
Ultrasonography of abdomen revealed large multiloculated cystic lesion in the sub-hepatic region
extending upto the pelvis. Contrast enhanced CT showed
a large smooth thin walled multiloculated cystic lesion in
sub-hepatic space extending upto right iliac fossa and
hypogastrium region (Figures 1-3). It measured
19.5cm×12.4cm×12.8cm. There was multiple thin
International Surgery Journal | June 2019 | Vol 6 | Issue 6
Page 2213
Tandup C et al. Int Surg J. 2019 Jun;6(6):2213-2215
enhancing septa. No evidence of solid components or
calcifications were seen. Superiorly it indented the liver
and pushed the bowel loops anteromedially.
multiple cysts ranging in size from 1-3cm). On
microscopic examination multiple sections showed
variably sized spaces lined by flattened cells enclosing
pale eosinophilic lymph. The interstitial tissue showed
paucicellular fibrocollagenous stroma with minimal
lymphomononuclear inflammatory cell infiltrate and a
few capillaries with occasional smooth muscle fibre.
Figure 1: Contrast-enhanced CT axial scan shows
infrahepatic retroperitoneal lobulated-septated
cystic mass.
Figure 3: Contrast-enhanced CT sagittal scan shows
retroperitoneal lobulated-septated cystic mass extent
from infrahepatic to hypogastrium region.
Figure 2: Contrast-enhanced CT axial scan shows
retroperitoneal lobulated large cystic lesion reaching
upto right iliac fossa region.
We performed exploratory laparotomy and en bloc
resection of retroperitoneal lymphangioma (Figure 4).
There was a large multiloculated cystic mass extending
from infrahepatic region to right iliac fossa. It was
attached to right perirenal fascia, infrahepatic, subhepatic
region and ascending colon. Around 700 ml of pale straw
colored fluid was aspirated and en bloc resection was
Gross pathology revealed a well encapsulated mass
measuring 19cm×11cm×17cm. Outer surface was
lobulated and cut surface predominantly cystic (98%
Figure 4: En bloc resection specimen of cystic
Following resection patient had an uneventful recovery.
She was discharged on post op day 8 and is on regular
follow up and currently is asymptomatic.
Lymphangiomas are generally considered to represent
congenital malformation of lymphatic systems. Majority
occurring relatively early in life. They develop as a result
of lymphatic stasis due to congenital blockade or
hypoplasia of regional lymphatic drainage.8 Isolated
retroperitoneal lymphamgiomas are extremely rare tumor,
International Surgery Journal | June 2019 | Vol 6 | Issue 6
Page 2214
Tandup C et al. Int Surg J. 2019 Jun;6(6):2213-2215
more so when diagnosed in an adult patient. Despite
controversy surrounding the hamartomous, neoplastic or
lymphangiectatic origin of this entity, general consensus
points towards a benign etiology without any proven
malignant potential.
Retroperitoneal lymphangiomas are mostly diagnosed
incidentally or presenting with non specific symptoms
such as vague abdominal pain or mass in affected site.
The pain may be due to compression of surrounding
structure. Sudden acute pain with peritoneal signs is not
an unusual presentation and Heralds cystic fluid leakage
from the tumor.9
Typical USG or CT feature of lymphangioma is a
cystic/multicystic intraabdominal mass with internal
septations. However it may be difficult to come to an
accurate preoperative diagnosis due to nonspecific nature
of these findings. These findings may hold true for a
myriad of other cystic conditions including but not
limited to cyst adenocarcinoma, cystic teratoma, cystic
mesothelioma, pseudomyxoma retroperitonii etc.
although not done in our case MRI may offer better
insight as this tumor is characterised by multilobulated
heterogenous mass with low signal intensity in T1 and
high signal intensity in T2 weighted images.10
Accurate diagnosis sadly can be made only by
pathological examination. They are classified into three
subtypes according to congenital dilated lymphatic
(microcystic) or cystic (macrocystic). Histologially they
comprise lymphatic spaces lined by attenuated
endothelium and filled with proteinaceous fluid (lymph)
and may be unilocular or multilocular. Cystic
lymphangiomas have the unique feature of having flat
endothelial lining in place of cuboidal epithelium,
lymphoid aggregates in thee cyst wall and presence of
smooth muscle fibres. Retroperitoneal lymphangiomas
are usually of cavernous or cystic type.
Immunohistochemistry may show positive staining with
CD31 or factor VIII related antigen but negative staining
with cytokeratin. We did not performed IHC in our
Preoperative diagnosis is difficult due to the rarity of
disease and other more common cystic lesions must be
kept in mind while arriving at a diagnosis. Diagnostic
FNAC is not indicated due to risk of bleeding from wall
and septa and the chance of secondary seeding in case of
Surgical excision with en bloc resection is must to avoid
recurrence. Other treatment modalities are not well
established and enbloc resection should be attempted
wherever possible.
Owing to the high risk of recurrence patient must be
followed up closely post-surgery. Clinical follow up and
radiological investigations such as ultrasonography and
CT scan are to be done at repeated intervals.
Funding: No funding sources
Conflict of interest: None declared
Ethical approval: Not required
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Cite this article as: Tandup C, Chowdhury A,
Sakaray YR, Karthik NVKN. Rare case of
retroperitoneal cystic lymphangioma in an adult. Int
Surg J 2019;6:2213-5.
International Surgery Journal | June 2019 | Vol 6 | Issue 6
Page 2215