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2019, Agenda Publishers
4 pages
1 file
Gareth Dale, Chris Holmes, Maria Markantonatou (eds)
The city of Bălți, during the years 1918–1939, had the opportunity to know a vast development in several spheres, becoming a regional economic center, which contributed to bringing it to light in the national arena, often competing with the regions over the Prut River. This study refers to the First guide of the municipality of Bălți edited by Iosif Broitman, published in 1938. The content of the article reflects the sectors of activity in the interwar period of the Balti municipality, especially the years 1937–1938: education, medicine, economy, culture, enterprises, factories. At the same time, the services offered in the municipality and the persons responsible in these fields are highlighted. The author points out the actions taken by the local administration for the socio-economic rise of the municipality, but also the weak points of the activity to which the attention of municipal structures should be drawn.
Cadernos de Ética e Filosofia Política
J xlgllt u'^q uMiLi.^ mii>. iclui cax axt:, QiQU' UOLL L'Ul 4LQL C^QIL LiL'CLlU UdaU UKUCU I(U1.' t-CUrLU zd tCL^LU-cU CSUULU" azd^ LiLX r L'}:dCLu qcl'clu (:i£dLLCLa uriqu* 4iicl ^4<a doa cuul aiiy UUklCU Qtcm.u UQLQU* i^GLN LiUCLriii: (iiU^Uala CGULidacQ Q^LQ udau U'C!I.;UU' Zi\i. AID (:,x,cc<^ ziu^L' uSiiriu l'(.>! c?cl<:,ili uaLQU CciiCL' %,dzi\j k^GuQ s* s^iriu x^S44Q urcLCLLf i^uuiL oiL L'LiLrui:,L' udau L'QL^rL'' >izi^ uiu' cLc m udaii uat^cu' cl<. qiL uiiijutiiU' udfcQ XU uc!i.4rL" Siiriu xt^^GicO u^x' daa LTCicku (:2L'a<a4L xu cul'^cL L'udau a^i^ qucu l'uu(:,4L uil' ra^L* s\.l c^x 044^1:1 L'ucLiL' ^:<:^ L'dauL' QL4ru c^ru u<a»u' l'4UU usi^L uux^lI ctL u^«:,LU• UGi.(:i4a4U ui^Q l'4Uii.4' cait^Luu U4X l'ulqu /:dLir4U' ci/4^4U lauKLU £' ciuzii 4^lx^ U4X uaidL U4U4U u'^4Luiu' l!4X ari^iGU xu u/^^qxlu <:,CQt:, XLUU* &l:^<,i^u ciL^au <a<^ u'c^lu' c.:, <aLL<fl4U' t:,x <:,udl xu ut<:,LU U4X cxu' xt:,x riu^i' ^i. c«L' mGsiL' Lc^ UKLCU ul4 lu a<aLCU* *;g4cL' us4Uiu U4X U244LCLU Lcdu cguulI UL4d(:,4 uci^4U U4L'll4u: (:tU<a^4a xu li/^d l'4L'll4 ac4Lil ^ca4i.u ucu ulx Q<ax4U xu u^q l'4L'll4 u^u guql4 U(:,uu L'L'u^aL^u ca4£La U4L'a4 cci^lu* nndziu aididiU xu uguulI uiu' i::4Ld' i:,i.URL'' C4^lu ci^ SLLiu l'xgi:i4U LTi/ir4U 4L'4L' d^ Cc^ L'xca4^a4(:U' dJ. Z' t^CXLLU' r4Ul (^CQLU <;GULL xu L'C54U U'4U'LUU CXaS^LU U4dLl L't(:,LU* cL' CaLrU4 USQLUU U244LC4U: L!X4LX(^ liX4LC4 UIX GULLI /liCi!4U U4L'LL4U/' l'X4LXi:, ux4Lr4 uix l'^uull l'i:iXLC24 u/ia l'4L'lu al ucixc L!r^iU4* Xiil UX4LXC:, xu L:u^4i.rLU u^iua* r ux4LrLU l'4X X4i.x^ xul' uucu u^4Li:lu zz^kuu' ulc^q uclu qqgil (:,uudLC uan czAL Licuiu <.aa (.ctdLULU acu^Q Kaciu N^GuQ
Revista De Economie Mondiala the Journal of Global Economics, 2014
De la căderea regimului comunist, la începutul anilor 1990, ţările din Europa Centrală şi de Est (ECE) au parcurs mai multe faze ale tranziţiei, având drept scop principal liberalizarea economiilor. Experienţele parcurse, de la economia centralizată planificată la o economie de piaţă, au oferit economiştilor un prilej de cercetare atât din punct de vedere teoretic, cât şi din punct de vedere practic. Deoarece problemele tranziţiei din ţările ECE nu sunt pe deplin rezolvate, economiştii încă dezbat diferitele strategii ale tranziţiei şi impactul lor economic. Scopul acestui articol îl constituie analiza teoretică şi empirică a procesului de privatizare din industria ţărilor central şi est europene, în prezent membre ale Uniunii Europene, precum şi a principalilor indicatori economici asociaţi acestui proces, pentru a identifica deficienţele structurale existente sau apărute în economiile statelor postcomuniste.
Journal For the Study of Religions and Ideologies, 2010
Analele Universității de Vest. Seria Științe Filologice, 2022
In two of her works, Mateiu I. Caragiale – Initiation and Aestheticism (2005) and Under the Sign of the Baroque (2009), Dana Nicoleta Popescu has synthesized the thematic similarities between Mateiu’s Gallants of the Old Court and Lampedusa’s The Cheetah, investigating the baroque motifs throughout these works. Beyond the stream of motifs on which Dana Nicoleta Popescu makes subtle commentaries, a baroque of nature can be identified, represented by the twilight moment, bright and exuberant, but marked by an awareness of transience, of dimming light and death, specific to the baroque. The presence of the twilight is associated, in Mateiu’s creative space, with a veritable chromatic explosion, meant to convey the astounding colour palette of the sun through a series of ample, richly decorated images, in which an abundance of roses and crimson nuances is joined by an abundance of blood and fire. Splendidly coloured, but with a nostalgic tint, the twilight is converted in Mateiu Caragiale and Lampedusa into an expressive metaphor of the aristocratic twilight, awakening in the imagination of the reader the iconic image of a past filled with glamour and noble majesty. Keywords: twilight; baroque of nature; splendour; melancholy; twilight of nobility.
Revista de istorie şi teorie literară, 2023
Mircea Eliade’s Interwar American Project: In his first year spent in India, 1929, Mircea Eliade nurtured two projects related to America, which remained unaccomplished. On the one hand, he was planning a long return trip to his homeland, which would pass through the United States. On the other hand, he considered obtaining a teaching position in an American university, the first target being Harvard. This early American project – hitherto unexplored – becomes symbolic in the perspective of Eliade’s subsequent evolution and choices. Decades later, as a professor at the University of Chicago, he turned down an invitation to occupy a chair at Harvard, which offered him far better conditions and opportunities than those in Chicago. We present here the first results of an ongoing research that tries to clarify all the details related to the young Eliade’s American project.
Dicţionarul multimedia al teatrului românesc, 2020
Paul BOR TNOVSKI " A �� # � � U41N'f-t'� 11 Florica lchim.: Prima Î ntrebare pe care vreau să v-o pun nu are nici o legă tură cu creaţia dumneavoastră. Vi s-a spus vreodată " tovarăşe " ? V-a spus cineva vreodată " tovarăşul Bortnovski? "
viXra, 2015
Despite the last decades' growing interest in discussing Cicero's philosophical works there is still no consensus among scholars regarding the purposes these works were written for. In this article, by focusing on some fragments from works like the ‚Hortensius‛ and ‚Consolatio‛, I will try to offer new grounds for reading and interpreting Cicero not only as a philosopher of public and political affairs, as he is usually seen by modern scholars, but also as a philosopher of the theoretical life.
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Revista Ensayos Pedagógicos, 2020
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International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2022
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Sonoridade apocalíptica: a emergência de uma nova paisagem sonora a partir da banda Conspiração Apocalipse (Cajazeiras, Paraíba -BR), 2023