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1989, Progress in Food and Nutrition Science 13, 317-348
17 pages
1 file
Kasongo Lenge Mukonzo Emery and Banza Mukalay John, 2015
While meat becomes a luxury food for the poor people, legumes including soya bean, can constitute an alternative. Unfortunately, on highly weathered soils of Lubumbashi, the performance of this crop remains far below the potential. The effects of compost of Tithonia diversifolia on growth and yield of soybean were studied during the 2013-2014 cropping season on degraded soil Lubumbashi (DR Congo). Under a basic fertilizer, six levels of compost of T. diversifolia (0, 7.5T, 15T; 22,5T; 30T; 37,5T ha) were applied as treatments in a completely randomized block design with 3 replications. The observations were focused on vegetative parameters and the yield of the crop. Similar behavior of soya bean plants was observed, regardless of the dose of compost made. Under the supply of mineral fertilizers, the supply of composts to soybeans mustn't be recommended given the low-income of farmers and the availability of composts. RESUME: A l'heure où la viande constitue un aliment de luxe pour les populations pauvres, les légumineuses entre autres le soja constituent une alternative. Malheureusement, sur les sols fortement altérés de Lubumbashi, son rendement demeure de loin inférieur au potentiel même de la culture. Les effets de compost de Tithonia diversifolia sur la croissance et le rendement de soja ont été étudiés au cours de la saison culturale 2013-2014 sur un sol dégradé de Lubumbashi (R.D. Congo). Sous couvert d'un engrais de fond, six niveaux de compost de T. diversifolia (0 ; 7,5T ; 15T ; 22,5T ; 30T ; 37,5T de compost de Tithonia diversifolia par hectare) ont été appliqués comme traitements, dans un dispositif en blocs complets randomisés à 3 répétitions. Les observations ont porté sur les paramètres végétatifs et de rendement et les résultats obtenus ont révélé un comportement similaire des plants de soja, quelle que soit la dose de compost apportée. Sous couvert d'engrais minéraux, l'apport des composts n'est pas à conseiller en culture de soja, au regard de faibles revenus des agriculteurs et disponibilité des composts. Evaluation de la réponse du soja aux doses croissantes d'un compost à base de Tithonia diversifolia sur un sol fortement altéré
British Journal of Nutrition, 1987
1. The absorption of iron from soya-bean (Glycine hispida)-based and milk-based infant formulas was assessed in 138 multiparous Indian women, using the erythrocyte utilization of radioactive Fe method.2. Fe absorption was significantly greater from the basal milk formula (1.5 g protein) than it was from the basal soya-bean formula (2.3 g protein), with geometric mean values of 0.083 and 0.044 respectively.3. Ascorbic acid markedly increased Fe absorption from the milk-based formula in a dose-dependent fashion. The increase was fivefold when the ascorbic acid: Fe ratio on a weight-for-weight basis was 6: 1 and over tenfold when it was 20:1. In contrast, ascorbic acid had a less-marked effect on the absorption of Fe from the soya-bean-based formula, with only a two- to threefold increase at an ascorbic acid: Fe ratio of 20: 1.4. The geometric mean Fe absorption from the soya-bean formula (1.27 mg Fe, 2.3 g isolated soya-bean protein (ISP)) was somewhat less than that from the same amo...
Archives de Pédiatrie, 2006
Soja et alimentation du nourrisson et de l'enfant The use of soy in infant and child feeding Mots clés : Préparations pour nourrissons et préparations de suite à base de protéines de soja ; Aliments à base de soja ; Phytoestrogènes
Bulletin De La Societe Royale Des Sciences De Liege, 2011
Cette étude a permis de fabriquer deux types de farines infantiles pour enfant en âge de sevrage à partir de produits locaux disponibles et accessibles : le manioc et son dérivé l'attiéké, aliments riches en glucides associés à du soja, aliment riche en protéines. Les farines confectionnées sont nommées FAS (Attiéké + Soja) et FMS (Manioc + Soja). L'étude de leur valeur nutritionnelle donne pour FAS, des taux de 13% de protéines, 10% de lipides et 63% de glucides avec une valeur énergétique de 394 Kcal. En ce qui concerne la farine FMS (Manioc + Soja), les taux sont de 14% de protéines, 10% de lipides et 61% de glucides avec une valeur énergétique de 390 Kcal. La comparaison avec une farine standard montre que les teneurs en nutriments et en énergie sont satisfaisantes et conformes aux normes fixées par l'OMS.
International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences, 2013
Tel +229 97870734 RESUME La présente étude a évalué l'effet des procédés de transformation sur la valeur nutritionnelle de trois types de bouillies à base de sorgho. Il s'agit de: la bouillie de sorgho fermentée; la bouillie à base de sorgho, de soja et de fretin et la bouillie à base de sorgho, de niébé et d'arachide. Du point de vue nutritionnel, la bouillie de sorgho fermentée contient, sur la base sèche, 6,7% de protéines, 2,3% de lipides, et 1,17% de minéraux totaux. La bouillie à base de sorgho, de soja et de fretin contient 21% de protéines, 5,4% de lipides et 3,14% de minéraux totaux. La bouillie à base de sorgho, de niébé et d'arachide contient 17% de protéines, 0,98% g de lipides et 2,6 % de minéraux totaux. Le trempage des graines de sorgho pendant environ 23 heures, le tamisage après mouture et la fermentation ont entraîné une réduction significative (P<0,05) des teneurs en phénols totaux et en anthocyanes.
The use of neonicotinoid seed treatments to control the soybean aphid, Aphis glycines, has increased in soybean culture in North America over the last few years. Similarly, the preventive use of foliar fungicides has increased in recent years in Quebec, not because of significant risks of fungal diseases, but rather to increase crop yield through non-fungicidal physiological effects. These practices are generally economically unprofitable and may compromise the biological control offered by aphid natural ennemies. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of commonly used phytosanitary products on the soybean aphid and its natural ennemies. A laboratory experiment was first conducted to test the toxicity of two foliar fungicides to soybean aphid. Next, a field study was conducted over a two year period to evaluate the effects of neonicotinoid seed treatments and foliar fungicides on populations of soybean aphid and its natural ennemies. Our results indicate that neonicotinoid seed treatments can help control soybean aphid populations, however their use is unnecessary in most cases. Foliar fungicides were found to be toxic to soybean aphid and reduced populations in the field and in the laboratory. Natural ennemies were reduced by both foliar fungicides and seed treatments, probably due to their effects on aphids.
International Food Risk Analysis Journal, 2014
Canada d'accepter une allégation santé au sujet des produits à base de soya et de la diminution du cholestérol
Este livro apresenta aos estudiosos e profissionais da Educação um conjunto de análises que os proporcione conhecer uma das leituras possíveis da constituição histórica da Administração Educacional, apontando os limites deste discurso e suas potencialidades. A autora narra sua experiência discursiva em Administração Educacional, em uma perspectiva de revezamento teoria e prática, na qual seu cotidiano como docente e pesquisadora foi seu lugar privilegiado de análise. O objetivo principal foi indicar os limites da produção discursiva, mas também suas potencialidades para que novos pesquisadores possam construir um vasto conjunto de problematizações que façam multiplicar e se diferenciar o conhecimento. Primeiramente, analisa o processo de institucionalização da disciplina Administração Educacional como um dos procedimentos que organizaram a formação discursiva e a fizeram funcionar sob determinada regularidade, proliferada também com a entrada de autores críticos nesta ordem discursiva os quais desconstruíram determinadas assertivas, mas não o modo de funcionamento e proliferação do discurso. Em seguida, como o leitor encontrou a construção do cotidiano escolar como uma perspectiva apresentada pelos próprios pesquisadores como potente para o desenvolvimento do discurso, a autora explicita três perspectivas teórico-metodológicas de estudo na escola e com a escola que serviram de subsídios para a realização de pesquisas dos integrantes do seu grupo, expondo seus limites e potencialidades para a diferenciação do discurso em Administração Educacional. Entendendo que há limites impostos por regras históricas que impedem o discurso de diferenciar-se por meio da proposição de novas problematizações e que há potencialidades não exploradas, são desenvolvidas, por fim, categorias que integram uma perspectiva discursiva pós-estruturalista buscando provocar um diálogo com os pares acadêmicos ou, talvez, uma adversariedade própria de uma política acadêmica democrática (LACLAU; MOUFFE, 2015).
Domestication, a process of increasing mutual dependence between human societies and the plant and animal populations they target, has long been an area of interest in genetics and archaeology. Geneticists seek out markers of domestication in the genomes of domesticated species, both past and present day. Archaeologists examine the archaeological record for complementary markers-evidence of the human behavior patterns that cause the genetic changes associated with domestication, and the morphological changes in target species that result from them. In this article, we summarize the recent advances in genetics and archaeology in documenting plant and animal domestication, and highlight several promising areas where the complementary perspectives of both disciplines provide reciprocal illumination.
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