International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET)
Volume 10, Issue 03, March 2019, pp. 3220–3226, Article ID: IJCIET_10_03_323
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ISSN Print: 0976-6308 and ISSN Online: 0976-6316
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Alexander Alekseyevich Nosov
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Mining of Mineral Deposits, Saint-Petersburg Mining
University, Russian Federation, 199106, Saint-Petersburg, Vasilievski ostrov, 21 linia, 2
Pavel Nikolaevich Dmitriyev
Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Mining of Mineral Deposits, Saint-Petersburg
Mining University, Russian Federation, 199106, Saint-Petersburg,
Vasilievski ostrov, 21 linia, 2
Andrey Vladimirovich Pasynkov
Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Productions Safety, Saint-Petersburg Mining
University, Russian Federation, 199106, Saint-Petersburg, Vasilievski ostrov, 21 linia, 2
The main objective of researches was establishment of the reasons of a floor heave
and failure of gateroad during the mining of Polenovsky seam in the mine of S.M.
Kirov in the Kuznetsk coal basin. In paper results of measurement of floor heave, rooflowering and convergence of ribs are presented. Relationships of a floor heave and
the location of a longwall face are shown. The defining influence of depth and high
rock pressure zones from the interpanel pillars left on overlying Boldyrevsky seam is
established. Recommendations about a floor heave exception in the geological and
mining conditions of the mine of S.M. Kirov are made.
Key words: longwall mining, gate road stability, floor heave, bearing pressure,
multiple seams, high stress zone, monitoring stations
Cite this Article: Alexander Alekseyevich Nosov, Pavel Nikolaevich Dmitriyev,
Andrey Vladimirovich Pasynkov, A Case Study of Longwall Gateroad Floor Heave,
International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology 10(3), 2019, pp. 3220–
The main method of underground coal mining in Russia is longwall mining. There is a large
number of the mining, geological and organizational factors capable to lead to equipment
downtimes of longwalls [1-24]. One of the major factors defining overall performance of
longwalls is the state of longwall gateroads. Significant effect the mining depth, properties of
a roof rock and the floor, the layout of protection of entry and a type of a roof support has on
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A Case Study of Longwall Gateroad Floor Heave
a state of entries. Application of longwall mining with leaving of wide interpanel pillars (30 m
and more) provides favorable conditions for roadway maintenance due to minimization of
influence of bearing pressure of the adjacent longwall panel and allows to use the roof bolting
in longwall gateroads. The complexity of ensuring stability of entries usually increases with
increase in a mining depth. However, in certain cases there is a failure of entry during the
work at depths up to 400 m. So in 2012-2013 when mining flat Polysayevsky seam on the
mine of S.M. Kirov in the Kuznetsk coal basin there was a failure of longwall gateroads on
longwall panels 25-92 and 25-93 caused by failure of a roof and a floor heave. As a result of
failure of a part of a longwall gateroad, considerable on extent, it was required to undergo the
third parallel entry and to reduce the panel width of the following longwall panel 25-94. The
situation has repeated when mining a longwall panel 25-94. The economic disbenefit
connected with need of drivage additional entry and it was about 1.6 million US dollars when
mining a longwall panel 25-93 and 2.1 million US dollars when mining a longwall panel 2594. Also when driving additional entry the coal pillar has been left and panel width is reduced
that has led to loss of the developed reserves of 240 thousand tons. Considering that when
mining other longwall panels in the mine (both earlier, and later) problems with roadway
maintenance were not observed, studying of causes of destruction of entries, is of practical
interest to an exception of repetition of such cases.
It should be noted that the large number of scientists [25-34] was engaged in issues of
studying of influence of various geological and mining factors on stability of entries, at the
same time the greatest number of works is connected with holding numerical researches [3139]. However, mine measurements and observations of a state of longwall gateroads which
allow to understand the mechanism of geomechanical processes in the rock massif better are
of considerable interest.
For researches of influence of various geological and mining factors mine measurements have
been executed. For measurement of closure of a roof, heave of floor, convergence of rib under
the influence of rock pressure in development opening 13 monitoring stations (figure 1) have
been equipped, each of which consisted of four planimetric reference points fixed in spurs.
For installation of a reference point the spur of 0.5 m in depth was drilled, the wooden stopper
0.45 m long was hammered into the spur, the metal rod 0.55 m long is hammered into a
stopper. On the end of a rod the hook for fixing of a tape measure, or a site with risky has
been welded when using an optical range finder.
Figure 1 Measurements scheme
[email protected]
Alexander Alekseyevich Nosov, Pavel Nikolaevich Dmitriyev, Andrey Vladimirovich Pasynkov
For measurement of convergence of the roof and the floor between side reference points
thread (string) stretches. From thread the tape measure, a metal ruler or an optical range finder
measure distance to the reference point established in a roof or the floor of entry. At the
following cycles of observations thread between side reference points stretches again and
distances to a reference point are measured.
Monitoring stations have allowed to fix change of convergence of sides of the entry protected
by a coal pillar during all term of mining of the longwall panel 25-94. Figure 2 shows the
floor heave measured at various stations in process of coal face advance. The floor heave
began to develop at distance of 60-80 m from a longwall face and continued to increase to
withdrawal of a longwall face approximately by 300 m (within 30-40 days) then floor heave
speed significantly decreased.
Figure 2 Influence of the bearing pressure on the floor heave
Measurements have established change of the maximum size of a floor heave of entry on
its length (figure 3). The greatest floor heave of entry was observed regarding the longwall
gateroad which is at distance of 500-1300 m from the setup room where it reached 250-500
mm. After as the longwall has passed the specified zone a floor heave in a bearing pressure
zone did not exceed 120 mm.
Figure 3 Chart of change of the floor heave longwise longwall panel
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A Case Study of Longwall Gateroad Floor Heave
The analysis of conditions of mining operations has shown that in the investigation of a
difficult hypsometry of seam the site of entry on which the greatest floor heave has been
established corresponded to the maximum mining depth (375-405 m). However, earlier when
mining longwall panels depth already reached and even exceeded 400 m, but the state of the
longwall gateroads protected by coal pillars remained stable. Also there was stable a state of
entries when mining the subsequent longwall panels 25-95 and 25-96.
Figure 4 The relation between the floor heave and the depth of the gateroad
Mining of longwall panels 25-95 and 25-96 with ensuring stability of the longwall
gateroads protected by a coal pillar has allowed to draw a conclusion on causes of destruction
of entries when mining longwall panels 25-93 and 25-94. Figure 5 shows the layout of
conducting mining operations and location of pressure zones (borders of a zone are allocated
with red dashed lines) which were formed as a result of action of the pillars created after
mining of longwall panels on Boldyrevsky seam.
Figure 5 Mining operations plan
Boldyrevsky seam deposits 43 m above Polenovsky seam. At location of the longwall
gateroads protected by interpanel pillars, on longwall panels 25-93 and 25-94 in zones of the
increased tension when approaching a longwall failure of imposing of a bearing pressure zone
of a longwall and a zone of the increased stress resulted from them. Thus, when approaching a
longwall of stress in a bearing pressure zone by 3-4 times exceeded geostatic pressure level
that led to a floor heave. As the subsequent mining of longwall panels 25-95 and 25-96 was
[email protected]
Alexander Alekseyevich Nosov, Pavel Nikolaevich Dmitriyev, Andrey Vladimirovich Pasynkov
carried out at the increased panel width (from 240 m to 270 m), longwall gateroads have
appeared outside a zone of the increased pressure and stress concentration has considerably
decreased. Besides, at increase in panel width width of an interpanel pillar has also been
increased (from 25 m to 35 m). Thus, location of longwall gateroads outside a zone of the
increased tension has provided their stability in a zone of influence of bearing pressure of a
longwall. It should be noted that on significant influence of a zone of the increased tension
other researchers already specified in the scientific works [35-39].
As a result of mine measurements influence on the level of a floor heave of entry of a mining
depth, bearing pressure of a longwall and high rock pressure zone is established significantly.
Separate influence of the specified factors does not break stability of entries, and joint leads to
development of a floor heave, convergence of sides, roof subsidence and final fracture of
entry. For the considered mining-and-geological conditions of the mine of S.M. Kirov the
ultimate depth of conducting mining operations on which joint influence of the specified
factors constitutes danger to longwall gateroads is 370 m. At smaller depths of failure of
entries did not occur. In the considered geological conditions for ensuring stability of
longwall gateroads at depths more than 370 m it is necessary to have them outside zones of
the increased tension from the pillars created when mining of the above-located Boldyrevsky
seam. Thus, zones of the increased stress can contribute to the development of a floor heave
of seams at depths less than 400 m.
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