Economics and Human Biology 9 (2011) 23–29
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Patterns and correlates of adult height in Sri Lanka
Priyanga Ranasinghe a, M.A. Naveen A.A.D. Jayawardana a, Godwin R. Constantine a,
M.H. Rezvi Sheriff a, David R. Matthews b, Prasad Katulanda a,b,*
Diabetes Research Unit, Department of Clinical Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka
Oxford Centre for Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolism, University of Oxford, United Kingdom
Article history:
Received 1 January 2010
Received in revised form 15 September 2010
Accepted 27 September 2010
The present study examines patterns and socioeconomic and demographic correlates of
adult height among Sri Lankan adults. Data were available for height and sociodemographic factors from a nationally representative cross-sectional sample of 4477
subjects above 18 years. Recruitment was between 2005 and 2006. Mean age of all
subjects was 46.1 15.1 years. Mean height of males and females were 163.6 6.9 cm and
151.4 6.4 cm respectively. Mean height showed a significant negative correlation with age
(p < 0.001, r = 0.207). Highest mean height in females 154.0 5.9 cm and males
165.6 6.9 cm were observed in those born after 1977. Rural females (151.4 6.2 cm) were
significantly taller than the urban (151.3 7.2 cm). However, this was not observed in males.
In multivariate analysis, year of birth, level of education and household income were
significantly associated with height. Height demonstrated a significant negative correlation
with systolic blood pressure (r = 0.032), presence of diabetes (r = 0.069), total cholesterol
(r = 0.106), HDL cholesterol (r = 0.142) and LDL cholesterol (r = 0.104). Height was
associated with household income and level of education in Sri Lanka and demonstrated a
distinct increasing trend over successive generations.
ß 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Sri Lanka
Secular trends
Physical stature
1. Introduction
Height is considered an important indicator of nutrition
and health of a population (Akachi and Canning, 2007;
Deaton, 2007). In the last century, a consistent increase in
mean height of adults has been found both in the
developed and developing countries mirroring the
improvements in nutritional (Hoppa and Garlie, 1998)
and socio-economic status (Prebeg, 1998; Thomas and
Frankenberg, 2002; Li et al., 2004). In Europe, height has
been increasing in most populations (Garcia and QuintanaDomeque, 2007). However, recent studies have reported
* Corresponding author at: Clinical Medicine – Diabetes Research Unit,
Department of Clinical Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of
Colombo, Kynsey Road, Colombo 8, Sri Lanka. Tel.: +94 112679204;
fax: +94 112689188; mobile: +94 772920991.
E-mail address:
[email protected] (P. Katulanda).
1570-677X/$ – see front matter ß 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
that the increase in height has reached a plateau in
Germany (Zellner et al., 2004) and Poland (Krawczynski
et al., 2003).
An increase in height has been reported from developing countries such as Brazil (Marmo et al., 2004), India
(Virani, 2005), Cook Islands (Ulijaszek, 2001), Iran (Ayatollahi et al., 2006), and Mexico (Malina et al., 2004).
Studies on secular changes in height in populations are
useful for providing information on nutritional status in
early life and updating reference standards on growth. It
would also provide an insight to the epidemiological
trends of cardiovascular disease (Wannamethee et al.,
1998; Silventoinen et al., 2006). To our knowledge, there
are no published data on adult height in Sri Lanka. Previous
studies have been limited to adolescents.
In addition to the secular trends, height has also been
known to be associated with the socio-economic status
(Mascie-Taylor and Lasker, 2005) and higher intellectual
performance (Tuvemoa et al., 1999). Height, a marker of
P. Ranasinghe et al. / Economics and Human Biology 9 (2011) 23–29
childhood growth, is associated with lower mortality and
morbidity from ischemic heart disease (Williams et al.,
1997; McCarron et al., 2002) and associated risk factors
(Brown et al., 1991; Langenberg et al., 2003). It is thought
that better childhood conditions, such as improved
nutrition and fewer respiratory infections, result in both
greater adult height and lower rates of ischemic heart
disease (Davey Smith et al., 2000).
The present study aims to describe the patterns of
height and the underlying socioeconomic and demographic correlates among Sri Lankan adults. We also report
the relationship of height with presence of diabetes
mellitus, fasting blood glucose, systolic and diastolic blood
pressure, lipid parameters and metabolic syndrome.
2. Materials and methods
2.1. Study population and sampling
Sri Lanka (previously known as Ceylon) is an island
nation in South Asia, located about 31 km off the southern
coast of the Indian Subcontinent. It has a population of
about nineteen million people (Department of Census and
Statistics Sri Lanka, 2001). Data on height and its
correlates were collected as part of a wider national
study on diabetes and cardiovascular disease. This crosssectional study was conducted in seven of the nine
provinces (Government of Sri Lanka, 2005) in Sri Lanka
between August 2005 and September 2006. The Western,
Southern, Sabaragamuwa, Uva, North-Western, Central
and North-Central provinces were included while the
Northern and Eastern provinces of the country affected by
the war at that time had to be excluded from the study.
Detailed sampling has been previously reported (Katulanda et al., 2008).
We recruited a nationally representative sample of
5000 non-institutionalized adults 18 years-of-age, using
a multi-stage random-cluster-sampling technique. Those
who were pregnant, acutely ill or declined participation
were excluded. The selected households were visited by
the study team. Informed consent was obtained from all
study participants in each household after providing
information before random selection. An eligible adult of
age 18 years satisfying inclusion criterion was randomly
selected from all eligible adults in each consenting
household by simple random selection.
2.2. Data collection
Data collection was carried out by a field team of
medical graduates and nurses who were trained in
research methodology before commencing data collection. Temporary data collection centres were established
within each cluster. Height was measured using Harpenden pocket stadiometers (Chasmors Ltd., London,
UK) to the nearest 0.1 cm according to the standard
methods (World Health Organization, 1995). The data
collectors were regularly trained on the measurement
techniques to ensure consistency over time and between
centres. Stadiometers were checked for accuracy at
regular intervals.
Urban and rural sectors were defined according to the
classification of the Sri Lanka Department of Census and
Statistics, where the urban sector comprised of all municipal
and urban council areas (Department of Census and
Statistics Sri Lanka, 2001). These areas generally comprise
of towns or cities in individual districts closer to major
highways with many important government institutions
and trade. This classification does not necessarily depend
upon the population size although the population density is
generally higher in most urban areas compared to rural.
Subjects were considered to have ‘diagnosed diabetes’ if
they had been previously diagnosed at a government
hospital or by a registered medical practitioner. New cases
(‘undiagnosed diabetes’) were diagnosed according to the
American Diabetes Association (American Diabetes Association, 1997) and World Health Organization criteria
(World Health Organization, 1999). Metabolic syndrome
was diagnosed based on International Diabetes Federation
criteria (Alberti et al., 2006). Details of blood sample
collection and biochemical analysis have been previously
described (Katulanda et al., 2008). Seated blood pressure
was recorded on two occasions after at least a 10-min rest
using an Omron IA2 digital blood pressure monitor (Omron
Healthcare, Asia-Pacific Region, Singapore).
2.3. Statistical analyses
All data were double-entered and cross checked for
consistency. Data were analysed using SPSS version 14
(SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA) and Stata/SE 10.0 (Stata
Corporation, College Station, TX, USA) statistical software
packages. Height is reported according to the year of birth,
gender, household income, level of education and sector of
residence. The significance of the differences between
proportions (%) and means were tested using z-test and
Student’s t-test or ANOVA, respectively.
A multivariate analysis was performed in both males
and females with ‘height’ as the dependent variable and
year of birth (stratified in to birth decades), level of
education, household income and sector of residence
(Urban/Rural) as the independent variables (co-variates).
For each independent variable with more than two
categories, dummy variables were created. The first
category was taken as the reference category for these
variables (year of birth – ‘Before 1936’, level of education –
‘no formal education’, household income – ‘<LKR 6999/
<US$ 61.9’). In all statistical analyses P values <0.05 were
considered significant.
3. Results
Out of the 5000 invited subjects, 4532 participated in
the study (response rate 91%). This report is based on 4477
subjects excluding 55 subjects with incomplete data. In
our sample 39.5% were males and 17.6% were from the
urban population (21% of Sri Lankans are urban). The
highest mean height (SD) in males and females was
observed in those born after 1977 (youngest age group). The
mean height showed a significant negative correlation with
year of birth in both males (p < 0.001, r = 0.258) and
females (p < 0.001, r = 0.310).
P. Ranasinghe et al. / Economics and Human Biology 9 (2011) 23–29
Table 1
Mean height (cm) according to the gender, area of residence and year of
Mean height (SD) cm
Year of birth
Before 1936
After 1977
n = 308
n = 1460
164.6 7.2
163.4 6.8
n = 477
n = 2232
151.3 7.2
151.4 6.2
n = 149
n = 212
n = 344
n = 418
n = 333
n = 312
n = 1768
159.0 6.8
161.6 6.0
163.4 6.7
163.9 6.3
165.1 6.7
165.6 7.1
163.6 6.9
n = 185
n = 324
n = 548
n = 672
n = 553
n = 427
n = 2709
146.0 6.5
149.2 6.2
150.8 5.9
151.5 6.2
152.8 6.1
154.0 5.9
151.4 6.4
There was no significant difference between mean
heights of urban and rural males (Table 1). However, the
rural females were significantly taller than the urban
(p < 0.001). In both males and females a dip was observed
in the height curve for the urban sector among those born
in the 1957–1966 period (Fig. 1).
The regression model for males and females explained
10.8% (R2 = 0.108) and 13.5% (R2 = 0.135) of the variance in
height, respectively. The analysis of variance revealed that
the final models for males (F16,1751 = 13.28) and females
(F16,2692 = 26.25) were significant (p < 0.001). In both
males and females, the strongest predictor of height was
year of birth, followed by level of education and household
income, respectively (Table 2). A separate regression
analysis using only one construct for each of the about
co-variates was performed and the results are presented in
Table 3.
Height of all adults showed a significant negative
correlation with fasting blood glucose levels (p < 0.05,
r = 0.052), 2 h post-glucose blood glucose levels
(p < 0.001, r = 0.089) and presence of diabetes
(p < 0.001, r = 0.069). Similarly, there was a significant
negative correlation between mean systolic blood pressure
Fig. 1. Multiple regression analysis coefficients of height according to the year of birth and area of residence in (a) males and (b) females.
P. Ranasinghe et al. / Economics and Human Biology 9 (2011) 23–29
Table 2
Multiple regression analysis of height (cm) of Sri Lankan adults, 2005–2006.
b-coefficient (Standard error)
Year of birth
Before 1936
After 1977
Level of education
No education
Grade 1–5
Grade 6–11
Graduate or above
Level of income
<6999 (US$ <61.9)
7000–12,999 (US$ 62–114.49)
13,000–24,999 (US$ 114.5–219.9)
25,000–49,999 (US$ 220–431)
>50,000 (US$ > 431)
Sector of residence
Urban (without Colombo)
p value
p value
2.258 (0.700)
3.638 (0.652)
4.136 (0.635)
5.021 (0.664)
5.581 (0.677)
2.870 (0.557)
4.027 (0.522)
4.345 (0.517)
5.430 (0.536)
6.447 (0.562)
1.274 (0.872)
2.125 (0.836)
3.000 (0.877)
2.645 (0.931)
3.092 (1.170)
0.063 (0.488)
1.150 (0.467)
1.785 (0.502)
2.539 (0.562)
3.387 (1.008)
0.328 (0.398)
1.663 (0.484)
2.608 (0.741)
3.651 (1.385)
0.350 (0.302)
1.097 (0.386)
1.974 (0.656)
3.558 (1.291)
0.337 (0.782)
0.095 (0.778)
R2 = 0.108
and height (p < 0.05, r = 0.032). However, this was not
observed for the mean diastolic blood pressure. Height also
demonstrated significant correlations with total cholesterol (p < 0.001, r = 0.106), HDL cholesterol (p < 0.001,
r = 0.142), LDL cholesterol (p < 0.001, r = 0.104) and
triglyceride (p < 0.001, r = 0.064) levels. Similar correlations were observed in both genders (Table 4).
The mean heights (SD) of patients with metabolic
syndrome and without metabolic syndrome were
154.8 8.8 cm and 156.6 8.9 cm respectively. Patients
with metabolic syndrome were significantly shorter than
those without metabolic syndrome (p < 0.001).
4. Discussion
In the present study we arranged age groups according
to the year of birth to speculate on the secular trends of
height in Sri Lankan adults. Accordingly, a distinct secular
trend of increasing height was demonstrated in Sri Lankan
adults. Like other phenotypic traits, height is determined
by a combination of genetic and environmental factors.
0.721 (0.562)
0.103 (0.566)
R2 = 0.135
Thus, the observed secular trends in height may be due to
the improvement of nutritional and socio-economic
factors. Data from food balance sheets indicate that the
per capita calorie availability has increased in Sri Lanka,
from 2250 kcal in 1989–1991 to 2390 kcal in 2001–2003
(Food and Agriculture Organization, 2004). Thus, it is likely
that the improvements in socio-economic factors and the
changes in food intake which occurred in the last decades
in Sri Lanka might partly explain the increase in height
observed in this study.
Sri Lanka is a developing country in the South-East
Asian region. South Asians are among the shortest
populations in the world. The mean height of Sri Lankan
males and females were 163.6 6.9 cm and 151.4 6.4 cm,
respectively. The observed height of Sri Lankan adults was
comparable to published data from other regional countries
(Table 5).
Table 4
Relationship between height and metabolic parameters.
Metabolic parameter
Table 3
Multiple regression analysis of height (cm) of Sri Lankan adults, with
continuous independent variables.
b-coefficient (Standard error)
p value Female
p value
Year of birth
0.946 (0.103) <0.001
1.035 (0.084) <0.001
Level of education
0.790 (0.157) <0.001
0.864 (0.112) <0.001
Household income
0.458 (0.165) <0.05
0.335 (0.121) <0.05
Correlation coefficient (r)
Fasting blood glucosey
2 h post glucose blood glucosey
Presence of diabetes
Systolic blood pressurey
Diastolic blood pressurey
Total cholesteroly
LDL cholesteroly
HDL cholesteroly
p < 0.001.
P. Ranasinghe et al. / Economics and Human Biology 9 (2011) 23–29
Table 5
Heights of adults from regional countries.
Height (cm)
Sri Lanka
Deaton (2008).
Yang et al. (2005).
Lim et al. (2000).
Tumonggor and Laksono (2009).
The extent of sexual dimorphism in heights, defined
here as the difference in mean heights divided by the
average of mean heights, was 7.7%. Differential access to
health care and nutrition could partially account for the
observed gender dimorphism. However, in the separate
regression analysis for males and female, the coefficient for
any given year of birth is larger in magnitude for females
than males. This means that the average height of females
has increased over the years more than compared to that of
males. This is also demonstrated by the reduction in the
gender dimorphism from 8.3% in those born prior to 1936
to 7.2%, in those born after 1977. One probable reason for
this phenomenon could be that females are gaining equal/
increased access to health care and nutrition as males
during the recent years compared to the past in Sri Lanka.
A significant difference in height was not observed
between urban and rural sector of residence in both males
and females. This is in contrast to India (Viswanathan and
Sharma, 2009). The current study considered the present
area of residence of subjects rather than the area of origin.
Some of the urban subjects would have been originally from
or born in rural areas and rapid urbanization has resulted in
mixing of the urban and rural population. These factors may
have resulted in a reduced difference of anthropometric
parameters between the urban and rural populations.
The dip in the height curve observed in the urban
sector males and females born between 1957 and 1966
(who were in their pubertal age during the 1970s) could
be due to the global economic recession seen during the
1970s (Pérez-Toro, 2000). Since most of the food
production in Sri Lanka occur in the rural areas, these
areas of the country may have been least affected due to
the global economic recession. In fact, historical time
series for average human height has been shown to
exhibit short- and medium-term cycles that can be
associated with business cycles (Sunder and Woitek,
2005; Komlos, 1998). The observed secular increase in
height highlights the need for regular monitoring of
height at population level. The increased height in
current versus previous generations of adults may have
important implications with regards to the assessment
and interpretation of anthropometric data and other
health related factors (blood pressure and cardiovascular
disease risk) affected by height.
The level of education and household income were the
other significant predictors of adult height apart from year
of birth both in males and females. Taller people were
better educated and had a higher level of income. This is in
keeping with data from other populations (Silventoinen
et al., 1999). The level of education attained by a Sri Lankan
adult and per capita income has steadily increased during
the last few decades (Central Bank of Sri Lanka, 2008).
Level of education which is an indicator of intelligence is
known to be associated with health (Gottfredson and
Deary, 2004). There are several potential explanations for
the positive relationship between education and health:
(1) a better education is associated with higher wealth and
hence such people are able to invest more on health; (2)
education leads to a better health through promotion of
healthy behaviour and (3) other factors such as genetic
endowment and social background affecting health and
education in a similar way. During early childhood both
cognitive and physical functions develops together and
are influenced by environmental factors. The children
who do not reach their potential heights due to
unsatisfactory environmental conditions do not attain
their full cognitive potential. It is this lack of full cognitive
development that accounts for lower levels of education,
and lower earnings in adulthood. The level of education
was a stronger predictor of final adult height than
household income in both genders. However, the present
study considered the household income at the time of
study rather than economic conditions in childhood
which could be a better indicator of adult height. This
could partly explain the stronger relationship between
height and level of education than income. However,
previous studies considering childhood economic conditions than household income have also demonstrated
similar associations as in the present study (Silventoinen
et al., 1999).
Short stature was associated with higher levels of
fasting blood glucose, 2 h post-glucose blood glucose,
systolic blood pressure, total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol,
LDL cholesterol. In addition, it was associated with the
presence of diabetes and metabolic syndrome. Greater
sitting height has been demonstrated to be associated with
diabetes and dyslipidemia and integrating the influence of
height had significantly reduced the misdiagnosis of
metabolic syndrome. (Schooling et al., 2007; Shimajiri
et al., 2008). However, the strength of the association in the
present study was weak for most metabolic parameters
except for total cholesterol levels. Exceptions to the
relationship between height and cardiovascular risk have
been reported that casts doubt on the significance of height
on adverse cardiovascular disease outcomes (Goldbourt
and Tanne, 2002; Liao et al., 1996; Olatunbosun and Bella,
2000; Song et al., 2003; Sichieri et al., 2000; VelasquezMelendez et al., 1999). Most of these reports describing
height and ischaemic heart disease are from Western
Europe and North America and are comparatively recent
(i.e., within the last 60 years), coming many decades after
the industrialization of the economies in those regions. In
contrast, studies finding little or no relationship between
height and ishaemic heart disease and diabetes or its risk
factors predominantly come from underdeveloped countries, such as Brazil (Sichieri et al., 2000) and Nigeria
(Olatunbosun and Bella, 2000) or recently developed
economies, such as South Korea (Song et al., 2003). This
could partly explain the weak relationship found between
P. Ranasinghe et al. / Economics and Human Biology 9 (2011) 23–29
metabolic parameters and height in a developing country
like Sri Lanka.
This study has several limitations. Absence of data on
pubertal age prevented us from analyzing the effect of
changing pubertal age on the final adult height. The
Northern and Eastern provinces of the country with a
majority Tamil and Muslim population were excluded from
the study due to the war that was present in these areas at
the time of the study. Pocket stadiometers were used for the
measurement of height considering ease of transport and
use. Measurement errors were kept to a minimal by
ensuring strict adherence to guidelines and regular training
of data collectors.
The National Science Foundation of Sri Lanka was the
primary source of funding for the study. The additional
support provided from the Oxford Centre for Diabetes
Endocrinology and Metabolism, UK and the NIHR
Biomedical Research Centre Programme is gratefully
acknowledged. We thank the Diabetes Association of Sri
Lanka and the World Health Organization Office in
Colombo for the support for lipid assays. The authors
thank all individuals and institutions who helped and
worked for the study.
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