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Journal of Historical Archaeology & Anthropological Sciences, 2024
This paper aims to examine funerary contexts of sites in mainland Greece and compare them with sites on the island of Crete in Ancient Mediterranean during the Early Iron Age, in the period of circa the 11th until the 8th centuries BC. From an integrative approach to the analysis and interpretation of material culture from funerary contexts allow us to understand aspects of the space of the dead, aspects of mortuary practices and their role in the configuration of the historical context of the rise and formation of the polis, especially during the 8th century BC. The comparative analyses also provide a better understanding about contact and interactions in the Mediterranean.
In the induction heating systems with voltage source inverter and resonant L-LC load, different ways to control the power transferred to the heated piece are possible. This paper takes into consideration separate control loops for the inverter frequency and the power flow and the focus is on the solution to regulate the inductor current through the inverter input voltage. A transfer functions based approach is adopted in the design of the control system. The types of controllers considered for the inverter input voltage control are proportional integral derivative and then proportional integral. The controllers tuning is achieved by using the Modulus Optimum criterion in Kessler variant. It is pointed out that the controller’s parameters in both variants do not depend on the inverter load. The performances of the control system for both voltage controllers were tested and validated by simulation under the Matlab-Simulink environment by using real parameters of induction coils and he...
Mobilization, 2022
How good is media-elicited protest event data from autocracies, where the media are censored? Based on a source-specific model of event selection and a multi-source dataset of over 3,100 protests from three Chinese mega-cities, we show that major advantages in information gathering and reporting translate into social media capturing 116-times more protests than English-language international news, 74-times more than domestic news and 10-times more than dissident websites. Social media is most likely to cover small and non-violent events that other sources often ignore. Aside from anti-regime protests, it is less affected by censorship than often assumed. A validity test against public holidays and daily rainfall shows that social media data outperforms dissident websites and traditional news. Social media, and to a lesser extent dissident media, are promising new sources for protest event analysis in autocracies. News media-based event data from regimes with heavy censorship should be treated with caution.
In the anthropological analysis of burned bone, the presence of a white heat line aids in determining a bone’s physical condition prior to burning, distinguishing between those burned fleshed or wet versus dry. However, while the relationship between this thermal signature and a bone’s physical condition has been studied, there is a lack of research concerning the chemical composition of white heat lines. The present study assessed the composition of white heat lines that form on burned bone using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) with the potassium bromide (KBr) pellet method. The present study examined the effects of soft tissue and the retention of bone’s organic material, including naturally-occurring grease and water, on the development and appearance of a white heat line. Experimental remains consisted of isolated long bones from white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus), elk (Cervus canadensis), sheep (Ovis aries), and pig (Sus scrofa) in five physical conditions – fleshed (fresh bones with adhering soft tissue), very wet (recently defleshed bone, greasy), partially wet (defleshed, slight grease retention), dry (defleshed, naturally degreased), and soaked (formerly dry bone immersed in water). These bones were burned over a wood fire made within a 55-gallon drum. After a visual analysis to evaluate white heat line formation, chemical composition was analyzed by determining spectral peak heights of the carbonate (CO3) ν3 (1415 cm-1), phosphate (PO4) ν3 (1035 cm-1), and amide I (1660 cm-1) vibrational bands. These thermal signatures appear to form superficially, measuring approximately 1.5 mm in depth. Results indicate that white heat lines that formed on fleshed bone contain an increased amount of CO3, PO4, and amide I in comparison to their unburned controls, while those that formed on very wet bone contain decreased amounts instead. These findings further our knowledge of how fire modifies physical remains and the effect that bone’s physical condition prior to burning has on the development of a white heat line and the resulting compositional changes. In order to build upon the results gained from the present study, continuing research is needed to investigate compositional differences between white heat lines that form on fleshed versus very wet bone and to assess bone’s fat content as a possible contributing factor. Additional FTIR research is needed to assess the other vibrational bands of CO3, PO4, and amide that are present in bone.
Öz: Sosyal medya, anlık ve sınırsız erişim, bireyler arası etkileşim ve kendini ifade etme gibi fırsatlar sunmasına rağmen bu konudaki etik sorunlar ve kaygılar göz ardı edilmemelidir. Örneğin, Web 2.0 teknolojilerinin gelişimiyle birlikte sosyal medya platformları büyük miktarda kişisel veriye erişim sağlamaktadır ve bu da verilerin nasıl kullanıldığı konusunda kaygılara yol açmaktadır. Bu çalışma, üniversite gençliğinin sosyal medya kullanımına dair kaygılarının siyasal bağlamda ortaya çıkartılması amacıyla gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu amaçla, üniversite öğrencilerine Alkis vd. (2017, s. 302) tarafından geliştirilmiş olan ve “paylaşılan içerik kaygısı”, “mahremiyet kaygısı”, “etkileşim kaygısı” ve “kendini değerlendirme kaygısı” boyutlarından oluşan “Sosyal Medya Kullanıcıları İçin Sosyal Kaygı Ölçeği” sorularını içeren bir anket uygulanmıştır. Anket, açık uçlu sorularla desteklenmiştir. Araştırmanın nicel verileri SPSS 22 veri değerlendirme programı aracılığıyla analiz edilmiştir. Analizler, araştırmanın ankette yer alan açık uçlu sorulara verilen cevapların nitel tematik analiz bulgularıyla değerlendirilmiştir. Yapılan araştırma sonucunda sosyal medyadaki sosyal kaygı ve sosyal medya kullanımı arasında siyasal bağlamda bir ilişki olduğu ortaya konmuş olup bu ilişkide en önemli belirleyici değişkenin cinsiyet olduğu anlaşılmıştır. Ayrıca çalışmada, sosyal medyanın siyasal bağlamda kullanımı dikkate alındığında özellikle ifade özgürlüğü açısından ortaya çıkan korkuya bağlı sosyal kaygıyı tetikleyici bir role sahip olduğu ve bu durumun da gençlerde bir “geri çekilme” ile sonuçlandığı görülmüştür. Anahtar kelimeler: Sosyal Kaygı, Sosyal Medya, Dijital Medya, Tematik Analiz & Abstract: Although social media offers opportunities such as instant and unlimited access, interpersonal interaction, and self-expression, ethical issues and concerns related to these opportunities should not be overlooked. For instance, with the development of Web 2.0 technologies, social media platforms have access to large amounts of personal data, raising concerns about how these data are used. This study aims to reveal the anxiety of university youth regarding social media usage in a political context. For this purpose, a survey was administered to university students, including questions from the "Social Anxiety Scale for Social Media Users" developed by Alkış et al. (2017, p. 302), which consists of the dimensions "content sharing anxiety," "privacy anxiety," "interaction anxiety," and "self-evaluation anxiety." The survey was supported by open-ended questions. The quantitative data of the study were analysed using the SPSS 22 data analysis program. The analyses were evaluated with the qualitative thematic analysis findings of the responses to the open-ended questions in the survey. The research results revealed that there is a relationship between social anxiety and social media in terms of political contexts, with gender being the most significant determining variable in this relationship. Additionally, when considering the political context of social media usage, it was found that social media has a triggering role in social anxiety related to fear arising from freedom of expression, leading to a "withdrawal" among young people. Keywords: Social Anxiety, Social Media, Digital Media, Thematical Analysis Atıf/Cite as Kılıç, Mine; Değirmenci, Nigar; Gülel, Ferda Esin. (2024). “Sosyal Medyada Sosyal Kaygı: Üniversite Öğrencileri Üzerine Siyasal Bağlamda Bir İnceleme.” Dijital Dönüsüm ve Yenimedya Sempozyumu Bildiriler Kitabı 13-15 Mayıs 2024 Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi ss.243-256.
Crushed, angular rock fragments derived from quality stones are universally regarded as the most suitable for rail track substructure. The primary component of a rail track foundation, in which maintenance is concentrated, is the ballast. The ballast layer is frequently subjected to cyclic stresses from the moving train and exposed to extreme weather conditions. The prime cause for unsatisfactory performance of a rail track is the excessive deflection and vertical shortening at the passage of train and is often associated with the support condition of the track. Traditional method of characterising the vertical support condition of a rail track structure is the Track Modulus. Track modulus is defined as the supporting force per unit length of rail per unit vertical displacement of the rail and is a measure of the vertical stiffness of the track foundation. Track modulus represents the equivalent series stiffness of rails, fasteners, sleepers, ballast, sub ballast and subgrade. As a ...
… militar romana en …, 2004
Publicado en C. González y E. Illarregui (edd.), Arqueología militar romana en Europa / Roman Military Archaeology in Europe, Salamanca, Junta de Castilla y León -Universidad SEK, 2005, pp. 45-52.
Catalog of Media and Information Competences, prepared by the team of media educators and published by Modern Poland Foundation.
Formação Docente – Revista Brasileira de Pesquisa sobre Formação de Professores, 2021
Psychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 2024
Conflito de Interesses e outras Hipóteses de Impedimento de Voto na Lei das S/A, 2023
Drieduizend jaar bewoningsgeschiedenis van oostelijk Noord-Brabant Synthetiserend onderzoek naar locatiekeuze en bewoningsdynamiek tussen 1500 v.Chr. en 1500 n.Chr. op basis van archeologisch onderzoek in het Malta-tijdperk, deel 2
The Routledge Handbook of International Local Government, 2018
Rinsho Shinkeigaku, 2012
Ecology and Evolution, 2021
Healthcare, 2020
EcoProduction, 2012
Laterality, 2021
Novel Approaches in Drug Designing & Development, 2018