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Solid waste is the major concern observed now days in entire world. The reason for developed and under developing countries facing this problem is different. For developed countries it is due to excessive packaging along with high generation rate. While in developing countries improper handling and treatment is a major threat. The purpose of this paper is to focus on advancement in treatment options, handling and management of Solid Waste in recent times. Solid waste generation in metro cities found in 1995 was 0.64kg in Kanpur, 0.52kg in Lucknow, 0.4kg in Varanasi, 0.59kg in Ahmedabad and 0.44kg in Mumbai. Currently total solid waste generated in India is around 42 million tons annually. Waste generation varies from 200-600 kg/capita/day and collection efficiency ranges from 50-90%. Presently, advance treatment options provided for solid waste are: Incineration, Pyrolysis and vermin composting. Along with that reuse and recycling of waste materials also possess high opportunity. Segregation is still done by only rag pickers or scavengers at the disposal site only, which is highly hazardous to those people who involve in this and is also impracticable. The best option found to combat this problem is source segregation. The paper emphasizes on formal and organized system of segregation like segregation of wet waste, dry waste, plastic waste and hazardous waste, as per rule their generation because at the end of the cycle it becomes difficult to treat the solid waste because of its various characteristics.
Trends in Biosciences 10(21), Print : ISSN 0974-8431, 4065-4067, 2017
"The waste is Gold if it is properly held." It is known that the waste which is thrown away can be used in many different ways. This paper deals with the solid waste management methods and practices in India. The solid waste management consists of various types of wastes like industrial, agricultural, transport, municipal etc. Although all types of wastes are harmful but municipal solid waste 'now known as Solid Waste' is the type of waste which can be managed properly without causing any pollution and harm to other species. In this paper the main focus is on municipal solid waste. Various methods have been described to manage the solid waste from organic compost making to energy generation.
Solid waste refers to refuse the solid semi solid waste matters of a community except the night soil . Solid waste contains organic as well as inorganic matters . Solid waste management includes the entire process of dealing with solid waste ,starting from the collection from the primary source to ultimately disposing off it hygienically, so that it may not be a nuisance or create any harmful effect on nearby community .The solid waste management involves , management at waste generation level , storage at the source of generation , primary collection , street cleansing , temporary storage at locality level , regular and periodic transportation of this temporarily collected waste to disposing sites and treatment plants. The per capita waste generation rate is strongly correlated to the gross domestic product (GDP). Waste generation rate in Indian cities ranges between 200 - 870 gms/day, based on the lifestyle of the regions and the size of the municipality. Generation rate per capita waste is rising by about 1.3% per year in India. The hierarchy of waste management recognizes that reducing the use of materials and reusing them to be the friendliest to environment. Source reduction begins by means of reducing the amount of waste generated and reusing materials to prevent them from entering the waste stream. Thus, waste is not generated until the end of “reuse” stage.
Municipal solid waste disposal and handling has become a serious concern for both urban and rural localities as it tends to create nuisance and health hazard thereby deteriorating the environment and ecosystem. Prior recycling can be done in efficient and eco-friendly manner to utilize the usable material from the waste materials for various purposes that may reduce the over exploitation of available natural resources. The waste can be used for generating energy in the form of heat and electricity i.e. waste to energy conversion. It may reduce the consumption of traditional fuels that are used for generating electricity also it can be used serve as standalone plants where electrification has not been done, but before that a proper system of collection, composting processing, recycling and disposal has to be adopted for the efficient and effective handling of the municipal solid waste so that it do not create nuisance to the environment and can be managed in a sustainable manner.
International Journal of Innovative Research and Development, 2014
This paper deals with the review of Solid waste management practice in India. Since solid waste management consist of lots of waste such as industrial, agricultural, municipal, transport, etc. here in this paper, we focus on municipal waste generated across the country and there treatment in order to conserve environment. As municipal waste is one of the major environment problems of Indian cities. UN effective management leads to hazardous inhabitant. An attempt has been made to provide comprehensive review the characteristics, generation, collection and transportation, disposal and treatment technologies of MSW practiced in India is stated here and discussed.
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET), 2022
Considering the geo-ecological sensitivity, the Himalayan urban centres are seriously struggling to design useful and economical municipal solid waste (MSW) management systems. The Srinagar is the first metropolis and fastest growing city of Western Himalayas and here the management of MSW is a big challenge for local authorities. The aim of this study was to study the overall scenario of MSW in the city. A comprehensive survey was conducted and data were also collected from local municipal department. The results suggested that in most of cases MSW is being dumped openly along roadsides and open spots in the city. Open dumps are responsible for so many negative environmental impacts in the study area. The paper presents the current status of municipal solid waste generation and disposal practices, and different sort of environmental problems arising out of it. Major problems identified include land and water pollution, inadequate technical know-how, shortage of sweepers and collection bins, non-availability of sanitary landfill, uncontrolled disposal of solid waste by people, lack of public awareness, etc. a comprehensive survey of the whole city revealed that biodegradable/ compostable food waste was the major constituent of municipal solid waste (MSW) stream followed by inert material and recyclable materials including polythene, plastic, cardboard and paper. Most of the solid waste generated was found to remain unattended and only 40-45% was being collected that too irregularly by municipal workers and unscientifically disposed off at a dumping ground located in the buffer zone of Anchar Lake, around 8 km north of Srinagar city. Irregular and selective waste collection was the major force behind disposal of solid waste in water bodies, roadsides and open spaces by the people. The study reveals that due to lack of funding and unscientific management the existing solid waste management system is not working successfully in the city. Due to shortage of storage bins, collection efficiency is very low which has severely damaged the environmental condition and also induces to stray dog population phenomenally. The acute absence of waste segregation at the source all types of materials are being disposed along with municipal solid waste which make waste handling very risky especially dumping and disposal points. The lack of governance and inadequate infrastructures for waste collection, transportation and management are the major constrains in designing a suitable MSW management plan for the city. Apart to that unplanned urban settlement and encroachments are also responsible for poor waste collection and disposal system.
Industrialization becomes very significant for developing countries like India having large number of population. Rapid increase in urbanization and per capita income lead to high rate of municipal solid waste generation. In recent times, E-waste and plastic waste also contribute considerably to total waste stream due to utilization of electronic and other items. These wastes may cause a potential hazard to human health or environment if any of the aspects of solid waste management is not managed effectively. In India, approach towards Solid waste management is still unscientific. Solid Waste collection efficiency in India is around 70% (Sharholy et al. 2007), while same is almost 100% in the developed countries. Even today, large portion of solid waste is dumped indiscriminately on outskirts of towns or cities without any prior treatment. This leads to groundwater contamination and increase in air pollution due to leachate percolation and release of gases respectively. Various stud...
There has been a significant increase in MSW (Municipal Solid Waste) generation in India in the last few decades. MSW generation is largely because of rapid population growth and economic development in the country. Solid waste management has become a major environmental issue in India. The per capita of MSW generated daily, in India ranges from about 100 g in small towns to 500 g in large towns. There is no national level data for Municipal Solid Waste generation, collection and disposal, over the years in our India. Municipal Solid waste management (MSWM) constitutes a serious problem in many third world Cities. Most cities do not collect the totality of wastes generated, and of the wastes collected, only a fraction receives proper disposal. The insufficient collection and inappropriate disposal of solid wastes represent a source of water, land and air pollution, and pose risks to human health and the environment. Over the next several decades, globalization, rapid urbanization and economic growth in the developing world tend to further deteriorate this situation. Items that we no longer need or don’t have any further use are falling in the category of waste and we tend to throw them away. In early days people were not facing such big problems of disposal because of availability of space and natural material but now a day’s congestion in cities and use of non-biodegradable materials in our day life create many problems. It is directly deals with our hygiene and psychology.
Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) is a socioeconomic activity that entails with solid waste generation. Management of municipal solid waste is a national problem and is faced in all the cities of India. Urbanization contributes enhanced municipal solid waste (MSW) generation and unscientific handling and final disposal of MSW degrades the urban environment and causes health hazards. Various collection systems engaged by the municipalities collect less than half of the total waste generated. As a result, wastes are either scattered in urban centres or disposed of in an unplanned manner in low lying areas or open dumps, or fired by the residents in their backyards. Insufficient collection and inadequate have made the situation exasperating due to which various environmental and health related issues are increasing. Keeping in mind of the present situation, the current paper reviews about municipal solid waste management system in the country and initiative to be taken by education instituti...
Resources Conservation and Recycling
In tndra. rhe collec ron. rrdr,ponarior nrd dbposd ol trt ,* ,.,"'.n .n. rnC .t,o,'. Unconfolled dumping of wastes on outskjrts of towns and cities has oeared overflowing hndnlh, wh]ch tue nor ody jmpossible to reclaim because of the haphuard marner ol dumping. but also have serious enviionmenlal inplications in terms of groud warer pollution dd conribution to global waming. Burning of waste leads to air pollution in tems of increased TSP and PM,o enissions. which is equivaleni to vehicular emissions ar In the absence of waste segregaiion practices, rccycljng has remained to be an infornal seclor working on outdaied rechnology, but neverlheless thriving owing ro waste mateial availability af,d marke! demand of cheaper recycled producis. Paper and plaslic r€cycling have been especially growing due to continuously increasing consumption leveh ofboth the commodiLe,.
An increasing urbanisation, population growth, and economic expansion are generating a mounting quantity of solid waste in many developing countries. Solid waste management is one of the critical problems in India. Currently, more than 100 million tonnes of solid waste have generated from various sectors in India. Per capita waste generation from 0.2 kg to 0.6 kg from varies depends on household and economic size of the Indian population. This paper has provided detail analysis of the status of solid waste generation, management, challenges and solution for solid waste management sector in India. Ministry of Environment, Forest, and Climate Change has revised solid waste management rules 2016. The new rule has been implemented in all municipalities and other local bodies. The policy implication of the study is better solid waste management services in local, regional and national level in India.
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