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2019, 40° Convegno Internazionale di Americanistica Salerno 9-11 maggio 2018 Letteratura Testimoniale e costruzione della storia
17 pages
1 file
This piece of work opens a new line of investigation of the meaning of the TOCAPU. It is a line which can be proved as incorrect in the future, only as a result of a reasonable number, althoughjust casual, of coincidences. Nevertheless, it is an interesting theory for sure, which deserves to be analyzed.
Language and Historic Plots Lotman’s Critical Vision of Historic Text Constructions in the Russian Culture, 2013
"At the end of his life, Lotman proposed to converge the cultural studies on the semiotics of history, as a science for an analysis of the Weltanschauung of the human unity [chelovecheskaja edinitsa] produced by a culture who has to make choices for the future, namely to open new paths. Through this perspective, he intends to deconstructs a such idea of historic track that influenced deeply the course of events in Russian world: idea which transformed the human unity “in an all-embracing totality” (Lotman 1991, p. 170). This paper intends to retrace Lotman’s vision of history and his critical thought about logic-argumentative strategies that underlie the historic text constructions. Particular attention will be given to the rhetoric-textual “contaminations” between the Russian idea of “history” and the European Hegelianism, cause of the imitation of the French Revolution in Russian – event that had repercussions up to the post-soviet world. "
Современная философия истории утеряла творческий импульс и престиж во многом из-за уте-ри общего поля интеллектуального внимания. Восстановить его единство можно через проблем-ный каркас – комплекс глубоких затруднений, работа над которыми открывает новые смысловые пространства. В статье рассмотрены проблема ценностей и оценок в истории, а также проблема смысла крупных драматических трансформаций. Намечены подходы к их решению и новые воз-никающие трудности. Ключевые слова: философия истории, интеллектуальное внимание, глубокие затруднения, смысл истории, ценности в истории, исторические оценки, социальные трансформации, социаль-ные революции, социальные институты. Modern philosophy of history has lost a creative impulse and prestige largely due to loss of common fi eld of intellectual attention. To restore its unity a problematic framework is needed, i.e. a set of deep troubles, investigation of which opens new space of meanings. The paper considers the problem of values and evaluations in history, as well as the problem of meaning of big dramatic transformations. Approaches to these problems and emerging intellectual challenges are outlined.
Psicologia em Estudo (PUC-Camp), 2023
Review of Liev S. Vygotsky: Escritos sobre Arte The publication of the works by the Soviet writer Liev Semionovich Vygotsky (1896-1934) keeps holding his commentators in check, especially those who wish to convert him into a simple piece on the board of development and learning theories. Liev S. Vygotsky: Writings on Art exhibits an anthology of different texts by the author with the first direct translation from Russian into another language (many of them only recently published in their original language, with the issue of the first volume of Vygotsky’s complete works in 2015).
The Latin Americanist, 2023
Journal of Northern Studies, 2008
A Nenets Epic Reconstruction ASTRACT This article presents a reading of the "epic novella" White Hawk by the Nenets writer Vasilij Ledkov, which was published in 1982, in the last decade of the Soviet Union. White Hawk is an epic reconstruction from a Nenets point of view of the historical events that are otherwise recorded only by the Russian colonisers. These events are known as "the century of wars" between the Nenets and the Russians prior to the subjugation of the Nenets to Russian rule. In other Soviet sources on the Nenets this century of wars has been passed over in silence. In the late Soviet period, in 1982, Ledkov attempted to loosen the constraints of what was permissible, while at the same time he sought to protect the text from condemnation by allowing for a number of divergent readings. He may have done this not least in order to avoid the accusations of nationalism to which he had previously been subjected. It is my contention that the text must have appealed to the particular type of Soviet reader who was aware of the practice of double coding as a way of loosening ideological constraints. Such a reader would be willing to disregard the elements of the text that gave it ideological legitimacy and would have a keen eye for innovative-or what were previously "nonpermissible"elements. Not a few Soviet authors are known to have participated in the development of an increasingly more Aesopian language, and it would be a mistake to view writers from the Northern peoples as less capable in this respect.
Russian History-histoire Russe, 1995
The novels of Tolstoi, Dostoevskii and Turgenev possess a universality of appeal and significance. These novels confront fundamental moral, philosophical and religious issues with directness and power. Such themes as crises of faith and denial, the search by the individual for a role in history, the quest by the individual for oneness with all mankind, the psychological forces which can drive a person to hideous crimes, the problem of explaining evil in the world, the problem of human freedom, the problem of political action where such action is futile and the problem of living a moral life in a corrupt society are presented in a way which appeals to people who are far removed, in both time and place, from mid-nineteenth century Russia. No historian has ventured to "explain" the great flowering of the Russian novel in the mid-nineteenth century as a historical phenomenon. It resists ex-* The author would like to thank Richard Hellie and Samuel Ramer for their helpful comments on earlier drafts of this manuscript.
Eranos 106, 2012
This crucial point, made by Klotz (n. 2), pp. 106, has sometimes been overlooked in literature. For instance Gil traces back the composition of the work to the middle of 4 th century, disregarding, as it seems, the difference between the date of the original and the date of the translation.
Nicassio, and Agostino Ziino, the event celebrated the centennial of the premiere of Giacomo Puccini's opera Tosca, and the bicentennial of the historic events depicted in Victorien Sardou's play La Tosca. The conference organizers served as editors of this wide-ranging study, selecting essays that examine the well-chiseled facets of Puccini's oeuvre.
Boletín del Museo Chileno de Arte Precolombino, 2008
Die Energiewende im Bundestag: ein politisches Transformationsprojekt?, 2021
Journal of Medieval and Islamic History (in Arabic حولية التاريخ الإسلامي والوسيط), 2007
Race Ethnicity and Education, 2022
arXiv (Cornell University), 2018
Fusion Engineering and Design, 2020
Contemporary Research in India, 2019
Ambiente & Sociedade, 2017
Frontiers in Pharmacology
Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience, 2020
Mutation research, 1994
Melanoma Research, 1995