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Special attention must be paid in the process of selection of excipients during the process of formulation of different dosage forms.
Excipients are included in dosage forms to aid manufacture, administration or absorption. Although considered pharmacologically inert, excipients can initiate, propagate or participate in chemical or physical interactions with drug compounds, which may compromise the effectiveness of a medication. Exicipients are not exquisitely pure. Even for the most commonly used excipients, it is necessary to understand the context of their manufacture in order to identify potential active pharmaceutical ingredients interactions with trace components. Chemical interactions can lead to degradation of the active ingredient, thereby reducing the amount available for therapeutic effect. Physical interactions can affect rate of dissolution, uniformity of dose or ease of administration.
The Pharma Innovation Journal, 2015
Studies of drug-excipient compatibility represent an important phase in the preformulation stage of the development of all dosage forms. The potential physical and chemical interactions between drugs and excipients can affect the chemical, physical, therapeutical properties and stability of the dosage form. The present review contains a basic mode of drug degradation, mechanism of drug- excipient interaction like physical, chemical and biopharmaceutical. Different Thermal and Non-thermal method of analysis, Tools and software for incompatibility is also discussed. Once the type of interaction is determined we can take further steps to improve the stability of drug and dosage form. From review, we conclude that consequent use of thermal and non-thermal method provide data for drug- excipient interaction which can further help in selection of excipient for the development of stable dosage form.
Studies of active drug/excipient compatibility represent an important phase in the preformulation stage of the development of all dosage forms. The potential physical and chemical interactions between drugs and excipients can affect the chemical nature, the stability and bioavailability of drugs and, consequently, their therapeutic efficacy and safety. The present review covers the literature reports of interaction and incompatibilities of commonly used pharmaceutical excipients with different active pharmaceutical ingredients in solid dosage forms. Examples of active drug/excipient interactions, such as transacylation, the Maillard browning reaction, acid base reactions and physical changes are discussed for different active pharmaceutical ingredients belonging to different therapeutic categories viz antiviral, anti-inflammatory, antidiabetic, antihypertensive, anti-convulsant, antibiotic , bronchodialator, antimalarial, antiemetic, antiamoebic, antipsychotic, antidepressant, anti-cancer, anticoagulant and sedative/hypnotic drugs and vitamins. Once the solid-state reactions of a pharmaceutical system are understood, the necessary steps can be taken to avoid reactivity and improve the stability of drug substances and products.
Additives are non drug component for structuring dosage form and said to be pharmacologically inactive in nature. Selections of excipients were depend upon type of dosage form, their functionality and based on their compatible atmosphere with respect to the active and inactive ingredients and method of preparation. Their role is vital and forming back bone of type of dosage form including solid, semi-solid and liquid dosage form used for topical and conventional application. To turn a drug (API) substance into a desired pharmaceutical dosage form or a drug delivery system, pharmaceutical ingredients were required. Majority of times formulation stability and their bioavailability depends upon selection of excipients and their concentration level with combinations. The peer knowledge of current review article enlists the different mechanisms of various additives used in multi formulations with their ultimate mechanism role in-depth basics and their background knowledge in designing of various dosage formulations
Journal of Excipients and Food Chemicals, 2010
Studies of active drug/excipient compatibility represent an important phase in the preformulation stage of the development of all dosage forms. The potential physical and chemical interactions between drugs and excipients can affect the chemical nature, the stability and bioavailability of drugs and, consequently, their therapeutic efficacy and safety. The present review covers the literature reports of interaction and incompatibilities of commonly used pharmaceutical excipients with different active pharmaceutical ingredients in solid dosage forms. Examples of active drug/excipient interactions, such as transacylation, the Maillard browning reaction, acid base reactions and physical changes are discussed for different active pharmaceutical ingredients belonging to different therapeutic categories viz antiviral, anti-inflammatory, antidiabetic, antihypertensive, anti-convulsant, antibiotic, bronchodialator, antimalarial, antiemetic, antiamoebic, antipsychotic, antidepressant, anticancer, anticoagulant and sedative/hypnotic drugs and vitamins. Once the solid-state reactions of a pharmaceutical system are understood, the necessary steps can be taken to avoid reactivity and improve the stability of drug substances and products.
Acta chimica Slovenica, 2010
Different types of factorial experimental designs can be used in compatibility studies of drug development, where many different factors and their interactions should be evaluated to predict their effects on the degradation of the drug substance under study. All possible main and interaction effects of different potential excipients that can constitute the drug product should be evaluated in order to select the best combination of excipients that give the lowest possible degradation, i.e., the most stable drug product. Statistical experimental designs enable the user to obtain the maximum amount of information, i.e., the degradation effects of excipients and their interactions on the stability of the drug substance, on the basis of the smallest possible number of experiments. The use of full and two different fractional factorial designs is described using a real example where the excipients that stabilize the drug substance or cause as little degradation as possible are selected fo...
Drug Metabolism Handbook
Theophylline is a drug that has been used for asthma disease, for more than 80 years. It has been used for its bronchodilator effects; however, dosing was critical because of it is narrow therapeutic index which may lead to failure in treatment of toxicity. This case illustrates the important of individualization of the theophylline based on the patient medical history. Pharmacist intervention and knowledge in the drug disease interaction, considering the pharmacokinetics data, would be valuable for the success of the treatment.
Pacific Gateways: Trans-Oceanic Narratives and Anglophone Literature, 1780–1914, 2024
The history of humanity can be divided in different eras (creation, palaeolithic, neolithic, the time of Krishna, of Christ, of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi), in which the chakras – one after another - have come into being; the eras show the development of different stages of human consciousness, the subtle development of our channels on the nervous system and the development of the different spiritual ages according to the Vedas and Puranas. But right from the beginning we had some problems, because the ERAS we find in anthropology do not match with the spiritual AGES from the ancient Indian knowledge as described in the Vedas and Puranas (Bhagawata Purana and Vishnu Purana) as far as time is concerned. But from the side of the description of human behavior and development there is no discrepancy.
Resurse umane: 20 Resurse spațiale: sala de grupă Domeniul: Limbă și Comunicare Mijloc de realizare: joc didactic ,,Eu zic una, tu zici mai multe" Tema anuală: Când, cum și de ce se întâmplă Tema săptămânală: Bradul Tema proiectului: Bradul de Crăciun Tipul activității: Consolidare Scopul activității: Dezvoltarea gândirii logice a copilului, pe baza succesiunii sentimentelor şi ideilor poetice ale textelor literare. Dimensiuni ale dezvoltării: C1 -Curiozitate, interes și initiativă în învățare E1 -Relații, operații și deducții logice în mediul apropiat E3 -Caracteristici structurale și funcționale ale lumii înconjurătoare Comportamente vizate: E1.1. -Identifică elemente caracteristice ale unor relații din mediul înconjurător E1.2 -Compară experiențe, acțiuni, avenimente, relații din mediul apropriat E3.1. -Evidențiază caracteristicile unor obiecte localizate în spațiul înconjurător. Obiective de referință: 1. Să participe la activităţile de grup, inclusiv la activităţile de joc, atât în calitate de vorbitor, cât şi în calitate de auditor. 2. Să înţeleagă şi să transmită mesaje simple; să reacţioneze la acestea. 3. Să recepteze un text care i se citeşte ori i se povesteşte, înţelegând în mod intuitiv caracteristicile expresive şi estetice ale acestuia. Obiective cadru: 1. Dezvoltarea capacităţii de exprimare orală, de înţelegere şi utilizare corectă a semnificaţiilor structurilor verbale orale; 2. Educarea unei exprimări verbale corecte din punct de vedere fonetic, lexical, sintactic; 3. Dezvoltarea creativităţii şi expresivităţii limbajului oral; 4. Dezvoltarea capacităţii de a înţelege şi transmite intenţii, gânduri, semnificaţii mijlocite de limbajul scris.
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