Subaltern studies

2019, Subaltern Study

This is about the marginal people in South Asia.Basic purpose of this study to retake the history from subaltern context and heard the voices of other people.

Subaltern studies Background. After the study of nationalism, the term elitism came into existence. An Indian historian Partha Chatterjee explains the problematic relationship between nationalist Elites and the Masses. He describes the term elitism in further discussion. He says that the anti-colonial nationalism can result in the replacement of a western. Colonial ruling class. Indigenous ruling class who seem to speak on behalf of the people but function to keep the people disempowered. Representations of nationalist struggle tend to celebrates the inspirational activities of individual members of the Elite and do not recognize the role played by less privileged individual or groups in resisting colonial rule. This later issue has been one of the key areas of concern for a number of scholars known collectively as the subaltern studies group. Like Ranajit Guha, Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, Dipesh Chakraborty and other. This people influenced by the writing of the Karl Marx, Antonio Gramsci and Michel Foucault .These critics have explored the ways in which representation of Indian nationalism either ignore the contributions made to anti colonial struggle by the masses, or explain their activities in such a way that the particular and local forms of subaltern consciousness are not represented adequately. Definition and meaning: Dictionary meaning of the term subaltern is a person holding a subordinate position in army and critical meaning according to Antonio Gramsci use the word “Subaltern to signifies the section of people, who were subordinate to the hegemonic group and members”. The term hegemony means is a mode of exercising non coercive authority. According to Ranajit Guha and Spivak the term “Subaltern to use to signify the many different people who did not comprise the colonial Elite. these might include the lesser rural gentry. impoverished landlords and middle-class peasants”. Concept of Ranajit Guha: This Gramsci term subaltern was taken up a influential group of south Asian historians who formed the subaltern studies collective in the 1980s .historian Ranajit Guha was one of the leading figures of this group his essay “some aspect of the historiography of colonial India” Guha’s essay calls attention to the ways that contemporary representations of India anti colonial nationalism tend to place the subaltern classes as subject to the whims of the Elite. Guha renders these representations suspect on the ground that they are locked inside a certain way of thinking about Indian nationalism that privileges Elite consciousness over subaltern consciousness. In his essay Guha presents the term subaltern in oppositional relation to the term Elite. for Guha the Elite was constituted not only of the European colonizer but also of the dominant indigenous groups who had access to hegemony either through their association with the colonial government or through heir western style education or in case of big landowners or individual and mercantile bourgeoises through their wealth. In subaltern studies the central objective was to retake history for the under classes, whose voices had not been heard earlier. Scholar of the subaltern group anticipated to get rid of the histories of Elites and the Eurocentric bias of existing imperial history. According to Ranjit Guha, subaltern studies is a name for the general attitude of subordination is south Asian society whether this is expressed in terms of class, caste, age, gender or in any other way. Concept of Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak. Is an Indian scholar literary theorist and feminist critic. She is considered as one of the most influential postcolonial intellectuals. She translated Jacques Derrida (DE LA GRAMMATOLOGIE). Spivak starts her work on post structuralists thinker such as Michel Foucault and other. Who have challenged the notion that human individual are (Sovereign subject). according to post structuralists human consciousness is constructed discursively. Our subjectivity is constructed by the shifting discourses of power. In these terms we are not the authors of the ourselves, we do not construct our own identities. Spivak’s essay “Can the subaltern speak” written in 1985 ,challenges the idea of colonial this essay Spivak raises issues about the voice of the subaltern in rebellion against the colonizer ,and the authenticity of the voice of the subaltern .thus Spivak ridicules the hypocrisy of post-colonial discourses that claim to raise the voices of hitherto unheard ,while they inadvertently serve to perpetuate the marginality and the subalternity of the oppressed. In the text can the subaltern speak she tries to overthrow the binary opposition between subject and object, self and other, center and marginal. According to Spivak subaltern is belong to the third world is impossible for them to speak up as they are divided by gender, class, caste, religion and other narratives. In addition, they also assume that the writing of intellectual such as themselves can serve as a transparent medium through which the voices of the oppresses can be represented. The intellectual is cast as a reliable mediator for the voices of the oppressed, a mouthpiece through which the oppressed can clearly speak. She urges that critics must always beware of attempting to retrieve a subaltern consciousness from text, as this will merely replicate the two problems in the work of Foucault and Gills Deleuze: perceiving of the subaltern as a sovereign subject in control of his or her own consciousness and assuming that the intellectual is a transparent medium through which subaltern consciousness can be made present. when we study the context of colonial production the subaltern has no history and cannot speak, the subaltern as female is even more deeply in shadow. This point raises the following questions; 1) Can oppressed women’s voices ever be recovered from the archive. 2) Can the subaltern as female, confined in the shadows of colonial history and representation, ever be heard to speak. A critic Robert Young puts it in his reading of the essay, the problem which Spivak identifies is not that the women cannot speak as such, that no records of the subject consciousness of women exist. Spivak gives examples of these silenced subaltern women by looking at the documentation of (SATI) or widow sacrifice in colonial India. Ultimately, she suggests it is better to acknowledge that the subaltern as female exists as the unrepresentable in discourse. A shadowy figure on its margins. Spivak’s essay tries to explain why this doomed to may not for the reason that the subaltern cannot speak words or produce sentences. The subaltern cannot speak instead because her speech falls short of fully authorized political speech and her message is being heard socially and politically. Subaltern insurgency is part of an important political project which opposes the false images of Indian history constructed in Elite historiography. 3 | Page