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Possiamo noi storici del diritto europei scrivere una storia non eurocentrica o quantomeno decolonizzata del diritto internazionale? O siamo inesorabilmente condannati al silenzio perché parte di quella stessa storia che vogliamo criticare? Proveremo a rispondere a queste domande analizzando il rapporto tra diritto internazionale e colonialismo e assumendo come punto di partenza i lavori del più eurocentrico dei giuristi europei: Carl Schmitt.
Manuscrito – Rev. Int. Fil. Campinas (Brazil), 2023
A recent stream of epistemology gives special relevance to ignorance within the framework of an epistemological theory. Indeed, some want to give a significant role to ignorance in epistemological theorizing. In this paper, we argue that a particular sort of ignorance, which involves recognition of the fact that one is ignorant, is central to the acquisition of knowledge given the epistemic structure of society. It is clear, we hold, that Socrates realized the relevance of what we call ‘Socratic ignorance’ in the acquisition of knowledge and was aware of the division of epistemic and cognitive labor that we find in our society. We shall explain the way we understand this Socratic ignorance, as opposed to what we will call ‘stubborn ignorance’ and the role this ignorance of Socratic overtones and related character traits can play in the acquisition of knowledge from others and with others.
Терминът е неясен както между академици, така и в неакадемичните среди.
Linda Wijayanti, S.Pd, 2020
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan pembahasan, dapat disimpulkan bahwa Motivasi belajar matematika siswa di kelas X TKJ SMK An Nabawi Kradenan Tahun Pelajaran 2020/2021 dapat ditingkatkan melalui penerapan pendekatan saintifik dengan model pembelajaran Problem Based Learning. Peningkatan masing-masing indikator motivasi belajar tersebut antara lain indikator Tekun dalam menyelesaikan tugas naik 5,33 % dari 84% menjadi 89,33%, indikator Ulet dalam menghadapi kesulitan naik 3,67% dari 85,33% menjadi 89%, indikator Menunjukkan minat naik 5,33% dari 84% menjadi 89,33%, indikator Bekerja secara mandiri naik 5% dari 83% menjadi 88%, indikator Cepat bosan pada tugas-tugas rutin naik 5,67 % dari 85% menjadi 90.67%, indikator Dapat mempertahankan pendapatnya naik 6,67% dari 83% menjadi 89,67%, indikator Tidak mudah melepas hal yang diyakini itu naik 4,3 % dari 86,33% menjadi 90,67%, kemudian indikator Senang mencari dan menyelesaikan soal-soal naik 4,33 % dari 85,33% menjadi 89,67%%.
In the following I propose to correct and augment the understanding of ten names and words in seal-legends of the eighth, seventh and fourth centuries, eight of them in the Corpus of West Semitic stamp seals (WSS), 1997, and two that were published later. 1
Revista AIBR, 2021
La antropología ha atendido más a la eficacia ritual que a aquellos ritos cuyo efecto no es el esperado o su resultado no es bienvenido; sin embargo, «el fracaso ritual» (Geertz, 1957) ocurre todo el tiempo y es un buen indicador del cambio cultural, tanto en cuanto al cambio de valores como a los mecanismos concretos de las innovaciones religiosas (Hüsken, 2007; Koutrafouri y Sanders, 2013). Este enfoque resulta clarificador en alguna casuística en la que los casos fallidos son la norma, en vez de la excepción, como es el caso de las apariciones marianas (Christian, 2009). El objetivo de este artículo es proponer y explorar el fracaso ritual como problemática de investigación y como estrategia teórico-metodológica para dar cuenta del cambio social y cultural, sugiriendo un modelo de análisis posible para futuras investigaciones. Para ello, se empieza describiendo el caso de José, un joven visionario que quiso reformar el culto público en su pueblo a partir de la recepción de un mensaje de la Virgen María. A continuación, se exploran cuestiones de alcance más amplio que atañen al valor heurístico de los episodios fallidos, a la tensión entre creatividad y poder en la innovación religiosa, y a las posibilidades de la pragmática austiniana (Austin, 1978) en la sistematización analítica de los casos fallidos.
Circolano petizioni e appelli affinché la consegna dell'amministrazione del luogo al Museo delle Civiltà sia sventata. Un provvedimento che ne snaturerebbe l'identità, riducendolo a una compilation di cimeli fuori contesto
p. 537 ↓ ] The enormous growth in online activities has created all sorts of new opportunities for research. These opportunities are theoretical as well as methodological. The theoretical opportunities have been present in prior chapters but never emphasized; this chapter brings theory into focus without losing sight of methods. Specifically, the chapter discusses the explanatory power of theory based on online methodologies to address important social issues. Using this goal it describes three themes common to the preceding chapters: the volume of data, additional computer resources, and the 'qualitative analysis bottleneck'. Each theme presents problems as well as opportunities, and the goal of this chapter is to explore how methods and theory work together to define and mitigate the problems as well as to exploit the opportunities. Uni of Oxford (Bodleian Lib)
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The Electricity Journal, 2019
European Journal of Business and Management, 2015
Antiquité Tardive, 2022
Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society, 2013
Journal of Child Health Care, 2017
Jezik in književnost v spreminjanju : [Slovenski slavistični kongres, Celje, 26.-28. september 2024], 2024
Adicciones, 2011
Annals of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery : official journal of the Association of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeons of Asia, 2006