Revista românã de
Anul XIV (XVIII), nr. 1 (58), 2019
ISSN 2559 - 3706
Revista românã de
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Delia Cristina BALABAN, Universitatea „Babeº-Bolyai”, Cluj-Napoca, România * Oana BÃLUÞÃ,
Universitatea din Bucureºti, România * ªtefan BRATOSIN, Université de Toulouse 3, Franþa * Gheorghe
CLITAN, Universitatea de Vest, Timiºoara, România * Cristina COMAN, Universitatea din Bucureºti, România
* Boguslawa DOBEK-OSTROWSKA, Wroclaw University, Polonia * Daniela FRUMUªANI, Universitatea din
Bucureºti, România * Gheorghe Ilie FÂRTE, Universitatea „Al. I. Cuza”, Iaºi, România * Peter GROSS, The
University of Tennesse, SUA * Constantin HARIUC, Universitatea Ecologicã, Bucureºti, România * Heikki
HEIKKILA, University of Tampere, Finlanda * Lucian IONICÃ, Universitatea de Vest, Timiºoara, România
* Gerd KOPPER, Dortmund University, Germania * Pascal LARDELIER, Université de Bourgogne, Dijon,
Franþa * Mirela LAZÃR, Universitatea din Bucureºti, România * Aurelia LÃPUªAN, Universitatea „Ovidius”,
Constanþa, România * Valentina MARINESCU, Universitatea din Bucureºti, România * Gianpietro
MAZZOLENI, Università degli Studi di Milano, Italia * Bernard MIEGE, Université Stendhal, Grenoble3,
Franþa * Pierre MOEGLIN, Université Paris XIII, Franþa * Pierre MORY, I.H.E.C.S., Belgia * Carmen
NEAMÞU, Universitatea „Aurel Vlaicu”, Arad, România * Viorica Aura PÃUª, Universitatea din Bucureºti,
România * Radu PÂRVU, Universitatea „C. Brâncoveanu”, Piteºti, România * Marian PETCU, Universitatea
din Bucureºti, România * Dana POPESCU, Université Lyon2 Lumière, Franþa * Ilie RAD, Universitatea „BabeºBolyai”, Cluj-Napoca, România * Eric ROTHENBUHLER, Webster University, USA * Luminiþa ROªCA,
Universitatea din Bucureºti, România * Stephan RUSS-MOHL, Universita della Svizzera italiana, Elveþia *
Monica SPIRIDON, Universitatea din Bucureºti, România * Laurenþiu ªOITU, Universitatea „Al. I. Cuza”, Iaºi,
România * Johanna SUMIALA, University of Helsinki, Finland
Facultatea de Jurnalism ºi ªtiinþele Comunicãrii, Bulevardul Iuliu Maniu, nr. 1-3,
Sector 6, Bucureºti, Telefon: 021 3181555
Revistã recunoscutã de CNCSIS - 2011, în categoria B+ (cod 779)
Site-ul Revistei Române de Jurnalism ºi Comunicare:
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ISSN 2559 - 3706 & ISSN-L 1842 - 256X
Romanian Journal of
Journalism & Communication
Branding Elements in the Romanian Orthodox Church
Iulia Hașdeu – A symbol of online magic
Brexit. How to communicate it. Romania’s Strategic Communications
concerning it in 2016
Handy-Francine JAOMIASA
Television news channels positioning strategies
Arina-Ioana MOGA
Les médias influencent-ils l’agenda parlementaire en Roumanie ?
Television news channels positioning strategies
Arina-Ioana MOGA,
University of Bucharest, Romania
Jurnalism ºi comunicare * Anul XIV, nr. 1, 2019
Different strategies are used by media organizations to attract consumers. The technological
revolution favored the emergence of unprecedented
competitive dynamics, which led to a change in how
media products are consumed. An unprecedented
competitive dynamics stroke after a technological
revolution appeared in the field, a fact that led to a
change in how media products are consumed. The
Romanian audiovisual market “is one of the most
developed audiovisual markets in Central and
Eastern Europe” (Cerban, 2012), with around 700
operating TV channels. The televisual consumption
level in Romania is growing by the day, with almost
double the world average level, and the 24 hour news
channels have been occupying the first place in the
preferences of the viewers with a percentage that
reached 77% (Olteanu, 2017). In this context, news
televisions do not only compete among themselves, on
their niche, but try to get as much profit as possible
from the broadcast advertising income in general.
This research aims to analyze the strategies used by
the news stations in Romanian to position itself into
the mass media market.
The data presented in this material are part of
the doctoral research “Publishing and Marketing
Strategies of Romanian Television News” conducted
by the author in his capacity as PhD student at the
Faculty of Journalism and Communication Sciences,
University of Bucharest.
News television, media market, positioning
strategy, informative niche, media competitors.
Les organisations de média utilisent diverses
stratégies afin d’attirer les consommateur. La
révolution technologique a favorisé l’apparition
d’une dynamique concurrentielle sans précèdent, fait
qui a mené un changement de la manière dont on
consume les produits média. Le marché audiovisuel
de Roumanie se situe « parmi les plus développées
marchés de l’audiovisuel, de l’Europe centrale et de
l’Est » (Cerban, 2012), ici fonctionnant environ 700
télévisions. En dépit de cela, la consommation
télévisuel de Roumanie est en croissance, avec une
quota presque double par rapport à la média
mondiale, les canaux informatifs en occupant
la première place dans les préférences des
téléspectateurs de notre pays avec 77% (Olteanu,
2017). Dans ce contexte, les télévisions de nouvelles
ne concurrent pas seulement entre eux, sur leur niche
spécifique, mais essaie d’obtenir une quota plus
grande des revenus reçus de la publicité diffusée.
Le présent article se propose d’analyser les stratégies
utilisées par les stations informatives de Roumanie
afin de se positionner sur le marché mass-média.
Les données présentées dans ce document font
partie de la recherche doctorale “Stratégies de
publication et de marketing des informations de la
télévision roumaine” menée par l’auteur en sa qualité
d’étudiant au doctorat à la Faculté de journalisme
et de sciences de la communication de l’Université
de Bucarest.
Mots clés
Nouvelles télévision, marché des médias, stratégie
de positionnement, niche informative, concurrents
des médias.
Jurnalism ºi comunicare * Anul XIV, nr. 1, 2019
a company in the market of a product. It is expressed
in percentages with values between 0 and 100 (Kotler
et alii., 1999, p. 1105). In parallel, the challenger
will also seek to increase the market share, by
attacking the leader of companies of the same size
or smaller ones.
Positioning will need to reflect the organization’s
image and offer so that the audience can appreciate
what the chosen television is in relation to the
competition. Creating a different position and
maintaining it can help a company overtake its
competitors. Philip Kotler (2000) shows seven types
of positioning strategies that can be applied to a
business regardless of the nature of its activity:
positioning by attributes; positioning based on the
benefits of products; positioning according to the
use of products or services; user-oriented positioning;
positioning in relation to competition; positioning
based on belonging to a product category; positioning
in relation to the origin of the products (Kotler,
2000, p. 397).
Positioning strategy can be achieved by studying
the competitors, choosing a position and evaluating
the rentable profitability of the target position, of
course after taking into account all the resources
necessary to occupy the desired position and to defend
it, ensuring the link between the positioning and the
components of the mixed marketing. Before anything,
the position of the products in the consumer’s
conception should be analyzed. The product positioning strategy will allow the company to move on
to the next step, that involves the ability to develop
competitive marketing strategies.
In the process of winning a position in the market,
competitors use different methods to achieve their
goals. Kotler (2000, p. 494) describes five attack
strategies used by companies in the market: frontal
attack, lateral attack, encircling attack, avoidance
attack, and guerrilla attack. Through an analogy with
the military theory, the marketing professor believes
that in setting the attack strategy, the starting point
is “the principle of concentrating, implements the
fact that the superior combat power should be
concentrated at the time and place best suited to
achieving the goal that has been set” (Kotler, 2000,
p. 494).
The methodology: Five news station televisions
were selected for this research: Antena 3, B1 TV,
Digi 24, Realitatea TV and Romania TV. These media
organizations were selected based on: ownership form
Through positioning, there is an attempt to create
an image in the mind of some potential consumers, so
through this process they would be able distinguish
between a media institution and its competitors.
Promoting these meaningful differences that will
make them valuable and differentiate between
competing organizations was defined by Kotler
(2000, p. 391) as differentiation. This step will be
accomplished within the concentrated positioning
strategy, called simple positioning and defined by the
same author as “the act of designing the offer and the
image of a company so that it occupies a distinct and
appreciable place for the attention of the targeted
buyers” (Kotler, 2000, p. 391).
Any marketing strategy is based on positioning,
which is closely related to the mixed marketing.
In order to conceive, develop and implement a
positioning strategy, it is first necessary to look at how
the media institution is perceived at the level of the
market, but also how its consumers necessity is
perceived. For implementing the positioning concept
on the market it is necessary to formulate the most
important advantages that products can benefit
(Kotler, 2000).
The two positioning specialists, Al Ries and Jack
Tout, who have defined and popularized this concept,
believe that positioning refers to how an organization/
company “is acting on the concept of a potential
buyer. That means, you position the product as the
buyer’s view” (Ries & Tout, 1981 apud Kotler, 2000,
p. 394).
Applied to the mass media market, marketing
strategy differs from one television to another
depending on the placement it occupies in the market.
Always, the first-ranked TV station will have to
defend its place in front of its competitors.
Competitors in lower positions or ranks will try to
increase their market share by attacking the leader or
the other companies with which they compete in
the similar field. These companies, known as
“challenger” (Kotler, 2000, p. 493), have often
managed to get close to the top of the rankings or
dethrone the leader. An another position in which the
companies in the lower places can be found is the one
in which they collaborate with each other, called by
the same economist, as “followers” (Ibidem, p. 493).
In addition to defending the occupied position, the
leader can try to increase the size of the total market
in order to take advantage of sales growth but also
to increase its market share, which is the share of
Jurnalism ºi comunicare * Anul XIV, nr. 1, 2019
(private); the niche on which it activates (news station
televisions); the theme area it covered, mainly being
of general news (all fields) and coverage (national).
The period of time that will be analyzed in this study
will include the period of time 2015-2017.
The main objective is to determine the positioning
strategies of news televisions on the market in order
to attract and retain audiences to keep them on the
market. In order to achieve the main objective of this
study, I had to frame the following main research
question: What approaches and practices do news
televisions use in relation to niche competitors in
order to position themselves on the market?
This study addresses only the practices used by
these news televisions, and the whole approach
pursues several research levels.
The research method used to collect data to
approach and achieve the objective of this study, is
the case study, considered a useful tool of empirical
investigation, which attempts to clarify a decision or
set of decisions (Yin, 2005, pp. 27-29). As a research
strategy, the case study assumes an all-encompassing
approach that includes the design logic, data
collection techniques and the specific approaches
to analyze them (Ibidem, p. 31). Applied to this
approach, the case study focuses on analyzing the five
television newscasts in Romania: Antena 3, B1 TV,
Digi 24, Realitatea TV, Romania TV, from the
perspective of media positioning practices in mass
media’s market.
Results: In the following pages, we have selected
some of the cases that are able to exemplify the
strategies used by news televisions with the main
competitors to position themselves on the mental
map of their target audience.
1. Attacks to Editors
Attacks on competitors were present at the level of
the news television. In the period under investigation,
it has shown that this type of positioning is
encountered in the on-line media associated to the
news channels even if this act is forbidden in Romania
(on the television and on the radio) through the
legislation regulating the audiovisual content (CNA
220/2011 ).
Digi 24 has harshly attacked Antena 3 and
Romania TV in an editorial posted on the official TV
news site owned by the businessman Zoltan Teszari,
www.digi24.ro. In the editorial signed by Andreea
Nicolae, the journalist points out that “TV stations
close to the harmful tandem of Ponta-Tariceanu”
(Nicolae, 2016). They have used an aggressive
campaign of discrediting the justice system in our
country through broadcasts and news broadcasts.
The author draws a personal, subjective attention to
the editorial practices of competing televisions, the
news niche leaders, Antena 3 and Romania TV,
who “manipulate by using alleged victims of the
magistrate‘s excess” (Romniceanu, 2016). The
interests of the owner of these media institutions,
as well as of some others close ones with criminal
records, are defended on the broadcast programs:
“This time, a mother and her nine-year-old daughter
are used for the cause of the Voiculescu family trust
and all the ones involved in criminal records. (...)
In the studios of Antena 3 and Romania TV, but also
on other media channels with whom they have a
friendly relationship, Ponta, Tariceanu and the
company then bombarded the audience with welltargeted messages, full of exaggerations or untruths.”
(Nicolae, 2016).
In another case, Antena 3 drew attention to the fact
that Romania TV “stole” their own broadcast. Took
over some of the images broadcasted live by Antena 3,
without any right for them to broadcast it, by Romania
TV and thiswas highlighted this fact in a material,
accompanied by images, published on its official
website, www.antena3.ro. Under the title “Fail on TV.
Romania TV, caught while stealing Antena 3
broadcast – VIDEO”, the article describes how the
whole event took place: “On a Breaking News from
the NAD, where Titus Corlăţean was heard, on the
Romania TV broadcast and it was visible to see the
logo of the show <Esenţial>, from Antena 3” (“Gafa
la TV”, 2015).
The mistake was initially observed and publicized
by a local news site in Cluj, Gherla Info, and then
taken over and presented by the news television,
Antena 3.
“The Romania TV channel was caught on the
wrong foot, giving a shot of live pictures broadcasted
by the opponent television Antena 3 ... The operator’s
plan to zoom in on the image so the logo disappears
was also thwarted after the moment in which Antena
3 ended the transmission from NAD and on screen,
on both stations, and Esential’s performer, Alina
Petrescu, appeared” (“Gafă la TV”, 2015).
B1 TV also resorted to its website, www.b1.ro, to
attack it’s opponent Antena 3. Under the title
“THOUSANDS OF EURO from the 4th City Hall for
3. Attacks towards owners
An another way of positioning identified for the
news niche is the negative editorial campaign directed
against the owner of the competing institution.
Antena 3-Romania TV
In a period of time underthe investigation, the two
news televisions, Romania TV and Antena 3, have
consistently attacked each other, not only online but
also live on the televisions mentioned. In one of the
cases, at the end of 2015, the Intact news station
broadcast a campaign in which he attacked Deputy
Sebastian Ghita, who controlled Romania TV.
The attacked institution reacted in the same way,
broadcasting news about Dan Voiculescu and Antena
3, a television they called “PNL TV” (Bunea, 2015).
Both the content and the titles of the material
repeatedly produced by the main competitors of the
news television referred directly to Sebastian Ghita
and Dan Voiculescu. On Antena 3 among the titles
of the materials broadcast in this campaign included:
“The companies of Sebastian Ghiţă, the deputy
secretary of PSD, has grip on contracts with the
state / Sebastian Ghiţă made millions of contracts
with the Ministry of Communications / In a few
years, the state offered Sebastian Ghita over one
billion lei through 350 contracts / Sebastian Ghita, tens
of millions of euros from Agriculture” (Ibidem, 2015).
At the attacked station, Romania TV, the titles
were at the same tone: “Voiculescu, desperate. What
he does in jail for money / Total War Voiculescu –
Basescu: Who stole More” (Bunea, 2015).
Antena 3 – Digi24
The same type of battle for positioning took place
between the trusts of the Antena 3 and Digi 24 news
televisions. The research in this case revealed the fact
that this was the longest campaign by which two
trusts were constantly attacked. The campaign began
immediately after the cooperation and commercial
relations between the two entities deteriorated (2011)
and went on for several years until 2018 when the
two sides reconciled.
Jurnalism ºi comunicare * Anul XIV, nr. 1, 2019
2. Audience data give the subject of audience
Any success of the audience is strongly publicized
by the television in the case. The greatest fight or
competion is among the top two occupants in the
official rank of the news niche audience, Antena 3 and
Romania TV, as appreciated by the Kantar Media
Audiences. In September of 2016, Intact’s television
news channel announced the main competitor,
Romania TV, when it presented live audiences.
Practically, at the end of the “Sinteza zilei” show, the
moderator and manager of the station Mihai Gadea
made the previous day’s audience public, leaving only
four live coverage out of the five niche televisions,
respectively: Antena 3, Digi 24, Realitatea TV
and B1 TV.
“Romania TV was not on the graphic of the station
... (...) on the day and the period from which the data
were published, Romania TV was on the second place
between Antena 3 and Digi 24. Romania TV was not
included in any other graphics that Mihai Gadea
presented as being from the News Channels niche.”
(Obae, 2016).
The action of the Antena 3 took place in the
context in which Romania TV conquered at that time
the position of leader of the news niche ranking on
several levels. The official data of the measurements
made by Kantar Media Audiences and presented
by the Romanian Association for Audience
Measurement, ARMA, reveals that at the national
level, according to the whole country’s daily average
TV station Romania TV passed in the spring of
2016, before Antena 3, rising to the 4th place in the
top of national audiences (arma.org.ro).
In August of 2016, Romania TV managed, for
the first time, to surpass the same news channel of
the Intact group, gaining in the urban environment, by
the daily average, plus the Prime-Time (19.00-23.00)
at national level. Antena 3 has kept its first place
in the highest audience, only at the urban level
(Bunea, 2016).
the pockets of the VOICULESCU’S family”, the
article drew attention to the fact that the competing
television would benefit from public money with
“dedication” (“Mii de euro”, 2017) a thing that
would be following after a new advertising contract
concluded with one of the city halls. One of the two
B1TV owners, Sorin Oancea, was the former general
manager of Antena 3 (until 2010), where he still had
a 25% shareholder until 2013, after which the
percentage fell to 5,3% (C.I., 2013). The decrease in
the percentage of the share in the competing television
was based on a capital increase made by the main
shareholders of Antena 3 S.A., Camelia and Corina
Voiculescu, Sorin Oancea appealed at court for Dan
Voiculescu’s daughter’s action.
Jurnalism ºi comunicare * Anul XIV, nr. 1, 2019
Intact’s latest campaign in 2017, mainly through
the Antena 3 news channel, made publicly available
some recordings of RCS & RDS owner Zoltan Teszari
and its manager Ioan Bendei. The titles attributed
to the Antena 3 programs under which the negative
campaign was carried out and linked these characters
and alleged crimes: “Devastating blow for RCS &
RDS / Director RCS & RDS accused of money
laundering / Recordings: Located in the NAD
headquarter, Bendei directs bribes / Giant scandal at
Digi 24 after the revelations of Antena 3 / Stunning
document from RCS&RDS’s record – Antena 3 /
Records Zoltan Teszari – John Bendei about Antena 3 /
Evidence hidden by NAD prosecutors – RCS & RDS
record – Antena 3” (www.antenaplay.ro).
Throughout the tense period, RCS & RDS representatives did not respond to the campaigns initiated
by the Intact Media group, but they went and got
addressed to them judiciary means. Through the
broadcasts and material distributed especially by
Antena 3, united into a “concerted denigration
campaign” (“Poziția oficială a companiei RCS &
RDS”, 2017), Intact trust channels acted against some
of the shareholders and trustees of the rival trust RCS
& RDS “in means to get them a malicious imagery,
a public presentation in a tendentious manner,
information with a malicious mean and false
news” (Ibidem, 2017). The RCS & RDS Company
denounced “the practice of manipulating public
opinion in violation of legal rules” (Ibidem, 2017), to
which the media channels of the Intact trusts have
appealed. Intact Media Group said the information
presented about RCS & RDS in its programs is based
on official documents and records. The Voiculescu
family trust has publicly announced that the
competing company and its owner, Zoltan Teszari,
will act in court to “mislead the public opinion and
the state institutions.” (“Comunicat Intact Media
Group”, 2017).
Between the two trusts there were several legal
processes. After one of them, the general manager
of Antena TV Group SA at that time, Sorin
Alexandrescu, was finally sentenced in 2017 to
4 years and 6 months of jail execution because he
blackmailed the former administrator of RCS & RDS,
Ioan Bendei, with media coverage of alleged
corruption offenses (“Dupa ani de zile de scandaluri si procese”, 2018). Also, Camelia Voiculescu
received a conviction suspension for implicitly in
blackmailing, and Antena TV Group was forced to
pay a 200,000 lei fine for the same offense. Dan
Voiculescu was acquitted for blackmail complicity
(“Dupa ani de zile de scandaluri si procese”, 2018).
This research provides a new perspective of the
practices used by Romanian news televisions to
position themselves on the market. The approach
clarifies how these organizations act according to how
the niche competitors work and what they do to win
as many viewers as possible and keep them loyal.
The research question used to achieve the main
objective of this research has led to the identification
of the practices used by news televisions, the
dominant being the attack on competitors as a
positioning strategy. The gathered data revealed the
fact that these practices fall into a competitive
position, one of seven types of strategies mentioned
by Philip Kotler (2000).
The perspective from which the actions of the
five media organizations were analyzed highlights
the fierce competition at the level of the informative
niche. The struggle to win the best place at the
audience rankings of the Romanian televisions, not
only over those in the field niche, outlines the
methods applied to achieve their goal. The direct,
frontal attack is the predominant kind of attack used
during the studied period, 2015-2017.
The actions taken by the five organizations
highlighted a strong / intense competition environment
where there is a continuous struggle to conquer
the market. The editorial campaigns through which
competitors are attacked directly, frontal, indicate a
lack of limitations on these kind of actions. Some of
the news televisions do not back away when it comes
to attacking their competitors in anyway. The research
indicate the fact that Antena 3 had the most recourse
to this kind of practice that through it, it attacked its
competitors. An overall view of the positioning
strategy set by Intact’s television, shows a combination of attack actions and a concerted approach to
achieve the fixed target, a process identified by Kotler
(2000) as the starting point of the attack strategy.
Through the omission of its main competitor,
Romania TV, from the presentation of the audience
rankings, Antena 3 aimed to fix the perception of
viewers as the unconstrained leader of the niche, an
action defined by Ries & Tout (1981) as a positioning.
Also, through the editorial campaigns in which the
In a market with a lot of strong competitive
dynamics, the five media organizations studied are
trying to attract and retain as many consumers as
possible. The article highlighted the fact that news
televisions use the attack strategy with their
competitors to position themselves in the market.
Such attacks, as exemplified in this study, are a part of
the editorial and marketing strategies used by the
news televisions in Romania. Competition makes
these niche channels get to use various solutions in
order not to lose the moment’s information and keep
the viewer in front of the small screen. Obviously,
they are not just a niche on the news niche, but on the
entire television market, as news stations aim to climb
Kotler, P. (2000). Managementul marketingului,
Analiză, Planificare, Implementare, Control. (8th ed.).
Bucharest, Teora.
Kotler, P., Armstrong, G., Sauders, J. & Wong, V.
(1999). Principiile Marketingului (7th ed.). Bucharest,
Yin, R. K. (2005). Studiul de caz. Designul,
analiza și colectarea datelor. Iași, Polirom.
Bunea, I. (2015, December 18). S-au luat la harță.
Antena 3, atac la Sebastian Ghiță, România TV, la
Dan Voiculescu și <PNL TV>. Pagina de Media.
Retrieved from https://www.paginademedia.ro/2015/
12/s-au-luat-la-harta-antena-3-atac-la-sebastian-ghitaromania-tv-la-dan-voiculescu-si-pnl-tv ;
Bunea, I. (2016, September 1). Posturile de știri în
august: În premieră, România TV vine peste Antena 3
Jurnalism ºi comunicare * Anul XIV, nr. 1, 2019
on the general audience rankings and struggle to get
the most from existing advertising money on market.
It should be remarked that the news televisions rank
first in the preferences of viewers in Romania, in
terms of consumption.
This study is a premier in this field and it shows
how by this approach we can provide an another
aspect of the informational channel positioning
process. The lack of similar research on the news
niche makes comparisons impossible in order to
outline other perspectives that can be followed in
future researches. The steps taken to report the
positioning from the perspective of the editorial
products offered to consumers, outlined only a part
of the news channel strategies. These analyses,
researches, however, never focused on the whole
niche and did not cover a niche for a longer period
of time.
A line that can be followed in these aspects can
be about the consumer’s reaction to the editorial
campaigns that attack competitors from the niche.
The research is indicated as long as these practices
are used to positively or negatively position information channels in the perception of viewers. It would
also be interesting to follow the attitude of the
advertising agencies in relation to the same practices
done and that were aimed to make a differences in the
market positioning. This angle of approach could be
used to study the reaction of advertisers who have
decided to pull off advertising from news channels
because of editorial slips.
competing stations Digi 24 and Romania TV were
attacked, by the informative station of the Voiculescu
family trust aimed to unfavorably position the two
competitors in the perception of the television
consumers. Through the practices he has used,
Antena 3 has created a different position in comparison to the other televisions studied, not just in the
news niche, but also in the whole television market.
Romania TV has also recoursed to the attack
strategy against its main competitor, Antena 3. The
two televisions had a lot of disputes when it came to
them having leadership to their niche, they have
created editorial campaigns to attack each other,
regardless of the situation. In the same kind of
practice, they also attacked against their other
competitors, whom they attacked not only at the level
of the institution, but also at the level of trust, if
that news television was part of one. The sanctions
imposed by the Audiovisual Regulatory Forum, CNA,
did not stop the negative campaigns started by the
main competitors. Such practices are recurrent, the
positioning strategies of Antena 3 and Romania TV
targeting the first place in the news niche. The level of
the ratings recorded by the two channels distances
them from the others in the niche: Realitatea TV,
B1 TV and Digi 24. They occupy the first place and
they will have to defend its position. While the
competitors in the lower positions will try to increase
their market share by attacking the leader or the
other media organizations they compete with. These
„challengers” (Kotler, 2000, p. 493) sometimes
succeed in approaching the top of the rankings or
in dethroning the leader.
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Arina-Ioana MOGA, PhD student, Faculty of
Journalism and Mass Communication Studies,
University of Bucharest, Romania.
[email protected]
Address: Faculty of Journalism and Communication Studies, University of Bucharest, Bdul Iuliu
Maniu 1-3, etaj 6, București, România.